This logic really doesn't hold up if you look at the data we have.
First off, K Rool is likely the character who did the best. Just looking back at how much propaganda and general talk going on about him at the time, there is no way he didn't destroy the Ballot.
However, Ridley fans were very much discouraged at this time, considering they got yet another snub with Ridley being a stage mechanic. Since most people were fooled into thinking this poll was for Smash 4 and not for the next game, the odds they did much voting is incredibly low.
In comparison, we don't know about B&K's numbers, but Geno did well enough to be mentioned in specific by Sakurai who suggested he still gets a lot of requests, so I'm pretty sure we did alright in that department.
By this diagram, which was concluded right after Roy's reveal (but transpired before his reveal), you can see that just in Japan alone K Rool is krushing the competition, but look at where our boy is at. TIED with the bear and bird of legend, that's a big feat in itself. And remember, this is just Japan, not the West where we have a different culture and were likely going up against stuff like Chief and Waluigi.
You guys just need more patience and to realize that big names like Cloud, Hero and Sephiroth just have more mass appeal and are a security net as well as characters Sakurai personally loves.