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Funny Brawl Pics


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2006
PA, USA ⊂(゚ヮ゚)⊃
Marth is "gay", Ike is "fights for his friends", Meta Knight is Darth Vader, Zero Suit Samus is a sex icon, Pokemon Trainer and Pit have obnoxious voices, Snake eats everything, Weegee steals your soul, everyone hates R.O.B., Ganon has his sparta kick, Falco doesn't want anyone touching his bread, Sonic keeps on mocking our speed, Game and Watch's tentacles = tentacle ****, Ness has a broken accent, Lucas is a coward, Lucario is Goku, Fox and Wolf have Landmasters, Zelda/Sheik is a she-male, Toon Link is very expresive, Wario farts, Pokemon are Pokeymanz, Link and Mario have their "hilarious" cartoons, Doc and pichu are clones, Mewtwo was replaced by Lucario, Roy...we had to find someway to pick on him.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
wow same stage and everything . see i told you . brawl is out of funny. and its not going to be soon enough for the next game. i cant see the place going past 750. that is sad. but i hate we can still get loads of great comics and hack picks and .. other. lol
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