I may be muddling words (which BTW ... you are too (discrete is being used incorrectly for one thing and you've been using other words where you shouldn't too)) but you are muddling concepts. Just because something may be true in some other area, it doesn't make it acceptable to cite that (your math concepts were stretches at best, the situations are not parallel most of the time)
Discrete is being used properly, it means separate for regular English, and in technical math it refers to numbers being finite (which I used both ways), I may use archaic language at times, but almost never incorrectly, and certainly never knowingly, and usually because I consider it more precise for the given situation.
And I'm not muddling concepts, what we are talking about is probability, something which is a math field, so citing mathematical concepts is perfectly proper in this situation.
That, and what math is sketchy, please cite what errors I made, don't just say it's sketchy.
What you are doing is playing devil's advocate... and it's really making this thread horrible whether you care about it or not you are sullying the name of garde fans
No, Devil's advocate is when you argue against what you agree with.
I agree with every single word I said, I quantified my position from the very beginning (that I took issue with the words "impossible" and "deconfirmation") and people such as yourself are refusing to reach into basic logic and realize that "impossible" is very different from
"highly improbable", even if in the majority of cases it seems similar.
And it's not my fault people don't read and consider me an uber-gardevoir supporter, as opposed to a mild supporter who got annoyed at people muddling the English language to an even greater degree then already is.
Is not logical is OBVIOUS, Pokeballs are Pokemon equivalent to AT's, again one doesn't need Sakurai to put a big notice in the Dojo to know that, they have the exact same use which is to summon a character to do damage for a short period of time, they are the same thing!
Then why wouldn't he make pokeballs a sub-category of assist trophies?
The fact is that it seems obvious, but till confirmed they only carry "high chance of not appearing", not "impossible to appear".
and you are disputing the validity of the demo by saying that what's in it is not official until it comes out of the creator's mouth.
Not really, I said official confirmations or deconfirmations, which includes official word in any form, demos included.
and as Sonic says this thread will be even more lulz worthy when the Gardevoir update appears on the Dojo.
Why? Doesn't hurt my argument since it only refers to this time period, future changes always adapts the situation therefore all statements are only valid as they are current.
Sakurai does not need to waste an update spelling every little thing out.
some things are assumed as obvious... there are examples of this in mathematics too so don't try to use math to disprove it
You mean like that there's only white swans?
There are so many examples of something "obvious" being incorrect, it's not even funny, especially when dealing how another human thinks of something, because as I pointed out before, psychology's accuracy only derives from groups, individuals are inherently unpredictable.
Face it, the reasons that's it's obvious is because it's unprecedented for it not to occur that way and you're assuming that equality in your mind means equality in Sakurai's mind.
Oh yeah, as for math, it's not a case of something being obvious, the unproven concepts are the essential features of the system (for example, what makes two real numbers different, "because you can place another real number between them", or "define a point"). We only take them for granted because if we did not we would be working in a slightly different mathematic system.
We COULD pick new core components, and work in a slightly different system (or completely different for that matter), we just choose not to. However, from those core components, all other math is derived.