Seems fairly solid. Some things I noticed: Your punish game needs a bit of work. You punished only one of ZSS's whiffed dairs successfully, and it was with a single dash attack. Same goes for the reflected Paralyzers. As soon as you see an opening like that, you need to take it. No time to stand around. Fox can combo nicely, but his approach is a little lacking. Free hits like that need to be capitalised on. You need to try to improve your ability to spot when your opponent has made a mistake that leaves them open, as well as your capacity to determine how best to use the opportunity. Also, you never really attempted to edgeguard. I can appreciate why, you were ahead and didn't really need to take the risk, but just letting them recover for free is not really the best. Even just squatting at the ledge and threatening a dsmash is more than nothing. You don't appear all that confident offstage in general (understandable, Fox drops like a rock once you leave solid ground). So that's something you could improve too.
About punishing: Dash attack is fine, as long as you follow it up. Dair and nair are my favourites for this. Especially dair, as it itself can be followed up by another dash attack if they pop in front at low percents, fair at high percents, and utilt at low behind you. Grabs are good too, smashes at high percents obv. Try jab cancel into dsmash or grab, gets you a lil extra and it looks damn cool.
Basically, work on punishing, converting the hits you
do get, and just get more comfortable off the stage. Your fundamentals seem reasonably good, it's really just the Fox-specific things that you have to improve.