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Georgia, you're up to your old tricks again.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Wanna know why our state can't beat out of staters? Because every single time someone throws a tournament, none of you f*ckers show up.

Two weeks ago the Waba Games tournament was canceled because only 8 people showed up.

Yesterday, GaWes and I go to his first tournament since he got back from England, and we were literally the only people that showed up.

Articanus plugged his tournament for almost 6 months and he gets 3 people to come? That's just outright pathetic. Everyone decided that no one was going to show so they weren't going to go themselves. Awesome attitude guys. Anyone ever heard of the concept of a self fulfilling prophecy? No one wanted to go because no one thought anyone else was going to go? Instead of just manning up and giving it a shot? That's downright pathetic.

From the mouth of Wes himself "Did I come back to a state of p*ssies?".

It's the truth. The only people that ever show up to anything are the only ones that are any good, and all the rest of you losers don't even make an effort. Even Omega has been improving significantly since he decided to start venturing out farther than GX.

If you guys don't get your act together and actually start putting forth some effort to support your community, it's going to disappear. Georgia had the chance to go to 6 tournaments in a 2 week period. SIX TOURNAMENTS.


We're such a d@mn joke because every time we manage to organize a tournament the pot size is like 50 bucks. 30 bucks for first place at an 8 person tournament is the reason none of you improve.

AND I GO TO TWO 8 PERSON TOURNAMENTS IN THE SAME WEEK? You all wonder why the skill gap is so large in the state? It's because no one even gives a sh*t enough to come out and actually play the game. No johns, guys, because that's just outright pathetic.

Start supporting your community before you realize too late that you took it for granted. Seriously. You guys suck.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
the savannah tournament was doomed to begin with because waba brawl was the same day which took away alot players and thus incentive to come (including me, no thanks to 4 hour drive when I knew it was only gonna be you guys plus savannah). I instead I chilled with marty and yayz and pb&j.

As for today... I have family plus picking up my sister from the airport because she's been in europe for 2 months johns.

But i dunno why i'm justifying myself since I show up to basically every other tournament.

But I entirely agree that this is a large part of why some people dont improve, but I mean you should know how poor the GA smashers are in general its tough to go places. if you're not in atlanta or in the duluth/lawernceville/suwannee area you aint nowhere.

Its just GA... not every state can have a really strong smash community. Considering, GA is still fairly strong given its limitations by population and well... average income. Bigger states = bigger scenes = better players in general. Thats why you see the top states practically in order being California, New York, Texas, and Florida. 4 most populous states. And then obviously you have the east coast regions where different states often smash together like MD/VA being probably second only to NY in terms of average skill.

We all cant be NY.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
dood if im going to start playing again this whole **** place is gonna have to get about 3 times as big and 5 times as good, i wanna get my *** handed to me first round


beaver bounce

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You guys can start planning right now for MPJVI then. It's on the 17th in Raleigh(Brawl), but there will also be a Melee portion of Jubilee the Saturday beforehand. Hope to see plenty of GA there.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
You guys can start planning right now for MPJVI then. It's on the 17th in Raleigh(Brawl), but there will also be a Melee portion of Jubilee the Saturday beforehand. Hope to see plenty of GA there.
Yo, this.

If GA needs help getting to MPJ, I MIGHT be on the way for you. If that is the case I can save three people some gas (I am only taking myself and picking up Yay on the way there) so if it helps, come by my house and I'll take everyone up there. Just saying, Chaddd etc if you need a little boost getting up I'm not charging gas money you are my homies after all.

I wish GA had more melee community. It's too late for me to even WISH SC had anything. But yeah, there is my proposition if you guys want help getting to MPJ (provided I am on the way, which may be the case)

edit for Wes : KRUNKLE KICK


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2006
Stone Mountain, GA, USA
But I entirely agree that this is a large part of why some people dont improve, but I mean you should know how poor the GA smashers are in general its tough to go places. if you're not in atlanta or in the duluth/lawernceville/suwannee area you aint nowhere.
... thanks:(

*goes home*



Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
sup i figured I would check out the smash scene here cause i need more comp :p, ive been playin fightin games competitively since like 2000 in mvc2/3s/etc, and ive been playin melee competitively for who knows how long, but i tried pickin it up again after brawl and its like a foreign country to me...so to sum it up, i play brawl and i wanna play people :|

I live in Savannah GA for the most part, my hometown bein Augusta, but i go by namynam, if any of you were at Final Round in atl, I was the one playing Diddy...Im jus lookin to play some high lvl comp or atleast play people that have a good mindset, I dont really check here that often, but i'll try to, if not IM me "thenamynam"


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i hope you people get your attendance issues in order by October. I really was looking forward to goign to Impact Clash in october for brawl, but if my car of 5 people would be the only ones there...well then, that'd be the most pointless 7 hour drive ever :(

Dr F-U-N

Smash Cadet
May 12, 2008
sup i figured I would check out the smash scene here cause i need more comp :p, ive been playin fightin games competitively since like 2000 in mvc2/3s/etc, and ive been playin melee competitively for who knows how long, but i tried pickin it up again after brawl and its like a foreign country to me...so to sum it up, i play brawl and i wanna play people :|

I live in Savannah GA for the most part, my hometown bein Augusta, but i go by namynam, if any of you were at Final Round in atl, I was the one playing Diddy...Im jus lookin to play some high lvl comp or atleast play people that have a good mindset, I dont really check here that often, but i'll try to, if not IM me "thenamynam"
i hope you people get your attendance issues in order by October. I really was looking forward to goign to Impact Clash in october for brawl, but if my car of 5 people would be the only ones there...well then, that'd be the most pointless 7 hour drive ever :(

This is about the melee scene. Brawl is killing melee in this state. Enjoy yourselves.

Dr F-U-N

Smash Cadet
May 12, 2008
oh? i was told that no one in GA likes brawl and the tourneys for it are small/non-existant
Only on the boards. All of the people that wouldn't dare enter a melee tournament are all of a sudden the **** talkers and people going to brawl tournaments. There was a local tourney here saturday with more people playing brawl friendlies than there were in the melee tournament the week before and the day after combined.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
there are a few people i kno that can play brawl competitively in GA, but i guess this is the wrong place to find comp :p

I useto prefer melee over brawl too, but after playing brawl a lot ive found some interesting things...

gamedragon, how far are u and ur crew from savannah, ga?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Only on the boards. All of the people that wouldn't dare enter a melee tournament are all of a sudden the **** talkers and people going to brawl tournaments. There was a local tourney here saturday with more people playing brawl friendlies than there were in the melee tournament the week before and the day after combined.
oh...so a bunch of people play brawl...but none of them are on the boards

probably meaning they suck all kinds of ***

ill remember your anguish when im taking their money :laugh:

Edit: i live in florida. Its a 7 hour drive to atlanta


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
lol you mentioned something about "ripping GA" while walking out the door. I see what you meant now. XD

DruggedFox actually gave a realistic prediction to how the tourney would work out. Everyone says "yay Savannah", and slowly cancels last minute.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for actually showing up. You, Wes, and Datman were unimaginably cool and nice. Especially Chaddd, whom I really expected to come in all high and mighty. That's what you get for trying to read people online.

You could have also mentioned how we also don't completely suck, contradictory to what the majority of what GA believes.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
i really dont understand how some people here are talking about one scene "killing" another when these people were never part of said "dying" scene.

stop blaming **** and just step it up, we live in a state with a population of 8 million or so, we can go to two different game tournaments

sux a dix


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Pardon me and my Columbus friends for being poor lol. We did make it to NOYS2 (not to mention FAST1 broke my primary ride lol, and I was broke anyways. /money johns), but I think we'll be better off once school starts back up (mid August). For some reason, our attendace is always highest during the fall and winter terms. :)


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Pardon me and my Columbus friends for being poor lol. We did make it to NOYS2 (not to mention FAST1 broke my primary ride lol, and I was broke anyways. /money johns), but I think we'll be better off once school starts back up (mid August). For some reason, our attendace is always highest during the fall and winter terms. :)
Why don't you guys host another G4S, they always get a good turnout and its closer than sanvannah, by like 3 to 4 hours and thats a big factor in my opinion. But you guys are better than Bama in melee hands down. And I heard that your state is getting better. At least thats what i heard at FAST 1.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
The main problem with hosting another G4S is that I have to go through the Campus Nerds for the room at CSU. This time around, they want to charge a fee for their organization, and I don't like that. Also on a personal note, I'm not too keen on hosting another one at the moment, since I don't have any of my old resources that I used to (specifically housing and equipment for the tourny such as tables and chairs and whatnot).

I'll look into it once classes start and the CN gets back. Hopefully I can convince them to just leave me alone and not charge me a fee and use their equipment. No promises though. :)

I've Jihad It

Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2006
Storrs, School of Architecture
Chaddd and GAwes , I miss you both along with Mike and the others .

I really do hope you guys can make it to NC's biggest tourny which is MPJ4 , I will assure you that you guys will have a lot of fun , VA most likely will show up as well, so I hope you guys come !

Mike , you guys still visitin me when I come back right ( i'll be back in Charlotte august 3rd) ? :p so just come over on the 4rth of August or 5th :p ... I hope so !


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
Im assuming this is a broad accusation trying to stir up tempers and get more people to tournaments.
If so then I completly agree and think more people should go to tournaments.

If I am one of the people its aimed at, however, I disagree.

I have been to almost all the big out of state tournaments and most of the Ga tournaments in the past year. I have hosted two tournaments at my house and I have tried to get more people to play melee.
But if yall expect every single person to go to every single tournament thats just stupid.

I try to make it to every tournament even though im low on money and have parents.

So if this is directed towards me then yall are both hypocrytes, not deserving this response.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
If I recall correctly, you and XIF decided to not come to the Savannah tourney after realizing the poor turnout, which didn't ever solve the problem at all by the way.

Oh, and **** you XIF.

You didn't even bother to post in the savannah thread, so you have no say in the Savannah's downfall at all. In fact, you contributed to its fall.

How the **** was it doomed from the start also? I posted it 3 months before in 3 different topics for a single tourney. Waba is a ****ing monthly that will happen time and time again. Everyone's excuse was either "too far" or "no one will be there".

And don't think I'm underestimating you melee skills XIF: in fact, it's pretty clear to me that I would lose. What I don't think you have is a great sense of moral fiber.

Seriously, GA sucks and Savannah is the worst because we don't go anywhere yet we are *****ing because no one showed at ours. Go figure.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
Everybody needs to get back down to earth about this;

Its only a game, even if its one we care about.
There's no need to point fingers and say "You didn't show, its your fault"

Or "You guys should come to our tournaments more"

In the end, the only way the community will grow is if people have the desire to compete and improve, and are willing to find ways to make that happen.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
If I recall correctly, you and XIF decided to not come to the Savannah tourney after realizing the poor turnout, which didn't ever solve the problem at all by the way.

Oh, and **** you XIF.

You didn't even bother to post in the savannah thread, so you have no say in the Savannah's downfall at all. In fact, you contributed to its fall.

How the **** was it doomed from the start also? I posted it 3 months before in 3 different topics for a single tourney. Waba is a ****ing monthly that will happen time and time again. Everyone's excuse was either "too far" or "no one will be there".

And don't think I'm underestimating you melee skills XIF: in fact, it's pretty clear to me that I would lose. What I don't think you have is a great sense of moral fiber.

Seriously, GA sucks and Savannah is the worst because we don't go anywhere yet we are *****ing because no one showed at ours. Go figure.
moral fiber?

I didnt show up to a video game tournament 4 hours away from me.


the fvck happened to your head when you were a kid?

I've traveled to tournaments more miles then you probably have on your car. so just because I felt like not going to one tournament when I had to be back here on sunday anyway and most of my friends werent going either I dont have... moral fiber.

I wasnt even supposed to be here this weekend anyway, plus i'm leaving for a 600 miles trip to Florida on tuesday. Apologies for not wanting to add another 500 miles to my car that already has too many miles on it for the time i've had it. I feel quite justified in saying stuff your stupid face and shut up about my tournament attendance, especially when you dont know my circumstances.

I wasnt even insulting you or your tournament even... I was stating how I felt and other facts.

moral fiber.... honestly.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
If I recall correctly, you and XIF decided to not come to the Savannah tourney after realizing the poor turnout, which didn't ever solve the problem at all by the way.

Oh, and **** you XIF.

You didn't even bother to post in the savannah thread, so you have no say in the Savannah's downfall at all. In fact, you contributed to its fall.

How the **** was it doomed from the start also? I posted it 3 months before in 3 different topics for a single tourney. Waba is a ****ing monthly that will happen time and time again. Everyone's excuse was either "too far" or "no one will be there".
You barely posted at all, what the hell? TGM was advertised everywhere as much as possible. You guys made the thread, posted in a few GA threads ONCE, then let it sit on its ***. GG advertising.

Seriously, GA sucks and Savannah is the worst because we don't go anywhere yet we are *****ing because no one showed at ours. Go figure.

I would have went but I had no gas moneys. poor johns.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
athens, ga
yo wes i haven't been to xplayground since smash aid X and im thinkin it's time to hit larry's *** up again .. he's a ******* and needs to let us run that place for a Fri/Sat instead of that Sun/Mon ****..

bytheway i was like || this close || to showing up at waba. im ****in glad i didn't now cos i saved a bunch of money switching my car insurance to Geico
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