Smash Hero
well, i apologize if my joke was considered rude. Anyone should know there was no serious intent in said joke, but i sincerely do apologize if anyone was offended by it.
what i dont apologize for, is being pissed about my tourney getting **** on twice by two seperate melee tourneys, when all i was trying to do was hold a melee tourney for you guys. I've made it very clear that i do not play melee, and i dont wish to play melee. But ive also made it very clear that i dont want the melee scene to just die out...but if i catch all this flack from you melee people about coming to a melee tourney, and THEN if you DO show up to a melee tourney all you do is ***** and complain about how bad brawl is all ****ing day long instead of enjoying your own game, and even try to just get brawl removed from the tourney entirely (Even tourneys you PROBABLY WONT EVEN ATTEND...LOOK AT THE ARCADE RENAISSANCE THREAD FOR ****S SAKE), then i dont want ***gots like that around my tourneys. You dont see brawl players at brawl tourneys going "man...i know no one here is playing melee, but its such a terrible game...". I dont host tourneys for myself or for money. I do ****ty at almost every tourney that I host (dont know why), and I dont get paid to run any tourney I do, be it house brawl or brawl wars. I host tourneys for the sole purpose of people to have a good time, not to have half of the crowd make fun of the other half for playing a different game, and thinking they are literally better people than the others just because they PLAY A ****ING GAME! ARE YOU SERIOUS?
For the record, i dont care if you like melee and would take a steaming **** on brawl in public AND pay someone to let you do it, but dont be an ******* about it to the people who play brawl. Respect other tourneys and their dates. If its the same game, dont host a tourney on the same date unless both tourneys are like...the very tip top and the very bottom of FL, like tally and miami. These places were about 2 and a half hours away from each other...theres no reason for this.
but you know what, the tourney is over, and now that i've had my mini rant on a certain variety of melee player (note: not all melee players fall into the above rant), im not gonna worry about it. I see what the problem is. The problem arises from the fact that i tried to host melee at my tournament. If there was no melee, there wouldve been no problems. Even if it were lower attendance, no drama would have happened. So the next brawl wars is going to be strictly brawl again. Until the melee community can show me that they can at least band together and attend their tourneys instead of splitting attendance for their own events, Brawl wars will continue to be just that: Brawl
what i dont apologize for, is being pissed about my tourney getting **** on twice by two seperate melee tourneys, when all i was trying to do was hold a melee tourney for you guys. I've made it very clear that i do not play melee, and i dont wish to play melee. But ive also made it very clear that i dont want the melee scene to just die out...but if i catch all this flack from you melee people about coming to a melee tourney, and THEN if you DO show up to a melee tourney all you do is ***** and complain about how bad brawl is all ****ing day long instead of enjoying your own game, and even try to just get brawl removed from the tourney entirely (Even tourneys you PROBABLY WONT EVEN ATTEND...LOOK AT THE ARCADE RENAISSANCE THREAD FOR ****S SAKE), then i dont want ***gots like that around my tourneys. You dont see brawl players at brawl tourneys going "man...i know no one here is playing melee, but its such a terrible game...". I dont host tourneys for myself or for money. I do ****ty at almost every tourney that I host (dont know why), and I dont get paid to run any tourney I do, be it house brawl or brawl wars. I host tourneys for the sole purpose of people to have a good time, not to have half of the crowd make fun of the other half for playing a different game, and thinking they are literally better people than the others just because they PLAY A ****ING GAME! ARE YOU SERIOUS?
For the record, i dont care if you like melee and would take a steaming **** on brawl in public AND pay someone to let you do it, but dont be an ******* about it to the people who play brawl. Respect other tourneys and their dates. If its the same game, dont host a tourney on the same date unless both tourneys are like...the very tip top and the very bottom of FL, like tally and miami. These places were about 2 and a half hours away from each other...theres no reason for this.
but you know what, the tourney is over, and now that i've had my mini rant on a certain variety of melee player (note: not all melee players fall into the above rant), im not gonna worry about it. I see what the problem is. The problem arises from the fact that i tried to host melee at my tournament. If there was no melee, there wouldve been no problems. Even if it were lower attendance, no drama would have happened. So the next brawl wars is going to be strictly brawl again. Until the melee community can show me that they can at least band together and attend their tourneys instead of splitting attendance for their own events, Brawl wars will continue to be just that: Brawl