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Gimpyfish's Brawl Impressions - Brawl Talk Episode 1 Added

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Does anyone know if Oprah is an AT?
^ I'm tempted to sig that with all honesty. Seriously! :laugh: Woaw...just wat we need. My mom's and every women's favorite talk show host bagillionganaire as a assist trophy. What is she going to do=??? Give away cars, money, and diapers=??? :laugh:

well like someone mentioned earlier, how would zero suit samus come into play without smash balls? im sure there can be a way of compensating for smash balls like perhaps making tourney matches out of 5 stock, or some other rule tweak. i myself dont like the concept of smash balls too much but, i havent played/ i'll probably get used to it.
I think items have avery strong chance of being tourney legal. All of them have multiple uses thus far, and FS/Smash Balls aren't that cheap, since everyone can use them. People hate randomness, but it isn't that random. I've yet to see a exploding crate or barrel (except for a bomb-omb or something), so I think items could be a factor in tournaments. Maybe a item specific tourney, or eve as a option, even. It's not randomness (with most...turn certain ones off, definitely), it's adpating to the items you have and your enviornment. Items like the Bumperz, that spike thingy, pitfalls, banana peels, gooey bombs, proxy mines, diffrent guns, etc. have a chance of being tourney legal, as well as SMASH BALLS AND FINAL SMASHES. Not to mention the Melee tournament scene started out with items as default and a must. ;)


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
Guys, this is just a demo, rules won't be created off of this. Who knows, they might completely change everything in a month.


Tier Lists? Foolish...
Oct 19, 2007
Waiting on The Hero
One thing I think most of you are overlooking is the act of acquiring the smash ball after it appears. I mean you don't pick it up, you have to attack it, follow it. This will actually take some risk, since your opponent can build up damage while you get it, and maybe kill you before you do get it, or maybe he will wait till you get it then smash it out of you with a combo.

Right now most people arent used to the game and dont play well, on tournament level its gonna be a different thing, if a Smash Ball comes out, its not like you can get it while your opponent figures out how to jump, he will know what to do, and how to punish you for even trying to get close to it.

Just my thoughts...


Oct 12, 2001
Well i'm pretty sure there'll be a way to start as ZSamus, just not in this demo. And it would make sense if she was a subpar character, after all she uses that super-powered suit for a reason...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2007
Minneapolis MN
One thing I think most of you are overlooking is the act of acquiring the smash ball after it appears. I mean you don't pick it up, you have to attack it, follow it. This will actually take some risk, since your opponent can build up damage while you get it, and maybe kill you before you do get it, or maybe he will wait till you get it then smash it out of you with a combo.

Right now most people arent used to the game and dont play well, on tournament level its gonna be a different thing, if a Smash Ball comes out, its not like you can get it while your opponent figures out how to jump, he will know what to do, and how to punish you for even trying to get close to it.

Just my thoughts...
In tournament level play, they wouldn't go straight for the ball. They'd be easy pickings if they went straight for it. What would most likely happen is that the person would wait until the opponent's off the stage some, then attack the smash ball a little, basically when the opponent can't counter attack and is, instead, flying. So it'd really be that whoever can get the opponent off the stage and recovering for a decent period of time would get the smash ball, and in some cases, finish the opponent off, assuming the opponent would be roughly 70 - 100%+ at that point. So yeah, I thought about it.

Essentially, the Final Smashes are for the casual audiences, so they'll probably have an option to turn it off for the kids who think they're 'gay'.... which would be convenient for us. Honestly, FS can turn the tide of battle too much for tourney level acceptence IMO. No, I'm not bashing it because it's an item, I just don't think it'll be allowed in the end because of the degree of battle changing it can cause. I mean, if you could disable exploding boxes, then some items, like maybe the fan, would be in, because they wouldn't change the tide of battle TOO much. However, I'm pretty sure we all agree that when a FS can act like a damaging starman (SUPER SONIC) or can act like a Maxium Tomato (PEACH!), then yeah.....

As much as I would like to see them in, I just don't see them happening in EVERY tourney after a while, since really, it's not the FS themselves, it's the amount of controllers that would break when the opponent gets a smash ball and becomes Giga Bowser, Super Sonic, or uses Peach's FS. The amount of controllers broken would be ridiculous, and as such, FS's would be disabled.

Really, Final Smashes seem to be to add more excitement to item matches, not to mix into our current tournament style... Though what do I HOPE to see?

That if they allow you to disable crates/barrels so you won't have them exploding, we have two types of tourneys: items and no items (items would only have certain, balanced items of course). In the items tourney, YOU COULD HAVE SMASH BALLS ON. That would be awesome, and I would certainly play in those sometimes!

Oh, and the game looks fun so far.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2007
Bothell, WA
Actually, I'd personally rather it seperated into a No Smash Balls/Smash Balls tourneys.

I don't want items on in tournaments, but Smash Balls I would make a special exception for because they grant access to character-specific moves that affect the relative power of characters to each other. I plan to treat Brawl as a new game and being that the devs are making such a big deal about it, I plan to consider Final Smashes a key feature of what makes Brawl Brawl and not some other fighting game, and treat Smash Balls something else entirely from items and will practice for tourneys with them enabled (at least at first, until experience shows they really are as bad as people are jumping to conclusions about them). I see them as being the Brawl version of Supers from SF3, and no one would try to turn them off in tournaments even if they could.

If a tier list is in creation, having Smash Balls on would completely change the order of the list. Having other items on would have very little if any effect (mostly a slight boost to faster characters just because they could grab the item quicker, and characters with reflect moves for being able to reflect it). Final Smashes would make a much bigger difference in balance, and its very likely the devs are taking them into account with their own balancing. This is why I think they need to be treated differently than other items, even if they are very powerful.

So I'd rather have these 2 tourney types:
Smash Balls enabled
Smash Balls disabled

Or, if you like, these 3:
Items enabled (includes Smash Balls)
Smash Balls enabled (no other items)
Smash Balls and items disabled

I imagine actually, especially if ZSS is really only available in one way, that the tourneys with no items on but Smash Balls enabled would be the most popular to the vast majority of players.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2007
No, I'm not bashing it because it's an item, I just don't think it'll be allowed in the end because of the degree of battle changing it can cause. I mean, if you could disable exploding boxes, then some items, like maybe the fan, would be in, because they wouldn't change the tide of battle TOO much. However, I'm pretty sure we all agree that when a FS can act like a damaging starman (SUPER SONIC) or can act like a Maxium Tomato (PEACH!), then yeah.....

As much as I would like to see them in, I just don't see them happening in EVERY tourney after a while, since really, it's not the FS themselves, it's the amount of controllers that would break when the opponent gets a smash ball and becomes Giga Bowser, Super Sonic, or uses Peach's FS. The amount of controllers broken would be ridiculous, and as such, FS's would be disabled.

Really, Final Smashes seem to be to add more excitement to item matches, not to mix into our current tournament style...
Hit the nail on the head. QFT.


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
My thoughts after playing are: Final Smashes shouldn't be in tourneys. Sure there are strategies to try and get them, you can mindgame your opponents, predict where they will go based on the smash ball, yadda yada yada. But think about this: some characters, while being hard to hit with their final smash (metaknight, Link), it's a OHKO. I don't want tier lists/people choosing mains based solely on who has the best final smash, and I don't think anybody else does either. My nightmare would be a tourney with nobody but Link and MetaKnight players.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
boogie down bronx
wow, i didnt watch it due to no gameplay/little gameplay but it was kind of you to upload it. i watched a little of it but once it showed no gameplay i decided not too lol sorry


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Wow smashballs should in no way shape or form be considered for competitive play. It is far from fair, and even farther from necessary.
What's unfair about them? (Just a question, not an accusation)

Also, who the hell recorded that money match? Really, I don't want to watch two people standing there playing, I want to see the screen.


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
What's unfair about them? (Just a question, not an accusation)

Also, who the hell recorded that money match? Really, I don't want to watch two people standing there playing, I want to see the screen.
callllllm down they didn't let him record the screen.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2004
What's unfair about them? (Just a question, not an accusation)

Also, who the hell recorded that money match? Really, I don't want to watch two people standing there playing, I want to see the screen.
first part of your post: >_> uh dude, they're instant kills. they turn the tide of a match moreso than 99% of items do. Yeah they're "character specific" but I don't see how that makes a difference. A smashball comes up, whoever gets it gets a free kill unless they suck. That's not viable in competitive play.

second part of your post: they weren't supposed to film the match at all actually. So be thankful >_>


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
boogie down bronx
What's unfair about them? (Just a question, not an accusation)

Also, who the hell recorded that money match? Really, I don't want to watch two people standing there playing, I want to see the screen.
at least he uploaded it lol

i at least still get to see how epic it was (not in gameplay wise though)


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
first part of your post: >_> uh dude, they're instant kills. they turn the tide of a match moreso than 99% of items do. Yeah they're "character specific" but I don't see how that makes a difference. A smashball comes up, whoever gets it gets a free kill unless they suck. That's not viable in competitive play.

second part of your post: they weren't supposed to film the match at all actually. So be thankful >_>
I disagree, because of the way you have to get them, and they are not instant kills either. I was more curious to hear what HugS has to say about it though, I can hear your average joes opinion anywhere on these boards.

And I don't want to be thankful, I got excited when I read Gimpyfish vs HugS, but I didn't get to see anything at all.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Smashballs are simply unbalanced. It's not so much that the guy who gets it wins, that's almost a given. But more-so that your character selection becomes less varied if such items were allowed in tournaments. The fact that some characters have unstoppable Final smashes (Bowser, Pika, Sonic) and others have complete garbage Final Smashes (Fox, Peach) means that you'd be limited to a select few characters based on how strong the final smash is.

I just don't see why something like this would be added to any competitive event. Except maybe for fun...

Go throw a smashfest. Yeah?

And calmmmm down about that Video. Atlus clearly states that he was not allowed to record screen footage. Maybe we'll be more sneaky next time.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Hugs, so what're your thoughts on Brawl so far? anything you can/want to share?
Like most people who have been playing it, it's a mix. As of right now I feel it's not as good as melee. I feel that it is not as balanced as melee. I feel that nintendo "Accidentally" made melee amazingly deep and balanced.

But then I start thinking that I've only played a demo, with endless items, on crappy controllers. And I know absolutely nothing about how to do anything. I also realize that when melee first came out, i had the same feelings. "Throws don't kill? this is ridiculous. My back air is so weak now. Why is the dair so slow. They screwed up this game". It took me a while to realize how balanced it was. Throws shouldn't kill. There are things called sweetspots now. And I just have to time my dair.

So perhaps the things I believe have no counter are just tactics that will be countered the moment we are allowed to play the game for more than a combined total of 40 minutes. And things that I feel are way too nerfed will be replaced by other excellent abilities. But there are some things that undoubtedly need to be fixed. Peach's dsmash SHOULD kill me in sudden death at 320 percent, you should be able to press down on a ledge to drop, etc, etc.

So that's my opinion so far.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2007
Bothell, WA
Woah woah, wait a sec, back up there. You can't drop off a ledge with down any more? So ledge hopping is gone? I thought it was still in...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2006
? I'm sure you can.

I know I dropped off and Icarus Winged around an edgeguarder several times as Pit.

I was doing it on the Classic Controller.


Smash Cadet
Mar 7, 2006
kelowna , bc
i was wondering if you can still press up on the stick to jump..or customize so that it doesn t.....man i hate that

also you can do tilt attacks by pushing both sticks in that direction.... which will affect my main...peach... by not being able to CC down smash... but i was wondering if you may be able to customize for the opposite affect......ie pressing down on both sticks will smash and "c-sticking" with will tilt attack



Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
Edge dropping is in, but I had to press back to do it, not down. Maybe it's a glitch, maybe i just screwed up, I'm not sure.

Also, what makes this exciting is that I really have no idea what new things we are gonna come up with. Ive seen moves auto cancel and have seen those very same moves lag. There has to be an explanation why, and we'll probably figure out how to make it consistent. I've seen people waveland...but yet people say wavedashing can't be done? I guarantee someone will find a way to do this at will.

Or how about the time when we thought that you had to short hop to edgehog. I accidentally ran off the ledge, hit back, and edgehogged immediately. Things like that amaze me. There's so much to learn.

Btw, some noobs are ****** at this game. Because players like me are trying to play as advanced as possible, and these guys are just running wild with any move at their disposal. It's pretty funny...they can have their moment for now. Some guy actually yelled out "Where's your wavedash now" as he was winning a match on a tv. What a douchebag. We'll find a replacement for wavedashing, and I'll find him online to welcome him to competitive Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2006
Fox's model doesn't actually change, but his fur color and clothes do. It really looks Wolf-ish.

Diddy also has a Dixie costume (barring the ponytail).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
boogie down bronx
Edge dropping is in, but I had to press back to do it, not down. Maybe it's a glitch, maybe i just screwed up, I'm not sure.

Also, what makes this exciting is that I really have no idea what new things we are gonna come up with. Ive seen moves auto cancel and have seen those very same moves lag. There has to be an explanation why, and we'll probably figure out how to make it consistent. I've seen people waveland...but yet people say wavedashing can't be done? I guarantee someone will find a way to do this at will.

Or how about the time when we thought that you had to short hop to edgehog. I accidentally ran off the ledge, hit back, and edgehogged immediately. Things like that amaze me. There's so much to learn.

Btw, some noobs are ****** at this game. Because players like me are trying to play as advanced as possible, and these guys are just running wild with any move at their disposal. It's pretty funny...they can have their moment for now. Some guy actually yelled out "Where's your wavedash now" as he was winning a match on a tv. What a douchebag. We'll find a replacement for wavedashing, and I'll find him online to welcome him to competitive Brawl.

i laughed hard at the "wheres your wavedash now" lol, EPIC!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
athens, ga
hey hugo, can you cancel an "ink drop" (or PivotDashCancel) to a dash in the original direction of travel?

perhaps i've said too much..


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
When Melee came out, we had nothing to judge the change in the playstyles by. Now, since there have been two before it, we can say we were all just as bad when Melee first came out, it's learning a whole new game and there's no reason to stick to melee once brawl comes out, because if Nintendo is consistent at all there'll be loads of advanced techniques in this game as well. Nobody even thought of wavedashing, or air dodging into the ground when Melee first came out I'm sure, perhaps there's something we're all overlooking that'll be really obvious when we actually discover it.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Lovely info Gimpyfish,

Been curious about Mario's Rising Tornado especially :p Yeah..pretty small thing to be really curious about.

All the other stuff I totally unexpected :) So yeah it's all good! Thanks again.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
I highly doubt this but still....

Why worry about whether smash balls should be on or not until we know for sure they can be turned off? I mean I assume they can but the devs might consider them as character moves, not a special item (doesn't work like a normal item) you can't turn off moves.

Like I said I bet you can, but there is a small possibility that you can't


Smash Journeyman
Nov 25, 2001
Btw, some noobs are ****** at this game. Because players like me are trying to play as advanced as possible, and these guys are just running wild with any move at their disposal.
no advanced johns. ;)

in time the best will distinguish themselves from the rest. that's the way of the world in all things.

i'm keeping positive about Brawl. they haven't let me down yet.

i may not understand Brawl today, but one day i will.

and thanks for your impressions.
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