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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
...Yet again.
It amazes me JUST how much your plot and my plot fit together.

...I'm starting to think Muhti gave you all my idea journal :glare:


Will write the next part once I get something to eat :D

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Lol muhti, yes xiroey i stole all his ideas and used them for my personal gain........jk.

(After traveling through kanto and shortly though johto falls, the group comes to a forest tney can see)

Xiroey: That's ilex forest!

Frostwraith: Celebi is in there, i can feel it's presence.

(Inside ilex forest)

Richard: Wandering through this forest makes me think the paths are like a labyrinth, traveling through.

Luco: Look over there!

(The group spots something illuminated, flying around)

Xiroey: It's celebi!

(Xiroey approaches celebi, it sees him and approaches cautiously)

Xiroey: Celebi, i need to ask you something.

Celebi: What is it, stranger?

Richard: We need your assistance, it's very urgent. I'm richard, and the person who came to you is xiroey.

Frostwraith: Part of the world that were in has been decimated by the people who call themselves the dark ones.

Celebi: I'll join then, these evil people must be stopped.

(With a new ally, possibly the only one who can help save dialga, our adventurers journey off to the unknown abyss, with a sinister danger that lies ahead)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Ooh! Richard posted.

Brace yourselves, for I am preparing a plot twist soon...

The group prepared themselves for the battle against Dialga. With Celebi and Time Gears, it would be possible to cure Dialga of his condition. They were staying in Ilex Forest, the only place not tainted by the Burning Legion.

"Lady Palutena?", called Pit in his and Dark Pit's tent.

"Pit, I have to tell you that I spoke to Arceus and Master Hand and located Dialga's location. Dyntos has created a weapon powered by the Time Gears that will be our chance against the Pokémon.", said the goddess.

"The others must know about it then. Pittoo, do you mind?", said Pit.

"No. I am going.", responded Dark Pit.

The group made a battle reunion.

"So, our plan is to attack Dialga at the Temporal Tower, correct?", said Frostwraith.

"Yes. Palutena said that Dyntos has created a weapon powered by the Time Gears that will help us in the fight.", confirmed Dark Pit.

"We need to prepare ourselves, then... I will open a portal to that tower, all right?", offered Luco.

"That would be desirable. The clock is ticking, so we need to use the fastest method of transport.", agreed Frostwraith.

"Let's go!", said Crono.

The portal was opened and the group found themselves at the Temporal Tower.

"The Dark Ones are guarding the tower. Everyone prepare yourselves! This is a battle we cannot lose!", said Frostwraith.

The group began to attack the tower, moping the foes that awaited them. As a large group, they had a great chance against the foes that awaited them.

After long minutes of struggle, the group arrived at the last room before the top, only to find a familiar foe: Ghirahim.

"You again!", said Pit.

"I have been defeated twice and failed my Master twice. I will no longer tolerate this behavior from you. If I fail my Master again, I shall feel his wrath. The best I have to do is to take extreme measures.", said Ghirahim.

"You are presistent. I give you that. This fight is no longer personal, Dark One. You and your Master are at war with life itself. After I have seen what you have done to this world, I vowed to kill every single one of you.", said Frostwraith.

"That's brave coming from a mere human. I will put you in your place noW! You face against a demon or should I say... a weapon without mercy!", yelled Ghirahim as he began to transform. "Nidhikki! Krekka! DESTROY THE INTRUDERS! My hordes will help you!"

"Everyone! Fight against his minions! I will take care of Ghirahim myself!", yelled Frostwraith.

"As you wish!", said Luco.

As usual, Ghirahim created a force field to duel against Frostwraith alone.


Demon Lord

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ghirahim Final Battle

"Lord Ghirahim, it's time for you to pay!", yelled Frostwraith.

"INSOLENT WRETCH! DIE!", said Ghirahim insanely.

Frostwraith unsheathed his sword and crossed blades with Ghirahim. It was an intense battle. Frostwraith and Ghirahim attacked and defended each others' blows at lightning speed. Frostwraith noted his weak point: the orange crystal in his chest, but had a hard time to strike at it, thanks to Ghirahim's speed.

Outside the force field, the remainder of the team faced against a mix of Underworld forces, Ganon's forces, Bad Biggies and Burning Legion demons, led by Nidhikki and Krekka, the two minions sent by Archimonde and Palpatine to watch over Ghirahim.

Frostwraith remained locked in combat, but he knew that Ghirahim would last longer than him, thus he had to think a strategy. Frostwraith backflipped, kicking Ghirahim in the process and launched a light spell at him, stunning the Demon Lord for a while. Using this opportunity, Frostwraith imbued his sword with light magic and stabbed Ghirahim on the weak spot in his chest.

Ghirahim fell in great pain, but he survived the blow and pulled of a huge two handed sword, attacking Frostwraith with a renowned ferocity.

"YOU WRETCHED BRAT!", yelled the Demon Lord.

Frostwraith attacked Ghirahim, but the Demon Lord's lightning fast reflexes paired with his huge sword managed to defend his weak spot from every single of Frostwraith's blows. Frostwraith managed to keep Ghirahim on his defensive stance, noting that his sword wasn't very resistent, thus pressing the attack even further to break the sword and attack the weak spot further.

Ghirahim was getting weaker and even more enraged.

Outside the force field, the team relied on Alder and Cynthia's Pokémon, as well as Ness, Lucas and Ninten's PSI attacks. Crono and his party handled the leaders of the horde alongside Luco and Xiroey. Armed with staffs, Pit and Dark Pit attack the hordes from afar. This teamwork was working nicely against the chaotic, disorganized demonic hordes, who relied on brute force.

Frostwraith managed to break Ghirahim's sword, giving the perfect opportunity to attack the weak spot. Giving off a few attacks, Frostwraith progressively weakened Ghirahim, who, in his rage, kicked Frostwraith out of his way and repaired his sword, prompting Frostwraith to repeat the process time and time again.

"I will rather die gloriously in battle than be ashamed!", yelled Ghirahim.

"Then so be it... Demon Lord...", coldly retorted Frostwraith.

Unleashing another light spell, Frostwraith stunned Ghirahim again, giving him the opportunity to finsih the Demon Lord once and for all. Despite being stunned, Ghirahim still attempted at one last attack, prompting Frostwraith to knock him to the floor, jump and stabbing his weak point from above. The Demon Lord was finished.

The remainder of the team was still locked in combat, prompting Frostwraith to join them. After a few minutes of fighting, and both Nidhikki and Krekka were destroyed.

"We did it!", said Luco victoriously.

"Great work, everybody.", commended Frostwraith.


"Past those doors awaits Dialga. Let's go. We have come this far... we cannot lose now!", said Frostwraith.

"That's what you think!", said Ganondorf who just appeared and launched a surprise spell at Frostwraith.

"Urgh...", said Frostwraith as a strange mark appeared in his face.

"You have come far enough...", said Ganondorf as he turned his face over Ghirahim's dead body. "What a useless idiot he was..."

Ganondorf used a spell, turning Ghirahim into his true form: a huge, black sword resembling the Master Sword.

"At least now, he will be finally useful for me.", grunted Ganondorf. "I must say, the Master his impressed by your prowess. But, you have foiled our plans for long enough. Me, Lord Sidious and Lord Archimonde will take more drastic measures from now on... the Master has toyed with you for enough time. The next time we meet, you will be destroyed."

Ganondorf vanished suddenly, prompting the group to move forward and fight against Dialga.

On the other side of the door, Primal Dialga awaited them.

"It is clearly insane.", noted Xiroey.

"Pit? Are you listening? I will drop Dyntos's weapon there and grant you the Power of Flight. Arceus and Celebi will power up that cannon and you will fire when I give the order.", said Palutena, summoning a cannon with the Time Gears embedded on it.

"Got it!", said Pit as he began to fly with the cannon on hand. "Guys! Distract Dialga!"


Temporal Pokémon

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness / Explorers of Sky - Primal Dialga

"Arceus and Celebi will be charging the cannon, while Pit aims it. We must hold our own against Dialga! Chandelure, Hydreigon and Haunter! It's time!", ordered Frostwraith, sending his Pokémon.

"All we need to do is to avoid its attacks and weaken it. We must not kill him!", warned Cynthia.

The group prepared their positions. Pit was aiming the cannon. Another battle was about to start...

Someone will likely continue the battle, right? =D


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The room was in an outrage. "What do you mean? Surely it can't all be destroyed"? Master Cid's deep voice created a loud echo within the cramped room. Some of the more hearing-sensitive occupants, namely Bowser and King Micky, had to resist the urge to cover their ears. Best not to appear weak whenever the master was like this. One occupant however, didn't flinch. A simple look in this pokemon's eye would reveal that he was equally as furious as Cid was. If not, ten times more. "Giving into rage will not change the facts Cid. Much of the pokemon world is destoryed. Along with Charizard Valley and much of my brethren." Charizard's tone was kept calm. While his blood may have been stirred over the deaths of so many of his brothers, he wouldn't allow himslef to lose all sense of rationality over it. Like this human before him was.

"You should learn your place Charizard. While you may not be an official member of Impact, as a member of this board, I demand that you adress me as 'Master Cid'. Are we clear"?

"I see no purpose behind such pointless formalities".

Cid slammed his hand on the table. "Are we clear"? he repeated, much louder.

Gliscor decided to interject. "Uhh, listen... Master? The destruction of the Pokemon universe was a tragedy. But, shouldn't we focus our time on locating the remainder of the time gears instead? Charizard and I have one, but there are still five left for us to locate. And we have no guarantee that the dark forces haven't found those alraedy".

"Gliscor is right, we cannot afford to squabble amidst ourselves when the whole of the boards is facing national crisis. We need to think clearly". Princess Celestia was calm and rational as always. Her words seemd to get through. The red in Cid's face lessened a few shades. Eventually, he took a deep breath and returned to his seat. "You're right Celestia" he admitted grudgingly "However, Charizard. I would appreciate if you'd treat these proceedings with a touch more formality. This is serious discussion after all.

"I see no reason why formalities are necessary in order for us to partake in seriosu discussion. Master". Charizard added the last bit as an afterthought. He thought he could see Master Cid's face redden a few shades again, but when he spoke again his voice did not betray his anger.

"So then, with one Time Gear in our possession and the remaining five still unknown, what does this mean for us if the Dark ones have located the other five"?

Gliscor raised a claw "Well... now that you mention it. There is a legend that discusses it"- A growl from deep within Bowser's throat cut off whatever Gliscor was about to say. "Listen to him! Going on about fairytales! Here we're trying to discuss the fate of the entire multiverse, and this... bat... is trying to quote children's books"! Gliscor was genuinely insuted by Bowser's words.

"I'll have you know, Your Magesty, the legend I'm trying to tell you was given to me by none other than the Mighty Dialga itsel"-

"What Gliscor mentions is no legend". Charizard's voice cut in the middle of the discussion. This made everyone pause. After a bit, Master Cid decided to but in. He started off slowly, "Charizard, while I certainly admire your desire to stand up for your friend, you have to keep in mind. This is the lives of milions we're talking about. If you send us off chasing faries then"-

"What i say is the truth. What Gliscor mentions is not a legend. It is history. A history I personally witnessed firsthand".

Gliscor looked deep into Charizard's eyes. This was news to him as well. Quite surprisngly, he found no trace of falsehood there. His friend caught Gliscor staring at him and flashed him a brief smile. He looked almost... guilty?

"Listen, Gliscor, everyone. There's something I need to tell you".

Gliscor didn't like how he said that. "Char? Have you been keeping a secret from me all this time"? Charizard's strage blue eyes wavered for a bit, then he broke eye contact. He couldnt' believe it. There was something his friend was hiding from him!

"Alright Charizard. You if something you want to tell us, What is it"? Master Cid was getting impatient.

Charizard began nervously. That automatically made every alarm bell in Gliscor's mind go off. Charizard? Nervous? Something like this happeneing was about as likely as... he couldn't think of anything as likely as what was happening.

"Everyone. I'm sorry. But I haven't been completely honest with all of you. You especially Gly". He looked down at Gliscor and saw that the bat was in shock. Oh well, . Might as well get it over with now that the subject at hand was up in the air.

"Truth be told, I'm not a pokemon. I wasn't always a pokemon anyway. When I was born... I came into this world not as a pokemon, but as a human".

And so he began explaining.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Oh dear, this is bad" Xiroey's eyes opened wide in terror. "Xiroey, move! Why are you just standing there"? Luco was madly beconing with his arms for Xiroey to move. However, for some reason, he remained rooted to the spot. Xiroey's eyes fell to the ground and he stooped over. "Whoever was here before us dropped thier red necklace." He picked up the Red Chain that Cyrus had used to enslave Mespirit, Axelf and Uxie. An arrow whizzing just by his head snapped Xiroeys' attention into more present matters. He looked over in the direction the arrow came from and saw Dark Pit pointing over at something. "Hey, do you mind? Be more careful where you aim that thi"- He realized that Dark Pit was shouting something. "...Move you Idiot" It took the wheels in his head some time to register that Dark Pit was talking to him. "Move why"? He said, then the ground beneath him exploded.

"Well, that's one down within our ranks" Frostwrath noted unemotionally. Xiroey flew a good distance before he crashed, starfish style, into one of the uncrumbled pilliars that were placed at regular intervals around the tower. It wasn't uncrumbled for much longer. "Dark Pit, cover me" Luco said, deciding that Xiroey would be fine on his own. He gathered up magical energy into his arms and feet, then Charged Primal Dialga directly. Primal Dialga, meanwhile had his mouth opened wide in preperation to unleash another wave of energy.

"Celebi, Arceus, hows that cannon comming"? Frostwrath's voice was strained as he tried his best to distract Primal Dialga with bolts of dark energy. They all seemed to bounce harmlessly off it's metal-like armor. "I suppose this is the stregnth of a legendary" Frostwrath noted. The air around them grew hot a second time. Primal Dialga unleashes his second wave of energy, this time engulfing Luco instead.

"What could he have possibly been thinking"? Dark Pit breathed, surprised. Luco had just commanded him to cover him then rushed blindly into Primal Dialga's attack. Now they were down yet another valuable team member.

Cynthia noticed something odd. "My eyes must be decieving me. Is that, Ice"? Adler saw it as well "That would certainly appear to be the case" The very energy Primal Diaga shot at Luco was freezing! Before long, Primal Dialga was trapped with it's face glued to the ground by a diagonal pillar of ice. Luco happily stepped out from behind the pillar. "Those fancy blasts are nothing but a bunch of hot air" He said cheerily.

"...So you froze it"? Frostwrath said disbelieving

"Hey, It'll buy us time. Isn't that right Xiroey"?

The group could hear Xiroey's voice coming from somewhere on the ground. "I think my ears are bleeding" he complained.

"Xiroey knows what I'm saying" Luco confirmed.

"Well, this certainly buys us some time. What's the news on the canon's status"? Cynthia said, already all business.

"Only halfway charged" Celebi said a bit worriedly "Try to keep him busy just a bit longer"

"Great. Well, while he's like this our group has nothing to fear" Frostwrath said. He'd stopped in his attempt to launch magical attacks at Dialga's hide. An ominous crack from the ice pillar proved him wrong. "Oh, that's not good" Luco said. "Everyone retreat" Pit screamed. Already the air around them was crackling with explosive energy. "Is that what I think it is" Adler said. He was already a good distance away. Joining the fight were his Swoobat and his Accelgor.

"That's roar of time" Cynthia said darkly. As if in answer, the ice pillar shattered. Suddenly the group was blasted by an incredible wave of energy. This one threatening to scramble every brain cell in their respective bodies. While everyone else blew away, almost comically, Xiroey slid leisurely across the ground. "Well, guess that's it then. Guess I have no use for this necklace thing" He tossed the Red chain off the tower.

Everyone's flight was eventually (and quite painfully) brought to a halt near the edge of the tower. Frostwrath had to grind his sword into the loose tile since he flew the farthest, and was in the most danger of sliding off. "Hurry it up with that cannon" Frostwrath growled, he was getting more than a little impatient. Richard also came to a stop near the edge, his gun nearly flew out of it's sheath and off the tower, but he manged to catch it in time.
"Hi guys, miss me"? Xiroey slid over to the edge of the tower along with everyone else. "Nice of you to join us". Frostwrath said nonchalantly.

"Hey it's not easy being comic relief" Xiroey said defensively. He picked himself up off the ground before anyone else could so much as stand. "Now, if you lazy bums don't mind getting up off yer rears, I believe we have a legendary to uncorrupt"?

"That's not even a word" Frostwrath growled

"Not important." He drew his swords, "Now lets finish this"! Xiroey led the assault forward in a lone charge.

"This guy's an idiot". Frostwrath said simply.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

First half, just in case somebody wants to continue the rest of the fight :D
If not, I'll gladly finish it.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I have 1 Time Gear fyi
Actually, if you read the below post

[glow]1 Month : 21 Days remaining

Gengar's eyes once again drew apprehensively to his watch. As had become his habit since the new week began. In the solitude of their metal shelter, it was all he could do to pass the time. Ironic, that was exactly what he was trying not to do. Gengar felt the warm fur beneath him vibrate, signaling to him that Entei was up. It raised it's head out of a sticky pile of drool on the ground and let out a big yawn, the heat within the creature causing the cramped cell to heat up at least a dozen degrees.

Gengar finally peeled his eyes off his watch "Morning big guy, you sleep well"? Entei's only response was to give him a dopey look, then try it's best to clean up the crusted drool around it's face. That was okay, Entei never was very talkative in the mornings. Gengar got up as well, grunting as his stiff joints stretched and then creaked. Despite their questionable living quarters, he'd slept like a log all though the night. He'd been so tired from endless searching the night before; and Entei's fur had been so warm and soft. He couldn't even remember falling asleep.

In a bit of a haze himself, for he too had just woken up, he waddled over to the entrance to the cell. A good taste of his Shadowball, and the lock obligingly flew open. He nodded his head for Entei to follow him. The coast was clear, not a guard in sight. Entei still looked like it'd rather squeeze in a few minutes of rest rather than search through the bottom of a dirty castle, but it stood up and followed nontheless.

Outside the cell, the two of them found themselves staring down an imposibly long two way corridor. The cell that was their hiding place was situated almost exactly in the middle of that corridor. Gengar made a brief guesture with his arms. Making an L shape with both hands, bringing them together, and then pulling the two apart. Entei nodded, then started down the opposite path. Gengar watched it go a little regretingly. Searching down a creepy cellar completely on his own wasn't exactly high on his priority list. But, they'd cover more ground this way. They couldn't afford to waste any time, since time was constantly ticking down against them.

Gengar took the other hallway. His tiny feet levitated only a short distance off the ground. He was like a black shadow without footsteps. They'd already searched all the cells on this level prior to settling down for the night. Now it was time to search the cellars another floor down. "In retrospect, maybe we should've volunteered to take the top floors" He thought bitterly. Everything was always so paifully clear in retrospect. Thinking back, he couldn't even remember what he'd been thinking then!
Grudgingly, he turned a corner. Now Entei was completely out of sight. He was on his own...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You're on your own buddy!" Gliscor laughed like a madman, then gave his buddy Charizard a hearty clap on the shoulder. The force of it nearly caused him to spew out his punch. "W-why'd you go and do that"? He sputtered, Getting emberassing red stains all over his white front. Gliscor noticed the look.

"Relax man, it's a party! You were bound to get dirty anyawy!" Charizard was still fuming, "Well, it wouldn't have happened so soon if you hadn't broken my concentration!"

"Just shut up and chug will ya?" Gliscor handed Charizard another barrel of punch, then gave him a wink. Chariard grudgingly decided he'd make his friend pay later for messing him up like that, then picked up the heavy metal barrel. The motion drew a familar round of cheers from the croud.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The chanting came from all round them. Gliscor patted him on the shoulder again, only much more softly this time.

"Better give them what they want... we're under cover remember"? He whispered it into his ear so that only Charizard could hear. So that no one would be suspicious, he took the jug in Charizard's claws and tilted it up above his chin. Charizard obligingly drank. The crowed "oohed" and stared with awe as the tall barrel was empied in a matter of seconds.

"You call that a drink!" Charizard boasted when the barrel was completely empty. He gave a loud belch to prove his point. "Come on, I'm still thirsty!".

In the midst of the uproar, Gliscor silently slid away. Squeezing himself between a pair of weathy teenagers dressed in white suits. They gave a small protestest as Gliscor barged his way through them, but were instantly back to cheering again as Charizard completely downed yet another barrel.

Out on the safety of the sidelines, Gliscor began his search of the main balcony. He searched inside of purses, handbags, satchels. He checked under tables and inside suitcases. With a dissatified groan, he realized the object he was looking for wasn't anywhere around here either.

"How hard can it be to track down one lousty time gear!" he shouted to himself. Then placed a claw over his mouth. He'd almost just given himself away. Thankfully everyone else was already preocupied in the main lobby. No doubt Charizard was still going, he could keep up the display for another ten minutes if he absolutely had to.

A hand on his shoulder made Gliscor jump. "Haha, told you I'd get ya back!" Charizard laughed, swaying on his feet. Gliscor looked at him with shock written all over his face. "Shouldn't you be back there entertaining the crowd?"

Charizard hicced "Crowd... Oh yeah, Melvin's got it. You seen the moves on that guy? Duu-Duude can reaaaaly move". He hicced again. Gliscor was appaled. "Charizard, are you drunk?"

"N-No." Charizard lied. He leaned over the railing to steady himself. A glass of alcohol in his right claw pretty much gave away the fact that he was indeed drunk. Gliscor faceclawed.

"Duude! You're going to blow the whole mission now if you don't sober up! Give me that!" He tried unsuccesfuly to snatch the drink away.

"Nuh-uh-uh" Charizard teased, dancing away with surprising quickness "We've been looking nonstop since we got here. I'm tired of hiding out in some stuffy old room. Why dont we have some fun for once?" It took all his mental effort not to slur.

Gliscor shook his head. "We don't have time for this! Times ticking away with every minute. There's no telling if the time gear will even be here any longer!"

"I know... But that doesn't matter anymore because I found it."

Gliscor's next retort died on his lips. "Y-you what"?

"Their using it as a party piece at the top of the soda fountain! Haha, I could hardly believe it when I seen it"!

Gliscor tilted his head "I'll give you a pass at the bad grammar. Come on! We need to come up with a plan".

"Already done that too" Charizard hicced. Gliscor was dubious.

"You? You managed to come up with a plan while you're liek that"? Charizard nodded hazily.

"It's so obvious whe-when you really thininink abouout it..." Gliscor shugged, then leaned up against the railing. He was all ears.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear this..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a deafening clatter of glass, Charizard burst back into the main lobby. "Everybody out! His girlfriend just broke up with him and my buddy is NOT happy!" Charizard blew white flames toward the celing to help solidify the point. The guests needed no further prompting. "Every man for himself!" One particularly brave football stud screamed, before shoving his way past two helpless ladies. "Cool the flames man, I think the get the point." Gliscor elbowed Charizard in the ribs to let him know he could stop. With a hollow 'clomp' Charizard's mouth slammed shut, cutting off the torrent of flames. By this time, pracically everyone on the premises had evacuated the room.

"Well well, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but this was a pretty good plan"! Gliscor Congratulated Charizard by giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. The impact nearly made him fall over. "Oh, sorry!" he appologized, steadying him. "How much did you drink anyway"?

"O-one glass". Gliscor blinked with disbelief. "Y-you mean to say, you got that tipsy over just one glass"? Charizard nodded. In his drunken haze, he didn't know how to feel emberassed. Gliscor shrugged, that was just one more thing to add to the list of things that were odd about his friend.

"Well, since we're here, why don't we nab us a time gear, eh"? Charizard hicced his agreement. "Eh!" He agreed. He had to lean forward to right himself since he had shot his fist into the air to let Gliscor know he agreed with him. Upon seeing it, Gliscor had to fight the overwhelming urge not to facepalm again.

"Come on". He promted, then tugged Charizard along.

It took them all of one minute to get the Time gear dislodged. Careful not to break it (Even though time gears are technically impossible break, save by the one who made them) Gliscor shot a series of weak pebbles at the bright cog to knock it off the statue. It wobbled a few times, then fell off with an icy 'clink'. Charizard caught it within his claws.

"Got it!" He exclaimed. Then growled threateningly when he saw two of Muhtis' forces enter the room.

"Sir, we've confirmed target of the two troublemakers. Awaiting futher orders. Over". Charizard decided to cut directly to the chase. "Hey, dirbags!" he tossed the time gear at them like a frizzbe. It clonked the first one on the head and he went down with a grunt. "Charizard!" Gliscor squealed.

"Relax, I'm on it."

He charged at the group of soldiers, causing the first few of them to shrink back. They didn't even have time to register the time gear on the floor as Charizard plowed his way into them. Gliscor took advantage of the moment of chaos, and shot a few rounds of his stone edge into their ranks. Each stone struck another soldier on the head with deadly accuracy. The entire group was dispatched within seconds.

"Come on! Lets go!" He beconed a claw towards the open balcony. Charizard nodded, scooping up the time gear in his claw as he went, then followed Gliscor off the edge. Rounds of gunshots tailed them as they took off into the cool blue twilight.

"They've got guns?" Gliscor squeaked. He dove down low to the courtyard to help bring himself out of range. The spay of bullets missed him. Charizard, meanwhile had trouble stabalizing himself. His movements were completely erattic, jutting down, then swinging over to the side before going trough a 180 barrel roll and returning to his original height. "Guess all that drink actually did him some good" Glsicor remarked. The two of them cleared the Castle wall, bringing them into the relateive safety of the streets. The guns had long since fallen out of range.

"Come on!" Gliscor said. He pulled own into the wreckage of the main plaza. Charizard heard the message and soon followed. "There's no wind, I'm afraid I won't be able to glide any further right now. Sorry char". Charizard shrugged. "Nothing either of us can help. Let's get our sorry hides out of here before these humans turn us into stew!"

They ran.
Charizard and Gliscor already stole your time gear.
You have a spy among you ;)

Edit: Well... had a spy among you :p


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Continuing the fight against Dialga...

The cannon wasn't fully charged yet and the team was at a disadvantage against Dialga.

"Pit, I have good news and bad news.", said Palutena to Pit, with Dark Pit hearing her too.

"What is it?", responded Pit.

"The cannon is almost fully charged, but the Power of Flight is about to run out."

"So, now what?", asked Pit in despair.

"Use the remaining flight and give that cannon to Pittoo.", ordered Palutena.


Pit approached his dark twin, giving him the cannon. Thankfully, the team was distracting Dialga, so it wouldn't attack the angels.

"All right, Pittoo, I am giving you flight. Just hold on a little longer.", said Palutena.

Dialga began to charge another attack, this time, aimed at Xiroey who was recklessly attacking the Temporal Pokémon.

"Xiroey! Back off! NOW!", ordered Frostwraith.

"What?", said Xiroey nonchalantly.


"Oh crap!", said Xiroey as he saw a Hyper Beam being shot at him.

Xiroey was hit by the beam and was on the verge of collapsing.

"Xiroey!", yelled Luco.

"Urrghh...", Xiroey grunted weakly before collapsing.

"Damn this!", said Frostwraith in frustration. "Anyway, Dialga must recharge after the move! Now's your chance, Haunter! Use Hypnosis!"

The recently joined Haunter obeyed and put Dialga to sleep.

"Good! Haunter just bought us some time.", said Cynthia, relieved.

"The cannon is almost charged!", said Pit.

"I got it!", Dark Pit responded.

Dialga was waking up again, and used a Dragon Claw attack on Haunter.

"Volcarona! Rage Powder!", Alder ordered to his Volcarona, as a means to distract Dialga into attacking his Pokémon.

"Now, Haunter! Confuse Ray!", ordered Frostwraith.

Dialga was dizzy and occasionally attacked himself.

"The cannon is ready! Fire!", ordered Palutena.

Dark Pit pulled the cannon's trigger, making it launch a powerful beam at Dialga. The beam didn't do any harm to the Pokémon. It was bright and when it faded out, Dialga was back to normal. Weakened from its corruption and the battle, Dialga fell unconscious.

"It worked! We did it!", said an enthusiastic Pit.

"Good work, everyone! Let's get back to Final Destination.", said Frostwraith, who opened a portal back to Final Destination.

Back to Final Destination, Master Hand and Arceus waited them, as usual. Surely, they had a new objective for them.

"You have been doing well so far.", said Master Hand. "With Dialga's powers on our side, we are one step closer to defeating the Dark Ones. However, the Dark Ones' Master won't be defeated by normal means."

"What do you mean with that?", asked Frostwraith.

"To defeat the Dark Ones' Master, a huge amount of power will be necessary. Lord Dyntos has been working on a powerful weapon that will be necessary to hold the power we need and defeat the Dark Ones' Master once and for all. For now, your next mission is to summon Palkia.", explained Arceus.

"With Uxie already on our side, it will be easier to find Mesprit and Azelf. They can be found in the lakes of Sinnoh. Afterwards, head to Spear Pillar and summon Palkia. The Dark Ones may be also looking for it, so hurry up!", ordered Master Hand.

"Got it. Let's return to the Sinnoh region, everyone.", said Frostwraith as he opened another portal to return to the Pokémon World.

Arriving at Sinnoh, the group noted the lack of destruction present on the Kanto and Johto regions.

"Seems that the Burning Legion didn't attack this area...", observed Frostwraith.

"The trio consisting of Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf live in each of the three lakes of this region. Uxie in Lake Acuity, Mesprit in Lake Verity and Azelf in Lake Valor.", explained Cynthia.

"Uxie is already with us, so we need won't need to go to Lake Acuity.", noted Luco.

"Yes, so let's head to Lake Valor. We should be closer to that lake, so we head there first.", explained Frostwraith.

"Of course, we are just south to Solaceon Town, so we must head north of here and head to Veilstone City and from there, go south to our destination.", directed Cynthia.

"All right, let's get moving.", said Luco.

The group's next task is to find Palkia, but first they need to find Mesprit and Azelf.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
[COLLAPSE="Troubled Defense"]Meanwhile, back in Equestria, smashfan and his teammates were locked in combat. the Bad Piggies were launching themselves at whatever he had unveiled of Ponyville in an all-out assault.

"Aim at the buildings! crush them beneath the debris!" shouted the Pig King. Pigs launched themselves from catapults from a cliff just above Ponyville, while Twilight Sparkle and Ashley set up 3 layers of barriers to defend the town below.

Having changed his avatar for the umpteenth time, smashfan now took the form of 3 bowling ponies; Donny, Walter, and Jeff 'The Dude' Letrotski. Knowing the advantage a 3-being avatar had, he spread himself out, stationing his Walter avi atop Golden Oaks Library to be ready to help Mewtwo shoot down the pigs in case they got through the barriers Twilight and Ashley set up, his Donny avi to fortify the defenses of the buildings with Spike, and his Jeff avi to sneak through to the pigs' bunker and sabotage their whole assault.

The pigs had just broken through Twilight's barrier, and were now working on Ashley's. "The first block is down, pigs!" the Pig King squealed. "We'll have 'em begging for mercy in no time!".

"This battle is getting desperate." brooded Mewtwo.

"I'll say." smashfan said through his avatar of Walter. "If they break Ashley's barrier before we finish setting up our defenses, we're going to have a bad time."

Twilight Sparkle tried to put her barrier back up over Ashley's, but she had taken severe head pain trying to maintain it, and couldn't focus hard enough to regenerate it. how she wished her brother was here...[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Help of a Thief"]Meanwhile, smashfan was still sneaking up to the cliff in his Jeff avatar. he reached the pigs' base of operations, and saw a wall made of solid stone.

"...F**k." he said. stone was a very hard material to break indeed. "Looks like i'm gonna have to be sneaky, here..."

He snuck across the sides of the ramparts until he reached the edge. he saw the Pig King overseeing the firing of his men from catapults.

"It won't be long now," he snorted "Before that last barrier is down, and smashfan as good as gone!"

"These guys mean business..." smashfan said.

"HEY!" grunted a voice from just behind him. "You're that smash*** guy!" smashfan turned around and saw the mustache pig "GET 'IM!"

Soon enough, he was surrounded by pigs holding spears. they shoved him to just in front of the Pig King, who was delighted at his prisoner.

"Well, well, well..." the Pig King contently snorted. "thought you could sabotage our barricaded attack, did you, smashfan?" he held a scepter up to smashfan's neck, pulsating with electricity.

"It's time for you to go back where you belong, warrior." he chuckled through his snout. "Say hello to all those E.T. cartridges for me!"

Before anything else could happen, however, a blue blur knocked the Pig King's scepter out of his grip and onto the head of one unlucky spear pig, who electrocuted and exploded into 5000 points.

"WHAT THE- ?!" squealed the King. he could not comprehend what just happened.

The blur came again, taking out a few more pigs before stopping to the side of smashfan and the Pig King.

"So, looks like i finally get to meet one of smashboards' greatest heroes, AND a zombie at the same time..."

The figure that was the blue blur rose up. a bipedal raccoon around human-size, donned in blue attire, and holding a staff with a jagged hook at one end. "I just never thought i'd get to save his ***."

Smashfan was relieved to be out of THAT jam. "Thanks, Sly. I appreciate the help. and due to the state of the dimensions, i'll need all of it i can get..."

"You two almost done, yet?" the Pig King snarled. "Good. PIGGIES, ATTACK!!!"

Smashfan and Sly were surrounded by pigs holding spears, swords, cannons, and all other assorted weaponry, while a battle mech rose up from beneath the Pig King.

"Well, ready for some action?" Smashfan quipped.

"Ready when you are." retorted Sly.


Sly Cooper joined your team!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The group heads to Lake Valor, as you know, and find something... unexpected.

Doing the planned route, the group arrives at Lake Valor, home of Azelf. They quickly noticed an aircraft carrier stranded on the lake, blocking the entrance to the cave.

"Hmmm... I wasn't expecting this...", commented Frostwraith.

"Well, that ship is blocking our way to the cave. Does anyone have any ideas?", said Luco.

"Lady Palutena has spoken to Master Hand about that ship...", told Pit.

"It's known as BlackNoah.", added Dark Pit.

"BlackNoah? That name seems familiar...", said Frostwraith.

"What do you think it is?", asked Ark.

"Let me see... hmm...", said Frostwraith as he tried to remember himself of his numerous travels. "BlackNoah... an aircraft carrier owned by a man named Rugal Bernstein."

"Who's that?", asked Xiroey.

"From what I know, he's an arms dealer and a dangerous criminal with high influence on his world.", began Frostwraith.

"So, he may be one of the Dark Ones?", asked Ness.

"Let's say that isn't out of the realm of possibilities... anyway, he's not going to aid us at all. I've heard that he likes to fight and kill for sport. He often turns his opposers into statues by soaking them in liquid metal.", further explained Frostwraith.

"That's disturbing.", commented Luco.

"You haven't heard this tale yet, then. He once went to a base and murdered everyone inside. He had no reason for that other than show off. The sole survivor of this massacre lost an eye and was eventually found by Rugal himself again."

"Let me guess... he killed him too?", said Xiroey.

"Worse than that. Being... displeased... by his victim to add him to his 'collection', he murdered that man's wife and children as a compensation."

"Who would do such an hideous act?", questioned Luco.

"Rugal Bernstein, the man I just told about and the owner of that ship over there. And to see his ship outside his home world... it means one thing."

"He's one of the Dark Ones!", concluded Crono.

"Exactly... didn't I say that wasn't out of the realm of possibilities? He was likely sent here to find Azelf."

"What are we supposed to do then?", asked Pit.

"Isn't it obvious? We are going to board that ship and face off against Rugal. I should warn you: he's no pushover. As a fighter, he has the ability to absorb power from his opponents. He won't go easy against us.", warned Frostwraith.

Kid Icarus: Uprising - In the Space-Pirate Ship

The group entered the ship, which was heavily guarded by Rugal's henchmen. Despite Rugal's henchmen outnumbering the group, the group had the advantage thanks to their many powers combined.

"Chandelure, burn them!", ordered Frostwraith at his Pokémon, who easily defeated Rugal's minions with his fiery moves.

"These guys don't seem much of a threat.", commented Luco.

"Sure, they have good firepower, but our magic abilities outperform them easily.", agreed Frostwraith.

Richard, Pit and Dark Pit relied on their shooting weapons to fight against minions that would attack from behind. Frostwraith, Luco and Mew helped the group by creating barriers to block the incoming bullets.

After defeating many of Rugal's henchmen, they moved further into the ship and found themselves dealing with Underworld troops. Tetra, riding the Helmaroc King, charged at the troops, defeating them in the process.

"Rugal's room should be close...", said Frostwraith.

After moping the Underworld forces there, the group finally arrives at Rugal's room.

"So, you are the ones who raided the ship... let me guess... one of you goes by the name of Frostwraith.", said Rugal.

"That would be me. I assume that negotiating with someone like you is a death wish, isn't it?", answered Frostwraith.

"Just as the Master describes... Since you're all here... I would think of adding the whole bunch of you to my collection..."

"You wish... since you won't move the ship from this place, I will use force to pave my way through!", said Frostwraith, preparing to battle.

"As much as I am interested in beating you to death, I have strict orders from my Master to keep you alive. So, why don't you send one of your lackeys to face against me?", asked Rugal with a devilish smile.

"So... who wants to step up?", asked Frostwraith.

"This guy is in our way! He's getting ready for a RAWKING!", said Rawk Hawk in his loud voice. "No one threatens this group without fearing the Rawk! The Feral Nuclear Reactor is about to RAWK you!"

"How amusing... let's get started then, birdy.", said Rugal, mocking Rawk Hawk.


Crime Lord

The King of Fighters '94 - Kettou R&D

Rawk Hawk quickly started the fight with a powerful suplex, knocking Rugal to the floor.

Rugal was clearly not giving his all, attacking Rawk Hawk with light blows.

"What kind of weakling is this?", yelled Rawk Hawk.

Rugal continued his slow paced fighting, giving many opportunities to Rawk Hawk to attack. Frostwraith noted something a little off, but remained silent, watching the fight.

"Har har har har HAR! This fellow is pathetic! Clearly, I am the superior fighter! The one and only Rawk Hawk!"

Rawk Hawk grabbed Rugal and made another suplex, knocking Rugal down.

"Har har HAR! Did you see that RAWKING?! I am the winner here! Har har!"

"I have toyed enough with you, birdy... ha ha ha...", said Rugal as he got up and took out his jacket.

The King of Fighters '94 - Ketsutou R&D

"Let's get serious!", yelled Rugal.

"Ready for another RAWKING! HAR HAR HAR! How pathetic!", said Rawk Hawk as he recklessly charged against Rugal.

"Genocide Cutter!", yelled Rugal, while using his signature kick uppercut attack, knocking out Rawk Hawk instantly.

"What just happened?!", said Pit in shock.

"His Genocide Cutter... his most powerful move... few people can stand against that brutal attack.", explained Frostwraith.

"Who's next?", said Rugal.

"That would be me.", said Richard.

"You? Ah, another one wishing to join my collection, I see."

"Your crimes will be punished now!", yelled Richard attacking him at blinding speed, while Rugal was off-guard.

Managing to avoid most of Rugal's attack, Richard had the advantage against the Dark One.

Rugal used his Reppuken and Kasier Wave projectiles to attack at a distance and began to use some of Rawk Hawk's moves as well.

A few minutes later, Richard was already bleeding from the blows he was taking from Rugal, but he resisted and managed to land some of his moves on Rugal as well.

Rugal began to charge at Richard attempting to grab him, but Richard predicted the move and countered with a low kick, knocking Rugal, who was bleeding as well. They continued to exchange blows, and eventually Rugal was finally defeated.

Richard was bleeding heavily, requiring Luco's help to heal him. Rawk Hawk was unconscious and was taken to Final Destination.

As the group was leaving Rugal's room, Rugal pushed a button.

"If I am... to die... you die... as well... urrghh...", muttered Rugal.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Vs. Ridley

"Damn... this ship is equipped with a Magic Seal mechanism! I can't use portals! We have to get out of here quickly!", warned Frostwraith.

The group ran as fast as possible. Arriving at an outside part, they quickly relied on flying Pokémon to transport the team members out of the ship.

"That was close!", said Luco, relieved.

The ship blew up and the group headed inside the cave.

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Lake Cave

"Uxie... what are you doing here?", reacted Azelf at Uxie's presence.

"We need you and Mesprit... Arceus demands it...", Uxie responded.

"The dimensions are in danger... you need Palkia... certain...?", said Azelf as it read the group members' minds. "We cannot dawdle then..."

Azelf joined the team!

Extensive part, huh?

By the way, here are the current team members.
[COLLAPSE="Current team members"]Frostwraith
Dark Pit
Frostwraith's Pokémon team: Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk, Haunter, Gengar, Rotom, Umbreon, Houndoom, Froslass and Zoroark (Shiny)
Cynthia's Pokémon team: Spiritomb, Milotic, Lucario, Eelektross, Braviary, Glaceon, Togekiss, Roserade and Garchomp
Albert Wesker
Crono's party: Crono, Lucca, Magus, Marle, Frog, Ayla and Robo
Ness's party: Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo
Lucas's party: Lucas, Kumatora, Duster and Boney
Ninten's party: Ninten, Ana, Loid and Teddy
Luco's Pokémon team: Pikachu, Lucario, Charizard and Luxray
Rawk Hawk
Alder's Pokémon team: Accelgor, Braviary, Escavalier, Vanilluxe, Drudiggon, Bouffalant, Conkeldurr, Reuniclus, Chandelure, Krookodile and Volcarona
Helmaroc King

Arceus, Master Hand, Palutena, Dyntos and Dialga are in Final Destination, watching over the group.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Haha, that theme?

The alternate theme i posted for Xiroey earlier? :p

Was saving that for a special occasion...


Hmm... All right, Muhti does not like his theme, so I shall find a new one


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Vs. Mari

Muhti breathed in and out slowly, staring at the eyes of a once hero, now a villain. Muhti looked at his team and nodded, they knew what to do.

Muhti unwrapped himself from the demon, rolled over and got up.

Mari seemed to watch his next move. Muhti held up his sword and charged to her with full speed, with her to hold her shield up in defense. Muhti went tumbling to the ground losing his grip on the sword, it almost landed next to the Doctor. "WATCH IT!", he yelled at the leader.

Mari continued to play her little silent game and drew up two dark aura balls and threw them at Muhti. Muhti moved his body around before they even hit.

Muhti (at this point the writer forgot his damned powers) teleported to Mari and punched her.

She rubbed her face a bit and threw more of the aura balls at Muhti. She finally spoke, she really did have the voice of a demon, as well as herself mixed in.

"Aren't you a little weak?", laughter followed the remark.

"Maybe. Maybe not.",Muhti replied back. A fire ball went past his head.

Mari cocked her head with glee. "And when will you die? Today perhaps?"


Muhti teleported in front of the antagonist.

"At least not today."

Muhti took Mari up into the sky, into space.

"No. NO!", she screamed while gasping for air.

Muhti smirked, "Deja Vú *****"

He threw her to Earth once again while forming a fist. He himself hurtled to Earth, catching ablaze, then he landed on her. Dust spurred around the whole battleground.

Vs. Ghetsis


Ghetsis slammed the cane, "Well, deal with it. Stupid orphan."

N finally let his calm aspect go. He directed Zerkromto use Thunderbolt on Ghetsis.

Zekrom charges up and aims for the still figure, he let his force go until a R-Kyurem blocks the hit. Ghetsis applauded, "You failed again boy."

N's anger rose more. He ordered Zekrom to Fusion Bolt at RKyurem. He landed it perfectly. Ghetsis slammed the cane again, a crack appeared on the rock he stood on.

"KYUREM! USE FUSION FIRE! (I think it's called that), THEN USE ICE BEAM!", Ghetsis commanded the enslaved Pokemon.

Kyurem went into a firey ball and hit Zekrom. Zekrom did swat a bit of the Fusion Fire away, particularly above Muhtis head.

Zekrom staggered a moment, all hot and sweaty, till a chill came to him. He felt nausea, but he still held up.

"Zekrom! Use Fusion Bolt one more time!", N ordered.

"Kyurem! Dodge that and use Flamethrower!", Ghetsis responded.

Zekrom went into a massive electric ball, and hit him again, this time Reshiram staggered a bit.

"KYUREM! USE FUSION FIRE ONCE AGAIN!", Ghetsis yelled amongst the debris and shouting of other brawlers.

Dust then spurred around the two Pokemon.

>A Sandstorm occurred!
>RKyurem lost HP!
>Zekrom lost HP!

Zekrom squinted through the mess of dirt and stone spurled around.


Zekrom didn't hear, and from there, he used Fusion Bolt at RKyurem, and missed incredibly.

>Zekrom lost HP from impact
>Zekrom is unable to Battle!
>Ghetsis is the winner!

Ghetsis walked over to a sobering orphan.

"You're now mine.", Ghetsis said with a smirk, "KYUREM! ICE BEAM AT THIS BOY!"

There was then a chill....

Vs. Daleks

The Doctor stretched out casually when 5 Daleks were coming his way.

"WH-ERE IS THE DO-OCTOR?", one of the stupid Daleks asked him.

"So you don't know I degenerated....", the 9th Doctor whispered to himself.

"WHO ARE YOU?", another asked.

He smiled a big grin.

"You daleks, one of the smartest robots ever, don't that I AM THE DOCTOR?", he remarked.

The group only seemed to pick up the words "I am the Doctor", since well...

"EX-TER-MINATE!", they shouted.

The Doctor ran from the circle and ran.

Shots rang past him, fire from RKyurem as well, then a sword hurtled towards him.

He saw that it was Muhtis, looked directly at him, and shouted, "WATCH IT!"

He picked up the fallen sword, which seemed to be heated,"FANTASTIC!"

He charged directly at one of the aliens and slashed the hot sword.

"CIR-CUITS OVER-HEATING!", it yelled, then it blew up.

The Doctor continued to do what he did, destroying the rest of them.

"Not my cup of tea... fighting", he huffed a bit, "but there was noth-"

"DO-COOOOOOOOTO-OOOORRRRR!!!!", a heavy robotic voice shouted from behind him.

The Doctor turned around just to see firey dust sprawled around him, when the dust cleared out, there was the Dalek Emperor.

To be continued....


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Heyhey, trying to find a good vgm tune that fits a person's personality is much harder than you might think~


There's no such thing as "better" taste. Better, in this case, is subjunctive, since there's no way to measure the 'goodness' of a song. the amount of appeal will vary from person to person.

Personally, I enjoy the vmg genre because that's what appeals to me. If I have time later, I may decide to make a list of battle themes without VMG tunes. But, since my knowlege of music outside of vgm is quite limited, I can't guarantee much.

Off the top of my head, I can think of one tune that would fit one of my characters.


Aside from that, I'd have to take time off to think.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
The room had gone completely silent as Charizard told the last of his tale. What a tale it was! Braving the frigid slopes of the Frosty Forest, The steep climb of Mount Discipline, working for the world-famed Wigglytuff guild, and graduating in less than a year! That goes without saying, that wasn't the only reason why Gliscor was now staring at his friend with his mouth agape. Nor was it the biggest. Invisible to all else, a thunderous sea of emotions were now raging within the bat. You wouldn't be able to tell by his dumfounded expression, but, truth be told. Gliscor was jealous.

"You mean to say, you have a partner?" Gliscor finally managed to re-hinge his jaw so that he could speak. Of all the fantastic tales Charizard had just told them, that, of all things, had stricken him the most. The guild on Charizard's face was plain to see. He wasn't going to hide it, he figured he owed Gliscor that much. Instead, he bowed his head shamefully and uttered two soft words. "I'm sorry" he uttered sincerely.

"Don't be!" Master Cid's booming voice cut through the tension. His attitude had changed drastically over the course of the story. He was disbelieving at first, but, as Charizard had loosened up and began to talk more freely, the sincierity in his words became hard to miss. That, and the vivid way that he explained it all! "I've been meaning to come clean from the day that I first met you. But I wasn't sure then. Turning into a pokemon isn't exactly something you'd expect to hear about on the daily tribune".

"I believe you now" Gliscor said with a touch of harshness. As soon as he said the words though, he regretted them. Charizard flinched as if he'd just threatened to slug him in the face. "The Planet's Paralysis huh?" Master Cid cut in before Gliscor had a chance to make amends. Charizard recovered "Yes, with all six time gears removed, It won't be long before Temporal Tower crumbles and the world as we know it is shot into eternal darkness."

"That's truely frightening news. So, this means that the 2 month countdown that Xatu warned us about?"

"That's how much time we have left to restore the Time Gears to the tower before it enters total collapse" Charizard finished. This made Master Cid pause. Things were certainly more urgent than he'd originally led himself to believe. Charizard wasn't just speaking about the fate of the Pokemon world. This was about the fate of the entire multiverse! Yet, they still needed some kind of plan. With only one time gear in their possesion, the board hadn't exactly made very good use of their remaining time. Only 49 days remained, things were starting to look bleak.

"Clair contacted me via telepathy recently. Apparently Xiroey and his group are doing okay. He's managed to find several powerful new allies, and they've already collected four of the six time gears."

Gliscors' ears shot up at this, "Xiroey, he's okay"? Charizard nodded, he was grateful for the change in subject. "Better than okay, despite facing several challenges, his group has been very successful in their hunt so far. We need only have one of our Psychic's contact Clair so she can talk to him, and we can have a randevous set up within the week."

This greatly lightened the mood around the room. "That's great!" Bowser boomed. He'd never admit it, but Charizard's story had put him in quite a good mood. It reminded him of when his father used to read to him as a koopling. "Hohoho, Bowser's right, that is great! Looks like we may just win this war yet!" King Micky was also ecstatic. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits.

"So, this partner of yours, will he be joining us on our hunt for the final time gear"? Master Cid brought the celebrations in the room to a close. Charizard's mood seemed to darken a bit, he cast a weary glance at Gliscor before speaking. "He's already on his way. He should be here before the day ends".

"Exellent, more good news!"

"Yeah." Charizard said a little sadly. Master Cid didn't notice it though.

"I'll have a pair of sentries sent out to greet him. This is great news Charizard, I'm sure he can't wait to see you"!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At around mid-morning, Xiroey was met with a familar explosive headache. "Hi Clair..." Xiroey moaned internally. He really wished she'd be more quiet when she wanted to get his attention. Clair could be so excitable at times. "Hi Xi~Xi" Clair responded playfully. Xiroey felt the urge to flinch at Clair using his dreading nickname, but he managed to get by with just a wince. He was slowly starting to get used to Clair's... Different-ness. "Something wrong"? Xiroey inquired. Clair had suddenly burst into his head like an explosive firework, then she'd gone completely silent. Xiroey felt Clair stir. Not surprising, Clair was easyily distractable, as always.

"Oh, uhh..." Clair fumbled a bit. Why had she decided to bug Latios? Perhaps she'd just gotten lonely and wanted someone to talk to? "Clair"? Hearing Latios call (or rather... think) her name snapped her back into reality. "Oh yes!" She suddenly remembered "Impact just contacted me! They want to meet up with you, they said they've found a time gear!"

"Impact"? Xiroey thought, disbeleiving.

"Yes, something the matter"? Xiroey had totally forgotten that Clair wasn't affected by the time flux. She was a Psychic type after all, I'd take quite a few more disturbances to the time stream before she started to forget. "Oh, uh... Nothing. Impact found a time gear huh? That's great!"

"I know"! Chair cheered "everyone is so close! And we still have 49 more days left to track down the last one!"

"49 days? Wow, he have made good time."

"I'm so proud of you Xi~Xi".

There was that dreaded nickname again. Xiroey figured he'd change the subject. "So... How is floatzel doing, you two still going out or"-

"Floatzel is doing great. And so am I, thanks for asking. He may act grouchy, but he's really a sweetheart. Did you see what he got me for Vallentine's day? Ooh, the way he blushed, I just wanted to melt".

Xiroey waited patiently for Clair to finish. It was impossible to stop her once she started gushing. He listened politely, plus he really was happy to hear the good news. Finally, Clair seemed to subside. Her mind withdrew a bit, letting Xiroey know that she was deep in thought. "Well Clair, I can tell there are other places you'd rather be" Xiroey said knowingly. This elicted another explosive response across their mental link. "Ooh! I'm sorry, I started blathering on and on, and then I suddenly just trailed off. Umm, was there anything else you wanted to say"?

"Nope. Nothing." Xiroey said cheerily. He had to admit, Clair's overwhelming positive energy was a bit contageous. "Oh, okay. Uhh, by the way, Impact wants to meet up you somewhere in the Sinnoh Reigon."

"Sinnoh? That's great! We're in Sinnoh now! Where did they want to meet"?

"They said, at the Battle Frontier. If that's all right with you."

"Yes. That's perfect thanks Clair".

Clair seemed to awknowlege teh thanks a little absentmindedly. Xiroey could tell she was daydreaming again.

"Go ahead Clair, I'm sure Floatzel is starting to get lonely without your company".

That was all Clair needed to hear.

"Ooh, I'm sure he is! It was very nice talking to you aagin Xiroey! Bye"

She boke the link before Xiroey had a chance to say 'Good bye' back.

"Heheh, she never changes" Xiroey chuckled. Now to alert everyone else of these new developments.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The Battle Frontier you say? Good, that isn't far. It shouldn't cost too much energy to open a portal there from here". Frostwraith sounded a little distracted, he was busy tending to the wounds of his pokemon. Hyreigon seemd to be in the worst shape, having a nasty red gash spreading the entire diagnol legnth of it's chest. "I've told you not to be so reckless" Frostwraith scolded it. Hydreigon only snorted. To it, things like caution and carefullness were unimportant. Wrecklessness was in it's nature. It's partner pointed out a target for it to destroy, it destroyed it. No questions asked. That didn't stop Frostwraith from trying to reason with it though.

"So, when does this 'Impact' of yours wish to meet up"? Frostwraith said, giving up on the fight for now.

"Tomorrow afternoon, if possible. We have plenty of time before then".

"Good. Then we should focus on enlisting Mespirit". He finished bandaging up his pokemon. "Okay, I'll go ahead and let the others know we're leaving. You can go ahead and get ready".

"Okay, boss". Xiroey teased. He made a point never to miss an oportunity to tease Frostwraith whenever he tried to act like the leader of the group. His stotic nature only made the jibes more fun. It'd only make it that much more satisfying when Frostwraith finally reacted.

"Be ready in an hour" Was all Frostwraith said, then left to mobilize everyone else.

Xiroey snickered a bit, then eagerly complied. It wasn't like he exatly had any bags or anything to pack. This basically meant he had a full hour to himself to do whatever he wanted. He'd seen a nice relaxing looking spot a little ways back with a clear-looking pond in the middle. And the grass there looked perfectly long and soft. Perfect for relaxing.

Xiroey headed towards it.

"...Looking like a good day" Xiroey sang. Yes, Xiroey thought things were looking up indeed.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
The Daleks Plan

Everywhere was silence.

N,Ghetsis, and Mari all had vanished. Nowhere to be seen.

"MUHTI!", the Doctor yelled for the leader.

Muhti rushed upward to the graveyard hill.

"Did you kill them all?", Muhti questioned.

The Doctor shook his head, "Sadly no, but there's only 1 left."

"One le-eft?", The Dalek Emperor questioned, "We are su-preme be-ings Doc-tor. We have Da-leks pla-ced ar-ound the globe. Mainly in Torch-wood."

"TORCHWOOD?!", both shreiked in unison.

"Ye-es, we will do-min-ate hu-man be-ings." The Emperor planned, "The Dark Mas-ter said we will des-troy and do-minate." said the Emperor while he droned on across the dirt filled grave.But ob-vious-ly, we will kill him. He does-nt know we have this."

A golden gear piece floated out of the Dalek.

"The Timegear", Muhti whispered to the Doc.

"This is a Time-gear, with it, we can tra-vel through time and spa-ace like The Doctor. Spea-king of. EX-TER-MINATE THE DOC-TOR AND HIS COM-PAN-ION!", the Dalek Emperor shouted.

The Gear went back into the Dalek whilst it charged its laser.

"Sometimes I hate this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey crap.", Muhti heaved

Muhti & The Doctor v. The Dalek Emperor


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Ooh, I just realized I made a crutial mistake.

When describing Hydreigon and Frost, I put "Master" instead of "Partner".
I'll re-write that part tomorrow.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Been busy recently, so I've been less active.

With recent news from Xiroey, the group prepared to meet with Impact in the Battle Frontier in northern Sinnoh.

Frostwraith was preparing his stuff and checking the other members' doings. Picking his bag, Frostwraith picked a strange old-looking purple book named "Curses - How to Cure Them", whose author was named Yza Frostwraith, Frostwraith's grandmother. As one could guess, it was another of the many works of the Frostwraith family.

"This mark is bugging me for the last days... whatever you're up to, Ganondorf... I will find out.", thought Frostwraith, remembering the spell Ganondorf used on him before confronting Primal Dialga.

"Well, well... you sure like reading!", noted Cynthia.

"There's many things you can learn from reading, indeed. This particular book was written by my grandmother."

"Interesting. It is another magic book, isn't it?"

"Yes. It contains spells to cure curses. Thanks to this, I cured Dark Pit in that occasion, but I still have a lot to learn."

"I see... well, my Pokémon are ready and it looks like you are, too."

"Yes. Once the group is all ready, I will open the portal to the Battle Frontier, where we will meet with that Impact organization Xiroey mentioned."

"So, that's the plan before we find Mesprit?"

"Indeed. Well, I will be reading for a while until the group is prepared."

Frostwraith remained on his tent, reading while the rest of the group prepared themselves.

"Urrgh... aarrghh...", Frostwraith began to scream as some force took his body. "Someone... HELP ME!"

Frostwraith began to exit his tent in pain and losing control of his body. He suddenly attacked Cynthia with dark magic as she was defenseless.

"What is going on?! Frostwraith!!", yelled Luco, as he noted a sinister dark aura surrounding Frostwraith.

"Please... this aura... I... I... URRGH!!", Frostwraith yelled, with his mark made by Ganondorf glowing red.

"Oh, no... Frostwraith may be cursed!", said Pit as he noticed a similar condition as Dark Pit had.

"The Dark Ones may be the source of this! We have to stop him!", said Dark Pit.

"Help... arrghhh...", said Frostwraith attacking Luco.

"We have to do something to stop him! Go, Volcarona!", said Alder, sending his strongest Pokémon.

Evangelion 2.0 - Les Betes

"Lady Palutena has told me the curse isn't very strong. We need to attack the dark aura surrounding him!", said Pit.

"I got it.", responded Alder. "Volcarona, Bug Buzz!"

Volcarona's attack hit Frostwraith. Frostwraith retaliated by slashing one of Volcarona's wings with a water magic spell. Volcarona was weakened, but managed to attack Frostwraith's aura with a Fire Blast move.

"That's it. The aura is weakening!", noted Dark Pit.

"Good. I need someone to help me tend Cynthia and Luco! They're badly injured!", alerted Richard, running to his tent and grabbing a first aid kit.

"I'm coming!", promptly said Ness.

"Volcarona, come back!", said Alder to his Pokémon that got severely injured from Frostwraith's spells. "Go, Accelgor!"

"Arrgh... I... shall... consume... all...", muttered Frostwraith in his mad rage and preparing a fiery spell.

"Accelgor, dodge that spell and attack that aura with Focus Blast!", ordered Alder.

Accelgor's speed proved useful in dodging Frostwraith's spells and countered them with a powerful Focus Blast.

"The aura is getting even weaker! Let me help!", said Pit, drawing his bow.

"I'll cover the both of you.", prompted Dark Pit, joined by Lucas and Crono.

"We must stop his rage before the darkness fully consumes him!", warned Pit.

"Accelgor, use Bug Buzz!"

Frostwraith was getting injured, but so was the aura weakening from the group's attacks. Uxie, Azelf, Mew and Celebi joined the fight holding Frostwraith's body with their psychic abilities, now that the dark aura was weakened.

"Hold on as best as you can! The aura is almost gone!", said Pit.

In an unexpected surprise, Cynthia's Garchomp rammed Frostwraith against a nearby tree, badly injuring Frostwraith and destroying the aura.

"Well... it's over already...", said Crono.

"But Frostwraith is severely injured, we must send him to Richard's tent as well.", responded Alder.

"What are we supposed to do now?", asked Lucas.

"We should continue to prepare ourselves.", answered Alder.

Xiroey returned to the camp, noticing traces of fighting.

"So, the Dark Ones attacked again?", said Xiroey.

"Worse than that. They cursed Frostwraith and made him rampage against us. Luco and Cynthia are injured and so is Frostwraith.", reported Alder.

"Oh, that's bad.", responded Xiroey.

"With him and Luco unconscious, we can't go to the Battle Frontier via portals.", noted Crono.

"All we need to do is to wait until they wake up. We need to stay on guard, though. The Dark Ones may attack us anytime.", warned Dark Pit.

Frostwraith gets cursed by the Dark Ones and attacks the group. With him and Luco unconscious, the group can't advance to the Battle Frontier using portals, since only Frostwraith and Luco can easily open them.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I dislike double posting, but who cares? It's evil time! :evil:

While the group waited for Frostwraith and Luco to wake up, the Dark Ones reunited again in their hideout.

"How's the invasion of Equestria going, Lord Sidious?", started Ganondorf. "The Bad Piggies are doing one disgraceful job! The Master isn't pleased at all."

"I understand your concern, Lord Ganondorf. That's why I have a new plan for us.", stated the Sith Lord.

"What could that be, Lord Sidious? Would you explain?", asked Kil'jaeden, co-commander of the Burning Legion.

"It's simple, Lord Kil'jaeden. The Bad Piggies will be reinforced by the Legion itself. Your objective is to consume that whole dimension.", answered Palpatine.

"Hmm... that sounds... amusing.", evilly said Archimonde.

"The Master has demanded us to wipe out those disgraceful ponies. The massive amount of souls should be enough to sustain the Master's power.", explained Palpatine.

"Genius as always, Lord Sidious...", said Ganondorf followed by an evil laugh.

"Also, Lord Archimonde, the Master has a task for you, while Lord Kil'jaeden leads our next assault. You are to send a 'warning' to Master Hand...", ordered Palpatine.

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh... seems they won't hide from us anymore...", responded Archimonde.

"The Master has located his... 'brother' tagging along with that dreaded fool... what was his name? Muhti? Anyway, we should be delighted that they have a Time Gear in their possession.", said Ganondorf.

"Good... good!", said Palpatine, with an evil smile.

"Time to pay them a small visit...", evilly said Archimonde.

Muhti and his team recovered from their previous fight against Emperor Dalek: it was a tough battle and the members of the team had to check out and tend any wounds. Suddenly, Archimonde appears before them with two Doom Guards.

"Who the hell are you?!", reacted Muhti.

"Heh heh heh... watch your little tongue, puny human. I only want that Time Gear of yours and your friend... Crazy Hand.", said the demon.

"Where is he now?", said Muhti, looking around.

"Seems you won't tell me, fool? How's this for a start?!", said Archimonde, kicking Doctor Who, knocking him unconscious.

"I-I don't know where he is!", said Muhti, suprised by Crazy's absence and overwhelmed by the Demon Lord's power.

"I'm wasting my time here! Obey my command!"

"According to the Master, Crazy Hand is missing and so is the Time Gear. I believe he took it.", said one of the Doom Guards.

"FOOL! We let him get away!", yelled Archimonde, while killing the addressing Doom Guard and turning his attention to the other demon. "Find him, damn you! FIND HIM and KILL HIM! The Master demands we find all the Time Gears! And in his name, we shall!"

Archimonde teleported away, along with the remaining Doom Guard.

Meanwhile, in Final Destination.

"You have decieved them well, Crazy.", complimented Master Hand.

"I wouldn't do anything to disappoint you! Now we have five Time Gears and safe from the Dark Ones. We couldn't risk Muhti possessing them.", responded Crazy Hand.

"Of course, the Time Gears shouldn't fall in the wrong hands. Such important tools must be guarded with care.", agreed Arceus.

"I suppose we should give them to Lord Dyntos for now. His weapon is the only thing capable of defeating the Dark Ones' Master. We have no time with needless conflict now. I believe we did save Muhti's life by doing this. Had the Time Gear fallen into Archimonde's hands, the Dark Ones would have the upper hand...", explained Master Hand.

"Though Muhti won't be happy with this... we stole twice from them.", noted Crazy Hand.

"That hardly matters! The Dark Ones are a threat to the whole existance! I'm not wasting time on this matter!", said Master Hand, a little irritated. "He should be thankful for us saving their hides twice!"

"Quite as you say, Master Hand.", agreed Dialga.

Meanwhile, in Muhti's whereabouts.

"Unbelievable! So much work to get those Time Gears for nothing!", ranted Muhti.

"You can't blame them. Or would you prefer to have the Dark Ones exterminate us? Crazy ended up saving us from that demon's wrath.", noted Doctor Who, who was already awake, but still injured from Archimonde's kick.

"Hmph, I suppose you have a point. Without the Time Gears, the Dark Ones should leave us alone for now... but, I'm not sure.", reluctanctly agreed Muhti.

Heh heh heh... a small plot twist here. =P


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Im going against the Emperor Dalek. And Doctor Who is there too. Also Dinentio is passed out from healing Mustafa to life....

Plus, wouldn't you think me, the Doctor, or Mustafa would attack against your puny villain? And while Arch is alone, Daleks stated that they wanted to betray the Dark Ones, so he/she could've killed Arch. Nice RPing there :glare:

And how would you feel if I controlled your group and left you stranded?

And just to point out...

You make a horrible leader :smirk:

As well as a villain


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I didn't remember reading Dimentio die. >_> Perhaps you should have read that YOUR TEAM WON the battle. I hate plotholes, so I am tweaking some things in my previous post.

Besides, I am afraid some details might have escaped my mind... so, I am going to edit my post later.

Also, Frostwraith isn't affiliated with the Dark Ones at all.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

Im going against the Emperor Dalek. And Doctor Who is there too. Also Dinentio is passed out from healing Mustafa to life....

Plus, wouldn't you think me, the Doctor, or Mustafa would attack against your puny villain? And while Arch is alone, Daleks stated that they wanted to betray the Dark Ones, so he/she could've killed Arch. Nice RPing there :glare:

And how would you feel if I controlled your group and left you stranded?

And just to point out...

You make a horrible leader :smirk:

As well as a villain
Relax Muhti, none of us are exactly expert RP's here (except maybe Luco). These things are bound to happen from time to time.

Not just frost, but You, I, Smashfan, Mari, pretty much all of us make these kinds of mistakes all the time. No need to rage, just calmly let him know what to fix, and I'm sure he'll be glad to revise it for you.


Ooh, btw Frost, there are 6 time gears, not 5 ;)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
hmm... there's a sixth Time Gear? interesting...

well, I am going to edit my post.

EDIT: Fixed the inconsistencies. Read again and if you find another mistake, warn me.

By the way, Muhti, Archimonde is by no means a "puny villain". Have you ever played Warcraft III (not WoW!!! D=<)?
He's stronger than what Ganondorf is in the Zelda series, just to give you an idea of his power.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
*psst* the one Impact has */psst*

  • Muhti found 2 (Crharizard and Gliscor stole one. Crazy hand stole the other)
  • We found 4
  • Current score is Muhti: 0 Impact: 1 Us: 5 Dark Ones: 0


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I suppose the next part will have our team to meet with Impact and collect the last Time Gear?

I will leave the writing to you. ;)


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"But...", Muhti started.

"What is it?", Dimentio questioned.

"We could join them.", Muhti reason while giving his approval face. Everybody knew what that meant. Muhti had enough dark history to join the Dark Ones, as well as Dimentio.

"And this thing will be sufficient enough for us.", Muhti took out the real Time Gear.

"What the...", The Doctor questioned.

At this point the Turkish leader trudges upward and joins them.

"But how?", The Doctor finally let out. "Didnt Crazy Hand take it?"

Muhti shrugged, "It was a fake. So Doctor, where's that TARDIS of yours?"

"It's around here somewhere. But what about the Daleks?", he asked.

"Doctor, what happened? Oh wait... 9th Doctor is more daring. Forgot. The Daleks will go away if we either join or defeat the Dark Ones, so... You know where Im heading with this.", Muhti tapped his foot impatiently with all the questions asked.

"Alright, lets go."

The Doctor held out his Sonic Screwdriver and located the TARDIS. Everybody followed him and they found it on the ridge of the main part of Istanbul.

"ALLONS-Y!", he shouted as he went in as well as the group.

The TARDIS dissappeared, to the Dark Ones Hideout.


"My Dogs are finding Crazy Hand at the moment sir...", Arch reported, "The President of Smashboards won't be seen any longer.", Arch reported.

"Good enough Arch, better than the other reports.", the Dark Master said coldly.

"Thank you m-", Arch was cut off by the sound of the TARDIS.

The two of them stood there, bewildered. And then the Doctor stepped out, along with the others.

"Mu-Muhti? Why have you come?!", The Dark Master inquired.while soldiers held their weapon out at Muhti and the gang.

"Well", Muhti said while wiggling around the Time Gear, "I have a deal to offer you."


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I should warn you all, people: the Dark Ones' Master is not a human being, but a pure manifestation of darkness and hatred.

He has nihilistic views, offering a complete disregard for life. For him, every living being is worthless and firmly believes that the weak should cling to the strong or perish. He only uses others as pawns in his grand scheme.
"A... deal...?", said the Master.

"Yes. As you can see, I have a Time Gear right here.", responded Muhti.

"How did you get in my hideout, I don't care...", said the voice as it spoke through the dark orb in the room. "If Crazy Hand has stolen your Time Gear, I don't expect to believe a weakling like you."

"But, I thought--", began Muhti.

"Take Muhti and his dogs to the pit. I want them to rot there.", ordered the Dark Ones' Master. "They failed me the last time, and I am to show that second chances are for the weak. He failed to submit to me once, so he will rot to death in the pit."

"As you wish, Master. But, this Time Gear is authentic enough. I can feel its power. Are you sure you want to arrest them? They could be useful again.", said Palpatine, with demons arresting Muhti and his team.

"That means Crazy Hand got fooled... but I have made my decision, have I not? A weakling that outlived his usefulness is just that, is it not? I want them to rot in the pit, and so shall be. I am the one who will dominate all, I cannot be so... mercurial and reverse my decisions based on such thing called mercy! Am I clear?", said the Master.

"Yes, of course, my Master.", responded Palpatine.

"Find Frostwraith. If it is necessary to kill his whole team, so be it, but I want him alive. I am tired of waiting for my ascension.", coldy said the Master in his always deep and monotone voice. "Send Zalgo, Giygas and part of the Burning Legion. I am tired of this game and they will have what they deserve for opposing me at last."

"Yes, Master.", responded Palpatine. "I will give the order to Lord Ganondorf."

"I need more souls... I have wasted much of my power here. How's the Legion's invasion going?", inquired the Master, as his voice began to fade.

"Quite well, judging from Lord Archimonde's last report.", responded Palpatine.

"Good...", said the Master, before his voice faded away and the orb became inert.

Evangelion 2.0 - Carnage

Frostwraith finally woke up, but something was wrong to him. He felt a sinister presence around him. Quickly uniting the team, he gave a warning.

"There's somthing coming for us... something terrible. We must prepare for a bloody battle.", Frostwraith said grimly.

"What's happening?", asked Xiroey.

"The Dark Ones have sent a walking nightmare. Two walking nightmares actually.", said Frostwraith. "Don't you feel anything familiar, Ninten and Ness?"

"Does that mean--", began Ness.

"Giygas!", Ninten reacted.

"The worse part is here: it's too late. My powers are blocked from his presence and we can't retreat... acompanying them are Zalgo and the Burning Legion... In other words, we're doomed.", said Frostwraith, with a hint of sadness in his usually monotone voice.

"What are we going to do now?", asked Pit.

"Seems obvious to everyone here, right?", said Xiroey.

"We have to survive this... if we can ever survive, that is.", said Frostwraith with no hope for victory.

In Final Destination...

"This Time Gear is fake... and we can't contact with Frostwraith and his team... something terrible is going on...", said a worried Master Hand.

"The Dark Ones have launched an attack against Frostwraith. Among them is Giygas. A being so strong that not even my power is enough to defeat him... I fear that this might be a victory for the Dark Ones... but we can't give up now. We have to find a solution to all of this.", said Arceus.

"Muhti and his team were also imprisoned by the Dark Ones. I fear that they finally kicked the door open and started their multidimensional invasion...", noted Master Hand. "I must think of a solution before it's too late..."

After a few minutes...

"I got an idea. Crazy Hand, I need you to save Muhti and his team from the Dark Ones. Try to make them join us and steal the Time Gear from the Dark Ones.", ordered Master Hand. "The whole existence is on the line! Do not falter!"

"That will be done!", said Crazy Hand.

The Master wants no business with those he considers weak. He's tired of failing time after time, and he means business now... expect a lot of killing in my next posts...

Muhti and his team were taken away by the Dark Ones, Frostwraith and his team are preparing themselves for an impossible battle and Smashfan's forces are overwhelmed by the Dark Ones, but are still capable of surviving... this may not end well... :evil:

Only a miracle will help any of the teams. :evil:
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