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GamesRadar's Who Should Be Cut for SSB4 (Hilarious)

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Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118
Maybe, I don't know if anything besides their specials are similar, so you're probably right on that part.
I'm just saying that Ike being a Marth clone because of their down B's is like saying Lucario is a Mewtwo clone because of their neutral B's

True. As for Wolf and Fox...None of their Normal attacks are similiar even more unique than Lucas and Ness. As for their specials...I only find the reflector and fire fox/wolf similiar. Their attributes are different too. While both have fast falling speed, Wolf has one of the best air speeds in the game and fox has a pretty horrible air speed. Fox is also ALOT faster than Wolf. I think the biggest reason people think Wolf is a semi-clone/clone is their final smash. And that both are canines.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2010
True. As for Wolf and Fox...None of their Normal attacks are similiar even more unique than Lucas and Ness. As for their specials...I only find the reflector and fire fox/wolf similiar. Their attributes are different too. While both have fast falling speed, Wolf has one of the best air speeds in the game and fox has a pretty horrible air speed. Fox is also ALOT faster than Wolf. I think the biggest reason people think Wolf is a semi-clone/clone is their final smash. And that both are canines.
I can agree on everything except the last two statements.

1.) Nobody really considers the Final Smash

2.) The fact that they are from the same species has nothing to do with it.


Smash Hero
Jun 15, 2013
Heaven, as of december 7th
Switch FC
SW 0383 4539 4118


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2013
The Sock Drawer
I've never wanted ROB(or anyone) to be cut, but now I want him in that much more to piss them off.
(I need to stop spiting people XD)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 31, 2013
at temple
I seriously think these guys have only played Smash Bros once while at a friend's house.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2013
The Sock Drawer
I don't understand what the deal is with their intro.
They looked at these pictures and said, "This is how i want to introduce myself"


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
At least they acknowledge that they're idiots in some of the episodes... but that still begs the question of why they still do this show.

I just recently watched the first part of their hopefuls. They honestly thought Lucina would replace Marth just because she was in Awakening and an impostor Marth. They also incorrectly referred to Mega Mewtwo Y as "Mewthree" and predicted him instead of Mewtwo for Smash 4, which of course makes no sense. (This may have been done before we knew Mewtwo's Awakened form was a Mega Evolution, but that's no excuse for the Mewthree thing or for not realizing that the form is temporary.)

I haven't played Kirby's Return to Dreamland yet, but I was pretty certain that Bandana Dee was the fourth playable character, not some random Magalor thing! Am I mistaken on that? If so, then I can understand their thinking. But Waddle Dee would get in first, IMO.

At the very least, they had the guts to want Birdo playable, which I would love to see, but it's not realistic.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Plus they think that Birdo would be a good character because she had a cut scene.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2013
I've just watched the entire video and I must say that it was complete rubbish.

(Wall of text approaching. Sit down and get comfy.)

Since Marth has been announced and our worries have been laid to rest, I won't even bother talking about their idiotic reasoning as to why he'd be removed. All that I'll say is that Marth is literally the oldest representative of Fire Emblem and is one of the more cherished characters introduced in SSB. Considering the likes of Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Samus are allowed to stay, it would make absolutely no sense for him to be removed,

Ike will likely make a return, simply due to PoR and RD being fairly well recognized as the better of the console Fire Emblem games and the fact that Ike is as well liked (or moreso) as Marth.

Also, Lucina would be a poor choice to add to the roster (Though, I'll admit that I do think that based on personal bias. I did not like Lucina that much.). Chrom being added would be nice, but not as a replacement for Ike. Also, having both Chrom and Lucia in SSB4 is a tad redundant considering that they are both from the same game, Fire Emblem: Awakening.

As an added note, my brother thinks that if both Ike and Chrom are in SSB4, they will appear on the different versions of the game rather than on both. Ike would be on the Wii U, since his games took place on consoles (the Gamecube and Wii respectively), and Chrom would be on the 3DS, since his game took place on a handheld console. I could actually see the same happening for Marth and Lucina as well.

Removing Lucas?... Considering how much screen time I've heard he's gotten in SSE (I can't quite remember just how much he got, but if memory serves, it was quite a bit.) I doubt that they'd let go of a character they put so much into making. Mayhaps they'd give him a modified moveset (Just something to set him apart from Ness a bit more than now), or something, but I just don't see them removing him. Also, the Mother fans would be in an absolute outrage because of it.

Lucario being removed might be the most likely choice, however, I doubt that Mewtwo would replace him considering the fact that if they did put him back in SSB, he'd more than likely be Mega-Mewtwo X or Y. In Lucario's defense, though, I can't really say that you could replace his play-style, since it is something unique to him and him alone and removing him would be removing something that many people enjoyed using. Basically, they'd be pulling a Mewtwo again.

Rob is a very important remnant of Nintendo's past, he's as important to their past as Mario and Mr. Game & Watch. The chances of him not appearing in some form in SSB4 are very, very slim.

I... honestly can't come up with a reason as to why Wolf would not be removed. I'm not going to join in on the "Kill the clones!" crusade, but please, if someone can come up with a good reason for why Wolf will not be removed, I'd be overjoyed to hear it.

Pokemon Trainer... Will appear in some form, be it as looking a bit like Red,(Origins Red), Silver, Gold, Pearl, Diamond or, etc. S/he will be making an appearance because Sakurai, for all the stupid things that he may do at times, would not remove such a creative/unique play-style from SSB nor would he shun the fans of Pokemon by not having him/them return in some form.

Toon Link is back, there was no chance of him not coming back. Moving on.

Snake... This one I'm not sure about either. He was one of the better characters added to Brawl, yet the company that he hails from may not want him in SSB4. I can't really say as to whether he's safe or not.

Hopefully I'm not overlooking some aspect of why someone may return or be cut.


Sep 26, 2013
I've just watched the entire video and I must say that it was complete rubbish.

(Wall of text approaching. Sit down and get comfy.)

Since Marth has been announced and our worries have been laid to rest, I won't even bother talking about their idiotic reasoning as to why he'd be removed. All that I'll say is that Marth is literally the oldest representative of Fire Emblem and is one of the more cherished characters introduced in SSB. Considering the likes of Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Samus are allowed to stay, it would make absolutely no sense for him to be removed,

Ike will likely make a return, simply due to PoR and RD being fairly well recognized as the better of the console Fire Emblem games and the fact that Ike is as well liked (or moreso) as Marth.

Also, Lucina would be a poor choice to add to the roster (Though, I'll admit that I do think that based on personal bias. I did not like Lucina that much.). Chrom being added would be nice, but not as a replacement for Ike. Also, having both Chrom and Lucia in SSB4 is a tad redundant considering that they are both from the same game, Fire Emblem: Awakening.

As an added note, my brother thinks that if both Ike and Chrom are in SSB4, they will appear on the different versions of the game rather than on both. Ike would be on the Wii U, since his games took place on consoles (the Gamecube and Wii respectively), and Chrom would be on the 3DS, since his game took place on a handheld console. I could actually see the same happening for Marth and Lucina as well.

Removing Lucas?... Considering how much screen time I've heard he's gotten in SSE (I can't quite remember just how much he got, but if memory serves, it was quite a bit.) I doubt that they'd let go of a character they put so much into making. Mayhaps they'd give him a modified moveset (Just something to set him apart from Ness a bit more than now), or something, but I just don't see them removing him. Also, the Mother fans would be in an absolute outrage because of it.

Lucario being removed might be the most likely choice, however, I doubt that Mewtwo would replace him considering the fact that if they did put him back in SSB, he'd more than likely be Mega-Mewtwo X or Y. In Lucario's defense, though, I can't really say that you could replace his play-style, since it is something unique to him and him alone and removing him would be removing something that many people enjoyed using. Basically, they'd be pulling a Mewtwo again.

Rob is a very important remnant of Nintendo's past, he's as important to their past as Mario and Mr. Game & Watch. The chances of him not appearing in some form in SSB4 are very, very slim.

I... honestly can't come up with a reason as to why Wolf would not be removed. I'm not going to join in on the "Kill the clones!" crusade, but please, if someone can come up with a good reason for why Wolf will not be removed, I'd be overjoyed to hear it.

Pokemon Trainer... Will appear in some form, be it as looking a bit like Red,(Origins Red), Silver, Gold, Pearl, Diamond or, etc. S/he will be making an appearance because Sakurai, for all the stupid things that he may do at times, would not remove such a creative/unique play-style from SSB nor would he shun the fans of Pokemon by not having him/them return in some form.

Toon Link is back, there was no chance of him not coming back. Moving on.

Snake... This one I'm not sure about either. He was one of the better characters added to Brawl, yet the company that he hails from may not want him in SSB4. I can't really say as to whether he's safe or not.

Hopefully I'm not overlooking some aspect of why someone may return or be cut.
Ya know Sakurai already said there wouldn't be system exclusive characters, right? Also, Marth already has 3ds pics.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2013
Ya know Sakurai already said there wouldn't be system exclusive characters, right? Also, Marth already has 3ds pics.
Oho, my mistake. I had forgotten that little tidbit of information. Thank you. :)

Well then, scratch that, just put Marth, Ike, and Chrom in it and call it a day. XD


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Why would Wolf be removed?

When Falco was added during the meat of development and there was plenty of time to add Falco, they gave him a moveset about as close to Fox's as Ganondorf is to Captain Falcon. The second closest thing to a clone there is in Brawl.

But Wolf, who was added last minute, has a moveset that is more like Ike to Marth or Lucas to Ness. Despite them not having as much time to add Wolf, they actually made an invested effort to make him a lot more different from Fox than they made Falco.

Why go through all of that trouble and then scrap the character you actually worked hard on in the very next game?


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2009
I will not bother watching more than 2 minutes of these guys talking nonsense. The amount of trash is unbearable.


Smash Cadet
May 19, 2006
Best part of this show? The big guy regularly wears a CM PUNK shirt. Aside from that those two dudes are pretty annoying. Or at least their opinions are. How long can two guys that say exactly what most other goons say carry a show like this? At least the guys who do those JAPANTIME videos have their own unique thoughts and opinions worth listening to.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I honestly got more than a little tired of listening to Japantime's shenanigans. But THIS is a whole other level of BS here that you can only get from a certain kind of person not knowing what they're talking about.


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
I caught that.

I was just trying to take the joke further.

Didn't work.
The sad thing is that what you said is probably how they really did get to host this show. It certainly wasn't on their own merits.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2013
The Sock Drawer
The sad thing is that what you said is probably how they really did get to host this show. It certainly wasn't on their own merits.
I feel like they must have known someone to get in
"This is my cousin..He was dropped on his head when he was a baby, but It's his dream to be a part of this channel..what do you say?.."
Or something like that.


Smash Lord
Nov 21, 2008
I feel like they must have known someone to get in
"This is my cousin..He was dropped on his head when he was a baby, but It's his dream to be a part of this channel..what do you say?.."
Or something like that.
That's kinda mean, GodOfSocks. Insult the guy all you want, but leave his parents out of it. :troll:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2013
Why would Wolf be removed?

When Falco was added during the meat of development and there was plenty of time to add Falco, they gave him a moveset about as close to Fox's as Ganondorf is to Captain Falcon. The second closest thing to a clone there is in Brawl.

But Wolf, who was added last minute, has a moveset that is more like Ike to Marth or Lucas to Ness. Despite them not having as much time to add Wolf, they actually made an invested effort to make him a lot more different from Fox than they made Falco.

Why go through all of that trouble and then scrap the character you actually worked hard on in the very next game?
Good points all around.

Though, why is Wolf always compared to Fox in the same manner as Falco is then? Are people just so blind that they can't see that Wolf isn't a direct clone of Fox?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Good points all around.

Though, why is Wolf always compared to Fox in the same manner as Falco is then? Are people just so blind that they can't see that Wolf isn't a direct clone of Fox?
People also say that Lucas is basically a clone of Ness, and that Lucario is a direct clone of Mewtwo. Hell, the reason I ever calculated Ike and Marth is because I HAVE had people tell me Ike is almost a clone of Marth only heavier.

As bad of a response as it may sound like, yes. Some people are so blind that they can't actually distinguish differences in characters past moves that can be used by using neutral B with or without a smash ball.

Of course there is also the alternative that people don't like Wolf and are willing to pass him off as a clone to facilitate their belief in his removal. Or people who don't want Star Fox to have three characters. Or people who really want Krystal but prefer Falco to Wolf. Basically in the same vein of "saying what's convenient at the time regardless of how much you actually believe it".

Which is weird, because I never really hear people go "But Wolf was a last second throw-in" anymore. It's always "Wolf is basically just Fox so Falco will be safe, Wolf should get thrown out". But like I said, Wolf being a last second throw-in and yet still being much more unique than Falco actually works in his favor anyway.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Climbing the mountain I made from a molehill
I'm starting to wonder if Brawl even has true clones like Melee.

Yes, I'm sure some characters were based off of other characters: Wolf from Fox, Ganondorf from Falcon, and maybe Lucas from Ness if you're willing to stretch it.

But really, they're all different. They have different moves, and while they have similar specials at times, they play very differently in Brawl. (And let's be honest, calling Ike a clone is absurb. He shares nothing with Marth other than the Counter)

While Falco and Wolf are technically clones of Fox, they've received enough changes to be promoted to semi-clones atleast. The neutrals are different, all aerials and tilts are different. Falco may share a few more moves with Fox than Wolf, but that doesn't matter much anymore now does it?

I mean, even Luigi still shares moves with Mario. They share enough so we can easily notice similarities, but they're different enough that we can't claim the two are exactly the same. Lucas has some similar moves, but every other move he has is so very different from Ness.

Toon Link, however, is a clone through and through.

What I'd like to say is, I would like all the characters from Brawl to stay for this next one. Some characters getting major changes though. (Like complete DE-CLONING. There is no excuse for another Falcondorf.)

Unfortunately, we know some will be cut. But that number might be fewer than we realize. I wanted Toon Link to be cut, due to him being a clone, and that his existence caused a shift in the character balance, causing Link to be worse. But he's returning.

It's clear that the gameplay is not what drives the cuts.

It's who the characters are, not what they do. Does this character help bring variety to the roster? Are they important to the series they represent? If so, how much?

How beloved is that character? How hated is that character? Is that character unique from anyone else? Or can another character do the exact same thing?

Does this character add something to the game?

Trying to apply the clone title for a character to be removed does nothing to determine whether or not that character stays.

It's how you feel when you use that character. It feels different to play Captain Falcon than it does to play R.O.B. It feels different to play as Falco, or as Wolf, or as Fox.

Roy, Dr. Mario, and Mewtwo weren't cut because of how they played. Mewtwo had one of the most unique playstyles, and we still lost him. That was just due to a lack of time. If I recall, there was ENDLESS badgering for the game to be released as soon as possible. Or have we forgotten the backlash of the delays?

We'd still have those characters if the dev team been given the time to keep them, and this whole "cutting-characters nonsense" wouldn't even be a discussion.

Honestly, the only reason cuts are probably happening is for possibly more practical reasons. What reasons those are, we might not ever find out. It may be related to gameplay, but I doubt it since both the 3DS and Wii U can probably handle whatever the dev team can dish out.

So let's just hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2013
Your reason for removing Lucas makes 0 sense, you are saying...

- He was only put in because of mother 3 fans so they just slipped him in -which was false (He was originally intended to be in melee but mother 3 was cancelled at that time so they put him in brawl when mother 3 was release on GBA, I think the term slipping a character in would mean he'd be Unlockable, never shown on the dojo, and never seen in the SSE)

- No one knows who he now - is false (I think people knew Lucas the same amount when he was in brawl and if they really didn't know we have trophies for that purpose)

- Nintendo is not interested in Lucas - which is completely false (If Nintendo wasn't interested in Lucas, Lucas would never have been intended to be in melee, Lucas would never have been in Brawl, Lucas would never have been prominent in the SSE and potentially Lucas wouldn't had been made)

So you are making nintendo's mind up

Your reason for removing Pokémon trainer makes 0 sense, you are saying...

- He is gen 1, looks like red but he is really old - does it really matter (He was never that brand new when he was in brawl and more iconic than any other Pokémon trainer)

- They are going onto the 6th generation this year and wanting to show off those characters - I don't think that is the exact case (why would they suddenly add the 6 gen trainer without including the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th pokemon trainer in a smash bros game, what I mean there is if they are going off of the recent pokemon trainer and continuously update that throught the smash series they would've done it by now because when brawl came out the most recent pokemon generation was gen 4 and we did not see the 4th gen trainer)

- The anime move so far beyond that it isn't a reference to that anymore - The anime move so far beyond WHAT? that it isn't a reference to that anymore (I do not think it was an anime reference because if that were the case he would be based on Ash not Red and have a pikachu with him and also we have pokemon origins coming out)

Charizard is a bit to popular to cut
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