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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Voted |
Votes to lynch

Red Ryu |
1 / 6​

No lynch |
1 / 6​

Bardull |
Ryker, Red Ryu, Soupamario​
3 / 6​

Omni |
Archer's Bane​
1 / 6​

Axel |
th3kuzinator, Inferno​
2 / 6​

Not voting: Bardull, felipe, Brosuke;


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Xonar, honestly, do you think Omni would have played this game wrt Felipe if he was scum? The thing that really stood out to me last night was his continuance to harp on Felipe and make him post things of content. He even stated numerous times that he was still very uncomfortable with the slot and wouldn't mind seeing it go. Now you could say he;s just trying to remain consistent but you really have to think about it from scumOmni intent. What possible benefit do you see him reaping from pushing the claimed doctor who pretty much everyone has agreed we won't lynch because there is no CC. It would only garner him flack because of obvious reasons that he would be pushing the claimed doctor. From the scum perspective there would be zero reason to even go down that road. To me, it really does look like Omni is just extremely stubborn and wants players to contribute content even if their claim clears them.

Was what I was going to say before I stepped out the door but then thread exploded. Omni's unvote was townie as hell as has been his persona since yesterday afternoon. There's honestly no way he's anything but town.

As for Axel. I had and still might have an indy read on him. His switch off Omni cannot be given the same credit as Omni's switch because there was incentive for him to do so. He was clearly losing the battle between Omni (L-1 vs L-2) and after Omni unvoted it was obvious people would read that as town intent (as scumOmni would have had ZERO reason to unvote because he had Axel right where he wanted him (with Ryker pushing the lynch to the ground regardless of his input)). Basically he knew he would not get Omni lynched and jumped ship because that's the only thing he could have done.

What Omni did was certainly townie. What Axel did was null.

Now continuing from that, though, which is why I've been so goddamn conflicted about this lynch up until now is because I personally thing its TvT. I have since I changed my vote to Axel yesterday, but I wanted to see how Axel/Xonar would react as well as how the wagons would build up and form. However, I was perfectly ready to accept the Axel lynch for two reasons.

1. Omni isn't scum. There is no way he could be indy OR mafia from the way he has played. That would mean that if I had to choose between the two lynch targets in the hopes of hitting scum, it would be Axel.

2. His flip would give me a harder read on Xonar (who I'm still largely conflicted about as well).

The thing is, I highly highly doubt Axel is mafia. The reason for this being during my re-read of WL's posts (I did something akin to what RR did with cataloging interactions and such) I found a post that gave strong credence to the option that Axel was not aligned with WL. In one particular post he lists all his reads in a large catchup style and mentions every single player on the roster EXCEPT Axel (J at the time). Since WL knew who the mafia were, I honestly don't think he would intentionally leave one of his mates out of his catchup post while mentioning every other player.

What I think happened was that WL legitimately forgot to include his read on J. But why is this important? Well, why would WL ever have forgotten someone that he knew from the beginning was his scummate? He wouldn't. This leads me to believe Axel isn't mafia.

Another thing that bothered me about Axel was him alluding to having a PR. In a post where Ryker called him on his bluff and said that he should be the one to die if Gorf flipped town, he responded with "No, I never said I would be okay with my lynch. Lynching me with be a big mistake" or something of that sort. This made me think that Axel was alluding to having a PR. Thing is, there is no way Zen would have made this gambit and drawn attention to himself if he was anything BUT vanilla. He just wouldn't do it. One of the main reasons I wanted him to claim was that, if he had claimed a PR, I would have pushed his lynch into the ground telling others not to CC.

But he did actually end up claiming nilla, so his story checks out there.

So, in summary, Omni vs. Axel is either TvT or TvI, Axel being the indy. However, at this point, I'm largely banking on TvT. There just isn't enough reward for indyAxel to gambit like that because of the risks involved (his own lynch which almost just happened).

So now, that out of the way, let me talk about other players.

Ryker is town. If you're still doubting that at this point you really need to open your goddam eyes. Xonar

RR is not mafia because of this post.

Soup I feel is town by play and Felipe's claim. He's being very strange as of late but I still think that other players deserve my attention more than him.

Felipe is being felipe. UNCC'd Doc though which warrants him being put on the back burner. Still really intrigued by Sword almost counter claiming him but then that being swept under the rug. Just because its Super Secret Mafia Extravaganza whatever doesn't mean two similar/conflicting roles (which is what Sworddancer alluded to) in a 12 man setup should be standard. If we had more time I'd explore that but we honestly don't right now.

I'll let that digest for some people. Typing up the rest of it now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
We have 2 hours. People who are accusing me of not having a bssis for an Omni Town read are really full of ****, seriously. I've had Omni as Town since D1 and I provided my thought processes and reasoning for it. People on me need to ****ing READ. Pushing for a lynch on me on the grounds that "we can't NL toDay, may as well lynch someone" is STUPID because I'm TOWN. I'll claim if I HAVE to but I'd really rather not. Now CHILL OUT, I'm at #1430.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Sucks to be you because I'm town and I literally am channeling the spirit of EE right now getting furious at this game, I can't even concieve some things have happened

For the love of god let this day end please let's ****ing move on!!!!


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I understand frustration, omni.

This day has been uneventful, and ruined by gambits and mechanic talk, along with back and forth between axel/ryker/brosuke.

You can't really says that there was much room to do anything else, but I did try making my thoughts clear.

I don't think an axel lynch is going through, just try to calm down and talk to us at a more manageable level, give me a huge list of your thoughts; go indepth.
Your thoughts were garbage and you literally did nothing but go back and forth on your "Omni scum read". I'm starting to seriously have doubts that you were doc'd, I don't understand why mafia would try to kill you considering you're so outwardly terrible.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Good luck champ.

This day has dragged on far too long and we can't just keep flopping around, if I could I woulda honestly hammered omni, despite my feelings about it, because it gives connections.

Yeah I would cry if I was wrong but we still move forward, right now we're not moving forward and to check this thread evetfat to see no progress is tiring.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
chill, soupa. we're ahead. i understand your frustration of wanting a lynch for the sake of a lynch but again, we're ahead so... it's all good.

if anything toDay has drawn up a large array of connections and reads. tho a flip would be awesome.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Patiently waiting for Kuz part II.

Liked the logic on Washed's list w.r.t JAxel, I applied it too in UTrick'd to some degree.

I guess you're right w.r.t Felipe + Omni.

Ryker is town. If you're still doubting that at this point you really need to open your goddam eyes. Xonar
Heh... Call out.
unCC'd cop eh.

I don't think that post w.r.t RR is as conclusive as you put it, but yes, it does make RR town more likely.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Hey bardull if you're so good why are you on the chopping block? Don't try and spew ad hom at me, I won't tolerate it for one and secondly it doesn't help your argument


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'm on the "chopping block" because people "need a lynch" and are trying to use the grounds that "I have no basis for my Omni town read" which isn't true. These are just scummy, easy votes being made on me, which on D3 people are going to say "oh, well we needed a lynch, so my vote was justified."

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
A flip would be wonderful omni, I'm just lashing out in all angles because I dont really know what to do and I'm clinging to anything else I have, it doesn't look good on me but I just didn't expect the game to Devolve this way


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Well anyway, I'm almost caught up, but here's the deal, if Omni/Kuz want me to claim toDay, I will. I'm also OK with being lynched, but I want opinions on where people are going to look upon a town flip and on a scum flip.

Just for the record, I think Brosuke/Soupa/Ryker/Maybe Inferno are scummy.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
This leaves me with Inferno, Acrostic, Bardull, and Xonar. Each of these players are really conflicted for me.

I found very little wrong with Sworddancer throughout most of the game. His subpar activity might be able to be explained through real life johns (as inactivity sometimes means that Sword is scum) but most of what he has actually said I agree with (the only qualm really is that I just wanted more from him). However, Acrostic's entry into the game has honestly been bugging the hell out of me. His large wall where he explains his read on Omni is strange in the fact that he felt he needed to super support his reasoning for his stance before just making it. Zen will agree with me that Acrostic is good enough to make his stances look supported as either alignment (in our newbie he was by far the towniest looking scum player I've ever seen). Thing is, as town Acrostic plays with his cards a little closer to his chest. Though he might back up a read he doesn't over-do it, which is what I felt his entry post on Omni was. Overdone.

Another thing that bothers me about him is him saying that he is scared of going down the wrong path because Ryker and myself are on a different wagon. Yeah, you could say he just think's we're intelligent players and thus are normally right, but that would be assuming he thinks we are town. In the sentences right that he states that he honestly just doesn't know what to think of the gambits which means he doesn't believe the mason claim. He assumes we're town and kind of leaves himself a backdoor to switch wagons should it be necessary.

Isn't enough support for this lynch though and I don't condone switching. People should keep an eye on the slot but he's not a priority right now.

Bardull is so weird I don't even. Everything Axel has said about him and his reactions to the guilty on Gorf stands. At the same time, however, the way he words his posts are too brash and un-thoughtout. I really do get the sense deep down that he is just saying what comes to his mind (no matter how wrong it is) rather than trying to strategically push a lynch (especially now that his name has come up as a lynch candidate). The way he's pushing Soup (when no one has expressed interest of lynching him; and the supposed doc clear) just makes me think he's being original. I would be fine with his lynch very last minute but I think we can do better.

Inferno I would be fine with dying. His posting has been sparse and every-time he's commented I feel like he's dodged many of the key points being discussed at the time. Acrostic has a point that his reaction to Omni's VT claim is grimy as hell and there have been numerous times where I feel that he knows much more than what he's letting on in thread. A particularly good example of this is at the start of D2 when everyone was discussing the traitor flip and various gambits while Inferno kept out of the spotlight and talked about random trivial things. It just looks like he's trying to play it safe and, with his inactivity and lack of contributions, I think he's out best bet for a wagon switch.

Unvote; Vote: Inferno

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No I'm pretty sure most people find you generally scummy with your inactivity for the most part, and the fact you have to resort to ad gpm just to make an argument instead of being concrete.

Bardull, who would you lynch here? If its me, its not happening so save it, tell me who we should lynch besides you.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I don't like saying this because it's pretty damn scummy, but Inferno would be the easiest choice to lynch as a fallback. None of my REAL scum targets are going to get lynched.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
uh yea im not ok with you claiming bardull so dont

We need to lynch toDay. I can't stress that enough, but I don't think Bardull is the play (despite his idiocy). I think its honestly him just being stupid rather than scummy intent.

Inferno is the play. We can make it happen. There is a very good chance he will flip scum.

Go go go.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Kuz, your swingy play is pretty damn stupid and irrational. Don't call me an idiot when the only reason why I've been ignoring your silly play is because of Gorf's earlier play.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
kuz is right tho. a flip would be so gdlk.

i think if two more people died that wasn't me i'd be able to wrap this game up with more clarity

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Honestly Kuz, taking your votes at face value is unsettling.

First you vote Omni, flavor.
Then you switch to Axel, flavor.
Now you go to Inferno, easy.

And I still didn't like Gorfs slot. I like yours though, because your explanations are legit. I don't like your secrecy. I'll have no choice but to let you ride that mason claim though. It makes sense to some degree that Ryker switched away.


Kuz, where are you looking on town/scum flip of Inferno? What I'm asking is, what's the main information here?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
WOW. I just got hella towny vibes from those two.


Inferno I would be fine with dying. His posting has been sparse and every-time he's commented I feel like he's dodged many of the key points being discussed at the time. Acrostic has a point that his reaction to Omni's VT claim is grimy as hell and there have been numerous times where I feel that he knows much more than what he's letting on in thread. A particularly good example of this is at the start of D2 when everyone was discussing the traitor flip and various gambits while Inferno kept out of the spotlight and talked about random trivial things. It just looks like he's trying to play it safe and, with his inactivity and lack of contributions, I think he's out best bet for a wagon switch.

Unvote; Vote: Inferno
I'll explain this. My posting has gone down in number for a couple of reasons. A lot of people replaced into this game; all of them (you, Ryker, Acro) being high level players. This combined with a lot of things that have happened has caused me to be a little overwhelmed by the events and I decided take a step back today. I've also been out a lot with classes and such. I'm honestly not surprised that Omni is VT. He didn't look like he was trying to hide a PR or anything plus Gheb loves VTs. He considers them a great role in terms of balance (get at my mod meta). As with the traitor, I simply went on mafiascum and looked up the role. I didn't feel the need to discuss it here.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kuz, your swingy play is pretty damn stupid and irrational. Don't call me an idiot when the only reason why I've been ignoring your silly play is because of Gorf's earlier play.
No idea what this is even trying to express. I wasn't saying you were ignoring me, I'm saying your push on Soup reads dumb instead of scum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

Alright kuzi I think I can do this, mostly because I agre with your points about bardull, he is being dumb but he is also not just moving towards majority, he has a skewed thought process that doesn't look as scummy as infernos latest play.

vote: Inferno


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

I'm aware that Soup is Town, I'm just posting what I think as I go.

Just got to the part where Omni unvotes.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Honestly Kuz, taking your votes at face value is unsettling.

First you vote Omni, flavor.
Then you switch to Axel, flavor.
Now you go to Inferno, easy.

And I still didn't like Gorfs slot. I like yours though, because your explanations are legit. I don't like your secrecy. I'll have no choice but to let you ride that mason claim though. It makes sense to some degree that Ryker switched away.


Kuz, where are you looking on town/scum flip of Inferno? What I'm asking is, what's the main information here?
Does it matter what you think of my votes? I'm confirmed town. I don't see how my switches from Omni to Axel to Inferno are strange, especially since I've justified them multiple times over.

I've already narrowed the two mafia players down to 4 people (you, Inferno, Bardull, Acrostic). A combination of those remaining three people would be my answer regardless of flip.

How much time do we have until deadline?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Deadline is in an hour!

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Red Ryu |
1 / 6​

No lynch |
1 / 6​

Bardull |
Ryker, Red Ryu, felipe​
3 / 6​

Omni |
Archer's Bane​
1 / 6​

Inferno |
th3kuzinator, Soupamario​
2 / 6​

Not voting: Bardull, Brosuke, Inferno;
Top Bottom