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Golden Sun: The Lost Age (of) Mafia -Game Over! Indy Alex wins!

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Like, it's just so, so, so, awful. I almost refuse to believe that anyone in this game would have coached BSL to do it to draw out a cop claim when each scum team consisted of 2 players. Terrible.

I'm actually 70%, perhaps 80% that it's Rake, but that would just break my heart. :(

Who else could it be? TC never capitalized on it. Maybe Ryker? But would Ryker actually tell BSL to do that? It's not RR. Riddick didn't capitalize on the BSL lynch IIRC. Neither did we.

If you postulate that BSL wasn't coached, blue scum almost has to be with certainty Ryker, TC following second. If he was coached, then it was poor scum play by Rake. I feel like I have to give Rake more credit than that though.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
You know what, you could be right that he AND his partner may not have been that confident in his positioning and just threw in the towel, but that wasn't the impression I got when he made his claim post.

Going to reread before I take further stances, but for the time being, I'm fine with the popular claim order. That goes without saying that TC needs to claim in her next post. A read list from her would be nice as well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
He full claimed his role and character?
Ummm, yea. He counterclaimed Ivan against BSL. His ability was Mind Read, but it didn't work the way BSL had fakeclaimed at all. Rake's ability let him open a QT with S&C.

So essentially, Rake is already claimed as Ivan, Town Neighborizer. Targeted S&C N1.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
If there is scum left, they have a strongman or a roleblocker.

I'm considering a mass claim since indy Alex would want all the lighthouses lit so he can get the Golden Sun and might win based on days left, potentially endgaming us.
Why strongman/roleblocker? you're assuming that doc got bypassed somehow, unless FF was doc. I need to look back at catherine mafia post game to see the alternating kills thing.
why is alex an indy, when we've got two scum teams? I don't see 2v2v1v8 numbers likely.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
There are a few things bothering me. Didn't like your response to the redirect claim from Inferno for some reason, for one. Contemplation of how cards will be played is still ongoing, if you haven't already guessed.

Who in the what how why is Traveling Cat? Hard read.

Kantrip Town isn't staring me in the face for some reason. Isn't Kantrip better than this?

As for your working theory on BSL, the only player who truly profited from his flip was you. I'd say you have balls for trying to turn his would-be inevitable lynch into a good hand. It's actually not entirely unlikely considering BSL's claim actually doesn't make much sense at all in a Fire and Ice set up.
First part: I know it's weird but I have a hard time getting to Inferno being redirected, like 1+1 = 2, but there's no one outside maybe ryker who redirects Inferno, that makes no sense. Even seeing how the thread was going ,what indy goes: Yeah I'm redirecting Inferno. Same with the other scum team or even town. I feel like it was a red herring, but why would he lie ?

Tcat is hard, those were my thoughts.

Kantrip is better, he's been hanging in the indy area for me before and I'm tempted to start seeing it again.

True , but you also have to consider long term profit of just muddying the water's for his scum mate, being how he played that's how I took it, cause as much confusion as possible while trying to get a cop CC and clean the slate for his partner. Do you think I'd do all this ? TBH your giving my scum play too much credit but I'm honored you think I'm outplaying the thread that severely as scum. Especially considering I would be fooling Swiss/Adumb not only in thread but in our Qt as well. Just trust me, I'm town, you don't need to worry about me havin a hidden agenda.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Ryker for me.

There is however that kevmo kill hoverin in my head and I'm thinking maybe another redirect could be a thing.

What's a strongman again ?
Strongman=one shot(usually) kill that bypasses doc protection and roleblocks.
Like, if we actually sit down and look it over, why in the name of Gorf would BSL do that in a Fire and Ice set up? What even in the ****.
Do we know that the scum teams knew of each others presence from the start?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
First part: I know it's weird but I have a hard time getting to Inferno being redirected, like 1+1 = 2, but there's no one outside maybe ryker who redirects Inferno, that makes no sense. Even seeing how the thread was going ,what indy goes: Yeah I'm redirecting Inferno. Same with the other scum team or even town. I feel like it was a red herring, but why would he lie ?
Why indy present? Why is Inferno getting redirected and not his targets being switched?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Not seeing town redirect and what power even switches targets ? Same logic block for switching targets , who moves NA's from me to FF or vice versa ? Indy makes the most sense to me.

Wouldn't doubt kantrip is close with the scummer's competing for kills.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Busdriver for one. I could see a town busdriver being used in a setup like this.
also indy doesn't make sense numbers wise for me.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
bus driver switches two people. any night actions used on A would instead be used upon B and vice versa.
Mainly a scum role but with multiple factions in an all pr game I can see it as a town role.
Rake, can you tell us scylla's role and targets since he died and we won't be getting anything form ihm?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
They told me they had 4 actions: Becoming Immune to NA's for one night, preventing someone from voting fer a day, increasing the number of votes to lynch someone (this played into why i voted gheb), and making someone a double voter.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
they also told me they could only use 2 of these abilities all game and only 1 a night.

I think they intended to make themselves NA immune lastNight but I have no idea.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
It's safe to assume they never used the voting one's though, I don't recall anyone being a double voter or being unable to vote for a day, so that's something at least.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Just an FYI to TCat. You're free to claim if you come in here before Ryker does. I don't wanna be sitting around for days upon days because inactives are inactive.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm not faltering to anything, I'm saying that if someone made a case worth looking it i'd give it more consideration than say, A ridick indy read.

I don't buy ryker's town here, and WL had some interactions with Ryker that leave a bad taste in my mouth, so I'm inclined to think I'm right in my gut that Ryker is scum with WL. Problem is that leaves this enormous gap for indy that Tcat doesn't fill. So it's the battling ideal of indy ryker vs mafiaso ryker. And the question of, if ryker were to flip scum, were that would leave me to move to for indy reads.

It doesn't leave a lot of options. Tbh i'm not even putting that much effort into getting a indy read yet. It's been there but not really.

Your early play still makes me pause as well, it's very close to your indy play that i remember from Puzzle Bobble. But it's not concerning over eliminating the kill factor. I'm willing to ignore these feelings on you to get the more important lynch of blue scum here, and because your play of late makes me feel much more warm and fuzzy.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Wait, Kantrip did you ever explain why you said Inferno was town and you'd explain if you both lived through to the next day ?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
It's any townie Kantrip.
But my answer would vary depending on who it is.

In general, no, I would not die to save another townie. There would need to be something that makes that a worthwhile option. For example, they have a good ability that would give us an advantage. Or perhaps I trust their reads more than I do my own.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
consider orbo's counter for a moment:

A bus driver doesn't add up. Who swaps me and FF ? And why ? What's the town intent to move actions from me to FF ?

What else does that leave for town roles which redirect ? This is where I am stuck. I don't want to believe that there is an indy, but me and Scylla talked about it and it fits with what Inferno claimed. And why would Inferno lie about who he tried to kill ? It does him no good.

See why I am stuck ? There's a piece missing here and it's bothering me

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
The only satiation I have is the idea that the other blue scum has some sort of redirection.

If we lynch Ryker and bingo bango blue scum, then yay for us , Rake/Scylla just be crazy. But until that happens I'm going to indulge my own paranoia

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
FF bodyguard is maybe but ehhhh can't get there on logic yet.

Why would he protect me ? That doesn't add up in the context of the thread. Even with me and Swiss swinging through scum I don't think FF lays down his life for me of all people.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
I can explain those discrepancies. There IS a redirector in this set up; Inferno had no reason to lie, for one. Secondly, FF NK doesn't make sense considering his levels of activity. It was technically pro town to redirect kills to FF, and less ostensibly KevMo if that's why he died.
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