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General Legend of Zelda Rep Support Thread


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Does the fact that every Zelda character in the game is a triforce wielder make you upset? Does the fact that the Zelda series as a whole has less characters in Smash than Mario and Fire Emblem and Pokemon hurt? Does the lack of an actual Zelda newcomer since Melee annoy you? Does the fact that the Zelda series has only 3 totally unique fighters make you wanna claw your eyes out?

Then you're in the right thread!

There are so many different characters in the Zelda franchise that would be perfect as a playable character in Smash, so we need to band together and show how much we love the series of puzzle solving and dungeon diving across several generations of heros and villains, reborn in an endless cycle of good vs evil!

Based on his appearance in Zelda 1/LttP/Other Classic Zeldas, he wields a trident and uses lots of magic. As the beast king of all things evil, he'd almost certainly be one of the heaviest characters, using lots of slow, hard-hitting moves, but also have several projectiles, and a teleport as his recovery/dodges. Think of a combination of K Rool/Mewtwo/Zelda/Ganondorf.

Possible moveset ideas:
Up B: Teleport.
Side B: Trident Boomerang (an amazing stage control projectile similar to K Rool's crown but bigger, but without it, ganon can't use any of his trident-based attacks, giving him way less range until it returns to him. It can't fall on the ground like the crown, though.)
Down B: Fire Bats (they fly around him and are generally annoying.)
Neutral B: Darkness (ganon pulls up his cape, allowing him to become invisible momentarily. He can still be hit during this, but it's hard to see him. Due to his large hitbox it's not hard to hit him if you figure out where he is, and hitting him cancels the move early. Can be used for surprise attacks.)

A fourth Link, yes, but a more Unique one. Instead of being a clone of the other three, he would have a completely original moveset based off of Zelda 1, LttP, OoA, OoS, and L'sA.

Possible moveset ideas:
Up B: Roc's Feather/Cape (self explanatory), Moosh Summon/Ride (summon Moosh from OoA/OoS, and fly upwards, then smash into the ground)
Side B: Pegasus Boots (functionally similar to Ike's side-b),
Down B: Shovel (can pull up items/rupees from the ground, which can be used as a projectile occasionally), Bombs (instead of holding them, they're just placed on the ground more like Samus' Down B)
Neutral B: Magic Rod/Fire Rod/Ice Rod (fires a projectile forward, not chargeable, sets people on fire/freezes them for a bit), Candle (acts like a shield/wall in front of you)

Another idea is his Down B could let him equip things, and his Side B/Neutral B would act like an A and B button in the classic zelda games, so any of his items could be a side b or a neutral b depending on how you equip them.

Toon Zelda
TP Link
Triforce Heroes Link Trio
Hero's Shade (Twilight Princess)

Impa (echo of Sheik)

If I had to have a "WTF" pick for Zelda, I'd go with Malon and Epona. Make them represent horseback combat in Zelda games. Give Malon a pitchfork since it's a spear weapon in BOTW, which are more effective on horseback, as well as a bow, a side B that can damage anyone in your way, but it runs on the carrot meter from OOT, but doesn't fill up as fast as it does in OOT.

Goron (species)
Zora (species)

Skull Kid
Hilda (echo of Zelda, different Down B)

Ravio could be an echo fighter of Young Link, but with his items being the rental versions.

Alternatively, here's a moveset made by shocktarts17 shocktarts17 .

Revali (echo of Falco)


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Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I nominate Vaati, of course!
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about him when making the OP. Good choice. He's partially owned by Capcom though isn't he? He would be awesome though.

By the way, does anyone think it's weird that BOTW Link is just called "Link" in smash? I feel like that title should go to a Link based on more than just one Zelda game. Maybe they could rename him "Wild Link" and either have no one named "Link" or put in a new Link based on a ton of different games or something. Wild Link should probably have a different side-b, too, since boomerangs aren't really used in BOTW very much.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2018
I support, i always long for another one.
How about different Links from different games.

Link (TWP)
Link (BoTW)
Link (LoZ)
Link (MM)
Link (OoT)
Triforce Heroes Links
Link (Lttp)
Link (WW)
You know

That's just some ideas


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I support, i always long for another one.
How about different Links from different games.

Link (TWP)
Link (BoTW)
Link (LoZ)
Link (MM)
Link (OoT)
Triforce Heroes Links
Link (Lttp)
Link (WW)
You know

That's just some ideas
We've already got BotW, OoT, MM, and WW Links in the game :p What is TWP? Twilight Princess? Usually people call that TP, forgive me for being confused.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
It didn't bother me in the last few games, seemed like it was just a result of the Zelda series sticking to one particular game in the series aesthetically. But now that ( almost ) every Zelda character in the game takes their design from a different game in the series, it feels like not adding a completely new Zelda character who isn't a triforce holder is the biggest missed opportunity in Smash.

That being said, my no. 1 most wanted Zelda newcomer is still a triforce holder. I want Pig Ganon. I know he's already a boss and Ganondorf's final Smash, but there is no reason why a smaller, K. Rool Sized version of Ganon rocking the A Link Between Worlds design ( with Yuga-Ganon alt hopefully ) ...really, it's weird to me that nobody's supporting him the same way they do K. Rool and Ridley. Do people really think Ganondorf, who is barely anything like his canon counterpart, is enough to represent the true face of evil in the series, the one who's been in even more games than Ganondorf? To me, being satisfied with just Ganondorf has always felt like being satisfied with Bowser Junior, and only having Bowser as part of his final Smash.

I know he's unpopular with western fans ( I personally think he's funny ), but I think Tingle would be most deserving after that, being the only Zelda character to actually get SEVERAL of his own games.

After that, Skull Kid, Midna, and Impa would be my choices...
If I had to have a "WTF" pick for Zelda, I'd go with Malon and Epona. Make them represent horseback combat in Zelda games. Give Malon a pitchfork since it's a spear weapon in BOTW, which are more effective on horseback, as well as a bow, a side B that can damage anyone in your way, but it runs on the carrot meter from OOT, but doesn't fill up as fast as it does in OOT.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
It didn't bother me in the last few games, seemed like it was just a result of the Zelda series sticking to one particular game in the series aesthetically. But now that ( almost ) every Zelda character in the game takes their design from a different game in the series, it feels like not adding a completely new Zelda character who isn't a triforce holder is the biggest missed opportunity in Smash.

That being said, my no. 1 most wanted Zelda newcomer is still a triforce holder. I want Pig Ganon. I know he's already a boss and Ganondorf's final Smash, but there is no reason why a smaller, K. Rool Sized version of Ganon rocking the A Link Between Worlds design ( with Yuga-Ganon alt hopefully ) ...really, it's weird to me that nobody's supporting him the same way they do K. Rool and Ridley. Do people really think Ganondorf, who is barely anything like his canon counterpart, is enough to represent the true face of evil in the series, the one who's been in even more games than Ganondorf? To me, being satisfied with just Ganondorf has always felt like being satisfied with Bowser Junior, and only having Bowser as part of his final Smash.

I know he's unpopular with western fans ( I personally think he's funny ), but I think Tingle would be most deserving after that, being the only Zelda character to actually get SEVERAL of his own games.

After that, Skull Kid, Midna, and Impa would be my choices...
If I had to have a "WTF" pick for Zelda, I'd go with Malon and Epona. Make them represent horseback combat in Zelda games. Give Malon a pitchfork since it's a spear weapon in BOTW, which are more effective on horseback, as well as a bow, a side B that can damage anyone in your way, but it runs on the carrot meter from OOT, but doesn't fill up as fast as it does in OOT.
Malon is such a hilarious choice, I love it. Beast/Pig Ganon is my number 1 pick too, but I just want a Zelda rep at all. Please Sakurai, I beg of you...

Also, does anyone else find it weird that Sheik's design in this game is based off of BotW? She has a redesign based on the Sheikah set in that game, instead of looking more like her OoT counterpart, which is very weird considering everyone else is based off of games they actually appeared in...


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
I was wondering about that myself.
Maybe they didn't want to over-represent OOT since both Ganondorf and Young Link use their OOT designs. I think they should have stuck with the TP-inspired design since there aren't any characters rocking their TP design anymore.

More importantly..... does this mean BOTW Zelda actually IS in the game, but is now posing as Shiek?


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I was wondering about that myself.
Maybe they didn't want to over-represent OOT since both Ganondorf and Young Link use their OOT designs. I think they should have stuck with the TP-inspired design since there aren't any characters rocking their TP design anymore.

More importantly..... does this mean BOTW Zelda actually IS in the game, but is now posing as Shiek?
My own personal theory was that this form of Sheik is actually a BotW character pretending to be Sheik, maybe even Link himself. Really, Link could look exactly like that if he just wore the Sheikah set and Sheik Hood from BotW. Only problem is the eye color. Zelda wasn't great at magic in BotW either, so...


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I would love to have Twili Midna! I think like with Link you can have both Imp Midna and Twili Midna!

Outside of her; Impa would be great! My personal version would be Ocarina of Time. However, I'd be fine with Skyward Sword. As Hyrule Warriors could be possible I'd be fine with that.

Skull Kid is still my most wanted but, he'd only get in if Assist Trophies can get promoted.

I love each one of the Champions however, I don't think they'd just pick one over the other three. If we would get just one I'd prefer Daruk or Mipha.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I would love to have Twili Midna! I think like with Link you can have both Imp Midna and Twili Midna!

Outside of her; Impa would be great! My personal version would be Ocarina of Time. However, I'd be fine with Skyward Sword. As Hyrule Warriors could be possible I'd be fine with that.

Skull Kid is still my most wanted but, he'd only get in if Assist Trophies can get promoted.

I love each one of the Champions however, I don't think they'd just pick one over the other three. If we would get just one I'd prefer Daruk or Mipha.
It wouldn't be the first time they put in one character from a group like that. Namely, Greninja and Incineroar without the other 2 starters of their gen, or without a grass type to counteract those two.

My personal pick would be Mipha, just because she's adorable and I want a character with a major healing gimmick. Urbosa would be my second choice, because a swordfighter that can summon lightning sounds awesome. (Plus Urbosa is hot.) I think all of them are probably equally likely, Urbosa might be slightly higher just because she's the only one we really saw fight iirc?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2015
Count me in, I am coming from the Mipha thread, she's my most wanted Zelda newcomer. (+ Hilda as a Zelda Echo)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2018
When it comes to Triforce-Wielders, I'd have to go with the Hero's Shade. We'd see the return of a TP rep...but with all the moves that the Shade teaches link in that game, seeing a character that actually performs them (Ex. the Mortal Draw and the Helm Splitter) would make this spectral protector among the more unique of the Zelda Cast.

Also we'd get a Link with an actually unique playstyle.

Outside of a Triforce-Wielder? Well...I'm a sucker for Gorons, so someone like the recent Daruk or the fan favorite Darunia would be just dandy in my book.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Impa(Hyrule Warriors style with the nagiata), Tingle and Vaati would be my first choices.

As for wtf picks: Medli could fix my complaint about Sheik as she uses a harp and music too combined with light magic.

I feel the reoccurring species in general are what I think of Zelda so Gorons and Zora's are a must too.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
i feel bad for twilight princess link out of all four incarnations that have been playable in the series hes the only one not in ultimate


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
When it comes to Triforce-Wielders, I'd have to go with the Hero's Shade. We'd see the return of a TP rep...but with all the moves that the Shade teaches link in that game, seeing a character that actually performs them (Ex. the Mortal Draw and the Helm Splitter) would make this spectral protector among the more unique of the Zelda Cast.

Also we'd get a Link with an actually unique playstyle.

Outside of a Triforce-Wielder? Well...I'm a sucker for Gorons, so someone like the recent Daruk or the fan favorite Darunia would be just dandy in my book.
i feel bad for twilight princess link out of all four incarnations that have been playable in the series hes the only one not in ultimate
Rest in peace TP Link, we'll all miss you. The Hero's Shade idea is really cool, actually. Is him being Link canon? I thought that was just a fan-theory. I'll add him to the OP though.

I love Gorons, but I don't feel like Darunia would be the greatest pick for a Goron character. He never fought or did really anything at all in OoT other than dance and hug Link. (forcefully) Daruk, or maybe the goron guy from TP whose name I forget that you wrestle with would be the best picks. Daruk is obviously the most likely though. By the way, Darunia is a master spirit in Ultimate, if you didn't know.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Rest in peace TP Link, we'll all miss you. The Hero's Shade idea is really cool, actually. Is him being Link canon? I thought that was just a fan-theory. I'll add him to the OP though.
he is indeed, it was confirmed in hyrule historia the hero's shade is both the spirit of the hero of time and an ancestor of twilight princess link


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
he is indeed, it was confirmed in hyrule historia the hero's shade is both the spirit of the hero of time and an ancestor of twilight princess link
I didn't know that, that's awesome. If that's the case, Hero's shade is technically already in. Just a young version of him. :p


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Honestly, the only Zelda character I really want is Impa. She's actually been in multiple non-spinoff games unlike most other characters, unlike Tingle she's not...Tingle. SHe's generally an important character in Zelda games due to being close to the triforce bearers (without being one herself).

She also has the benefit of potentially being echo/clone/semi-clone material and could borrow from Sheik, whereas any other character would have to be made unique (assuming they don't pull another Falcondorf anyways...). Impa could definitely be unique and completley different too of course, but if time/resources are an issue, then hey, Impa could still be more easily implemented.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I have Vaati, Impa and Sidon as characters I would want in.

While original movesets would be nice, I could see them getting away with making Vaati a Zelda echo and Impa a Shiek Echo. Sidon, however, would likely need his own move set based around polearms. I can see him being rather agile, despite being so tall.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I have Vaati, Impa and Sidon as characters I would want in.

While original movesets would be nice, I could see them getting away with making Vaati a Zelda echo and Impa a Shiek Echo. Sidon, however, would likely need his own move set based around polearms. I can see him being rather agile, despite being so tall.
Sidon's final smash is being so hot that everyone dies instantly.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I want classic Ganon. He sorta feels like the last major Nintendo villain not on the roster. While he's linked to Ganondorf in the story, his design and gameplay are completely different and would offer a flavor unlike any other Smash fighter as a superheavy magic user with a trident. Even in story and personality, the Ganon of LOZ and LTTP is so different from the Ganondorf of Ocarina Of Time that saying "Ganon" is already on the roster is completely arbitrary at this point. You could honestly justify a completely redone Ganondorf and Ganon. He along with Dixie and Dee are my last big Nintendo wants.

Every argument against him is null and void. You can have a Final Smash and a playable character. You can have multiple versions of the same character. You can fight a boss version of a character with the playable version of that character. The only reason to not add Ganon is aversion to Triforce characters.

Most of the non-Triforce characters don't interest me, though. I don't want a random one-off character for the sake of having a new Zelda character, I would rather they be meaningful in their own context. Characters like Ridley, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Bandana Dee are notable characters outside of just being another "rep" for their franchise. I'd be fine with Impa as a Sheik echo, or even a semi-clone, though.
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Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
I want classic Ganon. He sorta feels like the last major Nintendo villain not on the roster. While he's linked to Ganondorf in the story, his design and gameplay are completely different and would offer a flavor unlike any other Smash fighter as a superheavy magic user with a trident. Even in story and personality, the Ganon of LOZ and LTTP is so different from the Ganondorf of Ocarina Of Time that saying "Ganon" is already on the roster is completely arbitrary at this point. You could honestly justify a completely redone Ganondorf and Ganon. He along with Dixie and Dee are my last big Nintendo wants.

Every argument against him is null and void. You can have a Final Smash and a playable character. You can have multiple versions of the same character. You can fight a boss version of a character with the playable version of that character. The only reason to not add Ganon is aversion to Triforce characters.

Most of the non-Triforce characters don't interest me, though. I don't want a random one-off character for the sake of having a new Zelda character, I would rather they be meaningful in their own context. Characters like Ridley, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, and Bandana Dee are notable characters outside of just being another "rep" for their franchise. I'd be fine with Impa as a Sheik echo, or even a semi-clone, though.
I always feel like Zelda got the short end of the stick on villains. Every major franchise in Smash has their main recurring antagonist now, except Zelda has basically just Captain Falcon with a sword, because of melee.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
I want classic Ganon. He sorta feels like the last major Nintendo villain not on the roster. While he's linked to Ganondorf in the story
as they are the same character im not sure linked is the right word


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
as they are the same character im not sure linked is the right word
Like I said, in the context of the story. In design, battle style, etc. (basically everything that matters in a fighting game), they’re very different.

To use a strange comparison, the Fight Club protagonist and Tyler Durdan are the same character, but also not.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Like I said, in the context of the story. In design, battle style, etc. (basically everything that matters in a fighting game), they’re very different.

To use a strange comparison, the Fight Club protagonist and Tyler Durdan are the same character, but also not.
never seen it so the comparison is lost on me, but i know what you mean in regards to ganon


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Here's my general wishlist for Zelda characters.

Impa's not there because Nintendo can't seem to agree on what she should be; One game she's a ninja, the next she's a frail old woman, so unless BotW Impa can bust out some ninja moves, it'd feel weird to me to put her in the game without representing ALL her incarnations, not just the ones that can fight.
Might make a similar wishlist for Kirby...


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Here's my general wishlist for Zelda characters.

Impa's not there because Nintendo can't seem to agree on what she should be; One game she's a ninja, the next she's a frail old woman, so unless BotW Impa can bust out some ninja moves, it'd feel weird to me to put her in the game without representing ALL her incarnations, not just the ones that can fight.
Might make a similar wishlist for Kirby...
none of the zelda characters thus far represent all their incarnations


Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
none of the zelda characters thus far represent all their incarnations
I meant in terms of general characteristics. Zelda has a ton of incarnations, but they usually tend to become fair-haired princesses with a propensity for magic. Link likewise generally reincarnates as a green-clad swordsman that uses tools to solve puzzles. The most differences that occur between them are usually ages varying from children to adults, and maybe Link prefers blue.

Impa on the other hand can look like either of these people, and take a fundamentally different approach as Zelda's caretaker as a result.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Ravio (echo of Young Link?)
Aww man how ya gonna do Ravio dirty like that. He could be so much more than a clone of a clone.

To start I had two main goals when designing this moveset, make sure he didn't end up too similar to the 3 Links and stay as faithful to the rental items from ALBW. I figured he would be a zoner who plays defensively and keeps their distance between them and the opponent while racking up damage.

Ravio’s Moveset
Walking Speed:
Running Speed: 6/10
Jump: 5/10
Weight: 4/10

Neutral Special (B):
Rental Ice Rod. Drops an ice chuck straight down in front of Ravio. Charging the attack creates a larger chuck, fully charging freezes the opponent. Ice lingers briefly after the attack ends and will affect the opponent as if they were hit if they touch it.
Forward Special: Rental Fire Rod. Shoots a pillar of fire straight forward. Charging the attack shoots it further out.
Up Special: Rental Tornado Rod. Causes a gust of wind below Ravio to launch him up. Opponents caught are carried up and damaged by the wind.
Down Special: Rental Sand Rod. Sand pillars appear on each side of Ravio while charging (similar to Pits shield.) When released sand moves away from Ravio (similar to Isaac's move.) Longer charge pushes sand further.

Jab (A):
Two flailing hook punches followed by lobbing a rental bomb just in front of him which explodes for minor damage and knockback on contact with opponent or stage.
Forward Tilt: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer down over his head.
Up Tilt: Ravio "collects" a rupee and holds it over his head in the classic Zelda item collection pose.
Down Tilt: Ravio rolls a Rental Bomb on the ground which explodes on contact with opponent.
Dash Attack: Ravio trips and his bag of rupees falls forward hitting the opponent and spilling the rupees.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash:
Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang forward a short distance (similar to Mega Man's F-smash.)
Up Smash: Ravio uses the Rental Sand Rod to push himself up into the opponent with an uppercut.
Down Smash: Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang so it spins around him on each side.

Aerial Attacks
Neutral Air:
Ravio spins in the air with the Rental Sand Rod in his hand, sand spins around with him holding any caught opponents close (similar to Zelda's neutral air.)
Forward Air: Ravio uses the Rental Tornado Rod to blast air forward pushing him back and damaging anyone hit.
Back Air: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer in a horizontal arc behind him doing high knockback and damage.
Up Air: Ravio points the Rental Fire Rod up and a blast of fire appears above him (similar to Zelda's up air.)
Down Air: Ravio points the Rental Ice Rod down which drops an ice chuck straight down. Spikes opponents hit.

Pummel (Grab then A):
Ravio grabs with the hookshot (also a tether recovery). His pummel has Sheerow attacking the opponent while Ravio hangs on to them.
Forward Throw: Ravio pushes the opponent forward then shoots them with the Rental Bow.
Back Throw: Ravio throws the opponent behind him onto a Rental Bomb Sheerow had placed.
Up Throw: Ravio throws the opponent up and shoots the Rental Bow at them.
Down Throw: Ravio throws the opponent down and then sets his heavy rupee bag on them.

Final Smash
Final Smash Name:
Yuga's Rampage. Ravio tackles forward, if he connects the scene shifts to Hyrule Castle where Yuga shows up to blast everyone into paintings. Ravio pops back out of his painting after Yuga flys away thanks to his bracelet and runs away leaving a big bomb to blow the rest of the paintings up.

Up Taunt:
Sheerow circles around Ravio while he watches her.
Forward Taunt: Ravio turns his back to the screen and pulls his hood up to wipe his forehead off, he then gives a slight look back before pulling it down again.
Down Taunt: Ravio pulls out his rupee bag and gazes into it with Sheerow looking over his shoulder.

Plus he has so much character
being Lorule's hero but not having the courage to fight Yuga directly, so he goes against his princess and steals the key item Link needs so that he can help Link beat Yuga, knowing that in doing so he may very well be dooming his home kingdom. All because he didn't think it was right to steal Hyrule's triforce.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
I meant in terms of general characteristics. Zelda has a ton of incarnations, but they usually tend to become fair-haired princesses with a propensity for magic. Link likewise generally reincarnates as a green-clad swordsman that uses tools to solve puzzles. The most differences that occur between them are usually ages varying from children to adults, and maybe Link prefers blue.

Impa on the other hand can look like either of these people, and take a fundamentally different approach as Zelda's caretaker as a result.
View attachment 183307
there are variations in the personalities of zelda and link as well, the differences in impas two are mostly age and it really shouldnt be a problem when it comes to smash


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Aww man how ya gonna do Ravio dirty like that. He could be so much more than a clone of a clone.

To start I had two main goals when designing this moveset, make sure he didn't end up too similar to the 3 Links and stay as faithful to the rental items from ALBW. I figured he would be a zoner who plays defensively and keeps their distance between them and the opponent while racking up damage.

Ravio’s Moveset
Walking Speed:
Running Speed: 6/10
Jump: 5/10
Weight: 4/10

Neutral Special (B):
Rental Ice Rod. Drops an ice chuck straight down in front of Ravio. Charging the attack creates a larger chuck, fully charging freezes the opponent. Ice lingers briefly after the attack ends and will affect the opponent as if they were hit if they touch it.
Forward Special: Rental Fire Rod. Shoots a pillar of fire straight forward. Charging the attack shoots it further out.
Up Special: Rental Tornado Rod. Causes a gust of wind below Ravio to launch him up. Opponents caught are carried up and damaged by the wind.
Down Special: Rental Sand Rod. Sand pillars appear on each side of Ravio while charging (similar to Pits shield.) When released sand moves away from Ravio (similar to Isaac's move.) Longer charge pushes sand further.

Jab (A):
Two flailing hook punches followed by lobbing a rental bomb just in front of him which explodes for minor damage and knockback on contact with opponent or stage.
Forward Tilt: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer down over his head.
Up Tilt: Ravio "collects" a rupee and holds it over his head in the classic Zelda item collection pose.
Down Tilt: Ravio rolls a Rental Bomb on the ground which explodes on contact with opponent.
Dash Attack: Ravio trips and his bag of rupees falls forward hitting the opponent and spilling the rupees.

Smash Attacks
Forward Smash:
Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang forward a short distance (similar to Mega Man's F-smash.)
Up Smash: Ravio uses the Rental Sand Rod to push himself up into the opponent with an uppercut.
Down Smash: Ravio throws the Rental Boomerang so it spins around him on each side.

Aerial Attacks
Neutral Air:
Ravio spins in the air with the Rental Sand Rod in his hand, sand spins around with him holding any caught opponents close (similar to Zelda's neutral air.)
Forward Air: Ravio uses the Rental Tornado Rod to blast air forward pushing him back and damaging anyone hit.
Back Air: Ravio swings the Rental Hammer in a horizontal arc behind him doing high knockback and damage.
Up Air: Ravio points the Rental Fire Rod up and a blast of fire appears above him (similar to Zelda's up air.)
Down Air: Ravio points the Rental Ice Rod down which drops an ice chuck straight down. Spikes opponents hit.

Pummel (Grab then A):
Ravio grabs with the hookshot (also a tether recovery). His pummel has Sheerow attacking the opponent while Ravio hangs on to them.
Forward Throw: Ravio pushes the opponent forward then shoots them with the Rental Bow.
Back Throw: Ravio throws the opponent behind him onto a Rental Bomb Sheerow had placed.
Up Throw: Ravio throws the opponent up and shoots the Rental Bow at them.
Down Throw: Ravio throws the opponent down and then sets his heavy rupee bag on them.

Final Smash
Final Smash Name:
Yuga's Rampage. Ravio tackles forward, if he connects the scene shifts to Hyrule Castle where Yuga shows up to blast everyone into paintings. Ravio pops back out of his painting after Yuga flys away thanks to his bracelet and runs away leaving a big bomb to blow the rest of the paintings up.

Up Taunt:
Sheerow circles around Ravio while he watches her.
Forward Taunt: Ravio turns his back to the screen and pulls his hood up to wipe his forehead off, he then gives a slight look back before pulling it down again.
Down Taunt: Ravio pulls out his rupee bag and gazes into it with Sheerow looking over his shoulder.

Plus he has so much character
being Lorule's hero but not having the courage to fight Yuga directly, so he goes against his princess and steals the key item Link needs so that he can help Link beat Yuga, knowing that in doing so he may very well be dooming his home kingdom. All because he didn't think it was right to steal Hyrule's triforce.
That's exactly why I put a question mark there :p

Ravio totally has the potential to be a completely unique character, but he COULD be an echo fighter pretty reasonably. I like your moveset idea a lot! I just think if we DID get him, it's unlikely it'd be as anything other than an echo fighter.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
That's exactly why I put a question mark there :p

Ravio totally has the potential to be a completely unique character, but he COULD be an echo fighter pretty reasonably. I like your moveset idea a lot! I just think if we DID get him, it's unlikely it'd be as anything other than an echo fighter.
Oh I know he COULD work but we really don't need 4 versions of the same moveset even if it gets my favorite in lol.

Personally I'm hoping the Lorule cast show up again in another Zelda game and then maybe they will be relevant for Smash 6 lol.

there are variations in the personalities of zelda and link as well, the differences in impas two are mostly age and it really shouldnt be a problem when it comes to smash
I don't know I think an argument could be made that characters who would move very differently would be more relevant in a fighting game than slightly different personalities (though personality obviously plays a part since ALBW Zelda got in over BotW). An old Impa could potentially work as a fighter, but she wouldn't be anything like her younger version and vise versa.

Personally if Impa gets in I hope she just takes Sheik's moveset, it makes more sense for her anyway considering that's who the Sheik moveset was based off of.
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Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Oh I know he COULD work but we really don't need 4 versions of the same moveset even if it gets my favorite in lol.

Personally I'm hoping the Lorule cast show up again in another Zelda game and then maybe they will be relevant for Smash 6 lol.
What we need is the Legend of Zelda Kart, featuring all your favorite Zelda characters as playable! Haha, ganon's having fun and driving with us, it's not like his goal is to murder every single one of us :)
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2018
What if Aghanim was in BOTW maybe hed be revelant.

Also what if the Ocarina was an item
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