WOW, WTF?!!??!?!
i didnt realize you guys were fighting over this whole date debacle. And GDX, you said you calmed down? which means you werent calm in the first place? for what? i was having so muhc fun and success with my iGT series, (which is how i got my name blue in the first place), but then, during the last tournament, a wii was stolen. So, we lost the best venue in Florida, just like that. A year later, i decide to try again since i find out he's holding tournies for other games (halo, gears, call, guitar hero). He says "yeah, sure, why not?". I'm ecstatic at this point. So, i wanted to plan the date way ahead of time to make sure i could get a good spot and have time for everyone to get ready. I then posted how it will be on the first saturday of November, but i just had to get it confirmed. He said yeah, no problem. So i posted it, i didnt even realize that GDX posted his tourney there. I didnt do it on purpose. After finding out about GDX's, i went back to phil and see what i could do about the dates. But they were now taken by other tournaments since i called my saturday for smash. So i did try, but just couldnt change the date. And i figured who cares, mine is melee, and his is brawl. Even though theres also melee, its not the focus, mine is. And like i said, im just so excited to have an iGT tourney again, after one year!!!!
so basically, i never meant to stir up trouble and there should be no hard feelings. And for me to move a melee date for a primarily brawl event would be punishable by death anyways, so i couldnt have done it. MELEE IS TOO GOOD!!! hopefully one they you'll realize that.