Reflex, the point wasn't how old the match was which I thought I made clear. The point is the game is a huge *** counter picking game. "Meta Knight doesn't have any troublesome matchups, as we once thought." Before I even begin to say how false this is, how can you say D3 vs Wario isn't that bad? Malcolm is the best Wario @ this game. He loses to Atomsk like every tourney because of D3 vs Wario. He hasn't given up on the MU, but he will tell you how horrible that MU is.
Wanna know what happened when, Atomsk supposedly "quit"? Malcolm went on a ****ing streak of impressive tourney's. Winning in both Doubles and Singles in a good MD/VA tourney, And when Atomsk came back he didn't have to play him early in bracket, and winded up beating ADHD.
Another example, some people in Socal agreed to a MK banned tourney. Tyrant attended and still won. Proving his point that the game is still a counter picking game.
Coutner picks still exist in the game and complaining about the 1 that has no bad MU yet to ban him is weak imo. Especially when he's not dominant here, we don't have any here, and you haven't tried to learn it here. Mostly everyone in the game at this point that plays the game seriously/competitively is prepared and plays the MU. It's about accepting the fact that he's there, not saying "Man there's talk about banning him lets ban him even though he doesn't stop me from winning in my region." Now if you ask the person, "would you like to ban MK" they'll more than likely say yes just so they don't have to deal with him. It's competition. I bet if you ask the same person "What about Falco and Diddy too?" They'd say yeah. It's competition. Why not take out a character or player's main that they've used for 3 years and I don't even lose to or isn't even here. As long as he can't pick him I'll ban him lol.
Reflex you can beat MK, but I think me saying that is irrelevant because, I don't think you'll push yourself to even believe that. You can't accept he's in this game. A lot of our scene can't accept many things in this game. The character has very many troublesome MU's they just aren't bad MU's and I think that's because of our stage list, which I can agree is bad.That's what makes us seem weak. Not the fact that we don't place well OoS. The fact that we don't accept the game for what it is.