Smash Ace
Uh, no need for the rant. I don’t think myself or anyone else said they would add Sephiroth just to shill the remake, or that it could come to Switch. And like you said, Square is not choosing, and I think Sakurai would rather add Geno. But if there was ever a situation where Square approached Sakurai about adding Sephiroth, I don’t think he would be like “no, I would rather add a character from a different FF game.”Well , i think everyone will just move onto the Geno character thread , and the discord servers. And hey , for all we know , they might tease us with "a character from SMRPG" , and we'll spend 4 months speculating if Boshi is going to be that rep
Here's the main issue. FF7 REMAKE ISN'T GOING TO BE ON SWITCH , THE GAME LITTERALY NEED 2 DISCS , A SWITCH CARDRIGE IS EITHER 8 OR 16 GYGABITES. I'm sorry if I sound aggressive , but if this game is already pushing the PS4 to it's limits , there is no way this game could make it on Switch unless it get that weird FF15 Pocket Edition treatment , wich is highly unlikely.
Furthermore... Square Enix is not choosing their character for Smash. It's not their game. Nintendo wanted Hero in Smash because it would be huge for the japanese crowd , solidify their relationship with SE even more , and SE asked that the main hero would be from the latest game to promote it. (DQ 11 S is a Switch exclusive ehanced port , it has all the content from the PS4 and 3DS version from what I recall.)
And if we get Sephiroth... It's because it's Sephiroth , not because of the remake.don't have P5 on Switch ,
was pretty much Sakurai telling us "buy Rare Replay on XBOX ONE" ,
didn't have any big new games coming to Switch , only NEO GEO Archive on the eshop , and
game was out since several months already...
Like , am I the only one who took a step back and realized that the only semi-shill character of FP1 was? If not... Then why are we theorizing about a third party company shilling their new remake with a game they aren't even developping , and not choosing the characters from ?
Also yeah , they didn't douple dipped yet on the same 3rd party franchise , but I feel like Sakurai could do it if he really want to. And technically he kind of already did with, he was shown as a major reveal , and despise his echo statut , he's a semi-clone.
But I admit that , if we double dip on a 3rd party franchise , i think the most likely candidate is. Shadow is very requested , Tails is just a character loved by the general audience , Knuckles litteraly was modded into project M , and Eggman is one of the most iconic villains period. Not saying others franchises don't have a shot , but he's the third party character who was here since Brawl and didn't missed a game since , so i don't think people would think it's padding or shilling to add a new Sonic rep.
Anyway , back onto topic :
I'm seeing some discussions about wich characters would come with Geno as costumes , cameos , spirits.
For spirits , I think it would be lovely to see these old sprites get thetreatment and straight up get new unique renders for Smash.
As to the costumes , it's unlikely , but having the 5 Axem Rangers as swordfighters would be super cool.
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