It's less about Disney since it's mostly the hardasses at Disney Japan that need to be won over, but it's more about the fact that putting in Sora over Geno would please more fans overall. That was the argument I was making, that Sora is a much more requested character over all audiences than Geno is, and thus you could pull another Cloud, Steve or Sephiroth and pick him over Geno and break the internet. I'm VERY confident that Sora would make around the same amount of money as Steve while Geno would not.
Let us not forget that Steve both made crazy DLC money AND boosted sales of Ultimate back to around launch numbers. I'm certain Sora would give similar results.
First off, I would like you to consider that you are taking a rather pessimistic approach to this, and I'm coming from a newer approach in my life which is to be optimistic and positive in all things in my life, regardless of circumstances. I'm doing this because a friend of mine has had a pretty great life and has his life all put together and rarely does anything bad happen to him, and he chalks it up to the Law of Attraction and being more positive, however in my personal life I'm rather negative about myself and my goals and desires because bad things tend to happen to me. Every since I started forcing myself to look at things more positively in my personal life, I've noticed many improvements over all in many different areas, and I do believe that if you convince yourself something bad will happen that you make such events more likely to happen as well as tend to make more choices that allow them to happen since you are convinced they will happen anyway.
However there are things that are more set in stone, such as business decisions in which the Law of Attraction I don't think applies since it's more of a personal thing, so no I'm not suggesting that any one person's pessimism is stopping Geno from getting in. However, I think if you approach things from a more positive light it will be healthier for in general. This goes back to the stupid
hype responsibly thing: instead of curbing your excited, allow yourself to appreciate more things and be happy or excited about them, and if what you wanted didn't happen don't take it so personally because not only is it likely to happen later on but Nintendo is a big company with many fan bases to tend to so it may take some time.
As for Square I fail to see the reasoning here: they have done nothing but cater to fans since essentially the Switch's launch, and not even just with Nintendo fans. Not every character or every decision needs to make massive amounts of money, as some of them need to build good PR with your customers, and Geno is exactly that for Smash. Also, Geno doesn't need a SMRPG revival to get in, however I will stress that the rumors around SMRPG are very credible ones, though I can't say any more than that unfortunately, though I will say you should keep in mind events that happened in 2018. Remember that Banjo & Kazooie still doesn't have a remake or re-release in such a long time, yet the bear and bird are here.
Just so you know, I've been off-and-on wanting just flat out more SMRPG recognition since I played the game in 96. I've wanted Geno in Smash since the game got it's first installment on 64, although it would take a fresh reminder in 2005 to get out of my Pokemon haze. Many other Geno fans have been waiting a VERY long time, and we've had lots of ups and downs. Frankly, one of our strongest moments was how hard we fought and how positive we were to get enough requests in the ballot for Sakurai to mention we still want him by a decent margin, for us to even GET that interview and that costume. Our weakest moment is right now, being bullied and convinced that his chances are over over a single reused asset. Just remember that people in the general thread will even admit to Mii Costumes not deconfirming, but in the same post say Geno is still out, despite just saying that the only thing holding him back doesn't count.
We live in a community in which their failure to relate to our hype causes them to hate more than to come to an understanding, because they see how far we've come and how close we are and that means Geno is a character that is a threat to their most wanted in their eyes. To them, some dumb puppet from a dead game series that some boomer gamers fawn over has more of a chance than a number of characters that by all rights and accounts he just flat out shouldn't...but he does.
He does, and it's because of all of us fans making our wishes known for so long.
But if we give up at any point and we all just collapse like we are very close to doing, that could very easily ruin everything.
Geno doesn't have mainstream desire.
Geno doesn't have major profit.
Geno doesn't even have strong iconic appeal in comparison to other characters.
All he has is us.
They way I see it is, I feel like Samwise Gamgee when I see my fellow Geno fans being like Frodo Baggins. We've already crossed through so many obstacles, and by all rights we and Geno shouldn't even be here competing to get into Smash with names like Sephiroth and Joker and Steve and Hero. But then I look at all the older stories, the stories of Little Mac, of Pit, of Ridley and King K. Rool and Banjo & Kazooie. They didn't get in because they gave up and went home, because they decided it wasn't possible and that they would rather quietly wait in the shadows with predetermined disappointment. No, they kept spamming on social media and making videos and leaving comments and circulating talk about their characters even far beyond past the point where people wanted them to sit down and shut up! To them, seeing their character get in was a life goal, a sign of accomplishment and recognition, and chance for what they once and still loved to once again shine on in the future forever known as being in the Smash Video Game Hall Of Fame.
Do we want to join them or don't we?
You may think that your disbelief or your attempt to ward of minor disappointment does nothing, but I see the effects of it everywhere. The admins on this site got rid of someone who kept us talking and inspired, regardless of how or why or what happened next and they killed off the hype of our movement on this site as well. This rippled with the costume reveal, and now Geno fans on social media have given up, many going as far as to insult those who still hold fast to their dreams and also encourage them to quit. If you sink into this level of apathy or despair then you will inevitably spread such emotions and ideas to other Geno fans who may just be barely holding onto a thread of hope, cutting them down and now they too wallow in being self-convinced of impossibility. Eventually, the fan base dwindles until it's a mere fraction of what it was, and if it does so happen that Geno doesn't get in Ultimate then the push behind him for the next Smash will be so weak it may never be realized ever.
Geno doesn't need a new game.
Geno doesn't need mainstream appeal.
He doesn't need to suddenly be a major profit.
He needs us to not give up.