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Getting In The Green November 13th, 2010 Ft: Dr PeePee RESULTS IN OP


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Womp womp womp womp wooomp. We don't need to play Super Mario in here because lord knows I have a thing for getting 99 lives. You stop talking about her, making snarky *** comments from across the room and on the boards about her and she'll do the same.

ps: a lot of you guys do need thicker skin lolz
I didn't say anything to her or about her at the tournament and the one time I responded to something she said she just made some rude comment not to talk to.

There's no "winner" or "loser"... thinking that you're winning or losing doesn't help anyone. All it does is cause more problems for everyone around and everyone involved. Dropping it doesn't mean you win, it means everyone wins. Lord knows I've been trying to have this thing dropped for months now.
That's what I meant. I realize there is no winning in this situation. I want it over with too.

Honestly, another big part of my not responding comes from my respect for you. FYI


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
I just got a fitting and bi-lingual fortune cookie:

"Despues de que la tormenta grande venga la tranquilidad."


"After the big storm comes tranquility."

I didn't even know they made English/Spanish fortune cookies but I guess that should tell me something.


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i missed darkjosh, you guys said he wasn't coming! I would have ****ing walked! I needed that money for rom


Smash Champion
Apr 19, 2010
Blacksburg, VA
Oh you got it comin' boy. :083:

For real though, we need to play a bunch the next time you come to something here.
Ya definitely, i don't really think its a rivalry anymore, the heat of the moment wore off, i don't care about it anymore, wanna team at the next tourney?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I originally wanted to make a huge post but **** it. Just got home, tired as hell. May elaborate later

See, there is the problem.
"let's not mess with Josh because he is so angry"
but when anyone else's issues are called out it is fine.

EWB is 100% correct, Josh needs some tougher skin. The same way everyone in the community has had to toughen up their skin to a lot of his comments.
You're kind of missing the point, sugah.

I wasn't saying that Josh is exempt from being disrespected but everyone else is fair game. I don't want anyone to be disrespected. It's dumb.

My point is that we all know that he has temper issues. And we all know that you two have history. Why not just avoid a problem instead of blatantly inciting it?

Basically, if you're playing Falco against Hungrybox in grand finals, why the **** would you dash attack his shield, knowing **** well he's gonna rest your *****-*** for it? It's just poor decision-making. period.

What you said wasn't disrespectful, but it did glow in a tone of moral superiority that I needed to address.

Think about it like this: If you let someone slap you in the face, and you do nothing, then you let them disrespect you and they'll know they can do it again without repercussions. But if when they slap you, you slap them right back (or hit them with a baseball bat), you keep yourself from being disrespected and they'll know that that's not going to fly.

And despite what you think, I am more sure of who I am than I ever have been before and my responding here has little or nothing to do with other people's opinions, just that person.

And this is a classic cop out argument: when you trivialize any legitimate discussion/disagreement by over emphasizing that it's being held on a website. If I blantantly insulted you, it doesn't matter where or how I do it, it's still an insult.

Also, you end your post by retreating to your moral superior tone which makes it hard to take you seriously. You know I won't ever disrespect you like you like to do me.
Also, I know for a fact that alot of the things that you say can be taken as or just blatantly ARE disrespectful. I'm not referring to the Maria situation because quite frankly, I'm not involved. You two should get a room and yell it out or something.

What I do know is that your attitude towards this game is disrespectful. Whether it be tactics used, your reasons for losing, your view on how good you are, or even the character that someone mains. Alot of the things that you say just piss people off and some people just don't feel like listening to it.

I may elaborate later. BRB LEft 4 Dead or something.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i liked it better for teams than singles.

it made striking a little odd, but the actual playing was indeed different. Like a different sort of intensity...it was odd.

any other thoughts/opinions on it?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
i loved it for teams, didnt really care when it came to singles
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