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Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Ive masturbated to porn 4 times in my 8 year career.I think using your imagination is better.Young guys who havent had sex but masturbate to porn frequently are probably going to be dissapointed when it comes to the real thing.(In my opinion)In a different topic,can anyone remember how they lost their virginity?I lost mine in an awful way.I was at a friends 18 b-day,(I had just turned 17 at the time)I was really drunk,I met and talked to this girl(also very drunk)for about 10 mins tops.After 10 mins she grabbed my hand and led me up to my friends room.Before we did it(and ill remember this for the rest of my life)I went into the bathroom of my friends room and stared in the mirror for about a minute saying to myself "This is so bad your way too drunk to even consider having sex"Then I remembered Im so drunk I dont care.So I went back into the room and got to it.No foreplay or anything.Just straight in as they say:laugh:I think I lasted about 1/2 an hour.Which is good considering it was my 1st time.

Sometimes I think that just getting it out of the way somewhat younger is a good thing.The later you leave it the harder it will become.(I reckon)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2007
Here, there and everywhere.
The story of losing my cherry:laugh::

Me and my boyfriend had been together just over a year and I was staying at his house for the night. We were all snuggled up on his bed just talking when he kissed me very passionately and told me he was going to run me a bath.

Afterwards wrapped up in my towel I went over to him and kissed him to say thank you. Then it happened. It just felt so natural and so right.

I'm glad we waited :)

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I like watching porn with my wife way more than watching it on my own. Lately though, I've been watching more. I had a vasectomy about a month ago, so I need to have a certain number of ejaculations before they check me for sterility (between 30-50). So when we don't have sex, I just go to town on myself while watching porn.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Run away. Run far, far away. You just met her, and this is NOT the kind of thing you want to get involved with.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2006
I agree. I think you're dealing with a girl who needs lots of care, communication, and/or therapy. Proceed cautiously.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Come on spill it, it can't be that bad. It's not like she went paranoid on you or anything right?


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Don't beg for attention. Keep your cryptic confessions in your myspace blog. Otherwise, say what you mean.

The Masked Z

Smash Cadet
Oct 20, 2007
We don't want people dumping negative emotions on us. Just cuz you feel like ****, doesn't mean you have to make us feel like ****. Keep it to yourself, brush it off, and move on.

If you really want to vent, keep it short. Don't overdramatize these situations.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Cryptic. Serving to conceal.

"Confirmed tonight....disregard my curiosity. It's even worse then I had imagined.
Just....Words fail me."

He's saying keep the dramaturgy out of here. Discuss things by all means, but in that post you did not do that. You concealed what went down and then in your most recent post vaguely described your ailment. This isn't your blog. It would be cool if you took a mature grasp on the situation and talked about it comfortably, and if you wanted any advice you would receive it.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Cryptic. Serving to conceal.

"Confirmed tonight....disregard my curiosity. It's even worse then I had imagined.
Just....Words fail me."

He's saying keep the dramaturgy out of here. Discuss things by all means, but in that post you did not do that. You concealed what went down and then in your most recent post vaguely described your ailment. This isn't your blog. It would be cool if you took a mature grasp on the situation and talked about it comfortably, and if you wanted any advice you would receive it.

Didn't seem like you read it the first time.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Yeah, you probably shouldn't bother bringing it up if you don't want to explain. One of my friends used to do that, he'd say stuff like "You know, I noticed something totally awesome, well you see... nevermind." I just throw stuff at him when he does that now.

And so this post doesn't end up looking like spam:

Today I was sitting in my French class [I dropped French but my teacher lets me hang around anyway], so this girl was talking about something and then she said "It doesn't matter, I'm not going to get back together with any of the guys I've been with in school anyway."

That was originally the reason I never pushed myself to get a girlfriend [until I got turned off of the girls in my year]. I had no idea I was right about that kind of thing, I just decided that it'd be better for me to just wait things out than to go date with every girl and lose the chance to get into a more serious relationship with the ones I like more. I know every girl in my school won't show up at my door step 3 years down the road looking for a relationship, but by then we all should probably be a lot more mature so the relationships could further, maybe even as far as sex.

P.S. As far as I know none of the decent girls at my school have sex yet so by trying to get with them now I would basically end up in a really limited relationship while destroying my chances with them in the future.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Most of the chicks you're in high school with you won't be seeing again unless you're friends or go to the same college. You won't **** them if you're friends with them. Typically.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
Most of the chicks you're in high school with you won't be seeing again unless you're friends or go to the same college. You won't **** them if you're friends with them. Typically.


Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I live in the Caribbean, on a small island, so it's very likely I'll be seeing them again, maybe not in my next step in education, but I'll see them around. Even to this day I still see people that graduated from my school, and so does my mom.

The population here is 250k or something like that, all of the hot spots pan out from one point so it's not like there's cool places to go all over the island. If I lived in America that wouldn't be the case, but I don't so I'll be seeing them around.


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2007
Arbroath, home of social decay. \m/

Myspace, does that really count as online dating? I speak to girls frequently on that, but it's usually just friendly chatter, sometimes goes somewhere.

I prefer in person, it's a lot easier to keep the conversation going. MSN's a **** when there's an awkward silence. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Silence on instant messaging is not awkward. Myspace does not count as online dating. Dating online counts as online dating. It's also stupid. Stick to in-person interactions.


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
I always recommend for people to stay away from Myspace for dating. My friend refused to listen to such advice and has pretty much met only crazy girls from there. Another friend met and hooked up with this girl that he later found out was underage.

I agree with Josh; stick to in-person interactions.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2007
Here, there and everywhere.
I have to disagree. Yes, there are some crazy people on MySpace and those who lie but a lot of people are genuine.

It just so happens my sister met her fiance on MySpace, so I guess I'm a bit biased :laugh:


Used to have a porpoise
Jan 10, 2007
North of South Carol
While yeah, you can obviously meet genuine people, I think it's just better to try and find some one from real life. I'd hate telling my future kids the story of how my me and their father met: "Oh, your father and I met on Myspace."

I've never been totally against meeting from online. My brother met his his wife from eHarmony. I've just seen too many bad things first hand from meeting people on Myspace. Not to mention that when I used it, I got some pretty unfavorable people contacting me =/


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2007
Here, there and everywhere.
Well MySpace isn't the best example to use for people meeting online. The main point of it, tbh, is to make your profiles the wierdest and make your pictures the prettiest.

And my personal opinion is that, sure meeting people in real life is great and all (that is after all how me and my other half met) but online there's a greater diversity of people and if you can't find anyone compatable with you in person, your match could be out there.

Anyways.. Getting to know someone online, say in a MMORPG, can be better then going into a bar (for example) and hooking up with someone because they bought you a drink and their chat up banter is okay.

..of course there's always the opposite view of "You don't know if they're genuine" but I've personally only ever had good experiences with people online:dizzy:

I'm only young and niave after all


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2007
Here, there and everywhere.
Dating for dating's sake online, I agree, is pretty lame. But when you meet someone online and go on to be with them in 'real life' then I think that's alright

Many of my friends on a MMORPG I play have "girlfriends and boyfriends" but they all seem to be a whole ocean (or two) apart and it's just something to fit in with everyone else. They'll never meet in real life and when someone who's a bit richer comes along they'll just chuck their partner for this 'better one' anyways. :( It's very, very sad


Oh look we've gone full circle on the first discussion


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2008
This is just some food for thought for those who find themselves confused, conflicted, or concerned about relationship issues and concepts of love. There's always been a lot of threads, and a lot of discussion, about individuals' issues with relationships, breakups, wantups, and so forth.

Take this for what you will.

First of all, lots of people have a hard time getting a girl to like them, or knowing if they do or not.

You shouldn't have to parade your positive qualities, chase, convince or persuade a girl to have interest in you. The attraction should be there naturally, equally, and unambiguously.

Once you've established a relationship, I see a lot of confusion and concerns about knowing how one another feel, and conveying how you feel. Threads and posts have been mirrored all over this forum of messages like this:

"I just feel so strongly for her. I love her so much. *list of her qualities*"

They say all the right things to all the wrong people.

Communication is key. Fearlessly sharing your thoughts with one another, leaving nothing unsaid, dissolves those fights where emotions are finally let out after brooding and brewing inside for so long. Share your insecurities in yourself and in your relationship; issues never exposed are never resolved.

Love, around here and everywhere else, is tossed around like a pigskin. There's a lot to be said on the topic.

There’s three kinds of love, from what I’ve observed: (1) Natural love, (2) Diluted love, (3) Transcendent love. The first is the love you feel for certain people naturally . your parents, your relatives. The second is love you have for things . Chinese food, movies, your friends, activities, interests, possessions. This is the weakest form of love, and stands really as a strong liking of a particular thing, exaggerated or emphasized through the use of [diluted] love. This love is also flexible and subject to increases, decreases, and alterations such as no longer loving something and loving something else, or loving one thing more than another. Parents generally claim to love all their children equally, because it is a natural love; someone’s love for a significant other in a relationship is more often than not (metaphorically speaking) something the other person borrows, and has it stolen or given back to you, like a class ring.

Transcendent love is derived from natural love . it is unconditional; regardless of circumstances, there is always love there and that love never dwindles. Transcendent love ascends above natural love, bringing with it a desire to love, rather than be loved. You make sacrifices, sacrifices you’d make for no one else, to make the other happy and bring smiles to their faces. It’s not measured in the nickels and dimes you save and spend for her, it’s measured in the love that’s exchanged. Transcendent love is equal between the two . no one loves the other more than they love you. The sacrifices, when they arise, are made by both parties. Transcendent love is ever-lasting. Transcendent love is true love.

I spoke with my mom for four hours today, doing what she calls "solving the problems of the world" which really means having insightful conversations and storytellings about life, love, people, and so forth. She talked about the five kinds of love.

(1) Touch: This is the kind of love expressed, not necessarily in sex, but intimacy -- massages, holding hands, kisses, and so forth. A touch lover expresses their love to a person by doing those kinds of things, and feels loved most when those actions are reciprocated on them.

(2) Communication: This kind of lover always wants to talk. "How are you? What'd you do today? Tell me all about it." And so forth. These lovers feel shut out when they're not being communicated with, and lovers who aren't of this kind feel nagged. But a harmonious balance makes for a great relationship.

(3) Gifts: This lover shows their affection by showering you with gifts; flowers, jewelry, presents, and so forth, are representative of their love for you. These people feel most loved when they receive gifts. Careful not to base your love on material items.

(4) Quality Time: This love is concentrated on the time you spend with one another; not time spent while you're at a party, or when you're at a public event. The time spent alone, with just the two of you, is where these lovers feel and give off the most love.

(5) Service: These are lovers who perform tasks, without asking (that part's important), that make the recipient of them feel like a princess, and feel greatly appreciated. These people also feel most loved when their lover serves them without asking. This kind of love makes the two lovers grateful to each other, but lack of equality risk one becoming an actual servant, instead of a lover.

Which one are you? A lover-cocktail can make for a more fulfilling relationship (not necessarily, of course).

The only things I thought to add to those were traits of love -- characteristics one has that express their love.

Sacrifice: The ability to sacrifice things important to you for a greater good, the good of your relationship, is a trait admirable and does not go unrecognized and unappreciated in a true loving relationship.

Sharing: Love, through communication, touch, gifts, service, time, or sacrifice, should be equal (or close to) in a strong relationship. Maintaining a balanced scale of the give-take love ratio is key.

That's all I have time to say for right now.

Peace and Love,



Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2008
Dating for dating's sake online, I agree, is pretty lame. But when you meet someone online and go on to be with them in 'real life' then I think that's alright
That's how I met the love of my life -- on a forum just like this one (only it was Halo3). We met in person (MLG Dallas 2007) before establishing a relationship so we could see how we interact in person and get a real feel for each other.

I apologize for the double post, but the edit button wasn't working properly.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2007
Here, there and everywhere.
That's how I met the love of my life -- on a forum just like this one (only it was Halo3). We met in person (MLG Dallas 2007) before establishing a relationship so we could see how we interact in person and get a real feel for each other.
Well as I said earlier, my sister and her fiance met online. It was after they met for a date (in Lasertag which, for some obscure reason I found hilarious) that they fell head over heels for each other.

It's quite cute actually, and if it wasn't for the internet they probably would never have met.

Kudos for the internet!


Smash Rookie
Jan 12, 2008
Precisely. The internet is a great tool for social interaction that breaks the geographical limitations previously standardized on people and their involvement in a community. To say that social relationships over the internet are farse is a naive delusion.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
my friend and i were talking about the E4All a few days ago. then i had a stroke of rationalization: if i was playing brawl and theres a hot booth babe next to me, i would've thought "WTF, im doing the wrong thing!" and subsequently proceeded to throw the wiimote down and seduce the booth babe. i mean, comon! shes right there for the taking!


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
Not to mention it's her duty to be conversationally receptive. I remember watching the hyped up brawl videos and thinking what's wrong with these guys? There are plenty of easy targets to sarge!

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
booth babes are not actually going to go out with you
wow dude, great constructive advice.
and i have to reiterate:
the pro thinks about what noises the girl will make when hes doing her
the noob thinks about all the possible ways he can fail.

you sir, are one of those noobs.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
I am inclined to take omfgomfg's post in a different way - I am not actually going to go out with a hired gun. We can fuck, but no dating.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I admit I would have approached the booth babes, unless they were really dumb and shallow, then I would have just stayed far away.

Oh, I'm against online dating, even in MMORPGs. I would never recommend it to anyone. I remember this 12 year old girl liked me on a game I used to play, that was really messed up.

One of my friends juggles middle aged [over 30] women playing the game and feels the need to talk about it all the time. The funny thing is that he's like 20 or something like that. He called one of them on his cell phone once and spent the whole day talking till he ran out of money. I think he wants me to talk to them next time he calls them [the 12 year old is family with one of the middle aged women] but that ain't happening, I don't talk on the phone anymore because there's always awkward silence.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
"I remember this 12 year old girl liked me on a game I used to play, that was really messed up."

"[the 12 year old is family with one of the middle aged women]"

That's awkward as hell. And extremely coincidental.

Marth, Marth, Marth

I admit I would have approached the booth babes, unless they were really dumb and shallow, then I would have just stayed far away.

Dude their booth babes. Read: booth BABES. Why would you be looking for personality??

@ Blackwaltz

I believe you have the quotation wrong kind sir. The origional context, derived from Latin is in fact

"While the noob is thinking about all the things that can go wrong, I am thinking about the sounds shes going to be making when I'm doing her from behind."

For you see, the twenty-third edition has just been released in Ukrainian and I have just read it. Perhaps you should consider updating. Mr. Ambrosius really does have a way with words and Scholar Vladimir's translation is simply the best. (I am reading the Ukrainian version because I simply could not wait for the English release!).

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I disagree with the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover". I'm assuming that everyone in this thread is old enough to have some life experience. Most of us know which stereotypes fit and which ones don't. Act accordingly. If you're fairly sure of what's on the inside of the book, why would you read it?

As for the booth babes...it's their job to look good and be nice to you. Just because a girl is nice to you does NOT mean she likes you or you have a chance.


Smash Lord
Jun 13, 2006
"Don't judge a book by its cover" is not about stereotypes. I expect most of us are old enough to have had an education.
If she's going to be nice to you then your job is that much easier, when normally she could have a huge ***** shield up. It doesn't matter if she "likes you" or if you "have a chance." Those terms are never relevant. She always wants you and you are above having a "chance." Guys who think "does she like me? do I have a chance with this girl?" are not in the right mindset to be satisfying a woman's sexual desires.
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