Oh, I made it up, did I? Duuuude. You're kidding me right?
You're not serious right now
, are you? Please tell me you're trolling. Just go back to the last page, the evidence is right there.
I'm sorry if it hurts you and your friends feelings but ridiculous and dishonest comments like the ones he made should be called out. Everyone did it to
, so we should hold everyone to the same standard right? Or is there now a hierarchy of Geno fans now of who can get away with saying what?
I'm starting to think you lack some reading comprehension kid because I literally said in my previous post:
Please read more carefully next time.
And I'm not gonna excuse ridiculous comments and treat everyone like their precious little children because you don't like it. You're adults, right? You can handle some criticism, right? If you can't, then don't say dumb ****.
You know what? I refuse.