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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Multiple people have said things about Xonar throughout the day and a lot of people showed discontent for Bardull but people were gonna look at him tomorrow. Also oh be fair we are scrambling and that's where the votes are. I am also a possible lynch choice.
This means nothing. You didn't give any reasoning besides people have said things about each player throughout the day. And what does it matter who we are looking at toMorrow? Right now we need a lynch. We'll deal with toMorrow when its actually toMorrow.

I know you are a possible lynch candidate. So unless you want to be lynched why don't you tell me where you want to go and why.

God you're smarter than this Inferno.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
yea im content with a Xonar lynch, Kuz. Inferno just comes off as... idk... passive. if he's lynched i honestly wouldn't know what connections to draw from him since none seem to be really strong, but i dont sense scum

i think a few night actions would help that to move along


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Alright, rolling through and posting all my reads. Don't feel like playing a closed hand this game either since I'm pretty new to forum mafia. Gonna out all my reads and say what I like or dislike.

Some of inferno's questions are null and kinda useless, seems more like an attempt at icebreaking. Sorta town-ish.

How does Omni vs. RR look like TvT this early in the game? Don't see it. Omni feels like strong Town but Omni is a tricky devil, so not giving him a read yet. Too early for an RR read though. Possible slip from Soupa here. Day cop gambit wasn't serious and was pretty useless in how it was presented, I read it as a joke. No offense to RR if that was a real attempt at a day cop gambit, but it wasn't presented very well. Too early in the game to pick a day cop investigation. Read as fake. If I find out that RR is trying to pose this as a legitimate gambit, I'll probably end up lynching him.

Like Gorf's response to Soup's question in his $75. Leaning Town.

Don't like Inferno. Giving Omni a town pass this early is bad. Grasping for a scum read on me with my joke vote on Omni is also pretty bad. "Even if it's just RVS." It is RVS. What're you gonna do about it?

RR pushing day cop gambit as legitimate is pretty bad. Was horribly presented and executed. Probably going to vote for him before the Day is over. Guess the null read here is ok. Don't have meta on RR so I can't say if this is normal behavior from him or not.

Like Inferno's response to Gorf. Sorta. A bit cocky for someone who can't ever seem to play a strong Town game :). Overall null, but an explanation for early scum read on me is needed. Don't see how Town could jump to this conclusion. Reads as scummy.

You're probably scum. Omni is probably Town. Maybe. Also, the Rebecca Black thing was stupid.

Gorf's #88 reads Town.

WashedLaundry reads as null/unproductive. Hasn't outed reads or done anything substantial yet. Puts easy vote on RR.

Wat. WAT? Explain this to me.

Agreed with Omni's #83. Probably gonna ask to hold hands with Bromni.

Don't understand Swords getting weird vibes from Omni's posts. Not sure how to read this.

Agreed about Gorf. Disagree about WL, WL reads as null to me. Explain this to me. Agreed with RR terribleness.

lol. Agreed on most points. Too early to put vote down on RR yet, reading you as trying to bait votes here. He's starting to read more dumb than scum for me.

Like Swords' #136.

Urge to kill RR is rising.

WHAT? Going to take this post into consideration on an RR flip.

Going to continue my read in a minute, figured I'd post this for now though so that people know I'm active.
Part two of my read.

Employs constructive criticism and seems generally townish. Seems like a Soup thing to do, albeit I've never played with him in a game. Anyone have meta that can explain Soup's behavior?

Relationship between Soup and RR is interesting. Dunno what to make of it yet.


WL remains stanceless. Hasn't contributed much of anything. Still null/unproductive. Seems lynch worthy.

Oh. WL says that he claimed Omni was Town. Didn't see that. Don't know what this is based on though since I'm only reading slight Town on Omni. RR brings up decent point regarding WL. I don't hate RR as much anymore.

Good questions from Soup. Town lean. This may be TvT.

Reading more from WL. WL trying to defend his stance on Omni...gross. Probably going to put my vote on WL.

You're scum. Probably.

I'd put my vote here, but I still have 10 pages to go. You're grasping at RR scum when RR is actually leaning dumb. Omni unvote seemed fairly timely considering everyone had the dumb lean on RR and nothing could be gained from pushing the RR train any further. Brosuke is my strongest scum read atm, WL comes second. Feeling "irked" by Soupa. Dumb lean on RR. Omni is reading Town.

Sort of liked Omni's #196 response to Brosuke. Scumsuke reasoning is legit. Omni's immediate leniency of RR is a little too soon though. Provides reasoning but that reasoning has a shaky basis.

Kind of like Sword's approach so far. No problems with that slot yet.

Don't like this.

Inferno - don't like Inferno. Early scum read on me was bad. Super grasping. Gorf town lean. Omni town lean.

J's #228 is interesting, not gonna touch it yet.

Omni agrees with J's reads. Hmm.

WL agrees with Brosuke. What. Don't like this.

Axel enters the game. Cue cool music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5DZZVLqxVA . Oh, btw, hello Z3n, want to take a guess as to who I am?

MFW Felipe briefly enters the game, says he has the same reads as everyone, then leaves. Null, needs to post his reads and explain them. Agreed that he can die if he doesn't post.

6 pages to go.
Gross generalizations of RR and Omni's play. Don't like it. RR/Omni is interesting, but I don't get much of a scum feel from that relationship, maybe a little at most.

Agree with this. Omni is my strongest Town read.

Generally don't like "Xonar" as a person after reading #297. Annoying. We're probably not going to be very good friends from here on out.

Axel pressure on Omni in #298 is eh. I'm starting to sense Axel/Brosuke.

Axel's #301 is interesting. Not on the same scum team? Interesting. I'm reading them as TvT, possibly same scum alignment. Don't really get your reads right now.

Brosuke voting for WL this early could be a bus. It's an easy vote to make since WL is pretty scummy. Taking it as null.

Gorf is my second strongest town read after reading #309.

Brosuke's #311...Brosuke needs to quit being a ****ing **** bite and mellow out a bit. Did getting your red dice make you an ego head?

Omni response to Axel in #313 is good. Omni, we're officially bros.

Axel continues grasping at Omni. Bad reads. Gross. Omni should be obvious blistering town by now.

Respect points go to Inferno for his #330. Brosuke can eat ****. Following post Inferno makes is another giant **** on Brosuke. YES! Too good.

Friends forever with me?

Laughing out loud at this. RIGHT NOW.

Annnd I'm finished mostly. Addressing Gorf and Omni in next post.
For anyone who's curious as to why I'm reading Brosuke as scum, these posts pretty much explain it. They also explain my town read on Omni.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Well my vote right now is on Brosuke. I have always had suspicion of him. He started with the weirdest scum team of RR/Omni/Gorf (note that these 3 were the main people in the spotlight). I have sensed a lot of his things that are really blech from him, he has been trying to fight Axel's battles (not defends him. fights his battles) and just following him wherever he goes without any sort of disagreement to the point of nut riding. And yes, fighting someone else's battles is scummy.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Ryker, you calling out Axel's gambit was just plain bad. It was scummy bad. It was WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS bad. I still don't fully trust or believe your claim, really.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I am town neighbor recruiter. When confirming I could recruit 1 person to get into a neighborhood with me.

1. Inferno3044*
2. Chaco

4. Gorf
5. Soupamario*
6. felipe_9595
7. Bardull*
9. Red_Ryu*
10. Omni*

11. Sworddancer
12. J*

Red I avoided for obvious reasons. Blue I avoided because I don't butter well with them in terms of play style etc. So I picked Washed. Didn't talk much, if at all, because he was absent. That's all.

Not much, but my last stand. I have nothing to reply too. Good luck.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
Omni, Bardull, Inferno, th3kuzinator, Ryker​
5 / 6​

Red Ryu |
1 / 6​

Bardull |
Red Ryu, felipe​
2 / 6​

Omni |
Archer's Bane​
1 / 6​

Inferno |
Soupamario, Brosuke​
2 / 6​

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Ryker, you calling out Axel's gambit was just plain bad. It was scummy bad. It was WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS bad. I still don't fully trust or believe your claim, really.
Kuz, promise me this gets addressed at length if I'm not here tomorrow. I simply want to make fun of Badull.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Skimmed Kooz's post and I agree with his analysis. Omni putting himself into the lime light isn't typical scum behavior, I agree. Especially with respect to his attempt to stay active, lead town with lynches in the beginning of D1, and also with respect to fossing Felipe heavily after the doctor claim. However, I think that was pretty much the point of Omni's play. I think that he wanted to be noticed and played in a scummy manner that pushed policy lynches and inactivity. Even his pushes right now are borderline bad and the worst part is that he refuses to admit that his play is dismal. I don't think that it takes a rocket scientist to note that Omni's play is... well, bad. And I don't think that bad play equates to scum play. Let me explain why I'm still pushing Omni scum despite his desperation later in this day.

What I noted on initial read is an attempt to oversell being a VT, especially with night kill confusion. This couples bad with his assumption that Gheb's mafia is special, despite him being a VT? Huh. Even brushing this aside, his push on Felipe goes nowhere, he acts aggressive and posts a lot only to use that as leverage to levy against players who aren't as active in this game. I can say that Axel/Ryker have played erratically, but I don't know if they have contradicted themselves as frequently or as blatantly as Omni. I agree with Kooz. I don't think that Omni is being covert at all with his actions. Usually one would assume that scum would act in a covert manner. To be honest, I'm pegging Omni as being another traitor like WL.

Logically it would explain why he's been trying to be active, why he is pushing himself out into the open, and why he's been trying to leverage lynches and pressure on people who are not even there to respond to it or will react poorly to it. I think that his pressure on Felipe could be potential distancing. Yes, I know that Felipe is uncc'd doctor who "saved" Soupamario. I hope that people are not using this information alone to eliminate the two off the table. At this point, I'd ask for people to keep an open mind with respect to the two aforementioned slots and not rule them off as being town off of mechanics alone. I for one am keeping an open mind at the moment. Back on track, I do think that a multiple traitor game is possible and would explain several reasons why the votes have been so swingy at the end of today in addition to the frequent shift in lynch candidates. A lot of people are tip toeing around their reads and are saying, "Dang I really like that reaction" when it's literally coming to the end of the day. Like fine. I'm fine with people posting their opinion, but seriously, I don't even see this coupled with how it effects their old read.

Also I'm not pushing on Omni because I want to get reads. I'm not going to pretend that his flip will give me connections. I'm pushing on him because I think that he is scum in some shape or form and he is my most distinguished read at the moment because he himself made himself unnecessarily distinguished with what I find to be play that is defensive, non-productive, and short-handed in every sense of the word. If you guys want connections, then honestly go back and reread WL pushing on RR and who else. You can even discount it because WL is a good player. But please don't try to make a half ***** argument that lynching Player X will really give you awesome reads, when most of you dismissed a WL connection case from D1 as something that would just be a pit of wifom. To put it out there, my scum read on Omni is independent of WL's flip. I really do believe that he should die. And if it doesn't happen then I will be disappointed.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
so when can u recruit? during the day? or at night? when did you choose each specific neighbor


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

That does explain WL's behavior towards you, but he turned out to be the town traitor, so I'm taking that as null.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Ok this game is lame. I'm officially shutting my brain off to save it from disappointment since everyone else has decided to do the same thing. Also with regards to my activity, I just worked two jobs today from 9:30 am - 4 pm. If you're really disappointed by my activity then honestly, there is nothing that I can do about it. I already stated that I've been busy. I also have Kooz's stuff from last night before the server went down and 502'd.

And Bardull and Acro. Acro can I get your read on Xonar and Bardull?
I don't have a firm stance on Xonar. I need to ISO him and his reads before I can tell you that I have a read on his slot, just because I have believe that a surface reading of him will result in just brushing him off as town or having pro-town intent which is the equivalent of telling Brosuke that he’s good at mafia. I'm letting him go at the moment since I am on consensus with his pressure on Omni and the fact that his reads have contributed to my reads significantly lend itself to me checking him as a scum candidate an inefficient use of time at the moment. I would like to state though that I don't agree with all his reads. His reads on Sword and Soup seem to be static which irks me a little. I personally found from skimming that Soupa's play seems mechanical, but I did not take time out to really explore this feeling. I would like further reasoning on Brosuke’s earlier D2 scum RR read. RR did something interesting today that Brosuke should have picked up, but chose not to address. I do need to get my head in this game and check the end of D2 to see if he's dynamically changed any of his reads since earlier today.

I haven't paid attention to Bardull to be honest and let him slip under my radar since he hasn't said or done anything that I would mark as being glaringly bad. That's all I have for now.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Look at Bardull. Really. Red Ryu too, but less much. Don't ****ing doubt Axel anymore. Listen to Kuz, this man has a list extremely similar to mine.

Did not crumb, we hardly talked. Did affect my choice, I honestly had a town-ish feel from talking with him, if only shortly. He said he had the same towards me, but he was traitor after all.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Why do you want them to look at me? You haven't voiced any glaring discontent with me all game, but NOW you want to point to me as scum? Why?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
You can note that I never boarded the WL wagon. Wanted to catch him while not busy and possibly get info out of him and a better read. I talked with WL in a semi-mason before so I had a feel I could read him well.

Note: Scum does not know who the traitor was.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
And look who's not talking AT ALL right now. Inferno.

Honestly, Ryker, post-claim what are your thoughts on Xonar?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Why do you want them to look at me? You haven't voiced any glaring discontent with me all game, but NOW you want to point to me as scum? Why?
Besides you being an utter piece of ****, I simply think you've been tiptoeing and your getting on the good side of the best player and hating on me on D1 was EXTREMELY convenient. I'd love to go indepth on this, but I don't know how to do that properly. I usually spend about an hour per large post.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't want to do this wagon.

This feels too realistic with the info he could drive out of WL and such.


Inferno what do you think of this claim?
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