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¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
I'm not saying that stuff in melee applies in brawl as well.

What I'm saying is that Fox and Falco have a ****load more of advanced tactics than any other character, and no one *****es about fox and falco

But in brawl, i see/hear SO MANY people complain about MK. For what? A nado? A strong glide attack? A shuttle loop? No bad matchups? I don't see why any of those reasons are good enough to ban him.

Cool troll bro.

You must be saying this because when you played mk you didn''t get any immediate results.


Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
But in brawl, i see/hear SO MANY people complain about MK. For what? A nado? A strong glide attack? A shuttle loop? No bad matchups? I don't see why any of those reasons are good enough to ban him.
What would be good enough to ban him? Faster attacks then 90% of the cast in any situation? The ability to recover from anywhere on screen? No bad stages? Then should he be banned?

Sep 30, 2010
nado should shoot out lasers grenades and bananas simultaneously

you can do infinite nados in the air

also it heals you 10% every time you do it


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
This is exactly the attitude we need to have to revive our scene. And precisely why I'm done.

I don't get why you say it's a hopeless matchup. Didnt you like just beat me? According to the matchup list ICs is DDD's worst matchup anyways. I don't see any IC bans. I actually love playing against nub MKs and beating them with characters I'm terrible at. Honestly if you decide to main a mediocre character (:dedede:) you should be aware that you are going to have losing matchups, and are probably going to lose to people that are the same skill level as you just based on the character you use. I think snake is really annoying. I guess I'm just gonna have to run my own :snake:-banned tournaments! Then I'll be having lots of fun!

Also, as long as MK remains legal nationwide, running MK-banned tournaments just makes our state that much worse. As it stands now, a lot of MI players show interest in attending Apex, which will not be MK-banned. That won't be pretty. I'm not totally against a MK ban, I just think the reasons it's occurring in MI are ridiculous. And you know that it isn't just gonna be your tournaments now. You are totally aware of the influence you have on the MI community, and I'm certain every tournament from now on in MI is going to be MK-banned. After a couple of months of MK-banned tournaments we'd probably get ***** by Kentucky or some other free state. Possibly even Illinois. JK about the Illinois part. :yeahboi:

Your comparing different things here. You do not realize the potential and possibilities of MK with his speed at all ranges, game changing potential, and many other things but you should also bring this discussion to competitive discussion on the boards not here, tech decided to host a tounry and i enjoy'd myself a lot more at this tounry and I actually end'd up watching grand finals compared to when I would just walk away not giving a **** about the outcome.

**Your still living in 08 if you have THAT many problems with snake.

Ok, I just have to say this:

I'm getting VERY annoyed with the "ban *insert character here*" bull****. Unless if it's a troll post, then that's different, but still.

You don't see/hear the Melee community complain "Ban :foxmelee:, ban :falcomelee:" all the goddamn time, so why does this have to happen in the Brawl community?

I'm not gonna lie, this is actually one of the reasons I wanted to quit Brawl in the first place.

I just don't see a legitimate reason to ban a certain character.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
More or less waiting for this discussion to die down and then I will release results. I'd rather the arguing gets done here, than in yet another results thread.

Also Grand Finals were pretty fun to watch for a change I have to say. Hmm...I wonder why...:awesome:

Sparta Kick

Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2008
Lain is free as hell. He lost game 5 against Blue Rouge Marth vs. Lucas. That is all.
Sep 30, 2010
yeah dude i dont know a thing about MK's potential

why do people keep acting like i'm 5 years old? i know more about :metaknight: than most people in MI, kthx :yeahboi:

also lucas is broken

Deleted member

TC, post the results ASAP please. Most people check the results on Sundays, and it's needed for data like John #'s charts.

The sooner you post and get the character list sorted out, the better.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
To an extent, I feel the same way. I mean while I host for other peoples' entertainment and to make sure we have an active scene, logically I wouldn't be hosting if I didn't have fun. And for the past 6 months or so I have not been having too much fun but I sucked it up for the community because that's just what I do. I have been putting the needs and fun of others' in Michigan for well over a year now. However, I was more or less getting fed up hosting tournaments I was not having fun at. I host, get stressed out, lose a nearly hopeless MU and then walk away feeling really mad about how I wasted 12 hours of my life not having fun. It legitimately made me want to quit hosting and playing altogether. So I made a decision because not only do I have direct control over this in MI, I have direct control over this on a intercontinental level being in the BBR RC. At the end of the day, I honestly believe things are better without Metaknight in existence. I believe more people have fun and I know that I do personally. I also believe that the growth in our scene is negatively augmented with such a high concentration of Metaknight players here. So yes, I am pro ban now and I will push for it. Gio, I am sorry you have been personally affected by this but I am not sorry for hosting this tournament at all. I can't remember the last time I had enjoyed a tournament I performed badly at. Sometimes I am not able to balance TOing and playing at the same time (its incredibly stressful) but I can live with that if I am having fun. Yesterday made me feel really good about the game again <3

tl;dr - TC is pro ban. Deal with it.

Going to go have some beers now. Shoutouts will be up in a few hours..? Or sooner. Holla.

You are awesome Derek. Thanks for hosting this great tourney that I feel was a huge success.

3-2 was it? I'll be ready to tie this up next time :cool:


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
In the Velvet Room
Also, I'm just gonna say that I have the same feelings as Tutu and Tech. MK stresses me a lot as a character. I'm helpless against him and I have a mental block on him. I normally just give up before even playing now.
Sep 30, 2010
wow. you guys make it sound like he has a 100-0 matchup with every character. suyon, what do you say about earth? tech, how do you explain coney? i'm not saying the matchup is even, but come on. you act as if someone who uses MK is committing some kind of heinous, unspeakable crime.

Blue Rogue

Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Canton, OH
I'm glad I got to show MI the epic 10 game Lain vs Blue grand finals set. hah, everytime!
even though i got home at five am wtf

Deleted member

wow. you guys make it sound like he has a 100-0 matchup with every character. suyon, what do you say about earth? tech, how do you explain coney? i'm not saying the matchup is even, but come on. you act as if someone who uses MK is committing some kind of heinous, unspeakable crime.

I wish the sf community would follow suite and ban Yun.
Oh wait
He's not broken and neither is MK



Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
In the Velvet Room
The MU is just hard for me. As I have said before, I have a mental block on him. I haven't beaten a MK yet in tournament. I just suck against him. The MU is like 70:30. I still don't know what to do against him. I need the ultimate spacing and need to outplay them.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Just because you are one of the few that suck against Snake doesn't make him ban worthy. A LOT of people have problems against MK. That's pretty obvious, or why else would people want to ban him?


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
wow. you guys make it sound like he has a 100-0 matchup with every character. suyon, what do you say about earth? tech, how do you explain coney? i'm not saying the matchup is even, but come on. you act as if someone who uses MK is committing some kind of heinous, unspeakable crime.
Coney quit and Earth lost to m2flavorofthemonth character

I wish the sf community would follow suite and ban Yun.
Oh wait
He's not broken and neither is MK


They nerf'd him

Im going to the results thread now....

Deleted member

Please don't put words in my mouth just to bolster your point because we both know I don't think like that. Let's be realistic here. You have outplayed me in several sets that we faced off against, no doubt about that. However we've also had some very close sets where you barely manage to beat me. In a matchup that is honestly defined as "pretty ****ing bad", do you not think that your character being Metaknight doesn't affect that?

Like when I soundly defeated Junebug in Game 2 of our set, yes I played pretty well. But yes, I also played what is one of Lucario's bad matchups. June is CLEARLY a better player than me but because of my character I was able to close the gap.

Maybe I can't expect someone who has only played a character who has no bad MUs to understand this feeling 100% but there are honestly times where you feel like you didn't lose to the player, you lost to the character the player is playing. Its one thing if you don't know the MU at all and had no idea what to do. Its another when you know exactly what to do and played it a million times and still lose because of the overwhelming advantages the opponent can have.
You just described like every fighting game ever. Lol

If you want to play even matchups then you should play nothing but dittos

Bad match ups aren't supposed to be free you gotta work your *** off

I'm sorry your character gets his butt devasted against metaknight but that's the game you play and you shouldn't be taking your salt out on the metaknight mains

Unless metaknight has some 0 to death guarenteed **** then he shouldn't even be used with the word broken

Maybe you should try picking up a character that doesn't have it so bad



Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
:O a present (@sk) as in snake dittos on wifi? or 100$ mm snake dittos irl?
The rage after that MM would be off the charts. If this ever happens, we need multiple cameras set up, all with bullet proof casings to prevent the footage from being ruined by rogue controller throws.
You gotta rizk it to get the biscuit

Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
There's no need to ban a character if you know e's getting nerfed in a week, if brawl was DLC and if the stages on SF had an effect on the gameplay then maybe comparing the two would hold more than an ounce of weight.

Nobody here is complaining about having bad MUs, it's the fact that MK has no bad matchups that's annoying. He's the best character by far with the next best chracter(Diddy) only beats him on one stage. Call me a screen or w/e, that's retardedly overpowered in a game that's being played competitively. Sure he doesn't have guaranteed 0-deaths on the cast, but he is ungimpable, has the best frame data of of the entire cast, has the best tools for gimping, etc.

Imagine a 2D fighting game where a character with amazing frame data and combo potential, also had the ability to break out of a combo with no cost, and he was the only character that could do that, you wouldn't call that bannable? I sure as hell would.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Like do you people not understand how damn important recovery and gimping is in smash? We can ignore thafact that on stage he still has the strongest overall game slightly worse than Diddy I terms of pure ground ability, and by far the best in the air. The fact that he has 5 mid air jumps and 4 really good recovery moves, 2 strong gimping tools (Dair And Shuttle Loop) a frame 2 up air the leads in virtually his entire aerial move set.

But no I see where you guys are coming from, MK doesn't have any significant advantage over the rest of the cast. Having a flawless recovery isn't important and neither is having amazing gimping options. Everytime I've said is 100% biased because I'm bad at the MK MU.

Regardless I had a fun time at the tournament and plan to attend future MI MK banned events.

Other concerns I do have is that this tpurnemt ran on too long, probably because grand finals went to game 10 and losers went to game 5. If your allowed to due experimental rulesets I wouldn't mind doing a 2 stock 5 minute tournament. Maybe that's just me.
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