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Golden Sun: The Lost Age (of) Mafia -Game Over! Indy Alex wins!

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
First, I don't like dat Swiss/Adumbrodeus hydra. I don't be liking them since the start 'cause they be spellin' all sorts of wrong wit me! Here's a couple things of note dat I was seein' dat made me sniff twice:

1. Swiss' early distaste for RR. Granted dat dis happened pre-game, but der was no reason to dislike RR as 'e had his screwed on da way it's always screwed on when he's Town. Dat being said, it ain't make sense why TownSwiss would try to build a power position in the Town while pickin' on the wrong people, youse all see? There is more to the story though, I ain't done yet. Den what didn't make sense was dat Adum disagreed wit Swiss' distaste and said dat he liked RR and felt RR was obvTown! Dat ain't smell right! Smell more like Adum tryin'a clean up da spilled glass dat almost nobody heard in case people decided to look back again at Swiss, youse guys know what I'm sayin'? Da fact is dat Swiss' distaste for RR wasn't entirely necessary at da time and dis discrepancy wit Adum is weird!

2. Adum side of the hydra fits his scum play from Paper Mario 64 mafia. I ain't pullin' no strings or tryin'a get money either, dis guy don't owe me nuttin'! Adum has been mostly sidelinin' and bein' transparent wit his play albeit providin' accurate observations of da events dat occurred. Dis is a 99% puzzle piece fit an I ain't have no qualms seein' dat slot sleep wit da fishies, you know what I'm sayin'? Look again if you don't believe me, I'll pull out PM64 if I have to!

Secondly, I ain't likin' Kevin's crumb. Dat's like leavin' your finger prints at da scene of the crime! I'm also not likin' his reasonin' for doin' it, an also 'cause man dat was one of the most obvious crumbs I EVER seen, even I ain't dat sloppy. Let's jus' say KevMo ain't high on the totem pole at the moment 'cause my claws are in reach! I will also profess dat I disliked the way he tried to handle the situation by tryin'a play' off the pressure the way he did, however I will confess tho dat while the scum intent is obvious, it's transparent, but I ain't disregarding it from the get go, know what I'm sayin'? I'm lookin' for some reads from you Kev, I want names. Would you be ok with the lynch of dat fake mobster domo-kun?

Thirdly, and the rest will hafta be for later 'cause I got a bus to catch for a loan appointment in not too long from now, but dat RR guy is fine in my book. Lets jus' say dat I would loan him a few wit a low interest rate, know what I'm sayin'? Dat Kantrip guy also seemin' like he got off the wrong foot wit a lot of people, but it reminds me of post BiM Kantrip. Give it a look if you don't catch my drift.

If any of you foos got questions, I got answers for ya once I ain't busy makin' dat dough!
Point of note:
Attempts a Scylla wagon when also calling Kev scumlean. False priorities. Had he wanted Kev wagonned he would have voted Kev. Pushes Kev verbally yet votes Scylla. Distancing..careful bus?

I'll not comment on you only making these points now, since you have been lurking/inactive - we can't tell which (both halves of the hydra have been unable to post...?)

1. Swiss' early distaste for RR. Granted dat dis happened pre-game, but der was no reason to dislike RR as 'e had his screwed on da way it's always screwed on when he's Town. Dat being said, it ain't make sense why TownSwiss would try to build a power position in the Town while pickin' on the wrong people, youse all see? There is more to the story though, I ain't done yet. Den what didn't make sense was dat Adum disagreed wit Swiss' distaste and said dat he liked RR and felt RR was obvTown! Dat ain't smell right! Smell more like Adum tryin'a clean up da spilled glass dat almost nobody heard in case people decided to look back again at Swiss, youse guys know what I'm sayin'? Da fact is dat Swiss' distaste for RR wasn't entirely necessary at da time and dis discrepancy wit Adum is weird!
You find a paragraph centred around my distaste of RR in pre-game. A paragraph.

Let's look at all my comment with regards to RR in pregame.

I dislike this intensely

I also dislike RR
This the entirety.

"I also dislike RR."

You feel this warrants a scumtell? I care not how you ascertain your reads, there is no tell, no false implication, no insinuation, no shadow games, nothing other than a clear, finite, definitive statement. I was picking on RR? I was picking on Kev, if anyone. Why so...scared? You are attempt to forge an alliance with RR knowing full well he will say things I'll call him out on later, players like him always **** up regardless of alignment.

I'll not comment on your meta of Adum, I will however point out it is on one game out of the dozen Adum has played as scum. You feel this statistic is solid?

Perhaps you thought me inactive this game. Perhaps you thought I'd have to rely on muscle and reputation since I could not commit the time. I will lead this town. Do not attempt to power play, do not attempt to destroy productive wagons. Submit.

If I'm to be wagoned, I can assure you it will be Ryker leading the charge. I do not permit you to push me.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
kantrip, you're gonna have to do better than a gross OMGUS vote.

How about we look at the actual scenario? I was questioning you, and you thought I wasn't being fair to you. You thought I was scum goggling you, and I didn't realize that. Nice guy that I am, I tried to stop doing that. Then you decided to make an opportunistic leap at my throat for showing the slightest sign of weakness. Nope, not gonna fly. This vote can go right back where it belongs.

Vote: Potassium

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
Furio I'd also suggest you respond to the previous questions I asked you. It wouldn't do to avoid questioning now, would it?

Just finished reading page 8. Ewww @ traveling cat's vote on KevM. That is such a salty vote. How is this not bring looked into to (inb4Kantrip)? This vote is a lot worse than Kanty's.
Decent content.

#421 also

Potassium stop acting like a child.

Seriously, if you're a townie, sit down and think about it. If you're in the same position as me, the situation makes more sense.
Rake, you're right to look at this closely. You're not correct, however, in thinking it a scumtell. FF did not, I think, write this as a threat (it has poor wording I agree), he wrote it referring to the perspective of a townie, look at his posts which follow. Good catch, though. I do not think a player as intelligent as FF would make a post like this as scum - the only time he would is if he skimmed and missed the true purpose of the wagon (see below). I'd rate this exchange as null.
FF could also appear to have missed the true reason for the Kev wagon - not the crumb, but his subsequent reaction.
I think we can all agree the Kev wagon has cooled somewhat, WL has taken his place through consistent scummy play.
Potassium, learn to manage your play more - seriously. It's embarrassing to read.
My role isn't even good maybe I should just let this lynch go through to prove a point to all the idiots who don't know how to read the town intent in my recent actions. It's not like I'm going to enjoy this game at this point. A lynch on me would actually give A LOT of connections, the only drawback is I'm not scum but everything else is a benefit for a D1 lynch.

Here's what's going to happen before I advocate that though. EVERY slot is going to give a definitive "Kantrip town" or "Kantrip scum" if they haven't already done so so it is very clear where everyone lies on their opinion. There is so much out there on me there is no excuse for not having a hard stance.
You are an utter imbecile.

You will destroy the WL wagon, potentially kill yourself and gain town almost nothing - all through your immense lack of ability to control yourself. The post itself is also likely to be interpreted as a scumtell by other players.

I do not expect a player like you to control the actions of others, but you can control what you do - and by doing this you limit scum. You threaten do derail an entire day phase through ignorance and self centred emotion.

You will recognise you have been pushed for reads, you will understand people may keep their scum reads on you, you will appreciate you may eventually be lynched, but until that day you will hunt for scum yourself.

Protip guys; If you make yourself unlynchable, you increase your %chance of winning.

Jesus Christ, welcome back to IC'ing, Swiss.

More content later.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
kantrip, you're gonna have to do better than a gross OMGUS vote.

How about we look at the actual scenario? I was questioning you, and you thought I wasn't being fair to you. You thought I was scum goggling you, and I didn't realize that. Nice guy that I am, I tried to stop doing that. Then you decided to make an opportunistic leap at my throat for showing the slightest sign of weakness. Nope, not gonna fly. This vote can go right back where it belongs.

Vote: Potassium

did you just say this is OMGUS?

you have been tunneling me all game, I vote you when you UNVOTE me, and you call it OMGUS?!?



Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Kantrip you're so good at this game. Look at you arguing semantics like a hardcore pro. We should all just vote you as MVP now and save ourselves some time.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This isn't about semantics.

You're calling me out on OMGUS and an opportunistic leap at your throat. However, your scummiest action to me was when you let off pressure, so not only can you not call me OMGUS, but you can't call me on ANYTHING from me voting you

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Point of note:
Attempts a Scylla wagon when also calling Kev scumlean. False priorities. Had he wanted Kev wagonned he would have voted Kev. Pushes Kev verbally yet votes Scylla. Distancing..careful bus?
What?! Youse funny, domo-kun. Listen 'ere, I ain't got no hidden agenda wit KevMo. I want facts from the kid's mouth 'cause I ain't feelin' the crumb, youse got that?

Now, what's got me curious is why're youse so quick to jump to a scum connection upon my approach to your slot, eh? Is dat an attempt on your part to undermine my position, or is youse actually serious about KevMo bein' my partner in crime? Although I think you're scum, I ain't goin' to deny hypotheticals when I'm sittin' 'ere wit some brooklyn pizza on the side.

I'll not comment on you only making these points now, since you have been lurking/inactive - we can't tell which (both halves of the hydra have been unable to post...?)
I got business to attend to, youse get me? I work at Tender Lender, best money lender in town with tender interest rates that ain't no one can match, no one got nuttin' on me! An when I ain't doin' business, I'm prowlin'.

You find a paragraph centred around my distaste of RR in pre-game. A paragraph.

Let's look at all my comment with regards to RR in pregame.

This the entirety.

"I also dislike RR."

You feel this warrants a scumtell? I care not how you ascertain your reads, there is no tell, no false implication, no insinuation, no shadow games, nothing other than a clear, finite, definitive statement. I was picking on RR? I was picking on Kev, if anyone. Why so...scared? You are attempt to forge an alliance with RR knowing full well he will say things I'll call him out on later, players like him always **** up regardless of alignment.

But let's be real, domo-kun. Even if it is just a sentence, context, logic, words, feels, all dat can reflect a scum tell. You ain't ever looked at a sentence an been like "wait a minute, dis don't make no sense"? Fact is, you ain't have a good reason for hatin' on the sherlock copper. He might be more prone to **** up, but dat ain't a good reason to undermine his positioning as Town, youse get that? Dat just makes him more susceptible to fake mobsters walkin' around and pointin' fingers at the sherlock copper like he's got a bad case of rabies. Dat ain't right!

On a similar note, you dodged my question like a bear tries to avoid a bear trap; I got no rationalization from you with respect to the sherlock copper, what's up wit dat? Youse say you don't like him, but no explanation for why?

I'll not comment on your meta of Adum, I will however point out it is on one game out of the dozen Adum has played as scum. You feel this statistic is solid?
Dat game was the latest game Adum had played as scum. I ain't gonna contest the consistency argument 'cause technically speakin', yeah, a list of games would be more compellin' evidence, but Adum's last scum game before dat previous one was a long time ago, youse get me? Da bottom line is dat Adum's scum play from PM64 fits his play here to a T, an dat is a fact. Dat is enough room for me to be suspicious of you, domo-kun.

Perhaps you thought me inactive this game. Perhaps you thought I'd have to rely on muscle and reputation since I could not commit the time. I will lead this town. Do not attempt to power play, do not attempt to destroy productive wagons. Submit.

What! Dis ain't about you not havin' time or whatever, dis is about me thinkin' you a whack mobster, youse got that? An youse ain't no Cadaverini, don't you forget dat!

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
1. Swiss' early distaste for RR. Granted dat dis happened pre-game, but der was no reason to dislike RR as 'e had his screwed on da way it's always screwed on when he's Town. Dat being said, it ain't make sense why TownSwiss would try to build a power position in the Town while pickin' on the wrong people, youse all see? There is more to the story though, I ain't done yet. Den what didn't make sense was dat Adum disagreed wit Swiss' distaste and said dat he liked RR and felt RR was obvTown! Dat ain't smell right! Smell more like Adum tryin'a clean up da spilled glass dat almost nobody heard in case people decided to look back again at Swiss, youse guys know what I'm sayin'? Da fact is dat Swiss' distaste for RR wasn't entirely necessary at da time and dis discrepancy wit Adum is weird!
A preliminary lean that wasn't followed up builds a position of power? You're reaching a great deal here.

2. Adum side of the hydra fits his scum play from Paper Mario 64 mafia. I ain't pullin' no strings or tryin'a get money either, dis guy don't owe me nuttin'! Adum has been mostly sidelinin' and bein' transparent wit his play albeit providin' accurate observations of da events dat occurred. Dis is a 99% puzzle piece fit an I ain't have no qualms seein' dat slot sleep wit da fishies, you know what I'm sayin'? Look again if you don't believe me, I'll pull out PM64 if I have to!

I have a question, how exactly does my play fit paper mario to a T? In what ways is it different from my townplay?

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
Like seriously, the more and more I read this whole miller crumb debate, I keep thinking to myself "Why am I not nearly as fired up about this as everyone else?"

Seriously, if you're a townie, sit down and think about it. If you're in the same position as me, the situation makes more sense.

Okay, kevin crumbed miller. He got called out. Maybe crumbing miller isn't optimal miller play. Maybe it is. I really don't care so much because the impact it actually has on the town this game is so small.

We have a lot of strong willed players at each other's throats over such a small thing. I thought at first that maybe I was just being lazy and not understanding what was really at stake because I missed the details. But then I re-read some more and nothing changed. Like, I just don't see this as an issue that should centralize our focus. It's dumb, small, and stupid.

I get fired up about stuff easily. I seriously can't even form a strong opinion on this if I tried. This makes me curious about why all the assailants on Kevin are getting so fired up. Either they've got a bone to pick with kevbro, or they're trying to stir the pot with greater intensity than what's necessary.


On board with looking at Kant/WL n such fasho. We really need a Votecount though plz
Look FF, it's not the miller crumb itself that disturbs me, it's the reasoning for the crumb. It doesn't make sense given his stated objective for it, why didn't he just outright state it if he wanted to avoid investigations from baddies? They're exactly the kind of people to miss the crumb. The decision to put it out there to shore up a future claim, then when he's called on it, claim that he did it to help town, that smells.

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
Dat game was the latest game Adum had played as scum. I ain't gonna contest the consistency argument 'cause technically speakin', yeah, a list of games would be more compellin' evidence, but Adum's last scum game before dat previous one was a long time ago, youse get me? Da bottom line is dat Adum's scum play from PM64 fits his play here to a T, an dat is a fact. Dat is enough room for me to be suspicious of you, domo-kun.
And yet, this game is further removed from Paper mario 64 then Paper mario 64 is from my last scum game before it. If my prior scumgames aren't relevant then why is paper mario? I reject your assertion that time automatically changes playstyle, what changes playstyle is clear breaks in behavior.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Unvote Vote:Furio
Kantrip, lemme cool down PJb. I've got you more null nulltownish as of late.
Rake, FF didn't drop a scumslip in that post.
Furio, explain why adum's scumplay in PM applies here por favor.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
ryu chill out, poking kantrip like that isn't gonna make him die any faster.

Rake, I know you like to think you're pretty good at reading Kantrip. What's your read on him right now? How sure of it are you?
I am pretty good at reading Kantrip. I have never been wrong once.

I'd day that's a winning record.

At first I was thinking indy, but now I'm having his as null town


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Have a tourney today read through the last two pages

Can go


The whole still needing me to give reason on my crumb is silly btw it happened that's about it.

Pressure inactives IMO, Ryker even posted since he tried to start a power wagon on me off of null plays?

Didn't think so


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Votecount 1.2​
1. Inferno3044
2. WashedLaundry: KevinM
3. Red Ruy: Potassium > WashedLaundry
4. Scylla & Charybdis (adumbrodeus/Swiss hydra): WL > KevinM
5. KevinM: Rake > WL > Potassium
6. Anomandaris_Rake: Furio Tigre > Inferno > FF
7. traveling cat: KevinM
8. Potassium: IR > KevinM > Rid****ulous
9. Furio Tigre (BarDulL/Nabe): S&C
10. Inglorious ******* (JTB/Gheb_01): Potassium >
11. Boatchouli (Ryker/Moth): KevinM
12. Rid****ulous (PJB/Orbo): Potassium > Potassium > Potassium > Furio
13. Frozenflame751: IR
Current Count:
KevinM (4) : Boatchouli, S& C, traveling cat, WL
Potassium (2): Inglorious *******, KevinM
Furio Tigre (1): Rid****ulous
WashedLaundry (1): Red Ryu
Frozenflame751 (1): Rake
Scylla & Charybdis (1): Furio Tigre
Rid***ulous (1): Potassium
Not Voting: Frozenflame751, Inferno3044
Deadline is Saturday, April 27th at 11:59 PM AST!
With 13 alive, 7 to lynch!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rake, you're right to look at this closely. You're not correct, however, in thinking it a scumtell. FF did not, I think, write this as a threat (it has poor wording I agree), he wrote it referring to the perspective of a townie, look at his posts which follow. Good catch, though. I do not think a player as intelligent as FF would make a post like this as scum - the only time he would is if he skimmed and missed the true purpose of the wagon (see below). I'd rate this exchange as null.
FF could also appear to have missed the true reason for the Kev wagon - not the crumb, but his subsequent reaction.
I think we can all agree the Kev wagon has cooled somewhat, WL has taken his place through consistent scummy play.
Potassium, learn to manage your play more - seriously. It's embarrassing to read.

Why is your vote still on Kevin though?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Not a mod error, you voted WL earlier then moved it to Kevin M. Your vote will be added when I do the next votecount, I can confirm that I'll count 513's vote.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
A preliminary lean that wasn't followed up builds a position of power? You're reaching a great deal here.

I have a question, how exactly does my play fit PM64 to a T? In what ways is it different from my townplay?
You still dodgin' the question; youse ain't EVER explain why Swiss wasn't feelin' sherlock copper. You tryin'a argue semantics and undermine my position, but it don't change the fact dat you're skippin' around da big question.

Da preliminary lean establishes thread presence, we both know dis. Dat's why it was done. Da argument is dat it was done on the wrong person for da wrong reason, youse get me? Da point here is to establish dat da intent of the hydra isn't as optimal as it could be. Let's not forget dat da Swiss/Adum hydra ain't no slouch, so why is it dat it's slouchin', youse get me?

I already explained how your play fits PM64, but for da record, youse have this big tendency to sideline/provide idle commentary and never get into the meat of da business. Dis can be seen as a running pattern throughout PM64 an dis game as well. Come to think of it, isn't dis the way you played in BBR FF4 as well? Dat is good enough substantiation for my vote. I don't remember ever seein' you play like dat as Town.

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
Unvote Vote:Furio
Kantrip, lemme cool down PJb. I've got you more null nulltownish as of late.
Rake, FF didn't drop a scumslip in that post.
Furio, explain why adum's scumplay in PM applies here por favor.
Whadyousesay?! Adum's PM64 play can be applied 'cause it can. Dat's like asking if whether or not meta can or can not be applied as an argument, youse get me? Da crux of the matter is dat meta can be used as an argument 'cause it's a credible form of evidence dat is based. Let me ask you dis: why can't I use meta from PM64 to substantiate my scum read on Swiss/Adum?

On another note, da hell is wrong wit you? Youse not makin much sense wit dat vote.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You seem to be under the misguided assumption I detest you because you claimed crumbed miller.

It was your reaction, hence why I quoted specifics, which read false intent. Please attempt to analyse words and information before making illogical and derogatory statements, it will be somewhat tiring to have to deal with you also.

"Cop if you read this don't bother investigating me I'll just turn up guilty."

Is riddled with false intent. You know that the cop, if in existence, will read this. And you've claimed miller, of course you'll appear guilty. Why are you stating such things? Because it makes you seem reasonable, valiant almost. That post is nothing but an attempt to salvage townie points.

Vote Kev
Swiss this is the last post your slot made a vote, you made a very lengthy introspect to Kev and WL showing that you preferred WL over Kevin.

But you never moved your vote during the last 7 pages.

Very, very odd.

Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
You still dodgin' the question; youse ain't EVER explain why Swiss wasn't feelin' sherlock copper. You tryin'a argue semantics and undermine my position, but it don't change the fact dat you're skippin' around da big question.

Da preliminary lean establishes thread presence, we both know dis. Dat's why it was done. Da argument is dat it was done on the wrong person for da wrong reason, youse get me? Da point here is to establish dat da intent of the hydra isn't as optimal as it could be. Let's not forget dat da Swiss/Adum hydra ain't no slouch, so why is it dat it's slouchin', youse get me?

I already explained how your play fits PM64, but for da record, youse have this big tendency to sideline/provide idle commentary and never get into the meat of da business. Dis can be seen as a running pattern throughout PM64 an dis game as well. Come to think of it, isn't dis the way you played in BBR FF4 as well? Dat is good enough substantiation for my vote. I don't remember ever seein' you play like dat as Town.
Swiss hasn't explained it to me either, but let me ask you this, why does it have to be? Why couldn't it just be a gut read?

Sidelining in PM64 mafia? Why are you BSing me? Do you actually have any meta reason for suspecting me or are you just trying to shore up an empty case?

Furio Tigre

Smash Apprentice
Apr 2, 2013
Nabe | BarDulL
And yet, this game is further removed from Paper mario 64 then Paper mario 64 is from my last scum game before it. If my prior scumgames aren't relevant then why is paper mario? I reject your assertion that time automatically changes playstyle, what changes playstyle is clear breaks in behavior.
Never said your other scum games weren't relevant. I was playin' semantics; what I was sayin' was dat you was arguin' consistency, but technically speaking, can you really postulate dat you've remained da same throughout all your scum games across mafia history? Dat's why I look at da most recent scum game for evidence. I ain't sayin' dat meta is a fullproof, I'm sayin' dat it's enough to throw suspicion in your direction, youse get me?
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