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Gimp Me Gently Raleigh, NC 8/22 Results


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Brawl+ Doubles

1. Crouching Foxy, Tilting Penguin (Shady and Foxy) Snake/Jiggs
2. He Lives in You hey ha himalalaylah (Karn and THO) G&W/Peach
3. Keithsauce (KillerSOS and Keith) Squirtle+Olimar/Wolf+MK
4. The Harbingers of Death (Duo and Mitsurugi) Fox/Wolf
5. Mutorcs (NC-Echo and The Drizzle) Bowser/Luigi
5. We're gonna figure it out (ph00tbag and PLUR) ZSS/ICs+Lucas

Bracket Link: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n243/beenjammin4000/gimpmegentlybrawldoubles.jpg

Brawl+ Singles

1. Karn (Ganondorf)
1. Duo (Fox)
3. Shady Penguin (Snake)
4. PLUR (ICs/Lucas)
5. NC-Echo (Bowser)
5. ARS (Snake/Falcon)
7. THO (Peach)
7. KillerSOS (Squirtle/Olimar)

Bracket Link: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n243/beenjammin4000/gimpmegentlybrawlsingles.jpg

Brawl Doubles

1. Terrorist and Thief (Shady and Keith)
2. Captain Bill is Climbing the Mountain Why is He Climbing the Mountain? (NC-Echo and Karn) Olimar/MK
3. Internet Predators (Dub and Ragnar0k) Diddy/DK
4. We can do this Rachel (Flamingo and OmniOstrich) MK/MK
5. Duo and Mits (Duo and Mitsurugi...) Wolf/Fox
5. ARS Dev (ARS and zCasanova) Snake/MK

Bracket Link: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n243/beenjammin4000/gimpmegentlybrawldoubles-1.jpg

Brawl Singles

Remaing Players in Winners:
Dub (Finals)
Ragnar0k (Semis)
Keith (Semis)

Remaining Players in Losers:
Shady Penguin

Bracket Link: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n243/beenjammin4000/gimpmegentlybrawlsingles-1.jpg

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
My expected results were:

1. DUB
2. Karn
3. Rag
4. Keith
5. Jon
5. Flamingo?

However, Jon was in my bracket and I think he might have beaten me. If that was the case, I think he would have gotten second. I still think I would have probably beaten him, though, but it's hard to say.

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
My expected results were:

1. DUB
2. Karn
3. Rag
4. Keith
5. Jon
5. Flamingo?

However, Jon was in my bracket and I think he might have beaten me. If that was the case, I think he would have gotten second. I still think I would have probably beaten him, though, but it's hard to say.
Not to put myself on a pedestal, but it's safe to say I would have beaten Omni and Flamingo based on friendlies and tournament history.

I most likely would have gotten to you and then been eliminated.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I think if you made it to me and lost that would have put you at 7th. I just put flamingo on there because I didn't know where he was in the bracket and I saw that Omni said he was still in. I guess the other 5th would have been Mits. Perhaps Mits would have beaten Keith, though. The only reason I put myself at 2nd anyways, is because I seem to beat you pretty consistently, and my character kind of ***** DK.


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
I'm still mad at myself for getting destroyed by Karns MK....

I'm the one doing the videos and I really am working as fast as I can. They have to be encoded from my Capture cards format to a format that youtube will accept so give me some time.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
I think if you made it to me and lost that would have put you at 7th. I just put flamingo on there because I didn't know where he was in the bracket and I saw that Omni said he was still in. I guess the other 5th would have been Mits. Perhaps Mits would have beaten Keith, though. The only reason I put myself at 2nd anyways, is because I seem to beat you pretty consistently, and Rag has no clue what to do in the ROB matchup.
fix'd that for you karn.

edit because killer is a ninja: Recording really does take forever.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I'm still mad at myself for getting destroyed by Karns MK....

I'm the one doing the videos and I really am working as fast as I can. They have to be encoded from my Capture cards format to a format that youtube will accept so give me some time.
Like I said as long as they are up in under a week I think everyone will be happy.


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
Alot of the videos are very very confused and I have no idea what matches where. I think I had a few people trying to start the recordings and they didn't properly name everything. Some video may have been lost.... I belive I have around 8 hours of video......


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Alot of the videos are very very confused and I have no idea what matches where. I think I had a few people trying to start the recordings and they didn't properly name everything. Some video may have been lost.... I belive I have around 8 hours of video......
I can help you identify what the matches are by cross referencing tags and brackets.


Smash Champion
Sep 29, 2008
Behind a wall of Pikmin (Raleigh NC)
I can help you identify what the matches are by cross referencing tags and brackets.
The problem is alot of matches got split in half.... and they all have the same name with a 1 or 2 ID on the end... making it hard to even figure out what half of what match belongs where lol.

My first session of dubbing is almost done so i can start to split them up soon.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i need to just bring my computer to a tourney lol...my capture card is so good

well actually...it's jim's capture card because he paid for it...but it's in my computer...@.@


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
i think the results would have been

1.Keith ( cause ill metagay everyone)
2.rag or karn its a toss up
3. dub ( cause nanners are gay)
4. Jon ( because he desided to **** that day
5.Shady( cause he my *****)
5. Flaming ho( cause he a flaming ho)


Smash Champion
Mar 2, 2008
southern pines, nc
i think DUB would have won this tourney had it been played out...

Bill needs to put on some weight...when he went at devin in a fit of rage i stuck my arm out to hold him back and he almost lost his footing lol


Smash Ace
May 19, 2008
North Carolina
i think the results would have been

1.Keith ( cause ill metagay everyone)
2.rag or karn its a toss up
3. dub ( cause nanners are gay)
4. Jon ( because he desided to **** that day
5.Shady( cause he my *****)
5. Flaming ho( cause he a flaming ho)
lol, I can't believe you'd dis me like that keith, I mean you think I wouldn't even place top 5? Dude, I was destroying when the tourney ended, I've beaten over half the ppl you named in tourney... with bill and duo out of the way I'm pretty sure I would have made it to the top 3, The only match I lost was the one that I have a horrid match up on, a.k.a. falco and his 0-death chain spike. lol


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
After reviewing the bracket I would say:

1. Dub
2. Jon?
3. Rag
4. Mitsurugi
5. Karn
5. Keith

Rag beats keith in winners bracket loses to dub in winners finals
idk who would win between me flamingo and shady, but Karn would beat any one of us.
Jon beats Karn
Jon beats Mitsurugi
Jon beats Rag in Loser's Finals
Jon loses to Dub


Smash Ace
May 19, 2008
North Carolina
After reviewing the bracket I would say:

1. Dub
2. Jon?
3. Rag
4. Mitsurugi
5. Karn
5. Keith

Rag beats keith in winners bracket loses to dub in winners finals
idk who would win between me flamingo and shady, but Karn would beat any one of us.
Jon beats Karn
Jon beats Mitsurugi
Jon beats Rag in Loser's Finals
Jon loses to Dub

Honestly,I doubt jon would have beat me the second time, he learned from our last tourney and stopped laser spamming me past chain spike %'s, but other than that, when i played a character that wasn't ***** by that, I won. Any who, it was fun, to bad we didn't get to finish, guess we'll have to see at billfest.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
lol, I can't believe you'd dis me like that keith, I mean you think I wouldn't even place top 5? Dude, I was destroying when the tourney ended, I've beaten over half the ppl you named in tourney... with bill and duo out of the way I'm pretty sure I would have made it to the top 3, The only match I lost was the one that I have a horrid match up on, a.k.a. falco and his 0-death chain spike. lol
oh shoot bro, i completely forgot about u taking out bill and duo, in my mind i was thinking that
u were on the bracket wit shady and karn, so i was thinking, snake is gay, and rob is a bad matchup for wolf( i think). but yea, i felt pretty confident about my metagay beaten rag even though it would have been a nail bitter, i probably would have been gay and spamed nado more than usual. I wouldn't use snake cause i know how he eats those. and i beat deez in pools at herb 2, and i think he has a better diddy than dub ( even though dubs diddy is nasty) so all i had to worry about was beating karn in GF, which i think i could of done if not in the 1 set, than the second. But PP is right, we will never know, wil ljust find out at billfest. By the way, omni beat bill again, cause i have a hard time wit oli.
- Keith Ford
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