I fit neither into the "YEAH, MORE THIRD PARTIES!!" group, nor "We need more Nintendo characters!" group. I don't think that Cloud really broke the limit at all, and I don't think there are many other Nintendo characters to choose from, aside from the more popular character choices. Some say that we should "dig deeper" in order to find such Nintendo characters, but I already have, and I don't think they're popular for DLC. Such characters probably do not fit Sakurai's criteria for "fanservice", and I doubt people will care enough about such characters to even buy them.
But wait though, will people seriously not buy a character because they're not the character they wanted? I don't know about you, but I feel that's kind of a made up rule. Not to sound naive, but are fans really that entitled to not buy any the remaining characters because they didn't get what they want? I find this claim hard to believe, I mean I hardly see people here say that they won't buy any character unless if it's "X, Y, or Z". I want to believe that people here are open-minded enough to accept
almost any character as DLC. I say almost because there will always be characters that just wouldn't work, lol that goes without saying.
I have a feeling that people will buy a character regardless, because even if they don't like the character, they might buy them in order to learn match-ups or use him or her competitively. Then again, it could just be me. I like to keep myself open-minded towards characters, even the ones I do not care for. I didn't care for Roy, but I bought him out of curiosity, and I had a blast playing as him. Also, I have hope for pretty much none of my characters; I do not expect any of them to get into Smash anytime soon, so I can't be angry or disappointed at Sakurai for not adding them in. My philosophy in life is to always have low expectations, until you hear the news you want to hear. That way, I can't be disappointed and angry at people for "killing" my hype. I was the one that "killed" my hype, because I expected way too much from something. Please don't think I'm taking a jab at you guys. I am just asking a serious question here.
Anyway, I downright refuse to actually speculate any characters in full detail until we get to the DLC announcement. I do not want to make myself look silly speculating for things based of mostly fan made rules. I'd rather remain neutral.
When I mean by speculating, I mean like
hardcore speculating; basically speculating things based on your own biases and such. Ex: "I think Lip is going to be in this game because she has a new game out!", or speculating based on a slippery slope fallacy. I like to speculate in a logical sense, and I try my best not to use a lot of bias in such things.
On that note, I'll bring this up, since it's always fun to discuss, mainly from how, in my opinion, under-discussed it is. As unlikely as it is to happen, what would be your reaction to Henry Fleming? Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. may not have sold too well, but Sakurai is a fan of strategy games, so I wouldn't say it's impossible that he'd see potential and go with it, but still. How would you react? How would you like to see it done?
I don't even play Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. and I think he'd be pretty dope. We don't have any steampunk based characters in Smash. I think he's pretty unique concept wise. That alone makes me want him in. Besides, that game needs more love. I'm a sucker for niche Nintendo series in Smash.