Smash Legend
But Items were not deconfirmed, only a subcategory of items known as assist trophies.They are in the same category ITEMS! The reason they are not together is because they meet different character criteria, Pokeballs = Pokemon, AT's = Every other Nintendo character.
And again with the deductions about how other people think of pokeballs, that's not proof of impossibility.
We've been through this already, everything the demo has is officially in the game, but the demo does not necessarily have everything that's in the game (in fact it almost never does).The demo is not there to be interpreted, the demo holds what's officially in the game, Gardevoir is in the demo, thus she is deconfirmed.
Since there has not been any confirmation that a character cannot have multiple roles (exempting assist trophies, and in the previous game there was proof that they could, just not proof they could be in any other role and be playable), it's not a deconfirmation.
No, they need to be confirmed as such for it to be a deconfirmation, it's that simple, anything less is just highly unlikely.The only reason they are not the same is because they don't have the same type of characters inside, they don't need to be confirmed by Sakurai to be the same just so that you understand it.
I repeat, anything less then the an official statement (through any of the means possible, including final release, dojo, etc) is not a deconfirmation. That's pretty much the definition of deconfirmation.
Again, that does not prove that they are the same for the purposes of deconfirmation.sorry I need to step in here just because I think I can sever the last bit of ground left on your argument:
he never explicitly told us they were the same. HOWEVER it has been seen in vids that they act exactly the same.
No, he did not. But they've never been exactly forthcoming with the hitbox data have they?He never told us that a sword reached farther than a fist either... some things are just meant to be inferred for the sake of not cluttering the website with pages upon pages of stating the obvious.
For instance, that jigglypuff's pound attack has an extremely large hitbox as compared to the actual size of it's fist on-screen, it seemed obvious that the hitbox was jigglypuff's fist, right?
If you check the hitbox data, you'll see tons of similar differences between what the hitbox appears to be, and what it actually is.
And it's not like all sword attacks have larger range, they just tend to do, so for an individual attack, it's chance, it's likely that a sword attack will have longer range, but not guaranteed.
The fact is, Sakurai is just not giving us all the info, sure he's given us plenty of hits, but just like we cannot know the full hitboxes of moves until we play the game to death, true deconfirmations for every character that could potentially be in smash are just not going to happen until we get the game, we'll have to settle for probabilities until then.