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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
I spotted this over on GameFAQs-


The bottom-left of the packaging only mentions "©Disney". There isn't a single mention of Square-Enix anywhere on the packaging. Looks like Geno still has a shot after all.


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Geno fans should be more worried about Dragon Quest than Kingdom Hearts to be honest.

In a perfect world, we'd get all three, but alas this is not such a place. My money is on Dragon Quest.

I'm still hopeful that Geno gets in but I'm just not feeling it.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
Geno fans should be more worried about Dragon Quest than Kingdom Hearts to be honest.

In a perfect world, we'd get all three, but alas this is not such a place. My money is on Dragon Quest.

I'm still hopeful that Geno gets in but I'm just not feeling it.
I just think it appears Square is pretty tough to deal with. Would it be easier for them to add a character they already have all the rights to or a character from a franchise where they would have to go through licensing hell. I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember any indication that DQ is even on Sakurai's radar. I personally don't see DQ as likely, but that's just my opinion.

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
Geno fans should be more worried about Dragon Quest than Kingdom Hearts to be honest.

In a perfect world, we'd get all three, but alas this is not such a place. My money is on Dragon Quest.

I'm still hopeful that Geno gets in but I'm just not feeling it.
i mean, dragon quest has practically no presence in america compared to japan, and its kinda obvious theyd make way more selling a geno dlc compared to any dragon quest character


Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2009
Dragon Quest has rights issues with music and the original character designer would want a cut, too. Dragon Quest isn't purely just Square-Enix.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Geno fans should be more worried about Dragon Quest than Kingdom Hearts to be honest.

In a perfect world, we'd get all three, but alas this is not such a place. My money is on Dragon Quest.

I'm still hopeful that Geno gets in but I'm just not feeling it.
This x1000; you guys know Geno is my most wanted, and I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes down, but personally my hopes were crushed after Thursday. I'm done expecting anything from this game, and with the way everything has gone over the past 10 years I would put my money on a DQ character over Sora and Geno as well.

I refuse to use the Mii costume as well, so I guess it's Ridley and Rool at launch for me.

I just think it appears Square is pretty tough to deal with. Would it be easier for them to add a character they already have all the rights to or a character from a franchise where they would have to go through licensing hell. I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember any indication that DQ is even on Sakurai's radar. I personally don't see DQ as likely, but that's just my opinion.
Rights are not an issue; if he wanted Geno in the game, he would be in it. A DQ character makes a ton of sense: a new franchise for Smash, an anime sword user and something no one is expecting (since all the talk is Sora/Geno).

I hope I am wrong, and I usually am, so I guess that's good for Geno; literally the only good thing that happened this cycle was on E3 I went to my lunch break chanting "Ridley! Ridley!" and we all know how that ended. In that one Famitsu article Sakurai essentially deconfirmed him for life, but I didn't lose hope.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
This x1000; you guys know Geno is my most wanted, and I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes down, but personally my hopes were crushed after Thursday. I'm done expecting anything from this game, and with the way everything has gone over the past 10 years I would put my money on a DQ character over Sora and Geno as well.

I refuse to use the Mii costume as well, so I guess it's Ridley and Rool at launch for me.

Rights are not an issue; if he wanted Geno in the game, he would be in it. A DQ character makes a ton of sense: a new franchise for Smash, an anime sword user and something no one is expecting (since all the talk is Sora/Geno).

I hope I am wrong, and I usually am, so I guess that's good for Geno; literally the only good thing that happened this cycle was on E3 I went to my lunch break chanting "Ridley! Ridley!" and we all know how that ended. In that one Famitsu article Sakurai essentially deconfirmed him for life, but I didn't lose hope.
All I'm saying is I don't know why suddenly DQ is looked as a guarantee by so many. Sure it could happen, but it's a franchise that is massive in Japan, and so-so elsewhere. I mean if I weren't on these boards I wouldn't be able to tell you any DQ character's name. At least Sora has more of a wide appeal. I have never played Kingdom Hearts, but I can at least appreciate how big of an icon Sora is. As for Geno, obviously I'll have a bit of Geno-Bias, but at least he came from a Mario franchise. Sure there are people who don't know him, but among the Smash community, Geno has a huge following, where DQ just doesn't.

Deleted member

I understand we're your all coming from.

I have faith Geno will be in.

But if not yeah Sora will be great I'd get DLC just for him cause I love Kingdom Hearts. Plus he's a character I hold close to my heart Also not much knowledge about Dragon Quest but if one of their characters got in, yeah that's cool.

I still have hope Geno will be in,

But I'm braced for him not being in. Let's just see how it unfolds if it's Geno we celebrate. If not then we prepare for the future.

But I believe in Geno till then.

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
All I'm saying is I don't know why suddenly DQ is looked as a guarantee by so many. Sure it could happen, but it's a franchise that is massive in Japan, and so-so elsewhere. I mean if I weren't on these boards I wouldn't be able to tell you any DQ character's name. At least Sora has more of a wide appeal. I have never played Kingdom Hearts, but I can at least appreciate how big of an icon Sora is. As for Geno, obviously I'll have a bit of Geno-Bias, but at least he came from a Mario franchise. Sure there are people who don't know him, but among the Smash community, Geno has a huge following, where DQ just doesn't.
ive lurked here for years and have been active for the past week or so and i still couldnt name anyone who wasnt "slime"


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2013
Plot twist: we get Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series - because reasons!

But in all seriousness, I'm hoping we find out who the DLC characters are before Christmas. Or at least Geno before Christmas. Or January. Just don't make me wait until next September.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2018
I'm just going to post rumors even if I think they are fake so we have them as reference.

It'll be kind of like a historical archive for the next generation of Geno supporters
I can see it now: "Grandpa, did you hear? Smash Bros. 20 is coming out!" "Come, sit here on grandpappy's lap, let me tell you a story about my most wanted character, Geno." "Who?" ":dizzy:"


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
All I'm saying is I don't know why suddenly DQ is looked as a guarantee by so many. Sure it could happen, but it's a franchise that is massive in Japan, and so-so elsewhere. I mean if I weren't on these boards I wouldn't be able to tell you any DQ character's name. At least Sora has more of a wide appeal. I have never played Kingdom Hearts, but I can at least appreciate how big of an icon Sora is. As for Geno, obviously I'll have a bit of Geno-Bias, but at least he came from a Mario franchise. Sure there are people who don't know him, but among the Smash community, Geno has a huge following, where DQ just doesn't.
I'm literally so confused and so demoralized that I don't even know my ass from a hole in the wall; didn't PapaGenos say he was hearing about a DQ rep? I know that really doesn't mean much (and nothing really does unless it comes from Verge's mouth), but I'm literally just going with my mind, which is screaming that a DQ rep fits because it would disappoint me, it would likely just be another human sword-wielder, etc.

I wonder if Piranha being a Mario rep hurts Geno's chances in any way (something no one is talking about), but I don't think there are any rules at this point. Sakurai destroyed Isaac (who arguably had more support than Geno) with one blow; all we have to live on is a quote from how many years ago, which I'm not even convinced is a factor at this point.

I can see it now: "Grandpa, did you hear? Smash Bros. 20 is coming out!" "Come, sit here on grandpappy's lap, let me tell you a story about my most wanted character, Geno." "Who?" ":dizzy:"
Comment of the year. :smash:


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
I refuse to use the Mii costume as well, so I guess it's Ridley and Rool at launch for me.
Same, there's no way that I use a MII Costume. I don't feel like I'm playing the character that I want, I just feel like I'm playing another character with a costume. If your neigbour wears a Michael Jackson's costume, you're not going to "feel like it's him", no.
So yeah, same thing, I'll just spam K Rool and other characters like Simon, Ridley or Pac Man. But not the Geno costume.

I really hope that Geno is coming. At least, we're not going to wait very long, In January, we'll probably now if he's in or not.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2018
i think it might be deconfirming sora as the square enix rep since he isnt really a square character
(dragon quest characters arent really square either, square just publishes the games afaik)
I figure if Sora's in he'll still be broadly considered a Square character, even if he's not outright owned by them.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2006
I'm literally so confused and so demoralized that I don't even know my *** from a hole in the wall; didn't PapaGenos say he was hearing about a DQ rep? I know that really doesn't mean much (and nothing really does unless it comes from Verge's mouth), but I'm literally just going with my mind, which is screaming that a DQ rep fits because it would disappoint me, it would likely just be another human sword-wielder, etc.

I wonder if Piranha being a Mario rep hurts Geno's chances in any way (something no one is talking about), but I don't think there are any rules at this point. Sakurai destroyed Isaac (who arguably had more support than Geno) with one blow; all we have to live on is a quote from how many years ago, which I'm not even convinced is a factor at this point.
I guess we'll find out soon enough. I'm also in the mindset that I don't really trust anything anyone says aside from maybe Verge. Even then I don't look at that as a guarantee. I think we have more to live on that a single quote, but I know what you're saying. Piranha Plant may hurt, he may not. Like you said I don't think there are rules. Alternatively, just because a DQ character gets in, doesn't rule out another character that has ties to Square. But I still really don't see it. I could be wrong, but I'd bet against it and that's not because of Geno, it's because I really don't see them looking to that series.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Having a Disney's character is just something too big, people would not say "that's a Square Enix rep", no, everyone would say "that's a Disney character" because it's just too huge to ignore it.
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Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Dragon Quest is a phenomenon in Japan. It not being that big in the west doesn't really matter all that much. Also in terms of rights issues, Fortune Street exists. The problems people bring up aren't real problems. Same with Sora related issues though. Everything can be worked out. Including Geno.

My own personal theory is that we'll get Erdrick as DLC in the first wave (which will be completely guest focused), but if there is a second wave, it'll be more Nintendo oriented and Geno (while being owned by Square Enix) will appear there. He'll be the initial hype character for the second wave. That's only a theory though. There might not be a second wave whatsoever.
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Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Same, there's no way that I use a MII Costume. I don't feel like I'm playing the character that I want, I just feel like I'm playing another character with a costume. If your neigbour wears a Michael Jackson's costume, you're not going to "feel like it's him", no.
So yeah, same thing, I'll just spam K Rool and other characters like Simon, Ridley or Pac Man. But not the Geno costume.

I really hope that Geno is coming. At least, we're not going to wait very long, In January, we'll probably now if he's in or not.
Yup; they put way too much effort into Mii's, that they just piss everyone off. As I said earlier in the thread, they should've just done Geno and Isaac instead of the sword/gunner, and then had the Mii just borrow its moveset from its own games.

Did they even say anything about using Mii fighters online?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Ok so a long time ago I mentioned there was a piece of geno fanart that had him in more than just a cape. Think I found it.

Of course your memory of older things can often be cloudy, so i realize now I don’t like it quite as much as I originally thought i did. It just “stood out” and stuck with me because it was different enough.

Still it’s not too bad...

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
Dragon Quest is a phenomenon in Japan. It not being that big in the west doesn't really matter all that much. Also in terms of rights issues, Fortune Street exists. The problems people bring up aren't real problems. Same with Sora related issues though. Everything can be worked out. Including Geno.

My own personal theory is that we'll get Erdrick as DLC in the first wave (which will be completely guest focused), but if there is a second wave, it'll be more Nintendo oriented and Geno (while being owned by Square Enix) will appear there. He'll be the initial hype character for the second wave. That's only a theory though. There might not be a second wave whatsoever.
i just genuinely cant see sakurai selling a character that only japan cares about as dlc, let alone square being ok with selling a dlc character that'll only have japanese appeal.

square obviously wouldnt want to do dlc unless they could get some good money, and other than sora, geno is probably the most popular character they have in terms of international appeal


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Dragon Quest is a phenomenon in Japan. It not being that big in the west doesn't really matter all that much. Also in terms of rights issues, Fortune Street exists. The problems people bring up aren't real problems. Same with Sora related issues though. Everything can be worked out. Including Geno.

My own personal theory is that we'll get Erdrick as DLC in the first wave (which will be completely guest focused), but if there is a second wave, it'll be more Nintendo oriented and Geno (while being owned by Square Enix) will appear there. He'll be the initial hype character for the second wave. That's only a theory though. There might not be a second wave whatsoever.
You seem to forget that the last character always HAS TO BE a hype killer. Here comes Fortnite's dancer.

paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
You seem to forget that the last character always HAS TO BE a hype killer. Here comes Fortnite's dancer.
i mean, bayonetta (i think she was the last one? i dont remember if it was her or corrin) at least had a sizeable audience in europe, and a moderate one everywhere else, so not much of a hype killer unless ya didnt particularly like her tbh


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2010
Ontario, Canada
i just genuinely cant see sakurai selling a character that only japan cares about as dlc, let alone square being ok with selling a dlc character that'll only have japanese appeal.

square obviously wouldnt want to do dlc unless they could get some good money, and other than sora, geno is probably the most popular character they have in terms of international appeal
I completely disagree. Dragon Quest is so big in Japan, it doesn't matter if it doesn't have mass appeal. There still going to make a ton of money on it. Western Smash fans will still buy it.

Plus Dragon Quest is one of the last big franchises from the NES/Famicom era not yet in Smash. And Dragon Quest XI is coming to Switch. Kingdom Hearts 3 is not.

And then there's the whole Katalina/Grandblue thing that could be happening.
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paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
I completely disagree. Dragon Quest is so big in Japan, it doesn't matter if it doesn't have mass appeal. There still going to make a ton of money on it. Western Smash fans will still buy it.

Plus Dragon Quest is one of the last big franchises from the NES/Famicom era not yet in Smash.

And then there's the whole Katalina/Grandblue thing that could be happening.
they wouldnt make nearly as much with dragon quest compared to geno if we believe sakurai's comments about how popular geno was in the smash ballot


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
i mean, bayonetta (i think she was the last one? i dont remember if it was her or corrin) at least had a sizeable audience in europe, and a moderate one everywhere else, so not much of a hype killer unless ya didnt particularly like her tbh
Don't forget she was also #1 worldwide. ;)

they wouldnt make nearly as much with dragon quest compared to geno if we believe sakurai's comments about how popular geno was in the smash ballot
Despite these characters being individual sales, I don't think popularity dictates choices, and I think that comment was just him talking about the last 10+ years, not the ballot.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
I'm stuck in the '90s: all I care about is Geno, Banjo, K. Rool... these adorable cartoon characters; they don't make 'em like that anymore.

New characters I would actually enjoy would be Cuphead and Yooka & Laylee (I know that game didn't go over too well); Cuphead seems so ideal (and worst case could even be a Mega Man Echo), but I guess no one considers him since he's not on a Nintendo console... how is that game not on Switch?

I have no connection to Minecraft/Undertale (though Undertale does look cool and I did watch Etika play a bit of it); I'm just a dinosaur.

https://youtu.be/S7blkui3nQc - I’ll play this when/if Geno gets confirmed for DLC.
https://youtu.be/4fWyzwo1xg0 - If Geno is deconfirmed/or doesn’t even show up.
Can't go wrong with either song tbh; I watched Metallica kill MoP on Stern, and Silence is a GOAT song.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I'm not counting on a season 2

I'm taking it as now or never.

Going for Geno season 1
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paper roxy

Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2018
Water 7
I'm not counting on a season 2
i am simply because its the only way they could milk smash for all its worth without going through the hell of getting the rights for all of the 3rd party characters a 3rd (and for some a 4th) time, and theyd also have to figure out how to make the roster balanced for all of the minute changes between each sequel, and it just wouldnt be able to be marketted unless they went through a literally hell development cycle. if there isnt a 2nd season i dont see any new smash content for a loooong time


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2018
Geno fans should be more worried about Dragon Quest than Kingdom Hearts to be honest.

In a perfect world, we'd get all three, but alas this is not such a place. My money is on Dragon Quest.

I'm still hopeful that Geno gets in but I'm just not feeling it.
Dragon quest? K now were grasping for STRAWS jk. But in all seriousness the Last time we got a Japanese wanted character was melee aka marth roy. Since then we've been getting characters people want everywhere and plus the west is a bigger selling audience or something along those lines. "Then why not try to make it more popular in the west through Dragon quest in smash?" Here's the thing, SAKURAI picks the character not the company and there hasn't been i time i know of when they requested a different character instead. He just leaves if they say no. Unless it's Bandana dee who is wanted in Japan however popular other places too, i just can't see him doing that. Takamaru is proof of this. He didn't add him because he "Wasn't popular in the west for smash 4." P.s. before you say "then why did he get cloud instead of Geno for smash 4?" He literally said in a article "This isn't completely accurate but, out all square enix characters 1/3 wanted cloud and i wanted to know if it's ok if we could use him if he won" something like that.
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