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Full Stage List Striking - New name


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I'm asking you to describe what makes a stage "bad"....You cannot even do that?

May I ask why you banned a stage you can't even list reasons for?

I took out the scrubby/anti-competitive/no basis arguments you could use. They hold no backing.

If anything I asked you to describe bread without calling it a loaf, possibly square or rectangular, and being made of wheat. I'm asking you what about it makes it bad?

White bread is worse for your health than wheat bread. That's just a simple fact.

So what does one stage do that makes it worse for competition than another stage?

Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
describe bread without field, corn, wheat, food, grain.

We don't play Taboo, we're discussing. lol
Let me make it very clear for you what SuSa did.

[*]It moves
Legitimately an integral part of smash; this is never a good reason to ban a stage (only ever what the movement might cause, such as is the case with Rumble Falls and Mushroomy Kingdom).

[*]It causes me to have to adapt
Again, adapting to stages is an integral and skill-increasing part of the game that you should never purposefully neglect.

[*]It has more than 3 platforms
****ty reason to ban a stage, simply put-never a reason, actually. Why would we ban a stage with more than 3 platforms if it wasn't broken?

[*]It's not as flat as FD
See above. This is not a reason to ban the stage, you have to adapt to various different degrees of stage tilt.

[*]It has hazards that can be avoided to a reasonable level but I can't avoid them.
This is not an argument to ban a stage or call it ********; it's an argument to call you a bad player.
[*]It has a walkoff
This isn't an argument either. May seem like it, but it isn't. Why? Because the broken thing is not the walkoff itself. It's the tactic of walkoff camping. If walkoff camping didn't work, then walkoff stages wouldn't be that problematic for the most part. But it does.

Basically, what SuSa did was remind you of which arguments are simply faulty, bad, and should not ever be used. Please stop stalling and either admit that you can't, or give us the answer.


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
there is no stage in this game that fits this ban criteria.
I thought my comparison would make this clear but ok lol
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
there is no stage in this game that fits this ban criteria.
I thought my comparison would make this clear but ok lol
And this is why you fail.

Temple hyrule. Broken and bannable due to the tactic of circle camping.
Corneria. Broken and bannable due to the tactic of fin camping.
Bridge of Eldin. Broken and bannable due to the tactic of walkoff camping.

There actually is, when you really think about it, one solid criteria to ban a stage-a broken and/or overcentralizing tactic. That's the only criteria that actually works.

Now come on, answer the **** question or admit you were wrong.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
This is ridiculous. Of course there is only one valid ban criteria. When was that EVER in dispute? Things, in general and in ANY competitive game, are banned when they become broken, when it becomes a game of "do this thing and win or don't and lose".

Nothing this guy can come up with will change over 10 years of competitive gaming history or philosophy.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
And we haaaaaaveee a winnnerrrr!!!!

BPC said:
A broken and/or overcentralizing tactic. That's the only criteria that actually works.
"describe bread without field, corn, wheat, food, grain."

Baked flour.

Get at me

Only every precedent set by pretty much any gaming community. Soft bans aside seeing as they aren't "a real ban".
what Jack said
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
why? who says what criteria works and what not?
Ja, ist scho klar. Wo ein stage "schuldig" gefunden wird, is subjectiv. Aber, mal wieder, muss man nur darauf schauen, was der resultat ist. Braucht man mehr skill (RC, PTAD, Norfair, usw) um auf den hoechsten niveau zu kommen wenn der stage legal ist, oder weniger (Temple, Corneria, Warioware, Pictochat, usw)? Mit der frage werden nicht nur alle stages, bis auf eine sehr kleine menge (Pictochat, Green Greens, Distant Planet als musterbeispiele wo man einfach nicht weiss) in "sollten wir legalisieren" und "Sollten wir bannen" gruppiert, der gute grund, wieso wir die so gruppieren, wird auch sehr, sehr schnell klar. Ergibt des sinn?

Copied from GSB (Sorry english speakers, too lazy to translate it right now). Basically, the short form is that what matters is if the stage makes the game overall require more or less skill, and that being the best criteria. And what a coincidence-there's an almost perfect overlap between "contains a broken strategy" and "reduces the skill necessary to play the game at a high level"; same with "does not contain a broken strategy" and "raises the level of skill necessary to play the game at a high level".

Actually, this argumentative stretch kind of gets over the whole "it's just subjective" thing. Really! This could be a breakthrough, guys! I gotta work on reformulating it (and translating it, obviously...).


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
so...... what been going on in here recently that I can join in on? anything new and exciting or is it all debated out?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
Ja, ist scho klar. Wo ein stage "schuldig" gefunden wird, is subjectiv. Aber, mal wieder, muss man nur darauf schauen, was der resultat ist. Braucht man mehr skill (RC, PTAD, Norfair, usw) um auf den hoechsten niveau zu kommen wenn der stage legal ist, oder weniger (Temple, Corneria, Warioware, Pictochat, usw)? Mit der frage werden nicht nur alle stages, bis auf eine sehr kleine menge (Pictochat, Green Greens, Distant Planet als musterbeispiele wo man einfach nicht weiss) in "sollten wir legalisieren" und "Sollten wir bannen" gruppiert, der gute grund, wieso wir die so gruppieren, wird auch sehr, sehr schnell klar. Ergibt des sinn?

Copied from GSB (Sorry english speakers, too lazy to translate it right now).
In case anyone wants to read it:

"Yeah, sure. Whether a stage is found "guilty" is subjective. But, again, you just need to take a look at the results. Do you need more skill (RC, PTAD, Norfair etc.) to play on the highest level when that stage is legal or less (Temple, Corneria, Warioware, Pictochat etc.)? With this question, not only can stages be divided into "should be legal" and "should be banned" groups (with the exception of a few like Pictochat, Green Greens, Distant Planet for example where we're unsure), the reason why we group them is very easily understood too. Makes sense?"
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
In case anyone wants to read it:

"Yeah, sure. Whether a stage is found "guilty" is subjective. But, again, you just need to take a look at the results. Do you need more skill (RC, PTAD, Norfair etc.) to play on the highest level when that stage is legal or less (Temple, Corneria, Warioware, Pictochat etc.)? With this question, not only can stages be divided into "should be legal" and "should be banned" groups (with the exception of a few like Pictochat, Green Greens, Distant Planet for example where we're unsure), the reason why we group them is very easily understood too. Makes sense?"
Ooh, thanks. Now for me to take this line of logic and expand upon it...

so...... what been going on in here recently that I can join in on? anything new and exciting or is it all debated out?
Pretty much how I just found a way to get around the whole "subjectivity" argument. MetalMusicMan should check this out. And Umbreon.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Wait, a way to shut down the subjectivity argument for good? Really?

Oh, what a joyous day! I can't wait to read it.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Imma work on it, but basically that translation is the key point. Yes, it's still subjective. However, the result of holding the "right" opinion is the ideal, therefore there is a best opinion. As said, it needs a little work, and I need to reformulate it a little (also, is this an argument to consequences, i.e. a fallacy?)... You should hit me up on skype or AIM tomorrow or something.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
Subjectivity will end when the world ceases to exist, there is no way to stop it, however, it can be influenced. [but that's not what you're getting at with that statement]

Also, how does having a "best" opinion not count as subjectivity?

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
It's going to be impossible.
Meh, it's a philosophical argument. I've seen harder things be accomplished.

Subjectivity will end when the world ceases to exist, there is no way to stop it, however, it can be influenced. [but that's not what you're getting at with that statement]

Also, how does having a "best" opinion not count as subjectivity?
The AMA or any doctor can tell you 5 things that give you essential potassium, and can rank those foods / drugs by level of potassium gained and negative side effects experienced. Just because things are on a gradient, doesn't mean that the gradient used for judging isn't (or can't be) scientifically objective.

but the great Cadet seems to found it!
Honestly, that doesn't surprise me in the slightest. BPC is, out of all of the non-mods and non-BBR members I've read posts from, one of the most scientifically minded, philosophically oriented individuals I've ever seen. He's an exceptional thinker, and were I to host a symposium on any philosophical concept, I'd be honored to have him give a guest lecture.

If anyone could figure out solutions to some of Smash's philosophical problems, I'd expect it to be him. Listen to that guy; he's probably... no, IS, one of the most objectively minded, educated posters on SWF today. He knows his stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2010
Washington, DC
Way to stick up for BPC, Jack!

Anyway, every single banned stage is banned because of a broken or overcentralizing tactic (usually a form of camping) that reduces the level of skill required to play. Circle camping, for example, reduces the game to getting a % lead and running. Unless a stage allows a broken tactic, there is no reason to ban it. There is no justifiable reason to do so.

Name 1 instance where a stage with an overcentralizing tactic is legal.

Now name 1 instance where a stage without an overcentralizing tactic is banned.

Hmm, it was easier for the second, wasn't it? You guys who keep arguing that we have too many stages and that FD SV BF is the best starter list have no evidence, no good logic, and no arguments beyond personal preference or ad hominem.

And Keiser is awesome, for the record...

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA

I don't know why people keep misspelling my name. It's, like, right in front of you as you type. The funniest part is that it's been the exact same misspelling ever since '08. lawl.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
-FD is a bad starter stage
The only character you have any sort of argument for this stage being polar to CP levels is Ice Climbers.

Falco? He's not broken here and many Falco's still lose on this stage even when they do CP it.

Diddy? The stage is large enough where his stage control can't cover the whole stage.

King DDD? Unless you get infinited/side stepped, it's not bad at all. Is it better with platform? MU dependent.

-More starter stages is better than less starter stages
Depends on the stages you present.

-RC should be legal
You right we should let characters that perform well in the air use this as a starter...wait...

As a CP it's fine, but this and "Dynamic" stages like Brinstar shouldn't be starter.

-PS2 should be legal
Yes it should.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
The only character you have any sort of argument for this stage being polar to CP levels is Ice Climbers.

Falco? He's not broken here and many Falco's still lose on this stage even when they do CP it.

Diddy? The stage is large enough where his stage control can't cover the whole stage.

King DDD? Unless you get infinited/side stepped, it's not bad at all. Is it better with platform? MU dependent.

I'd like to know a stage that is banned more often than FD against Diddy Kong. :glare: You don't need to cover an entire stage to have a severe advantage on it. FD makes his banana game (and camping game) overall better and harder to get past.

Have you tried to get a Falco to time you out on this stage? Start of match pew pew, start camping. Oh. You're coming close? I'll just IAP to the other side of the stage, after a SHDL for cover. (Making it sound easier than it really is.. but it's not even that hard)

This stage is pretty bad for Wario (no platforms to save him from the grab release ****)

It doesn't have to be stupidly good for a character. It can be stupidly bad for others as well.

The point is that it's not a "neutral" stage.

Depends on the stages you present.
Oh? And what are we "depending" on?

You right we should let characters that perform well in the air use this as a starter...wait...
He said legal, not starter. Go back and take that in context.

Yes it should.



❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
The only character you have any sort of argument for this stage being polar to CP levels is Ice Climbers.

Falco? He's not broken here and many Falco's still lose on this stage even when they do CP it.

Diddy? The stage is large enough where his stage control can't cover the whole stage.

King DDD? Unless you get infinited/side stepped, it's not bad at all. Is it better with platform? MU dependent.
You're only looking at a grain of sand in the whole beach.
The problem is not getting grabbed, is that you're forced to approach them (hence, taking the risk of getting grabbed) all the time because there's nothing else to do.

You right we should let characters that perform well in the air use this as a starter...wait...
Thinking on FD...
You right, we should let characters that perform well in the ground use this as a starter...wait...

Yes it should.
I hope that was not sarcasm....
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
If anyone could figure out solutions to some of Smash's philosophical problems, I'd expect it to be him (bpc). Listen to that guy; he's probably... no, IS, one of the most objectively minded, educated posters on SWF today. He knows his stuff.

@RR: Yeah, they lose on FD because they are bad, limited characters with lousy counterpicks. Ganon/G&W/etc. doesn't always win on his best counterpicks, doesn't mean we can, or should give them to him game one anyways. Again, the degree or power of a counterpick becomes completely meaningless, at least for this discussion, when you try to compare it across characters. That the stage is not polar because "everyone who counterpicks it doesn't get a huge advantage from it" is ridiculous when you consider the kind of advantage they'd be getting from any other stage, comparatively. THAT is the comparison which accurately reflects the advantage they get from the stage, because it factors in their overall ability, as a character, to deal with stages.
Furthermore, I don't know how you can argue that FD is not ridiculously polar. Going down the tier list, I can find maybe 2-3 chars I know anything about (i.e. to around D tier) where FD isn't either a godlike stage in most matchups, an awful stage in most matchups, or an awful or a godlike stage, depending on matchup. That's RIDICULOUSLY polar.

And referring to the number of starters, ideally it won't matter which stages you present because sooner or later you run out of legal stages to add, at which point it balances itself out automatically. It's clear that Norfair/RC/Brinstar/PTAD/GG/FD/BF is worse than FD/BF/SV/YI/PS1, but that's because we added exactly the wrong stages to it too early. If you add stages intelligently, you WILL NOT get a system where it is more polarizing than the current 5-starter list. You literally only can do that if you add exactly the wrong stages. Or, if you're complaining about things like the 15-stage starter list, you should actually try striking it down for a heavily polarized matchup like ICs-MK. ;)

And regarding RC, I only advocate it as a starter when you have like 15+ starter stages. i.e. it's a horrible starter, even worse than FD.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I'd like to know a stage that is banned more often than FD against Diddy Kong. :glare: You don't need to cover an entire stage to have a severe advantage on it. FD makes his banana game (and camping game) overall better and harder to get past.

Have you tried to get a Falco to time you out on this stage? Start of match pew pew, start camping. Oh. You're coming close? I'll just IAP to the other side of the stage, after a SHDL for cover. (Making it sound easier than it really is.. but it's not even that hard)

This stage is pretty bad for Wario (no platforms to save him from the grab release ****)

It doesn't have to be stupidly good for a character. It can be stupidly bad for others as well.

The point is that it's not a "neutral" stage.
The size is a factor, Diddy can't control the whole stage. It's still a good stage for him, but it's not a hard core CP for him.

Falco can't run away on the stage forever, many characters just need to play a guessing game of when he is going to try and cross and catch him on the cross. If he could run away from them all day on FD I don't see how he couldn't do it on other stages well that aren't "Dynamic" like Brinstar.

Also many people don't main this against Falco like people used to, just looking at Junebug vs DEHF and how he performed shows me this.

Wario is bad here cause he loves platforms...that's his specific character trait and his problem for having a crappy air release. Same with Ness and Lucas, I can take them to FD or Yoshi's to grab release them with Lucario across the stage and end with a Dthrow/Frthow/Force Palm.

Wario doesn't like stages with no platforms or limited platforms, that's his problem. Some characters do bad on Lylat or Cruise, that is their problem.

Should we not have Yoshi's be a CP because King DDD ***** Wario here? Or Sonic can abuse invincibility, or Lucario can make lots of love here?

Oh? And what are we "depending" on?
What the stage list is listed as if we're not doing full out stage striking with 20+ stages.

He said legal, not starter. Go back and take that in context.
My fault.

You're only looking at a grain of sand in the whole beach.
The problem is not getting grabbed, is that you're forced to approach them (hence, taking the risk of getting grabbed) all the time because there's nothing else to do.
Or I could just not approach them.

If Diddy approaches with Banana's then he's not camping me, PS Falco's lasers and don't mess up the spacing between you and him so he gets to abuse frame advantage. I can run away from King DDD, lol.

Again IC's are the only character I can see this stage being, lol2gud, for.

Thinking on FD...
You right, we should let characters that perform well in the ground use this as a starter...wait...
If they dominated here sure, if not like they don't, then too bad.

I hope that was not sarcasm....
No sarcasm intended, PS2 is legit.


@RR: Yeah, they lose on FD because they are bad, limited characters with lousy counterpicks. Ganon/G&W/etc. doesn't always win on his best counterpicks, doesn't mean we can, or should give them to him game one anyways. Again, the degree or power of a counterpick becomes completely meaningless, at least for this discussion, when you try to compare it across characters. That the stage is not polar because "everyone who counterpicks it doesn't get a huge advantage from it" is ridiculous when you consider the kind of advantage they'd be getting from any other stage, comparatively. THAT is the comparison which accurately reflects the advantage they get from the stage, because it factors in their overall ability, as a character, to deal with stages.
Furthermore, I don't know how you can argue that FD is not ridiculously polar. Going down the tier list, I can find maybe 2-3 chars I know anything about (i.e. to around D tier) where FD isn't either a godlike stage in most matchups, an awful stage in most matchups, or an awful or a godlike stage, depending on matchup. That's RIDICULOUSLY polar.

And referring to the number of starters, ideally it won't matter which stages you present because sooner or later you run out of legal stages to add, at which point it balances itself out automatically. It's clear that Norfair/RC/Brinstar/PTAD/GG/FD/BF is worse than FD/BF/SV/YI/PS1, but that's because we added exactly the wrong stages to it too early. If you add stages intelligently, you WILL NOT get a system where it is more polarizing than the current 5-starter list. You literally only can do that if you add exactly the wrong stages. Or, if you're complaining about things like the 15-stage starter list, you should actually try striking it down for a heavily polarized matchup like ICs-MK. ;)

And regarding RC, I only advocate it as a starter when you have like 15+ starter stages. i.e. it's a horrible starter, even worse than FD.
Sonic and Lucario do amazingly well on Yoshi's Island, should we remove it because on the current 5 stage list it is their best starter and they can go there?

And the power or degree of the CP is quite relevant. If the stage really isn't stupidly good for them, why make it CP. If the stage is literally stupid good, Norfair says high for MK, Link, Wario, etc.

FD doesn't give characters stupid good advantages unless they already had it. Ganon vs Icies...even with platforms it's a 8:2.

Link vs Falco, being on FD doesn't change the fact Link can't catch him well and he loses a lot of his projectiles usefulness which is one of his few saving graces. Even if he went to BF, PS1, PS@, this wouldn't change a thing.

FD doesn't completely change a MU around, ICies being the only case I can reasonably see also Wario vs DDD doesn't count seeing as that MU is extremely stage dependent.

FD is good for a few characters and is useful in some MU's for some characters, in some cases MU's can turn around, again Wario vs DDD here, it's not the end be all ban this stage I don't wanna get CP'd here stage.

What stages you present matters, because I highly doubt people want to fluff up like DMG said a stage list when a stage gets striken anyways. Why waste time going through the process when we can just remove it from the starter list to save time.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
So what you're saying is we should artificially nerf/buff the cast because of how we think the starters should be. Who cares that the 5 starters are biased heavily towards certain members of the cast; if the rest of the cast can't compete on the artificial stage list we created to bad for them.

Since when did we start nerfing characters due to bias on what a starter stage should be?

Finding a set of starters for every matchup in the game is most likely impossible. So why not let the players strike to determine as fair of a first stage as possible from the full stage list? If your character is bad on every stage no matter how you strike, that's when your character is not viable.

Currently the argument for there being a list of 5 starters makes about as much sense as Game1 only allowing you to use the top 5 characters on the tier list. If you want to use someone else, wait til your CP.


Because I don't know the Pikachu matchup. I shouldn't have to deal with it Game1. Pikachu is really gimmicky and forces me to adapt to his playstyle. BAAAWWWW

Because I don't know how to play on Rainbow Cruise. I shouldn't have to deal with it Game1. RC is really gimmicky and forces me to adapt to the stage. BAAAWWWWW

See what I did there?


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So what you're saying is we should artificially nerf/buff the cast because of how we think the starters should be. Who cares that the 5 starters are biased heavily towards certain members of the cast; if the rest of the cast can't compete on the artificial stage list we created to bad for them.

Since when did we start nerfing characters due to bias on what a starter stage should be?
Your not going to make everyone happy no matter what we do.

I disagree that FD polarize MU's so bad that it needs to be CP, if your making a 5 stage starter list I think it's fine to remove it if you want to, 7+ and on I think it should be on a starter list, mostly because I accept I'm not entirely right and what each region wants can differ.

We made a list that favors certain characters, I don't think it's possible to make a list that won't do this in some shape or form.

What could you add,
Lylat? Favors airborn characters and hates on bad recoveries.
PS2, I dunno who ***** here this could be acceptable,
Frigate? Very simular to Lylat and the stage flipping.
Delfino? Sharking and walk is fun for some characters.
Halberd? Low ceiling and sharking.
Siege? Walk off, and lylat like tilting.

It's going to happen one way or another, what we ultimately add for a final starter list will always be subjective since no matter what we pick someone is going to love it and another will hate it.

We could do a full blown stage striking, but then we have time problem and people asking, "Why is this on the list right away if we strike it right away?"

Finding a set of starters for every matchup in the game is most likely impossible. So why not let the players strike to determine as fair of a first stage as possible from the full stage list? If your character is bad on every stage no matter how you strike, that's when your character is not viable.
No character is bad on every stage, even my other main Link has good stages for certain match-ups even if the stage doesn't help him get an advantage it helps. Some character's don't like "Dynamic" stages, so?

Plus the time issue is a big problem for TO is people stall during striking. I'd be mad if my tournament was taking extra time because some players took 2-3 minutes just striking stages for each set.

Currently the argument for there being a list of 5 starters makes about as much sense as Game1 only allowing you to use the top 5 characters on the tier list. If you want to use someone else, wait til your CP.
If the current list forced me to change characters then either my character is bad or the stage over centralizes.

Which neither happens even on our current 5 stage list.

It favors but that is a far as it goes.

Because I don't know the Pikachu matchup. I shouldn't have to deal with it Game1. Pikachu is really gimmicky and forces me to adapt to his playstyle. BAAAWWWW

Because I don't know how to play on Rainbow Cruise. I shouldn't have to deal with it Game1. RC is really gimmicky and forces me to adapt to the stage. BAAAWWWWW

See what I did there?
You complained about a fair character that I would tell people to adapt or play someone else and stage that shouldn't be legal as a starter.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino

Some character's don't like "Dynamic" stages, so?
So too ****ing bad, we don't cater to them. This isn't "balance the game artificially" this is competition.

For many matchups, I can't even go Sheik. On the starter list in my region, for most matchups, its impossible to start on a fair stage. Why? Because of the artificial stage choice. These so called "neutral" starters are about as far from "neutral" as you can get. They are just the most static stages.

Static != Good

Please tell me where we have any objective data showing otherwise. I am also not arguing that dynamic=good, so don't get confused by this.

EXACTLY MY POINT! You would tell someone "Go learn the character, it's a fair character scrub".

Now let me rephrase that..

"Go learn the stage, it's a fair stage scrub."

If the stage IS NOT FAIR, it's BANNED. That simple, and we've already proven that.

"Plus the time issue is a big problem for TO is people stall during striking. I'd be mad if my tournament was taking extra time because some players took 2-3 minutes just striking stages for each set."

2-3 minutes * 20 rounds = 1 hour tops, and that's reeeeaaaalllyyy pushing it. (Assumption that every set would take 2-3 minutes to strike, and at that - 20 rounds)

I mean.. I could understand it if you were using 1-2 sets... but if you only have 1-2 sets... why are you hosting a tournament?


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So too ****ing bad, we don't cater to them. This isn't "balance the game artificially" this is competition.
Except when stages clearly favor certain character much more than others.

If the current 5 pick list sucks, or the 7, 9 etc. just change it to make it more fair if people have grips with it.

For many matchups, I can't even go Sheik. On the starter list in my region, for most matchups, its impossible to start on a fair stage. Why? Because of the artificial stage choice. These so called "neutral" starters are about as far from "neutral" as you can get. They are just the most static stages.
What stages or MU's is Sheik so afraid of that the current stage list makes her cry? Where her select options limited her to such.

9/10 I'm more inclined to beleive Sheik has a bad MU and should suck it up if the player wants to play her.

I can;t think of many dynamic stages where she gains huge boosts from the stage, I'll ask my friend since he mains her.

Static != Good

Please tell me where we have any objective data showing otherwise. I am also not arguing that dynamic=good, so don't get confused by this.
I disagree with a 5 stage starter and approve of a 7 stage starter list, is our current system broken? I don't think so, could we improve it? sure.

EXACTLY MY POINT! You would tell someone "Go learn the character, it's a fair character scrub".

Now let me rephrase that..

"Go learn the stage, it's a fair stage scrub."

If the stage IS NOT FAIR, it's BANNED. That simple, and we've already proven that.
No complaints here so let me post my agree with Susa pic.

"Plus the time issue is a big problem for TO is people stall during striking. I'd be mad if my tournament was taking extra time because some players took 2-3 minutes just striking stages for each set."

2-3 minutes * 20 rounds = 1 hour tops, and that's reeeeaaaalllyyy pushing it. (Assumption that every set would take 2-3 minutes to strike, and at that - 20 rounds)

I mean.. I could understand it if you were using 1-2 sets... but if you only have 1-2 sets... why are you hosting a tournament?
Then why waste time doing a full stage strike if people are just going to strike it every time anyways?

If they don't then they are playing a character that is grossly good there and the opponent either goes with it or strikes.

I just see it as a waste of time if in 90% of MU's people don't want to play there anyways. So it shouldn't be a starter to begin with.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Except when stages clearly favor certain character much more than others.
Except that the entire mentality on this issue is brutally flawed. Let me ask you a question. Does BF heavily (or moderately) favor a character in the MK-ICs matchup? What about the G&W-Falco matchup? If not, then why would it always be stricken fairly early in the matchup if you were striking from a stagelist that contained 11 stages (the typical EC list, for example)? This means one of two things:
-The stage benefits one of the characters fairly heavily
-One of the characters simply has a lot of better stages.

Both of those essentially come out to the same thing. See, with the starter list, we're essentially rewarding a character's ability to perform well on multiple stages, and multiple different stages. This works perfectly only with a full stage strike.

Then why waste time doing a full stage strike if people are just going to strike it every time anyways?

If they don't then they are playing a character that is grossly good there and the opponent either goes with it or strikes.

I just see it as a waste of time if in 90% of MU's people don't want to play there anyways. So it shouldn't be a starter to begin with.
The point is, as has been said, to shift the median. When you use the full starter stage striking method, but remove RC and Brinstar, you've effectively shifted the median in several matchups by two places. Remove Delfino, and that makes 3. Et cetera. Like, sure, those stages will be stricken in almost every matchup. But for the char who didn't strike it, it's the difference between having 10 strikes or having 8 strikes to deal with his opponent's good stages. Get it?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Except when stages clearly favor certain character much more than others.

If the current 5 pick list sucks, or the 7, 9 etc. just change it to make it more fair if people have grips with it.
Agreed, so we should strike them.

Impossible to do for the entire cast without having a highly liberal stage list. (Read: Every legal stage being a starter)

Otherwise you specifically cater to a portion of the cast. Saying "Everything goes, no bars hold" allows the "catering" to be NATURAL not ARTIFICIAL.

If we allow them to play on a stage Game2 or Game3, it should be allowed Game1. But Game1's goal is to be as neutral as possible, which it currently fails at.

What stages or MU's is Sheik so afraid of that the current stage list makes her cry? Where her select options limited her to such.

9/10 I'm more inclined to beleive Sheik has a bad MU and should suck it up if the player wants to play her.

I can;t think of many dynamic stages where she gains huge boosts from the stage, I'll ask my friend since he mains her.
ANY DYNAMIC STAGE is a better stage than any neutral (save maybe YI (B)) - and this is coming from someone who plays as Sheik more than Snake. Snake just has an overall better chance of winning in the current tournament scene. Largely because of how much Game1 hurts Sheik.

I'll try to get some MM's and possibly record my Sheik at this upcoming tournament Sunday. That way I can provide some backing to my words, given my inactivity in the smash scene as of late.

I disagree with a 5 stage starter and approve of a 7 stage starter list, is our current system broken? I don't think so, could we improve it? sure.
Which is what I'm trying to do. A full starter list has no cons other than "it's too different" and "I don't like it baaawww"

As far as fair competition and "how the game is supposed to be played" it allows for more accurate competition between "who is the better player" than "who plays a character that is better on static stages because that's what we decided to hold as a value"

A static stage list makes about as much sense as a ground time/air time rule... :awesome:

No complaints here so let me post my agree with Susa pic.

I would like to let you know this now. I ****ING LOVE YOU. Not too sure how you knew Nyu was my #1 favorite character of all time, but this is quite possibly the best picture you could have ever chosen to agree with me with. EVER.


Then why waste time doing a full stage strike if people are just going to strike it every time anyways?

If they don't then they are playing a character that is grossly good there and the opponent either goes with it or strikes

I just see it as a waste of time if in 90% of MU's people don't want to play there anyways. So it shouldn't be a starter to begin with.
1) Because not EVERYONE will srike it EVERY time. It changes heavily on their character, their opponents character, and both players' preferences.

2) Exactly. This means strike wisely, don't be a scrub.

3) Because you're only thinking about Top tier vs top tier. With over 600 possible matchups it's impossible to create a conservative stage list that is fair to every single possible matchup. Which is what is ideal for competition (unless we are now agreeing that centralizing the game is a good thing...)



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
huh @ the counterpick system not being competitive

is someone here suggesting that brawl isn't competitive

because if it weren't i don't think people would be uh

competing for ten's of thousands of dollars for it


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Omni doesn't feel like reading over 30 pages today I guess.

oh well, his loss.

btw some should do a hypothetical stage strike with me. someone list all the stages and pick a character and I'll pick a character. then we strike the stages throughout our posts and see what comes up. in the end. we could do 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2....

I'll start, I'll pick DK


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
nah, reading through 300 posts of usually recycled ideas at work isn't my forte

but i guess Sapphire Jaguar doesn't feel like giving a one-sentence response


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
nah, reading through 300 posts of usually recycled ideas at work isn't my forte

but i guess Sapphire Jaguar doesn't feel like giving a one-sentence response
considering that BPC basically already answered that..... I didn't feel the need to
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