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Social General Ice Climber Chat


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2010
Lebanon, NH
I always find myself getting a grab with nana being desynced. My opponent struggles out before I can get a grab combo going.

Is my problem dash grabbing too much instead of wd jc grab?

Or is it common and I just need to headbutt to wait for her?

I need to watch more videos, but I'd appreciate any input.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Umm there are some times where jump canceling will give you the extra time needed to start a chaingrab, but often times you just have to pick something and go with it before they mash out. I like back throw and dthrow tech chases into regrab combos.

vs a lot of faster falling characters you can dthrow and regrab without moving if they dont di or if they di up, its worth trying if you are really fast with your throw and confident they were expecting a smash and wont be di-ing yet.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
1. If you lightshield to a certain degree, only Nana will actually lightshield.
2. Lightshield with one trigger, then repeatedly click the other trigger down simultaneously.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
nah what you do is hold down A and L/R then mash Z to alternate between the 2 shields
shield and then hold down A during hitstun then u can do it easily without grabbing, theres other tricks to not grab also.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2007
Popping and locking butt naked.
I am terrible and there will be a lot to critic, but I am going to upload a match of mine from todays tourney.

If anyone watches just give me general tips or specific things to work on, because I have a lot of work to do.


that said, I love this game.


Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
If someone is coming from below the ledge trying to sweetspot, use down smash, it's less punishable than fsmash. A lot of the times he recovered he really shouldn't have, treat Luigi like Sheik, grab the ledge and then punish when he goes for the stage. Also, you should've changed strategy when you realized your wavedash > fsmash edge guards weren't working and stayed back a bit instead and waited for him to come off the ledge, you kept getting punished for that.

Your options out of a grab are incorrect as well, you'd want to be using the hand-off and hoping Nana fthrows/dthrows so you can continue it. If she bthrows, it turns into a tech-chase. If she uthrows, you can follow up with an uair or a bair and start juggling Luigi. If you don't know how to hand-off Luigi, I'd suggest a simple dthrow > up smash > juggle. Dthrow > Dair would've worked every now and then as well when he was expecting something different.

Not enough Blizzard, really. You can blizzard whenever you are at neutral and it locks Luigi's wave-dash shenanigans out.

If Luigi is trying to juggle you, dair and fast-fall as soon as you see him jump up to try and catch him off-guard. Dair just works against floaties in general. You can dair him out of the air in a lot of situations with a Nana short hop, try and snipe him and then follow up with an fsmash or grab.

Don't be afraid to recover with Up B sweet-spots and air dodges as SoPo. Squall is very punishable, especially if you are going to do it right into him.

When at neutral, you should've been focusing more on creating a wall with bair, blizzard and fsmash instead of approaching with wavedash > shield (doesn't really work cause Luigi is so hard to shield grab).

Just a few things I noticed, hope that helps.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2007
Popping and locking butt naked.
Not enough Blizzard, really. You can blizzard whenever you are at neutral and it locks Luigi's wave-dash shenanigans out.

When at neutral, you should've been focusing more on creating a wall with bair, blizzard and fsmash instead of approaching with wavedash > shield (doesn't really work cause Luigi is so hard to shield grab).

Just a few things I noticed, hope that helps.
Thanks, makes sense.


Smash Champion
Sep 10, 2007
Loser's Semis vs ihavespaceballs
So picking up street fighter 3rd strike to get better understanding of reading opponents and
get the idea of spacing and baiting more.

I know a lot of people trying different things to improve there game so i figured i'd try something crazy like picking up a game all about reading an opponent and spacing lol

so far it's failing massively and i might be worst in arkansas lol

plus i play ibuki ninja bish all day!


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
LOL, I've been playing a little bit of MvC3, I dont know what I want my team to be at all though, I'm liking dante spiderman akuma right now but I am sure I could do better, also my spiderman sucks and I just kinda keep using him because hes my favorite comic superhero.

As far as spacing and reading people goes you just need to pick 1 of those things to focus on each time you play friendlies for a whole day and just make it second nature. I have some days where I just litterally don't try to attack I just think about attacking and muse to myself whether something could hit or not while dancing in and out of their range until I notice openings, then the next time I play I try out things vs those same openings. If I did it more often I would be much better at the game probably.


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
I just realized how to play this game.

The other guy is constantly trying to bait me. If I make this conscious in my brain, the game is SO much different.

It seems much harder for ICs to bait than it is for Fox and Falco. ICs still have to take huge risks when they "go for it". And things like Ganon Fair>jab are nearly unpunishable EVEN if you bait it out. This is bothering me now.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
haha with slow chars like ganon, why bait them when i can just put up a wall haha

still works!

in 3rd strike i use makoto and rush down

in mvc3 i use task/hsienko/doom and zone most of the time. hsien ko nerfs me but she is my favorite character, and i love having that invincible assist

my original rushdown team is x-23/hsien-ko/tron (rushdown vs rushdown), or x-23/tron/doom (rushdown vs everything else)


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
So just have Nana blizzard Ganon and grab him?
Works against people who suck against climbers, but once youve been blizzarded 100 times they will know how to get out.

But yeah ganon is 222easy with that blizzard>grab or move style when they don't know how to SDI>jump or roll.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
even if you blizzard and they di out of it

what can he do

you don't always have to grab him after blizzard

but if he got hit by blizzard, you have advantage cuz he's receiving damage and can't get close

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
in 3rd strike i use makoto and rush down

in mvc3 i use task/hsienko/doom and zone most of the time. hsien ko nerfs me but she is my favorite character, and i love having that invincible assist

my original rushdown team is x-23/hsien-ko/tron (rushdown vs rushdown), or x-23/tron/doom (rushdown vs everything else)
In BB:CS2 I use Arakune and camp until I curse them, then I rushdown.

In Melee, I use Ice Climbers and I play a desync, spacing oriented style not really rushdown or camping. I do the same thing with Fox, Falco and Marth.

In Brawl, I use Jigglypuff and I caaaaamp.

In Soul Calibur I use Yoshimitsu and I rushdown.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
*Kisses Choknater repeatedly*

EXACTLY!!! peef, obviously if you notice they start escaping the blizzard, you can still punish what their escape option is. Ganon isn't exactly in an advantaged position above you or in the process of rolling. LOL.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
he thinks about ice climbers a lot :)

over time i've been learning that ic's don't quite fit my style

i'm really really gradually transferring my skills to young link. i know he's low tier but i feel that his full potential really hasn't been tapped yet. i want to be the axe of young link

i mean, his two biggest problems are 1. getting kills and 2. getting gimped. i feel that, with great consistency, those two weaknesses can be alleviated. he just has to make a lot more good choices than the opponent, but if he gains momentum, he can maintain it very easily with projectiles


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2006
So, I was playing around with the Ice Climbers in training mode the other day, and I found some, at least to me, new desynchs which I think could be somewhat useful. You guys have probably known about these for a long time, but I thought I would post them just for the heck of it.

Dash back --> dash forward --> down-b --> shield/whatever

This will make Nana Blizzard while you can do whatever you want. It's pretty much the same concept as dash-->dash-->dash-->blizzard, but instead of moving closer to your opponent, you move away from him, just like roll-->blizzard, but faster and without moving as far away. Obviously, you can't do it out of shield, however.
As said, you have probably known about this forever, but I think it's a great mix up to the other dash-dance-blizzard; and you only have to dash twice, hah.

Dash forward --> dash back --> dash forward --> down z+a

This will make Popo do a dash grab while Nana charges up down-smash behind him. I think this could be used to bait your opponent into a down-smash: If you miss the grab, they'll most likely try to punish it, and, depending on which attack they'll use, be hit by Nana's down-smash. If they spot dodge the grab, or if you manage to grab them, they'll be hit as well.
I have yet to try this successfully in a match, but I think it could be useful against grab-happy foxes and people who spot dodge a lot.

What do you think about these?
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