Kamui Nohr
Smash Journeyman
Not to be very optimistic or anything, but they only said that it's the final VIDEO announcement. There's a fairly small possibility that they would go "Oh, and here's Wolf, go nuts" or some content like that. That Brawl music playing at the end of the November 12th Nintendo Direct's just going to be a random thing if not. On a relevant note, Corrin could have used very different looks for the alts like what 
got, but I'm not mad. Would probably pocket Mii Sword Fighter and Olimar/Alph to main Corrin if gameplay is decent.
Smash 5 (possibility) is a heck lot of years for people who didn't get to have their more relevant and popular characters to wait. I'm not ready to believe it's going to be left at that.
Smash 5 (possibility) is a heck lot of years for people who didn't get to have their more relevant and popular characters to wait. I'm not ready to believe it's going to be left at that.
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