Wall of text? have some nice VGM. If im going to own the VGM group I may as well use some.
I leave the thread for a day hoping quality would improve.
i come back and it seems like it got worse. . . Looks like my time in this thread is over. No idea how we managed to be worse than the old general thread in a week and only be downhill from there.
I suppose I am required by cliche to have a goodbye speech most of you wont bother to read.
First off we as a community are way too aggressive. The ballot slander campaigns made it obvious. It should have stopped but never did. Even with the ballot over and jockeying to make your character look better no longer having a purpose there are still lots of people at each others throats. Refusal of allowing people to have a different opinion being the usual suspect. Opinions paraded as facts being #2. This thread has become increasingly guilty of the second over the past few weeks. . .
Barring that we are also way too close minded and stubborn. Ironic based on how much worse things got after Cloud making people jump to absurd 3rd parties but I digress. People go into small shells of support and never leave. This leads to bandwagons and refusal to accept anything out of a small group. This is why so many great additions have been hated because they didn't follow the hive mind. Looking at you Duck Hunt. Poor fellows. May i remind everyone pig ganon was pretty much never brought up even with his moveset potential and many many appearances until far after release? People stick to one idea (in this case say. . .impa) and never let go. If they dont get that one thing it's a catastrophe.
Then the fan rules. . .so many fan rules. They get broken all the time. "must have a deep history" "can't be a fighting game character"
The list goes on. And we don't stop. The second that "must appear on a nintendo console" was broken we IMMEDIATELY made a new one saying all 3rd parties must be iconic. We keep getting things wrong without sources and then it bites us and we
don't stop. It also heavily affects speculation. Many characters are picked just for on reason or another and wind up not getting in over another interesting character that never sees the light of speculation because of it.
EX takamaru vs duck hunt.
Just because you have a lot of appearances means
nothing. Just because you are popular means
nothing. We need to stop looking at things like they are a shoo in and realize Sakurai thinks about a lot of things we clearly dont. But then we act like we know.
I dont know. I dont claim to even if I act like it. But none of us know and we keep acting like we know every angle. Look a little broader. See what the other options are. Break a limit or two because clearly we arent looking hard enough if we keep getting surprised and angry.
I suppose my final argument will be the one I love to make so many times before. Reps. Dear god we need to stop pushing this one so hard. Especially because we dont even look deeply into it. We act like being a bigger series and larger sales is a huge deal. And in some cases it is.
Others. . . less so .
We fight against and for things simply because of what symbol they would have. (This is why the DK support icon thread was great. I should abuse my group mod powers and revive it). Yoshi characters with no real existence were often pushed
just to get a yoshi character. Mountains are made out of molehills just for the sake of "repping a series." Half the characters we say are a big deal really aren'y. And clearly Sakurai doesn't care. Or we would have Toad and a bunch more mario and pokemon characters. We certainly wouldnt have 2 mother characters. We absolutely would not have 4 FE characters (well 3.5) and then go ANOTHER one as DLC. Regardless of what we thought about reps.
As for "we dont look deeply." I men we dont look past the CSS. Do you realize how many stages, AT, and items LoZ has? How many AT Metroid got? Hell the most important characters all have some form of "active" (aka not a trophy) role. AT, boss, playable (and ZSS lmao). Just because we dont have a little stock icon for these messages doesnt mean it doesnt exist >_>
uhh TLDR. stop being so aggressive. Stop using so much tunnel vision. Realize there is more out there then just a few popular things.
And more importantly. Support who you WANT. Even if they dont seem likely. Tell that to these guys
. It's more fun anyway. My top 4 are all unlikely characters (Viridi, Ridley, Edea Lee, Wonder Red) and im okay with that and have never been more accepting of what comes my way. And MOST importantly. This is only a game. Have fun and live a little. Live in harmony, not hatred as we do now.
I'll be in Nintenzone or my character support thread group if you need me. Or maybe my VGM group if anyone would like to contribute GLHF
the typo master formerly known as Oni333