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Official General Post-DLC Discussion [Closed]

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N64's Our Boy

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2015
Seattle Washington
Wolf has like, three moves out of his entire moveset that are even similar to Fox. At this point he would be fresh: his feral fighting style is nowhere else on the roster.
I agree with Opossum on this one. Wolf isn't a semi clone he is his own character just with somewhat similar special moves to Fox and Falco. He moves so much differently than those 2. Honestly I like how he controls in the air in PM, the added speed made him so much better IMO.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I agree with Opossum on this one. Wolf isn't a semi clone he is his own character just with somewhat similar special moves to Fox and Falco. He moves so much differently than those 2. Honestly I like how he controls in the air in PM, the added speed made him so much better IMO.
Are you replying to month old posts? You probably shouldn't do that and reply to posts that are far more recent >_>


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2015
I would like Yoshi's Island (Brawl) to be on WiiU that stage looks really nice but they already have 2 Yoshi stages in WiiU though.
If we can have like 9 Mario stages, I wouldn't see the problem with another Yoshi stage.

Besides, it looked nice, and was tournament legal.


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2014
Northwest US
I do not buy into that, Sakurai, or another developer for that matter, can make any given character interesting and unique. Albeit, sometimes they are given less to work with. Not only that, but the notion of "potentially unique move-sets" is subjective in the first place. Personally (and at the moment, of course), I believe that Cloud has one of the most interesting move-sets; however, I have seen many others generalize that he was "just another swordsman" or that he will play like some Shulk/Ike hybrid.
I tend to question the supposed "need" of unique movesets for characters at times. But like you said, unique is pretty subjective. I mean, how unique is unique, really? Anyway, I don't fully believe that "unique" characters are necessarily better than some of the more basic ones we have already. Sure, there might be an extra fun factor in whatever traits some of our fighters have that draw us to them, but that shouldn't make them anymore important than others.

On the topic of :4cloud:, some of his moves might seem like they're inspired by :4myfriends: and:4shulk:, but it's obvious that he's got tricks of his own, including his Limit Break mechanic. I'm not sure that anyone can truly make a direct comparison between him and any of the other swordsmen until we actually get our hands on him.

Hell, even with the code, not everyone was convinced.
I'll admit that I did not believe that :4ryu: was actually coming.

If you honestly believe that the remaining characters will be the super obvious characters that get thrown around here on Smashboards and other speculation corners, all I can tell you is that you are in for a pleasant surprise. Guaranteed.
I'm still very hopeful for :wolf:'s return, but I'm bracing myself just in-case more surprises pop up.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Posted my predictions for the December Presentation a while ago but I wanted to get feedback from you guys.

Gonna jot down key points of my predictions

Smash Bros Special Presentation 12.6.2015

- 1st reveal. Wolf reveal + explanation of his popularity and that he wasn't chosen from the Ballot

- Cloud details on his moveset and how he got in the game. Midgar stage explained

- Smash Ballot news. It's revealed that 3 characters were chosen from the ballot. One being Cloud and the other 2 being characters that will be revealed later on in the presentation

- Mii Costume Stuff

- DLC Music. Tracks from previous Smash Bros Games are being released for free.

- Sakurai reveals that DLC Characters will all be getting custom moves as well as Palutena's Guidance

- 2nd reveal. King K. Rool is revealed and Sakurai says that K. Rool had the most amount of votes in the Ballot that got him in the game. He also briefly goes over his moveset. He explains that he's the 2nd of 3 ballot characters with the final one being revealed at the end of the presentation

- Stages galore! The final stages (past stages mind you) are shown off. Among these stages are Saffron City, Poke Floats, and Rainbow Cruise

- Amiibo stuff

- 3DS finally gets another 1-P mode that's exclusive to it's platform

- Adventure mode reveal. The mode is similar to Melee's with a bit of differences. Exclusive to Wii U.

- Final reveal. A suprise, shocking addition to the roster is revealed and this character is the final character chosen from the ballot. Sakurai goes over this character's moveset and explains how he got in the game. This character is also bundled with a stage. All 4 remaining DLC characters will get an Amiibo at a later date

- Sakurai reveals that all of the content shown off will immediately be made available much like the June presentation. He also reveals that Smash DLC is officially over and thanks fans for supporting the game

(codec call)

- To everyone's surprise, a codec call of Snake and the same guy he talked to in his Brawl reveal happens. Snake says it's good to be back and a graphic appears on the screen.


Snake: It's showtime...again!



Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Posted my predictions for the December Presentation a while ago but I wanted to get feedback from you guys.

Gonna jot down key points of my predictions

Smash Bros Special Presentation 12.6.2015

- 1st reveal. Wolf reveal + explanation of his popularity and that he wasn't chosen from the Ballot

- Cloud details on his moveset and how he got in the game. Midgar stage explained

- Smash Ballot news. It's revealed that 3 characters were chosen from the ballot. One being Cloud and the other 2 being characters that will be revealed later on in the presentation

- Mii Costume Stuff

- DLC Music. Tracks from previous Smash Bros Games are being released for free.

- Sakurai reveals that DLC Characters will all be getting custom moves as well as Palutena's Guidance

- 2nd reveal. King K. Rool is revealed and Sakurai says that K. Rool had the most amount of votes in the Ballot that got him in the game. He also briefly goes over his moveset. He explains that he's the 2nd of 3 ballot characters with the final one being revealed at the end of the presentation

- Stages galore! The final stages (past stages mind you) are shown off. Among these stages are Saffron City, Poke Floats, and Rainbow Cruise

- Amiibo stuff

- 3DS finally gets another 1-P mode that's exclusive to it's platform

- Adventure mode reveal. The mode is similar to Melee's with a bit of differences. Exclusive to Wii U.

- Final reveal. A suprise, shocking addition to the roster is revealed and this character is the final character chosen from the ballot. Sakurai goes over this character's moveset and explains how he got in the game. This character is also bundled with a stage. All 4 remaining DLC characters will get an Amiibo at a later date

- Sakurai reveals that all of the content shown off will immediately be made available much like the June presentation. He also reveals that Smash DLC is officially over and thanks fans for supporting the game

(codec call)

- To everyone's surprise, a codec call of Snake and the same guy he talked to in his Brawl reveal happens. Snake says it's good to be back and a graphic appears on the screen.


Snake: It's showtime...again!

>Cloud was chosen from the ballot.
If so, he was chosen from early posting from like May because he has a LOT of time behind him for contracting and making.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
>Cloud was chosen from the ballot.
If so, he was chosen from early posting from like May because he has a LOT of time behind him for contracting and making.
Why can't that stuff be done in like months or something?

I'll admit up front that i'm oblivious to a lot of legal licensing stuff but can't that kind of stuff be done in like months or something? I mean lets use this hypothetical scenario.

The ballot starts in April and Cloud is immediately selected (or in this case made a potential candidate since they don't have the licensing yet) the week after due to his immense popularity. They immediately contact Square Enix about the possibility of Cloud being in Smash, knowing that it would produce great financial success for both parties and negotiate for about 3-4 months. Both parties come to an agreement and Square Enix gives Nintendo the rights in the Summer and Cloud is developed along with the Midgar stage. That would give ample time for him to be done by November-December.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Why can't that stuff be done in like months or something?

I'll admit up front that i'm oblivious to a lot of legal licensing stuff but can't that kind of stuff be done in like months or something? I mean lets use this hypothetical scenario.

The ballot starts in April and Cloud is immediately selected (or in this case made a potential candidate since they don't have the licensing yet) the week after due to his immense popularity. They immediately contact Square Enix about the possibility of Cloud being in Smash, knowing that it would produce great financial success for both parties and negotiate for about 3-4 months. Both parties come to an agreement and Square Enix gives Nintendo the rights in the Summer and Cloud is developed along with the Midgar stage. That would give ample time for him to be done by November-December.
The case is that Cloud got in because of popularity on the ballot, when this really doesn't seem to be the case. One because... I really don't think he made too major of an impact in terms of numbers.

:4cloud: and :4ryu: were both "characters we didn't know how bad we wanted" in a way of phrasing it. Characters that would be shrugged off but became hype worthy

Edit: If they weren't so similar of types of picks, character wise, I'd be more lenient to think that the ballot influenced Cloud but it doesn't seem right to say so. There's not a proper correlation.
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Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I hope that Sakurai doesn't give in to the ignorant people who say there are already too many playable Pokémon in this Smash. It wasn't fair for two characters with unique movesets to be cut and be replaced with only one newcomer in return. I miss Ivysaur. I would gladly take him or any popular Grass-type!

Deleted member

Posted my predictions for the December Presentation a while ago but I wanted to get feedback from you guys.

Gonna jot down key points of my predictions

Smash Bros Special Presentation 12.6.2015

- 1st reveal. Wolf reveal + explanation of his popularity and that he wasn't chosen from the Ballot

- Cloud details on his moveset and how he got in the game. Midgar stage explained

- Smash Ballot news. It's revealed that 3 characters were chosen from the ballot. One being Cloud and the other 2 being characters that will be revealed later on in the presentation

- Mii Costume Stuff

- DLC Music. Tracks from previous Smash Bros Games are being released for free.

- Sakurai reveals that DLC Characters will all be getting custom moves as well as Palutena's Guidance

- 2nd reveal. King K. Rool is revealed and Sakurai says that K. Rool had the most amount of votes in the Ballot that got him in the game. He also briefly goes over his moveset. He explains that he's the 2nd of 3 ballot characters with the final one being revealed at the end of the presentation

- Stages galore! The final stages (past stages mind you) are shown off. Among these stages are Saffron City, Poke Floats, and Rainbow Cruise

- Amiibo stuff

- 3DS finally gets another 1-P mode that's exclusive to it's platform

- Adventure mode reveal. The mode is similar to Melee's with a bit of differences. Exclusive to Wii U.

- Final reveal. A suprise, shocking addition to the roster is revealed and this character is the final character chosen from the ballot. Sakurai goes over this character's moveset and explains how he got in the game. This character is also bundled with a stage. All 4 remaining DLC characters will get an Amiibo at a later date

- Sakurai reveals that all of the content shown off will immediately be made available much like the June presentation. He also reveals that Smash DLC is officially over and thanks fans for supporting the game

(codec call)

- To everyone's surprise, a codec call of Snake and the same guy he talked to in his Brawl reveal happens. Snake says it's good to be back and a graphic appears on the screen.


Snake: It's showtime...again!

I could see, Wolf, King K. Rool, and Snake, going into info about their move sets and the stages and other stuff could and would be expected, as well as discussing Cloud, the thing about Cloud bring a ballot choice. I think is true, I'm guessing the surprise character is Banjo Kazooie. It's all good guesses but I think we may only get three character, Wolf among them, King K. Rool sadly won't be apart of that instead it will be maybe Inkling, which I'm fine with, and say Snake, details about their moveset did usduon , about Cloud why he was added ECT, and some other stages. But that's just me but good guesses, I wish all of that was the case but it 's wait and see at this point.


Smash Ace
Apr 29, 2015
Liberty, Missouri
I mean being honest here. Greninja got in cause of X/Y not really because he was notable for anything. I know ALOT of people who would have rather had like Feraligatr as the new water type or to bring back squirtle or something.

sigh....Sandslash would be cool too


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I mean, if I got to choose pokemon based on my own bias then...:215::212:

Times like this makes me wish there was a Pokemon only Smash game simply because of how amazing so many of them would be in a Smash style fighting game...


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2015
Fortree City, Hoenn
I mean, if I got to choose pokemon based on my own bias then...:215::212:

Times like this makes me wish there was a Pokemon only Smash game simply because of how amazing so many of them would be in a Smash style fighting game...
Yeah. But it just wouldn't be the same. What makes Smash so great is that you can pick your favorite character and fight against or alongside gaming icons, not just characters from one series.


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2014
Northwest US
I must be the one person on here who can't think of any additional Pokemon that they would want in Smash. I already have :4lucario:, he's all I could ever want in terms of Pokemon representation.

.....Though having :pichumelee: come back would be great just for sheer shock value.:troll:


Smash Ace
Jan 10, 2014
Volcanic plains
I wouldn't mind either squirtle or ivysaur returning,especially ivysaur. She had a really unique moveset to bring to the table.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2014
[Stage & costume predictions]

Wonder Red
, Bayonetta, and Captain Toad costumes represent Wii U. Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright costumes thicken 3DS representation. Shovel Knight and Shantae costumes show indie respect. 3DS and Wii U exclusives divide loosely according to origin of each stage, console or handheld. Would love to see:

* Yoshi's Island, Brawl (SNES)

* Yoshi's Story (N64)

* Fountain of Dreams (NES)
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Daisy Obsessed
Apr 12, 2015
>Cloud was chosen from the ballot.
If so, he was chosen from early posting from like May because he has a LOT of time behind him for contracting and making.
"A difficult request"

He's a ballot character.


Smash Cadet
Jul 31, 2015
Melbourne, AUS
I hope Big Blue and New Pork City are DLC stages. I always found Big Blue to be a fun stage in catching all the cars, and New Pork would be great for 8-player mode.

Wouldn't mind Rainbow Cruise or Melee's Mushroom Kingdom either but there's probably enough Mario stages now.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2014
San Francisco, California
Posted my predictions for the December Presentation a while ago but I wanted to get feedback from you guys.

Gonna jot down key points of my predictions

Smash Bros Special Presentation 12.6.2015

- 1st reveal. Wolf reveal + explanation of his popularity and that he wasn't chosen from the Ballot

- Cloud details on his moveset and how he got in the game. Midgar stage explained

- Smash Ballot news. It's revealed that 3 characters were chosen from the ballot. One being Cloud and the other 2 being characters that will be revealed later on in the presentation

- Mii Costume Stuff

- DLC Music. Tracks from previous Smash Bros Games are being released for free.

- Sakurai reveals that DLC Characters will all be getting custom moves as well as Palutena's Guidance

- 2nd reveal. King K. Rool is revealed and Sakurai says that K. Rool had the most amount of votes in the Ballot that got him in the game. He also briefly goes over his moveset. He explains that he's the 2nd of 3 ballot characters with the final one being revealed at the end of the presentation

- Stages galore! The final stages (past stages mind you) are shown off. Among these stages are Saffron City, Poke Floats, and Rainbow Cruise

- Amiibo stuff

- 3DS finally gets another 1-P mode that's exclusive to it's platform

- Adventure mode reveal. The mode is similar to Melee's with a bit of differences. Exclusive to Wii U.

- Final reveal. A suprise, shocking addition to the roster is revealed and this character is the final character chosen from the ballot. Sakurai goes over this character's moveset and explains how he got in the game. This character is also bundled with a stage. All 4 remaining DLC characters will get an Amiibo at a later date

- Sakurai reveals that all of the content shown off will immediately be made available much like the June presentation. He also reveals that Smash DLC is officially over and thanks fans for supporting the game

(codec call)

- To everyone's surprise, a codec call of Snake and the same guy he talked to in his Brawl reveal happens. Snake says it's good to be back and a graphic appears on the screen.


Snake: It's showtime...again!

After playing MGS1, here's how I would like the trailer to play out.

- Smash logo appears. We see Master Hand in a laboratory similar to the torture chamber in MGS. He presses a button revealing a captured Pikachu emitting electricity in pain. Like what happened in Subspace Emissary.

- We see the electricity wired to a bed and we see a man from behind chained to the bed, screaming from the shocks. Master Hand laughs evilly during the torture. The shocks end, and the scene transitions into a codec call from Otacon.

- Snake and Otacon are talking to each other and Snake demands to tell him where he is so he can free him. Otacon assures him he's using his stealth suit and is already there.

- Otacon enters in the room invisible but you can still make out his appearance and glasses. He recognizes Pikachu and picks up a fire extinguisher to break the pod and free Pikachu. Master Hand notices and fights Pikachu. While MH is distracted, Otacon deactivates his suit, frees Snake, and gives him his weapons he found. He tells him good luck, and goes away turning back invisible.

- Pikachu is defeated by Master Hand due to using too much energy. That's when Snake fires his stinger missile launcher at MH. Master Hand turns around with the classic MGS alert sound and exclamation mark on top of him. Camera goes back to Snake as he says, "Kept you waiting huh?" Splash card appears with tag, "Snake crawls back into battle!"

- Encounter plays in the background with gameplay of Snake. Communications Tower is revealed as a stage. Liquid Snake is featured riding a hind and firing missiles at the stage. He can also jump off to Metal Gear Rex and fire even larger missiles. Snake's Final Smash is shown. At the very end we see Zero Suit Samus crawling towards Snake facing away and charges her blaster at him with the alert sound playing (as a reference to the scene where Meryl catches Snake by surprise in the restroom.)


Smash Modder
Jun 26, 2014
South Florida
"Request" can come from anything. Given the time frame, it's logical this request was pre-ballot.

But whether it was a request from Nintendo, Square, or maybe a combo of both, we don't know.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I agree with Opossum on this one. Wolf isn't a semi clone he is his own character just with somewhat similar special moves to Fox and Falco. He moves so much differently than those 2. Honestly I like how he controls in the air in PM, the added speed made him so much better IMO.
When Sakurai says that he added Wolf to the roster as a lucky inclusion due to being a whopping 70% similar to Fox, they characters are obviously similar. Let's take opinion out of this equation.
If individuals got to choose Pokemon, it'd be very chaotic tbh. I'd want Sableye and Aggron, but should I be in charge of a Pokemon in Smash, I'd likely do Gardevoir or Zoroark, MAYBE Heracross as he's a popular Gen II mon
This is such a skewed perception. It plagues our internet like the misappropriation of the word relevant.

There are important characters, themes, and mechanics in every franchise. Pokemon is the only series to forego it, and the only two statements we have on the matter involve contrary criteria for every other franchise - popularity in a non video game medium, and a character with a move set based solely on appearance.

The crowds bemoan popularity deciding other characters, and half the cast is criticized for having inappropriate moves. The facts are that fans act ignorant to these decisions when it comes to Pokemon. Or is absolutely a prolific franchise, but it isnt one we need to throw out hands up at and say, "Guess thats good- can't do anything else."


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Pockerman (Thanks to Ed Valiente, or Fallintyne as he'd pronounce it) does have recurring themes.
Every time you go out, get a Pokémon and catch more Pokémon.

You start at the wild grass just outside of your home village, infested with birds.
Each gen, there are birds there.

This core theme of Pokémon screams for a playable Pidgey


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Yeah. But it just wouldn't be the same. What makes Smash so great is that you can pick your favorite character and fight against or alongside gaming icons, not just characters from one series.
Except for the fact that we are not likely to get too many more pokemon added, even in the next game we may get one or two more and that's it...and because of the sheer amount of possibilities from the franchise, having a full Pokemon roster would allow a lot more into the game since we can only have a handful in this game along side other franchises...because of this only the favourites will get in...Pokemon like Scizor and Sceptile may be fan-favourites, but they are no where near Lucario, or Charizard popularity...
This is what I mean...a Pokemon only Smash game would allow for more variety of fighters for Pokemon than a Nintendo all-star game would allow...


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
If I had my hand for Pokemon picking.

Gen I: :4pikachu::4jigglypuff::4mewtwo:
Gen II: None, as it was an extension of gen I and didn't have anyone too major.
Gen III: Gardevoir. Fan favorite and up-played by the Mystery Dungeon games. Sceptile as a runner up.
Gen IV: Instead of Lucario, I would've gone Infernape
Gen V: Probably nobody. Zoroark is the biggest choice and it didn't resonate with me as much as I hoped.
Gen VI: :4greninja: was a great choice.

We'd still be lacking a Grass-type, but hopefully we'd see a grass-starter that intentionally gets some bigger work put into it for gen 7/8 in order to have a ready candidate for Smash 5.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Pokemon choices are particularly easy for me.

Gen 1: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charizard, Mewtwo(all are highly deserving and notable)
Gen 2: Pichu(iconic, highly popular, pretty much the current main mascot of that Generation)
Gen 3: Grovyle(While Sceptile sounds neat, this is the most stand out due to the Mystery Dungeon games)
Gen 4: Lucario(Not a contest. Awesome character and highly iconic)
Gen 5: Genesect(While Zoroark is neat, he didn't go as well as planned. But those are the only two major standouts that could work as playable anyway. Also, he's my favorite, so this one is actual bias)
Gen 6: Greninja(I agree with Sakurai's choice overall. However, I like Doublade a lot too, but he'd make an even better Item one can use)

Charizard is the only one I was ever iffy on, but I see no reason he shouldn't be in, honestly.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Speaking of fan made bull****, we have the generation conversation.

Its not a thing. Theres "new pokemon," and previous Pokemon. That's it.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with those of you who want Pokemon to have another DLC character.

Frankly, I don't want ANY series within DLC to get another character. I don't want Mario to get one either. To me, there are immediate diminishing returns to the majority of fans if you add more than one DLC character from the same series. Despite Pokemon being the series that it is, this is Smash. It's not like roster balance doesn't matter or something.

It's a matter of preference however. You aren't wrong if you want another Pokemon character, but those like me who don't want another Pokemon character aren't wrong either.

Part of me also sees WHY a grass type would be good to have and I also think it will eventually happen at this rate, however I don't think it's a good reason to include a character. That's like the whole "villain rep" or "female rep" thing. Granted, I can see the advantage of adding a character like Sceptile for example but I wouldn't get your hopes up in thinking they'll add another one...right now anyway.

To put it into perspective, think about the characters that people want and the series they come from:

Wolf from Star Fox (who was also cut and whose series only has 2 characters), Bandanna Dee (fairly well sized series with 3 characters, and is a character who would play differently from the rest of the Kirby characters), K.Rool (Pretty popular series that only has TWO characters), Dixie Kong (see K.Rool), Inklings (interesting character from a brand new series that made it big, and fast!), Isaac (popular newcomer choice from an arguable niche series. popular for many years), Solid Snake/Big Boss (cut veteran from an iconic gaming series that many fans want to return), etc... There are more, and I am purposely focusing on series aside from Pokemon, but my point is that there are plenty of characters out there that would satisfy a lot of people that aren't from Pokemon as a series.
On a side note, Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Enjoy your day with family, friends and eat until your feel like you want to die!:awesome:
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