Planet Piss
Smash Journeyman
I started practicing Melee seriously about a year ago. My first smash bro was unaware of Melee's 'bottom of the iceberg', and thusly never L-cancelled, comboed, wavedashed, or worked hard on recovering (much like how modern-day Brawl is played) until I brought him into the World of competitive Smash. Needless to say, I could easily impress him with wd's and the occasional cg, but I couldn't apply all of the advanced techs early on. This is because he has always had a slight practicality edge on me; he's extremely good at using unflashy and pragmatic approaches to make up for his lack of technical skill. He definitely has potential; he can compete with more experienced and skilled opponents by knowing when to throw out a random fsmash or meteor for a stock, but there's one major problem. While he's just recently learning that one cannot simply full jump off of the ledge and dair a recovering Shiek(among other silly, easily exploitable mistakes), he has a complete moral disdain for edgehogging. He's gotten good at persistence and can use edgegaurding attacks properly, but even after a year of competitive play, he still looks at me like I sodomized his dog every time I dangle from the ledge, neutralizing his upb. He won't even grab the ledge to kick me in the face. He stays on the stage or jumps out into the void to hope for a kill, and will only edgehog when he literally has no choice. He won't go out of his way to let his opponent back on the stage if he's already hanging, but I see apprehension in his eyes every time he has to resort to using "**** move"s to kill his opponent. He'll watch patiently as Ganon does that down b bull**** to well over 200%. After tens of thousands of frames worth of hard work, he'll stomp Peach to a sweetspot's length away from having to respawn, and run back to the center of the stage and start dash dancing. I cringe mightily as I watch him allow Sheik the pleasure of returning to her home on the ledge. He's a Falcon player for God's sake. He'll cape the **** out of anything that moves when he plays as Doc, but finds ledgehogging to be on a whole 'nother level of *******ry, and will vocalize his distaste for it when it's done to him.
I want to know moreover everything else if I should respect his decision as a Smasher, however impractical it may be. The thing is, though, that he has a lot of potential, and this aspect of his cognition is killing his game. A vast majority of edgegaurding properly is knowing when and what to do while on the ledge, and he just won't do it. The Smash scene in my area is dying and we really need all the skill we can get, and he can't get much better if he doesn't get over this hurdle of his. Any tips?
TL;DR: Friend has potential, but refuses to edgehog/hang from the ledge. Advice?
You're probably wondering why this post is so damn long. No reason really, other than the fact that it's three in the morning, I'm bored, and I enjoy writing.
I want to know moreover everything else if I should respect his decision as a Smasher, however impractical it may be. The thing is, though, that he has a lot of potential, and this aspect of his cognition is killing his game. A vast majority of edgegaurding properly is knowing when and what to do while on the ledge, and he just won't do it. The Smash scene in my area is dying and we really need all the skill we can get, and he can't get much better if he doesn't get over this hurdle of his. Any tips?
TL;DR: Friend has potential, but refuses to edgehog/hang from the ledge. Advice?
You're probably wondering why this post is so damn long. No reason really, other than the fact that it's three in the morning, I'm bored, and I enjoy writing.