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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
@Luco: these are the current factions:

[COLLAPSE="Master Hand's Army"]Xiroey, Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Arceus, Palutena, Dyntos, Master Hand, Crono, Lucca, Magus, Marle, Frog, Ayla, Robo, Albert Wesker, Xatu, Mewtwo and Mew

Frostwraith - Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk, Froslass, Rotom, Gengar, Umbreon, Zoroark (Shiny) and Houndoom
Luco - Pikachu, Riolu, Charizard and Luxray (Missing)
Cynthia - Garchomp, Lucario, Spiritomb, Milotic, Roserade, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Eelektross, Braviary and Glaceon

Missing: Luco's Pokémon, Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers, Regirock, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney, Ninten, Ana, Loid and Teddy[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Muhti's team"]Muhti, Luigi, Light Yagami, Doctor Who the 11th, Kirby, Meta Knight, Tails, Naoi, Tachibana Kanade, Dimentio, N, Crazy Hand and Red

Muhti - Blaziken
N - Zoroark, Vanilluxe, Klinklang, Archeops and Carracosta[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Dark Ones"]Alive Dark Ones:
Dark Ones' Master, Ganondorf, Ghirahim, Palpatine, Ghetsis, Shadow Triad, Archimonde, Kefka Palazzo, Porky, Rugal Bernstein, Zalgo and Spirit

Defeated Dark Ones:

Ghetsis - Cofa grigus, Drapion, Toxicroak, Bouffalant, Eelektross, Seismitoad, Bisharp, Hydreigon
Shadow Triad - Pawniard (various), Bisharp (various), Banette, Absol, Accelgor


keep in mind that Muhti's alliance isn't friendly and they aren't very cooperative. they just temporarily stopped attacking our team because they share a common goal: to defeat the Dark Ones. Otherwise, they still act on their own and won't reveal information on the missing team members because they don't even know where they are.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
[COLLAPSE="Enter: Ashley"]---{Diamond City}---

Diamond City was restless. men, women, and children rushing to and fro' in a hurry that would make even New York City seem like a lazy town. aside the bustle of the city, however, a haunted mansion on the other side of town was surprisingly quiet...

It was not only quiet, however. it was also nearly empty. no man, no woman, no children, no pets, not even the usual infestation of cockroaches that usually comes with a house in this condition. the only inhabitants were many a book in the library, wherein the house's only two sentient inhabitants currently were...

A young girl was browsing through the library's oldest tomes, in search of something. she wore a red dress with an orange scarf. if one were to examine her person, one would find a small staff with a red orb on it's tip. she also had brunette hair, which was currently more frizzy and unkempt than usual. she had been up for 3 days and 3 nights straight searching through old spellbooks...

"Damn it, it's not in this one either." she hissed. she was clenching her teeth tightly and looked on the verge of throwing the book at the nearest window. "Red!" she called. a small, demon-like being approached, with a tired yawn of "Yes, miss Ashley?".

"Find me that old book on reincarnation..." Ashley told the little demon, who was already half-asleep and clearly looked like he didn't want to see another book again for at least 3 more months.

Still, he responded with "Right away, miss!". he was clearly a loyal demon.

Ashley continued to murmur to herself. "If there IS something not unlike the spell i'm looking for, then this library must be hiding it from me. three full days have passed and still-".

"Found it, miss Ashley!" the demon interrupted, laying down a rather dusty book in front of her.

Ashley quickly blew the dust off, blowing it right into the red demon's face, and the title read 'Incantations of Reincarnation'. she opened it up and flipped to the table of contents. "If there's anything on reviving a member of the smashfan tribe, it's certainly not out of the question that it would date back to it's founding in the early years of the Smashboards dimension..."

"But miss Ashley," the demon interrupted again. "That book dates back to 1892. Smashboards was only founded in 2000."

Ashley was quick to correct him. "The Smashboards website was founded in 2000. the website only served to link the connection to the dimension of Smashboards. not to mention, it wasn't until 2009 that the dimension became accessible to users of the website..." Ashley then took out her staff and whacked the demon in the head, then proceeded to read through the table of contents.

"Nothing else i've tried so far has worked..." Ashley brooded.

"Miss Ashley, i do have to ask. why do we continue to do this anyway? isn't Xiroey powerful enough to defend Smashboards on his own now that he's a moderator?" the demon interrupted yet again. for such a loyal companion, he seemed to have so many questions. but given the subject at hand, it wouldn't be too surprising.

"Combat prowess has little to do with moderator abilities." Ashley responded "Xiroey is a mod on the website, yes. but here in the dimension, he's no more powerful than the next legendary pokemon. you should know that by now, Red."

"Xiroey and his team have done well to defend the denizens of the many worlds." she continued. "better than any other living users could have, in fact." it was apparent that Ashley felt the tide of the war was turned too much by evil. "But if this works, we could have a chance at rebuilding what we've lost so long ago..."

"Across all these linked dimensions, Smashboards has all the heroes it deserves." she semi-quoted "But to bring them together as an army of peacekeepers, that is what it needs right now... and if this works, we can do just that..." upon finishing her speech, Ashley finally came across something she think might help. "Ah, here we go." she said, then explained what she'd found. "This incantation is used to activate a ceremony used by ancient smashfan tribe members to grant a continue to one of their own after they had passed..."

"Do you think we'll have to do it twice? y'know, since he's a composite soul of himself and that Sparchuckus guy?" Red queried.

"...Y'know," Ashley said to him. "For someone from the netherworld, you sure have a lot of questions about the supernatural..."[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Ritual"]The two then prepared a space in the living room for the ceremony. Red drew an outline of a Bob-Omb encased in a Smart Bomb on the floor while Ashley set up 6 differently-colored glowsticks around it. then, they lined the summoning circle with pixie stix powder. in the center of the circle, they put a bottle of diet coke.

"Thie ancient smashfans had the oddest reincarnation ceremony..." Red said.

"Well, most of them were teenagers." Ashley replied. "Like plenty of smashboards' other users..."

At last, the summoning circle was ready. Ashley held the cap to the diet coke in her hand, with 3 pieces of Mentos fixated to it. "A-are you s-s-sure about this m-miss Ashley?" Red shuddered. "I-i mean, if this thing EXPLODES IN OUR FACES..." Red was fretful the spell would go wrong. "A-a-and what if this requires a sacrifice? what if I lose my entire body and you lose your arm?! I DON'T WANT TO WALK AROUND IN DEATH ROW ARMOR FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!"

Ashley was indifferent. "I never should have let you watch Full-Metal Alchemist..." she muttered...

Ashley proceeded to the center of the summoning circle and picked up the bottle of diet coke. "Chorus..." she commanded.

"Right away, miss Ashley!" Red hurried, fetching a tape player. he turned the tape on, which began playing the tribal chanting from Hooked On A Feeling.

then, Ashley recited the incantation...

"You've lived well and soul was pure,
but you were destined for much more
than mortal lifespan would allow,
you are needed even now,
so we ask you, please come back.
even though it's clearly hax,
resurrect our fallen friend.
smashfan666, RISE AGAIN!!

As fast as she could, Ashley put the mentos-cap on the diet coke and screwed it tightly, placed it back in the summoning circle, and ran out as fast as she could. no sooner than she stepped out of the summoning circle, the diet coke bottle began to quake and shake...

From the center, the pixie stix powder started to glow brightly until the entire summoning circle was lit up. a raging wind blew around the room, as summoning circles are want to do. from there, the glowsticks illuminated with light and each shot a beam of their color to the cap of the diet coke. Ashley looked on with hope, while Red shielded his eyes from the brightness. the entire room was then illuminated with each of the colors of the glowsticks one by one. first, a hellish red. then, an annoying orange. then, a sickly yellow. then, an eerie green. then, a skylike blue. and finally, a deep purple. then the colors looped like that for a while at a rate that got faster each loop, until it finally reached seizure-inducing levels.

Ashley yelled over the raging wind "How long is this process?!"

to which Red snarked "YOU'RE the expert, not me!"

The raging wind began to die down, and a bright ray of light shot up from the cap of the diet coke bottle as it began to levitate upward. the ray began to illuminate the bottle, and finally, it exploded in a bright flash...[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Return of a Hero"]After the light from the explosion faded, the summoning circle was in shambles. the glowsticks were knocked down, and the whole room was covered in fizzy mentos-coke...

When Ashley came to, the first thing she noticed was the destroyed room. "...Guess this is something better done outside."

Red was stuck behind a tribal mask that once hung from the wall. "Called it..." he sang, dizzily.

In the center of the summoning circle, there were 2 things. one a half-empty bottle of diet coke, and the other a user with the avatar of what appeared to be the body of a grey equine in armor with a curved horn and a mane that looked like a thick, black smog.

"It... it actually worked..." Ashley hummed to herself. Ashley and Red stared at the user for a solid 30 seconds before he began to wake up.

"Uuuuuggghh... where am I?" the user spoke. "H...how long have I been dead?" the user got up and examined his surroundings. "...and what in the BLUE HELL happened in HERE?!" upon seeing the now-colorless glowsticks on bent-over candleholders, he now knew EXACTLY what in the blue hell happened...

"...My smashboards ancestors' reincarnation ritual..." he said. then, the figure took notice to Ashley and Red. "...You..." he began to walk closer to them. "I'm impressed..." Ashley was the first to interact with the figure with the equine avatar.

"I have to admit, so am I. that spell chews up a TON of resources." she said, gesturing to a pile of empty pixie stix wrappers the size of a grand piano. "If it hadn't worked when it did, I'd have to wait a whole 3 months just to get more together..."

"Y-you... ARE smashfan666, right? the legendary smashboards hero of old?" Red said.

the user cast a glance at the small demon. "...Yes." he responded, and turned his gaze back to the young girl "And judging from the miniature demon and the fact that you even knew how my tribe's reincarnation ceremony is set up, I'm guessing you must be Ashley."

the young witch could only nod and confirm his suspicions.

"Since you went through the trouble of bringing me back, this must be something pretty important..."

+BGM: the beginning planetoid music from Super Mario Galaxy+

"Smashfan..." Ashley began. "Years ago, you played a vital part in the great war by defeating Zalgo, ushering in a new age for smashboards. your friends Xiroey and Mari have taken up your sword in the defense of the dimensions, but they need your help now moreso than ever. so far, they have done well in protecting the denizens of the worlds from the tyranny of evil forces. but without the help of an army, I fear their efforts now may be in vain in the future... a new band of evil, known only as the Dark Ones, has formed, and their influence is quickly spreading across the whole of smashboards and the dimensions... Impact now takes up the role the old forum fighter union once did, but they are not sufficient in number to stand a chance against this menace. but there are heroes across the dimensions that would be up to the task, we need only unite them in a new fighting force to assist Xiroey and Mari."

smashfan was stunned. "Much really HAS changed..."

"This may be our most desperate hour..." Ashley continued "We must band together the greatest warriors smashboards has seen since all those years ago... it may be the last hope we have left..."

smashfan paused for a minute to take it all in... soon he made his decision... "...I'm in."

"Then let's do this." said Ashley "For our friends, for master hand, for the people of smashboards..."

"And most of all..." smashfan put in "FOR SCIENCE!!"

Ashley was confused by smashfan's random spout. "...what?"

"Just let's do this, then."


Smashfan666 joined your team!


Ashley joined your team!

The two knew their mission, to unite a band of heroes from across the dimensions and track down Xiroey and Mari to help them defeat the Dark Ones. they set out ASAP, leaving Red behind.

"...f**k my life." the little demon mumbled to himself as the two rushed out the door, leaving him to clean up.[/COLLAPSE]


I've decided i'll stick around for at least one more story. the point after that is unclear...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
smashfan returns! O.O
While the group was busy deciding on their next plan... in the Dark Ones' hideout.

"Soon, this spell will be complete...", said Ganondorf.

"What are you doing, Lord Ganon?", asked one of the Shadow Triad.

"Preparing a demonic possession spell. The Master needs a vessel to which he can finally regain a body.", responded the Evil King.

"Of course... and there's that twerp in that band who clearly fits as a good vessel for the Master...", said Ghirahim in agreement.

Meanwhile, in the Mushroom Kingdom.

"What's this? I sense a rift in the dimensions... someone opened a portal to this world. Ready your defenses! The Dark Ones may be attacking again!", said Frostwraith.

A portal began to open and from there two figures came out. One of them was familiar to Xiroey.

"Smashfan?! How are you still alive?!", reacted Xiroey.

"I made him come back to life with my incantations.", responded Ashley.

"Necromancy... interesting...", commented Frostwraith. "Anyway, I see you came here to help. Good. We need all the help we can get."

"And you are?", asked Smashfan.

"I am Frostwraith, a dark mage seeking to defeat the Dark Ones. As you may know, we are looking for some members of the group. In fact, we were discussing plans to divide the team and look for the missing team members."

"We still haven't planned something final, but if you have any ideas, please tell us.", stated Luco.

The group kept discussing possible worlds to explore and how could they find the missing members.
Current factions and respective members:

[COLLAPSE="Master Hand's Army (opposes the Dark Ones)"]Xiroey, Luco, Frostwraith, Richard, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Arceus, Palutena, Dyntos, Master Hand, Crono, Lucca, Magus, Marle, Frog, Ayla, Robo, Albert Wesker, Xatu, Mewtwo, Mew, Smashfan and Ashley

Frostwraith - Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk, Froslass, Rotom, Gengar, Umbreon, Zoroark (Shiny) and Houndoom
Luco - Pikachu, Riolu, Charizard and Luxray (Missing)
Cynthia - Garchomp, Lucario, Spiritomb, Milotic, Roserade, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Eelektross, Braviary and Glaceon

Missing: Luco's Pokémon, Rawk Hawk, the Shellshockers, Regirock, Ness, Paula, Jeff, Poo, Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, Boney, Ninten, Ana, Loid and Teddy[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Muhti's team (unwitting pawns of the Dark Ones, who were kicked out by them for their alleged lack of competence, now opposed to the Dark Ones, but still holding a grudge against Master Hand's Army)"]Muhti, Luigi, Light Yagami, Doctor Who the 11th, Kirby, Meta Knight, Tails, Naoi, Tachibana Kanade, Dimentio, N, Crazy Hand and Red

Muhti - Blaziken
N - Zoroark, Vanilluxe, Klinklang, Archeops and Carracosta[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Dark Ones (main antagonists and the ones pulling the strings behind all the recent events, seek domination and power over all dimensions)"]Alive Dark Ones:
Dark Ones' Master, Ganondorf, Ghirahim, Palpatine, Ghetsis, Shadow Triad, Archimonde, Kefka Palazzo, Porky, Rugal Bernstein, Zalgo and Spirit

Defeated Dark Ones:

Ghetsis - Cofa grigus, Drapion, Toxicroak, Bouffalant, Eelektross, Seismitoad, Bisharp, Hydreigon
Shadow Triad - Pawniard (various), Bisharp (various), Banette, Absol, Accelgor



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

But its hard...for me to read burgundy. Can you change to a lighter red please.

Unless ur using qoute boxes never mind then


Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Dang i want to post a segment but frostwraith made a crossway involving where to go next, that i don't know where to take the story to without making a mistake. Frostwraith i'll leave you and xiroey to post another segment where i can take over and resume the story wherever you stop.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
sorry Richard...

In the Mushroom Kingdom, the group discussed further plans to find the remaining members...

"We have no idea of where the missing members of the group are and the Dark Ones are powerful enough to wipe us out if they want. That's why we need to split into teams, right, Luco?", said Frostwraith.

"Yes. We also need that each team possesses someone with dimensional travelling abilities.", responded Luco.

"Hmm... that's tricky, then. You see, only you, me and Smashfan possess such abilities. While Muhti and his team aren't attacking us as of now... they aren't going to cooperate with us, neither... let me think for a moment...", responded Frostwraith

Frostwraith picked his magic bag and took three orbs from it, and from a pocket in his robes picked two more similar bags. The group remained silent as Frostwraith thought of a plan.

"All right, I got an idea: we shall make three teams and each of the team will explore a different dimension.", said Frostwraith.

"How will each team be composed?", asked Smashfan.

"Each team will be lead by someone who masters dimensional travelling: meaning me, Luco and you, Smashfan."

"Sounds like a good plan.", agreed Luco.

"I have divided the teams as following: I will lead Team Frost, composed by me, Cynthia, Pit and Dark Pit. With me and Cynthia's Pokémon, we can hold by ourselves.", said Frostwraith.

"That's fair enough.", agreed Cynthia.

"The second team, Team Luco, will be lead by Luco and the remaining members will be Richard, Wesker and Chrono's whole team. Since Luco is without his Pokémon partners, he needs a good backup."

"I agree with that.", said Luco.

"Finally... Team Smashfan will be lead by Smashfan and will be comprised by Xiroey, Ashley, Mewtwo, Mew, Xatu. Seeing as Xiroey is a Latios and also has Mewtwo and Mew aiding them, this team is powerful on its own."

"Hmm... not a bad distribution...", agreed Xiroey.

"Each of us will have one of these Interdimensional Communication Orbs. These allow us to contact with each another, despite being separated in three different dimensions.", said Frostwraith, showing the three orbs he took earlier, giving two of them to Luco and Smashfan.7

"Amazing stuff you got there.", commented Smashfan.

"And these two are Infinity Bags like this one.", said Frostwraith with two bags like the one he uses. "My grandfather made them, and tied to these three bags is a pocket dimension where our items are stored. You can stuff anything inside, then use your mind to take them out. It's pretty convenient and we can share whatever items and trade them between the three teams."

"These tools will definitely help us.", said Cynthia.

"Of course, Luco has shown interest in further exploring Zeal and it's likely that his Pokémon are there too, so your team will go there via portal. Smashfan, Pit told me that Palutena sensed something suspicious in the Pokémon World... head there, for it's likely related to the Dark Ones. If you find gems that might radiate magical energy, give them to Luco using the Infinity Bag.", stated Frostwraith while opening two portals.

"What about you?", asked Luco.

"I am going to Final Destination to seek Master Hand's help in tracking down the remaining team members."

"Good idea.", agreed Pit.

"Before you enter these portals... let me tell you one last thing... Good luck. You're going to need it.", said Frostwraith as he and his team left for Final Destination.
The divided teams are these:

[COLLAPSE="Team Frost"]Frostwraith
Dark Pit
Frostwraith's Pokémon team
Cynthia's Pokémon team[/COLLAPSE]
Objective: Find the remaining party members.
Location: Final Destination

[COLLAPSE="Team Luco"]Luco
Albert Wesker
Objective: Find Luco's Pokémon in Zeal.
Location: Kingdom of Zeal

[COLLAPSE="Team Smashfan"]Smashfan
Objective: Palutena sensed something suspicious in the Pokémon World, likely related to the Dark Ones. Eliminate any enemies and find magic gems for Luco to regain his full power.
Location: Pokémon World

The team members can communicate and share items magically thanks to Frostwraith's magic tools.

The missing members are Luco's Pokémon, Regirock, Rawk Hawk and the Shellshockers.

Muhti's team is no longer with Master Hand's team. But their objective is to defeat the Dark Ones as well. They will act as a sort of neutral faction.

Any objections here, anyone?

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(After frostwraith opened a portal for them to enter)

Luco: let's go in.

(Luco's group enter the portal into the kingdom of zeal, shortly after arriving.)

Richard: It's quiet here.

Wesker: I have my suspicions too.

Luco: Alright let's find my team.

(The group set out to look for Luco's team)

Richard: What's that over there near the trees?

(Richard spots something yellow moving)

Luco: Pikachu!

(The yellow figure raises up, sees luco and starts to run toward him)

Richard: Well that's one of our team members found now there's three more to find.

Wesker: This could take hours locating luco's friends.

Chronos:It's like finding a needle in a haystack, no need to worry.

(the group sets out to look again for the last three members to complete their group before returning to the mushroom kingdom to wait for frostwraith.)



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Shot out of a warp ring***


Smash world forum.....place...damn I forgot what we call it *brian eclipse*=

That was ruff.... weegee...weegee? I guess he didn't make it out.

???: are you ok

Sigh* who... who is that..myy.. my vision is blurry

???: suspect found take him into.

Wtf who are u people!!!!!?

*incoming call* ???: the BSAA has captured one of the c virus carriers and were taking him in.

I'm starting to get the filling this is not smash world


*a missils hits the area the bsaa and mars at...unfortunatly*

Walky talky thing: *static noises*

Ugh wha....wwho (waking up) I'm not supressed I servived that....




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
The divided teams are these:

[COLLAPSE="Team Frost"]Frostwraith
Dark Pit
Frostwraith's Pokémon team
Cynthia's Pokémon team[/COLLAPSE]
Objective: Find the remaining party members.
Location: Final Destination

[COLLAPSE="Team Luco"]Luco
Albert Wesker
Objective: Find Luco's Pokémon in Zeal.
Location: Kingdom of Zeal

[COLLAPSE="Team Smashfan"]Smashfan
Objective: Palutena sensed something suspicious in the Pokémon World, likely related to the Dark Ones. Eliminate any enemies and find magic gems for Luco to regain his full power.
Location: Pokémon World

The team members can communicate and share items magically thanks to Frostwraith's magic tools.

The missing members are Luco's Pokémon, Regirock, Rawk Hawk and the Shellshockers.

Muhti's team is no longer with Master Hand's team. But their objective is to defeat the Dark Ones as well. They will act as a sort of neutral faction.

Any objections here, anyone?
Yea, PSI kids are missing as well. :p

I dunno, whether Muhti wants to help us or not is up to him.

I'm waiting for him to edit his post, then i can put something of my own in.

Is there any way to get the valley back? Once we have the time gears, I suppose.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gliscor planted his claws firmly over his ears in an attempt to shut out the uproar. Wooden spilters pelted his face as Charizard obliterated a sturdy bookshelf, the sound of tearing wood made him wince. "Blasted humans and their fancy clothing!" Charizard raged. He let loose a piping hot flamethrower, the flames devouring through dresses and other expensive fabrics in nanoseconds. Gliscor yelped and leaped back before the falling embers could give him a painful scorch.

"Where is it?" Charizard bellowed, the sheer force of his cry drowned out Gliscor's angry protests. Once again, his claws bit into soft wood. He ripped through a yellow oak wood dresser, spilling various womens undergarments onto the floor and onto the furniture. Charizard stomped past a table that was covered with bra's, his eyes fixed menacingly on a mahogany cupboard which was mounted on the far wall. "C-charizard, quiet down! If we're descovered the whole plan will be..." Charizard gave the cubboard a powerful swack of his thick tail, the cupboard splintered. Gliscor sighed as woodchips hit him in the face again. It was pointless trying to reason with Charizard whenever he got like this.

Charizard's gruff voice rumbled loudly across the walls of the queen's bedchamber, "Wrrooaarr! Blast it all!" He slammed his fist into the wall, flakes of plaster to rained down from the high ceiling.

"Charizard, obviously it isn't here. We're only wasting valuable time if we stay here any longer. We have to go".

Charizard huffed, the very bed Gliscor sat on shook as Charizard pounded his fist into the wall again. "So what if the humans come! Let them try to stop us with their pathetic weapons. I could snap their spears as easily as I could a sapling".

"But you're forgetting, the objective of this mission was stealth"...

Gliscor's words fell on deaf ears. Once Charizard realized the room was empty he stormed his way out the elaborate doors, back into the main hallway. The golden studded wood flew open, nearly splitting clean off it's hinges. Gliscor sighed again. "Bloody dragon's going to get us all killed" he muttered angrily. He met Charizard back out in the main hallway, who was now on his way toward the next bedroom.

"Oye... The Hyrulian ancestors must be stirring in their graves" Gliscor was met with the familiar sensation of wood fragments as Charizard forced his way into the abandonded quarters.

"Well, at least he's efficient" he admitted drily. Gliscor followed him into the soon-to-be demolished bedroom.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Yes of course, it all makes perfect sense" Xiroey nodded, completely satisfied. "What the blazes are you talking about?" Smashfan roared "you just stepped out of the portal, nodded, then said 'it all makes perfect sense'." His mechanical face was red.

"Perhaps this way". Xiroey said, on a totally diffrent subject.. He began trudging off in a random direction.

Smashfan had to pause for a moment and force himself to calm down before he blew a bolt. Less than thirty minutes of being alive again, and already he wished he'd never been brought back to life. "Stick a fork in me" Smashfan sighed, he followed after the murky smudge off in the distance. Much of the surroundings were invisible, hidden by a thick blanket of white mist. The rest of the pokemon followed as well. Xatu, in particular, seemed to be in good spirits. What with Smashfan here, he could watch idly as someone other than himself had to put up with Xiroey's for once. He hummed softly to himself as he followed after Mewtwo and the mechanical pony.

"Future is bright.." He sang, quoting popular Earth song lyrics.

Soon, the group caught up with Xiroey, at a cluster of trees. The path abruptly ended at this spot.

"All right, I'm out of Ideas. You go ahead and lead smash." Xiroey got into place behind Mewtwo and Xatu in the line they had been forming. Smashfan had to think for a second before it finally sank in that he'd been had. "...You had no idea where you were going." Xiroey shrugged "Path suddenly ends. I thought I could sense something strange coming from this general direction, but there is no way around as far as I can see".

"You can't really see much at all" Smashfan said analytically.

"Yes, that is true."

"Perhaps if we could find an alternate route around..."

Smashfan suddenly went quiet. Xiroey gave him a questioning look. "Smash? Everything allright over there"? Smashfan's voice was a low whisper.

"I hear... water..." He said. He began making his way in the direction of the sound.

"Water"? Xiroey inquired. They were in the middle of a damp and murky forest. Where could there possibly be running water?

A few kilometers later, he got his answer.

"Fascinating..." Mewtwo breathed, gazing up at the impossible sight. There were flowing waterfalls all around them. The group stood in what they believed to be a wide clearing. The thud of crashing water was deafening. Endless torrents of water crashed down harshly into vast pools, seemingly from straight out of the sky.

"I know where we are..." Xatu said suddenly.

Thick mist, mysterious waterfalls, dense forest? Yes, he knew exactly where they were. Xiroey and Smashfan's ears perked up. "Xatu, you know our location"?

"As a matter of fact, I do"

Xatu spread his wings wide, and suddenly the blanket of fog shifted, it began to thin out. Strips of sunlight slowly peeked trhough widening holes, a few more flaps of his wings, and the mist dispelled itself completely.

The rest of the group gasped with shock.

"T-that's..." Xiroey stammered, his eyes fixed toward somthing high in the sky

"I believe we have located the source of the disturbance"

Smashfan's voice also contained a hint of awe "Of course, that makes sense."

The group stared up at an impossibly tall wine-glass shaped structure. The tall rock face stretched up into the sky for miles. From the top, streaks of water poured down, creating mighty waterfalls, which flowed down into the grassy clearing our group stood in.

"Fogbound lake" Xiroey and Smashfan said in unison.

Xatu nodded, "Whatever the source of the disturbance that led us here, I suspect that it originated from up there."


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Since it won't (or shouldn't) affect Muhti's segment, i'll write up my part of the story now.


"Where are they, Pikachu?"


Pikachu seemed relaxed, contrasting to Luco's nerves. "He must like it up here." Richard complimented. "This is what I was going to do with the valley when I got a chance. Allow it to rise in to the air if need be. As a first in pikachu's life, he probably enjoys the feel. We still need to find the others. Pikachu says they've grouped together on one of the islands. Apparently Riolu's been worried sick. But, Pikachu..." He turned his attention to the happy mouse. "How did you get to this isle?"


"Come again?"


"What's where?"


He pointed upward, and Luco felt an intake of breath from Crono as the shadow passed over their head. He turned around and looked up. And there he was.

"Charizard!" He tackled the dragon with such force it almost knocked him down, as big as he was. He couldn't hug all the way around but he tried his best, feeling the familiar warmth coming from his friend.

"Take us to the others!" He noticed then that the group would not all be able to fit on portals. He sat Pikachu on charizard's back. "I'll make a portal when I get there!" He jumped off the floating isle, feeling the familiar rush of air that came with flying as he followed Charizard across the islands to their destination. They flew for a few minutes...

And found their destination, a smaller island with no buildings on it, only a few rocks. It was safe to assume the pokemon were behind those rocks as well. They landed. "Riolu! Luxray! I'm here!!" Luco called.

"... You certainly know how to make an entrance." The queen of Zeal stepped out from behind the rocks instead. "Quicker than I thought, i've had no time to move your annoying little friends back to the dungeons." As she said that, two of her guardsmen came out from behind the rocks, dragging two glass cases with Luxray and Riolu in them. Perhaps they couldn't hear the commotion outside but Riolu was turned the other way.

"The transaction is simple." She sighed. "These pathetic two for my trinket." She had a gleam to her eye that Luco did not like, not that he'd be giving the time gear away so easily. He needed to buy time, just enough so that she wouldn't attempt to stop him from making a portal.

That was when Riolu turned around and saw Luco there. His eyes lit up only momentarily before his whole body did. "Perfect." Luco smiled with certainty. The white form in the glass encasement was growing bigger. The glass case would not be able to hold him. Queen Zeal turned with amazement to the case. "But that case suppresses magic! What kind of trickery is this?"

"No trickery, only... evolution."

The white form took up all space inside the case. The glass began to crack. And then...


The queen and her guardsmen were forced to shield their faces from the explosion of glass. Luco calmly deflected all pieces and focused himself in the moment of confusion, focusing inwards. He thrust his hand out to the side and a blue portal appeared. Lucario had already broken Luxray's case.

"How did you get here, anyway?" Luco had to ask.

"You're not the only one who can use magic here, dear." Luco felt a force hit him square in the chest. Richard was already through the portal. Luco was recuperating from that last attack. "I see you have allies. Lets make this more even then." Around the queen, dozens of symbols appeared, followed by dozens of soldiers standing in those places.

Luco's friends were through the portal, Zeal's forces were around her. However, Luco had the advantage, and both of them knew it: She was caught in a pincer attack, and she'd be looking for the weakest link: Lucario and Luxray. If she took them out, she'd have the advantage.

"Unfortunately for you, they won't be so easy to defeat!"

Luco knew that voice.

"No, not while we're around!"

A cloud of black smoke, followed by a group of kids, appeared on the battlefield. And not just any kids.

"Ness! Ninten! Lucas! You're alright!?" Luco was impressed. He didn't expect them to think to come back to Zeal so quickly. "Yup!" Paula was cheerful. "And we'll fight for you! This should even things up!" She clasped her hands together and a warm light surrounded Luco and his group. "It feels pleasant." Richard had a tinge of a smile. "I'm ready."

Queen Zeal stared with disgust at the new arrivals. "Fine. So be it."

"Then lets do this!" Luco shouted as he jumped and launched his first volley of spheres at queen Zeal's forces.


Allowing Richard to write the battle if he wants. ^^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Yea, PSI kids are missing as well. :p
forgot about them. =P

anyhoo, Luco, Riolu evolves and you are reunited with your Pokémon team and with the PSI kids? nice.

Frostwraith arrived at Final Destination with Cynthia, Pit and Dark Pit. There were Master Hand and Arceus.

"What brings you here, Frostwraith?", asked the hand.

"We need to find the remaining members of our team. I will start looking for Rawk Hawk. Perhaps you can sense him?", responded Frostwraith.

"Hmm... I can't, unfortunately. But, I know that Palutena has gone back to her temple. She said she had an... emergency."

"Emergency? Why would Lady Palutena not tell me that?", wondered Pit.

"I don't know... could the Dark Ones have something to do with that?", wondered Cynthia.

"There's something unusual happening in the gap between the dimensions. But, thankfully, it's still possible to open portals.", told Arceus.

"Hmmm... that gives us no choice but go to Palutena's Temple. I will open a portal right now.", prompted Frostwraith.

Frostwraith opened a portal and the group returned to Palutena's Temple.

"Lady Palutena!", called Pit.

"Oh, Pit. I'm sorry. I can't seem to communicate through different dimensions as of now... how strange.", said the goddess.

"Master Hand told us you had an emergency. What's that supposed to mean?", asked Frostwraith.

"We have. The Underworld Army is back and it's attacking the humans below.", responded Palutena.

"WHAT?!", said Pit in shock.

"More work of the Dark Ones for sure. We must protect the people!", said Frostwraith.

"I will be granting you and Pittoo the Power of Flight and strike them before it's too late!", prompted Palutena.

"All right. Golurk! Help me out!", said Frostwraith as he sent his Golurk.

"Braviary! It's time!", said Cynthia as she sent her Braviary to help her fly.

"We will be descending from Skyworld to the ground below. We must strike all the Underworld troops that get in our way!", said Frostwraith.

Palutena opened the temple's gate. Frostwraith and Cynthia were in their Pokémon's back to fly, while the angels used Palutena's powers to fly on their own.

"Pit! Dark Pit! If your flight runs out, make sure you land on Golurk!", commanded Frostwraith.

"Got it!", responded Pit.

While flying, Frostwraith used dark magic to strike at the Underworlders, while Pit and Dark Pit used their bows. Cynthia managed to get help from her Spiritomb to strike at the Underworld troops.

They eventually landed on a burning town, under attack by Underworld forces.

"This is bad!", reacted Pit.

"Let's just keep moving forward.", said Dark Pit.

Frostwraith and his Chandelure managed to defeat many monsters thanks to their attacks. Cynthia relied on her Garchomp to fight.

The fighting lasted a long time, and suddenly a powerful beast is summoned in front of them. A fiery dog with two heads... one of Pit's old foes.

"Twinbellows!", reacted Pit.

"The Underworld's guard dog. The Dark Ones must have ressurected him.", observed Dark Pit.

"Yes, but since this is the third time you face him, Pit. I don't think this should be a problem.", said Palutena.

"Right!", responded the white winged angel.


the Ferocious

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 1

"Me and Pittoo will handle it! You and Cynthia may use your Pokémon to defeat other Underworld troops, right?", said Pit.

"If that's your wish, then I have nothing to object!", responded Frostwraith.

"Let's do this, Pittoo!", said Pit to his counterpart.

"Time to give this dog some washing...", responded Dark Pit.

"I don't think this will pose much of a challenge to you, right? Just avoid its fiery attacks and charges.", said Palutena.

"Yes, Lady Palutena!", responded Pit.

Twinbellows charged at Pit, who dodged, forcing the beast to ram into a house and become stunned. Dark Pit jumped to another house's roof and began sniping with his staff, while Pit handled the beast from closer range.

Frostwraith and Cynthia, using Chandelure and Hydreigon, and Braviary and Garchomp, respectively, focused on protecting the angels from Underworld reinforcements.

After minutes of battling, Twinbellows was slain and the remaining Underworlders retreated at last. The battle has been won.


"We did it!", yelled Pit in victory.

"Aw, yeah!", completed Dark Pit.

"Chandelure, Hydreigon... good job, you two.", said Frostwraith to his partners.

"What's our next destination?", asked Cynthia.

"We're going back to Skyworld. We need to know what our next mission is.", said Frostwraith, opening a portal.

Palutena extracted both angels, while Cynthia and Frostwraith used the portal to return to Palutena's Temple and recieve their next objective.

[COLLAPSE="Team Frost"]Frostwraith
Dark Pit
Frostwraith's Pokémon team
Cynthia's Pokémon team[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Team Luco"]Luco
Albert Wesker
Luco's Pokémon team[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Team Smashfan"]Smashfan

The team members can communicate and share items magically thanks to Frostwraith's magic tools.

The missing members are Regirock, Rawk Hawk and the Shellshockers.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
[glow]Mistifying Forest[/glow]

Fogbound lake Music

"It's beautiful." Xiroey breathed. The view before them was like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The impossible structure towered above them for miles, higher even than the lowest clouds. The way the water cascaded from from the rocks reflecting each of the greens and blues, it made the entire thing seem almost surreal.

"Our objective then, is to make it to the top of Fogbound lake, and confront whatever it is that is causing the disturbance in this area." Smashfan was straight to business. Xiroey could see him place a hand on the hilt of his weapon. He already had his guard up in anticipation of the danger that awaited them just ahead. Xiroey's body was also tense, his muscles flexed as if he expected an attack to come at him at any given moment. Even Mew, who'd been happily following along all this time, seemed a bit stressed. It's tail twitched involuntarily, a sign that it was feeling nervous.

"It's all right mew. We'll look out for each other." Xiroey layed a hand on it's shoulder to confirt it

Mew gave Xiroey a sad look, but nuzzled him on the cheek in thanks. "Mew will be staying close to me" Xiroey said, he was greatful to have a companion.

Smashfan nodded. "Xatu, Mewtwo and I will follow just behind. The two of you can use your abilities to sense out any trouble in the surrounding area."

"Will do, come on Mew" Xiroey and mew led the way ahead. Smashfan put out his hand for Xatu and Mewtwo to halt, signaling for them to let the two of them get a little ways ahead. One Xiroey and Mew had faded a good ways into the horizon, he removed his hand, and the three of them began their trudge through the swampy marsh.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For hours the five of them traveled. Through wet puddles, through grass slick with dew. They wadded their way through cattails, and even chanced upon a docile group of Politoed, playing in the marsh. The journey was like a dream, from one obstacle to the next, the group marched on diligently toward their destination.

Finally, when their legs were sore, and their trousers were wet, they made it to a lofty rock cliff. As Xiroey and mew looked up, they realized that the cliff seemed to stretch endlessly, almost becoming one with the sky as the top hid itself amidst puffy white clouds. Their destination sat in front in front of them. A dismal black hole in the face of the cliff. Xiroey could feel mew shudder with dread as the cave entrance began to draw near. It's emotions washed over him like a wet blanket.

"It's all right Mew. Couple of legendaries like us have nothing to fear from a dark cave right"? He stroked Mew on the head to confort it. Slowly, he could feel some of it's fear begining to subside. "Wish I could believe my own advice..." In reassurance, Xiroey began to gather a bit of energy in his right hand. If any trouble did show up, Lysander would be but a call away.

"Let's go Mew" He began walking again towards the cave. Soon everything grew dark. The vast cliff blotted out the sun, casting the two of them into a Twilight like darkness. A few steps more, and the cliff devoured them entirely. The two of them were surrounded in total blackness. We felt warmth next to him as mew drew closer to his shoulder.

"No turning back now" he said.

They began their journey into the belly of the cave.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Frost, I like your idea~ ;)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

I'm seriously lostt

+explosions heard in the back round+

I give up.....(pulls out the chain Asora gave him before her death...in witch she is still alive because of the last event that had happened...)

*the golden stars to skyworld appeared infront of mars......cheater.....*





The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
time for more evil. :evil:
While Luco's team fought against the Queen of Zeal, Frostwraith's team fought against the Underworld and Smashfan's team explored the Fogbound Lake, the Dark Ones continued their evil plot...

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

"How's the Underworld invasion going, Lord Ghirahim?", asked a Shadow Triad member.

"Excellently, even with Twinbellows's defeat by Frostwraith.", responded the Demon Lord.

"Good... soon, they will all fall into our traps.", said Palpatine.

"The right time to strike will come very soon... when they least expect it... ha ha ha...", said Ghirahim.

"The best time to pick a fruit... is when it's ripe...", said Porky.
what kind of mischief are they going to do...? hmmm... :evil:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Mew recoiled and dashed back to Xiroey's side as a burst of steam gushed out of the floor. Xiroey had to steady himself, Mew's impact nearly knocking him over. "R-Relax Mew, just a bit of steam" Xiroey laughed nervously. Admittedly, that little steam vent had spiked his nerves too. Something a bout the cave in general felt so... forboding. With another reassuring pat on the shoulder, the two of them progressed further into a narrow pathway. The rocks on both sides of them towerd up to a low cieling, just barely enough for the two of them to squeeze through. "Wont be pulling off any transformations in there" Xiroey realized with disdain. He beckoned for Mew to follow him in. "Come on, the stairway to the next level can't be too far off now. We've already explored much of this floor already"

Mew took amoment to give the area a quick look-around. Satisfied that the two of them weren't being followed, Mew floated after Xiroey into the narrow space. Partway thorugh, Xiroey crossed paths with a rowdy numel. It glared at Xiroey with hateful eyes, pawing it's hoove into the ground. Xiroey recognized the signal to attack. "Relax Numel, we mean no harm to you nor your home. We only wish to progress through, if you'd let us." Xiroey spoke to the numel using telepathy. Apparently his message had gotten through to it. The fire in numel's eyes died down, and it politely stepped to the side to allow Xiroey and mew to pass through. Xiroey thanked the numel for it's kindness and continued on his path.

Soon, the two found themselves in a wide chamber. His heart leaped when he located the structure he had been looking for. "Look mew! The stairs!" He called out into the narrow cave where Mew was sure to be following behind. He waited paitently for mew to show itself. Mew never came out.

"Mew?" He walked back toward the pathway entrance, casting his eyes into the dark. He could see nothing. "Could it have gotten lost"? He was certain mew was just behind him a moment ago...

His senses suddenly lit up like fire. Spinning around, he drew his swords and took on a battle stance. His entire being entered full-on fight mode in a less than a second. His body slackened in surprise as he realized thet there was no one there. The room was empty, there was only him and the stairs, which sat obliviously in the middle of the room. "Odd..." He began to wonder what could possibly have caused his senses to flare up as they did. The room abruptly went dark. Xiroey could feel his arms and legs being restrained and a rough sack was pulled over his head. He tried his best to fight against his his captors, but, with a start, he realized that his powers were no longer working.

"Don't even bother legendary, you're coming with us whether you like it or not". The voice outside the sack was gruff. Xiroey realized that his captor was a male. "Who are you? What do you want? What have you done with Mew"?

"Whoa, whoa, easy there. You'll be reunited with your 'friend' soon enough".

"Untie me this instant!" Xiroey tried to launch his boot out and kick his captor in the shins, but his feet were restrained as well. he was completely helpless.

"Come now, Helmroc should be waiting for us up top."

Xiroey's pulse quickened when he heard that. "H-helmroc? Helmroc King Helmroc"?

"That's the one" The voice said cheerily.

Something powerful striked him on the head without warning.

"Night, night" The voice said. Xiroey fell unconscious.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
EDIT: damn, a lot happened while i was making my post :c

[COLLAPSE="Uxie's Request"]A light began to shine in front of them. all were surprised

"What's happening?!" Ashley said, quite surprised

The light faded, and there stood the guardian of Fogbound Lake, Uxie.

Smashfan was all-too savvy, despite having never played Mystery Dungeon. "...I got it, we're goin'." he said. then he waved his hooves as he descended outward "We didn't see anything!"

But Uxie had other ideas, Uxie levitated Smashfan back to the group.

"...You're going to wipe out minds clean anyway, aren't you?" he asked the legendary before them. but Uxie gave a negative gesture with his head. it was clear this wasn't Uxie's plan, either. Uxie spoke to them with collective telepathy.

"Great heroes..." Uxie spoke. "I ask you not to forget, but for your assistance. Fogbound Lake has been infested by terrible beasts, led by a wicked monstrosity of darkness..."

"Must be more of the Dark Ones' handiwork..." Ashley said to Xatu

Uxie continued his explanation "If you help, i shall provide you my assistance in your battle against these 'Dark Ones', as well as the Time Gear you seek."

Mewtwo became confused. "You'd just give us the Time Gear with no resistance?"

"For what reason?" Xatu queried

"Gaining an ally such as the great one," he said, displaying an illusion of Mew. "Is a feat to be truly admired. as earning the trust of a fellow legendary, let alone that which bonds the might of all pokemon, means that you indeed have heart most pure, and might enough to brave the tasks that lie ahead of you."

"Damn. that's well thought-out, Ux." smashfan exclaimed.

Xiroey's 'captors' came forward, untying the sack he was bound in. then they vanished in a smokelike fashion. it turns out they were illusions by Uxie. Xiroey was puzzled at Uxie's bizarre choice of cooperation tactic specifically for him. "Were the burglars REALLY necessary"?

"Come," said Uxie "We haven't much time."

"So, you've got a plan to get us up there, i assume?" smashfan said.

And indeed he did. 5 bubbles flew up from the pond and encased Mewtwo, Ashley, Smashfan, Xiroey, and Xatu, floating them up to the top of the island while Uxie flew on his own.

"How mortifying" said Mewtwo

"It's getting us where we have to go, isn't it?" Ashley countered

Mewtwo thought for a moment. "I suppose you're right..."

Xatu appeared to take some kind of childlike pleasure from the floating around, as he was smiling broadly and laughing happily as he slipped around inside his bubble's slick surface. Smashfan appeared to take the same pleasure.

"Amen, Xatu!" he sighed happily. he felt like a freshly-joined new*** again. he just had to make sure his horn and armor didn't accidentally pierce his bubble, or else he would be in for a LOOONG fall from grace...

Soon enough, they reached the top of the structure from which the water was flowing. Uxie levitated them all in one spot and the bubbles they were contained in popped.

"Well, the moment has passed, back to work!" Smashfan quoted, regaining his serious composure.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Beast Infestation"]The land looked completely barren, not even the Illumise and Volbeat which normally thrive here were present.

Xatu suspected something was amiss. "This place... something must have cleansed the land of those native to it..."

"It was the beasts that rid the land of it's inhabitants." Uxie explained.

A deafening roar came.


"Here they come now!" Uxie shouted "Be ready!"

Soon enough, they were surrounded by vicious Rahi. swarms of Nui-Rama and Nui-Kopen ready to attack from above. packs of Nui-Jaga, Muaka, and Kane-Ra littering the ground. and many vicious Tarakava ready to strike from underwater.

The group was speechless! could it be possible Makuta Teridax was STILL alive? let alone connected to the Dark Ones? it seemed that way. but they had no time to dwell on that now, they had to defeat the corrupted Rahi and free Fogbound Lake!

+Battle Music: Battle Music, Kaiba Campaign - YuGiOh! the Falsebound Kingdom+[/COLLAPSE]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Haha, Don't worry Smash, I know that feeling.

Just take Mew out of your post and consider this whole thing Retcon'd ;)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's obvious that anything evil that happens is now caused by the Dark Ones.

Frostwraith's team returned to Palutena's Temple to know about their next mission.

"Good to know you've returned.", greeted Palutena.

"The Underworld forces got really stronger than I have ever seen.", commented Pit.

"Do you think Hades was ressurrected?", questioned Dark Pit.

"It's possible.", responded Palutena.

"So, what are we going to do now?", asked Frostwraith.

"Underworld forces have assembled at some old ruins of a temple. I believe we will find another of the Underworld's commanders there.", reported Palutena.

"Okay, let's get moving.", said Frostwraith.


After a long flying battle, the group arrives at a familiar place for both Pit and Dark Pit.

"Ruins... they are always some mysterious places...", thought Frostwraith loudly.

"This place seems familiar...", commented Pit.

"We once fought here.", remembered Dark Pit.

Temple Ruins

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Ruins of the Temple

"Right... anyway, Lady Palutena said there were Underworld troops here, but I can't see them.", said Pit.

"Let's explore then. Garchomp, keep an eye out for enemies.", said Cynthia.

"What better option do we have? Come with me, Golurk.", stated Frostwraith.

The group began to explore the ruined temple, conversing causally about the mysteries of such places, while beating Underworld enemies.

"Heh... those Underworld monsters may be large in number, but they are all flimsy...", commented Frostwraith with a hint of arrogance.

The group arrived to an underground chamber. There waited an Eggplant Wizard.

"Not this guy again...", said Pit.

"Another Eggplant Wizard... I can use my powers to turn you back to normal after a while, but try to dodge his spells anyway.", said Palutena.

"Garchomp! Dragon Rush!", ordered Cynthia.

The Pokémon charged at the Underworlder, defeating him.

"Hmmm... look over there... a cracked wall.", observed Frostwraith. "Golurk, DynamicPunch!"

The Automaton Pokémon obeyed and punched the wall, tearing it apart.

"What's this?", observed Frostwraith to a blue light, bearing a symbol.

"Oh, this is a Zodiac Chamber!", noted Pit. "These contain powers and divine weapons for me and Pittoo to use. Let's head inside."

The group entered the chamber, with Pit grabbing the weapon there.

"Those are Gemini Orbitars... convenient!", commented Pit.

"Give them to me. I will use them now.", said Dark Pit.

"Well, if the both of you are settled, let's punish some more Underworlders.", prompted Frostwraith.

The group got out of the place and headed to a shrine nearby.

"This looks like some sort of shrine. Look... there's a secret entrance here that seems to have been dug recently... let's check this out.", observed Frostwraith.

The place was dark, prompting Frostwraith to switch out his Golurk and replace it with Chandelure.

"You are all idiots..."

"Who said that?", reacted Pit.

Suddenly a spell strikes against Dark Pit, rendering him unconscious.

"Hahahaha... what a powerful puppet this angel will be...", said the same hostile voice, who revealed himself to be a cultist of sorts.

"Who are you?", reacted Frostwraith with anger.

"Watch your tongue, Frosty. I follow the Dark Ones. I am one of the many dark mages following the Master. Oh... and how has he taken interest in your... potential...", said the cultist with a menacing tone.

"So, you are one of the Dark Ones' followers! Chandelure, kill him! Use Fire Blast now!", yelled Frostwraith in anger.

The cultist created a barrier around him, reflecting the attack back to Chandelure. Thankfully, Chandelure's Flash Fire ability made him absorb the reflected Fire Blast.

"Hmph... as much as I would like to kill you all personally... I will have your friend do that to every single one of you... one by one... heh heh heh heh heh...", said the cultist as he launched another spell at Dark Pit and created a force field separating Pit and Dark Pit from Frostwraith and Cynthia.

The cultist teleported away and a seemingly soulless Dark Pit began to attack Pit mercilessly.

"Dark Pit is under control of the cultist's spell. Pit, try to stall him as best as you can. I am channelling my power to dispel the cultist's spell. This will take a while, though!", said Frostwraith.



Kid Icarus: Uprising - Dark Pit's Theme

Pit and Dark Pit exchanged blows. As Pit's copy, Dark Pit's fighting capabilties were evenly matched against Pit.

"Urgh... help... me...", said Dark Pit as he struggled to gain control of his own body.

"Pittoo! I will help you! Frostwraith is going to help you!", reacted Pit.

Pit remained defensive, dodging the shots his magically controlled counterpart kept shooting.

"It's just a little more! Hang on!", warned Frostwraith.

"Don't you worry!", responded Pit.

"Aaargh...... Pit... stop...", Dark Pit said in pain.

"Just hold on! The force field is almost dispelled!", reacted Frostwraith.

"Garchomp, ready yourself! Grab Dark Pit once Frostwraith dispells the force field.", ordered Cynthia to her Pokémon.

"Thank you for your help, Cynthia.", said Frostwraith.

A few minutes later, Pit was still holding on.

"The force field is gone! Chandelure, use Psychic!", ordered Frostwraith.

Chandelure managed to grab Dark Pit telepathically, rendering him unable to move.

"Garchomp! Now!", ordered Cynthia.

Garchomp rushed to Dark Pit, causing him to drop his weapon.

"Hold just a little farther! I am now removing his curse!", said Frostwraith.

Frostwraith channeled a light spell on Dark Pit, whose body struggled to make Garchomp drop him, but she was far stronger.

Few minutes passed and the spell was complete. Frostwraith launched a light ball, destroying the curse on Dark Pit's body.

"Urgh...", muttered Dark Pit, before falling unconscious.

"That was close... Apparently this temple is being used as a hideout for the Dark Ones... let's get out of here.", said Frostwraith as he opened a portal to return to Skyworld.

"What about Pittoo?", asked Pit.

"He will be fine. He's unconscious for now, but when he wakes up, he will be himself again.", explained Frostwraith.

That should do it for today.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Hmm I c I c, that's were he is! But I still can't find the girl.

:marth: what you plan on doing?

Ill go to that place and search for the team.

:marth: great don't get lost again




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
So Mars is currently in skyworld? If that's the case, you may be joining up with frostwraith? Unsure.

Anyway, Richard doesn't seem to have posted, so i'll give him a little more time and if he dosn't post between now and later today, i'll edit this post with the battle.

It should also be noted that Queen Zeal is one of the few threats un-related to the dark ones.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So Mars is currently in skyworld? If that's the case, you may be joining up with frostwraith? Unsure.

Anyway, Richard doesn't seem to have posted, so i'll give him a little more time and if he dosn't post between now and later today, i'll edit this post with the battle.

It should also be noted that Queen Zeal is one of the few threats un-related to the dark ones.
a new team member? could be interesting...

yeah, Queen Zeal isn't affiliated with the Dark Ones... but sure is pissed at Luco for stealing her trinket (the Time Gear)!

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Shortly after the pk kids arrived)

Queen of zeal: Who are these peasants that rush to aid you?!

Luco: They are not peasants, they are my friends.

Queen of zeal: I care not what you think, i only want my trinket you stole, Guards!

Richard: Not so fast!

(Richard pulls out his pistol and fires at the shield)

Richard: That was a warning shot. Next time your highness will take the bullet, now back off!

Queen of zeal: You cannot listen to this peasant, do as i say and attack.

Richard: Your majesty, remember when we paid a visit to your palace and you sent your guards after us? Well after you chased us, i didn't want to shoot at you directly, but to cover my friends retreat, i had to provide cover fire.

Queen of zeal: What are you talking about, You peasant?

(Richard's eyes flash red)

*RE Afterlife song outsider by a perfect circle plays*

Richard: Now it's different, wesker let's go!

(Richard and wesker zip toward the queen's forces)

Queen of zeal: Attack!

(The guards look for the attackers when suddenly they turn around toward the queen only to find they've been checkmated)

Richard: One move from you guards and the queen gets it!

Luco: Uh wow just wow.

Queen of zeal: Release me at once!

(Richard presses his gun to the queen's head)

Richard: You see your majesty rather than go after your guards, i went after you because since your the leader of your army, if i take you out of the equation the whole army falls apart, and they become blinded with anger resulting in their own downfall with mine and my friends' hands.

Wesker: Hmph, to think my assistant is like me now, what irony this is.

Richard: I've observed you for a long time before we got into this mess, wesker.

Queen of zeal: What do you want from me? i don't wanna die.

Luco: Don't shoot her, richard!

Richard: I won't. I just need you to call your forces off, furthermore your trinket you have is actually a time gear you wear around your neck as a necklace. Now our enemies would've taken it from you by force even if it meant killing you mercilessly in the process, we want to change that by collecting the time gears to prevent a cataclysm from happening in the realms.

Queen of zeal: Guards! Lower your weapons!

(Richard tells the queen about the war the realms face and how her trinket is the key to saving the realms.)



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
It should be noted that the Queen of Zeal is evil in her own right: She works with Lavos, the main antagonist in Chrono Trigger.

That said, I like how you ended that, I can carry on with it in a way... i'll edit this post.


"You shouldn't have told her that, Richard." Luco walked with him on the island they arrived in. He thought Queen Zeal wouldn't be a threat again but he didn't want to take the chance. He used a portal out of sight to get to this isle with his friends. He had the orb in his hand; he could see Frostwraith in the ball. "I see..." Said frostwraith. "I don't think it will matter. The queen can't teleport out of her own universe if she tried, or she would have caused us trouble long ago. Still, be careful what you say to people like them. You never know what they're hiding."

"Yes, I understand." Richard said in to the ball.

"In any case, we recovered my team and also...

"Hiiiii there!!" Ness jumped in and looked eagerly at the ball. "Oh!" Frostwraith sounded slightly surprised. "I'm glad you found them. They will add further strength to your team." He paused a moment.

"Listen... I haven't heard from Smashfan and Xiroey and the others in some time. I'll keep you there for now but if I don't hear from them soon, i'll send you in. Is that okay with you?" Luco was alarmed. He knew if Smashfan wasn't reporting in, that would be a bad sign. He was still unsure just quite what smashfan was about but Xiroey seemed so glad to see him, Luco assumed they were old friends. He was also worried about Mew and Mewtwo. "Yeah, we can do that!" Ness said to Frostwraith. "That's fine with me." Richard came in. "I like this place a lot, actually."

They broke off contact. It was early afternoon. Luco sat down on the grass and looked at the sky around him. "Such a beautiful place..." He commented as he sat down. He couldn't fully relax. Not while he was still unsure of Mew and Mewtwo's safety. He was about to doze off when he noticed people on an island not too far away. Their clothes did not match the usual attire of the people on the islands. Then he realized they were wearing rags: These were the people he'd imbued with some magic to allow them up here. It looked like they had set up a spot on one of the islands, he could see a few wooden houses and some kids playing on the grass. he also noticed people weaving. Indeed, some of the people there weren't wearing rags anymore but casual tunics and dresses. He smiled and let sleep over-take him.

It was late afternoon when he felt Pikachu nudging him awake. He looked over to the orb and saw it glowing. "Richard." He called. Richard came over from where he had been watching the sun low in the sky. Luco tapped the orb and saw Frostwraith's face come in to view. "I still haven't heard from them", he said, his voice tinted with concern. "I'll send you in, see what you can find." Luco opened a portal after Frostwraith had gone. "Okay, we have no idea what's on the other side. We have to be careful. I trust you all, so be on alert. With that... lets hope Smashfan's group is still in one piece..."

They went through the portal.


This is probably a good time for Smashfan or Xiroey to write. :p


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti dismissed his army to return to the street corners for any disruptance. He didn't want to risk them coming into war and dying for something way stronger than them. He made Naoi, Kanade, & Red in charge of Smashboards/New Hyrule while Muhti and his small team of Dimentio, N, Blaziken, & Doctor Who 11 went off to venture off. They had to revive somebody, but who?


"Stats N.", Muhti ordered.

They were at a hotel in Istanbul, Turkey. The person they needed was buried around here.

"We're going to have to go out to the outskirts of Istanbul if we're going to find him.", N reported.

Doctor Who turned around, "Why him? He's just humane Muhti. I don't think humans can actually be helpful unlike the vast majority of aliens."

N and Muhti gave The Doc the death stare, making Doc feel uncomfortable.

"This human was a general of a militia/army that defeated 7 Allied Countries, including Britain, France, Japan, Greece, Armenia, and more. So please, tell me more how humans are disfunctional.", Muhti finished as Dimentio chuckled to himself.

Doc shook his head, "I've seen worlds destroy galaxies, that was nothing. Come on, we need to get a move on."

N yawned, "Stupid jet lag."

Muhti followed along, "Alright, let's go to sleep, rest up for tomorrow. 'Night fellas."


Just something before I hit the sack and to let you know I'm not dead. Just busy.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Your avatar is so appropriate lol.

That gun that shot JFK was proven that it couldn't reload & shoot with just 3 bullets in 6 seconds.

I have legit proof on it...

Oh my, Im starting to sound lik Alex Jones...

9/11 Conspiracy....
JFK Conspiracy....
Bilderberg Conspiracy....


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

So u tell me not to get lost? What am I five

:marth: but u got stuck in universes u didn't even attend to go to... jus sayin... u may want help, there's some people here who are highly skilled, team up with them and I'm sure u will find ur other friend.

Hmm.... is smash even alive?

:marth: err let me check the statues....




Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
That gun that shot JFK was proven that it couldn't reload & shoot with just 3 bullets in 6 seconds.

I have legit proof on it...

Oh my, Im starting to sound lik Alex Jones...

9/11 Conspiracy....
JFK Conspiracy....
Bilderberg Conspiracy....
They never found the bullets, which is weird.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
This segment focuses more on Frostwraith.

A few minutes later, after Luco contacted him, Frostwraith gazed at the sky from Skyworld. He was alone, and thinking about the many things that happened since he got involved in this war.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Solo Menu

"The Dark Ones... could they be my parents' killers...?", questioned Frostwraith hiimself. "What could they want from me? They insist on my supposed potential... what does that mean?"

Those questions troubled him. Frostwraith suspected that the Dark Ones wanted him for something. Frostwraith thought that if the Dark Ones were indeed his parents' killers, they had a reason to spare him.

Tired of thinking on the Dark Ones for a while, Frostwraith picked a book titled "Light Magic Basics - Tome II" and sat on a small rock, beginning to read it.

It was then that Cynthia approached Frostwraith.

"Oh, Cynthia. I didn't notice you were here.", said Frostwraith.

"Seems that the Underworld troops have stopped for a while.", said Cynthia

"That's good news. Has Dark Pit woken up already?", asked Frostwraith.

"Last I knew, not yet. What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I was just reading a book. Luco contacted me and they went to help Smashfan's team, so I believe they might be in trouble."

"Do you think they may need our help?"

"I don't think so. Luco's team is powerful on their own... but the fact that Smashfan's team hasn't contacted me or Luco yet worries me. Could the Dark Ones have attacked them?"

"Good question. But, with Luco's help, I believe they can face whoever they oppose."

"I suppose..."

"Well then, I think I should train my Pokémon now. See you later."

"See you..."

Frostwraith continued to read the same book. He got up and picked a wooden statue from his bag.

"Something like this should work.", muttered Frostwraith.

Frostwraith shot a small burst of light against the statue, cracking it.

"Hmm... not too shabby. Maybe I should try a stronger one. This one was too easy."

Frostwraith opened the book on another page, read it for a while and focused his mind on the statue.

"Let's try this..."

Frostwraith opened his palm, and moved his arm upwards. Suddenly, a powerful blast of light emerges from within the statue, making it to blow up.

"Hmmm... not bad... Compared to dark magic, light magic is easier to learn... perhaps I should try a combination of both..."

Picking another book, this one titled "Combining Magic Basics", he started to read it as night began to fall...

"This will be fun...", said Frostwraith as he picked another wooden statue from his bag.

After one hour of reading the book, Frostwraith was ready to try out another spell.

"Let's see what will happen..."

Frostwraith focused on the statue, charging power. He attempted to charge light magic on one hand and dark magic on the other hand. After a while, he fused the charges, only for that combination blast uncontrollably in his hands.

"Hmmm... that didn't go very well...", said Frostwraith in disappointment.

For now, this will do... I guess.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Okay what happened to smashfans team and a portal to what other side?

I need two answers so i can develop alot of details on these two things.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Smashfan's team is in the Pokémon world.

The rest, you're gonna have to ask Xiroey or Smashfan...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
If I recall, Smashfan's team got attacked by robots of some kind in the pokeworld (at the top of fogbound lake). They haven't reported in, so our team has opened a portal to them and stepped through. I'm not entirely sure though if Smashfan/Xiroey want us to have arrived then or wanted a new complication to arise when we entered or perhaps they're even safe! I dunno at this point, thus why I was gonna leave it to like, Smashfan and Xiroey at this point to write the next segment up.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio

Great ill get going.....WIAT!!!!! What do I have to do to gian thepower of warping...and stuff...

:marth: what are u talking about?

Don't play stupid Zues. I met someone with the ability to open portals to deminsion. What's up with that, if I had that ability I can complete my objectives in a breeze abusing that power!

:marth: err well u c...... u don't easily obtian such a powerful and useful ability...like that.


:marth: who had this ability?

Err. Damn I forgot his name but I know if id seen that person again.


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