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Funny Brawl Pics


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
I know it has been sent before, but because i am too lazy to search all the pages, how do you upload images?

BTW, i chuckled at your pic, Yaya.

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Ino Yamanaka (山中いの, Yamanaka Ino) is one of the main supporting characters of the series. She is a ninja; a Chūnin-level kunoichi of Konohagakure, a member of the Yamanaka clan, and a member of Team Asuma. Along with her teammates; Chōji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara, Ino is also a member of the new generation of Ino-Shika-Chō, just like their fathers were before them, and a medical-nin.


Height: 7
Weight: 3
Jump: 5
Run: 6
Traction: 7
Air Speed: 7


Neutral- Mind Transfer Jutsu

Ino's clan focus on confusing their enemies with jutsus that control the mind, with this being no exception. For this attack, Ino will dispel a light-blue projectile not too different-looking than Falco's Blaster that moves at around Jigglypuff's run initially. You will lose all the movement in Ino's body while this is happening, but you can control this attack with the control stick up to two turns. For the first turn, you either have to tilt up and forward to make you move 45 degrees upward, or move diagonally down that direction by (you guessed right) tilting down forward. For the second turn, you can tilt forward to move forward or you can move up or down depending which direction you turned first by tapping up or down Once the opponent gets hit with the projectile, they'll be knocked back in the direction on the projectile at the time with 3% and get pushed back slightly. Until the body is in situational mode, you will be unable to control the body of your target.

Once you've have control of the body, you can do most of the attacks that that character can do. KOing yourself intentionally (not recovering when it's definitely possible or deliberately going off the stage) will result in you not being able to control Ino until she'd knocked out of the stage. If Ino's knocked out first, then she will retain her original body while the one you controlled would be knocked out temporarily. If KOed with no possible way of recovery, then Ino will retain her body with no ill effects and the other character will be dead. You have full control of the character for 8 seconds sans the controlled character's specials before you get back to your own body either by waning the time limit or Pressing B, so do whatever you please. Protect your own body from impending attacks, KO others as you please under your name, or stand still and do nothing. It's up to you.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2007

Kirby : My power level is over 9....
Zamus : You know every time you say that a Pichu dies.
Kirby : OVER 9000, OVER 9000, OVER 9000, OVER 9000! No way will Pichu return now!
Zamus : *thinking* As if it ever had a chance anyway.

Pich 4 goner!


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Thanks guys.

Kitsune, your laughing at a lot of things from me aren't you?
Yah, but... you haven't answered the question. you make me sad. :urg:

BTW, when i made my post at the meet and greet, he answered, and i laughed at his location.

Weezing evolved form of Koffing. Weezing more dumber than smaller self. Weezing think logic is stupid. Weezing like saying two heads better than one. Though Weezing is dumb, Weezing not brute. Weeking very gassy. Weezing hacks and coughs slime and toxins. Weezing shown in cartoon twice. One as Gaymes main Pokemon for while. Another as stupid instructor's random Pokemon. I am neither. I am Weezing.


Walk: 0 - Weezing don't walk, Weezing float. Weezing no have limbs. If Wheezing did, it would be average, like 5. This out of 10 right?

Run: 0 - Weezing don't run, Weezing float. No like repeating self, me bored. Hitting stick harder makes me faster. Like 7, probably.

Jump: 8 - Wezing do go higher, but we already float. Is that like jump? Anyway, humans say I jump 3 times. I guess this number here.

Air Move: 10 - Weezing float. Should have good airtime. If higher up it's harder. But not too hard for me. I rate it 9-ish. It true, not fair.

Height: 4 - Weezing looks big because of float. However, I am size of Pikachu. I hear from another that it hurts. When float up, look 7.

Weight: 5 - Weezing tired of float jokes. They not funny. But because I'm light, I float. There no point in giving other number, it true.


Weezing made of 3 Koffing, humans say. Main head is big one, parasite is medium, and dead bump is small one. Weezing said to hold up to 600 kg of gas and toxins before big boom. Big one can hold up to 300 kg, parasite holds up to 200 kg, and you do math for the dead Koffing. Hate holding all this in, so humans say I usually carry 300 kg instead. Said it similar to ratio. Weezing bad at math.

Humans say when I reach limit, pressure blows off and makes me explode in all directions. Gives big hurt to others, but it only was as wide as a house in suburbs. Said on magic box about 40% of body damage found on them. The lightest one, a midgit with helmet, said to fly five houses in small town, hitting boys playing baseball. The heaviest, an ginger man with cancer all over, flew only two houses, but crushed boy with stick in precess. Weezing has worse luck though. I lose most of my gas and get 90% of body hurt. They say that I now have 190 kg of toxic gas, but others are confused. They say I should weigh 150 kg, so they think I breathe all the gas in that was left over. They right. Weezing did eat all gas before I fell. It tasty.

There two ways to lose gas. One is just by moving, humans say. When Weezing walk I lose no gas, but when Weezing run they say I lose 1 kg for every run from one house to another in small town. Weezing say that I don't run, but humans think Weezing stupider because I say only one word. I hate that. Anyway, when Weezing go higher up as house in suburb, I lose another 2 kg. When Weezing also move in high air from opposite direction of where I'm going I lose another 2 kg. Humans say when I do this as well as jump they can see gas used, but not when I run. Humans also say it part of my nature, others say I stink a lot. Another way I lose gas is by attacking. They also consider my poison vomit gas. They say it becuase it made of gas. Weezing think it stupid. Vomit isn't gas.

There two ways to get gas as well. One is just by eating. Eating foods like burger and sushi gives me a kg of gas back, which is not satisfactory for me. You know who said that word. I also eat my own gas as well as others of my kind, but I only take in half of the gas left over. The gas also heals me for each amount I take in as a kg. The other way Weezing can get way is by getting hit by somebody. The damage to Weezing equals twice amount of kg Weezing gets. Weezing still don't understand. Weezing hurt in head now.

Now remeber when Weezing said something about my Big Head, Parasite, and Dead parts. Weezing don't exactly, but they are vital to me. Whenever Weezing take damage, my Big head will get the gas until it reachs the human's limit, whatever that means. Then Parasite will take over, and then Dead body. When eating gas, Parasite eat first, then Big, then Dead. Humans say I can mix the contents in each head evenly. I just try finding balance. Each head takes other different things. Big Head coughs off smoke all over. Parasite spews out poison toxins and oil. And lastly, Dead gives out perfume. Perfume stinks. Cologne better, if only hard to smell.

Because Weezing found this place out boredom, some humans say that Weezing need colors. These colors said to help others. Weezing need more help. Weezing don't understand how Weezing types. Still, Weezing agrees. After many thoughts, I think the colors are for heads. It make sense. They have different sizes and functions. I gave Main head this color, as it dark like leader. Parasite want that color, but in end Main won. Parasite got this color, whichi is better then Dead. We thought that Dead get yellow, but it too hurt to myself. So we decide this color, as it color of perfume. Weezing think it funny.



Neutral Special: Weezing no know why called Neutral Special. Those two words are opposites. Should be Stay Still Special. It make more sense. That what you do. But I digest. Anyway, Stay still special is


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
1. Right click the image you want.

2. Right click on the image you want, select Copy Image Location, (I use Firefox, not sure if it's different for Internet Explorer)

3. Type

4. Paste the Image Location in front of that.

5. Put In front of the Image Location.

You should get your picture.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
1. Right click the image you want.

2. Right click on the image you want, select Copy Image Location, (I use Firefox, not sure if it's different for Internet Explorer)

3. Type

4. Paste the Image Location in front of that.

5. Put In front of the Image Location.

You should get your picture.
instead of doing numbers 3, 4 and 5, click the 'go advanced' button right next to the 'post quick reply' button, then you will see a sun and mountains picture in the toolbar. Click that and type the url that the picture came from. It's an easier way I guess.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007

Kirby 1: This is a hold up!

Kirby 2: I've got a banana, so don't do anything funny.

Just give us the coins, and bills.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Excuse my ignorance, but what does BM mean?

Kirby: I just saved a bunch of bananas by switching to Diddy Kong! Remember: 5 minutes a match can save you hundreds of bananas in the Emissary!

Mr. Brawl and Watch

Smash Apprentice
Dec 19, 2007
How to Play

This is smash!

The object of the game is to violently kill the video game characters you hate with the ones that you love.

Press "A" to use steroids.

The more steroids you use, the opponent's chances of dying goes up.

But if you use too much steroids, you die.

Balance out the steroids with getting high. Press "B" to get high and hallucinate special abilities.
If you tilt the control stick, the effects of getting high will be different.

Tilt up to feel like you are flying high.

Experiment with all types of drugs and you just might find the mother of all drugs: 0pium.

0pium comes in it's natural state, so you must break it down before you can use it. But when you do...

You get the munchies.

Grab some nuts.

OOOoo! Spicy Curry!

The temperture level is over 9000!!!!!!!

Just fart to let out your misery.

After you're done eating, sober up with a refreshing blast of cold water.
"Dont forget to bring a towel!"


If somebody takes the 0pium after you did all the work to break it down, hire the italian mafia to handle your dirty work. Press "Z".

The winner is the last player standing on the stage.
And if you manage to beat very hard mode, then:



Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Rocy Face , GA
YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT B ITCH!:mad: I don't like Pichu and I don't see a reason for it to return. It was just a clone of Pikachu. You don't like my opinion you can kiss my ***!

You too Magnacor.

Either of you got the balls to come down south to take me on bring it!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina

Primid: (evil manic laughter) Finally! I've perfected my Nipple-o-Matic Disguise! I will be the best Primid you have ever seen! Disguising myself as a blurry Captain Falcon...nobody will ever question my sexuality again!


Sakurai: (to managment at Sora) Ok, so now it's time to add some of the more realistic characters...we've added Fox, Pokemon Trainer, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Mario...

...and Captain Falcon, Zelda.....

Primid: MY PLAN HAS SUCCEEDED! I will be the first and only Primid to ever walk along the same lines as PLAYABLE CHARACTERS! Thank you nipples!


Smash Cadet
Dec 9, 2007

Diddy: Do you like it when I scratch my @**?
Kirby: Yes, yes I do. Scratch it FASTER!

Diddy: Do you like it when I scratch my @**?
Metaknight: MY EYES!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!


Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2007
All was going well in the world of Smash Brothers. But then Kirby suddenly became angry with his placement on the Melee tier list.

He went on a rampage consuming everything in sight.

It started with Mario

Then one by one they all fell

Peach: Kirby where is Zelda?

Diddy: Donkey?!

PT: Where's my Sqirtle Kirby?

Zamus: Where is everybody? Hey how did you get my helmet? Oh no!

Zamus: Put the gun down Kirby and calm down. What are you doing!

But it was no use. No one could stop the rampage

Not the hunter

Nor the king

Nor the guardian

Not even the soldier

They were all consumed until only one remained

Yet he spared Meta Knight...


Smash Cadet
Dec 9, 2007
Yet he spared Meta Knight...

Metaknight: Where is everybody?
Kirby: Hehehe....

Metaknight: Kirby?! Wha...what did you do to everyone?

Kirby: I consumed every last one of them like this into MAH BELLAH.
Metaknight: .....
Kirby: All I have to do is swallow you up and I will be placed in TEH GOD TIER.

Metaknight: I DUN THINK SO!!!!!

After Metaknight slashed Kirby into two, all the fighters were released from Kirby's endless belly and the world of Smash Bros. was saved........

Thanks to Metaknight.....


Deleted member


The world was once a great place.

Nature was in balance...

...Cities were prosperous...

...And peace ruled the land.

But then...

...They came.

Predators became prey...

...Once prosperous cities were wipd out...

...And chaos began its rule.

Legend has it of a hero who would end this chaos, but we're still waiting.

And Fox is tired of waiting.

EDIT: First original caption series!


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Gabriel Iglesias, part one

For those of you who still don't know,there are 5 levls of fatness. Fluffy is one of the levels.

There's big,




and DAAMMN!!

I'm still number four.



Height - 5

Weight - 5

Attack Power - 5

Attack Speed - 5

Walk - 5

Run - 5

First Jump - 5

Second Jump - 5

Special Attributes (Wall jump, Glide, etc.) - None

It looks like we have an average Mario lookalike in our hands. So average is this character that there must be something not so average to make her not so average. Maybe for every attack that is given to her, she'll take it as if she were at 55% percent damage. No matter if it was a Falcon Punch or a Luigi Kick, it will deal the same knockback it would if it was at 55%. You know, it still sounds too average... and yet not so average. Strange huh?


Neutral Special - Softboiled

Blissey takes the egg inside her pouch and throws it up to the air, going as high as a battlefield platform. It will then land on Blissey and heal 50% damage. Blissey is invincible at this time and her only movement is jumping. Opponents will have to grab on to the egg before it hits Blissey in order to nullify the attack. The egg has the same properties it had in Melee when used as a throwing item, so unfortunately opponents can't heal themselves with this egg. If the egg isn't used after 10 seconds, the egg will break and become rotten, dealing 5% to the holder. Chansey can also grab the egg with her air dodge so she can attack.

Side Special - Bandage Warp

Blissey takes out from hammerspace what looks like a large roll of tape. This tape is actually bandages used in hospitals for casts and the like. Chansey this around the opponent right next to her, if any, to heal them until their percent is at zero (in stamina mode, this means 150 HP). There are two backsides to this as well: any special mechanic the opponent has is deemed moot until they get KOed, and their movement-related stats are cut in half. You can't use this move if the opponent next to you has 99% or less.

Up Special - Egg Bomb

Blissey grabs the Egg she has on her pouch and throw it down below her. A half second later, the Egg will reveal itself as an Egg bomb and explode, dealing 25% and high knockback to Blissey and anyone in the vicinity. Blissey will then flap her arms, which will only prolong her flight slighly before falling down. When used on the ground, the egg will deal 30% only to Blissey because she is closer to the explosion.

Down Special - Lucky Egg or Oval Stone

Blissey will throw the Eggs in her pouch out to the ground until she gets either a Oval Stone or a Lucky egg in her pouch. The Oval Stone has a 50% chance of appearing in the pouch and only increases weight. The Lucky Egg has a 8% chance of appearing, but your next egg based move will give double off anything from healing to dealing.

Jab - Double Slap

Chansey slaps repeatively, dealing 2% with quick lag, no priority, and minisule knockback. This move can be used to help


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
yeah...i know
still thinking of a few more^^

Carl & Russell

Special Mechanic: Never Get Homesick

In the movie itself, Carl and Russell and both strapped onto the Fredricksen's floating house with a hose and rope, respectively. This holds true to the moveset itself, as Carl's house flies a few hundred feet away (that's a long hose!). In fact the house seems to appear exactly where Team Rocket blasts off... Oh no... This isn't the mechanic right? Unfortunately, yes. It turns out that if a star KO it's the house, it'll lose one tenth of its balloons. Not much to woory about, expect that it's basically your only means of "recovery". If you lose 1/2 of your balloons then the house willl fall down along with both Carl and Russell dragged down for a KO. The Huse will reappear in the background once that KO ended. Sounds very stupid for a mechanic, eh?

Thankfully there are some reprives. You can control the flight of the house itself either left or right with the d-pad on the Gamecube controller, the left control stick on the Classic controller, or by shaking with a Wii-mote or Mote+Chuk controller. Also if you can wait around thirty seconds after a star KO from the enemy, then 6000 balloons (the equivialant of 3/10 of the ones that burst) will seemingly appear out of thin air. Of course the house isn't magic (our at least has an automatic air compresor to make that amount of balloons), so who exactly is in control?

Why it's the lovable pooch Dug, of course. With him as your pilot, nothing can truly go wrong! Well maybe. You see, Dug can (on your command) go down to your odd couple wanting to play with with Carl's tennis balls on the edge of his cane. This distraction will not only make him unable to move the house, but also help with Carl's attacks (his sudden appearance in the stage can be justified by jumping a lot on the hose), making this a win-lose situation. If you want him back in the house as a pilot, you simply need to coax Dug to think there's a suirrel in the house so he can jump back up.

What about Russell you ask? Well Russell does have his own partner in the form of Kevin, the flightless Roadrunner-esque bird that is the MacGuffin in the story. Kevin seems to only open up to Russell, but it helps that he is a great fighter & runner, even with Russell riding him. Kevin is basically as tall and heavy as a Bowser, but he can last for only up to 75 HP before he's unable to battle. Broken you say? Well Kevin's weak point is his legs, as he takes up 1.5x the amount of damage taken there.

Anything I missed... I don't think so. Maybe the fact that Carl and Russell are essentially Ice Climber-like in their movements, yet have their own movesets separated by the Down B. Oh and that they can never be apart, as they are tied up close to each other... yeah, I think that's about it.

Stats (Out of 10)


Air Mv.:​

Somewhat average stats all around for the both of them, they are very similar stats wise. Heck, Russell's height, weight, and speed are in reflection to Carl's jumps, air movement, and traction and vice versa. Other than that, they are... basically a bunch of fours, fives, and sixes scattered around for stats. Still it might be a surprise for a overweight kid and 78-year old to have incredible aerial manuvuerability but let's remember their house is along to help them with for this ride.




Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC

Snake: Let me take your sword, and Voila! It is floating in the air!

Ike: Wow! How did you do that!

Snake: No! You fool! Don't yell! Mario is having his mid day nap!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Rocy Face , GA

For those of you who still don't know,there are 5 levls of fatness. Fluffy is one of the levels.

There's big,




and DAAMMN!!

I'm still number four.
That show is hilarious. I like the joke about the cop where his friend tells the cop he has


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA

Peach: Oh my god, Kirby you'll never believe what happened at school today. That wh**e Nana was totally hitting on Snake even though she knew that she is going out with Samus and she is going out with Popo.[Insert rest of teenage girl blabber here]

Kirby: Oh god she's giving a migrane with all this talk. What am I going to do? I got it!

Kirby: Hey you guys!


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC

Mario: Shh! You know how Bowser hates water? I'm gonna sneak up on him and squirt him.


Bowser: What did you just do Mario!

Bowser: MARIO!!!!


Smash Cadet
Dec 9, 2007

ZZS: Hmm, so far so good. No hidden weapons detected.
Pit: My body feels weird...

Pit: Wait! Not there!!!
ZZS: ...!!!

ZZS: Ah ha! So you did have a hidden weapon with you this whole time!
Pit: Its not a weapon, its my peni...


Smash Ace
Sep 19, 2007
Over there
YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT B ITCH!:mad: I don't like Pichu and I don't see a reason for it to return. It was just a clone of Pikachu. You don't like my opinion you can kiss my ***!

You too Magnacor.

Either of you got the balls to come down south to take me on bring it!
:( You missed my obvious sarcasm. I was just messing with you, I don't want Pichu in either.


Smash Cadet
Dec 18, 2007

Lets see, shoot him with rocket launcher, throw cardboard box on him...CARDBOARD BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucas: Cool a rubber ducky!

Challenger Approaching! Poorly Drawn Whale!

Kirby: How ya like me NOW Mario??!!!

Not Bowser's proudest moment...

King Dedede: TIMEOUT EVERYONE! Papercut...​

What do you think?
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