A Little Reasoning and A Little Math
To Answer Your Question Atlus:
You're absolutely right. I was looking at the paypal history from last year's bus and I was able to do it in a month and a half. I was extremely proud of the Smasher turn-out and commitment and all that jazz. Everyone that hopped on was a blessing. But, there was a huge level of stress going into the last couple of days trying to fill up those seats that I just wanted to avoid, especially with the potential risk of losing money I don't have.
I think you may be right, I think I may have pulled the plug too soon because some of the brawl peeps on AllisBrawl were all saying, "I was going to do it when I was a 100% confirmed, I was going to do it, yadda yadda yadda." But with a charter bus, I needed to provide half of the final price by May 20th, or else I was going to lose the reservation.
The price of the bus is/was $5000, so that means 25 people needed to buy their tickets in full by May 20th for the bus to work out. Not including the layaways. Waiting for Smashers to procrastinate til the last minute and then risk the investment of others is not how I like to do business.
And with people I was asking, that used be 100% (even people from San Diego) giving me half-answers or outright telling me they couldn't do it for a variety of legitimate reasons (i'm not blaming them), PLUS no one responding to any of my updates or even really communicating back to me, I was a little discouraged and I was losing mad hype, motivation, and patience.
I provided a lot of options for payment, and I am an open and communicative guy about this whole thing, but if anyone, that did not purchase their ticket or sign up for layaway or private messaged me (3 people), was interested in taking the bus, they were not showing it. I did not want to have to threaten people, and I don't like looking weak and begging for guilt tickets.
Ideally, I would have liked for bus tickets to be $80-$90 per person. I would have liked a $15-$20 Genesis 2 entrance discount for all riders. And I would have liked free In N Out Lunches for the trips there and back.
It's just a little difficult to do it on my own, and maybe I should have been a little more patient or asked for a little more help.
@HugQ (I love this man) @Baka4moe (I like saying your name)
The e-mail notifications were to let you know that the refunds were coming in. Depending on the bank or method of payment, you'll money will be returned in 2-3 business days. Just takes a little time to process. (Took a little time to process for the purchase.)