Smash Ace
You send me those 4 replays. ive recorded them except the one vs sonic on Delfino, dunno why but its buggy at the beginning and its black in parts if i try to record it
so i recorded your lol nair on Picto Chat, your Snake Combo on Orpheon and the beginning of the Ganon vs Ness Fight+the wizkick spike
The question is: that Ganon vs Ness replay, was that you or was it TP? Because it was Ganjadorf and it wasnt your playstyle
You send me those 4 replays. ive recorded them except the one vs sonic on Delfino, dunno why but its buggy at the beginning and its black in parts if i try to record it
so i recorded your lol nair on Picto Chat, your Snake Combo on Orpheon and the beginning of the Ganon vs Ness Fight+the wizkick spike
The question is: that Ganon vs Ness replay, was that you or was it TP? Because it was Ganjadorf and it wasnt your playstyle