Whoaaaa nelly.
First, I'm town roleblocker and blocked Laundry, hence my backing off post-claim and the hinting I've been attempting to do that I'm the one who did so / that mafia RB is dumb. Laundry has to be a targeting role with a visible effect, or else he wouldn't have claimed as much, and the way he claimed (while done at a dumb time) could really only be town, unless he REALLY wants Dietz dead as a lyncher or something, unlikely. I chose Laundry to begin with because of his Jexs hammer, which I thought was a bus. (Jexs had been quiet and Laundry had been brought up by a few people.)
And this is me saying Doc on me, cannot stress that enough, if you disagree Like this post
Secondly, a Dietz lynch is fine, but shoot Kevin since he is not here, not protown when he was here, and Orbo is participating (enough to hang him on his participation if you really want that (but you shouldn't)).