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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
You should do a summary too Muhti :D

I have no clue why I did it... but I already covered all the major backstory stuff.
So you can focus solely on your character and stuff ^^

I left the bit about Hyrule Castle/ The dark tribe for you to explain.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I don't think you did, did you?

I was directing this message to frostwraith.

anyway someone post another part of the story, i have to go off now.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh, frostwraith...

Charizard is my companion, along with Luxray, Pika and Riolu. ^_^

Also, did Gliscor meet up with us? I didn't notice. :o

Also, I do remember flicking back and chancing upon the battle with Zalgo. Didn't fully read it though.

Think we should find a way to ask/get smashfan back in to FF? It'd be interesting to see him here again. :o

And yes, i'll do a part of the story soon. I have a few places we can go to get allies...


Through pit and Palutena, the group was able to travel to any world they pleased. The question remained, who could they befriend. "Lets start off with likely candidates. My extensive knowledge of the worlds should help me here. We shouldn't risk going back to the pokeworld for now, not until we are at full strength. That said, we definitely have allies there, should we need the help of mew and mewtwo." As he said that, he remembered something. "Hang on." his thoughts were quick but precise and he sent them straight to mewtwo. There are people there who would do you harm. Be inviting but careful and in the event of an emergency, don't hesitate to use telepathy to call me. "Now, we found nothing in mushroomy kingdom. I think Darry's had enough for a lifetime. We could go to dreamland but i'm not sure how willing kirby would be on a whim. How about...." A thought suddenly came to him. "Oh... oh yes, I know where we can get some SERIOUS firepower."

"What are you thinking, Luco?" Xiroey and Rawk Hawk chanted in unison.

"Oh, just a few people who I know wouldn't hesitate to help out. And trust me when I say, they're incredibly strong. Lets go. You'll see what I mean when we get there." He winked at them. Palutena smiled as he whispered in her ear. "Yes, yes i'm sure they won't be afraid to help."

A portal was opened and the group traveled through.

They were in suburbia. "Ohhh, almost feels like home." Luco breathed in the air and basked in the warm spring day. Come, i'm thinking of two people in particular we have to find. They should each have a few with them. I'm not sure whether we'll be able to find the second person here but when you're as overpowered as this guy is, i'm sure you can find SOME way to meet up with another hero.

Xiroey gave a faint smile. Luco thought he had an inkling of where they were. They walked past one of the roads where the sign for the city was. The sign read...

"Onett" Frostwraith said. "I know exactly where we are."

Pit, Rawk Hawk and the others still looked confused as they walked past the sign, up the hill. "What hero lives in a town like this?" Dark pit commented. "Oh, you'll see, have no doubt!"

They came upon two houses, side by side. In front they could see a few kids playing baseball. "Look for the red baseball cap and the one with blond hair."

There were quite a few people there, it was taking them some time to work out who was who amongst all the running and playing the kids were doing.

The pitcher looked big but even so, a little scared. That's when they saw the familiar red baseball cap, accompanied by a baseball. "There he is!" Luco exclaimed. "That's Ness. He'll help us out, for sure. I think I saw a glimpse of Lucas on the other side as well, though I can't be sure."

"You'd think it odd that Lucas found his way in to Ness' world." Xiroey thought aloud. "Yes" Luco replied, "but we're not the only ones who can travel across worlds, you know."

The big kid threw the ball with a yelp. It flew through the air. It was fast, high... but it was off-target, curving straight towards Ness' head. He realized it quickly.

"PK shield!" He threw a hand up and the ball bounced off as if it had hit a brick wall, only a foot away from his head. "I'm sorry!" the other kid called. "You know i'm still not used to this, Ness!"

"How about I have a turn?" That was picky. "Naww, you've already had too many turns!" Kumatora laughed.

"Hey, how about you, Lucas?" Ness inquired. You can make sure the ball finds its path! "That's not entirely fair, Ness!" That was his mum.

Luco and his friends decided now was the time to come in. "Uhh, Ness, Lucas?" Luco called. They turned their heads. "Umm, could I speak to you for a moment? Don't worry, it's nothing bad or anything like that!" Ness glanced at his mum and walked over. Lucas trotted over as well.

"So, I hear you two are the heroes of your worlds?" Man that sounded corny.

"Uhh, yes, you could say that... but i'd prefer to think we each had our friends to help us." Ness replied. "Why?"

"You may not believe this but the multiverse is in very serious danger. Some would have it under their control... or worse, destroyed."

Ness and Lucas tensed up at once. "That's dangerous..." Lucas thought aloud.

"Yes, but we can't go up against them by ourselves. We've been told by Master Hand, of whom you'd both surely know from your vacations to the world of smash, that we'd need help from friends if we wanted to even try to go up against the threat we face.

In essence... we need your help."

Xiroey was in thought. "How about Ninten? Is he around? We could use his help as well."

"Ninten and his group are at the drug-store, buying ice-cream." That was Ness. "I can help." Lucas offered. "I know my friends and I won't hesitate... we're in this together."

"I'll go talk to Ninten. He'll want to know as well." Ness again.

"Okay. Thankyou... we knew we could count on you."

"So what are your names anyway?" Lucas asked. "Well, i'm Luco, this is Xiroey, over here is Frostwraith, Richard over there, Pit there, Dark pit next to him...." Luco went through the names, one by one.

Ness and Ninten (and his group) were back as Luco began to explain some recent history and what was going on. "So we're up against a guy named Muhti? And Dementio? Okay..." They kept going on.

Ness went to his mum and told her as well. She gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and said some words Luco couldn't hear.

"We'll have to find a good phone that I can enchant for you..." Luco noted. "Anyway, with that done, lets be off!"

Ninten, Ness, Lucas and friends join the group!

They waved to the remaining citizens of Onett as the now relatively large group entered in to Skyworld. "Well I see your mission was successful!" Palutena gave a smile.

"Where to next?" Frostwraith thought.

"I don't know..." Luco replied, when he got a force blasting in to his head.

"Luco... it's Mewtwo... the valley... we're under attack!"


Okay!! Back to the poke-world. What happens now?? :D


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Alright Ill post my part of the story soon of the last one.

ATM Im hosting a tournament

btw remember when I defeat you, sf666, and Mari, both Impact and the Board cease to exist.


Well my turn.

What happened was that Dimentio betrayed everyone and persuaded some teammates to join etc. etc.

After they left Dimentio left an explosion box that almost killed everyone. After that the tiny militia took the march into the undefended Smash City, the capital of Smashboards (now the new capital is New Hyrule City)

After the events of taking over, Mari arrived and tried killing Muhti and his team, which was unsuccessful, mulitple times. She finally almost her life as stated in Xiroeys post. From there Dimentio went out of hiding and went to Hyrule Castle and took over. Nobody knew why except him and Muhti. They stood guard as they gathered more allies and tactics, finally the main hero group came and tried defeating Hyrules forces, which in the end they failed. Muhti was about to slay them all until Dimentio received a notice from his leaders that they betrayed him, they almost killed him as well,but failed.

Dimentio had no choice but to join the Protagonist Army. Not because they were defeated -.-[/COLLAPSE]

"So that's what they plan eh?" Muhti asked.The other board members, Porky, Luigi, Light Yagami, Doctor Who the 11th, Kirby, Meta Knight, Tails, Naoi, Tachibana Kanade (the girl in my avi), Dimentio, Ghetsis, and N seemed to understand what happened.

Muhti looked at Zoroark, "I congragulate a good job, Zoroark. You noted Froslass was there hm?"

Zoroark nodded, "Yes Mr.President. He's sending messages for people to join their alliance."

Muhti took out a pokeball and let out Blaziken.

"You know what to do, track him", Muhti ordered softly.

Blaziken nodded and left the meeting hall.

N spoke up, "We will speak to Congress on what we plan on doing. Is that right Mr.President?"

"Yes, we will not let this terrorist group touch this nation.", Muhti added.
" And about Impact...."

"Muhti, what in hell is Impact?" Dimentio asked with deep eyes.

"No-nothing, just a brain fart.", the president answered.

Doctor Who got up, "Well, lets go and tell Congress about our plan. And I want my tea."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Sweet Marowak's ghost!" Typhlosion dived into the bushes in an explosion of wooden spliters. Gengar and Entei charged into the castle in a blur, Entei felling the heavy door with a single hit of his Giga Impact. Floatzel walked casually into the main hall. "Good work" He said nonchalantly. He made his way down the corridor to the left, down into the main dungeon. Gengar patted Entei effectionately. "Lets break more stuff!" Gengar shouted. Entei rolled his eyes.

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"Wait... so you're saying you have how many freinds"? Luco had to swerve to the side to avoid running into a "?" Block. Xiroey was riding on the shoulder of Golurk again, apparently the two had bonded in the short time they'd been together. "

" I-I'm not sure..." Xiroey admitted. He used an ice sword to scratch an annoying itch at his back. Luco went silent. "I guess you could say there's a whole city of em'" Xiroey piped up. He tossed the Ice sword off into the dunes. There was an angry shout from behind a cactus as it nearly collided into Goomba. "Mmmmm" Luco mused. He liked Xiroey, he was usually friendly and honest. Minus the Latios Incident. But for the life of him, the more he found out about the Eon the more his head started to hurt. "The Rawk says if there are allies. The Rawk says let us go!" Richard nudged Rawk hard in the ribs. "Are you convenietely forgetting what happened in the Valley"? Rawk made a show of being unphased by Richard's jab. But he descretely hubbed his tender ribs when he thought that no one else was looking.

"Speaking of Which" Luco began, "Why are we running? Can we not simply teleport there instead"? He directed the question at Frostwrath, who appeared to be deep in tought about something. "...no... no... that isn't right at all..." They hurt low mumbling coming from beneath the dark cloak. Luco contemplated if he should try giving Frostwrath a nudge. "Hey Frosty!" Xiroey shot a thin bolt of electricity at Frostwrath's shoulder to get his attention. Luco's heart leaped. There was a flash of movement, and Frostwrath crackling finger pointed at Xiroey's throat before he could blink. Xiroey stared at it with a casual look on his face. "Don't do that." Frostwrath warned. Sparks of electricity danced playfully around Xiroey's fingertips. "Haha, sorry Vanilla bear." Xiroey joked, making fun at Frostwrath's pale skin.

The group went completely still. Everyone including Golurk pulled to a halt. Frostwrath, meanwhile, still had his finger pointed at Xiroey's throat.

When Frostwrath spoke again, his voice was dark and serious. "Draw your weapon". He commanded. Everyone, including Xiroey, blinked as if they couldn't believe waht was happening. "Heh... Good one Frost. For a second I thought you asked me to draw--"

Frostwrath nailed Xiroey with a dark energy bolt, launching him clean off of Golurk's shoulder. He fell face-up into hot sand. "Ow..." Xiroey complained. He smelled something burning as his skin started to cook. "Aa--" Xiroey opened his mouth to scream; but, as he got up, there was an open palm waiting for him.

"You were too slow". Frostwrath said, then blasted him again. The sand around Xiroey erupted.

"Frostwrath what are you doing"! Luco demanded. Frostwrath backstepped a few paces to avoid the explosion, gains of sand rebounding off of a weak shield. "Do not go near him." Frostwrath warned. Luco blinked. "W-what? Frostwrath, why did you attack Xiroey!?" Frostwrath's question was answered when an enraged black latios shot up out of the sand. It's body was glowing with an ominous purple aura.

"Oh..." Luco meeped. Frostwrath reached into his pocket and took out a pokeball. "I'll make this quick. Go, Hydreigon!" He sent out a pokeball, and Hydreigon burst into action. "Use Dark Pulse!" Frostwrath commanded. Hydreigon obeyed, and shot a blast of dark energy directly at Latios. Latios looked at it and smiled. Much to everyone's shock, he meerely floated in the air and let the attack nail him full on.

[Latios lost 89% of his HP]

"What is this madness"? Dark Pit questioned. "The Rawk does not know" Rawk hawk was looking up at the fight wonderingly while scratching himself in a very unsightly place.

"My turn now!" Latios laughed. He nose dived driectly at hydreigon. "Hydreigon, use Dragon Pulse!" Frostwrath was unphazed by the wreckless dive. Hydreigon's second and third heads opened up their mouths, then a sonic wave of pure energy shot out. Much to everyone's surprise, Latios used Dragon Dance, and managed to avoid the attack. He raised a claw, which was burning with blue fire. Frostwrath uttered something that might have been a swear. Hydreigon, return! Frostwrath barked. A red beam of light shot out at hydreigon, pulling him back into reserve.

"Go, Chadelure!"

Latios kept up his charge. Meanwhile, his body was still glowing.

"Use Overheat!" The flames on Chandelure's hands and arms flared up to ten times their usual size, and became a rich blue. Latios charged at Chandelure with wreckless abandon. He swiped at Chandelure with his Dragon Claw, then darted behind shandelure and gave it a good swipe with his Shadow Claw for good measure. The second attack hit right in Chandelure's weak spot, and the pokemon fainted.

"A critical hit..." Luco commented. Frostwrath reached into his cloak and took out another pokeball.

"Go, Frostlass"!

Now Latios was low to the ground. He and Frostlass stared each other in the eye. Frostwrath made the first move. "Blizzard!" He commanded.

Much like last time, Latios didn't move. He simply floated there as a ton of ice and snow washed over him, obscuring him from sight. Rawk screeched, "Raaa... I mean Whaat?"

When the attack passed, Latios was lying uncoscious in the sand. Frostwrath returned Frostlass to his pokeball, then, surprisingly, went over and helped Latios up.

"Someone give me a hand." Frostwrath started dragging Latios back over to golurk. Dark Pit and Rawk vollunteered, then rushed over.

"He's awfully big." Dark Pit complained, straining under Latios' wing. They managed to get Xireoy back over to Golurk, who took him into it's harms like a hunk of lumber.

Luco exploded.

"What the heck just happened!"

"...I thought I sensed a disturbance..." Frostwrath said enigmatically.

"D-distur... You're not answering my question!"

Frostwarth shook his head. "We can't teleport over to the valley. For the same reason Xiroey nearly attacked us just now." There was collective silence from around the group. Surprisingly, it was Rawk that spoke up first. "You're telling Rawk... The black one has gone traitor on us"?

"No", was Frostwrath's simple reply. He opened his cloak, and took out a simple compass. He handed it over to Luco, who emitted a sharp gasp.

"W-what is this...?" Luco breathed. Richard raised an eyebrow at him. "What? Is something wrong with the compass"?

"T-there has to be... Let me..." Luco reached into his pocket and took out a similar round compass. His suspicions were confirmed.

Richard walked over to Luco's shoulder and peaked over. His reaction was similar.

"What is it?" Pit asked nonchalauntly. He'd been standing in the back cheering thoughout the entire fight.

"T-they both point South..." Luco said disbelieving.

And just in that instant, a demensional rent split open right in front of them. A powerful gust whipped up the desert, threatening to suck everyone in. But, gretefully, it was gone just as quickly as it showed up.

On the sand, Latios woke up. His body was black, exactly like that Xiroey's, and his eyes were purple. "Luco... Frostwrath...?" The Latios questioned.

"XIROEY?" Luco stumbled back in shock.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dun Dun Dun!

There's part 1.

Now for the Plot twisting-ish part! :p

(Derp... Sorry for the double post)


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The fact that you interpreted that as a plot twist even though that wasn't the twisting-eyy part would suggest otherwise.


Anyways... gimme just a bit to think of the dialogue. :p


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*meanwhile else were*

I simply mad about out come of this day...

Weegee:..... is it still the same day?.

I'm not sure.... I guess ill die down here... I guess die again.... and end up back in sky world.

Weegee: I have a plan!!!


Weegee: Ill destract wilfre nxt time he comes down here, and you attack!!

That's just it! Sad part about is that I'M CHAINED TO A WALL!!! Idiot..




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"The Rawk has never seen such ravenous hungar before. The Rawk is impressed." Rawk pumped his arms into the air cheering Latios on. Latios devoured an entire bag of dried berries, then went on to tackle a contaner full of nuts. "Don't they have food in alternate demensions?" Luco half joked. Latios responded by patting his stomach and giving off a satisfied burp. Frostwrath had been standing to the side with his arms crossed; now that he saw that Latios was full, he walked over and approached him. Latios' eyes lit up when he saw Frostwrath approach, he extended a messy claw in greeting, which Frostwrath politely shook.

"Been a while since I last saw you." Latios slurred, content from his meal. Frostwrath nodded, he didn't understand what Latios was saying, so he decided to proceed. "How did you get here"? He asked. Latios laughed.

"Always to the point."

Frostwrath was silent. Latios sighed, then shoved the empty bags of food away. "I regret to say... I almost didn't". Luco walked over towards the group, the compass he was holding was still pointing in the opposite direction. He handed it over to Latios. "Perhaps, could you provide an explanation for this"? Luco prompted. Latios took the compass in a claw that was slick with berry juice. He stickied up the compass as he observed the glass face, his mouth twisted up in a faint scowl. "So... It's already happening then." He said darkly.

Dark Pit stepped forward. "We're sort of pressed for time at the moment, so if you wouldn't mind explaining what "it" is... And quickly"? Luco glared over at Dark Pit briefly for rushing Latios while he was still weak. Latios picked up on the emotion. He gave Luco a brief smile to let him know that it was all right. "I suppose, that would be for the best. The valley has just come under attack I take it"? There was collective silence from everyone in the group. Latios nodded, their emotions confirmed all that he needed to know.

"I'm sorry to say, you're all too late. The Valley is gone, swallowed up by dark subspace".

Upon hearing this, Luco stumbed back like he'd been shot in the chest. Pit and Richard cast him a worried glance. "Everything all right"? Rawk asked, catching Luco before he fell. Luco rubbed his head wearily, he had tears in his eyes. "T-the Valley... So many innocent pokemon... Mewtwo..."

Latios bowed his head sadly. "Tis true. I'm sorry Luco. Mewtwo has been captured, as has Mew. I was nearly captured myself".

"Captured? By who"? That was Frostwrath.

"Sableye, all led by my friend Gengar. M-my Ex-friend anyway..." Latios' voice started to crack when he revealed that last bit. Frostwrath's voice was soft, but unsympathetic. "Sableye led by a Gengar? Any Idea how they would've found out about Mewtwo's location at the valley. I'm assuming it was the legendaries they were after"? Latios nodded. "I'm afraid I'm the one to blame for that". The group recoiled in shock. Luco especially, was surprised by that bit of information. "You? Wait... You mean to say, you've been to our Demension before? That was a demensional portal I saw you come out of correct"?

"I'm with Luco. Plus I have my suspicions. You're not Xiroey, though you look and speak like him. We have no way of knowing whether you're on our side or not." Richard's voice was firm. Frostwrath and Luco thought they could see a trace of fire enter Latios' eyes, but it soon died out. When Latios spoke again, his voice was low and mournful.

"I've made some terrible mistakes"... Latios admitted. Then broke down in tears.

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Frostwrath looked around the vast cave dubiously. To him, the place gave off an unfriendly aura. Latios was stationed over next to Luco, the pair affixated by a line of runes on the far wall. He crossed is arms as he usually did when he began to get impatient. The sooner they could exit this place, he resolved, the better. Finally, Luco shot up. The two appeared to have finished their translation of the ancient text. They walked back over to Frostwrath and Richard's party to deliver the news.

"He's here." Luco confirmed, hands in his pockets. Latios had a wide grin on his face. "I forgot how much of a big help this guy was. He loaned me a pair of actual shoes to help with the hot sand. Not that I need them now that I'm like this... But man, That one time...". Luco smiled. "You should have let us know you couldn't transform then, I would've been happy to help. Why did you stick your foot in that puddle"? Latios cringed at the memory.

Frostwrath interjected on the bit of catch-up between the two. Approached Luco with a stern look on his face. "So, you've decifered the text then"? Frostwrath inquirred. Luco and Latios nodded simultaneously. "No way through I'm afraid". Latios disclosed. "Gonna have to blast our way through" Luco finished. Frostwrath raised an eyebrow when at the two of them speaking in turn, but decided not to say anything about it. "Fine by me". He sighed. He readied a pokeball".

"Hydreigon, come out and use Superpower!" Hydreigon burst to live again, stretching his arms and taking in the moist cave air. Latios thought to himself that Hydreigon must appreciate being in a place like this, since it was similar to his natural habitat as a Deino.

"Haaaiiiii" Hydreigon roared. It charged the wall in a firey red aura, bringing the cave face crumbling down. Frostwrath thanked Hydreigon, and returned it to it's pokeball. "We'll be able to find allies in there"? Richard asked, unconvinced. Latios nodded with conviction. He led the way inside, his body gave off a faint glow that illuminated the dark room.

"Reeeeegggggiiiiiiii....." A soft snore came from the center of the chamber. When Latios heard the sound, he rushed over, then pulled Regirock into a tight hug". "Reg!" Latios exclaimed affectionately. The dots on Regirock's face blinked to life. Regirock hummed darkly at first; but then it's memory must've kicked in because it crushed Latios with a return-hug so tight it made his bones creak. The deflated Latios fell to the ground exhausted. "Regirock's in..." Latios confirmed, then passed out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That night, at the local hotspring in [I forget the town name. Will edit]. The group sat together in the pleasantly warm sand. The rest of the party slept soundly in the Pokemon Center upstairs. The nighttime party consisted of Luco, Frostwrath, Latios, and Richard, each gazing up at the stars. Latios had much of his body covered by the warm sand, from above, he figured, he slightly resembled a lumpy potato with wings. The thought made him grin.

Richard broke the silence. "I've only known you for a short time I'll admit; however, I find it very hard to believe...". "Yeah." Latios agreed, a far off look in is eye. "I find it hard to believe myself. Thinking back, I can hardly believe it was me doing those things." Richard sat up. "No kidding." He said, rubbing his neck "torture, murder? Serving as a leader for a band of rougues"?

"I wish that were the half of it." Latios sighed.

"So, you mean to tell us... You're from an alternate demension that is actaully this Demension. Only two months in the future"? Luco asked.

"Aye." Latios said. He noted, the sand around him was starting to get hot. He rose up and gave himself a good spin to shake the sand off. Richard, Luco, and Frostwrath each stood up as well. "So we're fighting a battle against time itself. Sounds daunting indeed. Richard gave himself a brief pat over to dislodge the sand from his clothes.

"Indeed." Latios confirmed "Primal Dialga will stop at nothing to make sure that Muhti's future comes true. Already every compass has started to point south. That means that the first time gear was all ready taken."

"And, as we speak Primal Dialga's leigon of sableye are all ready searching for the next." Frostwrath finished. The four stood facing each other with determined looks on thier faces. "We need to know everything", Frostwrath said. "Painful or not, we need a good idea of what we're up against." Latios nodded, it was what he'd come here to do. "It started back in Hyrule Town" Latios began...

"Thinking back, I realize we acted foolishly. We attempted to take on Muhti and Dementio in a situation where they held all the cards. Not only did they have the advantage of better synergy and experience as a group. But they had the raw power factor working in their favor as well. Luco and I managed to put up a good fight against them; With the lives of two close freinds on the line, we were able to mitigate that disadvantage somewhat. We bring Muhti and Dementio down on their last legs. Though they weren't showing signs of exhaustion, I could tell, they were close to reaching their limit. I suppose, I acted too hasitily when I learn that. I allowed Muhti to overpower me, and then Luco was forced to surrender. I was certain then and there that Muhti would kill me. With Luco, Typhlosion, and Floatzel nearby, I couldn't risk letting loose a Luster Purge explosion to save myself. I was basically helpless...

But, I suppose Muhti figured killing me wouldn't have been satisfying enough. I all honesty, I'm not sure where he gained the ability--but he traveled back in time. Exactly what he did, I wasn't sure at the time. Luco and I left, and met up with you guys as usual. Our goal then, was to recruit as many allies as possible to strike back against Muhti's group before he expanded his forced Ideals on any other innocent city.

But then things started to go wrong. I started to lose my mind. We didn't know it then, but time was shifting. You see, when Muhti went back in time, he triggered off an enormous series of chain reactions across the time stream. You've all read 'Sound of Thunder' correct? The theory of the Butterfly effect?

The changes came in ripples. As each time gear was stolen, another time wave would hit, and something crutial in the timestream would change. Time waves typically have a very powerful magnetic frequency. The compass pointing south was an idicator that the first time gear was stolen; already something in the time stream has changed.

You see, when Muhti went back in time, and changed everything... The present should have changed right away. I would never have met Luco, who would never have left the valley--only to find out too late that the world around him was changing for the worse. Richard and I would meet up later, shortly after Primal Dialga's minions corrupted each of my freinds. In a rage, I asked him to give me a shot of his T-Virus to give me the stregnth I needed to strike back against everyone that betrayed me. And I would become a bloodthirsty monster. I had no feelings of sypathy, I knew no compassion. Losing my friends had caused my heart to close as it had done before. Given the added power from Richard's virus...

At any rate. Things remained shockingly the same. As long as the time gears are in place, Dialga will be able to monitor over the time stream. Even though Muhti has the power of time travel, It is ultimately him who decides which changes to the time stream to allow, and which to suppress. As long as Dialga remains uncorrupt, The present as we know it will remain the same. Muhti knows that Primal Dialga seeks to see the world brought under a new light. If he can get his hands on the time gears, there will be no one left to monitor the time stream. At which point, he need only repeat what he did before again... And everything will change.

In the the end, I will inadvertently pave the way for Muhti to rise into power. I'll heartlessly destroy towns, cities, innocents. I'tll only be a small matter for Muhti to barge in with his powerful military, offering peace and protection. He'll be like a saint. Preaching his ways of Democracy... Even though the entirety of the Smash world has always exsisted peacefully as it is now.

The portal that led me to this world the first few times, the one beneath Library Mountain, it's closed now. When Celebi came to me and released my heart from shadow, I realized that allowing that portal to exsist was too much of a risk. It's burried now, so now no one from that horrible future can come here to cause any more trouble. Primal Dialga and his leigon of sableye still can. But I'm afraid there's nothing any of us can do about that.

It was ulitametly Celebi that brought me here, and led me to you guys. I've made more my share of mistakes, but I'm ready to fix them now. Primal Dialga already knows where each of the Time Gears are. The first one was located in the Valley, Luco. That is why he attacked there first. But, thankfully, since I'm also from the future. I know where each of the Time Gears are located as well.

I'll help each of you. I'll lead you to the time gears and help you guys deliver them to temporal tower before it collapses completely. If we can do this before Muhti obtains the fourth time gear, which will bring upon a time wave that splits each of us apart, then we can stop the time stream from changing forever".

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And that concludes my post! :D
I'll leave the reaction up to you guys. Whether or not you want Latios to be trustworthy or not is totally up to you guys as well.

It took me all night to think of a way to tie the story together...
I hope it cleared up any confusion you guys had~

And didn't make more of it. :ohwell:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
but, plot twists are fun! =P

by the way, Luco, Gliscor is not in the team... I made a mistake in that post.

I won't be writing anything today... at least not until Xiroey finishes his part.

@Xiroey, that town must be Lavaridge Town in Hoenn.
the current teams:
[COLLAPSE="Xiroey's team"]Xiroey (Latios), Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers, Regirock, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney, Ninten, Ana, Loid and Teddy

Frostwraith - Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk, Froslass, Rotom, Gengar and Umbreon
Luco - Pikachu, Riolu, Charizard and Luxray
Cynthia - Garchomp, Lucario, Spiritomb, Milotic, Roserade, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Eelektross, Braviary and Glaceon[/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="Muhti's team"]Muhti, Porky, Luigi, Light Yagami, Doctor Who the 11th, Kirby, Meta Knight, Tails, Naoi, Tachibana Kanade, Dimentio, Ghetsis, N, the Shadow Triad and Crazy Hand

Pokémon: Zoroark, Blaziken[/COLLAPSE]
it seems that while the team was competing in the Glitz Pit, the Shadow Triad member they sought after was already gone...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(As details of a new threat emerge, richard tells of his thoughts...)

Richard: So this primal dialga, the figure i kept seeing in my visions, he is tall like 20 feet or more in height?

Latios: Yes.

Frostwraith: I guess richard thought right when he said it wouldn't be an easy battle.

Richard: We have alot of thinking to do tomorrow, we have a red eyed figure that stands 20 feet who can manipulate time itself and we have two traitors as well, We should carefully plan what to do next.

Frostwraith, latios and luco: Agreed.

Frostwraith: We should head for bed as well for now

(The four nighthawks head inside the pokecenter for some rest, 6 hours later)

Frostwraith: So where is this figure we have now to deal with latios?

Latios: Wherever Muhti is, primal dialga is there with him, just not to the visible eye.

Richard: So it conceals itself with the shadows?

Latios: Yes, yet i thought no one would be able to guess that, where'd you say you're from again richard?

Richard: i was from a post- apocalyptic world, in one of umbrella's labs but i don't think i'll be heading back there anytime soon after this is finished, my white labcoat is littered with dirt and sand showing signs of wear and tear. Also i am no longer in league with my boss, albert wesker (points to avi).

Luco: Where do we go from here?

Frostwraith: We don't, we now start to plan our course of action carefully for now.

(Frostwraith and the group start to debate on where to go and what strategy to use when they go up against their foes.)

Also xiroey, i think trustworthy latios sounds alot more better added to the story.

Also there are 4 time gears and there scattered through 4 dimensions? if so that would mean one would be in my character's home dimension.



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley


Wrote out all of that with a thick block in my head
It's probably pretty awful... But hopefully It explains everything! :0


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Oh and btw.

I learne to teleport through time from Dimentio. Since he is the master of dimensions, like when he came back alive to Maris dungeon with other dead teammates.


Muhti and others entered into Congress Halls. Murmurs of Congress silently fell as they sensed Muhtis presence.

"Thank you", Muhti said into the mic. He put on his reading glasses and took out a paper, "Today we face a force like no other."

Shouts interrupted the speech as Peach who represented the Mushroom Kingdom spoke, "But every galaxy, nation, and world is allied. Who betrayed us?"

Obama spoke for Earth, "Sir..... Did Al Queda reach other worlds?"

Congress members laughed but Muhti held his hand up for silence," It is a group led by Xiroey, an Eon. Thanks to the Shadow Triad, Zoroark, and Zorua they have collected information for us." He fixed his glasses upward. "We have information that "Time gears" is what is keeping the group together. If we can obtain at least two...."

Notch rudely interrupted (Speaks for Minecraftia), "So now shall we do?"

"Should we send out an alarm?" ,Starfox of the Space Police spoke out.

Then talking went on until Muhti raised his hand, nobody noticed, Naoi shouted for everyone's attention, "HEY! LISTEN TO THE COMMANDER! OR DO YOU WANT TO HAVE MIND CONTROL TO SILENCE YOU?!" Naois eyes turned red.

"I'm afraid that isn't necessary Naoi. Yes Fox I would like an alarm. I would also like troops sent out across everyone's land. That means everywhere in the universe should have a list with the pictures of, Xiroey, Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, and the others I have posted in New Hyrule City boards. Thank you for taking your time, and have a nice week." Muhti signaled for everybody to leave.

Everyone left except Muhti who was doing paperwork, and Red, who still was throwing his Pokèball up and down. He also represented the Pokemon Nations mind you.

"Red, you may leave." Muhti echoed.

Red got up, but he didn't leave, he walked up to Muhti.

"I have something you need. Just let me join your main group....", Red spoke.

Muhti looked up with a questioning look and took off his glasses, "What do you mean?"

Red took out something shiny from his pocket.

"Somebody reported this to me. Told me it was a "Time Gear". Actually that person was Dialga. Said he trusted me with it."

Muhti laughed and took it, "Welcome to the team"

Red laughed as well, "So I suppose I'm not in Congress?"

"No, Gary Oak will take your place.", Muhti answered.

"And-", Red began but was cut off.

"And do I know Dialga is stalking me from behind? Yes I know", Muhti finished.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
?? Wait Dementio??

Well, its your character man.

But power over Demensions =/= Power over time.
As an example, see Dialga and Giratina.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Okay, who's gonna post the next segment in the story now?

Also i didn't know giratina was a dimensions master, i knew dialga and palkia were time and space, but giratina was a new thing, i guess it's true you learn something new everyday.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Nope :p

Dialga = Time

Palkia = Space

Giratina = Demensions ^^
Oh ha, fair enough. :3

I've posted quite a few large segments, i'll let somebody else progress our main story for now. :o

And Xiroey, don't think I didn't notice "...Can't open my pickle jar..." a few pages back... I know exactly where that's from, ya powerpuff devil. :p

Muhti: So many darn allies. I have one more idea if we need to find something...


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I think we should calm down with the plot twists :088:


Muhti goes into the bathroom and dyes his hair a dark brown because Xiroey thinks Im blond :mad088:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Time to write this story, then!


"We know the locations of the time gears. We should be able to garner allies while we're at it..." Xiroey had gone through this with them a couple times. "I suggest we try the Kingdom of Zeal first. He went to Palutena. She thought a while. "This could be dangerous... but with you and your friends, you should be able to make it through. Oh...

While you're there, look for the time traveler and his friends. Crono, as well as Marle, Robo, Lucca, Frog and Ayla. Magus... is a mixed basket. See if you can find him as a child." She still looked a little worried as she opened a portal, but Luco knew they'd be fine together. The group was solid, the party... all friends. He was sure this could be done. The group went in through the portal.

Chrono trigger: Kingdom of Zeal

They arrived on a small floating island, grass on all sides. "This... this was what I wanted to do with the valley..." Luco felt his eyes well up with tears, but shook his head angrily. I'll get them back. Whatever it takes. He looked at Charizard and smiled, for his friend's sake. He couldn't take his mind off the island, though, for a small while. The pond would have been there... and that's where the seat would have been. It would have been used just for battles when I was strong enough...

"Luco?" Xiroey's kindly voice snapped him away from the day-dream. "Sorry." Then, out of the blue, "Xiroey, can you channel power?"

He thought awhile. Then nodded.

"That shouldn't be necessary." Frostwraith said. "The small use of dark energy shouldn't do much harm. I assume you want me to attempt to get a location on the Time Gear?"

"Yes. Exactly"

"Alright. I won't be able to get an exact location... but I can give you a rough indicator of where it could be." He focused for a time.

His eyes snapped open.

"We need to look inside the main palace. We'll have to be careful."

"But how are we going to get there?" That was Richard.

"Look behind you, Richard." Luco gestured over to the mouth of a cave, half-buried in the ground behind them.

"What good will that do?" Rawk Hawk was dubious.

"You'll see. Follow me." He led the way in to the cave. They went down for a small while, then came to a clearing. In the center was a raised platform with a symbol engraved on the ground. It was glowing with power. "Step on to the the symbol, this should lead us to another island."

The ShellShockers stared at it reluctantly but stepped on it none-the-less.

The group traveled from Island to island, occasionally stepping on the barren earth below, constantly snowing with only caves to shelter the few who couldn't use magic or had no association with it. "You know they'll get sent back down as soon as the people above find them." Xiroey said sadly when he noticed luco casting minor magics upon them so they could pass through the portals. "Yes... but perhaps they can keep themselves hidden on a lesser island. It's not fair, what the people above do..." He shook his head slowly.

They came to one of the upper islands. Leaving the cave, the sunlight above temporarily blinded them to a few figures walking the other way. They bumped straight in to each other. Everyone went down. "Ow..." Lucas was rubbing his head. "I'm so sorry..." Xiroey and Luco began together, and stopped cold when they saw who they had run in to. Crono stared back at the mis-matched group in wonder. "Wow, i've never seen such a motley collection before! Erm, well, I may be discounting my own!!" He began to laugh. "You're exactly what we're looking for, Crono!" Luco said at once. Crono looked back at him in confusion. "Hmm? What's the matter?" He looked as confused as Marle and Lucca behind him.

"The MULTIVERSE is in danger!" Ness spoke up. "Yeah, there's some people trying to destroy it." That was the shellshockers. "Can't let it happen." Rawk Hawk. "We're trying to garner as many allies as possible..." Cynthia's calm voice drifted from behind. "... So we can stop those who would do the multiverse harm!" Pit. "Pika!" Pikachu affirmed the group's speech.

Crono was in thought a while. "I'm sorry guys... I really am, but my own world needs me. We still have to defeat Lavos. That said, i'd love to help you afterwards... if you still need it."

"Take this." Luco offered him a trinket. "When you are ready to help, touch it to your fore-head and focus... you'll be with us in no time." He winked at him.

"Okay... it's good to see you, uhh...?"

"Luco. This here's Xiroey and..." He went through the names of his party members. "Haha, okay, well... i'll do my best to remember that all!" He gave another laugh. "Well, with any luck, we'll see you soon!" He left.

The group went on but it wasn't long before they came upon the place they were looking for. "The palace... the Time Gear is definitely in here. Where, though...?"

They went through libraries and halls, corridors... No-one they talked to had anything on them that could even remotely be considered a time gear. They went in to the main room...

And that's where they saw it.

... Held on a necklace, worn by Queen Zeal herself.

"This... this is bad." Xiroey whispered.

"We'll have to approach her. Surely she'd understand, if the multiverse was in danger...

... Wouldn't she?"


Their conversation was broken off there and then.

Luco was brought forward. This was nerve-racking. What would he do? What would he say?

"Well?" The queen was impatient. A few shouts came from the bottom of the steps as others thought they should have been first. A few guards soon saw the room deathly silent.

"Your Majesty, I-"

"Your majesty, the queen, am I understood?"

"Yes, your highness. Your majesty, the queen, I come to you with bad tidings. Your world is but one of many, comprising of a large multiverse." He got some confused stares out of the crowd. "That same multiverse is in danger. Very serious danger." The queen looked shocked. Luco could tell she was faking it. Xiroey's voice came in to his head. "Keep it short but to the point."

"Oh of course!" Her lie was astoundingly obvious, he was surprised that everyone else (save his friends) were taken in by it. "What do you suggest we DO?"

"What we need, your majesty..."

"... the queen..."

"Is that charm you're wearing."

The queen was shocked by that.

"Certainly NOT!! How dare you even speak of it. Surely you are lying, you only want my trinket! I'll have you know this trinket..." Luco had a sudden moment of clarity. He knew what he needed to do. "... and lavos is greater than this, I am sure!"

The room went quiet. The queen put her hand over her mouth as she realized what she had just let slip. "I mean... WE, are greater than this. I am terribly sorry, you all know this is a terrible time for us, you cannot blame me for being pre-occupied in my thoughts!"

Clever cover up. It won't save you from me. Luco took his chance.

He teleported up to her, grabbed the time gear and pulled.

The chain broke and the beads fell to the floor, echoing around the now silent room.

He teleported back.

"What did you?- Guards! Get him at once!" She screeched with fury.

"Now, would be the time to run." Luco said that as much to himself as he did to his friends. They ran through corridors, dodging guards at every corner. Xiroey had to use ice magic to help them on their way through. it was like running a maze. Richard was shooting behind him to give them cover fire and Luco saw Frostwraith bring out his pokemon to give them all some room to breathe.

They ran, until they were out of the palace. "Fly, we have to fly!" Luco jumped on Charizard's back as the group let off. Frostwraith had Hydreigon, carrying Richard, Cynthia with Togekiss, carrying the shellshockers and Rawk Hawk. Both pits, Xiroey (now Latios) and the PSI kids had no trouble flying on their own. Jealous... Luco needed a few more gems before he could do that again.

They landed on another small island, without a portal this time. "Phew!" Luco said, as he took out the time gear. the trinket gave a glow in the dull light as it was nearly dark now.

They decided to make camp then and there for the night. "That's a job well done!" They gave cheer as they sat under the starry night sky. The grass was still warm and the breeze was perfect. They slept.

Luco awoke in the dark of the night. Something was off. The breeze was a little chilly as he walked to the edge of the floating isle and looked out and around. Nothing from the islands around them... Why did he feel so strange?

And then the ground beneath him crumbled.

And he fell.

He had only time to emit a high-pitched yelp before he was inside something. A glass case, he thought. He tried to use magic against it but it wouldn't work. A dispel charm? I'm not strong enough to deal with this!

Xiroey woke up to the yelp. "Luco?" He looked over sleepily at where Luco lay.

Except now he wasn't.

He sat up alarmed. "Luco! Luco, where are you?" He called in to the night. He looked at the side and noticed a large chunk of ground missing at the ledge.

"Luco!?" He screamed, rushing to the edge and looking down. The others were waking up. All he could see was mist.

A voice drifted up from the darkness below:

"Fools. Come for him if you dare... We'll be waiting."

"MUHTI!!!" He screamed in to the lone darkness. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!"

Perhaps Palutena was right to feel those feelings after all...


So you know, Xiroey has the time gear piece. Gained a time gear, lost an ally.

So what happens now? :O


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
while I am stuck in a programming work... I'll write out something.

This part won't do much to advance the plot, but will reveal backstory about the mysterious dark mage, Frostwraith.


"So, Muhti got one move for us...", thought Frostwraith loudly.

"We've got to do something! Luco is in danger!", said Latios.

"I have a plan...", said Frostwraith while taking his laptop.

"What are you doing?"

Without saying anything, Frostwraith withdrew a Poké Ball from his laptop.

"Zoroark! The time has come...", said Frostwraith releasing his Zoroark.

"Is that... a shiny Zoroark?!", said Cynthia in amazement.

"She belonged to my former Master. The one who taught me magic."

"Former Master? What do you mean?", wondered Richard.

"He was an old sage who taught me magic during my entire childhood. He was a close friend of my parents who were murdered when I was a baby... as their dying wish, the sage took me and raised me as his apprentice."

"That's very sad...", commented Pit.

"The training was brutal and many times I was close to death, but my Master's faith in me and my desire to avenge my parents were the only factors keeping me alive.", continued Frostwraith, who spoke for the first time with more emotion in his voice.

The group remained silent while listening to Frostwraith's story.

"When I was 6, my Master took me to the Pokémon world, because my parents' assassins were after him as well. During that time, the sage offered me two eggs, from which Litwick and Deino were born. Besides my Master, these two were the only ones I could call friends. Anyway, me and my Master explored our new world and began to bond with Dark and Ghost type Pokémon due to their abilities being close to dark magic. I believe those were the best times of my life... until my Master's death, when I was 19. In his dying words, he told me everything about my parents including his assassination. Now that I knew the truth, I swore to become stronger in hopes to find my parents' assassins... and avenge my parents' once and for all. I began travelling through the many worlds and dimensions to broaden my knowledge and strengthen myself as a dark mage and a Pokémon Trainer. With my Pokémon partners, I was never alone. After a few years of honing my skills, I began to feel some disturbances in the dimensions. My suspicions eventually became true when I found Dark Pit on Mt. Coronet. As my Master told me before dying, my parents' murderers were dimensional travellers. He gave me a key to a locker belonging to my parents. There I found a book about dimensional travelling and everything about it. When I learned about Muhti and Dimentio's intentions, I quickly concluded that they belonged to the same organization that was behind my parents' assassination... and now with Luco's kidnapping, I couldn't contain my anger any longer..."

The group remained silent for a few more seconds.

"And... what are you planning to do...?", wondered Cynthia.

"Zoroark will spy on Muhti's minions. Her Illusion ability will likely decieve them."

"And what are we going to do?", asked Latios.

"We need to find Luco as soon as possible... but Zoroark will surely ease our search. See that dark red ribbon in her neck? It has a microphone, a camera and an interdimensional magic trasmitter that will allow me to spy on wherever Zoroark is.", explained Frostwraith.

"With all this, we're off to find Luco, right?", asked Dark Pit.

"Yes. Let's not wait any longer."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Little big planet demension**

Ill just place this here and this here... hmm how about difficulty! SOME SPIKES... and a bad guy!! Let's health bar for the bad guy!!

Grab selector_ make it five inputs

Then grab.4 neon or a holygram (material) and make each if the different color if you wish....

Put a selector output on then each there own.

Now for destroyer. Give it the last output and

Weegee: wake UP!!!

*the undeground cave*

What who? I don't like ugh....

Weegee: someone coming down!!




Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Well the Mushroom Kingdom is on my side. So....

Here are the stats:

-I have 1 Time Gear
-You guys have 1 Time Gear


Will edit


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Ehh... I wont reveal the contents of my next post.

Bowser, as seen in my previous post, has ties to our team however.
He is on our side.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Okay that's a definite yes then.

Okay here goes:

(After frostwraith told of his childhood to the group...)

Richard: So we know that muhti resides in the mushroom kingdom but where?

Frostwraith: Somewhere in an open field. That's all we know for now.

Shellshockers: So where's this at?

Richard: Everyone i think i know why muhti kidnapped luco, he wants to draw our attention away from the time pieces and onto luco, that mean's splitting our group in half to do both objectives, the downside is that half our team may be captured.

Cynthia: If what you say is true then we'll have to focus on either the time gears or getting luco back.

Frostwraith: Richard what do you suggest?

Richard: Well, before i met you guys, i would always observe my former boss and what made him the genius he was. It was his ability to remain calm while he calculated precisely on what to do, since i've already learned most of his ways i may have a plan already.

(The group listens to richard's plot)

Latios: That is a great idea, richard!

Richard: It reduces the odds of losing half our group from being imprisoned. But we still need to go to the mushroom kingdom though.

Frostwraith: I'll open a portal for us then.

(Frostwraith uses his dark magic and opens a portal to the mushroom kingdom)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti... The Board still exsists.

Bowser's Kingdom, Equestria, Disney, and the Pokemon World are still sympathetic to us.
(You lidnapped our Pokemon Board member however)
Lets say I bought the land from the Board :smirk:

Well... Half of it.

And I reside in New Hyrule City. The new Smashboards capital. :smirk:

Not the Mushroom Kingdom.


Dimentios New Theme

Frostwraith made the portal, he went in first, then Richard, then Cynthia. Xiroey was about to enter until the portal exploded.

"Golly, and to think you all were going to play with me... Master Of Dimensions... Pleaser of Crowds! DIMENTIO!"", Dimentio said with a snicker.

Nobody wanted to turn, they were stone cold from the shivers Dimentio delivered.

"You're giving me the silent treatment too eh? Well Im going to fix that!", Dimentio reported.

Xiroey finally came to his senses, "Where Luco?! And Frostwraith and others?"

Dimentio cleared his throat, "For starters... Luco was put into custody. And right now I've told Mushroom Kingdom Officials to go and kill your friends..."

He had us either way, Dark Pit thought. "How long?"

"Hmm? Oh.... From the beginning obviously. Nice plan Richard had... Too bad it went to waste... Boo hoo.", Dimentio chuckled.

"Well, we will kick your ***!", Xiroey yelled.

"Not so fast Mr.Physic and Dragon. Haxorus! Chandelure! Please assist me!", Dimentio transmitted from chuckling to a complete maniac laugh.

A shiny Haxorus and shiny Chandelure were launched from Dimentio (Btw my pokemon team, from my actual black/white, is Reuniclus, Chandelure, Umbreon, Serperior,Braviary, and Haxorus. All are legit shiny except Serperior.)

"That's better." Dimentio cracked his bones, "Lets do this now."

vs. Dimentio, Haxorus, & Chandelure


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
"Damn it! We've lost the others!", yelled Frostwraith in frustration.

"What happened?!", asked Richard.

"The portal exploded... and the others are under attack from Muhti's forces... I only have few energy to open another portal, so only I can go to assist them. Stay here and remain quiet until the remaining team arrives. Whatever happens here, remain on guard. I'll be here as soon as I can."

Cynthia and Richard agreed, with Cynthia sending her Garchomp, Spiritomb, Lucario and Milotic to protect them. Frostwraith used the remainder of the portal to return from where he came.

Returning back to the Kingdom of Zeal, he came to Xiroey's aid.

"Dimentio! Is Muhti such a coward to send you instead of battling by himself?!", yelled Frostwraith as he arrived.

"Frostwraith?!", said most of the group in shock.

"Hydreigon, Chandelure, Golurk and Rotom! Attack Dimentio directly!!!", ordered Frostwraith in anger.

The four Pokémon unleashed a mix of Draco Meteor, Overheat, Shadow Punch and Thunder at Dimentio, damaging him severely.

"Oww... you will pay...!", Dimentio yelled as he attempted to attack Frostwraith.

Frostwraith drew his sword and countered Dimentio, who retaliated with an energy ball, knocking Frostwraith. Frostwraith's Hydreigon and Golurk remained engaged in combat against Dimentio's Haxorus and Chandelure respectively.

Frostwraith's Rotom and Chandelure assisted Frostwraith by empowering his sword with lightning or fire. Frostwraith held up against Dimentio, but not too well.

"Now... I strike with M-A-G-I-C!", said Dimentio cheerfully.

Dimentio threw another magic ball at Frostwraith, knocking him down again. Frostwraith was already on the verge of collapse, but for Luco and his dead parents' sake, he wouldn't give up like that.

"I will finish you now!", yelled Frostwraith as he used a powerful dark magic against Dimentio.

Dimentio, however, resisted.

"Anyone... who can use energy based attacks... help me!", said Frostwraith weakly, as he unleased a strange energy ball. "Fire... against the energy ball... now..."


Hydreigon proceeded to finish off Haxorus using another Draco Meteor attack, while Golurk used Stone Edge to wreck Dimentio's Chandelure.

Xiroey, the PSI kids, both Pits, Frostwraith's Chandelure, Rotom and Hydreigon and everyone else with energy attacks fired continuously at the dark energy ball Frostwraith summoned, revealing to be increasing in size for each shot it took...

"Keep... going! I am about to unleash all this power...", said Frostwraith, as he kept taking Dimentio's attacks and couldn't hold up much longer.
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