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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Xiroey awakened to the familiar sensation of wind beneath his wings. The feeling slowly eased him out of his deep sleep, his joints creaking as he gave himself a brief stretch. In his awakening haze, he barely took note of the fact the fact that his limbs were no longer bound, or of the fact that his arms had shorten and his legs had vanished. Latios opened his eyes sleepily and took in his surroundings. The surface beneath him was composed of soft blue feathers. They fluttered and shook as torrent-like wind washed over them. Massive wings flapped to either side of him, creating thunderous claps; Latios felt the gargantuan being beneath him begin to rise higher. It took him a moment to realize who the being was.

"Helmroc"? He spoke to the bird's mind directly. To his surprise, the mind that greeted him was wholely unthreatening. Helmroc didn't reply, either because he didn't want to or because he couldn't, but Latios was shocked at the sheer amount of hostility that wasn't there. "Relax, you're both safe now". A feminine voice spoke from behind him. With a bit of difficulty (Latios don't have legs) he managed to turn around and look into the eyes of his captor. What he saw surprised him even greater.

"Miss Tetra?" The infamous pirate nodded in greeting "Nice to finally see you again, Latios. I take it you've been well"? Xiroey's head was spinning. She was riding causually on the back of one of her sworn enemies, yet she sat there, beaming at him like everything was bright and dandy in the world. Latios figured it wouldn't hurt to answer the question.

"...been fine." He kept his voice neutral.

"Good! Good! Glad to hear it. Ehh... Sorry we had to conk you on the head back there, you were struggling pretty hard, we needed to get you out of there as quickly as possible".

That struck Xiroey as odd. "'As quickly as possible' why?"

"To prevent you from getting captured of course".

"How ironic".

"No, you misunderstand, we're here to rescue you!" As if on cue, a familiar pink ball of fur floated out from behind her, it fixed a pair of big blue eyes on him. "Mew!" Latios exclaimed happily, he opened his arms...err... claws wide and accepted it into a big warm bear hug. "I'm so glad you're safe". Tetra laughed. "You haven't changed much I see". Latios was extatic "You had me worried sick! I thought maybe something terrible had happened and..." A thought suddenly struck "Wait, why is Helmroc agreeing to toe us around, and why isn't he trying to kill us!"

Tetra's voice sounded genuinely confused "'Kill us' Why would he do that"? Latios released Mew so it could breathe, "...I dunno, maybe because he's one of the enemy!?"

"Helmroc wouldn't hurt a fly".

"...You're kidding."

"I may be a swindler and a cheat, but I've never been dishonest. Do you think he'd allow us to ride across his back right now if he was with 'the enemy'"?

Latios conceded. "You have a point."

"Of course I do, now how are you feeling? Your head isn't sore is it"?

"A little..."

Telia winced sympathetically "Well, again, I'm really sorry it had to come to that. At least now the two of you are safe".

That brought up the next question Latios had been meaning to ask, "Yeah, about that... Safe from what"?

"A trap. A subspace bomb has been placed at the bottom of fogbound lake".

Latios' stomach dropped "...Subspace bomb?"

"It should be set to detonate at any minute."

Latios felt his pulse quicken. He looked around himself desperately for a few tense seconds, then realized with dread that the object he was looking for wasn't there."

"Something the matter"? Tetra said with concern.

"I need to get a message to Smashfan, quick! he's heading into the middle of that trap!"

"Smashfan? He's alive?" Tetra's voice was heavy with shock

"Yes! And unless we get our sorry hides back there pronto he proabbly won't be alive much longer!"


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Ooh... a Subspace Bomb! O.O
How magnificient! :evil:

Anyway, this section picks up right after my previous section.
"Hmm... combining spells are truly more difficult than I expected...", commented Frostwraith after witnessing his failure at conjuring the light and dark combined spell. "Looks like I'm staying up all night practicing this..."

At such a late hour, Frostwraith thought Cynthia and Pit would be asleep already, but he had better things to do: train his magic and his Pokémon.

"Chandelure... and Rotom.", said as he picked up the Poké Balls in his belt.

Frostwraith sent out his Pokémon.

"Well, guys, how about some training for the night?", asked Frostwraith with a friendly tone of voice.

Chandelure and Rotom nodded in agreement.

"So, you want to train? Good for everyone of us, right? Position yourselves. I am offering a good treat for the one who wins the battle. How about that?"

Chandelure and Rotom positioned themselves.

"Go!", said Frostwraith.

Chandelure aimed a Shadow Ball at Rotom, but Rotom managed to dodge it and responded with a Shadow Ball attack as well, hitting Chandelure.

"Gah! Am I gonna lose like this or what!", said Chandelure, whom only Rotom understood.

"Ha ha ha... sorry, but today, it's me getting the reward!", laughed Rotom.

"Highly doubt that! It's bad enough I lost to Hydreigon in the last training!", responded Chandelure, attacking Rotom with a Fire Blast move.

"Not my fault!", said Rotom as he dodged the Fire Blast.

Rotom used Thunderbolt on Chandelure, who resisted.

"That's all you got? Take this!", Chandelure said to Rotom as he used an Overheat move, knocking Rotom down.

"Ouch... well... I admit defeat... I guess.", said Rotom.

"Chandelure won impressively. Here, take those.", said Frostwraith giving cookies to Chandelure. "And you did very well too, Rotom. Have these cookies too."

While the Pokémon were eating, Frostwraith heard some steps coming from behind him. Feeling under attack, Frostwraith quickly drew his sword and pointed it backwards.

"Whoa!", reacted Pit.

"Oh, it's you... I thought that you would be asleep or something.", said Frostwraith as he sheathed the sword.

"No. What were you doing here anyway?"

"Just training with my Pokémon."

"You fight against YOUR POKÉMON?!", reacted Pit.

"Sometimes. It's good for both of us."

"Looks kind of dangerous."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time I get a burn from one of my Chandelure's attacks."

"You're crazy!"

"Crazy or not, that's how I become stronger. Anyway, were you just passing by or you have something to tell me?"

"I was just passing and saw you here. Pittoo still hasn't woken up yet."

"Hmm... you should be patient. It's an unfortunate side effect of my magic. You shouldn't worry about him."

"Okay, thanks! Well, I must be going."

Pit left, meaning Frostwraith was alone again and took another wooden statue.

"Time to try this again...", Frostwraith said as he began charging light and dark magic simultaneously.

The spell failed again. Frostwraith picked the book about combined spells and began to read it further.

"Something must be missing here..."

Frostwraith sat in a nearby broken pillar, reading the book. However, he was so tired from the constant battles, he couldn't resist any longer and eventually fell asleep.


A few hours later, and Frostwraith woke up feeling a cold breeze. The first thing he saw were his Chandelure and Rotom asleep as well. Discreetly, he returned them to their Poké Balls and stored the wooden statue and the book.

"Huh, must have dozed off...", thought Frostwraith loudly.

As Skyworld was made of many floating islands, he called his Golurk to help him fly to Palutena's Temple. Entering inside, he saw Pit and Cynthia awake, with Dark Pit still unconscious.

"So, Dark Pit still hasn't woken up yet...", commented Frostwraith.

"No.", responded Pit.

"Let me check something...", said Frostwraith approaching Dark Pit.

Putting his hand close to the dark angel, Frostwraith used his extensive magic knowledge to sense the presence of life on the body.

"Well... he's alive... yet... I feel a dark energy from his body. Hmm..."

"So, he's still cursed?", asked Cynthia.

"Sort of. The cultist used two spells on Dark Pit: one to make him unconscious and another to control him. However, it seems that the cultist deactivated the sleeping spell during his control. Either he was sadistic and wanted Dark Pit to suffer or was inexperient in that kind of magic, I don't know. Anyway, the spell I used to neutralize the control spell has a side effect of putting the target to sleep. What I think that happened is that the cultist recognized my spell and tricked me by using his sleep spell again."

"That means that you can make him wake up again, correct?", said Cynthia.

"Likely, since I don't sense traces of my spell in him.", said Frostwraith.

"That's great!", said Pit.

"Yes. Now, let me prepare my spell to wake him up. If everything goes as planned, he will wake up."

Frostwraith put his hand above Dark Pit's forehead and began charging light energy, which poured into the dark angel's body, causing a black cloud to emerge from it.

"That went as I predicted. He will wake soon.", stated Frostwraith.

Dark Pit's body began to move, his red eyes opening.

"Urgh... where am I?", reacted Dark Pit with a sleepy tone of voice.

"Pittoo?", reacted Pit.

"Well, the spell worked. I must commend your skills.", commented Cynthia.

"Eh... it was nothing really.", said Frostwraith modestly.

"What... just happened?", asked a confused Dark Pit.

"Putting it crudely, you were cursed.", said Frostwraith.

"What?!", reacted Dark Pit.

"What's the last thing you remember?", asked Frostwraith.

"I was in a cave with you. In those ruins where I fought Pit for the first time. Wait... I rememeber fighting Pit... I remember not having control over myself."

"See? It was just like I said: you were cursed. Anyway, there's no point dwelling. What it matters for now is that you're OK.", said Frostwraith.

"Yes, we shouldn't be overthinking this. The Dark Ones were the cause of this, so we should plan our next attack before they send more Underworld troops.", suggested Cynthia.

"And that's exactly what we are going to do.", agreed Frostwraith. "We must first speak with Palutena, though. She will use her divine powers and track down the next enemy commander."

And that does it for now...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Guys, I have an idea as to what can happen next... unless you have something in mind, of which i'm happy to let you write, would you be okay if I did the next segment?


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

That sucks! I can't have it!!!!? I...#+== need that POWER!!

:marth: I'm not sure where to get it!!!!

(Dark energy) I...I gotta calm down....... I think ill go rest... I might end up killing some one with evil energy....geez




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay then!


They stepped through the portal in to the definite aftermath of a battle. Broken parts lay all around the battlefield. Some were still twitching with sparks but most just lay still. In the centre of it all, Smashfan and Mewtwo stood back to back. They looked incredibly tired. "Smashfan! Mewtwo!" Luco ran over to them. "What happened here??"

"It turned in to hell so quickly..." Smashfan trailed off. "Xiroey, and the others, where are they?" Richard had come over. "I... don't know. A shadow passed over the top here... then they were all gone. Xiroey, Xatu, Mew, Ashley... all gone."

tick... tick... tick...

"They are safe." Uxie floated up from a wreck. "And human... I believe this is yours." She drifted over to Luco, where he was handed a gem. "Thankyou." He said as he soaked up the energy given from the power gem. Ice magic, advanced offensive spells, time stop. "What do you mean?" Mewtwo's voice came in to their heads. Uxie turned it's attention on him. "They were taken out of the battlefield. You were so thick in fighting, I do not believe they saw you."

Richard seemed disturbed. "What troubles you, Richard?" Luco looked at him questioningly as he got to the ground and pressed his ear in to the dirt. "My senses allow me to sense things most people would not... quiet, everyone..." The group stopped. "... do you hear that?"

tick, tick, tick...

Luco's heart skipped a beat. "That's... a bomb..."

"Not any bomb, either." Said smashfan. "It has a particular sound to it... that, my friends, is a subspace bomb."

tick tick tick...

Crono's voice came through. "We have to get out. Now."

Luco turned and saw a dot in the sky. What is that...?

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey looked at the lake. "In the centre... there they are! I can see them!" His heart went cold as he realized they weren't the only ones there. "Richard!!! Luco!!!" He screamed.


- - - - - - - - - - - -

"What was that?" Richard swiveled to look at the sky.


"No time, we have to get out, now!" Luco opened a portal. "We have to go! Cmon cmon cmon!!" Charizard looked at Luco with eyes that shouted urgency.


The lake exploded in to nothingness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey stood on Helmroc's back as he looked over the scene. He did not shed a tear, nor shout angrily at the ball of sub-space. He only stood there, watching the ball twist and turn with tendrils of black. "I... I will never forgive them for this." He put it at a whisper. "They must not take any more from us."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a distant land, a young man, dressed in strange clothing walked upon the land. He had revived the world but his task was still far from completion. He allowed himself some time to relax. "You should take a break, will!" He called over to another kid like himself tinkering with parts and trying to fit them in to the machine he was building. "But it's almost finished!" He laughed. "You're just lazy!"

"No, i'm just taking a break!" Arc laughed as he watched Will build the first Aeroplane. The afternoon had been long and enjoyable, though he could not figure out for the life of him why flies were so important that they had to be revived as well. he swatted at his face when he heard another buzz but it didn't stop. He started swatting behind his head and around his shoulders but the buzzing persisted. He looked up to see what was causing the disturbance. "Not another fly, i hope!" Will called from where he lay under the plane. "No... i'm not sure what this is..." He squinted at the sky. "Well would you look at that, will? There's a blue dot in the sky!" It seemed funny at first but when he came to think of it, it was rather unusual. He saw a few dots appear out of it. "Will... those are people!" He was alarmed. He still had no power to do anything. "Where will they land?" For a while it seemed as though the two boys couldn't find a spot to stand, running around with their arms outstretched which might make a casual observer think they were carrying imaginary boxes around.

As it happened, the figures landed in the haystacks Arc had been lying on before. "Ugh... where are we, Luco...?" One of the crumpled figures asked. "Lu...co?" Arc questioned. "Arc... so nice to meet you!" A kid, perhaps as old as himself (in terms of looks, for Arc had lived a long time indeed) stood up and outstretched a hand. He took his hand and shook it.

"I'm sorry, I can't quite explain it to you now but could we stay with you for a bit?" He beamed at him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xiroey hadn't smiled in a while. He flew over the ocean on Helmroc's back. "They are evil. No other word for it... evil... Why did you all have to die... why...?" His voice broke. He buried his head in his hands.

"Xiroey, don't act like such a drama queen!" A cheery voice came from his orb. "Luco!?" He cried out in glee. "You're alive, you didn't die, you're okay!" He seemed back to his old self. "I thought you died in the explosion?" "Well, we're quicker than that..."

Frostwraith came to the ball. "You're all okay... that is good"

"So where are you?" Xiroey wanted to re-unite with the group as soon as possible. "Umm, this place is very un-known, perhaps even to the dark ones. Look, it's best not to say it as you never know who's listening. I'll open a portal to both of you, we can re-group here and talk our next move. Frost, have you found the missing team members?"

"Uhh, i'll talk to you about that when we get there... we ran in to some trouble."

"Well, it seems like we weren't the only ones who had problems then!" Xiroey laughed.

"In any case, opening a portal to you now...

And be polite and say hi to ark when you get here, okay?"


Erm, some things got interesting then in terms of writing but I think I pulled it off, let me know if there's anything wrong there. In any case, time constraints don't permit me to write this further but look up Terranigma if you want to know more about hat to write. Anyway, Muhti I assume is finding his own way to help defeat the dark ones but I get the feeling we'll be grouping up together again kinda soon...

Have fun!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
(I swear,I'm trying to do these more often,but as of right now,I can't...)As Royal finally finds his way to the spot he was called to,he was in a clearing,about 25 feet in all directions,and in the center,with a crater surrounding it,was a gun...
Me:What the--
Sir:This is troubling...go on,pick it up...
Braviary:CAAAAAAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(translation:GIVE ME A DONUT!!!!!!!!!!)(I learned how to speak braviary recently...don't ask...it was waaay too awkward...including him saying hi,and me thinking he said "do you want to come over to my place?We have a great olive scented bellybutton!)
I picked it up...the gun was cool,even though it had been out in the sun all day,it didn't feel bad either,in fact,first thing I did with it was point away from my friends,and fire...
I don't know what triggered it,but I could see the bullet's path,but slowly,and I could sense things...such as a squirrel...
The bullet(yeah,one) punched through 10 trees each about as thick as braviary with his wings tucked in...and that's not counting what it would have done without the squirrel,As I said,I could see the path,and control it,I made the bullet stop.just BAM done,no more momentum,just stop...and I don't know how...sir was puzzled by this,I think...can't really tell...As we began the trek home,I kept peppering the forest with shots,100 I counted,and...there's no clip...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"Isn't this illegal?", N asked whilst digging up the famous gravesite.

"No,since I a-", Muhti was cut off by police

"Durdurun! Hırsızlar! (Stop it! Theives!)", an officer shouted with a gun drawn.

"This'll be amusing, I'll deal with him. I know most languages since I am the Doctor.", Doctor Who said with a grin while Dimentio groaned.

"Biz, Smashboards Ulus. Bu, Cumhurbaşkanı Muhti.(We are part of the Smashboards Nation. He is President Muhyi)", Eleven took out a paper that was blank. "Bakınız? Benim hükümetin." (See? I am part of the government)

The officer nodded, took another good look at the strange group, and left.

"That was nicely done with no violence required.", Eleven said with a sigh of relief.

They continued to dig the grave. Until finally... "I hit something!", N reported.

They all took out the coffin with the dead body within it.

"Alright, do your magic. You understand the consequences. Right?", Muhti said. Dimentio nodded with a sigh and seemed to make his hands glow. When the blast of blast occurred, Dimentio screamed and fell to the ground.

"May I ask, what just happened?", Eleven asked while both N and him surrounded the collapsed corpse.

"Dimentio did something that takes much of his power, he revived a dead person. He did it once before, to revive himself, and before you ask how, he escaped the Underwhere and visited his body as a ghost.", Muhti said with the rattling coffin, "Back on track. May I introduce to you a very powerful man. Single handedly defeated 7 countries, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk."

The opening opened as a man got up, feeling his hands. And right when he spoke, he had a thick Turkish accent, You brought me to life..." He said with amazement.

N nodded, "No troubles sir.... Well, except him." He directed to Dimentio."But don't mind him." N added with a grin.

"And don't think you're going to get away with a powerful man like that... Son", a voice came from the eerie graveyard.



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
[COLLAPSE="Separated"]When smashfan woke up, he had a wicked bad headache. "Aaaaggghh..." he groaned "That's it, I'm taking a LONG vacation when this is over. you're welcome to come with, guys, if you want..."

He got no response...

"...Guys?" he called "Luco? Ashley? Xatu?"

Still no answer...

He took a good look around. he appeared to be in a barren, grassy area surrounded by subspace walls closing the place off. when he looked behind, he saw something he wished he hadn't...


"OH MY CELESTIA!" he yelped

Smashfan's yell of 'OH MY CELESTIA!' woke up the only two that seemed to follow him into this dimension, Mewtwo and Ashley, who were at the door to the library at the tree's trunk.

"Uuugh, my head" moaned Mewtwo.

"Where are we?" asked Ashley.

"We must've been separated from the others when the subspace bomb went off." smashfan answered. "We've been transported to Equestria, but look what's happened to it!" he gestured to the barriers of subspace enclosing them.

They knew that the Dark Ones must have caused this, as well as all their other attacks upon the worlds.

Smashfan was NOT about to let this slide. "Alright... NOW it's personal..." he snarled...

Ashley put in "Well, what do you suppose we do, then?"

"Simple." smashfan answered. "We rebuild Ponyville and push these subspace walls back. if we uncover Ponyville, we'll likely find a rift that leads out of the dimension... and hopefully back to the others..."

It was just then that smashfan started to hear his own stomach growling. he had not eaten in quite some time.

"...Perchance let's get something to eat first, huh?"

"Right." Mewtwo and Ashley agreed.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Windmill"]Mewtwo could only ask "One question... WHERE?"

"Mewtwo has a point." Ashley said. "There's only subspace for miles..."

Smashfan thought for a minute. "I've got it!" he said. "We'll build a windmill, that way we can make some bread!"

"Sounds like a plan," Mewtwo said. "But how are we going to build it?"

Ashley pointed to the library and said "We could use that tree over there for wood."

"F**k no," smashfan declined. "That's not only a library, but it's also Twilight Sparkle's house."

Ashley knew smashfan would stand by his brony ideals no matter what, so she said nothing further...

"Anyway," smashfan continued. "I've got an idea of my own." he used his avatar's unicorn magic to turn a nearby boulder into a phone and call the nearest carpenters. "Hello, instamill? yeah, it's me. listen, me and two others are stuck in an area of Ponyville closed off by subspace and need a windmill for bread, ASAP."

The man on the other end spoke in a gruff voice reminiscent of Francis from Left 4 Dead. "Ah, we've just heard about that. must've fallen through one of the pockets open above the skyline."

the group looked up and saw a square of clear blue sky that, from where they where standing, looked to be about 50 feet in the air.

"Just let me know which hole you're in, and we'll get to ya' quick as we can." the man on the phone said.

Smashfan couldn't make heads or tails where the hell they were beyond 'where Golden Oaks used to be'. "Uhh, i'm gonna hand you over to Mewtwo, he'll jump up and try to pinpoint where we are..."

He handed the stone phone to Mewtwo, who leaped high above the square of open area and performed a quick survey of the surroundings. when he landed, he told the man on the phone "Third square from Canterlot, just north of where the Everfree Forest used to be..."

"Ah, Golden Oaks." the phone-man said. "Gotcha', we'll be there in about 10 seconds."

"A little ridiculous," Mewtwo thought to himself, "But whatever works, I suppose..."

Soon enough, a plane hovered just above the area they were in. a workcolt called to them. "Okay, we're gonna drop the mill on top o' ya'! just lemme know when you're ready!"

The three took shelter just underneath the library. Mewtwo spoke telepathically to the workcolt "We're ready."

"Okeydoke, then!" he yelled to them. "Drop it, fellas!"

The windmill landed in the clearing just in front of the library.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Equine Assistance"]Just then, the door to the library swung open. a lavender unicorn with a mane and tail that were colored purple with a magenta stripe stepped out. "What in equestria is going on out-" she then noticed that the library was surrounded by subspace. then she saw the windmill not but a kilometer away.

She took the whole of the situation in, and thought "...well, f**k."

A small purple dragon with green spines soon followed out. "Everything okay, Twilight? I heard something HUGE fall out-" it wasn't long before the dragon, too, saw the current state of the perimeter. "WHAT THE SWEET FILLY LUNA HAPPENED OUT HERE?!"

"I don't know, Spike." said the unicorn.

"We do." said Ashley. she stepped forward, Mewtwo and smashfan following. "The Dark Ones happened."

Spike was confused. "Dark Ones?" he wondered. "And... isn't Smashfan supposed to be dead?"

Smashfan explained their situation. "The Dark Ones are ANOTHER group that wants to seize control of all the dimensions. one of their methods seems to be re-hashing The Subspace Emissary, like what they apparently did here..."

"We were separated from the rest of our group in a desperate escape from the doomed Fogbound Lake." Mewtwo added. "Now we only wish to restore Equestria as best we can and find a way back to our allies."

"We sent for a windmill to make some bread for our stay." said Ashley "It's not much, but it's a start."

"And as for me being dead," smashfan finished "Ashley here used an ancient ritual of my tribe to bring me back to life."

"Anyway," said Mewtwo. "If you would like to lend a hoof, ms. Sparkle, the Elements of Harmony would certainly be a most valuable asset."

Twilight thought for a moment. "Well..." she considered. then, she made her decision. "We'd be glad to help in any way we can."


Twilight Sparkle joined your team!


Spike joined your team


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Charizard finally plumped down on his bottom, he heaved an enormous sigh of defeat. "It's no use, We've been searching forever..." Gliscor walked out of a wooden doorway, picking women's undergarments off his shoulders. He looked to be in much better spirits. "Well, you sure know how to make a first class mess. I'll give that to you char", he noticed his firend's distress. "What's wrong"?

"Face it Gly, All of our friends, the very universe is counting on us to succeed, yet..."

"Yet all we've managed to do is trash billions of dollars worth of expensive stuff, and probably tick off one of the most powerful and obnoxious men in history. Yeah, life sucks".

Charizard wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Can you possibly try not to sound so damned cheerful for once"?

"I could try" Gliscor agreed.

Charizard sighed again, "What will Xiroey think when he finds out"?


"I don't know, he looks up to me. Or something like that."

Gliscor gave a theatric gasp of shock "Charizard, you of all pokemon can't possibly..." He made contact with one of charizard's baleful eyes, and realized that his friend was completely serious. "Oh... Well, I'm sure he wouldn't think any less of you. You are the one who trained him after all".


"And we haven't 'failed' yet. Even if we have to hide out here for days while we look, we'll find it." Charizard didn't look too convinced. Gliscor fumbled around for something else he could possibly say. Normally it was Charizard who was the one consoling him, not the other way around! He noted, his friend sure had changed a lot since he'd met the Eon. "Well, It does us no good to mope around here does it? You, get off yer fat rear and keep lookin, we ain't done searchin' this place yet!" He did the best impression of Master Cid as he could, winking to let Charizard know that he was mostly kidding.

His friend chuckled "You realize I'm going to have to kill you now? Right?"

Gliscor rearranged his features to show exaggerated shock, "Oh please! Don't You wouldn't"! Charizard rose up from his spot against the wall, he had a malicious glint in his eye. "I always wanted to try bat stew. Claws 'll go nice with a touch of lemon and season salt..."

"...Except you're a vegetarian"

"I'll make an exception"

Gliscor backed away playfully, "Hey, stand back! Don't come any closer or I'll!"- The pair of them suddenly went silent as footsteps sounded down the hallway. "Quick hide!" Gliscor nudged his head toward a pair of potted plants sitting over against the wall. Charizard scowled at the pathetic attempt for a hiding place, but Gliscor insisted, nodding his head more frantically. The footsteps drew closer.

"...Yes, and I'd like them all charged to President Muhti's bill. Yeah? Yeah, I'm can provide the necessary information. Uh-huh? No, I'm his adviser. Uhh... Just make them half of them pepperoni. Uh-huh, Yeah, the party's gonna be big!" The pair of rogues tried their best not to s******r from behind their tiny hiding place "...Some adviser" Gliscor whispered softly so that only his friend could hear. Charizard's face certainly looked a few shades pinker as he too, was undoubably trying his best not to laugh. "Looks like the 'prez' is even more of an incompetent idiot than i thought..."

The footsteps drew even closer.

"Gosh, you think he'll see us"? Gliscor brought his whisper down lower

"...Can't say, you picked the spot remember"

"Char, bring you tail in closer! Not too close! that flame's hot!"

The footsteps stopped.

"Oh no... we've been spotted." Gliscor heart was beating like a rabbit's. The entire plan was about to go up in smoke! In what had to be the biggest releif the pair of them had ever expereinced in their lifetimes, they heard the footsteps resume. This time moving away. Gliscor and Charizard both released the breaths they had been holding.

"Wow... too close" Charizard was panting hard, trying to bring air back into his lungs.

"You said it, I thought I was going to have a heart attack! Why'd he stop?"

"Don't know, but if nothing else, I know one thing".


"We'd better keep looking".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Latios scowled dubuiously at the portal that had opened up before them. "This one looks a little iffy, doesn't it"? He had his arm crossed firmly across his chest. Mew seemed to share his sentiment, it's tail giving a couple of nervous twitches. "You're not chickening out are you"? Tetra smirked, she elbowed Latios in the side, making him scowl more deeply. "These things have an unamusing habit of exploding whenever they look like that." Latios voice was a low growl. His negative attitude was uncharacteristic, given his normally cheerful nature; but, something about the shady-looking portal just didn't sit right with him. Tetra elbowed him again. "Don't be such a wuss" She teased, eliciting an unhappy grown from the unhappy eon."

"Bring er' in" Tetra commanded! Barking for Helmroc to go ahead and enter. Latios' eyes grew wide as he saw the five of them enter (The male who had gagged him earlier sat at the back, not having said a word the entire trip).

"I-I want off!" Latios stammered. He began to fidget uncomfortably. Tetra only laughed, shoving Latios playfully in the side.

"Too late to fly off now!"

Frantic, and horrified, Latios entered the portal.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh ummm... yea I can take that... only problem is that I thought smashfan had entered with me (otherwise I wouldn't be so cheery). Maybe you can open a portal to Terranigma - earth and re-group? The small details can be more-or-less forgotten about, all it would mean is I was a little sadder after entering in to Arc's world.

Oh, by the way...


Ark has joined the team!




The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Evil time! :evil:
As well as a continuation of Frostwraith's story.
In the Dark Ones' hideout, the most powerful of the Dark Ones reunited again to plan further attacks.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - In My Hands

"So, the Subspace Bomb attack was successful?", asked Palpatine with an evil smile.

"We took down part of that wretched group. Now, we can send our forces and destroy the Pokémon world.", answered Archimonde, a powerful Demon Lord.

"Good... good! Let the invasion begin... with the Burning Legion attacking, they won't have chance... ha ha ha ha...", evilly stated Palpatine.

"Not to ruin this party, Lords Archimonde and Sidious... but, the Master insists on bringing Frostwraith to him. Besides destruction, our priority is to bring Frostwraith here and alive.", noted Ghirahim.

"Of course... based on the information of the Underworld forces, he is currently in Angel Land.", reported Ganondorf.

"Yes... that cultist attempted to force Dark Pit into joining us... but Frostwraith managed to stop that.", remembered Ghirahim.

"It's proof of Frostwraith's power. That's why we need him alive... we can't let such innate talent to slip away from us...", said Palpatine.

"That's mostly correct, Lord Sidious.", agreed Ghirahim.

"Well, then, Lord Ghirahim... try to find Frostwraith. Take him down and bring him here.", ordered Palpatine.

"So shall be, Lord Sidious.", responded the Demon Lord.

While the Dark Ones plotted their next move, in Skyworld, Frostwraith recieves a message from the other teams, who reported on the situation where they were.

"Cynthia, Pit and Dark Pit. Come. The other teams have contacted me and will soon open a portal to a new world. We shall reunite there.", said Frostwraith to his team members.

"But, Skyworld will be defenseless against the Underworld.", said Pit.

"I don't think you should be worrying about that.", said Dark Pit.

"He's right. Besides, the Dark Ones clearly want something from me. And this might be the best opportunity to find a safe place."

A portal began to open.

"This is the portal Luco opened. Let's not waste any time.", said Frostwraith as he entered the portal.

"Well, see you on the other side!", said Pit in his usually cheerful voice.

Arriving at the other side, Frostwraith looks around to find Luco and the others distantly.

"There's Luco and the others. Let's go.", said Frostwraith.

"What is this place?", questioned Dark Pit.

"I have no idea, but we're surely going to find out.", responded Cynthia.

Frostwraith looked at Luco's group, noticing two kids he never met before. "New allies?", he thought as he approached the group.

And that's it! The group is reunited again.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Dang, I can't write a story yet, never played a game with a place called terranigma. As for chrono trigger, i've only seen past previews on x-play, yet never actually played it.

I'll leave the story to you guys, but i'll come back to see how far we are in the story in a little bit.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
That arc dude seems familiar...

He's from an old sage game I no it!!!!! Or maybe its someone else...





Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Oh haha, Guess I might as well too~ ;)

Has joined the Brawl!

[glow]Helmroc King[/glow]
Has joined the Brawl!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I think it's about time I progressed both my stories.
So, I'll be working on that today!~ ;)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oops, sorry! I typo-ed. 'Ark' with a k, not a c. :p

Anyway, i'll leave the writing to Xiroey for now. Don't worry guys, I picked Terranigma specifically because it's a very unknown game. All I plan for us to do there is talk strategy and then we can strike un-seen, ya know? It's one of the few 'safe' universes I know of. :D


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[glow]1 Month : 21 Days remaining

Gengar's eyes once again drew apprehensively to his watch. As had become his habit since the new week began. In the solitude of their metal shelter, it was all he could do to pass the time. Ironic, that was exactly what he was trying not to do. Gengar felt the warm fur beneath him vibrate, signaling to him that Entei was up. It raised it's head out of a sticky pile of drool on the ground and let out a big yawn, the heat within the creature causing the cramped cell to heat up at least a dozen degrees.

Gengar finally peeled his eyes off his watch "Morning big guy, you sleep well"? Entei's only response was to give him a dopey look, then try it's best to clean up the crusted drool around it's face. That was okay, Entei never was very talkative in the mornings. Gengar got up as well, grunting as his stiff joints stretched and then creaked. Despite their questionable living quarters, he'd slept like a log all though the night. He'd been so tired from endless searching the night before; and Entei's fur had been so warm and soft. He couldn't even remember falling asleep.

In a bit of a haze himself, for he too had just woken up, he waddled over to the entrance to the cell. A good taste of his Shadowball, and the lock obligingly flew open. He nodded his head for Entei to follow him. The coast was clear, not a guard in sight. Entei still looked like it'd rather squeeze in a few minutes of rest rather than search through the bottom of a dirty castle, but it stood up and followed nontheless.

Outside the cell, the two of them found themselves staring down an imposibly long two way corridor. The cell that was their hiding place was situated almost exactly in the middle of that corridor. Gengar made a brief guesture with his arms. Making an L shape with both hands, bringing them together, and then pulling the two apart. Entei nodded, then started down the opposite path. Gengar watched it go a little regretingly. Searching down a creepy cellar completely on his own wasn't exactly high on his priority list. But, they'd cover more ground this way. They couldn't afford to waste any time, since time was constantly ticking down against them.

Gengar took the other hallway. His tiny feet levitated only a short distance off the ground. He was like a black shadow without footsteps. They'd already searched all the cells on this level prior to settling down for the night. Now it was time to search the cellars another floor down. "In retrospect, maybe we should've volunteered to take the top floors" He thought bitterly. Everything was always so paifully clear in retrospect. Thinking back, he couldn't even remember what he'd been thinking then!
Grudgingly, he turned a corner. Now Entei was completely out of sight. He was on his own...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You're on your own buddy!" Gliscor laughed like a madman, then gave his buddy Charizard a hearty clap on the shoulder. The force of it nearly caused him to spew out his punch. "W-why'd you go and do that"? He sputtered, Getting emberassing red stains all over his white front. Gliscor noticed the look.

"Relax man, it's a party! You were bound to get dirty anyawy!" Charizard was still fuming, "Well, it wouldn't have happened so soon if you hadn't broken my concentration!"

"Just shut up and chug will ya?" Gliscor handed Charizard another barrel of punch, then gave him a wink. Chariard grudgingly decided he'd make his friend pay later for messing him up like that, then picked up the heavy metal barrel. The motion drew a familar round of cheers from the croud.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The chanting came from all round them. Gliscor patted him on the shoulder again, only much more softly this time.

"Better give them what they want... we're under cover remember"? He whispered it into his ear so that only Charizard could hear. So that no one would be suspicious, he took the jug in Charizard's claws and tilted it up above his chin. Charizard obligingly drank. The crowed "oohed" and stared with awe as the tall barrel was empied in a matter of seconds.

"You call that a drink!" Charizard boasted when the barrel was completely empty. He gave a loud belch to prove his point. "Come on, I'm still thirsty!".

In the midst of the uproar, Gliscor silently slid away. Squeezing himself between a pair of weathy teenagers dressed in white suits. They gave a small protestest as Gliscor barged his way through them, but were instantly back to cheering again as Charizard completely downed yet another barrel.

Out on the safety of the sidelines, Gliscor began his search of the main balcony. He searched inside of purses, handbags, satchels. He checked under tables and inside suitcases. With a dissatified groan, he realized the object he was looking for wasn't anywhere around here either.

"How hard can it be to track down one lousty time gear!" he shouted to himself. Then placed a claw over his mouth. He'd almost just given himself away. Thankfully everyone else was already preocupied in the main lobby. No doubt Charizard was still going, he could keep up the display for another ten minutes if he absolutely had to.

A hand on his shoulder made Gliscor jump. "Haha, told you I'd get ya back!" Charizard laughed, swaying on his feet. Gliscor looked at him with shock written all over his face. "Shouldn't you be back there entertaining the crowd?"

Charizard hicced "Crowd... Oh yeah, Melvin's got it. You seen the moves on that guy? Duu-Duude can reaaaaly move". He hicced again. Gliscor was appaled. "Charizard, are you drunk?"

"N-No." Charizard lied. He leaned over the railing to steady himself. A glass of alcohol in his right claw pretty much gave away the fact that he was indeed drunk. Gliscor faceclawed.

"Duude! You're going to blow the whole mission now if you don't sober up! Give me that!" He tried unsuccesfuly to snatch the drink away.

"Nuh-uh-uh" Charizard teased, dancing away with surprising quickness "We've been looking nonstop since we got here. I'm tired of hiding out in some stuffy old room. Why dont we have some fun for once?" It took all his mental effort not to slur.

Gliscor shook his head. "We don't have time for this! Times ticking away with every minute. There's no telling if the time gear will even be here any longer!"

"I know... But that doesn't matter anymore because I found it."

Gliscor's next retort died on his lips. "Y-you what"?

"Their using it as a party piece at the top of the soda fountain! Haha, I could hardly believe it when I seen it"!

Gliscor tilted his head "I'll give you a pass at the bad grammar. Come on! We need to come up with a plan".

"Already done that too" Charizard hicced. Gliscor was dubious.

"You? You managed to come up with a plan while you're liek that"? Charizard nodded hazily.

"It's so obvious whe-when you really thininink abouout it..." Gliscor shugged, then leaned up against the railing. He was all ears.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear this..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a deafening clatter of glass, Charizard burst back into the main lobby. "Everybody out! His girlfriend just broke up with him and my buddy is NOT happy!" Charizard blew white flames toward the celing to help solidify the point. The guests needed no further prompting. "Every man for himself!" One particularly brave football stud screamed, before shoving his way past two helpless ladies. "Cool the flames man, I think the get the point." Gliscor elbowed Charizard in the ribs to let him know he could stop. With a hollow 'clomp' Charizard's mouth slammed shut, cutting off the torrent of flames. By this time, pracically everyone on the premises had evacuated the room.

"Well well, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but this was a pretty good plan"! Gliscor Congratulated Charizard by giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. The impact nearly made him fall over. "Oh, sorry!" he appologized, steadying him. "How much did you drink anyway"?

"O-one glass". Gliscor blinked with disbelief. "Y-you mean to say, you got that tipsy over just one glass"? Charizard nodded. In his drunken haze, he didn't know how to feel emberassed. Gliscor shrugged, that was just one more thing to add to the list of things that were odd about his friend.

"Well, since we're here, why don't we nab us a time gear, eh"? Charizard hicced his agreement. "Eh!" He agreed. He had to lean forward to right himself since he had shot his fist into the air to let Gliscor know he agreed with him. Upon seeing it, Gliscor had to fight the overwhelming urge not to facepalm again.

"Come on". He promted, then tugged Charizard along.

It took them all of one minute to get the Time gear dislodged. Careful not to break it (Even though time gears are technically impossible break, save by the one who made them) Gliscor shot a series of weak pebbles at the bright cog to knock it off the statue. It wobbled a few times, then fell off with an icy 'clink'. Charizard caught it within his claws.

"Got it!" He exclaimed. Then growled threateningly when he saw two of Muhtis' forces enter the room.

"Sir, we've confirmed target of the two troublemakers. Awaiting futher orders. Over". Charizard decided to cut directly to the chase. "Hey, dirbags!" he tossed the time gear at them like a frizzbe. It clonked the first one on the head and he went down with a grunt. "Charizard!" Gliscor squealed.

"Relax, I'm on it."

He charged at the group of soldiers, causing the first few of them to shrink back. They didn't even have time to register the time gear on the floor as Charizard plowed his way into them. Gliscor took advantage of the moment of chaos, and shot a few rounds of his stone edge into their ranks. Each stone struck another soldier on the head with deadly accuracy. The entire group was dispatched within seconds.

"Come on! Lets go!" He beconed a claw towards the open balcony. Charizard nodded, scooping up the time gear in his claw as he went, then followed Gliscor off the edge. Rounds of gunshots tailed them as they took off into the cool blue twilight.

"They've got guns?" Gliscor squeaked. He dove down low to the courtyard to help bring himself out of range. The spay of bullets missed him. Charizard, meanwhile had trouble stabalizing himself. His movements were completely erattic, jutting down, then swinging over to the side before going trough a 180 barrel roll and returning to his original height. "Guess all that drink actually did him some good" Glsicor remarked. The two of them cleared the Castle wall, bringing them into the relateive safety of the streets. The guns had long since fallen out of range.

"Come on!" Gliscor said. He pulled own into the wreckage of the main plaza. Charizard heard the message and soon followed. "There's no wind, I'm afraid I won't be able to glide any further right now. Sorry char". Charizard shrugged. "Nothing either of us can help. Let's get our sorry hides out of here before these humans turn us into stew!"

They ran.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Actually, I can't really think of anything right now. All anyone really needs to do is 'discuss the next plans', looking at the missing team members, time gears, etc.

Also, we haven't had a good battle in ages. We really need to make something like that happen.

One other thing as well...


Uxie has joined the group!


Dunno as to when smashfan will pop in as well.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Patching a Plot hole

As he lied there in the middle of a sweltering wasteland, tumbleweeds taunting him as they tussled across hot sand. Latios was forced to come to a final, infurating conclusion. "They left me!" Latios shouted indignantly. He pounded his claw into loose sand, and was rewarded with a burnt claw. He shrieked and yanked his claw away. "Last time I try anything stupid like that". He blew a cool breath of his Icy Wind over his claw to cool it. The feel of it made him sigh with relief. "Okay, well. This is fine. So they left me behind... It's not like they need me or anything. I've already changed the time stream enough as it is just by being here. They can find the rest of the time gears on their own".

The cactus he was talking to didn't offer any helpful feedback. "You know, it would really help a lot of you didn't act like such a vegetable"! He gave the cactus a firm scowl then turned his back. "I mean, sure! I go through hell and highwater to bring myself back here so that I can help them... And they go and leave me behind like a piece of discarded trash! HOW DID I EVEN BLOODY END UP BACK HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He was practically screaming by the time he reached the end of his rant.

The cactus said nothing.

"Damnit, talk! I'm going out of my mind here! Why don't you say something"?

"Maybe because you're talking to a cactus".

Latios started. Honestly, he hadn't expected the plant to say anything at all. It may have been hot, but hadn't gotten that dilusional. Yet. Curiously, he poked the plant with his index claw. "Uhh... Hello"?

"Hello" The cactus responded in greeting. Okay, that was wierd.

"Uhh... well. Never thought I'd meet a talking cactus before. How are ya? Name's Xiroey. At least my friend's call me that. But you can feel free to call me Latios if that's less confusing." In his stupor, he actually put his claw out to the cactus so it could shake it. Eventually, he realized that, though it apparently could talk, the plant wasn't going to animate anytime soon. He slowly let his claw fall.

"Sooooo, Wow. Not many things you can discuss with a cactus. H-how are you talking right now? Do you use your plant veins as a voice box or..."-

"Are all legengaries as silly as you"?

Latios put on his best indignant face. "I'll have you know most people would be chewing their socks right now if they'd come around a plant that could talk".

"You have a good point"

"Of course I do. I'm always right after all."

"You are are you"?

"Well... except for the times I'm wrong anyway".

"Why don't you turn around sunny"?

"Sunny? Wattup with the old man lingo? And why do you wan't me to turn arou"-

When Latios turned around he realized just how silly he was actually being. "Yooouuur're not a cactus"

The large black and red aligator in front of him nodded.

"No, but I believe I know one of your freinds".

Latios warily floated over to the bigger-than-average Krookodile. "D-do I know you by any chance"?
This made Kroododile laugh. "No, don't believe you do!" He extended a claw for Latios to shake "Kroododile. Former member of Impact,and friend of Charizard. Heard a lot about ya. Nice to finally meet you"!

Latios was admitedly a little put off by the sheer force of his friendly greeting. "Uhh... Nice to meet you too... Krook".

Krookodile laughed again "Haha! Well, already trying to get informal are we? I see how it is! All right Xir, why don't I lead you the heck out of here"?

Latios was liking this guy instantly "Yes, I'd apereatte that. Thanks".


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Here's another part.

With Frostwraith's team's arrival, the group standed united once again.

"I am glad you are all safe.", Frostwraith greeted.

"Okay, could someone explain what's going on here?", asked Ark, confused by the sudden arrival of a large group.

"You must be... Ark, right? Luco already told me about you. Well, I suppose we do owe you an explanation...", responded Frostwraith. "Luco, do you mind?"

"I don't. Well... we come from many different worlds on the verge of destruction.", started Luco.

"On the verge of destruction?", Ark asked curiously.

"Yes. There's a group that calls themselves the Dark Ones that seeks to conquer all the dimensions. All that motivates them is destruction and lust for power.", continued Frostwraith.

"Does that mean that this world could be in danger?", asked Ark.

"The Dark Ones still don't know about this world's existance. That's why we're seeking safety here.", answered Luco.

"However, if we take too long to defeat the Dark Ones, they may eventually find this particular dimension.", explained Frostwraith.

"So, you need our help too?", questioned Ark.

"We would appreciate it.", said Frostwraith. "By the way, Luco, what happened to Smashfan, Mewtwo and Ashley?"

"They were consumed by a Subspace Bomb.", responded Luco.

"What? The Dark Ones have gone far enough...", said Frostwraith.

"You said you ran into trouble as well... could you explain it?"

"Of course... it seems that the Dark Ones have taken control of the Underworld Army in Angel Land. Eventually, we went to some ruins and we found what could be a hideout for the Dark Ones. We were attacked by a cultist who used a spell on Dark Pit, who became no more than a puppet to him."

"Well, he seems okay now..."

"Yes... but to take control of another body like that, it takes powerful dark magic. And who knows? They could try this on one of us or something."

"It's a scary thought. Anyway, we still need to find the remaining Time Gears and the missing team members."

"Yes, that's why we must discuss our next step... Fortunately, I don't feel any evil presence here. But we should remember that the Dark Ones are causing destruction as we speak."

"I know. We should focus on finding the Time Gears first, don't you think?"

"Yes, that's a priority, as the Dark Ones are after them too. We may be lucky enough to find some of the members of the group."

That will do... I think.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

+resident evil 6- mercinarie mode game play music!!+

(This widely out of your league)

*disk scratching*

???: wake up

No I don't wanna go home I...I

Asora: *sigh* wake up

Wha, are...are u real!! God thank u!!

Asora: its me Asora....

(Shaking head) err mybad....WHAT????!!!!

Asora: Zues said that some is here to see u.


Asora: F*** I. Don't no!!

*sigh* its always something



Ur being sold for 19999999999



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

So if I help u guys out.. 8 get what ever I want?

Krazy 8's: yep!

Hmm is it really worth it helping out... a hot wheel car.....hmm your gonna have to let me think...

Harry potter: a geez do we really need him

Krazy 8: yea! Well are u gonna help us?

Hmm I'M THINKING!... how the hell can u grant me what ever I want?

Timesplitter: its th wond bro!!!! Th WOND!!!

Harry potter: I can grant almost anything.

Then why do u need me?

Krazy 8s: because itssss... not that powerful.

Ok then before I help with... whatever I'm gonna need a few things

Harry potter: name it.

a ferrari!

Harry potter: done

Some cool fluffy dice!

Harry potter: done.

Some hot chicks!

Harry potter: sure

Some sesimie seeds to feed the chicks!

Krazy 8s:.....

Harry potter: wait what I thought u ah?

I'm kidding

Harry potter: oh ok ok I was confused for a sec.

Make them regular seed!!




The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"Lord Sidious, I have dire news.", reported Ganondorf.

"Tell me.", responded the Sith Lord.

"The battalion of Underworld troops we sent to find Frostwraith and his dogs hasn't found any trace of him in Angel Land. We searched other dimensions as well, yet we found no trace of him, nor any of his group, besides some who got caught in our Subspace Bomb.", continued Ganondorf.

"That is most... unexpected and undesirable. Anyway, how is the invasion of the Pokémon World coming along?"

"Good enough. Lord Archimonde and his demonic forces have already started to plunge the Kanto region into chaos.", noted a member of the Shadow Triad.

"Good. Knowing Archimonde, he won't rest until the whole dimension is consumed... after all, his Burning Legion has already consumed thousands of planets in his home dimension. The destruction of the Pokémon World is just a... warning... for the others who dare to oppose us.", spoke Palpatine.

"A new era is upon the whole multiverse... a new age in which the great Master will rule all...", said Ghirahim, agreeing with the Sith Lord.

"But before the Master dominates all, we must find Frostwraith... alive.", remembered Palpatine.

"Yes... he's the one the Master seeks. He's the one instrumental to the Master's plan.", said Ghirahim.

"I will give Kefka and his forces the task of finding Frostwraith.", said Ganondorf as he left the room.

Going to another room, where Kefka and Porky stood with an army of Underworld forces and some Burning Legion demons mixed as well.

"Lord Kefka, we have decided to leave the task of finding Frostwraith to you. Once you find him, report and send Rugal Bernstein to fight him.", ordered Ganondorf.

"It shall be done, Lord Ganon... uwee hee hee hee hee...", said Kefka maniacally, like someone who clearly had pleasure with the suffering of others.

Warcraft III - Doom

In the Pokémon World, Archimonde's forces have begun to invade Johto, razing every city standing in their way. Some people were already evacuated, but they stood no chance against the demonic forces of the Dark Ones.

"Pathetic! These humans are the same everywhere! Weak and useless creatures!", roared Archimonde.

"At least, the creatures native to this land still put up a fight.", calmly said Kil'jaeden, another commander of the Burning Legion.

"Ha ha ha! What are you saying? They are all the same, all weak and all pathetic! Look how they perish against their inevitable doom!", roared Archimonde even louder.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage

In Terranigma, where the group planned their next move.

"Guys! I have terrible news!", said Pit, nervously, drawing the attention of the whole group.

"We spoke to Palutena now and it seems the Dark Ones have sent one of their best commanders.", continued Dark Pit.

"Lady Palutena told us the Pokémon World is being invaded by a demonic force named the Burning Legion.", reported Pit.

"No!", Frostwraith panicked.

"What happened?!", reacted Luco.

"During my dimensional travels... I went to a land named Azeroth... One of the things I've learned there was precisely about the Burning Legion... It's a vast demonic army that seeks the destruction of whole worlds... before they have stepped in that particular land...", explained Frostwraith, finishing with a long silence. "...they already had decimated thousands of planets before..."

"What do you mean with that?", Xiroey questioned, nervously.

"The Pokémon World... may be lost. Forever.", answered Frostwraith. "There's no chance we're going there. We cannot stop an army so powerful, even divine forces will be a match against them."

"Arceus may be our only chance!", noted Pit.

"Well... maybe. And even so... it's hardly fair game for our side.", noted Frostwraith.

"We can't sit back and allow this to happen! We have to do something!", said Xiroey.

"Have you heard nothing of what I have said?! We don't have the power to defeat a powerful legion like that! If you don't trust me, check this by yourselves!", said Frostwraith, preparing a spell.

Suddenly, an orb appeared allowing the group to watch what was happening in the Pokémon World.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Last Day

"See that blue skinned huge demon? That's Archimonde, one of the Burning Legion's mightiest Demon Lords. He's incredibly powerful.", said Frostwraith.

"Everyone standing in his way is completely decimated! That's horrible!", said Cynthia, saddened by the destruction of her world.

"The massive hordes of the Legion destroy and corrupt anything that stands in their way. Their leader won't stop until all opposing him is destroyed.", further explained Frostwraith.

They continued to watch the Pokémon World's destruction. Suddenly, Archimonde stopped to give a speech.

"Hear me, dimensions! This is a warning to all those who oppose us! Those who surrender and kneel before our Master, pledging allegiance to him, will be spared! Otherwise, you will be decimated like these wretches were! If that won't stop you from opposing us, maybe THIS will!", roared the Demon Lord.

Suddenly, Primal Dialga appears and uses a Roar of Time so powerful, it sent the whole of Goldenrod City back to the time before civilization existed.

"This city is no more! The Master hopes you will understand this warning. We came and doom will come to all who dare to defy the might of the Dark Ones!"

Frostwraith made the vision disappear.

"We need the remainder of the Time Gears, if we want to stand a chance against them...", said Frostwraith.

Sinister stuff... :evil:


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
All in all a day later


Krazy 8s: there he is! Are enemy! Are target! He is the one!

The who?

Krazy 8s: mars u no!!! U made him my arch nemises!!

That's..that's rocket!

Krazy8s: he escaped the real world hotwheel realm using some sorta energy apperatice.

What does that word mean?

Krazy8s: no time!! MARS WE MUST FIGHT!!!!!!

Aww but I'm no good at battle sequences...this is gonna be ruff.



Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(After frostwraith's vision disappears)

Richard: Aaaarrgghh!!!! No one threatens my world and gets away with it, this is personal now.

Frostwraith: Richard, we have no chance against them without the time gears, so calm down.

Richard: Hmm....Wait!

(Richard starts to think back before the events that lead to his time travel experience and has a vision.)

Luco: What did you see?

Richard: I know where one of the time gears are, maybe the last.

Frostwraith: Where?!

Richard: Back in my lab in my world, on the abandoned ship arcadia, somewhere where we did experimentation with the t-virus!

Frostwraith: Then let's be off, and quick!

(The group heads through the portal and arrives on arcadia)

Pit: This world is gloomy.

Richard: Come on, there's no time to waste.

(The group heads inside of the ship)

Richard: This way! Let me open the air-lock door now.

(Richard types in the security password and the door opens)

Cynthia: Is this the lab?

Richard: Yes, look over there!

(The group spots something with a red glow on a work table next to some viles)

Frostwraith: Yes, this has to be the last time gear.

Richard: The thing is, before i met you all, i never considered it to be anything important except something to look at, guess i was wrong.

(After finding yet another time gear in a short time, located in richard's world, what dangers does the group face? Find out next time.)



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The sound of an Ocarina pierced sharply though the night, the sweet tunes rousing Xiroey from his slumber. Xiroey rose and rubbed his eyes, his mouth opened in a wide yawn. "Can't be morning already", he mumbled with his eyes still closed. Who could possibly be playing a musical instrument this late at night. A quick glace down reavealed that Krookodile was still sleep. The large aligator was curled up Armadillo style with it's head resting comfortably on a pillowy mound of sand. Xiroey hesitantly scooted away from Krookodile's front, which was currently his only source of warmth. The brisk night air chilled him.

"I...I know this tune". Xiroey realized suddenly as memory clicked into place. It was faint, but visions of a time when he and his sister were kids flashed through his mind. "That's... our old Lulaby". He got up. Krookodile stirred slightly as it, too, felt it's only source of warmth move away. "Surely it's not possible, is it"?

Almost in a daze, Xiroey truded across the sandy wasteland. He sweet tunes of the ocarina called him forward. Twice, he stumbled, falling face first into cold sand before rising up and shivering. Still, he carried onward, he ignored the dark. Partway through his walk, a group of lyrics from his early days flashed into his mind.
"Deep inside the Oran Forest

Far away in peaceful slumber

Dreams unfold of snowy mountains

Hidden in a silent land"

Could it be? Could it really be the same song as then?

"Deep inside the Oran Forest

Tales unwind of lands untold

Nestled in deceitful memory

Never for man to behold ..."

His feet kept moving, bringing him closer. With a start, he realized the music had stopped.

Coming out of his daze, Xiroey realized he was standing at the edge of an incredibly wide canyon. His feet were perched precariously at the edge, each toe hanging over the edge of the pit by at least an inch. Heart pounding, Xiroey gave a leap back. Had he really been about to walk straight off a cliff just now? And why hadn't he noticed it until now? His feet were practically hanging off the edge, yet he hadn't bothered to look where he was going the entire time he was walking. His blood began to flow more quickly when he realized that he also wasn't alone.

Turning around, Xiroey came face-to-face with a familiar green haired youth. He was dressed casually in Kakhi shorts and a White T-shirt. The expression he wore was surprisingly friendly. It was almost like he didn't have him trapped with his back to a cliff in the middle of a cold empty desert. Xiroey could hardly believe what he was seeing! he had to blink several times to make sure the boy he was looking at was actaully there. He was.

And so was his Axe.

"Hello Brother". Spirit said with a smile.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Another Time Gear, nice.
The group remained inside the lab. Suddenly, they hear someone laughing. It was a maniacal laugh, surely one of the Dark Ones.

"Imagine finding the whole bunch of you here."

"That voice... it's Ghirahim...", Frostwraith observed.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Lord Ghirahim

"Oh, hello again, Frostwraith and friends. Well, look at us again. This is another of our meetings, isn't it? It can't be a coincidence. There's no way that it would be. We are all bound to a thread of fate, you know what I mean? All these happenings... the rise of the Dark Ones... It's a sign of change... a sign of something new to come.", spoke the Demon Lord in a quiet, formal tone of voice.

"What do you want?", said Frostwraith impatiently.

"Always impatient, aren't you? You know what I came after... those little tools... the Time Gears! Let's strike a deal, shall we? You give me the Time Gears and you will be left alone or even as privileged members of the Dark Ones... what do you say?"

"You would expect us to betray our convictions and join the likes of you? We have come far enough for this to happen.", said Pit.

"What a bother... seems that the likes of you should be dealt with... I will start with the little boy Luco this time... we can all agree with this, can't we? What fun is to have you outnumber me? It wouldn't be fun for any of you, am I certain?", continued Ghirahim, as he created a force field.

"Luco, take this.", said Frostwraith, giving Luco his sword before the force field was completely formed.

"Thanks, Frost."

Inside the force field were Luco and Ghirahim, while outside of it, the remainder of the team, ready to deal with Ghirahim's minions.

"Now, boy... let me show you how the Dark Ones deal with opposers... you will witness it first hand...", said Ghirahim extending his arms, with them turning black.

"What the?", said Luco confused.

"Lovely, aren't they? You will find my skin tougher than any armor... Doesn't it leave you... breathless?"

Luco made a slightly disgusted face.

"BEHOLD!", Ghirahim said as he striked a pose.

"Such beauty! Such a pure form! Such an exquisite physique! Such stunning features!", continued Ghirahim to yell flamboyantly. "Yes... I got it all, haven't I? There's one teensy little thing I lack..."

"Ugh...", Luco muttered in disgust.

"... namely mercy!", manically finished Ghirahim, with his tongue sticking out.


Demon Lord

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ghirahim Battle 2

Luco wielded Frostwraith's sword firmly in his hands, confident in the battle against the Demon Lord. His thoughts were with his team. He had to focus his magic as well: it was one of the Dark Ones he was facing, and he had to give his all.

"Luco! That sword has magic proprieties! You can channel magic to the sword and strike with it combining both magic and physical strength!", explained Frostwraith.

"Thanks again, Frost! I will do my best!", responded Luco.

"We're counting on you! Show that Demon Lord what you're made of!", encouraged Xiroey.

Ghirahim wielded two swords, which could prove to be an advantage for him.

Luco shot a blast of water at Ghirahim, who defended. Ghirahim remained defensive, forcing Luco to attempt another attack, this time with Frostwraith's sword. Ghirahim defended and gave a powerful blow to Luco, knocking him down.

Luco resisted and got up. Using Frostwraith's sword, Luco shot an icicle at Ghirahim, hurting the Demon Lord.

Ghirahim jumped and attempted to stab Luco from above. Luco backflipped and countered with the ice-imbued sword.

Ghirahim, more furious, slashed Luco's arm with ferocity, crippling Luco.

"Now, I shall beat you up to an inch of your life... What a pleasure this will be!", commented Ghirahim.

"I don't think so!", Luco got up and quickly used his magic to heal the wound.

Ghirahim attempted to stab Luco from above again. Luco prepared an ice spell, dodged the attack and countered Ghirahim with a razor-sharp icicle, rendering Ghirahim frozen for a while.

"Now is your chance, Luco! Strike!", yelled Ark from the other side of the force field.

"Hi-yah!!", yelled Luco as he stroke Ghirahim with Frostwraith's sword, defeated Ghirahim.

"Urrghh... enough... of this... nonsense... I am Ghirahim, Demon Lord!", said Ghirahim, coughing heavily. "You filthy scamps! You have awakened a fury in myself that will last an eternity! The next time we meet, I will make you suffer like never before!"

Ghirahim teleported away and the force field was dispelled. The battle has been won.

"Well done, Luco.", said Frostwraith.

Luco returned the sword to Frostwraith.

"Now that we have all the Time Gears, we should head back to Final Destination. Master Hand is waiting for us.", said Xiroey.

"Right. Let's not waste any more time.", said Frostwraith as he opened a portal.

Arriving at Final Destination, they meet again with Master Hand and Arceus.

"You have done well on finding all four Time Gears...", complimented Master Hand.

"A good part of the Pokémon World has already been decimated by Archimonde. I tried to stop him, but my power was insufficient.", said Arceus with sadness.

"The power of the Time Gears is, however, a part of all the power we need. With them, we may save Dialga from the hands of the Dark Ones, though. That is your next mission... save Dialga and bring it here. I will give you further directions once you fulfill that objective."

"Understood.", replied Frostwraith.

"I have good news, as well. Here are some members of your team... the Shellshockers, Rawk Hawk and Regirock. With Uxie and Regirock on your teams, you would be wise to find the remaining members of their trios.", said Master Hand.

"I also want you to meet someone. I'm sure you know him well, Cynthia.", said Arceus.

A man with red hair stepped into the scene. Cynthia immediatly recognized him.

Pokémon Black / White - Alder's Theme

"Alder, is that you?", asked Cynthia.

"Yes. Arceus saved me from Archimonde. Those are hard times, but we must fight together against those who seek the destruction of the worlds. I am glad to help you all.", said Alder.

"You are welcome to our team. We have gathered allies from many worlds. We fight for the same cause.", said Luco.

"Now, on to saving Dialga!", said Pit cheerfully, inspiring confidence to the whole team.

Alder has joined the team!

I really was inspired today, no? =D

After fighting against Ghirahim again, the group reunites with Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers and Regirock. With Alder joining the team, they now focus their efforts on saving Dialga from the Dark Ones' influence.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Just gonna set up the battle. I rushed this out in under ten minutes, so bear with a sleepy me.


"Oh, yes. It is Ghetsis! You're Overlord of the Pokemon World! Bow or suffer!", Ghetsis said while raising his hands.

Everybody started laughing except Dimentio, who was gaining his energy, and Mustafa, who was still shocked he was alive.

"You? And what army?", Doctor Who said with a snicker.

"Ah yes, Doctor Who, the Dark One has a gift for ya!", Ghetsis shouted and took out a gun. He shot it (it was a laser) directly at the Doctor, then, he degenerated back to David Tennant.

"The hell! Stop this father!", N shouted.

"Father? I adopted you and brainwashed you! Ha! Also...", he shot the 10th Doctor again and he degenerated again, into the 9th Doctor, the Underated One.

N sent out his Zekrom to attack, "Now what? You and your puny Pokemon? Against us? Doctor Who can still kick your ***. And Muhti can track you with the Leaders of the Worlds!"

Ghetsis smiled, "That's why I came prepared...."


A silence occurred with only the gust making its music. Everybody was in shock, then more "Exterminates" arose. Afterwards, robots came out.

"Daleks", the Doctor said with a heavy voice of Eccleston.

"And Muhti...I have a surprise for you.", Ghetsis said with a sardonic tone.

A girl leapt at Muhti with full speed and tackled him with full force.

"'Ello Muhti..."

Muhti was bewildered and out of breath by the events. "MARI!?"


Battle will be written tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Who da hell.......


-character select screen-

Player 1 chooses rocket
Player 2 chooses spider (hotwheel)

Player 4 chooses Mars16

*disc scratching*

What why am I player 4

Krazy 8s : jus go on with it.

I hate being player for! If you were watching the stream ud learn player one gets all the good benifits

Rocket: fine ill be player 10 ( all bad guys laugh at mars)


Rocket: bring it punk!

Ford gt: YO MAMA!!

Rocket: yo mom so fat that when she were's a yellow raincoat people yell taxi! ***

Krazy 8s: say what! This is...wha

Ill handle this....(clears throught ) yo mama....err yo mama.....

Rocket: heeeeeeeeeeee,s chooking!



crowd from out of no were: *LUAGHING*

A geez!!! Were getting are *** kicked.

Krazy 8s: my health is low. My percent is 299

I wish the girl was here right now....




Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
[COLLAPSE="The Pigs"]---{LOCATION: Conference Hall of the Dark Ones}---

As our heroes struggle to find the Time Gears, Sidious, Ghirahim, Ganondorf, Teridax, and the rest of the Dark Ones discussed their next plan of action.

Sidious was the first to speak for some time. "It is quite the advantage we have now that Fogbound Lake is no more."

"Indeed..." agreed Teridax. "You were right to activate the subspace bomb when you did, Sidious..."

"However..." the Makuta added "I suspect Smashfan may not have been completely halted... I sense his presence has resurfaced in the land of Equestria..."

Ghirahim was quick to criticize. "Ah, you're full of it, Teridax." he scoffed. "As long as he's out of the way, he can do no harm..."

"Do not be so sure, demon lord." Archimonde added. "The ability to negate the existence of a large portion of a dimension is insignificant next to what the smashfan tribe is capable of..."

"Master Archimonde is correct." Ganondorf said. "Smashfan666 has turned his misfortune in the opposite direction many a time before long ago, so it is likely he will be able to do so here... we MUST take caution in any attempts we make against him..."

With that, Sidious pressed a button near him. "...Send in the pigs..." he spoke to the intercom, then released his finger from the button.

The automatic door slid back to reveal the Pig King and his band of rotten-to-the-core porkchops, the Bad Piggies.

"You requested our presence, Lord Sidious?" the Pig King spoke.

"Master Archimonde has an assignment for you, pigs..."

Archimonde gave the Piggies their orders "You are to go to Equestria, and impede Smashfan's progress. regardless of what methods you take, just remember... we want them to be left ALIVE..."

"I understand, milord." said the King. "We shall not fail..."


[COLLAPSE="The Three Hunters"]"Frostwraith and his partners are stronger than they appear." Ghirahim spoke up. "They were able to best me quicker than i had anticipated."

"Because you are simply too haughty to take them seriously, Ghirahim." said Archimonde "It is clear to me that you are in need of some assistance if you are to properly apprehend Frostwraith."

"A crutch, more like it..."

Archimonde slammed his finger into the same intercom Sidious had used earlier, nearly breaking it. "Bring us the two Dark Hunters..."

"What help will those two crones be to him?" asked a pig with a helmet

"The green one may be the weaker of the two, but the brute of his larger companion makes up for his own speedy yet not-as-hard-hitting attacks" Teridax answered.

With that, two biomechanical beings not unlike Teridax entered. one green and serpentine with four spiderlike legs and two crablike claws. the other blue and white, and very large, standing roughly the size of Archimonde or Teridax. the large one seemed to have one eye larger than his other, looking almost like a scope. these figures were, respectively, Nidhiki and Krekka.

"These two will follow you on your next assault on Frostwraith and his team, Ghirahim." Archimond said. "Your backup, of sorts."

Ghirahim only scoffed at Archimonde's reasoning. "Phah!" he snorted. "Archimonde, you honestly believe that these two jokers could outshine the great demon lord? i've seen their work, and these two don't look like they could worm their way out of a paper bag!"

Ghirahim soon found he should have chosen his words more wisely, as Archimonde was staring him down to the floor with a glare that would make even Sauron tremble in fear.

"You are NOT to leave their vicinity..."

Sidious grew tired of watching the demon lord argue with one he could not hope to win against. "That will do, Master Archimonde."

Quickly, Archimonde retracted back into his seat in the center of the hall. "Bickering will get you nowhere, demon lord. you will do as I say, or you shall be cast into the pit... AGAIN..."

Dire memories came flowing back to Ghirahim...

He REALLY didn't want to go back into the pit, so he said nothing further.

"Now" continued Archimonde. "Nidhiki and Krekka are to accompany you in following Frostwraith. with their help, a far more fruitful capture is, shall we say... assured..."

"Understood." Ghirahim snarled, reluctantly. then walked out of the door with Nidhiki and Krekka. "C'mon, you two. we haven't got all day."

Before leaving the room, however, Nidhiki turned to face the Dark Ones. he looked at them all with a cold glare and said...

"You'd BETTER remember this..."

And with that, the two teams were off. Ghirahim to track down Frostwraith with the two Dark Hunters, and the Bad Piggies to stop Smashfan...



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Xiroey had to blink several times just to confirm that what he was seeing was actually there. What was happening was simply impossible; and yet, there he was, his brother, standing there as if he'd never experienced that gruesome death. He couldn't allow himself to believe it. After so many years of fighting off grief, and countless more tangling with regret, he'd finally come to terms with his brother's death.

Yet, despite all odds, his brother was there, smiling at him. He couldn't help it. Xiroey started to cry. "This is impossible. You can't be here". Xiroey started to sniff. The tears were flowing completely unhindered. He was here, the brother he'd desperately wished would come back. He'd even prayed to the almighty arceus offering his life if only he'd return. Ten years of grief hit him again all at once. And the worst feeling of all, it was the feeling that what he was actually seeing might actually be the real deal.

Spirit smiled. That big brotherly smile that always used to make him feel better when they were kids. He spread his arms, a signal Xiroey simply could not ignore. Despite the awkward circumstances, and dispite the axe that was cureently being wielded in Spirit's left hand, Xiroey rushed forward and pulled Spirit into a tight hug.

"I don't believe it. You are real!" Xiroey choaked between sobs. Spirit never dropped his smile, he embraced Xiroey as well. "I missed you, little bro". It was true, the Spirit Xiroey currently held was completely solid, and his hugs were exactly as he remembered them. Eventually, Spirit's axe did vanish, and all pretenses were dispelled. This meeting was no trick. Xiroey felt himself hugging tighter. An endless river of emotions hit him wave after wave. Spirit simply stood there, seemingly undisturbed by the fact that his shirt was getting wet. Quite wet actually.

After what had to be an eternity, the tears finally stopped. Then Xiroey was able to bring himself to look into his brothers eyes for the first time in so long. "How?" His voice was raspy and rather hoarse. Emotional breakdowns would do that. For the first time, Spirit actually looked sad. "I don't know" He admitted "One second I was with Mari, watching over all of you from a place far away. The next, I was here. And now I'm with you".

"But..." It was getting painful to talk "Surely you must have some idea of how you came here"?

Spirit sighed "I really wish I did. I've been wondering it myself. But, as much as it pains me, I don't really have time to dwell on that." Xiroey finally let go. For the first time, he picked up a hint of something different in Spirit's voice. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about him wasn't quite the same as ten years ago.

"I don't really have time for anything nowadays. When I first came back, i couldn't remember anything. Only now, as I woke up after terrifying dreams, I remembered you".

"You lost your memory"?

"Aye, I woke up in the middle of a crater and some group named "Impact" found me. But, then, I wasn't ready to be around so many different faces. so I ran away. Then I was captured. I... was shown many things. The world is not as I remembered it to be..."

Xiroey couldn't help but note the slightly darker tone in Spirit's voice as he said that, "The world isn't the same"?

"Proud legendaries are being used as slaves. The lands have been devided where they were once stood in unity. And even now, countless innocents die. Their deaths, brought by sins not wrought by their hands." Spirit began to step back. Xiroey could physically feel the atmosphere between them changing. Alarm bells were ringing. Something wasn't right about this situation.

"Brother, who captured you? What exactly did they make you see"?

"I saw... I saw you... doing terrible things. Even now, I can see it in your eyes. There's darkness inside you".

"You're not making any sen"-

"You tortured countless innocents just to gain revenge. You walk the path of a demon. I never thought I'd say it. I can't let you leave here Xiro". Spirit took on a battle stance.

"Spirit, look. I know I've done some terrrible things. But I'm here to fix that now! I... I'm not the same person as you saw before"-

"You murdered your friends. I'd really like to take your word. Some people do chance, but what you've done. No simple apology can change that".

"...You can't really be thinking of"-

"Prepare yourself Xiroey".

Death Match!
[glow]V.S. Spirit[/glow]

♪ Battle Music

Just as he said it, Spirit's arms crackled with energy. With incredible speed, Spirit launched a relentless barrage of orbs at Xiroey. He managed to doge the first few, but the last orb slightly grazed his skin. His arm lit up like fire.

"H-Hidden Power"? Xiroey squeaked, he cradled his ingured arm in his left. Spirit was coming at him again. If he didn't do something quick, he wasn't going to make it. His stomach contracted painfully like he was going to be sick. He never in a milion years thought he'd be doing this. He fired a jagged bolt of lighting at his brother.

Spirit blocked the attack with ease. As the bolt drew near his eyes glowed. Immediately, recognized the tactic. The bolt connected with Sprit's Psychic, going up against a powerful barrier. The attack bounced off harmlessly. And now Spirit was even nearer, drawing ever closer into deadly CQC range. Xiroey knew he had to get away. His body glowed with a dark arua as he let the darkness within him briefly take over. He was a shadow pokemon now. Thought it didn't mean much since Spirit had undboutably already seen his abilities, it did give him a slight edge. Spirit was undoubtably the better fighter. He was stronger, faster, he was more expierenced. But Xiroey was more unpredictable. He planned to exploit that advantage the best he could.

The dark aura clung to Xiroey's body like a disease, ever so slightly distorting his image. He brought the faces of his palms to the ground, then channeled the energy through them. The ground reacted instantly.

"Take this, Shadow Rave!" Xiroey called out. The act of calling out his attack was meant to distract Spirit. It worked, Sprit halted his charge unceartainly. That's when the ground benath him erupted.

"Whoa"! Spirit jumped back just as jet black spikes jutted out of the ground. He was nearly scewered, the last of the spikes missed him by less than an inch.

Xiroey saw his opportunity, he channeled his energy again, this time into his surroundings. He felt the wind behind him starting to pick up, his body got began to feel lighter. Sprit recovered and instantly noticed the breeze. His eyes widened slightly when it dawned on him that this wasn't the same tiny Eon he'd had friendly duels with years before. "Hmm... Not bad, I see he's somehow managed to learn Tailwind. I can't allow his speed to overwhelm me". Spirit's mind was working even as he saw Xiroey rush at him. Within seconds, the gap between them was closed. Then suddenly Xiroey's arm was whizzing at his head.

Spirit ducked and parried Xiroey's Dragon Claw, then retaliated with a Shadow Claw of his own. Xiroey reacted quickly, tossing up his Protect to block the blow. Spirit's claw bounced harmlessly off the barrier. "Not bad. Not bad at all" Spirit complemented. Xiroey's barrier fell, suddenly he was exposed. Just then Spirit had his chance. He dealt Xiroey a crushing blow to the knee "But, you've still a lot to learn little brother". Xiroey gasped in pain as he felt bones give. It felt like Spirit had sruicken his leg with a ram. He might as well have. Xiroey's memory flashed back several years ago to his victory against Diamond Tiara. He'd won by surprise factor alone then, landing a crushing blow of his Earthquake in the form of a flying straight punch. That was what Spirit did then. Sprit's Earthquake powered each of his moves. While the attack as normally aimed at the ground, it could do some serious damage when aimed directly at another person instead.

Spots filled Xiroey's vision. In what had to be the most agonizing thing Xiroey had ever experienced, he felt Spirit hit him again. This time in the ribs. He let out a great exhale of breath as all of the air force forcefully expelled from his lungs. He wanted to double over so he could catch his breath, but Spirit wasn't having any of that. Spirit struck him again, his fist buried itself deeply into Xiroey's Solar Plexus. Xiroey could feel what little air that was left within his body leave him again. He wanted desperately to breathe, but Spirit held the fist there. Just then Xiroey knew he was in deep trouble. Between the pain and the lack of of oxygen, he was starting to black out. His body crumpled over Spirits fist. Spirit saw this, and was displeased.

"Surely this isn't the extent of your abilities". He said scoldingly. He withdrew his fist. Reflexively, Xiroey's lungs expanded, taking in as much air as they could. Unfortunately, the action left him no time to toss up a proper defense. Spirit spun around, then landed a bone-crushing roundhouse directly into Xiroey'd temple. It was a mortal blow. No sooner did the foot connect did Xiroey feel all the fight leave his body. He flew a short distance, his body completely limp, before skidding to a stop somewhere at the base of a large dune. All vision was gone at this point. Xiroey could feel himself breathing, albiet very painfully, but even that taxed at the remainder of his stregnth.

Just before he blacked out completely, Xiroey's senses alerted him of Spirit standing over him. "Be at peace now brother, for I put you out of your misery". That was it. Xiroey's eyes cracked open enough to glimpse Spirits foot coming down on his head. After that, he felt nothing.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
More evil, it seems. :evil:
In the Dark Ones' hideout, after they have plotted their move, Palpatine, or better known as Darth Sidious, as well as Archimonde and Ganondorf, headed into a circular room with a strange orb in the center.

"You called us, Great One?", said Palpatine to the orb.

"Yes... you, Ganondorf and Archimonde have been doing well...", a voice spoke from the orb.

"It is our honor to serve you, my Master.", said Archimonde, bowing to the orb.

"Ghirahim is proving to be rather useless so far... I believe the three of you have been doing well in commanding the Dark Ones in my... absence.", said the voice.

"Of course, Master. Ghirahim will feel your wrath, should he fail to bring Frostwraith alive.", assured Ganondorf.

"You know how desperate I am... my power grows thin... while the souls of those who have fallen in this war empower me and keep me alive, it is not sufficient for my return...", said the voice.

"We are aware of that, Master... for now, we will assure that the Underworld Army will keep bringing the souls you need. However, we also need those souls to ressurrect the Lord of the Underworld.", said Palpatine.

"I know... that's why you need to capture Frostwraith as soon as possible...", responded the voice.

Frostwraith and the team arrived to a torn Kanto region, in the Pokémon World.

Warcraft III - Blight (Undead Theme 2)

"Look at all this... it is completely destroyed... Archimonde surely couldn't have done this another way. The corruption... the taint of the land...", said Xiroey as he watched the war torn landscape.

The sky was darkened with demonic clouds, the cities destroyed, the land blighted and there was hardly any presence of life. In the cities there were corpses of people and Pokémon alike.

"This is horrible...", commented Pit, shocked with the state of the world.

The group continued to walk, arriving at Viridian Forest. The trees were dead and the land was horribly blighted. The water ponds, once bright and pure, were now, green and toxic. There was hardly any light or life in the world. It surely felt like a post-apocalyptic world.

The group watched the world, once filled with life, now dread with death and sorrow.

"This is the Burning Legion I've heard so much during my travels... dead people everywhere... the presence of fel magic is intense. Is this what the Dark Ones aim for?", said Frostwraith. "But we must find Dialga... he's somewhere in this world..."

The group continued to walk in the cursed forest, arriving at what once was the gateway to Pewter City.

"This used to be the gateway... the guards are dead, too...", observed Cynthia.

"Let's head to Pewter City.", said Alder.

The group arrived to Pewter City's ruins.

"Look at what's become of it...", observed Xiroey.

"Everything is destroyed... I don't feel any life here...", said Frostwraith.

"Lady Palutena says the same... it's scary... we've been walking through this region and there's no sign of life anywhere...", said Pit, a little scared.

"Yes, it is... the Dark Ones have much to answer for... this is not a war anymore. This... is genocide. So many defenseless people were killed in a few time.", commented Richard.

The group continued their walk, finding the entrance to Mt. Moon's cave blocked.

"Hmm... we need to find another way through... a portal will do it well.", noted Frostwraith.

Luco and Frostwraith opened a large portal to Cerulean City. It was as they expected, the city was destroyed as well.

"No sign of life here, too...", Dark Pit observed.

"So many corpses of people and Pokémon... they tried to defend themselves against the Legion... but their efforts were in vain...", sadly observed Cynthia.

"Since we've been to Saffron, Celadon and Fuschia Cities, we'd better head to Lavender Town and then go to Vermilion City.", planned Frostwraith.

Going through the Rock Tunnel, they haven't found any signs of life as well.

"Archimonde's forces also razed this area... there wasn't any wild Pokémon there...", noted Alder.

The group arrived at Lavender Town. Frostwraith began to feel uneasy.

"What's wrong?", reacted Luco.

"I sense something... Chandelure, Rotom, Golurk, Froslass and Gengar...", said Frostwraith sending his Ghost Pokémon.

Suddenly, a group of Gastly, Haunter and Gengar appeared before the group, as well as ghostly Cubone and some ghostly people as well.

"Like I expected... ghosts... they may be vengeful or cursed, for sure.", noted Frostwraith.

"Should we prepare for battle?", asked Luco.

"Not yet... my Ghost-type Pokémon will attempt to commune with them. Xiroey, since you are a Latios, I need you to act as an interpreter."

"Got it."

Frostwraith's Ghost Pokémon began to talk with the Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, as well as the Cubone and Marowak.

"All right, Frostwraith's Pokémon are telling them of our intentions to defeat the Legion... they responded that they can't rest in peace, and that to cure this land we need the help of a Legendary Pokémon in Johto.", said Xiroey as the conversation progressed. "They are saying to search Ilex Forest..."

"Ilex Forest? They must be referring to Celebi! Celebi has time travelling abilities... with the help of the Time Gears and Dialga, we may restore the world to normal.", said Cynthia.

"If that's true, then we must head there immediatly.", said Frostwraith.

With the help of Lavender Town's ghosts, the group began to walk south, to arrive at Vermilion City.

"From Vermilion City, we can head to Diglett's Cave and go back to Viridian City. From there, we will head to Johto via Routes 22 and 26 and pass through the Johto Falls.", suggested Cynthia.

"That's a good plan.", agreed Xiroey.

"Huh? Someone is following us...", sensed Frostwraith.

"It's a Haunter!", noted Xiroey. "It looks sad, yet happy to find us... What's wrong, Haunter?"

"When they came and destroyed this land... my Trainer gave his life trying to protect the town... I have been lonely since then... those demons have taken a good amount of souls, claiming to be a sacrifice in the name of their Master... among them, was the soul of my Trainer...", said Haunter, who started to cry.

"He looks sad...", commented Frostwraith.

"Haunter is telling me that the demons have killed his Trainer and stolen souls as a sacrifice to their Master.", said Xiroey.

"Stealing souls?!", reacted Pit.

"What could they be using these souls for?", questioned Dark Pit.

"As you likely know, Pit and Dark Pit, souls are a great source of power. Surely, they must be harvesting them to empower themselves. I know, it's a crime against nature...", said Frostwraith.

"One more reason for us to unite against the Dark Ones!", said Luco.

"You're right!", said Pit.

"Yes... and Haunter? You have been following us to join us, right?", said Xiroey.

"Yes. I would be thankful... I need a new Trainer to keep me from being alone.", said the Pokémon.

"He wants a Trainer to replace his previous one...", said Xiroey, looking at Frostwraith.

"Truly? If that's the case... I will gladly accept him into my team.", said Frostwraith.

"Thank you!", said Haunter.

"He's thankful for that, Frost.", said Xiroey. "He seems to be holding something... is that an Eviolite?"

"It's from my Trainer... I will keep it as a memento.", said Haunter. "Plus, it makes me more powerful."

"Fair enough.", responded Xiroey.

Haunter joined Frostwraith's Pokémon team!

"Let's get a move on. Our objectives are finding Celebi and save Dialga. We have no time to waste!", said Frostwraith.

That should do it...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Well since the story is at its climax, i should figure out a way on how to arrive at ilex forest and the meet with celebi, then next would be to arribe at the dark one' lair.
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