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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Clapping followed before Frostwraith could unleash his almighty power.

"Good job Dimentio, CHANDELURE, HAXORUS! Return! You will need your rest.", the Smashboards leader finally showed. He had a long black cape along with a staff. "Red, please take care of Frostwraiths Pokemon."

The Pokemon Master took out all of his Pokemon and smirked.

"You finally showed...", Frostwriath muttered, "and I thought you were a coward."

"A coward? Ha! Says the guy who has 3 other Live People to help you. I have CPUs only.", he shrugged.

"Now what are you going to do? Hmm?", Xiroey said with a laugh.

Ness started charging his PK fires as well as Lucas.

"So weak Muhti...", Frostwraith commented. "CANT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT SIT AR-"

Muhti slammed the staff into the ground. "ENOUGH!"

He recooperated and smiled, "Oh Frostwraith, I assume you're searching for Time Gears?"

Whats he playing at?, Frost thought as he was battling Red.

"What do you want?", Xiroey demanded.

"Nothing, just wanted to say that I have a Time Gear myself, hidden in New Hyrule Castle. Oh... Notch of Minecraft taught me a trick about servers and commands.", Muhti reported.

>Muhti accessed the Console

"MUHTI! STOP THIS SICK GAME!", Dark Put yelled.

"For what? Just so all of you can claim Smashboards? And for what? Divide it into factions again and start wars again?", Muhti asked from the Console Room.

>Muhti banned the item id (#2037) Portal

"Hmm... No portals means no quick teleporting. Well, see you!", Muhti said with glee. He snapped his fingers as each team member was teleported to seperate locations, except Frostwraith, who was battling Red and his Pokemon.

Muhti twirled his staff.

"Muhti, it's time to find the Time Gears", Dimentio said.

Muhti nodded, but went to New Hyrule City to check on something.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
A quick but potent segment. Also, i'm considering writing a Forum Fight rule set to (hopefully) be stickied. It's nothing big and is more of a guide for newer RP-ers in general. ^_^

Please consider this section of the story to be just before Muhti shows up in the Kingdom of Zeal. He was in that meeting whilst dimentio was battling you all.


He sat alone in a single, solitary room. He had been alone in it for some time now and noticed his thoughts running regular patterns in a cycle, if it could be called as such. How could I... what does he... how can they... what if they... how could I... and so on.

He was still in the middle of said cycle when the door in front of him opened. "Muhti" he said, darkly. "Good morning!" He said with a cheer that luco could not tell whether real or fake. It's morning? I have no time-keeping skills then. "You're a valuable asset Luco. Xiroey may want you back in exchange for the time gear... Or he may not want you back at all." Muhti was smart but Luco wasn't an idiot. Don't get discouraged! "Still... I think it's only worth ringing the... best, out of this situation. Well? Don't you? The game is simple. You can tell me what you know of the time gears... or I can hurt you until I kill you. Of course, that would be tragic for poor Xiroey... But if fools will not listen, whatever can you do? The world is full of despair." With that he slammed his hand against the wall and Luco thought there was some real anger in there. What was his past like?

Luco wasn't in his glass case anymore but the way he was, he could only use the weakest of magics. That didn't stop Muhti's torture being mostly harmless to Luco. Fire, ice, physical pain... he was resistant to them all.

Muhti frowned in frustration after his third attempt. "Surely there's some way to... Oh, oh yes, it makes sense now." The following minutes were perhaps the most painful parts as Luco could tell what he was doing: Assembling a machine that would zap at him with electricity. One in-opportune weakness... "There, all done. This... this, should do the trick." Luco screamed in agony as the electricity coursed through his body. He had never felt so relieved when it stopped. "Persuaded?" Muhti asked him. "No..." He wasn't going to win so easily. He screamed once more, though this time the pain was slightly more tolerable. Not enough to matter.

He had had enough. "Muhti, you're so mis-guided... but that won't stop me from killing you now if you don't let me go." Muhti chuckled, but Luco's eyes were set in stone. He knew he had the means to achieve killing Muhti. "I decided something a little while ago, Luco... just on the off chance you'd want to do anything. How about we step out..." He clicked his fingers and the wall behind Luco opened up in to what seemed to be a foot-ball field. "... in to the light?" Luco's chair was rolled in to the open.

And what he saw despaired him. People. Lots and lots of people. He saw citizens of the home-world and others too. Star fox and Red were there, among many, many others.

"No...." Luco sobbed in despair. "This is between you and me, Muhti! Don't bring them in to this. I couldn't... I can't..."

"Oh but that is exactly my point, my little friend, for you see now you have two options: You can tell we where the time gears are, or die in the darkness. It really is your choice."

Luco hung his head in despair, unknowing of what to do.

That was when Crono arrived.

"Crono!?" Luco squinted against the bright light.

A bolt shot past his face and missed him by an inch. Muhti dodged the bullet but that gave Ayla time to steal a button from his hand. The feel of the metal releasing from him was incredible and out of contact with the chair, he could finally use his powers. "Da*n you!" Muhti cried. He was far out-numbered and the citizens in the stands had no idea what was going on.

"Take it. Take your freedom." He hissed, opening up a portal behind them. It sucked and pulled and Luco could not resist it. He was pulled in, as was Crono and friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Muhti had called a meeting with his officers to discuss the recent developments.

"He's escaped and we're none the wiser. Our chance upon the Kingdom of Zeal was a lucky one but they'll be more careful next time. That said... Luco can't quite travel through dimensions yet and that goddess they have with them would have to spend time looking for him. We can bluff that we have him for now, which only gives us time. Still, that is time we can use...."


So IC, you don't know i've escaped. Crono and friends, and myself, have been sucked in to another world. Find out where next time! ;)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
While Frostwraith and his team fought Dimentio, Master Hand, Arceus, and Angel Land's deities Palutena and Dyntos were reunited at Final Destination.

"So, this war was caused by Primal Dialga? Is that what you found, Master Hand?", questioned Palutena.

"If my findings are correct, yes.", responded the hand.

"How do you feel about Crazy Hand's betrayal?", questioned Arceus.

"It was his choice. A choice that he will regret sooner or later. We are to avoid taking sides in this war, however, Lady Palutena agrees that the group led by Xiroey is in the right side.", continued Master Hand.

"But, we still need to find if they are worthy of our help.", stated Arceus.

"Yes. We still need to test them. Once they arrive at this place with a large army, as we asked, we shall have them pass through more trials, isn't it so, Lord Dyntos?", agreed Master Hand.

"Yes. I can forge a powerful weapon from our powers and aid them, but only if they are worthy. I still have doubts about them, though.", replied Angel Land's Forge God.

"It's settled then...", agreed Master Hand again.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Eep! Muhti, be careful when RP-ing. Master Hand would know exactly what's going on and would have thought about it...

You have a way of treading a fine line when it comes to RP. Just... be careful, okay? :p

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(After Frostwraith went back to help the group)

(Richard starts to think about what just happened and has a vision again)

Cynthia: What did you see just now?

Richard: I just channeled into the world we just left and dimentio and the group are engaged in a furious battle.

Cynthia: Well no time to chat now, we have to remain silent.

Richard: Looks like were a little late for that.

(Cynthia's garchomp starts to growl)

Richard: Patrol cars! and it looks like they're heading this way. I'm counting 12 in all.

(The mushroom kingdom officials arrive with guns drawn at the two.)

Richard: Hmm is this the way it must be? Fine then, cynthia i'll deal with this.

Mushroom police: You think you can take us on by yourself?

???: With me we'll both be done with you in three minutes.

Richard: That voice!

(Suddenly richard sees a figure wearing black who zipped toward the officers like a jet of black smoke)

Richard: Wesker! (Richard zips toward the officers as well, firing his gun, the officers return fire but both richard and wesker overwhelm them before they can react)

Mushroom kingdom official: These guys are...argh.

(The officer gets shot before he can finish his sentence)

Richard: Freaks? I wouldn't assume that. Anyway, wesker what are you doing here?

Wesker: I was informed by our little time traveler that you would be here, so he teleported me.

Richard: Despite our differences, we have something bigger to worry about. The worlds including ours are in danger.

Wesker: Yes, i'm aware of that which is why i came to find you and to assist anyway i can putting our differences aside, For the time being

Richard:With you at our side now we'll be a force to be reckoned with.

(Cynthia, Richard and his Former boss wait for the team leader, Frostwraith to return)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Eep! Muhti, be careful when RP-ing. Master Hand would know exactly what's going on and would have thought about it...

You have a way of treading a fine line when it comes to RP. Just... be careful, okay? :p
Remember I stated Crazy Hand was smarter than Master Hand :smirk:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Remember I stated Crazy Hand was smarter than Master Hand :smirk:
That doesn't mean both of them haven't viewed the situation and taken their respective sides. You have a habit of making good character suddenly turn evil. It's not good RP, you know what I mean?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
That doesn't mean both of them haven't viewed the situation and taken their respective sides. You have a habit of making good character suddenly turn evil. It's not good RP, you know what I mean?
Just like you guys.

You always said I was evil yet Im just protecting Smashboards :/


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I thought you wanted to be evil?? :confused:

You're always talking about how you want the bad guy to win and how the bad guy is bad-*** and so on. o.O


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
...Just got ninja'd

[Ignore... ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[COLLAPSE="This did not happen! (>x.x)>"]Latios' curt laugh broke the tense atmosphere. "Dementio! How has life been treating you". He greeted the jester warmly as if welcoming back an old friend. Slowly, Haxorus and Chandelure were closing in. Latios knew, the two would have him completely boxed in before long. His demeanor showed no signs of distress however, his tone was welcoming and sweet. "Been a while" Dementio agreed, his fingers were crackling with dark energy. There was a movement to Latios' side-- Haxorus had made it into position. No where to run. "Still kidnapping innocents I see. You've yet to return Xatu to us. Any plans on giving him back"?

A Shadow Ball whizzed at Latios' head. The Eon uncoiled like a spring. He tossed up his protect to block the blast, then launched a Shadow Ball of his own in retaliation. Chandelure countered with it's Flamethrower; then, there was chaos. Dementio was on Latios in a flash. He spun whizzing 2 dimensional spheres at him that threatened to cleave Latios in half. Latios was quick, darting left and right to avoid Dementio's attacks. Faintly, Latios picked up the sensation of movement behind himself. He was forced to dive to the side as a flaming claw arced at him. Suddenly, Latios was greeted with a welcoming sight. From his current position, Haxorus' entire left side was exposed. A painful dose of his Icy Wind quickly taught the dragon a lession.

"Still running around like a coward I see" Dementio jeered. He conjured up a warped field of space around himself, stopping a Thunderbolt from Latios in it's tracks. Latios was forced to hide behind a protective Ice wall as Chandelure shot at him with it's Shadow Ball again. White hot attacks flew across the battlefield like fireworks. Latios chanced a quick peek around his shield, and launched out his Luster Purge at Dementio's barrier. His heart leaped when he saw that the blue sparks from the attack had penitrated through. Dementio's Special Defense was down. Haxorus Aimed a Dual Chop at Latios' barrier, and the resulting Ice shards smoked him out. Suddenly, he was out in the open.

"Oh dear..." Latios mused. An Overheat from Chandelure lit the ground beneath Latios ablaze. Latios let his Protect fall, then suddenly Haxorus was on him. He parried a swipe at his wing with his dragon claw, then tossed up his Tailwind in order to force Haxorus back. Dementio's negative spheres came tat him from the side. With nowhere to run, Latios shot straight up. The sphere shot by beneath him, but then there was a Flamethrower from Chandelure waiting him directly above. The air above the Island exploded as Latios charged directly into it. "That should teach the idiot a lession". Dementio snickered.

All was quiet. Glowing embers rained down on the battlefield like fireflies. There was a thick cloud of smoke in the air. Dementio tried to squint through it, he wanted to see the damage Chanadelure's attack had caused. Then the world went red and white. Dementio's backside exploded. Latios unleashed a fury of attacks at Dementio's backside, his claws glowing with blue and black flame. Dementio teleported away just as Latios tried to nail him with another Shadow Claw. Crimson blood was flung from the tips of his claws as his final attack missed. Dementio reappeard a short distance away in the air above. His eyes were furious.

"To hell with your bloody illusions"! Dementio swore.

Latios licked a bit of it off his claw. He could feel a bit of his old self returning. Shadows threatened to grab hold of his heart again, he could feel his old bloodlust rising. "I'm not the same Xiroey you and that Psychopath president of yours are used to". Latios chuckled darkly. A faint purple aura gathered around his body. Chandelure and Haxorus advanced again. Dementio shot a dark energy blast at him in blind rage. It passed right through the illusion Latios' chest. Dementio's heart rate began to race even faster. Latios could feel his blood pressure begining to build. Good. He kept up the stream of taunts. "You've grown soft", Latios teased from somewhere off in the shadows.

Haxorus had his nose pointed up in the air. He was trying to sniff Latios out. It's eyes lit up as it caught a whiff of something from behind a small mountain of rocks. Dementio noticed the movement. In a near-impossible effort, he tried to force himself to calm down. "You can't expect to hide indefinately", Dementio warned him. He was building up his energy again. He didn't look over at the small rock mountain a little ways down the clearing. A quick motion with his right index finger told Haxorus and Chandelure to do the same.

"He wants me to think he's got us at a disadvantage" Dementio thought. He was used to Latios' mind worked. All this, he knew, was just a ploy to get him to drop his guard. He wouldn't let it work. He felt a slight tingling sensation in his head, Latios was penetrating through his mental defenses. Dmentio tried to force him back, but the Eon's mind was too strong. Suddenly, he could hear Latios' voice in his head. At least, he thought it was Latios' voice. It sounded a bit distorted, and the tone was much darker.

"You're a blasted fool, Dementio. The King, the dark tribe, they deserved what they got. You think you honestly saved those people. Pathetic, all of them, they couldn't even save themselves."

Dementio could feel his emotions stirring up again. He was doing all he could to force the Eon out, but the stream of words kept coming. With every word Latios said, Dementio could feel his rage gradually begining to build.

"You think these people are happy? What about when Zelda had the lot of them locked up in chains? Toss them a hunk of meat and they'll roll over and kiss your feet like the bunch of cowed dogs they are. They're not happy. They're just too afraid to say anything.

You honestly think you've helped these people? You're no different than Zelda was"!

Dementio snapped. He let his energy build to the breaking point, then unleased an enormous ball of condensed space so tight, it compressed the very air into diamond hard density. The orb swallowed up the rock, and everything up to 20 meters around it. Dementio could feel a dark pleasure welling up in his heart. The presense in his head had vanished. He'd taken care of that annoying Eon for good. He was finally--

A soft voice whispered in his ear. "You're a failure Dementio..." It said.
Dementio spun around, launching a 2D square at it with the intents to cleave Latios in half. There was no one there. Dementio looked around the entire field around him was empty. Every relevant land mark that could hide a 6 foot dragon had been entirely leveled to the ground.

Latios had escaped.[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Muhti, Luco is right. You have to be careful when RPing other characters. The freedom to influence another character's actions is a big responsibility. You have a habbit of RPing characters incorrectly, and causing them to do things that are completely against their nature.

For example:

In the previous story: You had Gengar betray Xiroey. For no apparent reason other than curiosity. Gengar and Xiroey have shared an inseperable bond from day 1. Something like that would never have happened unless he had an extremely powerful reason for doing so. You also tend to make character's say things that they never would, given their personality.

Xatu swearing at Dementio for example.

There's also causing Mari to wimper, Making Xiroey use Roar of Time, forcing Xiroey to leap off of Regirock at Hyrule castle (after I gave many obvious hints that he was too weak to fight on his own), Making Impact into a Communist organization, ect...

Just... try to be careful of stuff like that.


On a different note:
We all know that Muhti believes that he's working for the right cause. We make you out as an evil character. But only because our characters see you as an evil character. As far as your speech and actions go. Your character has always had a tendency to speak his mind with little restraint. Also, evil or not, your character's methods are ruthless whenever you try to achieve a goal.

Threatening to kill everyone in Xiroey and Mari's group if we didn't let you back in should be testiment enough of that.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
For anyone that's interested, I have just made a quick rule-set thread for Forum Fight. I plan on putting up a guide a little later on. Feel free to discuss the rules, guys! Ask questions, modify the guide when it comes. I'm not the only one at this haw! ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
really, Muhti??? o_O

REALLY??? your scene with Master Hand has just created a plothole...

at this rate and Muhti becomes a God Mode Sue-type character... >_>

bad writing at its finest, but whatever...


Fortunately, what Crazy Hand thought was Master Hand... was in fact, Frostwraith's Zoroark, who used Crazy Hand's arrival at Final Destination as a perfect opportunity to trick the treacherous hand... and get new information for her Master, Frostwraith.
-Ignore this-


off topic... but it's almost 2013 here, guys!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Not disgusting, just something to improve upon. Many people here don't have a large experience with RP, it's only expected that mistakes are gonna be made sometimes. :)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
for your information... this is also my first time RP'ing... so, I don't think it's an excuse... <_<

it's just a matter of paying attention to details... o.o


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Just ignore the Crazy Hand part.

I honestly find it unfair that Im the only one on a side. When you guys first started, you couldn't at least join my side? :(


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
not to start an argument, but this...

"What do you want?", Xiroey demanded.

"Nothing, just wanted to say that I have a Time Gear myself, hidden in New Hyrule Castle. Oh... Notch of Minecraft taught me a trick about servers and commands.", Muhti reported.

>Muhti accessed the Console

"MUHTI! STOP THIS SICK GAME!", Dark Put yelled.

"For what? Just so all of you can claim Smashboards? And for what? Divide it into factions again and start wars again?", Muhti asked from the Console Room.

>Muhti banned the item id (#2037) Portal

"Hmm... No portals means no quick teleporting. Well, see you!", Muhti said with glee. He snapped his fingers as each team member was teleported to seperate locations, except Frostwraith, who was battling Red and his Pokemon.

Muhti twirled his staff.

"Muhti, it's time to find the Time Gears", Dimentio said.

Muhti nodded, but went to New Hyrule City to check on something.
... is God Mode Sue-ing at its best.

besides, I was attempting to write a major plot twist but you haven't left me with much choice now... (-____-;)


off topic: 15 minutes till 2013... =D


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Did I tell you I have nobody on my team?

I mean I have 4 people to hit me back to back.

Plus I suck at writing stories. I write them though for enjoyment. So please, tell me Im doing something wrong. Not call me "DISGUSTING"


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I will say that more sympathy should be felt for muhti. We are 4 people against his 1, it's only fair that he wants more power to compensate. That's why I was happy to let the 'muhti accessed the console' thing slide. He does need something to compensate.

What if we ask Alberto to join your side, muhti? Seeing as he seems interested in the project at the very least.

And yes, you might be new but you don't need to worry about being anywhere near OP as it wouldn't matter right now: You have like 20 other people to help you out (most of which you can easily control by typing in their actions too). :laugh:

Muhti doesn't have our numbers yet, so he's understandably more worried about his position.

Just sayin'. While muhti needs to be careful with this stuff, we should recognize the situation he's in. We don't want this to become less fun for him, you know?


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
fine, whatever... -.-

I'll attempt to write... something, then...


Frostwraith was on the verge of collapsing, but he had to face Red in battle...

"Why? There's something I don't know about this war... something feels wrong... but, I must... I must prevail... even if I am... alone again...", thought Frostwraith.

"Chandelure! Fight! FIGHT!!!", yelled Frostwraith in despair.

Red sent out his Pikachu, who attacked Chandelure with a Volt Tackle move.

Chandelure took the attack, but got up and retaliated with a Fire Blast, knocking out Pikachu.

"Why must this happen? I don't think Red would be kind of person to do this... no point dwelling, this is my fight... I will crush any opposition in name of what I defend!", thought Frostwraith as Red sent out his Snorlax.

"Chandelure, attack with Fire Blast again!", ordered Frostwraith-

Snorlax resisted and countered with Surf, knocking out Chandelure.

"Golurk! Do not falter!", said Frostwraith.

Using his flight capabilties, Golurk avoided another of Snorlax's Surf and retaliated with DynamicPunch, dealing a massive amount of damage and confusing Snorlax. Snorlax hurt itself in its confusion.

"Now is... your chance... Golurk...", said Frostwraith.

Golurk attacked now with Hammer Arm, knocking out Snorlax and promptin Red to send out his Venusaur.

"Golurk... Earthquake!", ordered Frostwraith.

Venusaur was hurt, but countered Golurk with a powerful Energy Ball. Golurk was knocked out and Frostwraith replaced him with Hydreigon.

"Fire Blast!", ordered Frostwraith, to which Hydreigon obeyed and defeated Venusaur.

Red countered Frostwraith's choice with Charizard who used Dragon Claw on Hydreigon, who got severely hurt. Hydreigon, getting up, countered with Surf, hitting directly on Charizard's tail, knocking him out instantly.

"A critical hit...", muttered Frostwraith.

On Red's side was Blastoise now. Hydreigon got ahold of himself and attacked the Water-type using Charge Beam, damaging him. Blastoise attacked Hydreigon using Blizzard, much to Frostwraith's expactation, who sent out Rotom as a replacement.

"Thunder...", said Frostwraith to his Pokémon, who obeyed.

Blastoise was no match to the Electric-type and all that was left for Red was left with Espeon.

"Let's end this, partner... use Shadow Ball!! NOW!!!", ordered Frostwraith, whose voice now screamed madness, yet with a glimpse of hope...

Rotom did as ordered and finished Espeon off. Red walked away in retreat, rendering Frostwraith alone with Rotom.

"I must find my allies... no matter the cost...", muttered Frostwraith.

Frostwraith took from his magic bag a book titled "Dimensional Travelling - A Guide by Venoth Frostwraith".

"My family was a great family of mages... as the sole remaining member, I shall honor them... I will end this senseless war... at all costs...", thought Frostwraith out loud before he sat in a rock and began reading the book. "There must be some answer I haven't found yet... I can't give up!"

-WILL EDIT LATER- I must go and greet 2013, pardon me if you will...

Frostwraith is not his name, but his family name. He intends to counter Muhti's attack by using his family's knowledge.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
That said, muhti, you should realize, you have more power than you know. You can still bluff having me as prisoner.

Oh, that reminds me!! Another rule I need to put in the rule-set.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
So many sues, in that site i checked out.

(makes fun of the many sues)

My name is sue, how do you do?

I'll sue you!

Would you like some sue-sauce with your sue?

(giggles to himself)

Okay now posting another part,

(Richard, Cynthia and Albert Wesker were waiting for someone to show)

Richard: Something's wrong it shouldn't take this long for the group to show (Richard starts to think about frostwraith going back and has a vision).

Cynthia: Can you find where they are?

Richard: I can only see frostwraith, no one is there...

Cynthia: Oh no. That means....

Richard: Yep, were all alone for now.

Wesker: What?! You mean were stuck here for a long time?

Richard: It would seem indefinitely. (Richard looks over at the patrol cars atsomething moving) Hey! I see you over there trying to be a peeping tom, come out now.

(suddenly three mushroom officials pop out but turn out to be hammer bros. in uniform)

Mushroom officer: Please don't kill us! We saw what you did to our comrades and wouldn't want the same fate!

Mushroom officer #2: We surrender, just let us go please!

Wesker: Such arrogance and ignorance will be the downfall of you authority figures (Wesker pulls out his pistol and aims at the officers, the officers start to panic)

Richard: No! Calm down wesker!

Cynthia: Going on a rampage, killing people just for your own cause wouldn't solve anything.

Richard: Cynthia's right, now calm down. Now as for the officials, were willing to let you surrender peacefully and leave as long as you don't try to hurt us.

Mushroom officers: Thank you!

(The mushroom officers leave our heroes alone)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Weegee: What no one came down... I thought i heard foot steps

Hinata: Mars

Hinata! your suppose to be dead

Weegee: who are you talking to.

What dont u c her?

Weegee: I se no one.

She's right there in your face dude

Hinata: He's blind

must be

Weegee: I must be what

You cant hear her?

Weegee: I dont hear or se a thing.... your talking to or about!!!!

Hinata ignore him he's Madio's stupid brother

Weegee: Dude this place must be like Angel dust to you. some one has to hurry up and save us before I go insane!!!!


Happy new year


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Happy New Year everybody! =D
Frostwraith was still alone, reading the book about dimensional travelling. He knew that he still had a lot to learn, so he took his time to find a solution to his problem.

"Hmm... "Chapter XVII - Dimensional Teleportation"... this could be interesting, indeed...", thought Frostwraith.

Frostwraith carefully read that section of the book, written by his great-great-grandfather, Venoth Frostwraith.

"This is the spell I can use to find and save my allies... I still had a lot to read in this book... there could be no better time than this to learn what else had my ancestors discovered..."

Frostwraith began practicing the spell, with the aid of small objects he had in his bag.

"Hmm... if I do this...", said as he made a gesture to a small wooden statue, with a letter addressed to Cynthia and Richard. "I can send it to the Mushroom Kingdom."

The statue vanished and Frostwraith could only hope for it to arrive to his pretended destination...
The latter said:

"Cynthia and Richard: the group got split by Muhti's forces and forcibly forbade the use of portals. But, don't worry, I am mastering the art of Dimensional Teleportation, so I can reunite our alliance. Please, hold on as best as you can.

- Frostwraith"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The doorway into the main foyer splintered inward. The room exploded, guests scrambled in all directions, waving their arms and covering their faces. Gengar and Entei burst into the room, all fur and woodchips. "Scram, all of ya! This party is officially crashed! Get!" Gengar stood up on Entei's back and waved his arms around to look as menacing as possible. They got the message, Within seconds, everyone in the room was either out the room, or crammed into a doorway. Entei paced slowly around the circular chamber like a cat trying to sniff out a rat, It sniffed tables, tapestry, fallen chairs. Suddenly, it picked it's nose up from the ground. It had something, the pair rushed back out of the room and back into the main lobby where Charizard and co. were waiting.

"Anything?" Charizard questioned as the splintery pair rushed back in. He no longer had Gliscor draped across his back, the pair now stood side by side. Gliscor appeared to be preoccupied with the stairweel engravings. "We've picked up a scent. "It was here." Entei confirmed. Charizard's eyes lit up at the news. "How long ago"?

"The scent is fresh. About two hours, rough estimate".

"It must be here then." Gliscor muttered whilist engrossed in his stairwell.

Entei and Gengar ran back in the direction of the enterance. A quick sniff around that general area confirmed that the object hadn't left. "We need to search the Castle then". Floatzel yawned. Gengar jumped down off of Entei, they'd have better luck if they searched seperately. "Be weary of posted security". Entei warned.

"Charizard and I will search upstairs " Gliscor said. He'd lost interest in the stairs, and now he was completely focused. "Ty and I will take the basement and dungeon levels" Floazel agreed.

"Good. That leaves us with the topmost levels." Entei and Gengar shared a brief nod, then took off up the stairs in a haste. The two remaining groups bid each other good luck as well and took off in their own direction.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Deep inside the Oran Forest

Far away in peaceful slumber

Dreams unfold of snowy mountains

Hidden in a silent land

Deep inside the Oran Forest

Tales unwind of lands untold

Nestled in deceitful memory

Never for man to behold ...

"...Never for man to behold". Spirit sang. The sounds of his ocarina faded away into a violent ocean. . .


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Lets get things going...


They'd been on the island for some time now. Besaid, to be exact. "It is so nice to meet you, Lady Yuna!" Luco was enjoying himself and the warmth of the days. He'd learnt the basic rules of Blitzball and had perfected some of his magic along-side Lulu, who was quiet and stubborn but gave a smile every now and then. Crono and his friends had gone a few different ways as they found different things on the island to be more to their tastes. While they were all enjoying the island, it was painfully obvious that they needed a way to rejoin the group. However, neither Yuna nor Lulu had the power to make one. They suggested a batter mage than themselves. Luco was hard-pressed to think of ways he could help them. "Would channeling power allow you to make one?" he'd ask.

"Not if I don't know the spell." Lulu had answered for the fifth time. Something struck her suddenly as she went in to thought. "Perhaps... perhaps Valefor could take you to Kilika Island. Isaaru is a powerful summoner there and may know more than we do."

Yuna, always wanting to help, agreed at once. "When you're ready to go, send Valefor back. He'll know the way." She began to summon Valefor. As she danced, the symbol around her sent beacons in to the sky, parting the clouds in a show of a shock-wave and allowing him to see what could have been a pod rocketing down-ward from the sky. As it got closer to the ground, Valefor unfurled its wings and slowed down. It landed on the ground to a pat from yuna. It was an incredible creature. "He knows the way, we've been to Kilika before."

He was over the sea. He noticed small, dark shapes in the water. Sea creatures. One in particular was larger than the rest, over to the east. Without warning, it got 10 times as large in only a few moments. What erupted out of the water was no normal inhabitant but spawn of sin. They erupted out of the water in all directions, as if the dark shape underneath the water sensed something but couldn't be sure where it was. Luco was glad, as they were too far away for any of the spawn to do anything to them. They kept flying until the black shape below the waves became a dot, then a discolouring on the horizon, then nothing.

They arrived at kilika and went straight through the port town on to the jungle path that led to the temple on the side of the hill. It was as they were here that they ran in to Isaaru, for his outfit clearly marked him as a summoner. "Can I help you?" He asked. Luco went straight to the point. "You need a portal for you and your friends to travel through? I suppose that can be done... I know how to make one but the power involved is immense. You'd have to find me some sort of magical item."

Luco flicked his hand towards the ground and an orb splashed on the grass. "Or you could use me." He grinned.

The group at Besaid had assembled Crono and friends when the portal there went up. "Where exactly does this lead?" Crono noted to Yuna.

"He didn't say" Was her response. "But I doubt he'd be doing this out of spite." She kindly waved them off as they went through.

Luco had a portal of his own next. He waved Valefor goodbye and thanked Isaaru. "It's not a problem. Besides, I left a note for Valefor to carry. It's been too long since Yuna and I have talked." He waved Luco through.

Luco stepped in through the portal and came out on even softer grass. Crono and friends were there. "Where are we, Luco?" Robo asked. "It's a little dangerous to be here... this is the pokeworld. If I am to face muhti and his troops, i need more power, so I need to look here. In the mean-time, it won't take long for Palutena to notice us here. We'll be with the group soon enough... I hope. So long as nothing's happened. We also need to rescue Mewtwo and Mew. I didn't see them when i was captured before.

They began to walk, looking for gems...


Uhh yea, that's the extent of my part. Enjoy! :p


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio


I'm unchained!

Weegee: but how?

...I would tell you but no.... that's some strong dust

Weegee: sorry I was kidding about the angel dust. ENOUGH!!! Unchain me.



Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I'll post mine now.

(Meanwhile Cynthia, Richard and Wesker who recently decided to join temporary, putting aside his differences, waited for someone to arrive when suddenly.)

Richard: Hey guys look over there!

(A statue appears)

Cynthia: A wooden statue....looks like there's something at the mouth base (Cynthia pulls out a letter and reads it).

Richard: What does it say?

Cynthia: It's a letter from frostwraith, it says that muhti divided the group, and forcibly forbade portals leading to the realms, he says he's still learning to master dimensional teleportation and for us to wait a little longer as best as we can.

Richard: Okay that's a relief.

Wesker: Finally, someone let's me know of the situation.

(Cynthia and Richard start to laugh to themselves silently about wesker's comment)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Frrostwraith trained for three hours without any breaks. Now that he felt ready to use the spell on himself, he prepared all his equipment... and his mind.

"Something like this ought to work... I might die, I might shatter the multiverse beyond repair... but I can't simply give up.", said Frostwraith to himself.

Frostwraith returned his Rotom to its Poké Ball and began channelling power. His mind was focused on the destination they intended to go via portal, and he began to dematerialize...

Frostwraith went unconscious for a brief time, but when he woke up, he found himself in a wasteland.

"The spell worked... Cynthia and Richard shouldn't be far away. Help me out, Chandelure!"

Frostwraith sent out his Chandelure who was looking out for both enemies and allies alike.

"What is it, Chandelure? Did you see anything?", asked Frostwraith after Chandelure made a small beacon.

Cynthia, Richard and Wesker saw a beacon made of blue flame, shaped like Frostwraith's skull emblem on his cape.

"That beacon... it's Frostwraith's Chandelure!", noted Cynthia.

"Let's go after it.", agreed Richard.

The group went after the same beacon and found what they expected: Frostwraith and his Chandelure.

"You made it after all...", complimented Cynthia.

"It took a long time and was something risky, but here we are. And I see you found an ally...", responded Frostwraith.

"That's my former boss, Wesker.", introduced Richard.

"Was that the guy whom you were waiting for? He's creepy.", commented Wesker.

"Creepy or not, I am here to help. Well, let's not waste anymore time. We must return to the Kingdom of Zeal and find Luco first.", said Frostwraith coldly.

"Will you use the teleportation spell again?", asked Cynthia.

"Correct. This spell is more difficult to master, but once mastered, it's actually safer than using portals. Like many other dimensional travelling spells, when using incorrectly it may have horrible consequences.", explained Frostwraith.

Frostwraith used his power and drew a magic circle around them. He focused his mind and, in a blink of eye, they were back to the Kingdom of Zeal.

"It worked out nicely. Luco is close by. Fortunately, I have another card to play.", said Frostwraith with a smile.

"What do you mean?", asked Richard.

"Houndoom!", said Frostwraith as he sent out a Poké Ball.

"Excellent idea. Houndoom has a good sense of smell, he can track down Luco's and everyone else's scent.", commented Cynthia.

Frostwraith took from his bag the Time Gear they've found and gave it to Houndoom for it to smell.

"Since Luco was the one who grabbed this Time Gear, Houndoom will recognize this as his smell. Afterwards, we follow Houndoom. Hopefully, we can use this strategy to find the remaining team members.", explained Frostwraith, as he took Dark Pit's Silver Bow from his magic bag.

"That's a good plan.", agreed Richard.

They began to follow Houndoom as he guided them to Luco's whereabouts...

Meanwhile, Frostwraith's Zoroark provided intel on wherever she went. Her ribbon also had a magic stone tablet that allowed for up to 10 spells per magic charge. Progressively crafted by the Frostwraith family across generations, it was a simple, yet powerful tool that anyone could use, even those without magic training. Zoroark proceeded to use the first spell and teleported to Palutena's Temple, disguised as Frostwraith.

"Frostwraith? What brings you here?", asked Palutena.

Zoroark explained the situation, just as Frostwraith ordered. She found out, to Frostwraith's relief, that both Pit and Dark Pit were safe thanks to Palutena's extraction ability. Using a second spell from the stone tablet to bring Pit and Dark Pit close to the real Frostwraith.

"Huh? Where did these angels come from? Am I seeing things or something?", asked Wesker.

"Welcome to Dimensional Travelling.", said Frostwraith sarcastically. "Anyway, they are allies and members of the group."

"That didn't answer his question", said Richard.

"Remember the Zoroark I showed you? She's been doing her part very well. I sent her to Palutena's Temple and found out that Palutena saved Pit and Dark Pit.", explained Frostwraith.

"So, you were here all this time and that Frostwraith was actually Zoroark?", asked Dark Pit.

"Yes. Now, let's go find Luco. By the way, this is yours.", said Frostwraith as he gave the Silver Bow to Dark Pit.

They kept going for a few more hours. Frostwraith wasn't still completely recovered, thus he had to moderate his use of magic. Houndoom began to bark.

"We are close to Luco's location... hmm, there hasn't been much opposition here... interesting."

"And where is he, exactly?", asked Richard.

"See that island up there? I think that's where he is. It's time for Golurk and Hydreigon to do their things.", responded Frostwraith.

Frostwraith sent out his Golurk and Hydreigon who transported the group to the island. Upon landing, Houndoom barked again.

"Look over there! A portal!", noticed Pit.

"Houndoom says that Luco's smell is strong. Luco may have escaped through the portal, let's head inside."

They entered the portal to find themselves on the Pokémon world.

"We're back to the Pokémon world, eh?", said Pit.

"Yes... let's keep going after Houndoom.", said Frostwraith.

A few minutes later and they still haven't found Luco. Cynthia had an idea: giving a letter to Houndoom and he could go faster to Luco, while the group waited for his return.

Houndoom followed the smell as fast as he could, running through the grass.

Luco and company were caught by surprise with Houndoom's arrival.

"A Houndoom? What is this? A letter?", noted Luco.

Houndoom gave the letter to Luco. It read as following:

"Follow Houndoom. He will guide you the right path.

- Frostwraith"

"Frostwraith? So, you are Frostwraith's..."

Houndoom nodded and Luco's group began following him, eventually finding Frostwraith.

"Frostwraith!", called Luco.

"So, you're alive... good.", responded Frostwraith.

"Where are the others? Where's Xiroey, Rawk Hawk and the PSI kids?"

"We got separated. Muhti had one nasty surprise to us. Fortunately, I was able to rejoin part of the group. So, what are we going to do now?"

"I was looking for gems, as well as Mew and Mewtwo."

"Those give you power, right? And I believe that Xiroey has mentioned these two Legendary Pokémon before... let's not waste more time. You lead now, Luco."

"Yes. But can you explain what exactly happened?"

They began to walk the path Luco was following, while Frostwraith, Cynthia and Richard explained the whole situation: Muhti's attack, how Muhti forbade the use of portals, Frostwraith's battle with Red and his eventual plan, as well as what happened between Cynthia, Richard and Wesker.

"That's kind of crazy... I hope we can reunite the group.", said Luco.

"We will. That, I promise. But now, we will just do what you have planned.", Frostwraith responded.

"I still can't believe that someone like Red would join Muhti.", commented Cynthia.

"They themselves think they are on the side of good... this war is twisted and I believe there's someone or something else pulling the strings behind all this. If my suspicions are right, we may eventually ally ourselves with Muhti against such puppetmaster...", theorized Frostwraith.

Introducing... Frostwraith's loyal Houndoom. Since Frostwraith was weakened from his magic uses, he had to rely on other methods to track down the team members, this time being Houndoom's senses. Also, Houndoom's Fire-type isn't just for show...

...whew, this ended bigger than I expected...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Shortly after locating luco, frostwraith made aware that his magic had drained due to the teleportation spell he used)

Richard: Since we can't teleport anywhere we'll just have to walk around for the time being, if we run into trouble we'll be ready.

Frostwraith: Well we need to get out of here first.

Luco: We'll have to wait til tomorrow.

(The group decide to rest til the next day)

Richard: Okay we should be able to leave the pokemon world now, Frostwraith can you teleport us to our next destination?

Frostwraith: it's been a day and i don't feel like i'm fully charged yet.

Richard: Okay well we can't use portals so were basically stuck then.

Luco: i can teleport us locally, but not dimensionally.

Cynthia: The only thing we can do for now is to wait here and enjoy the scenery as best as we can.

Wesker: Well there isn't much to do here except wait, like she said.

(The group decide to walk around the pokemon world while waiting for frostwraith to get enough power for another dimensional spell.)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
no one's writing here except me and Richard? :o

anyway... continuing the story...
As they continued to walk around the Pokémon World, waiting for Frostwraith to recover, they went to find more of the gems Luco needed, but they knew that in order to find Mew and Mewtwo, they needed Xiroey's help.

"Hmm... at this rate, and I think I will only fully recover in about 5 days... that gives us plenty of time to find more of those gems Luco's looking for...", said Frostwraith as they walked.

"5 days? That's longer than I expected...", commented Richard.

"After all, I spent 3 hours practicing the dimensional teleportation spell... so, I am really tired, and shouldn't use spells unless absolutely necessary.", explained Frostwraith.

"Well, since we have 5 days to walk around this world, we could try and find out some of the gems I am looking for.", said Luco.

"That's the plan for now. Once I have my power recovered, we will focus on reuniting the group."

"What about Mew and Mewtwo?", asked Luco.

"I didn't forget that, but we will need to find Xiroey first, since he's the one who knows where they are.", answered Frostwraith.

"Well then, let's find those gems, then.", prompted Richard.

[COLLAPSE="Ignore this"]"Luco, since I am still weak to use magic, can you lend me one of those gems? Maybe Houndoom can help us with this task."

"Good idea... here, take this one.", responded Luco.

Frostwraith gave the gem to Houndoom to have him smell it. Luco stored the gem and the group began following Houndoom.
The walk took long minutes as they explored the maze-like Viridian Forest. As they kept wandering through the woods, Houndoom, who was still outside his Poké Ball, suddenly began to bark.

"Let's follow him.", said Frostwraith.

Houndoom stopped and began to dig a small hole, revealing an aquamarine colored gem.

"Is this...", said Pit.

"Yes, this is one of those gems.", noted Crono.

"Great!", said Luco with enthusiasm as he felt stronger.

"Well, that's another step into defeating Muhti's forces.", Cynthia noted.

"Yes, we need all the power we can get.", agreed Richard.

They continued the walk, and now, they were approaching the gateway leading out of the forest.

"Uh-oh...", suddenly said Pit.

"What is going on?", reacted Lucca, one of Crono's companions.

"Lady Palutena said there are Muhti's forces on Pewter City not too far away from here.", said Pit.

"Yes, we must find another way through.", continued Dark Pit.

"What do we do now?", asked Wesker.

"There's an alternate route we can take...", said Frostwraith.

"Right, we can avoid facing the enemies by making our way through Diglett's Cave.", explained Luco.

"The entrace to the cave is just past the gateway.", said Cynthia.

They entered the gateway... only to be confronted by the guard there.

"Halt! We are looking for a group of resistance against Muhti. You all need to be inspected.", warned the guard.

"Oh crap...", muttered Frostwraith.

"You intend to block our way? I can move you away from that place!", yelled Wesker as he took his weapon.

"Wesker!", called Richard.

"Oh boy... now we're in trouble.", muttered Pit as he watched the incident.

"So, you are that group! Guards!", yelled the guard.

"Something... something... like this! Close your eyes!", said Frostwraith as his tone of voice got louder each word he said.

Frostwraith launched a light spell, stunning the guards with massive light.

"Let's get out of this place now!", yelled Frostwraith.

The group ran quickly, going inside Diglett's Cave.

"That was really close...", sighed Crono.

"Yeah, but we're safe anyway.", continued Pit.

"Wesker, I would speak to you.", said Frostwraith with a very serious tone of voice.

"This is going to be good...", muttered Pit sarcastically.

"It's really going...", muttered Dark Pit, agreeing.

"I will warn you only once.", continued Frostwraith, speaking to Wesker directly.

"What?", reacted Wesker flatly.

"We aren't supposed to provoke our enemies like that. Every. Single. One. Of us. Could be dead right now.", continued Frostwraith angrily, drawing his sword near Wesker's throat. "Do something like this again and you will be KICKED OUT of the group, is that clear?!"

"Hmph... yes.", responded Wesker.

"I am... glad we're in agreement...", said Frostwraith angrily, sheathing his sword.

"What are we going to do now?", inquired Cynthia.

"We'll continue to look for those gems."

"I didn't know you could use light magic.", said Luco to Frostwraith, as they passed through the cave.

"I know the basics of it, that's all. The only kind of magic I truly master is dark magic, since that was the one my Master taught me best, but I am learning the other kinds at a steady pace. Elemental, light, dimensional and healing magics... those I know partially thanks to my family's books and notes.", explained Frostwraith.

The group finally arrived at the end of the tunnel dug by Diglett.

"The cave ends here, but there's something amiss...", noted Cynthia.

"Something is blocking the exit...", noted Luco.

"No... it's a Snorlax!", observed Frostwraith.

"What?! What are we going to do now?", reacted Luco.

"We have two options... either go back and face Muhti's troops in Pewter City... or wait until Snorlax wakes... if it ever wakes...", responded Frostwraith.

"We can't just go back like that!", reacted Dark Pit.

"He's right, we can't go back!", agreed Lucca.

"Hmm... let me think of another alternative...", said Frostwraith as he sat in a rock. "Waiting is unwise... the guards have likely alerted the other areas occupied by Muhti, so they could be after us now. You can thank Wesker for that..."

"Wha-", reacted Wesker.

"Shut up! Because of you, we will be stuck in this world for more days thanks to my desperate use of magic!", interrupted Frostwraith angrily. "... Anyway, we will have to force our way through. Cynthia, your Garchomp will prove to be a good help. I will then use my Gengar to use Hypnosis on it and stop its rampage."

"Good plan. Go, Garchomp! Use Dragon Rush!", responded Cynthia, sending her Garchomp.

Garchomp attacked the sleeping Pokémon, waking it up. As a distraction, Gengar used a Sludge Bomb attack to make the wild Snorlax focus on him.

"Everyone, get out!", said Frostwraith to his teammates.

Snorlax and Gengar were engaged in battle, Gengar using Double Team to distract Snorlax, buying time for the others to exit the cave.

"Now, Gengar! Use Hypnosis!", ordered Frostwraith to his Pokémon.

Snorlax fell asleep, conveniently blocking the cave's exit.

"Gengar, check out the city.", ordered Frostwraith.

Gengar rendered himself invisible and, using his Levitate ability, he watched Vermilion City to check out for Muhti's troops.

Gengar returned, informing his trainer of the absence of Muhti's forces in the town.

"Good job, Gengar. You can rest now. Seems that our destination is Vermilion City.", said Frostwraith while returning Gengar to his Poké Ball.

"We may want to check out the Gym first. The Gym Leader, Lt. Surge, is a powerful trainer who could help us.", suggested Cynthia.

"If that's the plan, then let's do this!", responded Pit.

The group heads out to Vermilion City, and more specifically to the Vermilion Gym...

Hmm... this part wasn't hard to write... I certainly gave spotlight to most of the characters, which isn't a bad thing at all...

EDIT: Fixed some mistakes that would lead to plotholes.

ANOTHER EDIT: Fixed more mistakes to avoid plotholes.
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