Yung Zuby the Falco God
This is interesting. https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/42489/p/897
He's gotta at least be a Mii Costume again.
Just gonna quote a post of mine from The Squenix Thread. As hardcore a Geno fan that I am, I definitely feel like this is where the Mii Costume purchase is coming from.God, yeah, I really hope so. I'm pretty positive he won't be playable, so getting his Mii costume back would at least be a fine consolation prize alongside the spirit and battle tag.
It just makes too much sense.I honestly think the '1 Mii Costume' thing on the site is a way for people to buy Rex Mii costume who didn't preorder the fighter pack or bought individual characters.
99% of all preorder/bundle buys eventually make their way onto the market as single items for both an extra cash grab and a way for people who didn't get them in a bundle to still own them.
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