Smash Champion
Code Geass: I'd agree with the show being somewhat similar to Death Note... just better. And that is not only due to giant robots.My buddy and I decided that some time this week we're going to sit down and watch a popular series that neither one of us has seen. He hasn't gotten his list up yet, but I just finished mine an this is what I got:
Popular animation of Japanese origin that I have yet to view:
- Code Geass
- K-On
- Gurren Lagaan
- Rozen Maiden
- Fate/Stay Knight
- Clannad
- A Certain Magical Index/Railgun (difference?)
- Everything related to Haruhi Suzusomething
- Steins;Gate
- Claymore
- Free
- Everything related to Ghost In the Shell except for GitS SAC 2nd Gig
- Ouran Host Club
- Pyscho-Pass
- Samurai Champloo
- Literally everything related to Tenchi Muyo
- Future Diary
- Akame Ga Kill
- My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute
As previously stated, this is a list of well received/widely known/talked about/influential anime in the past ten years or so that I haven't gotten around to watching. Before my friend and I settle on an anime to watch can anyone gives me some recommendations from this list or at least the general gist of what I'll be getting into?
K-On: I'd actually say that K-On has actually a pretty decent amount of story for slice-of-life moe stuff. Well, if you like those, I would usually recommend going straight ahead, since the genre doesn't have many better offerings... except for Clannad also being on your list, and that would be one of the slice-of-life shows I'd recommend over K-On.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: If ridiculously over the top mecha action sounds entertaining to you (trust me, it is), this is what you're looking for.
Rozen Maiden: watched the first season, dropped somewhere through the second one. I didn't dislike it, but it didn't really manage to really get my attention either.
Fate/stay night: hah, your spelling is just what the Japanese and their ridiculous way to express English deserve :D I'd guess you're thinking about starting to watch anything of the fate-universe for the first time here, right? First of all, there is no anime adaption of the saber-arc (the first arc of the original VN), and if there were, it wouldn't be by studio deen. And if there were, it'd be so horrible that nobody would recommend watching that. At least that's what I hear.
So, I guess that leaves two options: a) start with the prequel Fate/Zero, or b) watch the currently airing adaption of the second arc by UFO table. Both work perfectly fine, and don't require prior knowledge. Personally I prefer Fate/Zero, but I guess I'm a huge Gen Urobuchi (the author of that one) fanboy, so take that with a grain of salt.
Clannad: Amazing piece of slice of life. Has is all... great characters, great comedy, nice atmosphere, and then throws a great story line and some amazing drama in the second season on top of that.
A certain magical index/railgun: Index is the original story, railgun being a spinoff focussing on the most popular character of the franchise. I thought the first index season was decent enough, but the second one dropped off so harshly, that I didn't manage to finish that one... I highly preferred the spin-off
Haruhi: another really good slice-of-life'ish anime. Basically could repeat what I've written about Clannad :D
Steins;gate: Great comedy, and an amazing story line which really picks up after a few episodes. So I'd recommend trying to stick with it, even if the first episodes don't seem to overwhelming... My personal favorite from your list
Claymore: Didn't watch at all. Apparently it's about demons and swords (at least it's the first thing to pop up when you look for sth like "anime sword demon" on google :D)
Free: Didn't watch more than a few episodes. Sports anime isn't for me.
GITS: didn't watch much, didn't like it. Blame my horrible taste :D
Ouran Host club / Tenci Muyo / Future diary: didn't even hear of those
Psycho Pass: more Gen Urobuchi goodness. Dark, dystopian, philosophical sound good to you? Watch it!
Samurai Champloo: Came for Nujabes music, stayed for a fun story (:
Akame Ga Kill: somewhat dark. Sadly there's also tons of stuff in that series that doesn't make any sense.
My Little sister can't be this cute: decent enough comedy, but I thought at some point the characters stop acting reasonable at all :x
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