Guys, I just had an idea for a "what if... Super Mario RPG 2".
Taking into consideration that quite a few years have passed, the plot this time around revolves around Mario going off on yet another adventure to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser's clutches. He goes at it alone, and arrives at Bowser's Keep. As Mario faces off against Bowser, while Peach hangs tied from a rope (similar to SMRPG), this time their fight is interrupted when the entire castle begins to rumble. The scene then switches to outside of Bowser's Keep, and a giant wormhole forms above the castle. The castle is then sucked into the wormhole. The rumbling was felt across all of the Mushroom Kingdom, and many witnessed the appearance of the giant wormhole, and Bowser's Keep being sucked into it.
We then see Mario's Pad, where Luigi is tending to some of the chores, while he still hasn't noticed the giant wormhole in the sky. Toad comes rushing to the Mario Bros. house and calls out to Luigi. Luigi is startled and goes over to Toad to see what's got him so worked up. Toad points out that a huge wormhole has appeared over where Bowser's Keep used to be, and that the castle is no longer there. Luigi immediately begins to run around both scared and worried since he knows Mario had gone over there to rescue Princess Peach. From here onward, the adventure begins as the player leads the way with Luigi, and Toad tags along for the adventure as well (and yes... this time he brought his bazooka).
This time around, Luigi sets out to find a way to reach Bowser's Keep, which is now within the giant wormhole, and rescue his brother and the Princess (and yes, even Bowser). With Toad tagging along, both heroes will visit both familiar locations from the original SMRPG, as well as new areas within the same world. Along the journey, Luigi will also meet other characters that will join him on his quest:
Geno (Mk II, but its the same old

Pauline (oh yeeeeeah baby, the Prima Donna needs that spotlight!)
Donkey Kong (he'll be in for Bowser this time around)
Oh, and this just popped in. Say this SMRPG 2 game, were developed by both Nintendo AND Square Enix... how about they spiced things up with adding a... job system to the game (a-la Final Fantasy V, and Bravely Default), only that the jobs would revolve around the power ups found within the Super Mario universe? Of course they wouldn't be called jobs. Let's call them Power Ups for now. Each character can choose and switch between different powers, and these could be leveled up as well, unlocking new attacks and abilities. The Powers could be the following:
Fire Flower: the "old reliable" of power ups. It grants the character the ability to shoot fireballs, as well as grant increased defense from fire based attacks.
Ice Flower: the opposite of the Fire Flower, only that instead of shooting fireballs, characters can release a gust of freezing wind. It also grants increased defense from ice based attacks.
Super Leaf: gives the character a pair of raccoon ears, and tail, and allows them to fly (this could be the equivalent to Final Fantasy's Dragoon job).
Hammer Suit: gives the character an armored suit (shell armor and helmet), and a hammer as weapon (the hammer design is different for each character). This power up grants increased defense.
Just to name a few examples of power ups.
I'll leave the idea at that for now.