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Full Liquid Jacket! Inteleon for Smash!


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC

There's two things guaranteed in this world, death and Pokemon newcomer panic. I might as well make the best of the latter.

Inteleon (and yes, that IS spelled correctly) is the final evolution of Sword and Shield's water starter Sobble. (His support thread can be found here) He's got a secret agent spy motif going for him, which makes sense considering the regional influence. I find him cool at least, and in a vacuum most others would too. But unfortunately the Gen 8 for Smash well has been thoroughly poisoned for almost a year now coughBaboomcough and it's like Inteleon is off the table like Primarina was last time. I find that odd considering a big player in Gen 7 was Decidueye and my boi here is more closely related to HIM than to Greninja (which is another topic that I won't bring up for now). But now it's only fair that Inteleon has as much of a shot at Smash as the other two starters (and any other Gen 8 if they want), so here I am.

Here's where I post movesets from supporters
snowgolem snowgolem 's moveset:
Moveset Concept #8 - Inteleon
Ground Attacks

  • Jab - Two quick jabs in the stomach, which leads into a flurry attack of water gun.
  • Side - A quick jump forward, followed by Inteleon grabbing the opponent and throwing them into the ground, launching them upward.
  • Up - Inteleon reaches his hands up and shoots out water spinning in a whirlpool, which the opponent gets caught in, spinning around until they get launched again.
  • Down - Inteleon shoots out quick blasts of water on either side of him.
Aerial Attacks

  • Nair - Inteleon swipes his hand upward and behind his head, throwing anyone hit by the attack in that direction.
  • Fair - The opposite of his nair. He swipes his arm down, launching anyone hit by it directly downwards.
  • Bair - A low kick.
  • Uair - Similar to his up ground attack, it shoots a whirlpool of water. The only difference is that the whirlpool keeps going up without Inteleon when used in the aerial.
  • Dair - Stomps with both legs.
Special Attacks

  • Neutral - Charges a single shot. Incredibly similar to Robin’s neutral special. Based on the move snipe shot.
  • Side - Similar to Joker’s side special, except the projectile moves straight forward instead of angled towards the ground. It keeps going until it hits an opponent. Based off the move Water Pledge.
  • Up - Inteleon boosts himself up through water jet, and then uses his gliding membrane to glide down. The gliding part can be used as either an attack or recovery. If the joystick is held up during the gliding, it will be similar to Peach’s up special. If the joystick is held down, it would be a lot closer to Terry’s down special.
  • Down - Counter which leads into a side kick.

  • Forward - Inteleon throws the opponent down to where his feet are, which they bounce off of, launching them forward.
  • Backward - Inteleon grabs them, and turns and throws them in one swift move.
  • Down - Inteleon grabs them, and used the move Dive. He goes underwater, and they get buried, he then come back up right afterwards.
  • Up - This one also uses Dive, but in a different way. On the second turn of the move, it shoots up water. So for Up throw, Inteleon tosses them upward a small bit, quickly goes underwater, and then shoots water upward, launching them even farther upward.

  • Up - Inteleon does the pose with his arms crossed and one finger pointed up.
  • Side - Inteleon aims a finger gun to the left, then the right.
  • Down - Dive is performed as a taunt. Similar to Megaman’s down taunt.
Final Smash

  • Inteleon charges forward, which activates the cutscene where he turns gigantamax, fixing his sniper on the target, and firing, sending them launching into the air. If they are over 100.7 percent, then it’s an instant kill.

LightKnight LightKnight 's moveset:
* Attacks

Neutral Attack
; Water-Gun; Inteleon shoots a short to medium reaching water projectile which has low knock-back, is good for disruption, and does 5%. Some start-up lag but hardly any end-lag.

Dash attack; Liquidation; Inteleon surrounds themselves with water as they spin forward a small distance in a spear shape and can fire several manual short reaching shots before the attack ends with Inteleon having a hand and both knees to the ground to break the fall. Noticeable end-lag. The projectiles mostly just flinch the opponent while doing a low amount of damage per shot. Without mashing for multiple shots the move can do 8% total on its own but can do 16% if the entire move and all shots are fired and land. The final hit from Inteleon's small swirling hitbox is what has the higher knock-back, sending the opponent at an angle a medium distance. The move has a lot of horizontal range given Inteleon's length and the added projectiles. (similar to Corrin Dash-Attack)

Up tilt; Pound; Throws fist up in-front in the air, doing a low amount of damage per hit but combo'ing at low percents. (like MiiBrawler Utilt)

Side tilt; Tail-Whip; Inteleon cracks tail like a whip in front of them with good range to discourage any attacks. Comes out fast but has noticeable end-lag. Sends at an angle. Does 10%.

Down tilt; Tail-Sweep; Quickly sweeps tail in front on the ground. Has low base knock-back and damage. (like Mewtwo Dtilt)

Up air; Raining-Bulletstorm; Upon mashing, Inteleon shoots several water projectiles with low damage and knock-back that stall the opponent's momentum in the air. Can do upwards of 16%. Good for getting safe chip damage.

Dair; Dive; Inteleon stops midair for a short moment, straitening its membrane, then rapidly dives down in front at an angle. Can spike at the beginning of the move. When used to dive offstage, can be cancelled just in time to use a jump and the recovery to get back in many situations. Noticeable end-lag. (like Sonic Dair with Incineroar dive-animation from Uspecial)

Fair; Water-Pulse; Inteleon fires a quick shot in front through the air as small rings of water pulse as aftershocks from the shot's path. The force of the shot move Inteleon backward somewhat. Can KO if opponent is just offscreen right next to the blastzone. (like MiiGunner Fair)

Bair; Aqua-Tail; Inteleon whips their tail two times with the second hit having decent knock-back. The move comes out quickly and the first hit can be combo'ed into other moves if landing on the ground before the second hit. Can KO around 125% offstage. Does 5% per hit for 10% total if both hits land.

Nair; Acrobatics; Inteleon curls and spins as a sphere for a second. Has low knock-back but good frame-data, making it a reliable go-to move. Does 8%

Side smash; U-turn; Inteleon jumps at the target feet-first and will bounce off them or their shield back a medium distance to safety. High end-lag, which leaves Inteleon highly punishable if the attack is missed but is quite safe if landing on the opponent. Very low overall knock-back for a smash attack.

Down smash; Splash-Shot; Fires a shot to the ground directly in front of Inteleon which creates a small splash animation. Uncharged, KOs around 100% at ledge and can two-frame but otherwise KOs around 140% if at the center of the stage. Overall laggy. (like Mewtwo Dsmash)

Up smash; Breaking-Swipe; Swipes tail in an upward arc. Very low knock-back growth but decent base knock-back, only KO'ing by around 150% uncharged. However, the move is overall pretty fast, with frame-data akin to a tilt attack.

Neutral special; Soak(Bubble-Bomb); Inteleon creates a bubble of water in their hand then tosses it in a set forward arc a medium distance. When it falls on the ground it sticks and if left alone stays until 30 seconds until it pops. If the opponent touches or walks over it the bubble will explode with low knock-back and damage but will weigh down the opponent and their overall movement for a full second as they are soaking wet with water rapidly dripping down from them, opening them up for a follow-up attack. Can only have one out at a time. Can be thrown offstage to edgeguard with, which is very effective at disrupting some recoveries. Can pair well with Snipe Shot if you anticipate an opponent activating your trap beforehand.

Side special; Focus-Energy/Snipe-Shot; Holding on makes Inteleon hold out their hand-gun as a white ring slowly shrinks towards Inteleon's head (like WFT) and the closer it gets the progressively more damaging, speedy, and accurate Inteleon's shot will be. After a full 3 seconds it will stop shrinking and will be a small circle just around Inteleon's head, meaning when fired it will be completely accurate to where you directed it while traveling at an incredible speed with great knockback. Can only be fired within an arc in front of Inteleon which can be directing either by holding up or down or for slightly faster aiming speed, on the side. When fully charged it also doesn't count as a projectile and will have a slow zoom impact affect if it lands. Can't be cancelled through pressing the shield button, making it a heavily committal option paired with its significant end-lag and start-up. A little arrow shows up right next to Inteleon's hand showing where your pointing. (similar to Byleth neutral-special)

Down special; Sucker-Punch; Inteleon prepares for an attack, using its membrane to cue the pokemon in on incoming attacks and Inteleon quickly strikes back at an opponent with Sucker Punch when catching them pressing an attack button. Inteleon's punch has great priority despite Inteleon not being completely invulnerable during the counter-attack. Moves in a straight line at great speed towards the target when the counter-attack is activated. Also activates from incoming projectiles but isn't always the best option for that scenario. Has set low base knock-back and damage. Its best to think of the move as counter for setting-up combo starters, not for raw KOs, as the move isn't generally going to take the opponent out. For example, depending on percents, there are niche situations that can happen offstage where you'll be near enough the opponent to follow-up with something like and Up-Special to further gimp the opponent. Though, to pull off all the tech with this move requires great knowledge of percents and matchups. Slightly less start-up than other counters but also slightly less active time comparatively. End-lag is scaled back accordingly.

Up special; Hydro-Pump/Glide; Shoots water directly below, giving good vertical distance, which does a little damage to anyone below and pushes them. Then for half a second, before going into free-fall, up-special can be pressed again and held to activate the glide part of the move in which you can also pick the single direction Inteleon moves in as the pokemon slowly drifts down. Otherwise, you'll just go in the direction Inteleon is facing. The glide only lasts 3 full seconds max and you can let go of the button to cancel it but either way Inteleon will enter free-fall when the move ends unless you hit a wall, in which case Inteleon will automatically cling to it in order for you to wall-jump.

Forward throw; Gun-Down; Throws the opponent forward with tail then fires a water shot at the opponent. KOs around 140% at ledge.
Back throw; Trick-Shot; Throws the opponent backward with tail then moves hand behind, firing a water shot at opponent. KOs around 145% at ledge.
Up throw; Blindside; Throws the opponent upward with tail then fires a water shot in the air at the opponent. KOs around 150%
Down throw; Slam; Inteleon slams the opponent to the ground with its unfurling tail, setting up for a tech situation at lower percents.
Grabs; Decent range.
Pummel; Bind;

Final Smash; Gigantamax-Snipe-Shot; Turns into Gigantamax form, creating a tower in the spot you activated the FS. From this high point you can quickly aim anywhere with two available quick piercing shots which insta-KO if they land. If activated high above the stage the tower will fall till it lands and if offstage you'll eventually die if the top part goes beyond the blastzone.

* Movement
; Short.
Rolls; Far and fast.
Dodges; Fast
Groundspeed; Fast.
Airspeed; Slowish fall speed but very quick fast-fall speed and low aerial momentum.
Weight; Very Light

* Animations/Functionality
Match-Start Animation
; Comes out of invisibility while holding up 'handgun' then shifts to a crouching aiming pose.
Up taunt; Lifts finger-gun to their head which has small bubbles floating up from which Inteleon then blows out, popping them.
Side taunt; Takes up a stance with hands looking like they are about to grab something as Inteleon's membranes flare up and menacingly wave/shake.
Down taunt; Tearful-Look; Starts to shed a tear and wipes it, revealing a sly smile.
Crouch; Bends knees and can crawl low across the ground slowly.

* Analysis
; (short)
An evasive and quick-footed character that relies on many projectile moves and set-ups to create an opening for juggles or a finishing hit. Though the character can be slippery on the ground its mostly just horizontal movement and lacks vertical distance which helps somewhat with predicting the character's movement, though still very tough. . Most of Inteleon's throws do higher than average damage for throws if the second part hits and can KO at very high percent but can all be DI'd slightly to nearly avoid the following water shot so if possible its good to mix-up the opponent on what throw your gonna use as they all require different DI. Though, some large hitbox opponents can tend to not be able to avoid these second hit throws.
Difficulty of use; Hard
Like Shiek, Inteleon lacks KO power, damage, is very light, but is very evasive, usually getting the KO offstage. Similarly, many of Inteleon's attacks also lack knock-back, lending itself to combo strings, juggles, or relying on ranged chip damage. This requires great patience, precision, creativity, and planning to pull off effectively without also losing your stock quickly. Inteleon is somewhat unconventional which extends to their movement, being quite demanding in timing and reaction, overall being hard to handle. This unconventionality includes the neutral attack which is a simple projectile of water as oppose to a melee jab. Inteleon also has several technically demanding moves in order to master the character because of all the possible applications and combo'ing into other attacks. Some of these moves include Water Pulse, Raining Bulletstorm, Bubble-Bomb, and Sucker Punch.
Fighter Classification; Zoner/Juggler

Roy is our boy Roy is our boy 's moveset:​

Neutral Special: For his neutral special HE WIELDS A GUN(Snipe Shot).
This attack would work like Garlock Punch (able to be damaged but no knockback and not move at all). In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Snipe Shot has more chances of increasing “Critical Hit” so what if every fighter that get hit by Snipe Shot, would get paralyzed (just like Corrin’s Neutral Special), so you can freely Punish your opponent, this attack will ignore grab.

Side Special: Breaking Swipe.
An attack with hard knock back and damage,
It will Swing it’s tail (like Mewtwo Side-Tilt but slower and stronger)forward, If you miss your opponent while using this move you can end up getting punished.

Up Special: Fly/Bounce.
This move will cause no damage at all but it’s recovery would be pretty good
It would do an impulse up in the sky and then start gliding (with its wings) just like certain characters in Brawl, you would be able to do an aerial or an special attack to avoid punishments

Down Special: (Counter) Liquidation/ Snipe Shot again.

When someone attacks you physically and you counter it will attack you repeatedly(like Mii Brawler’s side special), if you counter it in the air, you’ll attack repeatedly and then spike, if you counter it by someone trowing a projectile at you, you would Shoot the opponent who attacked you.

Curiosity: Inteleon is confirmed to have some hidden equipments other than a gun, like a knife and eye lenses.

Curiosity 2: Inteleon’s eye lenses can turn his eyes black.

Side smash: quick stab.
A quick and weak stab (Like Lucases side smash)

Down smash: Tail Slap.
He will spin with his large tail on the ground 2 times

Up smash: Quick stab.
It will slash its knife in the air doing a strong knockback

Side tilt: quick Weak Knee attack.
It will send the enemy down so you can jab lock it

Up tilt: Snipe Shot(up target).
It will shoot a water bullet up

Jab: Punch -> Elbow attack -> Knee attack

Flurry attack: Knife Slashes

Uair: Spin kick (Similar to Joker’s and Greninja’s Uair)

Fair: Knee kick (Similar to Cap. Falcon’s Fair)

Dair: Tail Swing (can spike)

Bair: Tail Swing (Similar to Mewtwo’s)

Dthrow: Tail Crush (Similar to Mewtwo’s down throw)

All the other Throws are similar to jokers


In its final smash Inteleon Gigantamaxes into a and taller form of him.
His final smash will be similar to Giga Bowser’s and will do an screen ko.
Gigantamax Inteleon will use his gun to attack you.
You can attack your opponent more than five times unlike Bowser’s.

Side taunt: Giggle(Like in Pokémon Camp)

Down taunt: Eyes turn black and then crosses it arms

Up taunt: Blows fingers

Idle 1: prepares finger guns (like his battle idle animation in sword and shield)

Idle 2: looks around (Like in Pokémon camp)

Victory Screen 1: acrobatics and then looks at the camera

Victory Screen 2: points his fingers at you

Victory screen 3: Suddenly appears after camouflage and then looks at the camera

Speed: Tied with Greninja’s

Weight: Tied with Sonic’s

Height: Tied With Ganondorf’s

Jump level: Tied with Greninja’s

Double Jump Level: Tied with Lucases

Recovery options: Best
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
I think Inteleon (or Gexit as I like to call him) would be an excellent pick, and while my most-wanted Pokémon atm is Gengar, I wouldn’t love his inclusion any less, so I support :)

“For his neutral special, Inteleon wields a GUN.”


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
Go ahead and add me to the list! I was actually planning on working on a moveset for him a while ago, but this gives me a good excuse to do it now. :b:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2019
I support with everything I have...

His final smash should be his new g-max form, and he can operate like snake's final smash. He's behind the stage, and the scope part drags across the screen and picks 5 spots to snipe at with his g-max power. It instantly kills anyone it hits over 200%. If they are over 120%, then they just get sent flying.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2019
Oh... You said something about how Primarina wasn't on the table... How come? Because of Greninja?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2019
I remember how that Pokemon was essentially bullied into submission. In terms of Smash it was between Decidueye and Incineroar :yoshi:
Yeah that is true... I guess I wanted her so bad that i ended up not realizing that others cut her out of their minds


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2019
Intelleon is my starter in SwSh, unfortunately, he and the game from which he was drawn did not impress me as much as Decidueye...

As Intelleon and Decidueye have in common being a sniper, it has become my only reason to still have hope to see Decidueye, by being his echo. Okay, Decidueye would be in the proxy game, but that's the only thing I can lean on so I can still ask for Decidueye without looking silly because he's already seen his luck gone.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Intelleon is my starter in SwSh, unfortunately, he and the game from which he was drawn did not impress me as much as Decidueye...

As Intelleon and Decidueye have in common being a sniper, it has become my only reason to still have hope to see Decidueye, by being his echo. Okay, Decidueye would be in the proxy game, but that's the only thing I can lean on so I can still ask for Decidueye without looking silly because he's already seen his luck gone.
and you think an archer owl being an echo of a spy lizard isnt silly?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I honestly just want to see Sword and Shield represented in Smash, so I’m 100% okay with any Galar Pokémon. Inteleon of course fits that description.

You know what to do.


Smash Lord
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Switch FC
Finished a moveset design.

Moveset Concept #8 - Inteleon
Ground Attacks
  • Jab - Two quick jabs in the stomach, which leads into a flurry attack of water gun.
  • Side - A quick jump forward, followed by Inteleon grabbing the opponent and throwing them into the ground, launching them upward.
  • Up - Inteleon reaches his hands up and shoots out water spinning in a whirlpool, which the opponent gets caught in, spinning around until they get launched again.
  • Down - Inteleon shoots out quick blasts of water on either side of him.
Aerial Attacks
  • Nair - Inteleon swipes his hand upward and behind his head, throwing anyone hit by the attack in that direction.
  • Fair - The opposite of his nair. He swipes his arm down, launching anyone hit by it directly downwards.
  • Bair - A low kick.
  • Uair - Similar to his up ground attack, it shoots a whirlpool of water. The only difference is that the whirlpool keeps going up without Inteleon when used in the aerial.
  • Dair - Stomps with both legs.
Special Attacks
  • Neutral - Charges a single shot. Incredibly similar to Robin’s neutral special. Based on the move snipe shot.
  • Side - Similar to Joker’s side special, except the projectile moves straight forward instead of angled towards the ground. It keeps going until it hits an opponent. Based off the move Water Pledge.
  • Up - Inteleon boosts himself up through water jet, and then uses his gliding membrane to glide down. The gliding part can be used as either an attack or recovery. If the joystick is held up during the gliding, it will be similar to Peach’s up special. If the joystick is held down, it would be a lot closer to Terry’s down special.
  • Down - Counter which leads into a side kick.
  • Forward - Inteleon throws the opponent down to where his feet are, which they bounce off of, launching them forward.
  • Backward - Inteleon grabs them, and turns and throws them in one swift move.
  • Down - Inteleon grabs them, and used the move Dive. He goes underwater, and they get buried, he then come back up right afterwards.
  • Up - This one also uses Dive, but in a different way. On the second turn of the move, it shoots up water. So for Up throw, Inteleon tosses them upward a small bit, quickly goes underwater, and then shoots water upward, launching them even farther upward.
  • Up - Inteleon does the pose with his arms crossed and one finger pointed up.
  • Side - Inteleon aims a finger gun to the left, then the right.
  • Down - Dive is performed as a taunt. Similar to Megaman’s down taunt.
Final Smash
  • Inteleon charges forward, which activates the cutscene where he turns gigantamax, fixing his sniper on the target, and firing, sending them launching into the air. If they are over 100.7 percent, then it’s an instant kill.

That’s it. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me. If not, I hope you liked it.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Finished a moveset design.

Moveset Concept #8 - Inteleon
Ground Attacks

  • Jab - Two quick jabs in the stomach, which leads into a flurry attack of water gun.
  • Side - A quick jump forward, followed by Inteleon grabbing the opponent and throwing them into the ground, launching them upward.
  • Up - Inteleon reaches his hands up and shoots out water spinning in a whirlpool, which the opponent gets caught in, spinning around until they get launched again.
  • Down - Inteleon shoots out quick blasts of water on either side of him.
Aerial Attacks

  • Nair - Inteleon swipes his hand upward and behind his head, throwing anyone hit by the attack in that direction.
  • Fair - The opposite of his nair. He swipes his arm down, launching anyone hit by it directly downwards.
  • Bair - A low kick.
  • Uair - Similar to his up ground attack, it shoots a whirlpool of water. The only difference is that the whirlpool keeps going up without Inteleon when used in the aerial.
  • Dair - Stomps with both legs.
Special Attacks

  • Neutral - Charges a single shot. Incredibly similar to Robin’s neutral special. Based on the move snipe shot.
  • Side - Similar to Joker’s side special, except the projectile moves straight forward instead of angled towards the ground. It keeps going until it hits an opponent. Based off the move Water Pledge.
  • Up - Inteleon boosts himself up through water jet, and then uses his gliding membrane to glide down. The gliding part can be used as either an attack or recovery. If the joystick is held up during the gliding, it will be similar to Peach’s up special. If the joystick is held down, it would be a lot closer to Terry’s down special.
  • Down - Counter which leads into a side kick.

  • Forward - Inteleon throws the opponent down to where his feet are, which they bounce off of, launching them forward.
  • Backward - Inteleon grabs them, and turns and throws them in one swift move.
  • Down - Inteleon grabs them, and used the move Dive. He goes underwater, and they get buried, he then come back up right afterwards.
  • Up - This one also uses Dive, but in a different way. On the second turn of the move, it shoots up water. So for Up throw, Inteleon tosses them upward a small bit, quickly goes underwater, and then shoots water upward, launching them even farther upward.

  • Up - Inteleon does the pose with his arms crossed and one finger pointed up.
  • Side - Inteleon aims a finger gun to the left, then the right.
  • Down - Dive is performed as a taunt. Similar to Megaman’s down taunt.
Final Smash

  • Inteleon charges forward, which activates the cutscene where he turns gigantamax, fixing his sniper on the target, and firing, sending them launching into the air. If they are over 100.7 percent, then it’s an instant kill.

That’s it. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me. If not, I hope you liked it.
Thanks. You mind if I put this on the OP? :yoshi:

Deleted member

I'm in It's one of my favourite Pokemon and I like it's badass spy theme, I want Toxtricity more. But it has my support!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2019
This thread has been made at last. I support. A spy character hasn’t really been considered for Smash and seems like one of the next motifs they should cover. And as a side note James Bond was never considered for Melee. People based their logic of that being the case on an email response Sakurai made which was from a person who was a child at the time asking Sakurai to put James Bond and Banjo Kazooie in melee. People think because he stated reasons as to why the two probably wouldn’t appear that it means he thought of those reasons in development when considering the two when it was never confirmed and was most likely done solely based on what he knew or research he did before he replied to their email


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2019
and you think an archer owl being an echo of a spy lizard isnt silly?
These are still 2 starters based on the sniper.

And then having Decidueye to offer next to Intelleon, it will soothe people who are upset not to see new Grass starter in the roster.

I propose a solution where everyone would be a winner.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
These are still 2 starters based on the sniper.

And then having Decidueye to offer next to Intelleon, it will soothe people who are upset not to see new Grass starter in the roster.

I propose a solution where everyone would be a winner.
but theyre so different, itd be like saying peach should be a clone of mario cause theyre both human
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Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2008
If we had to get a Sword/Shield pokemon, then the one I'd be 100% cool with would be Inteleon. I wonder if Sakurai would make a joke about James Bond in the showcase.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2019
If we had to get a Sword/Shield pokemon, then the one I'd be 100% cool with would be Inteleon. I wonder if Sakurai would make a joke about James Bond in the showcase.
In this case, you might as well remake the trailer for King K Rool/BanjoKazooie, this time giving the impression that it is James Bond that we will have as a character. But instead of foolishly waiting, Donkey Kong rushes to see who the backlit character is, because he still believes it is a farce, and he will be attacked by Intelleon.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2008
In this case, you might as well remake the trailer for King K Rool/BanjoKazooie, this time giving the impression that it is James Bond that we will have as a character. But instead of foolishly waiting, Donkey Kong rushes to see who the backlit character is, because he still believes it is a farce, and he will be attacked by Intelleon.
I'd prefer Inteleon's reveal trailer to be a homage to spy thriller fiction, but I suppose I would be okay with a reference to Rare's GoldenEye 007 game.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2019
To choose, I would prefer that Intelleon share a trailer with Decidueye where the latter smashes Incineroar. Where then Incineroar tries to attack Decidueye in traitor and Intelleon eliminates he in sniper.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2019
Oh, I didn't realize. Lionel_B Lionel_B do you want to be on the support list? :yoshi:
Better not, I'm motivated by Intelleon than by the idea that it can have Decidueye in echo with a gameplay based on the sniper.

I'm afraid the odds will go more to Cinderace or Urshifu.


Smash Rookie
Feb 8, 2020
Inteleon is my personal favorite of Gen 8. I'm in. (I actually have already began programming attempts making him as an actual fighter, however with a different moveset. Didn't include any spikes possibly, and uses the tail) Just a suggestion for the moveset would be to use Inteleon's tail for something, since there's the knife there. (IDK, maybe like ridley f-tilt, or used similar to greninja u-tilt, but that's up to you) Definitely like the idea for the up-b though, being able to change it. (Since you're saying down on joystick when doing up-b is like terry down-b, does that mean Inteleon wouldn't go into helpless though?)

EDIT: Am I allowed to post the moveset that I've been creating on here?
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Add me to the supporter list! Inteleon is my favorite of the Galar starters. I enjoy its spy aesthetic (especially with those finger guns), and I think it could be a really fun fighter in Smash!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2019
Inteleon is my personal favorite of Gen 8. I'm in. (I actually have already began programming attempts making him as an actual fighter, however with a different moveset. Didn't include any spikes possibly, and uses the tail) Just a suggestion for the moveset would be to use Inteleon's tail for something, since there's the knife there. (IDK, maybe like ridley f-tilt, or used similar to greninja u-tilt, but that's up to you) Definitely like the idea for the up-b though, being able to change it. (Since you're saying down on joystick when doing up-b is like terry down-b, does that mean Inteleon wouldn't go into helpless though?)

EDIT: Am I allowed to post the moveset that I've been creating on here?
You are allowed to post your moveset on here
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