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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Thank you very much Kind Sir's for your trouble. I'll be a bother to you no longer, farewell" A tall green haired youth bowed to a group of construction workers deeply. His voice was soft and sweet, like freshly picked apples. The old man and his Machop waved in return, thanking the boy for stopping by. "If you ever need anything else young lad, don't be afraid to ask!" The old man called in reply. "Thank you, I wont!" The boy yelled back, taking off in a jog.

Everything seemed to be in order around the town. The boy stopped for a second to quinch his thirst with a glass of lemonade from a local shop, then he was off again. All of this, and more, had become part of his daily routine in recent weeks. He passed by the Pokemon Center, nestled conveniently near the entrance to town right next to the pokemart. He passed the pokemon fan club and the small house at the edge of town near the ocean. A few of the locals waved at him as he passed by. He smiled and waved back, the people of the town enjoyed seeing him as he made his daily laps around the town. In truth, this was all part of an overall greater effort to keep the town safe from intruders.

"Patrol complete, and not a single board member in sight" The boy sighed, stopping at the pathway into the next route. He spoke to himself as he usually did when he was confirming a successful patrol. He took another sip of his lemonade, his slightly dry throat stung slightly from the acidic beverage. Nonetheless, the drink was still ice-cold from earlier that morning, and it felt nice. Wearlily, the boy decided to walk over to the side of the road, and sat himself down in the moist grass. This is where he would spend the rest of his watch until his Commanding officer came to get him. If any suspicious character's tried to make their way into town from the eastern route or the nearby cave, he'd know.

"Nothing left but to relax and keep an eye out" he yawned, content. The cold lemonade had done a great job of cooling him down, and his insides felt pleasantly chilly from the drink. It was a fairly hot day, but, he thought happily, nothing he wasn't used to.

A few familiar faces passed by as the hours drew on. Some waved at him as they passed, going on to train their pokemon on the local wildlife or meet up with friends. The boy called a breif hello to those who waved, and even a few who didn't. All in all, the people of the town enjoyed seeing him just as much as he enjoyed seeing them. The monotony of it all eventually got to him. Snuggling up against the rough treebark, and feeling oddly comfortable, he began to drift off.

Sometime later, The boy awoke, realizing that it was suddenly a lot darker than he last remembered it. Surely, he thought, he couldn't have dozed off for very long. He'd just taken a moment to rest his eyes after all. A friendly voice called down in greeting. "Always the viligant hawk of the town eh' Spirit" the voice laughed. Spirit gave the man a dopey grin and rose up from his cozy spot next to the tree. "Only the best to ensure the safety of the town." Spirit slurred, his eyes still drooping from sleep.
The man laughed again, then gave Spirit a hearty pat on the back. Spirit stumbled forward slightly from the impact, suddenly wide awake. "So, I take it you're here to relive me then of this important duty" Spirit half-joked, righting himself. The man, whom Spirit knew as his Commanding Officer nodded in reply. "Your duties are officially relieved for the day. Take the rest of the evening to relax, you've earned it." Spirit smiled and thanked him, then pulled him into a brief hug". "Try not to fall asleep, Russ." Spirit warned jokingly. Russel faked an aghast expression "Fall asleep? Me"?

"Heh, catch ya later" Spirit tossed the man a formal salute. "Later" Russel agreed. Slowly, Spirit began making his way back into town...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'll post something soon as well, I just haven't been posting things recently because i'm worried that muhti isn't going to post here anymore. :/

Also, for reference, the gems I get don't stay with me, I absorb them. As in, once I touch them they dissolve in to the air haha. >.>

Anyway, Xiroey, I honestly can't remember what I worked out for this gem. What was it again? :ohwell:


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I'll post something soon as well, I just haven't been posting things recently because i'm worried that muhti isn't going to post here anymore. :/

Also, for reference, the gems I get don't stay with me, I absorb them. As in, once I touch them they dissolve in to the air haha. >.>

Anyway, Xiroey, I honestly can't remember what I worked out for this gem. What was it again? :ohwell:
Didn't notice that small tidbit about the gems... meaning I created a plothole in my post...

isn't that great?

Anyway, I am looking forward to your next parts.

Edit: already fixed the mistake. I've altered the story to have Houndoom simply discovering the gem by mere chance.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
As soon as Spirit stepped back into town he immediately realized that something was amiss. The streets were empty. Spirit trudged warily into the deserted allyways, the wind howling ominously between silent buildings. The street lights had yet to come on, leaving the entire town looking flat and dessolate. A few pieces of litter blew by Spirit's feet as he made his way toward the main road that led to the Pokemon Fan Club on the opposite side of town. "Something must've happened", Spirit thought, a painful not begining to form deep in his stomach. He was suddenly assaulted by a sickening wave of guilt. Could this have been a result of him having fallen asleep earlier? Surely his senses would've alerted him if anyone suspicious tired to make their way into town?

He passed by the Fan Club, and made his way onto the Pokemon Center. He gazed toward the construction sight, and saw that the Man and his Machop had retired as well. The entire town was empty save for him. And a group of voices coming from a ways behind him.

Spirit's heartrate steadily began to increase. There were people in the streets! A quick listen told him that he didn't recognize any of their voices. "Outsiders..." Spirit breathed silently to himself so no one else would hear. As the voice drew nearer to him they suddenly stopped. Spirit began to sweat, the group behind him weren't giving off any hostile vibes. But, then again, the town was dark; and he was still wearing his uniform. There was no telling how long they'd let him be once they found out. "Okay..." Spirit thought to himself, "It does me no good just standing here like an object out of place. There's a good chance these people have something to do with the sudden dissapearance of everyone in town. If that is the case, they need to be handled immediately." With a slightly renewed resolve, Spirit turned around slowly to meet the group of voices that had suddenly gone quiet.

A rather small group of youths stared back. Most of them, to Spirit's surprise, looked to be no older than he was! But that wasn't what really made his head spin. The clincher was their faces. Spirit recognized several of them on the spot: The mysterious looking dark figure, clad in dark skull-embezzled robes, another boy slightly taller than himself, dressed in formal looking earth clothes. And still another, a bit shorter than the rest. He was dressed casually for the summer, in a T shirt and Cargo shorts. They were as mismatched as it came. Spirit immediately recognized them as part of the enemy forces.

"Halt" Spirit called to the Trio. He began walking toward them, and did his best to put on a convincing commanding voice. "you three don't belong here. What buisness have you in this town"? The dark clad figure looked up from his conversation with the casually dressed boy next to him, he turned and fixed Sprit with a gaze that was cold as steel. Spirit felt most of his resolve melt on the spot. "Greetings Officer" Frostwrath called politely, Spirit was surprised when he found that Frostwrath didn't mean him any harmful intent, even after he'd seen his army uniform. Perhaps he'd survive this situation after all.

"You're all not part of this section of town." Spirit said coldly. He reached into his coat pocket and took out a small envelope of folded parchment. "Are you not part of the rebel group lead by Frostwrath, Richard, and Luco"? Spirit asked. Luco's eyes widened a bit when he head his name called. "Rebel Group?" Luco asked.
The situation was starting to get tense, Spirit realized if he didn't handle this situation correctly, this just be his very last patrol of the city. He cleared his throat again.

"As I am not authorized to bring the three of you into custody, I am going to have to ask that the three of you leave. However, I also ask that you leave your weapons with me, as an assurance that you will try to make an attempt on my life, or on the city". Spirit's voice was hard, but his insides were like jelly. Would the three listen to him? Richard stepped forward, Spirit realized he had a gun at his hip.

"You wish for us to leave your weapons with you? Why should we do that"? Richard asked. Spirit picked up traces of hostility in Richard's tone. Not good. "L-listen, Protocol is protocol. I-If the three of you would j-just..." A flash of movement came out of Spirit's preiferal vision. Spirit jumped back several meters just in time to evade a jab from Frostwrath's staff. (Does he have a staff?)

"Great... Three against one. Lovely predicament you've managed to get yourself into Spirit." Spirit cursed softly to himself. Suddenly the group of three were on him. Luco managed to get behind Spirit, and lobbed an orb of water at his head. Sprit ducked, and was ready to meet Frostwrath when he launched a weak bolt of magical energy at him. Spirit sensed a bit of weakness in frostwrath as he unleashed his magical energy. Like he had already spent a lot of it not too long ago. He went after him. Spirit dodged the bolt, then rushed up to meet Frostwrath's side, and jabbed his elbow into it. Frostwrath doubled back, cradling his injured ribs; but then Luco was on him again. He created a sphere of water around Spirit to prevent him from moving, then Richard whizzed at him. Luco let the barrier fall at the last minute, and Richard landed a painful haymaker directly in Spirit's face. Spirit retreated a few steps, his vision blinking. Frostwrath seemed to recover from earlier, and had a pokeball in his hand ready to throw. Spirit realized immedately that he'd be in trouble if Frostwrath managed to get a pokemon out. He was already badly outnumbered as it was.

He surprised Frostwrath with a wreckless tackle, sending the two of them sprawling down to the ground, and causing Frostwrath's pokeball to roll away. "Luco!" Frostwrath called. Luco nodded and made his way toward the pokeball. Meanwhile, Richard came at him again. He hit Spirit with an impossible burst of speed, and kicked him several meters from his position above Frostwrath. Frostwarth gave Richard a thankful look, and he rose.

Spirit watched with horror as Luco walked over and handed the pokeball back to Frostwrath. He tried to rise, he coudln't let Frostwrath release whatever was inside it or he'd be done for sure. Frostwrath regarded him coldly as he rose. He seemed to come to some sort of a decision, then put hi spokebal away. Luco and Richard, likewise stopped attacking him. Spirit was confused.

"W-why... Why did you stop"? Spirit breathed. His everything was hurting badly, and it pained him to breathe. Luco shrugged, then walked over toward Spirit with his hand outstretched. "You don't strike any of us as a bad person. Despite what you think, we're not here to destroy the town, nor any of you. We merely wish for a safe place to stay for the night, and a hot meal." Spirit's senses told him that Luco spoke the truth. So the three hadn't come into town to cause havoc. But then... why were they here?

"I'm sorry" Spirit said honestly "but it my duty to keep the three of you out of this town. You are part of the rebel army that seeks to have Muhti and his Democratic empire removed from power. It would be against my code of ethics if I simply allowed the enemy to take refuge in one of our cities." Luco stopped walking. He still had his hand outstretched, but as Spirit and he locked eyes, Spirit saw something change. The friendly eyes flashed for a second, then Luco brought his hand up, palm first. "I'm sorry to hear that". Luco said sadly. He began building his magical energy.

A lot of things happened in that instant. Spirit was suddenly off the ground in a sudden burst of speed that shouldn't be possible for any meere human. Luco was shocked at the sudden burst of movement, and tried to hit Spirit with a barrage of Water orbs as he reatreated, but the green haired officer was too fast. Spirit managed to flank Richard and Frostwrath, and met the two of them with a pair of solid punches. Richard and Frostwrath both recoiled from the hit, they could also feel their faces getting hot, like they'd just been burned. They two of them looked over at spirit, and were shocked to realize, his hands were completely on fire! Blue fire to be exact!

"I will do whatever it takes to see that my duty to this city is fulfilled." Spirit said with rigid determination. Richard came at him again. He wizzed over to Spirit's side in attempt to flank him with bullets, but Spirit surprised him when he waised his hand to the assault, and took out an enourmous White battle axe. The bullets rebounded harmlessly off the metal, even those that did not make contact with the axe were shot harmlessly away. Richard was stunned for a second that his attack had failed, and that was all that Spirit needed to overcome him. In an amazing feat of stregnth, Spirit lifted the massive double bladed axe up in only his left hand. Then he charged at Richard again with the same speed he'd used before. Richard realized a little to late that he'd left himself wide open. His arm shot up and he shot a few bullets At spirit as he charged at him, but they were all deflected again.

Spirit swung the axe down hard. Straght down at Richard's head. Richard whizzed out of the way just in time to avoid being cleaved in half, but the resulting shockwave Spirit's axe caused tossed the earth up beneath him and sent Richard sprawling off ballance. "now!" Spirit yelled. He spun around and his axe started glowing. He pointed the tip of it at richard, which had a single crystal like- spike at the top, nestled between the two blades. The spike lit up like burning magnesium, the sheer intensity of it blinded both Richard, Luco, and Frostwrath, and they were forced to shield their faces and close their eyes.

"Love live President Muhti!" Spirit shouted, then unleashed a blast of light at them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I'll put it in my story but to have it easily found, this gem gives me protective/defensive magic, opening portals and fly. Also, like all other gems, my normal spells increase in strength as well. I may be able to post something soon.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
just pointing a slight mistake, Xiroey. it is Frostwraith (with an i between the 'a' and the 't') and not Frostwrath.
the name is actually frost and wraith combined, as in... ice ghost, freeze specter or other similar names. somewhat fitting, considering his more stoic personality.

while he can use magic without the aid of a staff, he could be using one in his weakened state to help him, so it isn't a bad idea at all.

also, you can post the second part. I will write when you finish yours.

EDIT: @Xiroey: I will just write a small segment, to flesh out Frostwraith's character a little more, I hope it doesn't interfere with your story.

Frostwraith was hurt by the light Spirit launched at him.

"Deluded... absolutely deluded... there's a big distance between loyalty and fanaticism... or fear... just when I thought I would avoid this nonsense... yet here I am on another senseless fight again...", thought Frostwraith as he took the attack.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Oh sorry, I haddn't noticed your name was spelled with an I. I thought your name was "Frostwrath" As in "Icy Fury" instead of "Frostwraith". :(

I fixed the mistake in my most recent post.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The door to the small white room opened and Spirit heard footsteps approach. He spun around in his chair, and his face lit up when he saw that the visitor was none other than the famous Muhti himself. He rose from his seat, humbled to be in his presence, and bowed low to the ground. "Mr. President. As promised." He inclined a hand over toward Richard, Frostwraith and Luco, all of which sat with enhanced magical cuffs around their wrists. They were huddled over in the corner of the room with their feet tied so that they could not escape. Muhti smiled when he sighted the three of them, all wrapped up like presents. He gave Spirit a loving pat directly on his head. "Good Job, I knew I could expect great things from you." Muhti said kindly. Spirit's face flushed beet red at recieving such high praise from the one he looked up to most.

"I was only doing my duty Mr. President." Spirit said modestly. Muhti gave Spirit a grin, then walked over to where the three party memebers sat over in the corner. "You may leave us now Spirit". Muhti said in formal tones. Spirit bowed again in response, then made quietly for the door.

When Spirit was completely out of the room Muhti smiled again. Only this time, it was a far less friendly smile. "Well, look who desided to pay me a visit". Muhti said, feeling for a second like a comic book villian. "You like my new security force? They really can be quite efficient." Frostwrath glared at Muhti, then spat in his face. "Release us at once. Your reign of tyranny has gone on long enough! Do you not realize what impact your actions are having on the whole of the boards? On the very fabric of Time itself"? Muthi sighed, stepping back and wiping the Spittle from his face. "You call me evil, yet you are the ones that behave like savages." Muhti said calmly. He discarded the hanckerchief he had used to clean the spit from beneath his eye and again turned to the tree sitting over in the corner. This time from a bit further away where their saliva couldn't reach him.

"First, I'm sure you all will be glad to know, the rest of your group managed to evade my troops when they made a sweep of the City." He saw Luco and Richard's shoulders slump slightly from the news. Sitting cooked up in a small white room for long periods of time without being able to know if their friends were okay or not... it had grown unbarable after the first few hours. Muhti chuckled "Relieved? Yes, I thought you'd be. We're all civilized people here. I see no reason why we should keep secrets from each other."

"What do you want with us"? Luco demanded butting in. Muhti took his eyes off of Frostwraith, and instead foced on the boy sitting next to him." His face twisted up into a sly smile "All in good time" Muhti said, "But first I have a question for you." He looked at the three of them in turn. Luco, Richard, then Frostwraith again. When he spoke again, his voice was low, almost at a whispter. "Where have you hidden the Time Gear"? He demanded.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aaaaaand... that about sums it up.

We've been captured, and Muhti has gained a powerful Ally. My brother!
I'll let you guys decide what happens next :evil:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well that went in an unexpected direction. Do the magical hand-cuffs suppress all magic? A sec, i'll edit this post to include a section of the story once answered. ^_^


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Aquatic base***

Finding everyone is the ultamite goal. I'm tired of this, first I'm in a cave chained up now I find my self under water in some sort of facility!!

Weegee: I don't think were under water.

There,s fish!

Weegee: there in glass.

god... this is a zone from Sonic deminsion.... were in the sega deminsion ahh why can't I just B..... somwhere like mustroom.

Weegee: I like it here the music is smooth.

Yea its got some rythm to it...




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Well that went in an unexpected direction. Do the magical hand-cuffs suppress all magic? A sec, i'll edit this post to include a section of the story once answered. ^_^
Yes indeed. :)
They're an improved version of the magical ropes in the previous story, and will bind any powers a person has.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@Xiroey: no problem with the name issue! =D

anyway, it's plot twist time!
"I'd rather die than tell you, tyrant! I will never forgive you for what you've done to my family!", began Frostwraith in a sudden outburst of anger.

"Really?", responded Muhti.

"You claim yourselves as democratic, you claim yourselves as civilized, you claim yourself whatever lies you have in stock at whatever time, yet you're the one cause chaos and mayhem throughout the multiverse and most of all, you're the ones who MURDERED MY FAMILY! What's that silence? Can't get another lie out of that filthy mouth, you twisted blackheart?!", yelled Frostwraith in much anger.

"Frostwraith!", reacted Luco, shocked at Frostwraith's anger.

"I'll make every single one of you pay for what you've done! I have longed for justice where it is due.", continued Frostwraith.

"I see you won't tell me about the Time Gear...", responded Muhti.

"Like I said, we will never tell you. Of the entire group, I am the one who knows about its location. And I will be dead before I tell you.", said Frostwraith with a calmer voice.

"Sounds like someone won't cooperate... lock them away.", ordered Muhti to Spirit.

The remainder of the group, now lead by Cynthia, has escaped, thanks to Palutena's powers. For their safety, they were brought to Final Destination, under Arceus and Master Hand's protection.

"So, Frostwraith, Luco and Richard were captured... and what's that bag you're holding, Cynthia?", asked Master Hand.

"This is a bag made by one of Frostwraith's ancestors... he once told me that it had a pocket dimension tied to it, allowing it to store an infinite amount of items.", explained the trainer.

"So, it means that the Time Gear is safe. Me and Arceus will guard it. It's too important to lose.", said Master Hand.

"Agreed. I'll guard it in a special dimension only I can access.", prompted Arceus.

"In cooperation with Dyntos, the Forge God of Angel Land, we've created a safe place for the Time Gear.", informed Master Hand.

"So, what do we do now?", asked Pit.

"We wait for the perfect opportunity to strike against Muhti. When he least expects it, I will lend some of my power to aid you. The situation has become dire enough...", responded Arceus.

A few hours later, in Muhti's headquarters, Frostwraith, Luco and Richard were called again by Muhti.

"I'm sure a few hours of isolation might convince you to tell me where the Time Gear is...", said Muhti with a smile that had "evil" written all over it.

"Before you fulfill your ambition, you must vanquish me. And if I die, knowledge on the location of the Time Gear is lost... forever. How does that sound to you... Mr. President.", mocked Frostwraith.

"ENOUGH! I would free you if you told me about the Time Gear, but that seems unlikely...!", yelled Muhti in frustration.

"Guess who isn't being so... civilized...", continued Frostwraith with his mockery. "Such reaction is proof of your pride and ambitions... now tell me... who's pulling your strings?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?", asked Muhti.

"You tell me... I don't think savages like us would understand the dephts and complications of... politics, right?", responded Frostwraith, with an even more sarcastic and condescending tone.

"You... you're getting on my nerves!!", yelled Muhti, who was getting desperate.

"You are a complete failure, Muhti. The Master couldn't have chosen a worse minion than you... useless garbage...", said a voice.

"What the...?", reacted Luco.

"What?!", reacted Muhti.

"Good... you're quite surprised, aren't you?", said a very old looking man wearing black robes, not too different than Frostwraith.

"That can't be! Palpatine?!", thought Frostwraith.

"The silence in this room... the hate coming from that man in black... everything that has transpired has done so according to the Master's plan...", said Palpatine.

"This is insane! Who are you?!", reacted Muhti.

"I am Palpatine, a Sith Lord and one of the Dark Ones serving our Master.", answered Palpatine.

"Care to explain who are those?", asked Frostwraith calmly.

"Of course... we, the Dark Ones, seek the destruction of the dimensions so that our Master will dominate all... we are a consortium of many powerful entities devoted to something greater than pathetic warmongering, though I must admit that it was something necessary, so we could work from the shadows... heh heh heh hah hah..."

"You've got to be kidding me!", said Muhti in shock.

"Good... your hate will feed us... ha ha ha..."

"To think Muhti was being manipulated this whole time, it's unbelievable.", said Luco, who was shocked as well.

"And just for kicks, the Master has ressurrected Zalgo among other friends... Come, Spirit, we have much to do..."

"As you wish... Great One.", responded Spirit with some remorse, teleporting away along with the Sith Lord.

"It seems that your presidency was... overruled...", said Frostwraith to Muhti.

"Don't mock me any more!"

"Stop dwelling on this nonsense. You either join us, or... join them. What will it be?", asked Frostwraith.

"Fine, whatever!", responded Muhti.

"Should I take that as a yes?", asked Frostwraith.

"Hmph... of course.", said Muhti as he joined forces with Frostwraith, Richard and Luco, albeit very grudgingly.

"There shouldn't be any more reason to forbid the use of portals, now is there?", said Frostwraith.

"Do as you want. I don't care.", responded Muhti who was completely blown away from the revelation.

"I can sense my powers recovering. This will lead us to Final Destination... from there, our and Muhti's forces will make a new plan to strike against Palpatine. I suspect major bloodshed in the forthcoming times...", said Frostwraith as he opened a portal.

Entering through the portal, Frostwraith couldn't help but think on Spirit and what possible motivations could he have...

I hope everyone is okay with this... heh heh heh... :evil:

though reluctanctly, seems that Spirit was serving Palpatine all along. :evil:

by the way, Muhti's alliance isn't definite, being more of like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" or "war makes strange bedfellows". You know what I mean.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Aw man!

I had a plot twists which ties with the last story.


And didnt Luco day he was going to edit and everybody not to do anything?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Aw man!

I had a plot twists which ties with the last story.


And didnt Luco day he was going to edit and everybody not to do anything?
Oh well, I can deal with it. The only thing is, if muhti isn't actually 'evil', as he says he isn't, there needs to be some explanation as to the death of Frostwraith's parents. We don't have to know it IC yet. Which reminds me, Frostwraith, IC you wouldn't be so happy to let muhti join our team. If anything, Richard and I would ask him and you'd be yelling at him for killing your parents - enter explanation.

Something like that.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@Luco: Frostwraith already had his dose of yelling. Besides there's a larger threat than Muhti as of now, isn't there? Frostwraith is more of the stoic type, he only shows more emotion in critical situations or when close to people important to him, he's been opening himself more to Luco, Richard, Cynthia and the rest of the group...

Seeing that Muhti was just a pawn of Palpatine (who himself serves someone higher), Frostwraith naturally began doubting about his parents' killers identity...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, well, I just went and did something that might be one of the biggest plot-twists of all time but there's no guarantee it will happen and we need time for this to work. No, I didn't edit one of my posts btw. You'll see.... ;)

@Frost: Yea, i suppose.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Shortly after muhti released Frostwraith, Luco, and Richard)

Richard: Hey muhti before we go to reunite our group, this is for being so blind. (Richard pays muhti back by giving him a slap upside his head)

Muhti: Ow! Why you little...

Richard: ack, that was for payback. so you can't hit me!

Muhti: Ooh, you'll get yours.

Frostwraith: Well we have to reunite the group by going to Final Destination and my energy is returning to me very quickly, i almost feel fully recharged.

Richard: Frostwraith, Cynthia still has that ancient tablet right?

Frostwraith: Oh yeah, i forgot about that, we can use that to teleport where cynthia is.

Luco: Then let's do it!

(Frostwraith, Richard and Luco use the tablet to teleport to Cyn thia and the others in Final Destination and finally meet up with them)

Cynthia: Frostwraith, welcome back.....

(The group suddenly turns after hearing frostwraith's name but suddenly notice muhti is with them)

Xiroey: Muhti!

Muhti: Hello useless, did you miss me?

(Frostwraith glares at muhti and richard slaps muhti upside the head again.)

Muhti: Argh, one more time and i'll slap you!

Richard: Now calm down now!

(The group laughs realizing muhti has joined their side for the time being)



Smash Rookie
Dec 31, 2012
None of your busiwax.
... SpinDoctor sits atop his throne, plagarizing the ending to Conker's Bad Fur Day. He sees what goes on in his kingdom, and finds that the group is in his kingdom without his permission. He powers up the laser and aims at them...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@Richard: Actually, Frostwraith opened a portal to return to Final Destination...

And, where did Xiroey come from? You do remember that he was separated from the group, along with Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers and the PSI kids, right?

Also, the ancient tablet is under Frostwraith's Zoroark's possession, not Cynthia's, though she does have Frostwraith's magic bag.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Dang, i misinterpreted, ignore that last post, i assumed you were just returning to fd, and i thought xiroey was with the group since palutena used her powers to bring them to her, that's all.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
only Pit and Dark Pit were saved by Palutena. Rawk, the Shellshockers, the PSI kids and Xiroey are still missing.

EDIT: Posting a continuation...
Returning to Final Destination, everyone was shocked to find that Muhti had joined the team, though Master Hand was more relieved than anything.

"It's good to see you safe, Frostwraith.", greeted Cynthia.

"Why is Muhti in your side?", asked Pit.

"Long story... I suppose I have to tell you everything.", responded Frostwraith in his trademark monotone voice. "It seems that Muhti was nothing more than a pawn to someone even stronger... someone pulling all the strings behind this war..."

"And who might be doing such?", asked Palutena.

"Apparently, Muhti was being manipulated by a powerful man named Palpatine. He comes from another dimension and apparently he and others are serving someone only known as... the Master. Palpatine had nothing to hide, though... their intentions are clear: they plan on destroying the entire multiverse, so that their Master can dominate all...", explained Frostwraith ominously.

"Did you find out anything else?", asked Crono.

"No, I haven't. Palpatine is part of a group known as the Dark Ones, as he said himself... whatever they're up to, it's our lives that are in danger. It's our worlds that are in danger.", continued Frostwraith.

"The Dark Ones, Frostwraith? Are you sure?", asked Master Hand.

"Couldn't be more."

"That explains everything...", said Master Hand.

"You were aware of the Dark Ones' presence?", asked Luco.

"I suspected their arrival but never got sure of it... until now, that is."

"We must make haste then. The Dark Ones are very powerful entities. We must unite and stop them at all costs!", said Arceus.

"What's the next step?", asked Dark Pit.

"That's a good question. I will open a portal that will lead you to the Temple of the Forbidden Ones... there, you will find important answers...", responded Master Hand.

A portal appeared and the group entered inside. They arrived at a desolate, grim place... it was dark and there was a huge, ominous temple. It looked abandoned, but everyone stood on guard, for the place looked dangerous. They entered the temple, only to find six pedestals and a stone tablet with something written on it in an ancient language.

"Frostwraith, can you translate this?", asked Richard.

"Hmm... it's the first time I see this writing system outside my family's books... let me refresh my memory for a bit...", said Frostwraith as he took an old book from his bag.

A few minutes later and Frostwraith began to read the tablet out loud.

[COLLAPSE="Inscription"]The Dark Voice lives...
The Dark Voice breathes...
The Dark Voice whispers through the heart of the living...
The Dark Voice has died already...

The Dark Voice was born...
Time and space are unknown to the Dark Voice...
Even Death fears the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is magic...

Every moment passes, the Dark Voice is born and dies again...
The Dark Voice thinks...
The Dark Voice knows all...
The Dark Voice commands...

All living beings are one as the Dark Voice!

A wish makes one die as long as the Dark Voice lives...
The Dark Voice is the truth...
The Dark Voice is one half...
The Dark Voice is happy...

The Dark Voice bleeds...
The Dark Voice is sad...
The Dark Voice is the herd composed by all the living...
The Dark Voice is good...

The Dark Voice is the seed of all the trees...
The Dark Voice is the remaining piece of the puzzle...
The unknown is known solely by the Dark Voice...
The question is: why does the Dark Voice exist?

Time, space and all the dimensions are as one in the Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice is legion...
Look around you and notice how all ties to the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is nothing but an illusion...
The Dark Voice is evil...

The Dark Voice is like a caring father to all of the living...
The Dark Voice is the brother and sister that all always wanted...
The Dark Voice transcends space...
The Dark Voice is perverted...

The Dark Voice is divinity...
The Dark Voice is one of many parts as a whole...
The Dark Voice is perfect...
The Dark Voice transcents the very existance itself...

Real or virtual... the Dark Voice is both!

The Dark Voice is older than some think...
The Dark Voice is the right path...
The Dark Voice is an ideal pursued by the strongest...
The Dark Voice is modest and careful...

All that remains in all existance is none other than the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice consumes...
The Dark Voice watches...
The Dark Voice never forgives...

The Dark Voice transcends reality...
The Dark Voice transcends imagination...
The Dark Voice transcends time...
The Dark Voice is caring...

The Dark Voice has always existed, exists and will always exist!

The Dark Voice is a monster of unspeakable ferocity...
Look around you and look at yourself, for all you see and feel is nothing but the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is history...
The Dark Voice is barely real...

The Dark Voice survives...
Anything that happens is the Dark Voice's doing...
The Dark Voice is innocent like a newborn baby...
The Dark Voice awakes...

The Dark Voice is the beat of your heart...
The Dark Voice never forgets...
Think of anything and notice that the Dark Voice already had the same thought...
The Dark Voice is but a memory of a past long gone...

The Dark Voice will rise from its slumber and bring peace to all!

The Dark Voice is demonic...
The Dark Voice is caring and forgiving...
The Dark Voice has atoned all sins...
The Dark Voice is twisted and depraved...

Order exists within the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice doesn't exist...
The Dark Voice is natural...
The Dark Voice is freedom...

The Dark Voice has forgotten all...
The Dark Voice is alone...
The Worlds are as one within the Dark Voice...
Nothing has any meaning, except the Dark Voice...

Bow down to the will of the Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice is the messiah everyone is waiting...
The Dark Voice sleeps gently...
The Dark Voice is to be expected by anyone, anywhere at any time...
All questions have an answer tied to the Dark Voice...

The Dark Voice began...
The Dark Voice is gone forever...
The Dark Voice is the key that opens all doors...
The Dark Voice is the very concept of humanity...

The Dark Voice is the one everyone counts on...
The Dark Voice is the friend everyone trusts...
The Dark Voice has no will of its own...
Every path leads to the Dark Voice...

All that happens is part of the Dark Voice's scheme!

No one knows about the Dark Voice...
The Dark Voice is, for it is neither...
The Dark Voice is the secret everyone hides...
The Dark Voice is a manifestation of jealously...

Emotions are tools used by the Dark Voice to expand its influence...
The Dark Voice is the monster everyone feared in their youth...
The Dark Voice is just past the border...
The Dark Voice is the temptation all seek to resist...

The Dark Voice fights...
The Dark Voice is eternal...
The Dark Voice is tempting...
Count the walls around a squared room, the fourth is the Dark Voice...

Nothing can stop the inexistant Dark Voice!

The Dark Voice has chosen everything...
The Dark Voice rules through an iron fist...
All existance belongs to the Dark Voice...
You are the Dark Voice!
"This is very strange... what could be the meaning of all this?", wondered Cynthia.

"I have absolutely no idea...", responded Frostwraith.

this might be one of the most bizarre parts of the story...


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Why.......just why......


In the after life zone ( located close to sky world)****

Wilfre: amazing they escaped the after life deminsion.

Fusion mars: no way u just noticed

UBer Mario: damn concluded

*meanwhile somehting came up *



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
You guys, we're forgetting that mew, mewtwo and Xatu were all muhti's prisoners. Seeing as the 'dark ones' didn't bother trying to attack us, it's safe to say they wouldn't want Xatu or Mew/Mewtwo either... so theoretically we rescued them from New Hyrule castle.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
here's another part...
Returning to Final Destination, Master Hand already reunited the previously warring teams to form a small army and face against the Dark Ones.

"Muhti, is your team ready?", asked Master Hand.

"Yes... although Porky, Ghetsis and the Shadow Triad are missing.", responded Muhti.

"Hmm... they likely have aligned themselves with the Dark Ones...", suspected Arceus.

"It is likely. The Dark Ones were manipulating Muhti all along, so it's likely that they were faking their allegiance.", agreed Frostwraith.

"With Muhti in our side, we don't have to worry about Mew, Mewtwo and Xatu. They will join forces with us.", said Luco.

"That brings us to our first mission... The Dark Ones have begun their attacks on the Mushroom Kingdom. We must head there first.", ordered Master Hand.

"I have located Xiroey there, we could find him and protect him from the Dark Ones.", noted Palutena.

"All right, let's not waste any more time.", said Frostwraith as he opened a portal to the Mushroom Kingdom.

"And before I forget... the temple you went is an important place. You will understand it later...", said Master Hand.

Arriving at the other side, and the group noted something terribly wrong. The sky was covered in dark red and purple clouds. It gave a chaotic feel, especially those who were more sensitive to magic power...

"Urgh... this energy... it sure must be the power of the Dark Ones...", said Frostwraith as he stepped into the now chaotic Mushroom Kingdom.

"Someone's coming... it's the Shadow Triad!", warned Luco.

"What?!", reacted Muhti.

The trio appeared out of nowhere.

"What are you doing here?", asked Muhti.

"You are no longer useful to the Master... we shall end your journey here...", said one of the members, before the trio vanished again.

The floor began to rumble and suddenly, Molgera appears out of the sand and starts attacking the group.

"This giant sand snake... Molgera! Attention! The tongue is the beast's weak spot!", warned Frostwraith.

"Lady Palutena, isn't Molgera one of...", called Pit.

"Ganondorf's minions? Yes, it is. Try to fire at its tongue, it is the weak point of that creature! Watch out for its underlings though. Even though they're small and fragile, they can prove to be quite a nuisance.", responded the goddess.

"Watch out, Pit! More enemies incoming!", warned Dark Pit, as more of Ganondorf's typical minions attacked, ranging from Peahats, Moblins, Bokoblins to the more powerful Iron Knuckles.

"This is going to be tough!", yelled Luco, who kept shooting his water spells at Molgera.

Protector of the Seal

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Molgera Battle

That does it for now... Ganondorf and the Shadow Triad are also Dark Ones, alongside Palpatine and Zalgo...

the current team:
[COLLAPSE="Master Hand's Army"]Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Muhti, Luigi, Light Yagami, Doctor Who the 11th, Kirby, Meta Knight, Tails, Naoi, Tachibana Kanade, Dimentio, N, Arceus, Palutena, Dyntos, Master Hand, Crazy Hand, Crono, Lucca, Magus, Marle, Frog, Ayla, Robo, Albert Wesker, Red, Xatu, Mewtwo and Mew

Frostwraith - Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk, Froslass, Rotom, Gengar, Umbreon, Zoroark (Shiny) and Houndoom
Luco - Pikachu, Riolu, Charizard and Luxray
Cynthia - Garchomp, Lucario, Spiritomb, Milotic, Roserade, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Eelektross, Braviary and Glaceon
Muhti - Blaziken
N - Zoroark, Vanilluxe, Klinklang, Archeops and Carracosta

Missing: Xiroey (Latios), Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers, Regirock, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney, Ninten, Ana, Loid and Teddy[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
And soon mars the hero will come and save the day!!!!!!!!!

And i remembered... I remember everything )almost)


The after deminsion****

Fusion mars: I can't believe this *laughing* the great Mario has ran out of lifes.

King wart: I'm so gonna get to kick his *** again!

Fusion Mars: guess who else is dead?!

Wilfre: who?

Fusion mars: go back to page 1

*they all luagh evily*

* history is still in development*




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
You've forgotten Robo, Frostwraith, and every trainer should have their pokemon there. Include N's team, for instance. =)

I was half expecting my plot-twist not to work. It's a possibility at this point. nothing certain... but a possibility.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Is this being abandoned? I don't think so! It's time for some EVIL! Muahahahahahaha! :evil:

While Master Hand's Army was fighting Molgera, in a unknown place, the Dark Ones plotted something sinister...

"Muhti was an easy target to take down... fortunately, Ghetsis and the Shadow Triad were quite helpful in this task...", said Palpatine.

"What is our next plan?", said Ganondorf.

"Simple. There's another faction which must not join that dreaded Master Hand.", reported Ghirahim.

"What would that be, Lord Ghirahim?", asked Palpatine.

"Lord Sidious, I do not know much about it, but I know some of its members are Ichigo, Bowser and King Mickey. If they discover about our presence, they will likely oppose us... and we seek to destroy any opposition before setting our plan into motion, is this not true?", responded Ghirahim.

"As once one said... oppose rhymes with dispose for some reason...", commented Porky, who giggled a little.

"Yes... I believe Kefka would be the one to say such things... anyway, the Master has taken interest in that man in black who seemingly commands that pathetic group.", said Ganondorf.

"You are referring to Frostwraith, are you not, Lord Ganondorf?", asked Ghirahim.

"Yes... when we attacked that place more than 20 years ago, the Master made it clear to let that baby live... the Master said he has... potential...", responded Ganondorf.

"Good...", said Palpatine.

"Surely, Molgera is at this moment keeping him and his group... entertained. Now we strike at that group Lord Ghirahim mentioned before they become a thorn in our side.", suggested Ganondorf.

"Good... we will have Kefka to lead the attack.", agreed Palpatine.

"What about Archimonde, Ghetsis and Rugal Bernstein?", questioned Ghirahim.

"They will keep other dimensions... entertained...", responded Palpatine.

"And that green haired boy... what should we do to with him?", questioned Ghirahim again.

"Who? Spirit? That idiot was foolish enough to sign a pact with the Master himself... now look at his state! Knowing that his life is over once he breaks one of the terms of the pact gives me quite a satisfactory feeling... I think we should have him as second-in-command in Kefka's force...", responded Palpatine.

"Kefka... the Master did well in ressurrecting him...", commented Ganondorf.

the Dark Ones serve the Master with some sinister loyalty...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Kefka is dead.

Dimentio and Kefka were cousins with the same reason to live: to rule. But Dimentio had different ideas and killed him.

And didnt Impact cease to exist since I took over Smashboards period? •_•


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
oops! looks like I have to change some details in that part then...

@Muhti: Kefka was ressurrected by the Master, much like how he ressurrected Zalgo. remember that Palpatine announced that the Master had ressurected Zalgo among others, so... Kefka is back.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

*not in the afterlife or pass*

*bak with mars and co*

There's a warp ring we can use

Weegee: a wah?

That thing over there,

Weegee: I don't no.....

Fine stay here idk (jumps inside the ring)

Weegee: wait for me!!! (Jumps in)


+sonic & knuckles special stage musichttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_huubI5MbF0+

Oh damn..... were are we?

Weegee: ur asking someone from a different universe....really..




The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
haven't written anything for a while, eh?
Master Hand's army fought bravely, and despite being outnumbered, they managed to defeat Molgera, one of Ganondorf's powerful minions.

"Ugh... the Dark Ones are more powerful than I expected...", said Frostwraith.

"What are we going to do now?", asked Pit.

"We must continue to look for Xiroey... I can feel his presence not too far away from here... but I also sense something terrible lurking in this dimension.", stated Frostwraith.

"Whatever the odds, we must fight on.", responded Dark Pit.

"Exactly, we've come far enough already. We need to stop the Dark Ones at all costs.", responded Cynthia.

"Even if that cost is your life?", suddenly said someone who teleported to that area.

"Who said that?", reacted Crono.

"Hm hm hm hm hm... your little band of misfits is quite reckless, yet powerful, Frostwraith.", said the humanoid who stepped into the scene. He had white skin, white hair, white clothing and a red cape.

"Who are you and how do you know who I am?", asked Frostwraith.

"Don't you know me? Shame that Lord Sidious didn't tell you all about my dashing beauty... I am Ghirahim, a Demon Lord and follower of the Master. You thought that defeating Molgera would be quite a feat, no?"

"What do you want?", asked Frostwraith with a slightly agressive tone.

"Oh... I was just expecting that question... Tell me... do you have any... Time Gears?", asked Ghirahim as he crawled towards Frostwraith.

"I have no idea of what you are talking about.", responded Frostwraith with indifference.

"Lies won't fool me. If you seek to oppose the Master... I have no choice but killing you personally!", said Ghirahim, licking his lips.

"Hmph, as if a so-called Demon Lord would defeat me like this. Have at you!", yelled Frostwraith as he drew his sword.

"None of your pathetic group shall interfere in this glorious duel... oh, but I am sure to keep them entertained. After all, nothing screams better than a party than a little bloodfest, am I certain?", said Ghirahim as he created a force field and summoning a swarm of Bokoblins outside said force field.

"Bring it.", responded Frostwraith coldly.


Demon Lord

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ghirahim Battle 1

Frostwraith attacked Ghirahim first, knocking him down. Ghirahim was impressed by his skill, but that didn't stop him from retaliating, attacking Frostwraith with brutality and knocking the dark mage down.

"Was that all your skill? Feeble. I would expect more from you.", mocked the Demon Lord.

Frostwraith remained focused and dealt another blow to Ghirahim. Ghirahim rushed at Frostwraith to attack, but Frostwraith kicked him as a counterattack.

"Guess who has feeble skills now? Take this!", yelled Frostwraith as he launched a low level light spell, stunning Ghirahim.

"Ugh... I won't be defeated like this!", responded Ghirahim attacking Frostwraith back, knocking him down.

Frostwraith feigned defeat, catching the proud Demon Lord off-guard. As Ghirahim approached Frostwraith slowly to give him the coup-de-grâce, Frostwraith quickly got up and delivered another kick, this time imbued with light magic, crippling the Demon Lord.

"Urgggh... this is insane! That someone of my stature would be defeated like this...", said Ghirahim with anger, who then calmed down next. "Heh... not that this foolishness means anything. The Master still remains... interested in you..."

Ghirahim teleported away, dismissing the force field.

"Another of the Dark Ones engaged us again.", stated Frostwraith as they now walked the desolate Mushroom Kingdom.

"That Demon Lord was no joke, but I don't think he was fighting using his full power.", noted Luco.

"Because he wasn't.", confirmed Frostwraith. "Though I do wonder why did he say his Master is interested in me."

"Maybe it has something to do with your parents' murder?", asked Richard.

"It's possible... if the Dark Ones are indeed my parents' killers, they have a reason to have spared me. And I don't think that any reason they have is pleasant at all..."

The group continued to seek out Xiroey...

putting boss introductions before duels is an interesting feature, don't you think?

now that they defeated Molgera and Ghirahim, the group focuses on their objective: find the lost allies, starting with Xiroey.

whether they find him or not... is up to you.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
didn't know that. =P

anyway, I am not planning to write anything soon, so if any of you wants to continue the story...


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Continuing the story**

Thus in a different location***


Alright you ready!?

Weegee: wat we gotta do?

Get the blue balls!

Weegee: I don't want blue balls!

Don't touch the red balls!

Weegee: can u stop saying balls!

I'm giving instructions if u wanna servive!

Weegee: were the hell are you getting the intructions?

it quite obvious.

Weegee: but I don't won't blue balls!

Let's call them spheres!!!!! I'm tired of hering the word balls. Colect the blus spheres so we can get out of this realm..




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Look at him he's about to wet himself!" Xiroey inched closer toward the edge of the plank, sharp spears at his back kept him moving forward. "Well, this plan worked out nicely." Xiroey remarked drily. He took another step forward. The near endless pit rose up to meet him. " Move it along aye, we don't got all day!" The spearpoints poked at him again. There was a round of laughter from the group of Sky Guys behind him as Xiroey yelped in pain. He lept forward obediently, leaving only inches to go before the sickening drop.

"D-don't I get one last phone call"? Xiroey gulped.

"Moove it along!"

"I'd like to but there's a killer pit in the way".

"Well, why don't you ask it to move then?"

"You're not very nice."

Xiroey got another sharp jab in his back and he yelped again. "Jerks." Xiroey complained. Nowhere left to go. He was completely out of walk room. Xiroey tried desperately to loose the ropes that were binding his abilities so that he could transform and fly away, but the knots were secured tight. The spears edged closer. Xiroey suddenly thrust his arms into the air, making the best pointing guesture he could, despite his restraints.

"Look, it's King Bowser, and he looks angry!" Xiroey shouted at the top of his lungs. He was met with a group of unamused stares. "Well I tried."

"Go on n' get!" A spear jabbed him hard in the back. The sharp pain caused Xiroey to leap forward reflexively, then suddenly he was out of plank.

He fell down into nothing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Xatu pulled at his cloak as the winds tore into the thin fabric. He waddled over a pile of half burried debris that could've once belonged to a house. Despite the hot sun, the wind was cool. It might've been more pleasant, Xatu thought, if it didn't keep blowing sand up into eyes. He wiped at his face again, trying to clear his vision the best he could. His destination wouldn't be much farther. That much he knew. A bit further, and he'd come to a spot where he'd find the "sign" he was looking for. He stepped up onto a hard platform. Upon closer inspection, he realized it actually was the roof of a burried house. "Huh..." Xatu mused. He stared up toward the sun. Was it... screaming at him?

A small blot appeared on the orb's white surface. Nothing more than an insignificant point at first, but it was rapidly expanding in size. As it got closer, Xatu realized that blot was screaming some pretty unholy things.

The sand next to him exploded, Xiroey's face cleaved a giant crater into the loose earth. Xatu hopped down from the roof.

"I can't leave you alone for one second" Xatu admonished the Xiroey shaped pit.

Faintly, he could hear a muffled voice reply.

"What was that"? Xatu asked. He leaned his head closer to the hole so that he could hear better.

"Oil can..." Xiroey said meekly, then the pit was quiet.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Reminds me of some mixture between pirates, Game of Thrones and comedy. Given me some inspiration. Gonna write something real soon.

Erm, didn't Xatu join with our group? o.O

Is this to say our group found you?

Anyway, i'm gonna edit this post, I haven't posted here in too long. :D


Xatu stood there as if nothing was wrong, a faint smile on the bird's face. Luco had long ago learnt to trust in Xatu, his wisdom rivaled that of legendary pokemon. After their regrouping, he had noticed mewtwo and Xatu together, talking in a way he often could not hear due to wind or the sounds of nature around him. He was still focusing on finding gems but he couldn't ask his group to go back to the poke-world quite yet as he knew that was where the most danger arose. He'd have to wait his chance. In the meantime, he was still a relatively strong spell-caster, nothing to scoff at, but still a shell of his true power.

They brought Xiroey out of the hole he had made, though as it was, everyone seemed content enough to leave the indentation there. Luco thought that funny. However, he knew not all was right. Since Zeal, he had a small something, tugging at him for too long. Guilt. As courageous as they were, he needed to know nothing had happened to the PSI kids, as well as his faithful companions, Charizard, Pikachu, Riolu and Luxray, among others. "Xiroey, what happened. I... I can explain what happened to me later..." i'm going to explain it to them all soon enough. "but I need to know, what happened on your end?"

Xiroey looked at him with eyes full of sadness. Luco knew his answer would be grim. "I'm sorry Luco... we were all teleported to different locations. I have no idea where they are. They have their own powers to attempt to travel through dimensions, they're probably looking for us. We can find them but we can't stop looking for the time gears. We have to hope we run in to them."

Once more, Luco felt a tear coming up to meet his eye. No sooner did that happen than it was repressed. They're not lost. We can find them. he still felt guilty. He looked to his friends for support. "Xiroey is right. We have to keep looking for the time gears. Our missing friends know where we will likely be, so the chances we will run in to them are high. In the mean-time, we have to check for the time gears." As the group began to discuss that, he turned back to Xatu. "We will find them... won't we?" Once again, he was met with warm and knowing eyes. "Sooner than you know, child. Sooner than you know." Xatu turned his eyes to the sun.

With that, the group decided they had to head off.

"One last thing, guys." Luco paused while the group turned their attention to him. "We need to be more careful about where we go. We don't need eyes following us the whole way. We need some way to keep a relatively low profile. As much as i'd usually hate to say it, we may have to split up and look separately. Each group should have someone who can make portals, we need to make a place to go. As strange as it sounds, I think it should be Zeal. Muhti will not expect us to go back there, we have no reason to and there are islands we can stick to that don't have anyone on them."

He sighed as he noticed a slight frown on Richard's face. Thought they might not like this... To his surprise, Richard spoke. "Luco is right. We can't afford to have what happened last time. If muhti and dementio weren't so focused on killing us, they might have had more time to get ahead of us in this race to find the time gears."

"I wouldn't say that, richard. You are right yes... but it's not like they didn't try. I can attest to that..." He looked away. "What happened, exactly, when you were there Luco?" Frostwraith had an almost curious tone to his voice, as stone-faced as he usually was. "I... it's not worth discussing here. Another time, perhaps." Crono and Ayla both gave him sympathetic stares. "We have to figure out how we split our group...

... and we can't afford to split it badly."


Other people would know who's on our team better than I do at this point. i know we have myself, Xiroey, Richard, Forstwraith, Mew and Mewtwo, Xatu, Crono and friends, Frostwraith's team, Cynthia and her team... who else? I know we have more...

Remember when splitting to have each group with a member who can make portals.

Good to get writing again, hehe.
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