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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hmm... Muhti, I thought you had gone over your idea with Frost first. Since this post deals a great amount with his character's back story, you could easily end up ruining whatever plans he had for his character. (If fact, you probably have already).

Assuming you haven't told Frost anything, I'm going to have to follow after his post. Only because It'd be hypocritical to bash frost for imprisoning your character after you've practically gone and rewritten his. Not only that, you have to keep in mind the Dark Master is Frost's character. When you decided to confront him, Frostwraith simply caused his character to react as he/she/it normally would. In this case, they improsoned you.

Normally, yes, we try not to interfere with each other's stories whenever possible. But you were actually the one who placed yourself into Frostwraith's story. This gives you power over his story, and it also gives him power over yours. If he didn't have any say so in this part, you could basically do whatever you want to the character's Frost was trying all this time to develop. In other words, you'd ruin his story and there'd be nothing he could do about it.

Just letting you know. Frost did nothing wrong here. You caused your character to confront his, and he RP'd his character accordingly.


As for a fight scene (if that's something you'd rather happen instead), keep in mind. The Dark Master has managed to enslave even the mighty Zalgo. Our entire team of protagonists almost died trying to kill him. (In fact, Smashfan did die). Imprisonment was a merciful outcome, if anything.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
So Xiroey lemme ask you this:

It was okay for Frostwraith have him come in my plot and just destroy it and add his "Dark Ones" when he didnt ask if it was alright? So that's okay but when I change it, you tell me it's not okay that I interfere with his? Despite him doing the SAME thing.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
So Xiroey lemme ask you this:

It was okay for Frostwraith have him come in my plot and just destroy it and add his "Dark Ones" when he didnt ask if it was alright? So that's okay but when I change it, you tell me it's not okay that I interfere with his?
Perhaps, perhaps not. But that's a totally different argument.
(We can discuss that next if there's any particular confliction that troubles you.)

All I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't get mad at frost over the post he made. You were changing his story just as he was changing yours, so it'd be unfair to bash him about it. Shouldn't he at least get a say so over whether or not his characters decide to accept you or not?


On a different note, I think I'd be good if we all PM'd each other beforehand whenever plots start to overlap in a big way. (Yes, like when Frost had you controlled by the dark ones the whole time). Even though we're all trying to be careful, it's hard to prevent these things from happening if we don't communicate.

On another different note, I wonder what happened to Luco... He's an expert on these things. Surely he'd know how "good"
RP'ers usually sort these things out....


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Shouldn't he at least get a say so over whether or not his characters decide to accept you or not.
Now switch those words of he to you and vice versa, and replace the bold with "shouldn't my characters attacked Palpatine instead of just standing there, letting him interfere with my plot.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Now switch those words of he to you and vice versa, and replace the bold with "shouldn't my characters attacked Palpatine instead of just standing there, letting him interfere with my plot.
...Yet another reason why I stress that communication is vital.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
I have to agree with Xiroey. not letting others know what you plan to have go on will ultimately lead to confusion and delay...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hey guys! Sorry, i've been away on camp for the past week or so and i've been spending time catching up and processing all this stuff. As for the current situation... I also believe communication is good. Try not to kill me for saying this but from what i've seen, both sides have slightly over-stepped the bounds a bit, that's all. Basically, muhti needs somewhere to go, as he's been 'by himself' for a while now with no real direction.

Cool, been fixed. =)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012

I was planning another plot twist where the worlds are destroyed and the Dark Ones dominate all, prompting Master Hand to use Dialga's powers combined with the Time Gears to go back in time and prevent the bad future (where the worlds are destroyed) from happening.

This would render the last few posts null and void and continue the story through an alternate timeline where Master Hand attempts to avoid a certain mistake that would be revealed, anyone agree? o.o This would help to start all over before I made that controversial post.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
But I haven't taken the story anywhere cool in ages... @.@

Jokes, do what you want man, BUUUUUT make sure people are okay with it first ya?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I had a plot... But Frost just screwed that over... Meh

I guess I'll go with Frosts plan:

Just rewind me making the deal with the Dark Master. AND DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING PLEASE! I won't do anything stupid

Also, can we cool off with the plot twists? :urg:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
My idea is to rewind the story at the point before Archimonde attacked Muhti.

Muhti would be in the middle of his previous fight (the one I interrupted) and Frostwraith's team would be readying themselves to meet with Impact.

Back to the past, Arceus reveals to Master Hand that Archimonde's attack on Muhti would cause irreversible chaos and destruction and force the Dark Ones' Master to send two abominations to attack Frostwraith and dooming the world to a point of no return.

Master Hand's plan would be to send Arceus, Goddess Palutena and the remainder of the legendary Pokémon on his team to launch a surprise attack on the Dark Ones, forcing them to calm down for a longer time.

This would prevent the recent events and Muhti would still have his Time Gear. This would also prevent the Legion's attack on Smashfan's, eventually forcing the attacking Bad Pigs to retreat.

The conflicts would end for a while, giving more time to both Master Hand and Muhti to look for Time Gears. Dialga, however, would become exhausted and wouldn't appear for a while.

Long story short: Master Hand goes back in time, attacks the Dark Ones, preventing post #2311 from happening. In other words, I would take back the plot twist I made. I am offering the chance for Muhti to continue the story he had planned.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Lol, I leave so many open ends in my plot that It's actually very hard to mess me up. My favorite thing to do on here is to tie everyone's post together through some shocking nsw revelation. Then suddenly all the mostly confusing events from before start to make sense.

(Btw, writing plot twists and connections lol)

You get an A OK from me frost. Your idea is good :)


It's so difficult to sound rational without sounding harsh...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
If anyone has no objections to me taking out that plot twist I made yesterday, I may edit this post with the following storyline:
  • Master Hand notes that the state of the worlds is doomed and plans to undo the Dark Ones' plan by attacking them.
  • Using the four Time Gears in their possession alongside Dialga's powers, everyone in Final Destination goes back in time and attack the Dark Ones as they plan their move, stopping them.
  • Frostwraith wakes up, cured from the berserk curse. The Dark Ones stop attacking for a while, as they recover from Master Hand's surprise attack.
  • Dialga becomes weakened, thus unable to use time travel for a long time.

This will allow Muhti to continue his storyline as he wanted and Frostwraith will meet with Impact at last.

In a desperate attempt to save Muhti from the Dark Ones, Crazy Hand goes to the Dark Ones' hideout to launch an attack. Crazy Hand is confronted by Palpatine, who uses his lightsaber to cripple Crazy Hand, sending him to the pit.

In Final Destination, these news alongside the incoming death of everyone in Frostwraith's team, has made Master Hand decide on his last resort measure.

"Master Hand, are you sure about this?", asked Arceus.

"Crazy Hand is finished, our army faces against impossible odds and the Dark Ones have already destroyed some dimensions. The end is nigh. We must go back in time and launch an attack on the Dark Ones' hideout, while they planned all of this.", explained Master Hand.

"If that is your wish, I will accept it. Dialga?", said Arceus.

"Allow me to prepare my powers, then. This will make me very tired and I won't be able to use this ability for a long time.", responded Dialga.

"That's why I have saved this as a last resort. We made a crucial mistake, and now we must correct it at all costs!", explained Master Hand.

The four Time Gears began to glow and positioned themselves near Dialga, who was charging power.

"Only us will know about this time travel. Everyone else will go back in time and these events won't ever happen if our plan is successful.", explained Master Hand.

"In fact there's an advantage to this.", noted Dyntos. "Since we are all travelling back in time, my prototype weapon will also go to the past."

"Ah... that means that any advance in the weapon will also go to the past, thus Archimonde's attack ended being beneficial to us.", concluded Master Hand.

"Indeed...", agreed Arceus.

"All right, I am fully charged. We're going to the past.", said Dialga, followed by a loud roar that could be heard in the entire multiverse.

"The plan was successful... we... are... in the... past...", said Dialga as he fell asleep.

"Now let's get moving. Let's attack the Dark Ones!", ordered Master Hand, as he opened a portal to the Dark Ones' hideout.

Master Hand and Arceus sneaked into the Dark Ones' hideout hearing their conversation.

"How's the invasion of Equestria going, Lord Sidious?", started Ganondorf. "The Bad Piggies are doing one disgraceful job! The Master isn't pleased at all."

"I understand your concern, Lord Ganondorf. That's why I have a new plan for us.", stated the Sith Lord.

"What could that be, Lord Sidious? Would you explain?", asked Kil'jaeden, co-commander of the Burning Legion.

"It's simple, Lord Kil'jaeden. The Bad Piggies will be reinforced by the Legion itself. Your objective is to consume that whole dimension.", answered Palpatine.

"Hmm... that sounds... amusing.", evilly said Archimonde.

"The Master has demanded us to wipe out those disgraceful ponies. The massive amount of souls should be enough to sustain the Master's power.", explained Palpatine.

"Genius as always, Lord Sidious...", said Ganondorf followed by an evil laugh.

"Also, Lord Archimonde, the Master has a task for you, while Lord Kil'jaeden leads our next assault. You are to send a 'warning' to Master Hand...", ordered Palpatine.

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh... seems they won't hide from us anymore...", responded Archimonde.

"The Master has located his... 'brother' tagging along with that dreaded fool... what was his name? Muhti? Anyway, we should be delighted that they have a Time Gear in their possession.", said Ganondorf.

"Good... good!", said Palpatine, with an evil smile.

"Time to pay them a small visit...", evilly said Archimonde.

"Now's the time.", whispered Master Hand.

"I will use my Judgment move.", whispered Arceus as it prepared the move.

A ray of light flashed through the Dark Ones' room, stunning the Dark Ones inside.

"Forward!", ordered Master Hand, as he stroke the stunned Dark Ones with his lasers and brutal strength.

Arceus used another Judgment attack, followed by a Hyper Beam move, hitting Palpatine and Archimonde.

Master Hand attacked Ganondorf with a punch, knocking him unconscious and Arceus used yet another Judgment move on Archimonde. In few seconds the Dark Ones were weakened and their plans foiled, but so were Master Hand and Arceus exhausted, prompting them to return to Final Destination.

"That did the trick...", said Master Hand after returning to Final Destination.

"We've managed to cause enough destruction and weakened their most powerful commanders. It will take a while for them to recover and rebuild their hideout.", agreed Arceus.

"That means they won't attack us for a while.", concluded Master Hand. "But they will want revenge, so we need to prepare ourselves for their likely move."

Frostwraith and Luco finally woke up. Remembering his moments as a mere puppet of the Dark Ones from not too long ago, he was relieved that everyone in the group was okay.

"Ah... so you're finally awake!", greeted Xiroey.

"I was cursed... I am sorry for that inconvenience.", apologized Frostwraith.

"No problem! Well, let's meet with Impact.", said Xiroey, who was clearly in a good mood.

"Off we go! Lady Palutena told me that Master Hand and Arceus have attacked the Dark Ones by surprise, so they won't bother us for a while.", reported Pit.

"Really? Well, those are great news!", said Luco.

"Yes, we can now fully recover. Let's get going. We have no time to waste. We must meet with Impact and find Mesprit. I will open a portal to the Battle Frontier. Luco, will you give me a hand?", said Frosrwraith.

"Of course!", responded Luco.

A portal was opened and the group went inside. It was time to meet with Impact. As old friends of Xiroey, Frostwraith thought of it as a good opportunity to gather more allies...

Master Hand's plan proved successful and delivered a huge blow to the Dark Ones. This plan, however, had a drawback: Dialga was unconscious since the time travel and it would take a long time for it to wake up.

I have edited the post. Xiroey seemed OK with it, so if anyone has any objections...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Master Hand changed the past. The Dark Ones' Master is displeased.
In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"You summoned us, Master?", asked Palpatine, with Ganondorf and Archimonde standing behind the Sith Lord.

"I have. Master Hand attacked us in the middle of our plans. I will tell you that the plan was successful.", said the voice coming from the orb.

"Master, how was the plan successful if Master Hand disrupted it?", asked Ganondorf.

"In another timeline, our plan worked and Master Hand lost the war. But, he managed to travel back in time. Something... we can't do without all the Time Gears.", explained the Master.

"I assume we need to focus on finding those Time Gears?", asked Ganondorf.

"Yes. They are crucial to our plan. However, Arceus's Judgment has rendered us weak and incapable... we can't hope to launch an attack any soon."

"Damn that hand! Once I find that fool I will send him into endless torment!", roared Archimonde.

"I transcend time and space... I shall give you a vision of my planned future... a vision of the alternate timeline.", said the voice in the orb as the orb began to shine and show the alternate timeline.

The Dark Ones began to watch the alternate future as they somehow started to remember what was supposed to happen.

Frostwraith and his team arrived at the Battle Frontier via portal.

"So... where's this Impact you mentioned?", asked Frostwraith.

"They should be somewhere around here. We must look for them.", explained Xiroey.

"HEY!!", suddenly said a kid.

"What the--", reacted Frostwraith.

"Is that Cynthia and Alder? Ah! You are a trainer too!", said the kid.

"Hmm... yes? What do you want?", asked Frostwraith.

"I want to battle!", the kid immediatly answered.

"If that's what you want... then prepare yourself!", said Frostwraith as he took his Poké Ball. "Now, Chandelure! Go!"


Pokémon Red / Blue - Trainer Battle

"Go, Rattata!!", the kid yelled.

"What.", flatly reacted Frostwraith. "Hmph... Chandelure, use Fire Blast!"

Chandelure charged its attack, knocking the Rattata instantly.

"No! This is not possible!", said the kid, recalling his Pokémon.

"Was that all?", bluntly said Frostwraith.

"You really are good! You see, my Rattata is the top percentage of all Rattata! He's special!"

"Oh, please...", muttered Frostwraith.

"I'm going to become stronger and challenge the Battle Frontier!", yelled the kid as he walked away.

"Let's continue our search, shall we?", said Frostwraith, prompting the group to continue the search.

Heh heh heh... Youngster Joey had to appear in this, you know... =P


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"So what you're saying is... It's not a sombrero".

"It's a fedora!" The man screamed. His face was a whole new shade of red at this point. He practically glared down at the funny-looking purple eye'd kid with the blank look on his face. The kid gave him a warm smile in return, this only drove the man even further over the edge. "Okay, so let's say it's a Ferrari, how do you drive it if it's always on your head. Not to mention it doesn't have an engine or a steering wheel. You're not exactly going to get very far, not to burst your bubble or anything".

The man exploded, chucking the expensive blue hat off of his head before storming off into the distance into locations unknown. Xiroey watched the man go with a sad look on his face. "Well, hot rocks, there goes my only source of entertainment. The sight of the expensive looking hat on the ground seemed to elevate his spirits.

"But, I suppose we can't let this fine looking hat go to waste now can we"... Xiroey's eyes took on a mischievous glint.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Frostwraith's snapped shut the book he was reading as the long awaited sound of footsteps reached his ears. Glimpsing upward, Frostwraith was greeted by the (rather large) sight of two ferocious prehistoric-like creatures gazing down on him. The left creature had very dark, almost midnight blue, skin which contrasted sharply with the bright cream-colored skin on his front. Charizard glared down at frost almost like he was annoyed with the sight of him just being there. His partner, on the other hand, was almost his complete opposite. His hide was golden yellow with sandy orange stripes stretching around his sides. He had a broad grin on his face like he'd just won the lottery, and had million dollar credit cards hidden in his pockets. Frostwraith had to do a double take when he noticed that, was this Krookodile wearing pants?

"Top of the morning to ya. I don't s'pose you happen to be friends with a Black Latios"? The Krookodile spoke in a thick english accent that was obviously fake. Frostwraith fought off the urge to sigh at the goofy-sounding accent, but decided to return the greeting.

"Hello friends, I take it you're all members of Impact"? He looked inqusitively at the friendly Crocodile. Krokodile nodded, "Aye Laddy, That be who we are. Err... Aye."

Frostwraith raised an eyebrow at Krookodile's horrible pirate impression, then stood and calmly extended his hand to him in greeting.

"Frostwraith. Pleasure to meet you, I take it you must be exhausted"?

A grumble to his left pretty much answered his question. Charizard had his arms crosed firmly across his chest like he really didn't want to be where he was at that particular moment. At a prompting gaze from frostwraith, Charizard sighed then reluctantly extended a formal claw in greeting.

"Charizard. Pleasure. Now where's the damned sofas in this joint, my hindquarters are aching someting fierce."

"Charizard! I'm amazed, don't be rude to our friend". Krookodile gave Charizard a nudge in his side, "you'll have to excuse my friend here. He really isn't a morning pokemon. If you get my meaning". Frostwraith waved away the apology, "Shall we enter then"? He held out a hand for Krookodile and Charizard to enter through the automatic doorway. Krookodile nodded his thanks, then hastily shoved his friend inside, much to his displeasure.

Frostwraith couldn't help but admire the mismatched duo. "Impact are a strange bunch indeed." He mused, then followed the pair inside.

Well, I suppose I should put down something.
I'm feeling really blocked atm... but I tried.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The bushes kept a vigilant watch over the crowd. As they had been for the past hour. All throughout the day, as people walked by, chatting away, munching on ice cream and cotton candy, the bushes watched silently. Nothing feel short of their watchful gaze, not the people, their pokemon, not even that rather unsightly piece of spinach that was stuck in that one lady's teeth (this made the bushes cringe a bit). Always watchful, the bushes snooped in on the day's proceedings, completely inconspicuous to all else.

They were a shadow. A shadow not even the man in the fancy blue hat could-- Wait, was that man actually looking this way. Directly this way? My gosh, now he's actually walking over! He's reaching down, no this is impossible he can't--!

"Hi Gengar" Xiroey smiled, tilting his hat up a tad to reveal a bright smile. Gengar deflated like a balloon "...You found my hiding place" Gengar sulked".

"Aww, don't act like you're not glad to see me. I can sense your emotions you know". Gengar gave a grudging smile at this, "Yeah, well for all you know I could've just been glad to see you wearing such a goofy looking hat. Seriously, what are you? The mayor, take that thing off man, it looks silly on you".

"Don't hate on the hat man" Xiroey adjusted the hat back so that it covered his face. This left Gengar hanging rather awkwardly in Xiroey's remaining lefthand as it held on painfully to the spiky fur on his back. He gave a small groan of protest at this, prompting Xiroey to set him down ith a quick appology.

"Been a while man, what's up?" Gengar seemed to be over the fact that Xiroey had ended his days of watchful stalking prematurely. He now had that trademark mischevious grin on his face. It told of all sorts of devious plots that were, no doubt, going through his head at that very moment. Xiroey leaned down low to his friends ear, and whispered something softly so that only he could hear. Shortly afterward, Gengar's eyes widened in surprise.

"You wouldn't..." Gengar was disbelieving.

"Already found Z. He's in, what do you think"?

"I think you're both insane for even coming up with such a thing".

This made Xiroey smile, "So you're in".

"Hecks yeah man! Lets do this!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

♪ Battle Music

"And in this corner we have Paul from the Sinnoh reigon"! The annoucer's voice boomed across mounted speakers. The sheer force of it, coupled with name of the famous trainer created roaring screams from the surrounding crowd. Paul stepped forward, looking like this was just another thing he did on any other boring day. He tossed a pokeball around in his hand impatiently. "Let's get this over with". He muttered. "And in this corner we have..." The annoucer's voice suddenly trailed off. Members of the audience went silent as well, as they were unsure of why the announcer suddenly stopped short of the challengers name. Was it someone famous? Perhaps the mighty Cynthia had decided to enter the tournament for a change? the audience held it's breath, and as they did they could hear a small inhale over the speakers as the annoucer prepared to reveal the challenger's identity.

"The challenger is..." The announcer began "Mysterious Blue Hat Guy!" He looked up from the card he was reading. The audience was in shock. There was a great silence through the arena for a second, then the screaming resumed, equally as loud as before. Paul simply shrugged, greatful to finally be getting this battle underway.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey stepped out into the stadium lights dramatically. He waved his hands members of the audience like some famous celebrity. The roars were deafening. Even as he walked in, he knew this had to have been his greatest plan yet.

"So, you're the one I'm supposed to battle" Paul said as Xiroey stepped up onto the platform. Xiroey returned the question with a nod, pulling the hat even further down to hide his face. "Lets make this a good battle" Xiroey replied. Shrugging, Paul reached into his pockets, and let his first pokeball fly out onto the field.

"Ursaring, stand by for battle!" An ursaring burst onto the field in a great flash of light. Xiroey smiled, he knew exactly how to deal with pauls Ursaring.

"Let's finish this up quick, Go Gengar!"

Gengar seemed to litterally materialize onto the stage. Upon seeing this, the audiences roars shot up ten times louder than before. Paul, however, was unimpressed. "Nice parlor trick, but lets see how well your Gengar fares in combat. Ursaring, use Shadow Claw!"

"Gengar Hypnois!"

--Will edit more of the battle later--

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(After frostwraith and the two impact members went inside the battle frontier....)

Frostwraith: Okay let's have a seat now, i figure you're here to discuss the plans on how to take down the dark ones?

Krookodile: Yes, but where is your group at?

(Richard hears someone talking and zips over to frostwraith)

Richard: Am i late?

Frostwraith: No, but you startled me.

(Krookodile and charizard were also shaken at richard's quickness)

Richard: I'm sorry if i startled you, are you both members of impact?

Krookodile: Yes we are.

Richard: Hey guys, get over here now!

(the group then goes over to frostwraith to see what's going on)

Frostwraith: Now let's debate on the matter with the dark ones.

I'm out of ideas now, someone else post the follow-up, i'll just leave this:



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's time for me to waltz on in this thread and post!

While Xiroey battled at the Battle Frontier, the whole group was reunited with two members of Impact: Charizard and Krookodile.

"Charizard and Krookodile... I don't know if any of you know about the situation, but the whole existance is under a threat: a group that names themselves 'the Dark Ones.' From my research and knowledge, they are a group of evil entities devoted to destroy all existence and rule themselves over all.", said Frostwraith.

"So, we gotta stop them.", concluded Krookodile.

"Precisely. We are actually under command of Master Hand, the ruler of the Smash Bros. world. Arceus and Dialga are also on our side. Despite that we can rely on their power, it happens that the Dark Ones are much more powerful than we can imagine. That's why Master Hand has ordered us to form a group as large as possible, while doing also finding reliable sources of power.", further explained Frostwraith.

"So, what were you planning to do now?", inquired Charizard.

"After we rescued Dialga from the Dark Ones' grasp, Master Hand ordered us to find Azelf and Mesprit so we could summon Palkia. We already found Azelf, as you can see. We were looking for Mesprit until Xiroey told about you, making finding you our priority. Master Hand, meanwhile, launched an attack at the Dark Ones' hideout, so they won't attack us for a while. Xiroey has gone to the tournament, and so will I, Cynthia and Alder. I thought it would be a good idea for us to take some days off, but we should remain on guard anyway. When all of Impact is reunited, we will discuss further plans and head out to find Mesprit and summon Palkia... does anyone have any objections?"

"Seems good enough.", said Richard.

"Very well. Unless something important happens, we will stay in this area for a while. Once the tournament is over, we will continue our plans...", concluded Frostwraith.

The reunion was over and Frostwraith used this moment to walk a little, waiting for his turn in the tournament. As he walked around the group's encampment, he noticed Pit and Dark Pit duelling.

"Using the break to practice... quite interesting.", said Frostwraith as he approached the angels, holding a book.

"Yeah, I can't get out of shape! We haven't seen Dark Ones for a while, so we're doing a practice round.", stated Pit.

"I get it. Well... once you finish off your training, come see me at my tent later. I've been waiting to face off against you, Pit... and Dark Pit, I look forward for our rematch from the day we first met. Well then, I must go to the tournament... I have been waiting for a chance to test my Pokémon's strength.", said Frostwraith.

Frostwraith walked off toward the Battle Frontier, where the tournament was being held. Arriving at the building, he met with Cynthia and Alder.

"Well met, Cynthia and Alder. Since you're participating in the tournament as well, I look forward for our battles.", greeted Frostwraith.

"Let's see how will things turn out. Even among the best, there are those better than the others.", noted Alder.

"That's how battles are. Tests of strength, tests of trust... while this war against the Dark Ones is tiresome, we can't forget to learn something from all of this.", stated Frostwraith.

"Even the worst of things can have something good from them...", agreed Alder.

Inside the colosseum, there were screens showing the currently happening battle.

"An interesting match... Gengar versus Ursaring... both can have advantageous moves against each another...", muttered Frostwraith, as he watched the battle between Xiroey and Paul with his Chandelure accompanying him.

This will certainly do.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ah sorry guys, i'm away at the moment, but just super quickly....


Luco was buying some popcorn for the group (which required a lot of money - thanks Ness! - and a lot of arms!) when he noticed Cynthia and Alder joining up to the competition. His eyes widened with surprise and he almost bounced across the entry hall, leaving his companions with a little more popcorn than they could handle. "You're ENTERING?" He asked. Cynthia turned and smiled. "It's been too long since i've pitted my wits and skills against another. Meeting new trainers and the tide of battle is something i've begun to miss."

Luco gulped. "You know... i've always wanted to but... umm... well..." He paused to collect himself. "Can I enter too?"

Alder chuckled. "Of course! Anyone can enter! Here, write your name there, a team of three pokemon there and..." He guided Luco through the process. They were taken to a lady dressed in pink who smiled when they gave her the registration form. "Oh, splendid!" She said. "So good to see you, champions Cynthia and Alder." She looked as if she was doing a quick mental check, and a small frown appeared on her face when she couldn't see any poke-balls on Luco. "Where are your pokemon, child?" She asked. "Oh!" Luco had forgotten to call his pokemon. He thought a moment. He had decided to enter Luxray, Lucario and Charizard (he didn't want to double up on types so he'd let Pikachu cheer from the side-lines). "A sec..." He clicked his fingers and teleported to his pokemon in the stands. "Okay, charizard, Lucario, Luxray... we're entering the tournament!" Their eyes widened in surprise, but they weren't sad at all. Indeed, they seemed as ready as they ever had been. "Pikachu, you can only enter three and I didn't want to double up on types, so can you cheer from the sidelines for me?"


He teleported with his pokemon back to the lady waiting. She looked a little shocked to see Luco's pokemon free roaming but decided to look the other way. "Okay, just this way!" The three trainers entered a dark hall. "I'm so excited. Meet you in battle!"

He added one last thing.

"Here goes!"


bbl guys! ^_^ Feel free to RP a battle for me if I don't come back in time. :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
With the battle now partially underway, it'd be no understatement to say, Paul was enraged. "Ursaring, use Bulk up"! Paul barked as his Ursaring was forced to endure repeated onslaughts from Gengar's Brick Break. Gengar's fists were barely visible to the shocked audience as he landed hook after hook into Ursaring's midsection. Even with Ursaring's now monsterious defense, and Gengar's admitedly middling physical attack stregnth, signs of fatigue were beginning to show of Ursaring's face.

"Yeah, that's it! Pummel away! It's only a matter of time now before he breaks". Xiroey had hardly remember a time when he felt so confident. It was true, it was only a matter of time. With Ursaring trapped by Mean Look, and it's only means of damaging Gengar (It's Shadow Claw) disabled, there really wasn't much Paul's Ursaring could due but stall the inevitable.

"And Ursaring is finally dooowwwn!" The Anouncer echoed through several loud speakers. Indeed, Gengar gave one final punch and Ursaring finally caved, crumpling to the ground like a giant sack of potatoes. "Yes! One down two to go, nice job Gengar!" Xiroey was ecstatic, almost the mirror opposite of Paul as he tried his best to maintain his cool-calm exterior.

"Ursaring Return"! Xiroey watched as Paul's Ursaring left the field.

"So, who's it going to be next? I can't wait to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve"! Xiroey asked, giddy with excitement.

"Humph, I'll show you a trick or two" Paul let his second pokemon out onto the field.

And now Xiroey wasn't quite so excited.

"Aand it looks like our Next matchup is Gengar V.S. Drapion"! The announcer boomed.

"Oye, this is bad" Gengar stammered. His fear of Dark types was already starting to kick in. Nowhere to run, Paul's Drapion most likely knew Pursuit, which meant that Gengar was trapped. Why did Karma always have to come back to bite him in the butt?

'Draaaappppiiii' The Drapion sneered at Gengar, almost like it was taunting him (Which it was. Only Xiroey and Gengar knew that though)

"Aww, shattap you, I ain't runnin nowhere! Xiroey, give the command!" Gengar spoke in pokemon, so as not to alert Paul to their plan. Xiroey nodded, Drapion had Sucker Punch if they tried to attack, and Pursuit if they switched. That only left one option.

Which Paul totally saw coming.

"Drapion use Taunt!" Paul Commanded. Drapion made a rather...err... rude guesture (I'd rather not describe it) basically, Gengar's had no other choice now but to attack.

"Well pipin' hot tomato berries, that's bad".

"Xirrrooeeeeyyyyyy" Gengar was practically in tears at this point. He kept trying to get his hypnosis to work but it wouldn't come out.

"Relax Gengar, we got this. This isn't exactly GBA you know, It's not like we HAVE to do anything."

"Drapion use Toxic Spikes!" Paul Commanded.

"Yup, that figures... Gengar attack Drapion with Focus Blast! Quick!"

"Drapion use Sucker Punch"

"U-Use suck... Hey! You can't change your mind in the middle of a command!"

The corners of Pauls mouth twitches upward for the first time "Like you said, this isn't exactly GBA. But, I suppose as you gamers say it. Good Game."

"Like Hell! Gengar halt the attack!"

"Wait, you cant--"

Paul's Drapion reeled back it's left tentacle in preparation to deal a fatal blow to the weakened Gengar, but as Gengar's Focus Blast faded from his hands, so too did the attack go up in smoke.

"What's this?" The announcer said in disbelief. Both trainers had decided to change their commands. Now the battle had been brought to a complete stalemate

"Enough of this! Drapion Toxic Spikes!"

"Gengar use Focus Blast"!

"Quick use Sucker Punch"

"Gengar stop"!

They went through the entire routine again. Again, a stalemate.

"Aaaahhh!" Paul finally decided he'd had enough "Drapion, use Poison Jab".

Drapion rushed at Gengar with tentacles glowing. Xiroey watched Drapion come. Good, Paul had finally lost his patience. Just as Xiroey'd hoped, Paul had forgotten to keep track of the time. In the end, he 'Good Game'd' Himself.

"Gengar use Hypnosis"! Xiroey commanded now that the Taunt had worn off.

"Oh, no!"

Gengar released his sleep inducing beta-waves straight into Drapion's face, not two seconds before Drapion's claw connected for a finishing blow. Drapion immediately began to topple like a great trunk. It no longer had the conscious ability to support itself.

"Drapion retu"- Paul began

"Mean Look"! Xiroey said instantaneously.

The crowd was disbelieving at first, it had been a difficult fight to follow ever since Paul's drapion was brought in. But now, with a clear victor in sight, the crowd began to shout once more. Xiroey smiled, Now all that was left was to deliver the finishing blow. Well, blows.

"Gengar start pummeling away with Brick Break!" Xiroey said cheerily

The look on Paul's face was classic. Gengar gave a great grin to the enraged trainer to futher rub in the fact. Then he mercilessly began to beat away at Drapion's face.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Hey could anyone tell me what pokemon a fire gym leader might have in one of these tournaments? Also what moves they have? I wanna make my first match... interesting... heh, heh, heh.... :evil:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Battles are fun!

@Luco: What Fire-type Gym Leader are you referring to? Blaine from RBY, Flannery from RSE, Flint of the Sinnoh Elite Four or Chili from BW?

Frostwraith sat in a chair, watching the battle in one of the many screens on the colosseum. He was impressed at Xiroey's skill and begun to think on a strategy. He picked up three Poké Balls.

"Chandelure... Hydreigon... hmmm... for the third one... which could be...", thought Frostwraith out loud.

He ended up picking his laptop to search for more Pokémon in his collection.

"Houndoom... Umbreon... Who should I pick up...", Frostwraith continued to talk to himself. "I got this... Golurk. Yes... it should do fine."

After picking up his three Pokémon, Frostwraith stored his laptop and began to read the book he was holding the whole time.

"Curses - How to Cure Them...", he read the title loudly.

He patiently waited for his name to be called. Meanwhile, he also heard the announcer announcing Luco's entry in the tournament, to his surprise.

"So, you have entered this tournament too...", Frostwraith muttered.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well, any of them, really. I was originally thinking either Flint, Blaine or maybe even Chili, three people I can RP decently but i'm not fussed. <3


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Competetively speaking?

Most likely:

  1. Emboar / or Blaziken / or Infernape (Fighting typing to take on Rock types
  2. Rotom H (Water Types Beware. Also Resists ground)
  3. Arcanine (Lets face it. Arcanine is awesome <3. I'd say charizard but we already have two of those in this story.)


Edit: Ugh, I don't even know who is more awesome between Blaine and Flint! >_<


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, I know who i'll choose, i'll just give one change to accomodate that person's main pokemon and i'll write my segment soon enough. ;)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And now for some surprises... :evil:

Frostwraith remained busy reading his book while he waited for his incoming battle. From time to time, he looked at the chaotic crowd that gathered in the colosseum's entrance hall. People were there either to watch the battles or participating in them. He noticed trainers and many kinds of Pokémon entering in many tournaments and other people simply staring at the big screens scattered through the colossal room.

"A typical day at the Battle Frontier... reminds me of old times...", said Frostwraith to himself.

Having already waited for more than half an hour, Frostwraith had almost read the whole book, until he heard the announcer calling for him and another trainer named... Sabrina.

"Sabrina... Saffron City's Gym Leader... so, she survived the Burning Legion's attack on this world. Master Hand's handiwork for sure.", commented Frostwraith. Closing his book and turning his look to Chandelure, he said: "Let's go, partner..."

Frostwraith entered into one of the stadiums. He could see on one of the screens that Xiroey was still fighting against Paul, while another screen showed the battle between Cynthia and Elite Four Lucian of the Sinnoh region. But the big central screen showed both Frostwraith's and Sabrina's portraits.

"On the red corner we have Saffron City's Gym Leader! The Mistress of Psychic Pokémon! It's Sabrina!", yelled the excited announcer, followed by loud cheers from the massive crowd spectating the match. "One the blue corner, we have a new challenger that shows a lot of promise! Frostwraith!"


Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon Red / Blue - Gym Leader Battle! (Remix)

Both trainers stood on each side of the stadium, ready for the battle.

"And Frostwraith opens the battle with his Chandelure! Sabrina has sent out her Mr. Mime! Clearly Frostwraith has the upper hand! But how things will turn out in the end?! We will find out for sure, as the battle has just begun!", yelled the announcer.

"Chandelure, begin with Shadow Ball!", ordered Frostwraith.

The chandelier shaped Pokémon aims his blob at Mr. Mime, but Mr. Mime uses a barrier to block it.

"Even though Mr. Mime has the disadvantage, it manages to block a Shadow Ball move! This is getting really exciting!", continued the announcer.

Mr. Mime managed to use Mimic to copy Chandelure's Shadow Ball and countered using the same move. Chandelure was hit hard by the move, but managed to survive.

"That Mimic move really gives Mr. Mime its name! That was a spectacular comeback from Sabrina!", commented the announcer.

"Chandelure, Double Team!", ordered Frostwraith.

Chandelure began to confuse Mr. Mime with the illusions he was creating. Mr. Mime attempted to use another Shadow Ball, but the attack missed.

"Chandelure, use Confuse Ray!", commanded Frostwraith.

"Chandelure manages to scramble with Mr. Mime who can now barely hit the Ghost type!", yelled the announcer.

"Mr. Mime... Shadow Ball.", ordered Sabrina.

The confused Mr. Mime launched the blob, missing the target, prompting Chandelure to attack with a Shadow Ball move, too.

"Aaaanndd... Mr. Mime is down! Frostwraith is currently winning with three Pokémon, while Sabrina has only two! How will the battle flow is everything but certain!", yelled the announcer.

"Go, Wobbuffet.", said Sabrina.

"And that's Sabrina's second choice! Wobbuffet!", yelled the announcer.

"Chandelure, use Confuse Ray!", ordered Frostwraith.

"It looks like Frostwraith likes to cause chaos and mayhem in the battlefield!", continued the announcer. "Wobbuffet is attempting to counter a possible move from Chandelure, but what's this?! Chandelure is using Calm Mind to toughen himself up!"

"Chandelure, Toxic!", yelled Frostwraith.

"Wobbuffet is slowly losing vitality and Chandelure is still buffing up with Calm Mind! What trickery is Frostwraith prepraring?!"

"Wobbuffet... return.", said Sabrina as she switched out her Pokémon, sending Alakazam.

"And there it is! Sabrina's Alakazam! Will it be strong enough to take down the opponent! Mr. Mime sure dealt him a lot of damage, but take a look at all tricks Chandelure has to offer! It's amazing!"

Frostwraith notices Alakazam focusing itself... it was, without a doubt, a Miracle Eye move.

"Chandelure! Finish it off before it attacks! Shadow Ball now!", ordered Frostwraith.

"A spectacular move! Alakazam is down!", yelled the announcer. "All that remains for Sabrina is none other than her Wobbuffet!"

"Chandelure, keep using Calm Mind.", calmly ordered Frostwraith.

"Wobbuffet is losing vitality even as I speak! What could Chandelure be preparing?", yelled the announcer.

"Wobbuffet... Destiny Bond.", ordered Sabrina.

"Chandelure, finish it off!", commanded Frostwraith.

Chandelure used a powerful Shadow Ball attack, knocking down Wobbuffet.

"With Destiny Bond, Chandelure is down too!", reported the announcer. "And that ends this match! Frostwraith won the battle with two Pokémon standing! We appear to have a powerful trainer today! Look at how he beat Sabrina!"

After the battle, Frostwraith went to the nearby Pokémon Center to heal his partner. As he was waiting to have his Pokémon back, he saw Xiroey who had just finished his battle as well.

Pokémon Colosseum - Pokémon Center

"Hey, Frost.", greeted Xiroey.

"Hey. So, how was your battle?"

"Cool stuff. It was tough, but we beat them to the end."

"Well, I saw some of the battle while I was waiting for my entry. You did well against Drapion, even if Gengar had the disadvantage.", commented Frostwraith.

"How was yours?", asked Xiroey.

"I faced off against Sabrina."

"Sabrina, eh? I bet your Chandelure wiped them out, no?"

"Pretty much that.", responded Frostwraith. "But Sabrina held her own to the end. Chandelure was finished off in the end by her Wobbuffet."

"Ah... Destiny Bond is quite nasty...", commented Xiroey.

The two remained talking about the battles, while waiting for the nurse to bring Chandelure back to Frostwraith. Since there were many trainers there, the waiting time was much longer than usual. Frostwraith and Xiroey continued their chat, until Xiroey notices a green haired boy.

"Spirit?", noticed Xiroey.

Spirit sensed his brother's presence in the middle of the crowd and began to calmly approach Xiroey and Frostwraith with a seemingly inoffensive expression.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Pirates' Fortress

"Hi, brother.", calmly greeted Spirit with a smile.

"Spirit... what are you doing here?", inquired Xiroey.

"Brother?!", thought Frostwraith.

"I finally found you at last. I came here to do my obligation as your brother.", calmly said Spirit.

"What the hell is going on here?!", reacted Frostwraith.

"What do you expect from me, Spirit? You are among the Dark Ones!", responded Xiroey.

"They are doing the right thing! They will bring peace to the multiverse! The Master wants to reshape the world.", explained Spirit.

"What if I say that those same Dark Ones are my parent's killers? What if I say that Master Hand and Arceus are on our side? Let me ask you a question, boy. Do you even know for sure who exactly are the Dark Ones?", questioned Frostwraith, his tone of voice rising.

"They want to end this war! And Xiroey, why? Why won't you come with me?!", continued the green haired boy.

"I know my mistakes, and that's why I am fighting for my atonement. But, you must understand, brother... the Dark Ones are not whom do you think you are.", explained Xiroey.

"That's how is it going to be...? I have no choice, then. I must defend the worlds against the enemies of the Master. If you two are thorns in his side, then so be it.", said Spirit, preparing to fight.

"Don't move any further, boy...", said Frostwraith coldly, has he pointed his sword at Spirit's neck. "If we are thorns in your Master's side, then YOU are a thorn in MY side! And I swore to honor my family by avenging them. If you are one of the Dark Ones, you are culprit in my family's murder and I will bring justice here and NOW!"

"Frost...", said Xiroey, conflicted by his feelings toward his brother and duty to help Master Hand to restore the world and defeat the Dark Ones.

"Frostwraith, isn't it? The Master wants you alive... if your family was killed, it was for the Master's cause. The ends justify the means... that was my Master has been teaching me.", said Spirit.

"Still won't snap you from your deluded ideas... you truly are a Dark One. I will have no mercy for you.", Frostwraith prepared to battle, only to be viciously knocked down by Spirit, causing panic among the Pokémon Center's crowd.

"Spirit! Think about what you're doing!", pleaded Xiroey.

"I can't, brother. My loyalty is for the Master. I have signed a oath to him and him alone.", affably said Spirit.

"If that's how things must be... then I shall battle you. I cannot let you go down the wrong path. As your brother, I will fulfil my duty.", said Xiroey with a confident voice, hiding his sadness of fighting someone close to him.


Xiroey's Brother
Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 2

"I am the one in the right path, Xiro... you will understand!", stated Spirit, attacking Xiroey with a Shadow Claw move, hurting Xiroey.

"Threaten all you want... Attack me all you want... I won't go down easily.", Xiroey said, countering Spirit with a Dragon Claw.

Frostwraith got up and quickly rallied the crowd out of the Pokémon Center, leaving him, Xiroey, Spirit and the medical team on the Pokémon Center.

Using one of his magic artifacts, Frostwraith called Pit, so he could communicate with Palutena and Master Hand.

Xiroey rushed at Spirit, who kept resisting his attacks. Xiroey was getting worn out, losing hope on the battle.

"I am the stronger one, brother... give up so I can spare your life.", stated Spirit as he prepared an Hyper Beam attack.

"Don't kid yourself...", muttered Xiroey.

Spirit fired the Hyper Beam, which Xiroey avoided. Now recharging from the attack, Xiroey launched a Draco Meteor attack, hurting Spirit.

Meanwhile, outside the Pokémon Center, Frostwraith and Pit conversed with Master Hand.

"Spirit is Xiroey's brother and one of the Dark Ones... this could be troublesome...", stated Master Hand. "Try to keep him alive. If Xiroey can't handle him on his own, Frostwraith, you can call the whole group and knock him out, but make sure he's alive."

"It will be done, Master Hand.", agreed Frostwraith. "Pit, call the rest of the group. You and Dark Pit should equip yourselves with staffs. If Xiroey can't handle Spirit on his own, it is our duty to defend him."

A few minutes later, the group was united near the Pokémon Center, where Xiroey and Spirit were still fighting.

"Spirit seems to have the upper hand...", observed Frostwraith. "Everyone will stand down and only attack when I give the order. If we can spare Spirit's life, it will be better for us. This is our mission from Master Hand! Take Spirit as our prisoner!"

Inside the Pokémon Center, Xiroey and Spirit continued his battle.

Xiroey attacked his brother with a mighty Dragon Claw attack. Spirit continued to resist, forcing Xiroey to unleash his full strength on Spirit.

"You are stubborn, Xiro... I see you aren't holding back anymore.", stated Spirit.

"You have pushed me far enough... I have to stop you once and for all. I will not let yourself be tainted by the Dark Ones.", responded Xiroey, responding with a Shadow Claw, seemingly knocking Spirit down once and for all...

With his brother seemigly unconscious, Xiroey dropped his guard, only for Spirit to launch a surprise Outrage attack on Xiroey, who barely resisted.

"You have toughened up, brother. I like it. The Master could use someone as strong as you.", calmly said Spirit.

"I am no longer who you think I am. I will save you from yourself. Just like you protected me in the past, I will protect you this time.", stated Xiroey.

Both Eon Pokémon charged at each other. Frostwraith concluded that the battle was far from over...

Xiroey versus Spirit! The group is ready to back up Xiroey, should Xiroey be defeated.

Master Hand's order was clear: to let Spirit live and take him as a prisoner. But will Xiroey win the battle?

EDIT: added 2 songs for when Frostwraith enters the Pokémon Center and when Xiroey and Spirit confront each another before battling. I would like to recieve feedback on the musical selection. ;)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Spirit's attacks came hard and fast, just as Xiroey remembered them. It taxed every metal and physical resource he had just to keep up with his brother as he began to strike at Xiroey with increased vigour. Slowly, Xiroey was forced into a retreat, occasionally being forced to take a step back as Spirit threatened to end him on the spot with one of his shattering punches.

Seeing this only made Spirit come at Xiroey harder. He could tell by the pained expression on his brother's face that he was slowly tiring. Xiroey couldn't match Spirit for experience or strength, nor could he match him for endurance. To top it all off, Xiroey was running out of space. Ever so slowly, the distance between Xiroey and the wall was closing.

"You stand there, staring into the face of sure defeat, yet you still persist in this fight. Why?" Spirit launched a sweeping kick at Xiroey's legs, forcing another retreatig step. Xiroey attempted to counter with a thunderbolt, but the move was deflected, not that wasn't to be expected. Xiroey's response came is staggered rasps, his throat was starting to become raw from his extensive breathing. "I fight... because that's what family do... they fight for each other... even if..."

"Even if they're deluded with hypocritcal, self-righteous ideals"! Spirit inturrupted, dealing a crushing blow to Xiroey's chest. The blow caught Xiroey completely by surprise, unable to toss up a proper defense beforehand, Xiroey was launched back, eventually meeting the Center's eastern wall with a great 'smack'.

"Oof..." Xiroey grunted as all the air rushed out of him. Inertia held him in place for a second, then he slowly began to peel off the wall like a shred of old wallpaper. Spirit caught him before he fell. "You say you fight for me. Yet why won't you fight with me? The Dark One's have great things planed for the multi-verse. And you, as much as I disprove of the path you've chosen, you're still my little brother. I don't want to hurt you Xiro." Spirit's eyes softened for a moment, but not by much. Through squinted eyes, Xiroey could still see that Spirit's fist was poised and ready to strike. One wrong answer and Spirit would snap him in half without mercy. He chose his words carefully.

"You say I've fallen down the wrong path. And, well, perhaps I did fall down the wrong path before. But you must understand, you and I fight for the same cause. Brother, think long and hard about our past. Think about how I always was before. Even now, I cannot use my full stregnth against you because you are my brother. I despise violence, I despise pain and suffering.

In my travels, I've come to know many, truly amazing, friends. They've taught me so much, I know my path is the right one because they keep me on the right path. In the end, I only fight because I wish to continue to see them smiling. I want that for everyone. Even you". He said it all with utter conviction, he stared directly into Spirit's eyes so that his brother would know without a doubt that he spoke the truth. This, and the conviction in Xiroey's voice made Spirit falter.

"Even now, after all that's happened, and all we've experienced..." Spirit's voice began to crack "Even now, you're still my same little brother".

"I could never fight to hurt people, you know that. Perhaps that's what the future me did, but that's only after everyone I cared about was taken away from me. That's what I'm trying to get you to understand. I'm fighting now so that I don't ever end up like my future self did. If me and my friends fail in our task, I'll eventually end up like that again. It's already been written in future history books. I can't come with you, because if I do..."

"Just... STOP!" Spirit's calm demeanor completely melted, All that was left of him was a ball of raw emotions. "How can you sound so... How can you sound the way you do... Even..."

"Even if I fight for the wrong side"?


"Brother, look at me, I don't want to hurt anyone. None of us do. You know nothing of the dark ones, only of the lies they've told you. You've known me all your life, you practically raised me when our parents died. You're trying to deny it, but you know I speak the truth."


"If that's not enough to convince you, then maybe this will" Xiroey said as he placed his free hand on Spirit's arm"

"What are you..." Spirit was about to protest, then a strange sensation hit him. Or maybe it'd be more accurate to say, it was the lack of a sensation that shocked him.

"There" Xiroey said as his Heal Pulse was complete "I've healed all of your major injuries. I have no hope of winning at this point. You can kill me if you wish, I've grown tired. Even if I'm not strong enough to protect the ones I care about, maybe you can. Once you come to your senses, Maybe you can carry on where I couldn't".

Spirit froze, his entire system of beliefs was turning upside down before his very eyes. Spirit slackened the grip he had on Xiroey's shirt, Slowly, he began to slide down onto his own two feet. Spirit still had a Small grip, like he was desperately trying to hold on to what little sense of resolve he had left. Xiroey calmly, removed Spirit's hand, which he did not attempt to resist, then stepped forward and pulled him into a tight hug".

"You know, I'm really not cut out for this" Xiroey said ironically. Their roles had been swapped. For once it was Xiroey who was acting as the voice of reason. Spirit didn't return the hug, but was no longer attempting to fight. At a descrete nod to Frostwraith, his group of friends finally dropped their guards.

"You all have a lot of explaining to do" Spirit said stubbornly, which sounded strange with his voice currently muffled by Xiroey's shirt.

"Yeah Yeah, We'll be happy to get into all those fancy details later. For now just pipe down and enjoy the hug".

"Mmph", Spirit complained. Needless to say, he was feeling just the tiniest bit awkward. Xiroey was a good head shorter than he was, yet here he was, letting himself be hugged, in front of a bunch of people he barely knew. He was greatful that Xiroey's shirt was in the way, otherwise everyone would see that his face was red.

Eventually, the two broke contact. Leaving the pair facing each other as they had only moments before the fight began. Spirit still looked slightly flushed, which only increased his annoyance. Meanwhile, Xiroey gave his brotehr one last smile.

Then he fell unconscious.

"Xiroey"? Spirit gasped in surprise. The act came completely unexpectedly. He appeared to be perfectly fine only moments before. Xiroey hit the floor with a solid 'thud' then was out like a light. Frostwraith, Dark Pit, Richard, and the rest of the gang immediately rushed over. Frostwraith unconsciously put himself between Spirit and Xiroey, as he still did not fully trust him yet.

Eventually the group carried the Eon away, his human transformation had long sense faded. They set their course for the back of the building. Nurses that had barricaded themselves in the back of the building.

Spirit watched them go, then reluctantly followed. He was still in shock over the whole situation. He wasn't quite sure how he should've felt at that particular moment.

In the end, after much thought, and after wracking his brain for at least a good five minutes, Spirit did finally manage to come to one conclusion.

"I need to get a new scarf" he said. Then took off the tattered blue scarf he had around his neck and tossed it in the garbage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Behold! My...err... second attempt at writing emotions!
Any critique is welcome and stuff, I'm still trying to improve at this.

[DBZ Voice:] "Master Hand's army gains a new member! And the Dark One's lose their 2nd in command!

How will this effect our story in the future. Only time will tell!
Find out on the next segment of Forum Fight - The Story Forum!"


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Haha... why, thank you. This is perhaps one of the (if not the) best segments I wrote so far.

Regarding musical selection, I think I've picked good battle songs for both battle sequences, especially the second battle. For some reason, I thought that the Pirates' Fortress song from Majora's Mask worked well for Spirit's confrontation before the battle.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Xiroey burst out of the Pokemon Center's automatic doors, not even waiting for them to open all the way before he imatiently shoved himself through the widening gap. The sunshine hit him as he barged outside into the bright Sunny afternoon, and it was pleasantly warm. Xiroey felt good, very good. Now that his recovery was complete, he had all day to do whatever he wanted before his next match began.

And here he was, at the famous Sinnoh battle frontier, all sorts of interesting games and activities awaited him. Plentey of opportunities presented themselves to hurrass and terrorize the many unfortunate trainers and pokemon that had decided to gather there today.

All and all, it was looking like a great afternoon not to wear a shirt.

"I gotta say Krookodile, I'm quite digging this look. I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner!" Xiroey said cheerily, admiring his fancy set of black slacks. Krookidile gave a satified nod, he too, was wearing a matching pair of black slacks. Xiroey had a tie yellow tie around his neck, starkly contrasting with Krookodile's blue tie.

Only moments before, while Xiroey had been impatiently waiting for his release form to be brought to him by his nurse, Krookodile decided to help Xiroey pass the time by educating him the best he could in the ways of fashion.

The pair looked utterly rediculous. A fact that they were completely oblivous to as they walked out into the warm sunshine to bask in the days activities.

"...Great, now we have two idiots in the group" Charizard sighed as he followed a short distance behind. He was trying his best not to get pegged in the same group as the two morons that were happily marching on in front of him. At his side was Porygon-Z, also sporting a pair of pants and a tie. Charizard wasn't even sure how they had managed to find slacks in Z's size. And that wasn't even covering the empty pant leg that was trailing on behind him like a second tail. Charizard was really unhappy to be where he was at that moment.

"Okay! a bit of sparring before the tournament it is"! Charizard heard Xiroey call from up front. He saw Xiroey begin marching off in a random direction, most likely in the direction he thought the exit was in.

Incidenetally, he was going the wrong way.

"Oh boy..." Charizard sighed.

He was in for a rather long and tiring day...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"Well Doctor... It's been a pleasure."

Doctor didn't take his eyes off the Dalek Emperor, "We'll save everybody. Nobody is going to die!"

Vs. Dalek Emperor (Revised)

Muhti felt sweat on his forehead, he was nervous at this point. He held up his cannon at the Dalek, shaking his hand and finally shot. It missed by a quiver, almost hitting the Doctor.

The Doctor didnt know what to do either, there were no contraptions to help him out a bit, unless gravestones count. He heard the Exterminate chant and dodged that blast. He saw the cable lines a few yards away, he looked at Muhti with a quick glance and pointed, Muhti understood what was needed to be done.

Muhti sprinted where the Doctor was running and blasted a few of his lasers at the Dalek, which was absorbed. Muhti transformed into Katniss and started shooting the glass with "his" arrows. Also tried shooting his eye.

The Doctor finally made it to the cable lines, he started climbing up the pole quickly, with a heap of breath coming from his lungs while he watched a female shooting arrows at the glass of the Dalek Emperor. He made it upward and took out his Sonic Screwdriver. The Doctor took the lines out one by one, and slowly slid down with the wires in his hand.

Muhti saw the Doctor slid down and he signaled for him the come. Muhti dashed avoiding the Daleks lasers every time luckily. The Doctor tied them together as they created a electric current. The Dalek finally arrived menacingly. The Doc gave an effort and shocked him, but it didnt do anything.

"Doc-tor, you do rea-lize Im no or-din-ary Da-lek?", he seemed to lean in. "But now you must be ex-ter-minated!"

He charged up his laser and almost shot it until a message appeared with the Dark Master.


The Dark Master took the screen as an orb, "Muhti, I have a job for you. How would like to be 2nd in command?"


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, I have to go shopping but when I come back, i'll write up my fight. Bbl guys! ;)

And oh my goodness, with spirit out of command, muhti taking his spot would be really interesting. :O


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"This seems like a good spot, Xiroey said as he began a set of stretches to warm himself up". It had taken a good deal of getting lost and wondering around before the group found this spot. I was a rather nice location located just on the outskirts of the Frotier. It was a pleasant, grassy spot, located directly next to a calm, gurgling lake. Filled to the brim with plump red magikarp.

Charizard and Krookodile began their routine of warm ups as well. Krookodile had decided to ditch the fancy pants and tie, deciding instead to hang them on a far away branch. In case they got ruinned in the midst of thier sparring. Porygon-Z floated leisurely on the sidelines. He wasn't much for sparing, and had decided to spend his time watching everyone else instead.

"So, you guys all warmed up and ready to begin"? Xiroey said eagerly, giving one final stretch. Charizard gave a grunt of awknolegement then pulled himself up into an upright position, groaning a bit as he did so. Krookodile nodded as well. Despite his grouchy exterior, Charizard was just as eager to start this training session as his two friends were. However, his excitement over this bit of sparring came over a slightly different set of reasons than Xiroey might expect.

He approached Xiroey then, a stern look on his face. Xiroey watched him come, a little confused. His senses weren't alerting him to any sign of danger, so naturally he chose not to put up his guard.

So it came as a surprise to the Eon when Charizard landed an innard-crushing punch deep into Xiroey's stomach. Xiroey coughed, spittle fling out of his mouth as all the air in his lungs was forcefully expelled. Charizard didn't stop there, he withdrew his fist, then spun around and landed a crippling Iron tail to the side of Xiroey's head. Xiroey was sent reeling, eventually coming to a stop at the edge of the lake.

Charizard let Xiroey lie there for a while, letting the Eon process what just happened. Eventaully, and quite painfully, Xiroey managed to push himself up into a sitting position. Just about every part of his body felt like a tangle pile of raw nerves. Especially his chest, which cried out in protest whenever he tried to breathe. Charizard stood there watching him, not saying a word.

Eventaully, Xiroey managed to stand. He'd caught his breath enough, so he was able to force out a small brief sentence "Why'd you hit me?" Xiroey breathed. His nausia was making it difficult to stand.

Charizard sighed, then took a deep breath and blew out a torrent of blue fire at him. Xiroey was more prepared this time, he evaded Charizard's attack, rushing in to meet him in close quarters before he could cut off the stream of fire breath. Charizard kept on blowing, seemingly vulnerable, and unable to counterattack. Xiroey pounced on him, He aimed a Dragon Claw at Charizard'd head, hoping to end the fight quick.

Perhaps, if charizard didn't have his entire mouth filled to the brim with fire, he might've sighed again. But, incidentally, all Charizard decided to do at that moment was turn his head. Xiroey gasped, tossing up his Protect at the last moment before his entire being was burnt to a crisp by the fire.

Again, his reaction was far too predictable to charizard. Charizard pulled back his fist, cutting of his trail of flames as he did so, then launched a powerful straight straight into Xiroey's barrier.

Xiroey's protect shattered. It caught him completely by surprise, no one had ever broken his protect before. Not even spirit with his impossibly strong punches. Charizard's stright connected with Xiroey's chin, and he was sent flying again, this time into the lake. Each of the magikarp scared away at the humongous splash his body made. Charizard, meanwhile wiped a few traces of spittle from his face, then sat down, waiting patienly for when Xiroey reemerged.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Your technique is sloppy". Charizard said harshly, poking Xiroey hard in the chest. Xiroey winced as the claw threatened to pierce his skin, which was quite damp and pruny from his little swim earlier.

"You could've at least given me a fair warning" Xiroey complained for the third time. He angrily shoved away Charizard's claw, causing Charizard's brow to raise an inch.

"Oh? And I suppose my walking toward you wansn't warning enough. I had my fists clinched, and my tail flame was burning brightly, any other smart opponent would take those as signs of a confentation."

XIroey's pride stung a bit at this "You weren't giving off any signs of a confrentation. I checked your"-

"I chose to cover my intentions from you because I knew you'd try to tap into my emotions to see what I'd do. You need to understand, this tactic is flawed. Not only against magic users, but even ordinary pokemon like myself can find ways to exploit it."

"But still... you didn't...."

"Emotions lie Xiroey. Haven't you ever noticed? We hide our emotions from others all the time time. Admittedly, some are better at it than others. Among the best, there are even some who can hide their emotions from themselves! You cannot trust this ability in the heat of combat. As you no doubt saw in your fight against your brother".

Xiroey ran out of arguments "But..." he began smally

"There are no "buts" in actual combat. Nor will your opponent go out of his way to give you any obvious hints. Either you win or you dont. And losers of these contests often end up dead."

Xiroey finally gave in, he hung his head "But why'd you have to teach it to me like that though..." He rubbed his tender jaw from where charizard hit him. For a second, Charizard felt a twinge of remorse. "There's no use fretting about the past. What's done is done. In the end, what little pain you feel now is inconsequential, especially if it one day ends up saving your life. Now enough, there is still much I need to teach you. Heal yourself, then resume your battle stance so we can begin again".

Xiroey sighed his reluctant agreement. He began working on the worst of his injuries with his recover, he let out a great sigh as he felt the greatest of his discomfort instantly melt away. Now revitalized and slightly more confident than before, Xiroey stood, then took a battle sance against his larger, more experienced opponent.

"I want to you to come at me as you normally would any other opponent" Charizard explained "Unless you're prepared to kill me, you will not will this fight, are we understood".

Xiroey was slightly hesitant when Charizard said that. He couldn't exactly kill his friend. What would Krookodile think, surely he wouldn't just stand there idly while Xiroey slayed Charizard right before his eyes.

"I'll put it another way" Charizard said when he noticed Xiroey's hesitation "Either you go all out against me, or I do and I break every stinkin' bone in your scrawnly human body. Your choice".

Xiroey started a little at the harshness in his friends voice. Charizard meant it too, Xiroey could sense no traces of falsehood from him. Grimly, Xiroey nodded, and prepared to fight. If charizard wanted an all out battle that was what he was going to get.

Krookodile started them off, "Ready. Begin"!

Xiroey made the first move. He decided not to engage Charizard directly this time, and decided instead to try to desrupt by cutting him off with his Icy Wind. Charizard countered the attack with his flamethrower, and Xiroey's attack evaporated. Through the steam, Xiroey launched an illusion double at himself to attack and stun charizard, so that he could come in for a dealy blow himslef. Unfortunately, Charizard was well acustomed to Xiroey's smokescreen tactics, and Charged directly at him through the smoke before he could finish concentrating. Xiroey saw Charizard coming a little too late. He tried to toss up an Ice Wall as a last ditch defense, but Charizard easily blasted through the weak barrier.

Charizard's shoulder barge connected solidly against Xiroey's weak block, and he was sent flying yet again. This time coming to a painful stop against a tree trunk. "You can't always rely on your fancy illusions to save you! Deception and trickery in combat is good, and can certainly help you win the upper hand. But, you cannot rely on this entirely. Against a wise oppoent, you'll easily find yourself outmatched if you lack a good solid foundation to back these abilities.

Enouth of these smoke and mirror tricks. Unless you use a counter attack or a fient, I want this to be a fight without trickery"!

Xiroey grunted, all of Charizard's advice was starting to become annoying. He couldn't ignore the validity of it though. Slowly, he pulled himself back into a standing positon, preparing to take on Charizard once again. Charizard saw that Xiroey had recovered, and had taken note of what he said, then prepared himself for the fight to continue.

The biggest weapon in Xiroey's arecenal was gone. How would he choose to make up for it? Charizard was curious. By nature, Xiroey was actually very adaptive and resourceful. He was unnaturally skilled at finding odd solutions to seemingly impossible problems. Perhaps, knowing this Charizard shouldn't have been surprised for the figuative mini-van Xiorey was about to hit him with. But, admitedly, nothing could have prepared either of them for what was about to happen next.

"You want a fight..." Xiroey began, in a surprisingly dark tone. "Fine. Then I hope you're prepared, because neither of us are leaving here before either I'm dead, or you cry out for mercy. Prepare yourself"! Xiroey's body began to glow brightly, he rushed Charizard again, something he wasn't prepared for.

Xiroey couldn't have been doing what he thought he was doing! But, somehow, he was. Xiroey was using two moves at once -- Dragon Dance to greatly and gradually increase his speed and offence, and Dragon Claw, which was ever so slowly forcing Charizard back!

Charizard tried to fight back against the onslaught, lashing out at Xiroey's head with his claw, but Xiroey reacted quick. He caught Charizard's claw dead in his hand, then shot several thousand volts of electricity directly into his body.

Three moves! Charizard could hardly believe what was happening. Yet, he couldn't allow himself to dwell over the fact. Somehow, Xiroey had taught himself how to skill-link. Something only Electivire and Gulpin could do, as far as he knew. He decided to pusht he thought aside for now, and fought Xiroey the same as he would any other tough opponent. His tail flame grew to enourmous proportions, causing Xiroey to sweat from the heat. Even with the paralyzing volts coursing through his body, Charizard managed to land a single hook into Xiroey's face, knocking him out instantly.

Krookodile approached a little cautiously when he saw that the brutal fight was finished. "Is he...?"

Charizard was panting slowly "He's fine. Beleive it or not, I barely hit him. Skill-linking takes an awfull lot out of a person if you use it wrecklessly. I think the exhaustion got to him more than the punch did."

"But, I've never seen.."

"I know, I'm just as surprised".

"You think we should tell him"?

"He deserves to know. It's his ability after all. But after he wakes up, I need to go lie down for a moment."

Krookodile nodded, he really hadn't expected that fight to end the way it did. Things had suddenly gotten very interesting.

" I feel bad for whatever Dark one has to face him once he masters this new ability" Krookodile said a little warily.

"Aye" Charizard agreed "And Arceus help us when we have to deal with his questions once we tell him..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A new idea suddenly hit me as I was outside enjoying the weather!

I think I've only told Frostwraith about this so far, but I've been greatly reworking Xiroey, SPirit, and Latias' abilities.
They didn't really make much sense before, so I'm working more with stuff that's actually presented/ seen in the Manga, games, and anime.

I think this new ability fits Xiroey perfectly!
I can't wait to experiment more into this in the future! :chuckle:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Humm de dum dum, it's my turn now!


"For our next fight, we have Luco against..." The announcer held his answer for a moment to give suspense. "The elite user of fire pokemon, Flint!"

Sinnoh Elite Four Flint!

The crowd went wild as the fire-type user came up to battle. The arena was big, easily big enough to accommodate the battle that would shortly commence. "And as a surprise effect...." Luco turned his head when he heard that. Arena types? Since when have these been used here? The big screen flashed different environments. He saw a grassy plain, a snowy mountain, lots of webs... and the screen settled down on one environment in particular...

A desert.

I see! So Flint is at a disadvantage here... Luco thanked his luck on this first match but also hoped he wouldn't be affected by stage types again in case of another and not so helpful stage type. Of course, that was if he won the battle, of which there was no guarantee. Flint was well known as a powerful trainer. He deliberated carefully on who to send out first. "Hey there, kid!" Flint gave a grin. "Luco, is it? Cool to meet you in battle. May the win go to the trainer with the hottest resolve!" He grinned again at his own pun. Luco had to smile. "This will be an experience, for certain! Good luck!"

The stage went down and was replaced by sandy dunes. Ground... I wonder... He didn't have much time to think, though, as the announcer was eager to see the battle off. "Ready? Go!" Flint opened with his pokemon first. "Infernape, go!" Infernape, huh? "Then lets open this up with Luxray!" No-one had any particular advantage, but Luco had an idea. "Infernape, start off with Earthquake!" Ohhh, that's not good... The ground began to shake beneath Luxray's feet. Luco focused for a moment. "Try moving to the side. He's aiming the split for you." He got a mental nod of confirmation from Luxray and he saw his pokemon's body tense up as the crack in the earth got closer. Just before it reached his legs, he pounced to the side. "Now Luxray, discharge!" Luxray glowed yellow and electricity surged in all directions around him. Infernape was caught in the field but didn't seem overly phased. Luco could barely see Flint above the dunes but he seemed to have a confident smile on his face. "I see." He said. "Lets try something a little different then. Infernape, hide behind the dunes!" Luco's expression gave nothing away. Thought you might try a little something like that... "Now, use flamethrower!" Infernape jumped up from one of the dunes and caught Luxray off-guard. Luxray escaped the worst of the blast but took some damage. He looked confused. "Oh wow! If things keep going as they are, if Luco cannot find an answer to this, it looks like Infernape's got the advantage!" The announcer wasn't in Luco's shoes, though, and couldn't know Luco's answer for it. "Oh no you don't!" Luco gave a smile of his own back to Flint. "Luxray... use your ability to see through terrain. Don't let him catch you unawares or it'll become that much harder! Give it a try..." Luxray's eyes began to glow as he searched through the dunes around him. "Oho!" The announcer's voice came through the speakers. "Just what is Luxray doing?" Luxray gave Luco an alert when he found Infernape, preparing to launch another flamethrower. "Luxray!" Luco shouted with excitement. "Avoid the attack!" He noticed Flint staring, puzzled, at him from afar. He wonders why I tell Luxray to dodge so soon... Luco then gave Luxray a silent command. "After you dodge the attack, try rain dance." Infernape launched from his position and launched yet another Flamethrower at Luxray but Luxray nimbly avoided the attack. Infernape retreated back in to the dunes. "Luxray, now's your chance!" Luxray moved around, awkwardly at first in the sand but gradually getting better. A few drops came from above.

Then it poured.

"It seems Luxray has used rain dance!" The announcer cried. "This turns tables the other way!" Luco still wasn't done though. "Now Luxray, finish this off with thunder!" Luxray gave a screech as he pulled a lightning bolt from above and struck Infernape directly from behind the dunes. "Dang!" Flint looked disappointed. "How did you know...?" Infernape came crawling over the dune. His fire was drastically reduced and he couldn't go any further, collapsing at the top of the dune. "It would appear Infernape cannot battle! The victor here is Luxray!" The crowd cheered. "And what a battle too! Will the next be so thrilling and inventive? Lets find out!" Flint withdrew Infernape. "You did great, buddy." He looked resolved. "Lets even this out a little bit. Rotom, come on out!" Rotom appeared on the battlefield but he wasn't his normal self. He was heat Rotom. This could be tough...

The rain was still pouring. "Rotom, lets give them a taste of their own medicine! Thunder!" Rotom charged and released the bolt of energy. It may have been less effective than normal but with a guaranteed rate of hit, Luxray was caught. He was almost down. "Luxray, you can do it! Try Crunch!" Luxray fought off fatigue and charged at Rotom. He jumped, mouth agape and bit in to Rotom. Rotom was in serious pain from the super effective attack but was still in fighting condition. "Rotom, finish it off with overheat." Rotom charged and a wave of his own came straight at Luxray. Luxray was down from the incredibly powerful fire attack. Rotom then glowed white as his herb restored his stats. My magnet does well enough, though; he can only use that item once. "Luxray is unable to battle! Rotom is the winner!" The crowd was cheering again. Hmm, he's weakened, so this might work... "Lucario, you have this one!" Lucario jumped on to the field. "Hm. An electric/fire type with ghost capabilities... you did this to test me, didn't you?" Lucario was eager to try his luck. "Well, we do have on trick up our sleeve..." Lucario nodded at that. Flint looked a little confused at the other side. "Are you sure this was your best choice, kid? Okay, if you're sure... Rotom, Overheat..." Rotom launched another wave of fire but it's relative slow pace compared to discharge coupled with distance allowed Lucario to jump behind a dune easily in time. "Lucario, you're gonna have to get closer. Go from dune to dune and dodge any attacks he aims at you." Luco couldn't afford to miss. Lucario nodded and dashed to the next dune. Then the next. "Hmmm..." Came Flint's reply. "Rotom, lets not give him the chance to evade this time. Discharge!" Luco was alarmed. What!? Two moves like Luxray... The attack took Lucario as he was dashing to the next dune. He flew backwards through the air and landed on his back. Flint seized on his opportunity. "Will o' wisp, Rotom!" The bluish flames sent from Rotom found their way to Lucario and scathed him. Lucario was burned. "Ooh, and a surprise attack from Rotom!" The announcer could have been a child, for all the excitement he exuded. "Lucario, roll behind the dune! It'll be easier to recover there." Lucario was in pain but did as so. Luco used the opportunity to sense what rotom was feeling. Dominant... lets show him we've got our own bag of tricks! Lucario was ready. "You're there, Lucario, you know what to do!" A faint smile appeared on the pokemon's face. "Lets see how you like it..." He muttered. He jumped up in to the air, poised. He uncoiled like a spring and as he did, so did the dark pulse of energy that followed. At near point-blank range, rotom wasn't dodging it any time soon. Rotom was out like a light. Lucario landed, turned and smiled at Luco, before shuddering in pain and going down as well. Poor Cario... The burn must have got to him.

"Lucario knocks Rotom out with a spectacular dark pulse but Rotom's will o' wisp has sent Lucario in to the realm of the unconscious as well! It comes down to each trainer's last pokemon!" The crowd gave a cheer. This was totally unexpected.

Flint smiled. "You've done well kid, I congratulate you. So who did we each save for last? The ultimate test of strength is now! Go, Magmortar!" Magmortar came out on to the battlefield. He was intimidating but Luco wouldn't let that scare him. He had his own ace card. "Charizard, it's your turn. Lets show them what we have, my friend!" Charizard flew on to the battlefield. It landed with a thud. "No obvious advantages on each other..." Flint studied Charizard for a moment. "... or is there?" He smiled in confidence. "Magmortar, Thunderpunch!" Magmortar rocked up to Charizard to deal his blow. "Charizard, dodge it and try countering with dragon claw!" Charizard dodged the attack and swiped with dragon claw.

But it missed.

What? Luco wasn't sure what just happened. From the looks of it, Flint realized how unlikely a double miss was when it came to regular-hitting moves. "Magmortar, try thunder punch again." Luco was quick on the bat. Charizard, jump back, try dragon claw again." The routine went again... and they both missed again. What is happening?? Luco's mind went to his pokemon. Charizard was just as surprised by the turn of events as he was. Luco thought a moment and found the answer. "They're near evenly matched. I see we're going to have to mix this up..." He thought about his next move. "Charizard, dig under-ground!" Charizard heard and began to tunnel below. "Digging hmm?" Flint observed. "Magmortar, jump from dune to dune!"

Magmortar began to jump around the battlefield. Luco wasn't focusing on that yet. His thoughts were sent to Charizard. "Stop digging for a moment... can you use sunny day down there? That should give him second thoughts about our plan." Moments later, the light in the room got that much brighter. "Eh?" Flint looked uncertain yet again. "I have to hand it to ya kid, you're doing a great job of keeping me second guessing. This, though, this can only have one use. Magmortar, keep on the look-out for fire moves!" Luco liked the sound of that. Magmortar began to slow his jumping, Luco could finally see where he was going.

Then it all clicked for Luco. He's been preparing for this stage! he knows its ins and outs! And his Magmortar... that jumping isn't random, he has a pattern! Luco took a moment to study where Magmortar was going. "Dune 2... dune 5... dune 4... dune 1... dune 5..." He muttered to himself. Dune 3 was the next one. "Charizard! Go for the one in the centre! Then finish it with fire blast!" Luco smiled when he saw Flint turn his head sharply. "You knew!?" He watched in despair. Magmortar had already begun his jump, there was no way to stop him.

Right on cue, Charizard burst from the dune, straight in to Magmortar. As he did so, he let loose his Fire Blast straight in to the weakened Magmortar. It wasn't incredibly effective... but then again, it didn't need to be. Magmortar crashed in to the ground, out of the battle and out of the tournament. "Magmortar is unable to battle! Charizard wins and as a result, Luco has won the match!!!" The crowd (and Luco's friends) went wild as the streamers came out. "Thanks, Luco." Flint walked up to him. "You were really resourceful during the match. You had me in awe of your skill and knowledge. How did you know what your pokemon was doing the whole time with so little verbal communication?" Luco responded in his mind. "This might answer your question. Don't worry though, I don't look in to the opponent's mind to cheat! Only my pokemon."

"Geez kid, you're one heck of a trainer. I'm glad to have met you! You should come to the pokemon league one time. You'd do well there, i'm sure!" He waved in goodbye and stepped off the ring. Luco went back as well. He went to the pokemon center to heal his pokemon and his friends came to congratulate him. "Pika!!" The little yellow mouse ran to him and hugged his leg. "You did great!" Lucas walked in. "Yea well, now I have to focus on the time between now and the next match. But not only must my pokemon train, I have to train, for later. You know what, it might be time to test my skills against an old friend..." He had an idea in mind.

He walked out happy, excited for the match he was hoping to have with Xiroey.


WOW what a long segment!! Btw Xiroey, I don't mean a pokemon match, I mean a real character match. Our last one was on the road from the valley so we should see how we do now! :p

In any case, I hope the segment was ok. Lemme know if you see any big mistakes or anything else! ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Wow, never expected to see these many posts. o.o

With the battle between Spirit and Xiroey over, Frostwraith returned to the group's encampment.

"It seems that Spirit has changed his allegiances. But, I still have some doubts about his loyalty...", commented Master Hand. "The Dark Ones have been quiet for the last days, but I have been watching them from time to time."

"Interesting... what could they be planning now that Spirit has left them? He signed a pact with the Master, but I managed to secretly remove the binding curse.", reported Frostwraith.

"Hmm... you did well. Those who make a pact with the Dark Ones become bound to their Master's will in the sense they if they prove to be disloyal to him, they are instantly killed by the curse."

"Well, I see. We will still stay here for a while, then we will set out to search for Mesprit."

"Yes, that's the plan."

Frostwraith went outside and pulled one of his wooden statues. Reading part of a book quickly, he prepared his magic.

"I have longed to preform this spell... one of the most powerful combination spells... the Double Dragon Blast.", muttered Frostwraith.

Frostwraith began to charge dark and light magic at the same time, holding the dark energy in right hand and the light energy in his left hand.

"Three... two... one...", muttered Frostwraith, as he prepared to launch the attack.

He stretched his arms forward, with his hands coming into contact with one another. From there, the two charges fused and he successfully launched two dragons made of energy. One was pitch black and the other one was almost as bright as the sun. The two energy dragons dmoved toward the statue, moving around in a circular motion leaving a trail shaped like a double helix.

"Success...", muttered Frostwraith.

The two floating serpentine dragons hit the statue, causing it to blow up and becoming shattered beyond repair. The explosion was so great, it startled some of the team members.

"What just happened?!", reacted Richard.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just doing my routine magic training.", said Frostwraith.

There were wooden bits scattered everywhere.

"What's with all these wooden bits?", questioned Pit, who noticed them.

"This used to be a wooden statue.", stated Frostwraith.

"One of those wooden statues you always use to train?", questioned Dark Pit.

"You must have done quite a powerful move there!", noted Tetra.

"I won't deny that.", stated Frostwraith.

"What did you exactly do?", questioned Pit with curiosity.

"Oh, you want to see the whole show, eh? You might want to take cover... here, I will make a force field to protect you... and me, of course.", said Frostwraith, with a slightly happy tone of voice.

Frostwraith prepared his mind again and performed the spell again on a bigger statue than the one previously used. The dual dragon shaped blasts hit the statue again, causing it to blow to smithereens.

"See? This is a spell I have been trying to do for years.", said Frostwraith.

"That was... amazing.", stated Pit, shocked from what he just saw.

"Yeah, it is all good seeing stuff blowing up, but this is really tiresome for me. And I can't be using this at all times.", explained Frostwraith. "With this show over, I am off for the Battle Frontier."

Frostwraith rode on his Golurk, taking off like a rocket. Upon arriving at the building, Frostwraith looked at the screens, noting Frostwraith's victory against Sabrina, Xiroey's victory against Paul, Luco's victory against Flint, Cynthia's victory against Lucian and Alder's victory against Agatha of the Kanto Elite Four.
The next matches were Luco vs. Xiroey, Alder vs. Frostwraith and Cynthia vs. Steven Stone.

"Alder... the Unova League Champion...", muttered Frostwraith. "This will be an interesting match..."

Frostwraith sat in a chair and started to read a book to pass the time.

"Hmm... what other spells should I find here... Mirror Lightning... by Malva Frostwraith? My great-great-grandmother? Hmm... I should try this one...", thought Frostwraith. "My family sure was creative when it came to create spells..."

A few minutes passed and Frostwraith heard the announcer notifying of the next battle: Alder vs. Frostwraith.

"My turn already, it seems...", muttered Frostwraith, closing the book and walking towards one of the stadiums' entrance.

Entering inside, and Frostwraith was greeted by a huge crowd.

"On the red corner, the Unova League Champion, Alder! On the blue corner, the mysterious trainer Frostwraith! This is going to be a heated match!"

Alder and Frostwraith were facing towards each another at the stadium.

"Frostwraith, I had great expectations that you would eventually face off against me. You have the courage and determination to face against numerous threats. I can understand that you and your Pokémon have an unbreakable bond too. I feel that you will make an exceptional opponent for me, so hold nothing back!", said Alder.

"You won't expect anything less from me, Champion Alder. It's by giving our best that we can truly show what we're made of. I look forward to this battle.", responded Frostwraith.

"Well said. Now, let's start! Kiai!"


Pokémon Black / White - Champion Battle!

"Golurk, go!", said Frostwraith, sending his Golurk.

"Don't hold anything back, Bouffalant!", said Alder, sending his Bouffalant.

"The match has just begun! Bouffalant starts the battle with a powerful Outrage attack!", yelled the announcer. "Golurk is hit hard, but resists!"

"Golurk, Stealth Rock!", yelled Frostwraith.

"Look at this! Frostwraith is already showing off his tricky battle style!", commented the announcer. "Those pointed stones float around the battlefield."

"So, that's your first move after serious consideration? This is going to be an exciting battle!", commented Alder. "Bouffalant, Outrage!"

"Golurk, DynamicPunch!", ordered Frostwraith.

"A spectacular hit from Golurk! Alder's Bouffalant suffers from confusion and is on the verge of collapsing! Golurk won't last much longer as well, Bouffalant's strength is surely to be admired!", yelled the announcer.

Bouffalant gets up, but ends up ramming at a wall, thanks to its confusion. Golurk proceeds to use an Earthquake move to finish Bouffalant off.

"Now's your turn, Vanilluxe!", stated Alder, as he sent his Vanilluxe.

"Stealth Rock proves effective against Vanilluxe! But Golurk is now at a disadvantage! How will things turn out? Let's find out!", narrated the announcer.

"Now, Vanilluxe! Use Blizzard!", commanded Alder.

Vanilluxe viciously attacked Golurk, knocking it down.

"Amazing comeback from Alder! Both battlers are now evenly matched with two Pokémon standing!", stated the announcer. "Frostwraith sends out Chandelure against Vanilluxe!"

"Chandelure, use Fire Blast!", commanded Frostwraith.

Chandelure's attack proved too much for the Ice-type, knocking him down easily.

"What was that?! Chandelure certainly is no joke! That Fire Blast move was devastating!", yelled the announcer. "Alder's last Pokémon is on the stage! It's Volcarona! Though Golurk's Stealth Rock severely hurts Volcarona, this is nonetheless a fiery match about to come!"

"Chandelure, use Shadow Ball!", commanded Frostwraith.

"The attack gave a modest amount of damage! Volcarona's fighting to keep itself alive!", continued the announcer.

"Volcarona, use Morning Sun!", commanded Alder.

"Volcarona's recovering his energy, but Chandelure isn't forgiving, for it used another deadly Shadow Ball attack!", yelled the announcer.

"Your fighting spirit is impressive, but I will still overpower you!", stated Alder.

"We shall see... Chandelure, prepare yourself! Toxic!", stated Frostwraith.

"Volcarona became badly poisoned, it won't last much longer! That's for sure!", commented the announcer.

"Volcarona, use Psychic!", commanded Alder.

Chandelure was hit hard by Volcarona's attack and countered with a Hex move, dealing brutal damage to Volcarona, thanks to the latter's poisoned status.

"Volcarona is still holding on against Chandelure and attacks using another Psychic move! Chandelure is already collapsing too!", said the announcer.

"Let's end this, partner! Finish him off with Overheat!", yelled Frostwraith.

"What a brutal comeback! Volcarona is down!", yelled the announcer with excitement. "Frostwraith managed to win with two Pokémon standing! The crowd is going wild!"


Exiting out of the stadium, Frostwraith and Alder talked about the battle.

"You did very well in this battle. I was amazed at your skill. I believe you can go as far as you can.", commented Alder.

"You were a fierce opponent, too. But that's how battles are... one wins and another one loses.", stated Frostwraith.

"I agree. Your fighting spirit was strong and your bond with your Pokémon was fantastic. That Chandelure of yours trusts you deeply.", noted Alder.

"He's been my partner since I was a mere child. I raised him since he was an egg. I was around six or seven years old when my Master gave me his egg. I have raised him since then and now he's my closest partner in battle."

"That explains your deep bond with it. I am sure he's happy to be with you as well."

The two went to the Pokémon Center to heal their injured Pokémon.

I have no idea on how the story will go next... =P

The group still has to find Mesprit and summon Palkia, though.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
how was my story going???
meh,not in the mood for writing now,sorry,besides,it's probably the next story or something!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Ugh, it feels like I'm wearing lead filled with stockings" Xiroey complained as he tried to walk with little success. Out of consideration for his friend's feelings, Krookodile had to resist the urge to chuckle. Apparently, Xiroey had tossed all attempts at proper syntax out the window. Just looking at him, it was like trying to watch an overweight walrus learn to stand. Which was impossible.

Xiroey tried another attempt at walking, forcefully shoving his foot out in fronting him, and struggling to gather enough coordination not to lift the other leg until the entire motion was finished. Krookodile winced slightly as the attempt failed, and Xiroey fell flat on his face. Again.

"Perhaps you should take it easy there for now mate. Constantly linking up skills like that will take a lot out of a person if you're not"- He was cut short at a sound thud as Xiroey fell down again. Apparently Xiroey had thrown reason out the window as well. "Charizard, a little help"? Krookodile said with a touch of desperation. Surely his friend would be able to offer some help in the situation, he was used to dealing with Xiroey after all.

"Mmph" Charizard grunted, barely awknowleging either of them. He rolled over in his comfy spot on the grass and fixed a tired eye on them. "What?"He growled. Krookodile made a motion at Xiroey, who was moments away from falling over yet again. He had a bit more success this time, he managed two wobbly steps, but the momentum soon became too much for him and he was sent toppling like a severed trunk. After that rather odd display, Charizard didn't seem to disturbed "Yeah? Kid seems to have recovered okay, why are you bugging me?"

"Recovered Ok- Charizard! Are you seriously just going to let this continue? What if he breaks his neck"?

"You sound like a mother hen".

"Well at least one of us cares for his safety"!

Charizard sighed when he realized that this argument was only going to continue. So much for a few moments of relaxation. Quite regretably, Charizard pulled himself out of his confortable position, adapting a more upright meditative stance. When he saw Xiroey fall a seventh time, his head shying scant inches away from a pointy rock, Charizard decided he should probably do something.

"Kid" Charizard called as Xiroey was standing up again. Xiroey grunted a brief response, but was otherwise occupied in the grueling mental task of trying to seperate the ground from his stubborn bottom. Was he supposed to hold his arms out to ballance himself, or would that only make him fall from all the leaning he did? After trying it without the arms, he realized that the added stability was probably a good thing.

Charizard sighed his trademark sigh. Xiroey was going to make him have to get up. He hated getting up, once restlessness set in, it was almost impossible to settle back down again. After a brief mental war with himself, Charizard finally decided to leave his spot and calmly walked over.

"Kid" He said, placing a claw on Xiroey's shoulder, "give it a rest. You're having troubles now because of the exceptional physical strain you've put on yourself. Linking skills like you did puts considerable strain on a pokemon's body, and in a very short period of time. You're muscles have most likely torn from the strain, they're going to need time to heal."

"But..." Xiroey began.

"I'm sorry kid, that's what skill-link does if you use it all willy-nilly. I'm sure that your body will gradually grow to handle the strain in time, but for now time is exactly what it needs. Even you can't force these kinds of injuries to heal."

Xiroey was moritifed. Here he was, finally getting some time to relax, and he couldn't even get his dumb butt of the grass for three lousy seconds. He hadn't even taken time to enjoy the festivities yet! As always, Charizard seemed to know exactly what was on his mind. Much to Xiroey's surprise, he found himself being lifted off the ground by a pair of strong claws.

"You're not exactly going to be moving around much with your body in the condition it's in. So, for now, you can ride around on my back. That okay with you"? The last bit came as a bit of a challenge. Apparently charizard was a bit awkward at the idea of toeing another person around piggyback.

"Charizard, you'd really offer to carry me?" Xiroey said with more than a hint of shock.

"Mmm, don't get too used to it kid. This is only until your legs heal".

Xiroey's face lit up considerably "Aww, thanks buddy", he gave Charizard an affectionate pat on the head, which he knew he hated.

"I could drop you this instant" Charizard threatened.

"No! No! I'm sorry, I'll be good, promise". Xiroey was serious, He was pretty sure Charizard would drop him if he pressed him too far. "But seriously, thanks"

"You're welcome" Charizard grumbled. The tension was only exacerbated by Krookodile as he rose up from his own spot on the ground and made way back toward the colorful buildings in the distance.

"Well, while Charizard's face turns several shades of purple, I think I'll go ahead and get some ice cream. Comming"? Xiroey couldn't help himself

"No, get out! Charizard, blushing"? He wished he wasn't stuck wrapped on Charizar'd back so he could see. That was just about as uncharacteristic as it gets. Xiroey started when he realized the claws that were holding him up were ever so slowly moving apart. "Nooo! I was just kidding! Don't drop me, don't drop me!"

Charizard snorted once he'd made his point. "Good. Now hurry up and think on what kind of ice cream you want. I don't know about you, but I could really go for an Oran sunday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Mmph, ths is gooud" Xiroey forced out through mouthfulls of chocolate, persim berry, and vainilla. Charizard winced reflexively, feeling cold sticky goo splatter across his neck. "Hey, do you mind"? He growled, rising his head out of his own cone. Xiroey quickly appologized, but was unable to resist the creamy berry temptation, and was soon drawn in by his ice cream for a slurping round three.

"Can't say I've tasted a better belue berry swirl than this Krookodile said, dripping blue sludge from the corners of his mouth. Even in his embarassment, Charizard couldn't help but agree. "Frontier treats aren't exactly what I'd call nutritional, but they leave nothing short on taste".

"Which, I'm sure you can protest quite nicely there buddy. Try and slow down at least a little, you wouldn't want to gobble up your whole cone in one go would ya"?

Charizard was clearly ignoring him. The draw of Oran, Salac, and Leichi was just too good to resist.

"All right, but you're buying you're both buying your own cones on our next trip..." Krookodile said dubiously. Not that he could blame either of them. For that matter, what was he doing wasting his time talking when he could be eating?

"Yo!" Luco called, terse seconds before Krookodile could dig in. "Heya" Krookodile replied a little sadly. Luco noticed the tone, "What's up" He noted Xiroey's percarious placement on Charizard's back. "You guys playing cowboy or..."

"Ice Cream! Try it!" Krookodile insisted. He shoved A Pecha and Hondew swirl under Luco's nose. The sweet and tangy aroma quickly drew him in. "Well, thanks a lot Mr. Krok." Luco said, making a discrete jibe at the fact he was wearing pants. Krookodile seemed to catch the joke. "Please, Mr. Krok was my father. Call me Signor Krok"!

"Oh? Okay then Signor"! Luco laughed, he riased his cone to them in a toast. He was left hanging though, everyone was now too preocupied with stuffing their faces. Luco raised an eyebrow at the lack of a response, but soon that aroma hit his nose again and...

"Eh, Ice Cream toasts are wierd anyway. Bottoms up!" He dug in greedily.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh I have the best idea for this!


"Maybe... *hiccup* maybe I ate that a little too fast.... BURP!" Luco had a dreamy look on his face. "What a nice ice... hey! I was distracted! Xiroey.... I wanna battle you!" The group around them exchanged nervous glances. Then they laughed. "What, what are you guys laughing at!?" Luco demanded to know. "Your... ahahah... your nose! Hahahaha!!!" Luco tapped his nose and came back with ice cream on the tip of his finger. "Ohh! Mmm..." He wiped it off. Xiroey had the same problem and found the same resolution. "Anyway, with that sorted, xiroey, lets battle!"

"Oh, uhhh, sure!" Xiroey stumbled. "Xiro!" Krookodile went over to him. "You okay buddy?" He lifted him back on to his feet. Oh no... he's still recovering? Now might not be the best time then... "Nahhh!" Xiroey was on his feet now. "Cmon Luco, lets go! I can battle!" Krookodile wasn't having any of it. "No.... you really can't... later! Battle later, when you've healed!" He turned towards the stadium for a moment. "Oh! Look at that, you'll get to battle sooner than you thought... but not you two, your pokemon!" Luco looked over to the big screen. I'm against xiroey? Aww man that blows! "Okay, we'll have to meet in the ring. But we don't have to fight yet, i've only just come out of my last battle and I need to rest! After that we can go, alright?" "Uhmmm... yep, yep, that sounds good." Xiroey replied. They sat down on the grass and slept, in preparation for their battle.


Just something a little short there to keep things going. <3

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Meanwhile, inside the battle frontier)

Richard: Wesker, i'm going outside for a breeze of air, i'll be back.

Wesker: Just don't miss the next battles, your friends luco and xiroey are supposed to battle soon.

(Richard heads outside and sees luco, xiroey and the two impact members lying on the grass and approaches them)

Luco: Hey richard, what are you doing?

Richard: I just came out here for some fresh air, i'll be in the building after a 5 minute break... (richard then notices xiroey with a look of exhaustion) is everything ok with xiroey?

Krookodile: Yeah he's fine, he just needs time to regain his energy.

Richard: Ok well good luck to both of you in your battle then.

(Richard then heads back to the entrance of the building and stands near the door getting some fresh air)

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