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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Future Outcomes...

There were several outcomes to this.. I could've walked away, joined up with the other forces, but alas, I was stupid.

I arrived back to New Hyrule, still 2nd in Command of the Dark Ones, with faces of desperation and eerie thoughts fogged up the smokey fire more than already;before the beloved city was bombed and became a battle ground. People say the Battle of New Hyrule was the last, capturing the capital.

I dragged my sword along the rocky road, seeing familiar faces like Spirit, cradling his baby brother back and forth, giving me dirty looks.

The disappointment and frustration of Frostwraith; killing a family member of his as well as ruining his future as a guardian for Paulatena.

Luco, hanging around with Ness, Lucas, and others, seeing they already started forming gangs, so he did cross over the poor guy...

Richard, rumored to be killed by the hands of the Master as well as Smashfan.

Some rumored the Battle of Final Destination was the last battle of the war.

Arceus was killed and Master Hand had to give up someway; hope went home into Pandoras Box apparently...

Paulatena retreated back to protect her kingdom. Dark Pit was killed by Ghetsis and Pit striked back at Ghetsis killing him in return.

The Impact was infiltrated by the Dark Ones. Charizard and Krookdile were brought in as prisoners and was found guilty of disobeying the law; they were then hung.

The Government of UG was disabled when Naoi declared State of Emergency, no planet, country, or galaxy spoke, just utter silence between them.

Earth was invaded, humans became slaves to make products for the new nation. Nobody knew what to make of it.

All of the Dark Ones celebrated in their victory, except for N and yours truly.

Family members died of civilians. Dimentio gave me a quick shake of his head while perching against a lone wall.

The Doctor was leaving, probably London. He said that we was traveling back in time to unsee this horrible mess.

I finally made it to the last "floor" of the "Grand" Castle. I perched on top of my throne and started crying.

I let them down...

What could've I done to stop this?



"I'm in", Muhti said with a hint of double-agency in his voice.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Wow, Muhti, that was mind screwy.

After curing his Pokémon at the Pokémon Center, Frostwraith went back to the group's camp. Approaching the angels, Pit and Dark Pit, Frostwraith challenged them to a duel.

"I suppose it is okay... you two against me. What do you say?", said Frostwraith.

"Well, let's get to it.", promptly said Dark Pit.

"A two versus one fight hardly seems fair...", commented Pit.

"You're complaining even while being on the best side? Don't make me laugh!", commented Frostwraith, amused.

"Well, then, I'm on!", said Pit, with an upbeat mood.

"We will fight inside the force field to avoid causing ruckus in the camp, don't hold anything back!", said Frostwraith, proceeded by bowing to his opponents and then drawing his sword and making a greeting with it.


Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 1

Frostwraith started the fight by attacking Pit with dark magic, stunning him. Dark Pit managed to give Pit cover by sniping with his staff. Pit was armed with Palutena's Bow and shot against Frostwraith at a closer distance.

"Your team work gives me a great opportunity to test my strength!", yelled Frostwraith.

"You seem a little obsessed in testing everyone's strength. What's up with that?", inquired Dark Pit.

"Just something I like to do... I can't wait to challenge Luco or Xiroey to a battle.", responded Frostwraith.

Frostwraith managed to put magical mirrors on the stage, reflecting shots fired on them, this could be used to anyone's advantage. Dark Pit shot at one mirror in an angle, attempting to hit Frostwraith, who teleported away, causing the shot to hit Pit.

"Hah!", yelled Frostwraith as he surprise attacked Dark Pit with a vicious kick.

Frostwraith began charging thunder magic, creating a weak barrier to protect from some shots.

"Mirror Lightning!", yelled Frostwraith as he shot a lightning bolt from his sword, hitting the mirrors in succession before returning to his free hand and blasting it at Pit.

Alder was watching the match, as well as some other members of the group.

"Even using his magic, Frostwraith proves to be quite a trickster.", commented the Unova Champion.

"Lady Palutena, are you still sure this guy is a human?", questioned Pit. "I only thought the gods had such abilities."

"Well, some living beings possess an inate talent to manipulate elements like that... but Frostwraith is a mage unparalelled.", commented Palutena. "You could say that he's among the most powerful sorcerers of all."

"It only makes sense... heh heh...", said Pit, chuckling.

"Keep chitchating like that and you will lose the battle.", mockingly said Frostwraith, shooting him with another dark magic blast.

Dark Pit shot another sniping projectile from his staff.

"Where's the little dark angel... heh heh heh heh heh...", continued Frostwraith with his mockery, shooting a lightning bolt on Dark Pit.

"Here's the trick, Pit. Try to avoid his spells and attack him when he's recharging.", said Palutena.

"Hyah!", yelled Frostwraith after rushing to Pit and attacking him with his sword. Pit and Frostwraith were now locked in melee combat, dodging and blocking each another's moves.

The locked down combat gave Dark Pit plenty of opportunities to snipe Frostwraith.

"Oww... Ouch...", Frostwraith grunted as he was shot with by Dark Pit, becoming open to Pit's attacks.

Frostwraith got ahold of himself and shot an ice shot at Dark Pit, freezing him. Pit and Frostwraith continued to exchange blows.

Dark Pit thawed out and aimed at Frostwraith again, who dodged the attack by jumping, following the jump with a strike of his sword on Pit.

After many failed shots against Frostwraith, Dark Pit tried a new strategy.

"I will aim at you, Pit, and then use your Angel Ring move to deflect the shot at Frostwraith."

"OK!", responded Pit.

"Hitting me should be the least of your concerns!", mocked Frostwraith.

Frostwraith teleported to give Dark Pit a powerful smackdown with his sword imbued by thunder magic.

"Oof... all these magic uses are wearing me down...", muttered Frostwraith, who clearly went too far with his magic uses.

"There's an opportunity! Strike!", ordered Palutena.

"Aye!", said Pit, doing a melee combo on Frostwraith, knocking him down.

Frostwraith got up and retaliated, defeating an already worn out Pit.

"One down...", muttered Frostwraith, who couldn't hold up much longer.

Because Dark Pit was equipped with a staff, he hadn't the same mobility as Pit, making him an easier target. Dark Pit ran as fast as he could to grab Pit's bow and began fighting with it, discarding the staff.

Locked in close combat, it was a matter of time until one of the fighters went down. Frostwraith resisted pretty well, using healing magic to tend his wounds. Attempting to finding a weak point in Dark Pit's fighting style, he merely used his sword to defend himself and let his opponent wear down.

"Take this!", suddenly yelled Frostwraith, while kicking Dark Pit's belly, knocking him off.

Frostwraith spun his sword in his right hand as he prepared to jump, took to the air and came crashing down on Dark Pit, who could do nothing but await his inevitable defeat.

"Urrghhh...", grunted Frostwraith before kneelling on the floor. "This was an heated fight..."

Palutena used her powers to heal Pit and Dark Pit.

"You put... a good... fight...", said Frostwraith, clearly tired. "I think I overdid a little bit..."

"You certainly fought well... but, yes, you really overdid it.", stated Dark Pit.

"We were very close to victory, but you really are something to hold out like that!", commented Pit.

"You could have won this fight... if ony you had used the mirrors to your advantage, you could've won the duel.", said Frostwraith. "Now, I am going to rest for a while... if you will excuse me..."

Frostwraith went to his tent and sent out his Rotom to keep a watch out for him.

"Hey, buddy... give me a little zap if someone comes to talk to me... ah, and if you hear that alarm, be sure to wake me up if I don't, got it?", spoke Frostwraith to his Rotom.

Rotom responded by making a few sparks and electrical noises.

"Thank you...", responded Frostwraith, who understood his Pokémon.

It didn't take too long for Frostwraith to fall asleep. Rotom remained vigilant on the outside, watching over the group and possible enemy attacks.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf's Theme

While Frostwraith duelled with the angels, the Dark Ones once again reunited to discuss more of their nefarious plans. Ganondorf opened the reunion.

"What could the Master be thinking? To be willing to accept a traitor back into our ranks...", commented the Gerudo King.

"Lord Ganondorf, we all know that if Muhti joins, he won't be loyal as we are, but he sure will serve the Master's purposes for now...", responded Palpatine.

"And once he no longer serves, he's disposed like garbage. Simple and efficient.", calmly said Kil'jaeden.

"Yes... but we need to plan our next move... that boy Spirit managed somehow to betray us. How could the Master not notice his betrayal?", said Ganondorf.

"Someone dispelled the pact's curse... and I have no doubt that it was Frostwraith!", said Archimonde.

"We've been taking too long to capture him... yes... he's the one the Master seeks! He is the key for our success!", stated Palpatine.

"We have to set our priorities straight: we must punish Spirit and bring Frostwraith to the Master!", declared Kil'jaeden.

"Fortunately, Lord Kil'jaeden, once my new spell is complete, the second part of the plan will be much easier to do.", said Ganondorf with a sinister smile.

"What are you preparing, Lord Ganondorf?", inquired Kil'jaeden.

"The Master's wish...", evilly said Ganondorf. "We just have to wait for our chance..."

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Ancient Cistern

It was a pristine landscape... a beautiful plain covered in bright grass. A child and a man admired the land, like someone admired a painting.

"This place is beautiful! Why did you take me here, Dad? It looks magical... and... I have a strange feeling... what is this place?", said a boy who looked around 5 or 6 years old.

"This is a quite magical place, son. It makes me proud to see that you have inherited a high sense of magic. I feel you will become a very powerful mage... one worthy of the Frostwraith family name.", said the man, whom the boy had a great resemblance.

"I won't disappoint you, Dad! I have seen you at work! You use your powers to help the people! I wanna be like you, Dad!", said the boy cheerily.

"I know you won't disappoint me, son. My friend and former Master has told me of your potential. Only the best mages ever lived had sensed magic so early...", commented the child's father.

"That's awesome! When will I start to learn?", asked the boy.

"If you have started to sense magic, now is the best time time to begin...", commented the father.

The land and two figures started to fade away as consciousness returned...

"Father...?", said Frostwraith as he woke up from his nap. "What an odd dream..."

Rotom greeted his trainer and the two took a stroll throughout the area near the Battle Frontier.

"Is that Xiroey and Luco over there?", inquired Frostwraith, after seeing Xiroey, Luco and the others. He decided to approach them. He felt that he had to share his strange dream with someone else...

The reason that the Dark Ones' Master wants Frostwraith alive is explained in this segment... let's see if you can find out! :p :evil:

Important detail about the last part: keep in mind that Frostwraith's parents were killed when Frostwraith was still a baby, so the dream he had comes as very strange to him.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti entered the room with a grand cane in hand.

Ganondorf just laughed, "Trying to make yourself surperior boy? Back in my day I killed people with canes."

"Listen Low-Tier", Muhti said with a cigar in his mouth, obviously fake, "You shut your mouth, I have every persons bio, especially his little friend, Xiroey."

Palpatine, Arch, & Kil were a bit stunned at the reversal of attitude within Muhtis soul. Ganondorf stepped back with a face of distress.

"Anyways," Palpatine looked at the clock overhead, "We shall hear the battle plans from the Master."

They all stood for a good 10 minutes until the Orb glowed and started speaking with a deep voice, "Today, we're doing something a bit more simpler. I would like Muhyi to capture either Xiroey or Frostwraith. Or both for that matter. I overheard the "conversation" between Muhti and Ganondorf, and I spawned in an idea."

Each stood nodding slowly.The Orb continued, "They are located at the Pokemon Colliseum, you know what to do. You may lead now."

Muhti nodded at the Orb and vanished in an instant.

"Also", the Master added, "I have a plan for invading, which will be discussed tommorow. You are now dismissed."




Something short. Too tired but this thread is going to die. Btw these are my powers:

•Transformation of another person (5 per day since it wastes energy)
•He has a Mega Man bodysuit
•A Death Note too, but I don't use it much since its a God item, I only use it when I use it for a plot twist or a dire-dire emergency
•The aid of Blaziken and Braviary

And please let me write out the second part of the battle.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I haven't given up on this story yet, still waiting for an idea as well but can't post yet. Frostwraith is still able to add to his story, so i'll wait.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Muhti, you got a lot of things there wrong...

You seem to be forgetting that Frostwraith is a stoic character, he wouldn't react like that to Muhti's presence.

Frostwraith doesn't even remember his parents, so how could he miss them?

Frostwraith using Mean Look... seriously? Is Frostwraith a Pokémon now? And Mean Look only makes the victim unable to escape, not both battlers.

"And that's it for today's lesson... you have great skill in handling dark magic. Only few mages can easily master such intricate arts...", said the old wizard.

"Thank you, Master. I always do my best.", said the apprentice.

"I know you do. Your parents would be proud of you.", responded the old wizard. "Your father was also a powerful mage, but I believe you may already have surpassed him."

"Well, that's something to be proud of, I guess...", said the apprentice.

"It is. Only few mages have ever managed to learn dark magic so quickly. That puts you among the best of the best.", spoke the old wizard. "When I was your father's teacher, I remember him struggling to even use a basic dark magic spell."

"My father was also your apprentice?", inquired the apprentice.

"Yes. He did learn a lot of magic from me since your grandfather died of illness.", the old wizard responded. "He was a talented mage and became a doctor shortly after his magic training."

"It's like you said in my first lesson... magic has all kinds of uses."

"Precisely! You can use magic for all kinds of tasks. Well then, tomorrow we shall continue our lessons.", said the old wizard as he left the room.

"Well, it's time for some training for you as well...", said the apprentice, approaching his Lampent and Zweilous.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I'll edit it.

Remember I posted it late at night, I was in a rush to go to bed and I didn't want the thread to die.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Leaving things to me? Sounds good enough, I guess...

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"I don't trust this Muhti fellow one bit.", grunted Archimonde with fury. "We should have just killed him and leave it at that. What could be the Master thinking?!"

"There's no need to worry, Lord Archimonde... if the Master's plan goes well, we will finally capture Frostwraith...", responded Palpatine.

"Of course, the ends justify the means... it's like I have said before... once he's no longer needed, we merely dispose of him. It's simple.", calmly agreed Kil'jaeden. "Now, I believe we had other businesses to attend to..."

Meanwhile, near the Battle Frontier, Frostwraith tells of his dream to his teammates.

"Well, that's strange. Could that be a vision of sorts?", questioned Luco.

"Hmmm... a vision... What if I saw in my dream could actually be a vision of an alternate timeline, in which my parents didn't get murdered? I'd better not overthink that...", said Frostwraith.

"I suppose you're right...", responded Luco.

"Well then, I will be leaving then... I know that you and Xiroey will both battle in the next match of the tournament... so, good luck for the both of you.", said Frostwraith.

Entering inside the colosseum, Frostwraith looked at the screen to find out who was his next opponent in the tournament. The big screen read as following:

First round of battles: | Winner:
Luco vs. Flint|Luco
Xiroey vs. Paul|Xiroey
Cynthia vs. Lucian|Cynthia
Steven Stone vs. Misty|Steven Stone
Alder vs. Blue Oak|Alder
Frostwraith vs. Sabrina|Frostwraith
Shauntal vs. Bruno|Shauntal
Colress vs. Whitney|Colress

Luco vs. Xiroey|Undecided - Battle about to begin soon!
Cynthia vs. Steven Stone|Undecided - Currently battling!
Alder vs. Frostwraith|Frostwraith
Shauntal vs. Colress|Colress

??? vs. ???|Undecided
Frostwraith vs. Colress|Undecided

"Hmm... my opponent is a fellow named Colress... who might him be?", thought Frostwraith.

Frostwraith's thoughts were interrupted by the loud announcer.

"And the winner is Cynthia! That was a great fight between Cynthia's Garchomp and Steven's Metagross! The upcoming battle is Luco vs. Xiroey! Which of them will make it to the semi-finals? We are going to find out soon!"

With the battle over, the screen was immediatly updated.

First round of battles: | Winner:
Luco vs. Flint|Luco
Xiroey vs. Paul|Xiroey
Cynthia vs. Lucian|Cynthia
Steven Stone vs. Misty|Steven Stone
Alder vs. Blue Oak|Alder
Frostwraith vs. Sabrina|Frostwraith
Shauntal vs. Bruno|Shauntal
Colress vs. Whitney|Colress

Luco vs. Xiroey|Undecided - Next battle!
Cynthia vs. Steven Stone|Cynthia
Alder vs. Frostwraith|Frostwraith
Shauntal vs. Colress|Colress

??? vs. Cynthia|Undecided
Frostwraith vs. Colress|Undecided

Frostwraith exited the colosseum, heading to the camp to prepare his team for his next battle against Colress. Picking one of his many wooden statues and sending his three selected Pokémon, Frostwraith began another training session by pitting Chandelure and Golurk against each other. Hydreigon used the wooden statue as a dummy, launching all kinds of moves at it.

Xiroey and Luco, one of you will face against mighty Cynthia. =P


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The old wizard has been ill for a few weeks, his capacities degenerating. The apprentice had no doubt that his master's life was about to end. As he was practicing the use of high level dark magic, he hears the voice of the old wizard faintly calling for him.

The apprentice answers the call and meets with the old wizard, who was lying on the bed since he fell ill.

"You called, Master?", asked the apprentice.

"Yes... I did...", said the old wizard in a very weak voice. "I... I have to tell... something about your parents..."

"What is it?"

"You don't remember them at all, do you?"

"No, I don't have any memories of them."

"I... never told you of what happened to them... You were too young... I believe it's time for me to tell you...", started the old wizard. "It was almost 17 years ago... your house was assaulted by assassins... they went and killed your parents in cold blood..."

The apprentice was silent from the revelation.

"For some reason... they spared your life... I did some research shortly after adopting you... all I found about them was they are a group of dimensional travellers..."

"Dimensional travelling? You once said that takes powerful magic..."

"Yes... seems that I never had the opportunity to teach you... now my life grows dim..."

"What are you saying, Master? I can help you!"

"Ah... you are quite a determined student... unfortunately, there's no magic that can save you from the inevitable end... I believe you will learn more on your own... I have faith... that you can... improve yourself..."


"There are many books... and magic tools... in your family's manor... in your home world... learn dimensional magic... return to your home... all the knowledge of your family... awaits..."

"That will be done, Master."

"You... will never be... alone... here... take this...", said the old wizard, coughing, handing a Poké Ball to the apprentice. "My Zoroark... cherish her..."

"I will, Master."

"The time has come... this old fellow has... already done everything he could... it's time for you... to learn on your own... I believe... you can do it..."

The apprentice remained silent.

"I... I... am... proud... of you... pl...ease... do... not... for...get...", the old man said, while closing his eyes.

"Thank you, Master...", said the apprentice saddened by his master's death.

Searching in his master's bookshelf, he found a book titled "Dimensional Travelling Basics". The apprentice began to read it.

"All the answers I need... will be found...", said the apprentice, as he read the book.

Pokémon Black / White - Relic Castle

Wandering a desert, the former apprentice, now full-fledged dark mage, rode on his Hydreigon.

"Two years since my master died... yet, I must not fail... my duty.", muttered the mage.

He was dressed in sleeveless black robes, had a dark red headband, contrasting with his grayish blue hair. Looking at his face, it was easy to tell that he was young, being in his early 20s. A noticeable feature in the face was the huge scar covering much of his right part of the face. His eyes were totally black, with the exception of the dark red irises. In his right arm, he had a black asian dragon tattooed, with the head on the backside of the hand and having his body covering his arm in a spiral. The back of the robes had a skull emblem that seemed to be a coat of arms of sorts.

"As the sole survivor of my family... I will avenge their deaths, no matter how much time will it take... but first I need power and strength...", talked the lonely mage to himself.

The mage and Hydreigon eventually landed in some ruins.

"Hmm... ruins... no doubt this is the Relic Castle..."

The mage entered inside. He explored the mysterious place.

"Relic Castle... like many ruins, this is a remnant of an ancient civilizations... eternal memories lie here... eternal memories never to be remembered anymore... memories that died with the people who used to live here..."

The mage spotted a Yamask, who was clearly calling out for the mage.

"Hmm? What could it possibly want?"

The mage began following it, going deeper and deeper into the sandy ruins.

"Where could it be possible going? I must keep following him..."

Suddenly, the Yamask stopped and showed a room with some old objects. It suddenly began to cry.

"It looks sad... perhaps I should approach him?"

The Yamask stopped and began searching around the the many objects there. Eventually, it took a Dusk Stone from the pile of objects there.

"A Dusk Stone? Is it for me?"

The Yamask nodded and approached the mage and started to follow him.

"I take it you want to come with me?"

The Yamask nodded again. The mage took a Poké Ball and the Yamask voluntarily let itself inside it.

"The poor fellow was likely alone in the abandoned place... hmm... this Dusk Stone will be convenient indeed..."

Riding on Hydreigon's back, the mage exited the ruins.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Anime versions of how people look!


Richard (I'll have yours tommorow, yours is a bit tricky):


[COLLAPSE="Frostwraith"](Yours is the far right one)




Smashfan666 (yours too):


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Ahh, Mr. Mysterious Blue Hat Guy, glad to have you back". The Polite receptionist greeted Xiroey as he entered the booth to be admitted. She had an proffessional air about her that told of years handling different clients. Much to Xiroey's slight amazement, it didn't seem to faze the her in the slightest when she caught sight of Gengar and regirock, who were a duel to the death in the main lobby.

"So, Gengar, Regirock, and Porygon-Z will be your entrants again I take it?" The receptionist cleared her throat.

"Same old three" Xiroey confirmed. He couldn't help but hide a smile beneath his hat. Whoever this lady was, she needed a raise. "Also, I'll be going by a new name this time around."

"Oh?" The lady uttered a small exclamation of surprise as she quickly jotted something down. "And what might that be"?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Welcome! Congratulations challengers, and welcome to the semifinals!" The announcer bellowed out with excitement as his hand swept toward the left side of the arena. "Here on my left, a challenger with a lot of promise, a youth with astonishing talent, Luco!"

There was voluminous cheering from the stands as Luco walked out onto the platform. He couldn't help but smile modestly at the warm welcome the crowd gave him.

"And here on my right"- The announcer was about to reveal the second challenger, yet another entrant who'd managed to become a crowd favorite over the course of the last few battles. But when he looked, there was no one there. "What's this? The challenger hasn't arrived yet"? Instantly, there came a round of harsh "boo"s from the stand. These people came to witness a battle. Now they were being told the 'other guy' handn't even bothered to show up yet?

"Ladies and Gent's we may have a D/C on our hands". The wave of boos coninued to grow louder, with the result of both Luco and the announcer starting to become a tad uncomfortable. It made them both jump physically when a blastingly loud noise screeched out from the speakers. The sheer force of it forced everyone to instantly shield their ears. The unlucky few who were perched closest to the death boxes gritted their teeth against the noise. Suddenly, a high, almost musical voice could be heard amidst the static. It appeared to be chanting something.

"W-what in the world..." The announcer uttered to himself. In an instant, the noise was gone, replaced by dead silence. And a figure standing on the right side of the stage.

"Yes, Z, I believe that's a good enough entrance." Xiroey uttered silently to the mounted speakers.

"What's this! Could it be! Yes, it is! Our challenger has arri"-

A wave of Xiroey's hand cut the announcer off. When he spoke his voice wasn't his own, it sounded darker, and notably raspier. Another thing that caught the attention of the audience was that Xiroey was dressed notably differently than last time. He was sporting a dark cloak (courtesy of Frostwraith), and had an evil aura about him that looked like it could make any normal man sick.

"Luco. The soul of your pokemon. I come to take it." Xiroey extended a hand toward the youth, intended as a challenge. Luco's face remained blank at first, he still hadn't had time to digest this peculiar turn of events. Soon, he broke out into a confident grin. "Xiroey? Gotta say, I love what you've done with your outfit". Luco jibed him. He'd seen his comrade wear some pretty starnge thing in the past (Getting fashion tips from Krookodile didn't help), but even that paled in comparison to this!

The rasp replied in turn "You dare mock me human? Very well, prepare your pokemon." Xiroey pointed towards center stage. "Gengar!"

Luco was preparing his pokemon as well, "Luxray lets get this party started"!

With the two contendered facing each other, the announcer finally managed to put himself together, and was back to booming unnecessary things that everybody already knew to rile the crowd.

"Xiroey v.s. Luco, The terrain is Grassland. Begin!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Gengar, start things off with double team!" Xiroey called out the first move. Gengar's image shifted, blurred a bit, then starting doubling and redoubling at incresing pace, until it looked like there were fifty of him, all standing and grinning and sticking their tounges out at Luco.

'Well, that's rude' Luco thought wirly. "Luxray, sniff em out with Odor Sleuth"! At Luco's command, Luxrays nose got to work. He stuck it straight up into the air and got a good whiff.

Suddenly his head shot to the side, he swipes at the air and Gengar seemed to materialize out of this air.

"Whoa! And Luco sees through the double trick! This match is really heating up. How will Xiroey respond?"

Xiroey didn't have to say anything. Gengar looked like he was hurt at first, but instead of falling to the ground hurt, his body... exploded?

'A substitute'! Luco caught on. Luxray, get out of there! Luxray was already getting hidden by the meature smoke-bomb the substitute made. He waited for a second. Luxray didn't respond.


"Oh No, It's asleep"! The announcer called in disbelief. Sure enough, the smoke cleared to give everyone in the audience a good view. Luxray had a sizeable snot bubble potruding from it's snout. It was snoring blissfuly.

'It was a triple ploy'

"Thank you Luco. Soul number one, check." Xiroey made a motion with his hand.

"Gengar, finish this with dream eater"!

Gengar's eyes glowed. He eagerly accepted this next meal.

--Gotta stop here--

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gotta run for now. Class is about to start.
One of you guys can feel free to finish the battle if you want.

If not, I will once I have time. After Homework n stuffz.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The semi-finals begin after that battle. =P

Xiroey or Luco (depending on who wins) will face against Cynthia in the semi-finals, while Frostwraith faces against Colress.

Having left the ruins, the mage rode his Hydreigon through the desert, thinking about the Yamask he met.

"Yamask... ghosts of the people that used to live in the past... centuries later, they returned to life as Pokémon... this one surely felt lonely..."

A few hours later, and the mage was back to where he used to live with the master. His Hydreigon was very tired and the mage picked a book he's been reading for two years.

"I must find a way to open a portal..."

The mage continued to read where he left. The spells and incantations were hard to perform and could work in horrible accidents. The mage had to be extremely careful...

"This must work... Think on a destination..."

The mage began what it seemed to be another attempt at opening a portal. This time, it seemed to work. Approaching the portal, and it blew up on the mage's face, resulting in a burn. In excruciating pain, the mage used his knowledge on healing magics to heal himself. The wounds healed, leaving some scars in his face.

Taking a small break, the mage attempted at another try. He wouldn't give up until he returned to his own world.



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And another part!

As his master told the mage many times, training was the only way to become stronger. After roughly six months, the mage finally opened a portal. A portal back to his home world.

"At long last..."

The mage quickly grabbed all his belongings and put them on a large pack. But, there was another important thing to carry through the portal that, however, had to wait.

On the other side, the mage dimly remembered his home world. Looking around the town, he noticed a large, abandoned mansion on top of a huge mountain. It stood high up there, visible from the town, a majestic mansion that watched the town below. It also looked old and abandoned.

The mage hopped on his Hydreigon and flew to the mansion. The mage watched the mansion, above the large, ancient looking door, stood a carving of an emblem.

A coat of arms, it seemed. The emblem was a compass rose and inside of it was a shield which depicted a skull with a sword and a staff forming an X. These two X arranged weapons, actually went out of the shield, matching the diagonals in the compass. Below the round symbol was a motto scroll, which was so old, it was hard to read, but some letters were still visible, namely an F, an R and a W.

"At long last, I have returned...", whispered the mage, picking a key from a pocket in his robes.

The key itself looked old and had a royal feel to it. It was rusty, but still worked to open the door to the manor.

Entering inside, the mage noted the amount of dust.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Hyrule Castle

"19 years ago... it happened... now, I am here and I will bring justice to those who led my family to ruin...", whispered the mage, as he wandered through the abandoned mansion.

It was large, and all the time it was abandoned, made it seem like something coming from a horror movie. It was dark, gloomy and dusty. Spider webs here and there, broken windows from which the killers likely forced the entry, damaged objects and furniture that clearly showed signs of fighting. Everything remained exactly the same for 19 years, only with spider webs and dust on top. There were even rats and bats wandering through the abandoned manse.

"Everything's intact..."

The mage continued to explore the mansion. All the doors had the name of the room. The mage kept searching, until he found a door with a small horizontal scroll spelling "Library."

"This is the place."

The mage entered the room to find a massive compendium of magic books. Checking the many bookshelves, he noticed many books whose authors had his family name.

"These were all written by my ancestors..."

Heading to another room, the office specifically, the mage noted on the wall a painted family tree, complete with portraits for each member of the family. The same coat of arms he saw at the entrance was present in that tree as well.

"My family's emblem... how many generations are represented here? Hmm... I count at least 13... I am the sole member of the thirteenth generation, since this mansion was built..."

There didn't seem to be much members, and the only member of the thirteenth generation was the mage himself, who was the last one to be added to the tree. He also had no portrait. The mage noted that every member had a title, his being "the Grand Hope."

"What could be the meaning of this?", the mage wondered.

Further exploring the mansion, he found the passage to the manor's backyard. Heading outside, the garden looked dry, having dead plants everywhere. Exploring a bit more and the mage found another path. Following it, it eventually led to a graveyard.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Graveyard

Reading the tombstones and it became clear that it was a graveyard with all the members of the family, including his parents, as well as other close friends, advisors and other important people for the once seemingly powerful family.

"It's only fair if I bury my master here...", thought the mage.

Using magic, the mage managed to conserve the body of his master and with the help of dimensional magic, he managed to bury the body in the family graveyard, also marking the spot with a small wooden plank he found nearby.

"Requiescant in pace, Master...", the mage whispered, before leaving that place.

Returning to the mansion, the mage began to clean up the place, taking small steps to restore the mansion to what it once was.

The mage continued to check room after room. Be it the kitchen, dining room, and so on. There was a room that was stood out from the others: it was colorful, had a cradle and was littered with toys everywhere.

"My bedroom...", the mage whispered.

And that's it for today.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The mage was busy cleaning up the mansion. Removing spider webs and getting rid of 19 years worth of dust was tiresome work, but he had help from his own magic abilities and his partner Pokémon helped to get the job done too.

As he was busy cleaning that whole place, suddenly he hears a noise. Someone was inside. The mage immediatly interrupted his activity and quickly put himself vigilant.

Pokémon Red / Blue - Pokémon Mansion (Remix)

"Who's there?!", yelled the mage, with a dark spell ready on his right hand. His Lampent and Hydreigon were on guard as well.

No one responded. The mage explored the house, while remaining on guard. His Lampent remained vigilant in watching possible threats from behind.

The mage continued to check out every single room. Arriving at the main hall and suddenly a black robed man with a sharp knife suddenly appeared.

"An assassin!", the mage thought.

The cloaked figure remained quiet and suddenly whispered "die" and kickly rushed at the mage who blocked him.

"Hmph! I take it you're the one who brought this house into ruin! Die already!", yelled the mage in anger, hitting the assassin with a powerful dark spell.

"Pathetic.", the assassin muttered.

The assassin attempted to strike again, but the mage managed to evade the knife blow with a backflip. The assassin was swift and, to gain advantage, the mage hopped on his Hydreigon to fly and strike the foe from above.

"Coward... just like your wretched family.", the assassin said with a creepy monotone voice.

"I'll make you suffer then!", said the mage, launching a thunder spell at the assassin, causing him to drop the weapon.

Hydreigon quickly grabbed the knife with one of his mouths. The mage took it to himself. The assassin prepared to escape, with the mage using an ice spell and freezing him.

"Who's the coward now?", the mage said to the assassin. "Houndoom, go get some rope."

The Pokémon obeyed and the mage sat the now harmless assassin in a chair and tied him to it with very thick ropes.


"Speak now. Who the hell are you?", said the mage pointing the knife at the assassin's throat.

"A servant.", the assassin responded.

"Hmph. I don't care whom you serve... what's your business here?!"

The assassin remained silent, prompting the mage to shock him with thunder magic.

"To serve Him.", the assassin responded.

"A deluded fanatic... since, I know you won't speak any sense, I will just kill you and leave it at that.", said the mage preparing a fire spell..

"Ahhh! Stop! Please, spare me!", suddenly yelled the assassin, showing fear.

"Who's the coward now? You'd better speak now."

"I-I... I had no choice... p-p-please let me go...", said the assassin.

"And why should I suddenly trust you even after you almost killed me?"

"Me? Kill you? Wha-what are you talking about?", said the assassin, seemingly not knowing what was happening there.

"Don't play dumb with me!"

"B-but... you m-must be-believe me!", the assassin pleaded. "They captured me and made a strange ritual... I-I became possessed..."

The mage sensed a noticeable change in the tone of voice. Using his sensorial powers, the mage noted an evil presence within the assassin's body.

"OK... I do sense a sinister presence inside of you, sir..."

"You do...? Wait... are you... yes, you are! You are the son of the couple that was killed long ago in this mansion!", the assassin noted.

"Yes... I am."

"You have returned! Ever since that old friend of the couple took you away, this mansion remained abandoned, but you already know that."

"Yes... I am aware of that... I am going to the library to see if I can get rid of that presence, then I will let you go..."

"Thank you!"

The mage picked a book titled "Possession and Purges", and quickly went to the man's aid.

"Well... let's see if this works... I am not very familiar with light magic, but I will see what I can do.", said the mage, much to the relief of the man.

"Shortly before the murder of your parents, a strange cult appeared in the town, recruiting members. There were lots of ugly rumors about it. Some said they were demon worshippers and other sorts of nasty stuff.", explained the man.

"Could that cult be related to my parents' murder?", responded the mage.

"I don't know. but since your parents were killed, the cases of possession have begun to rise. The cult's been using the townsfolk as guinea pigs for their nasty rituals and such..."

"Hmm... it can't be a coincidence... my family surely had much influence in the town... and since they were powerful mages, they would immeadiatly notice such presences..."

"Yes... your family's downfall was a great loss to the town."

"Well, sir, I am trying this spell out... it might feel a little strange..."

"Now now... just go on, young fellow!"

After attempting the spell, a dark cloud emerged from the man's body, ending up dissipating.

"This was easier than I expected... surely your possession wasn't very strong.", the mage commented.

"Is it over already? Thank you very much! I think I should repay you somehow... how about I help you clean all this mess?", the man offered.

"That is a most generous offer. I appreciate it.", the mage responded.



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

Hey, guys, what's up? It's been a while. I'm planning to join Forum Fight again, so can you guys fill me in on what's happening so far? )))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
You asked, you get it!

So there was the war between Muhti and the rest. Me (Frostwraith) and Richard enter the fray and join up with Xiroey, Luco and others.

In a plot twist (mine to be precise :evil:), it's found out that Muhti was being manipulated by a mysterious group named "The Dark Ones", whose objective is to conquer all in existance, while also causing as much destruction as possible. Smashfan666 also returns and fights on our side, while Muhti chooses to fight on his own accord.

Sometime during the conflict against Muhti, our group sides with Master Hand to defeat the Dark Ones. The only way to defeat the Dark Ones' Master is with a large amount of power. The current objective is to find Palkia and Giratina, but first they will need to find Mesprit.

Currently, the group is competing in a Battle Frontier tournament. The story was left in the Pokémon battle between Luco and Xiroey.

And that's the general gist, you might also want to ask Luco or Xiroey if there's something they deem important to tell...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Mari!! So eager to have you back! Let smashfan know you're around, he'll probably post and get me back my mewtwo! :p

But anyway, I'd like to writwe a segment but I can't RP Gengar very well as I don't know him that well. Xiroey will either need to inform us more about gengar (probably PM?) or write the next part of the battle, i'm afraid. :/


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The mansion was restored to its former glory. As the only one living inside that huge place, the mage felt a little daunted, but it was nothing compared to what he has already been through.

He spent one more year exhaustively studying all kinds of magic from the many books left by his family. As a means to stop intruders from invading his propriety, he used many materials to construct humanoid shaped guards and animated them via magic. Having no will of their own, these magic guards performed all kinds of tasks whenever the mage wished.

"I have learned much from the past year... now it's time to finish what I started... I will find and kill the murderer who did this... no matter the cost!", the mage stated, as he wore a new set of robes and a cloak donning the emblem of his family.

Picking up his recently crafted sword, the mage exited the mansion, which now had a much cleaner look, also having two torches at the entrance burning with cold, blue fire. The coat of arms at the entrance was repaired with magic, restoring the word once written in the motto scroll: "Frostwraith."

Two of the magic guards remained standing by at the entrance, guarding the mansion from possible intruders.

"My destiny will now unfold... I am Hyosuke Frostwraith, sole survivor of the Frostwraith family of mages! I will honor the legacy of my family by bringing justice to those who led it to ruin!", declared the mage, opening a portal to a new world.

At the other side, he found himself at land named Tellius...

At the group's camp near the Battle Frontier, Frostwraith was busy reading another book.

"You never tire of reading all those old books, do you?", said Pit.

"It's the only way I can learn further spells and magics, so...", answered Frostwraith.

"I guess you're right... but, why aren't you watching the match between Luco and Xiroey? There's many people watching it."

"I must not neglect my daily training.", responed Frostwraith in his usual monotone.

"Yeah, but all that gloom and doom isn't gonna help you!"


"Okay okay! Fine... I see I am bothering you..."

Pit left and Frostwraith continued to read the book, which was titled "Shapeshifting and Transformations."

"Complicated spells... but I can do this myself... I just have to stay focused..."

Frostwraith entered inside his tent and put Chandelure guarding the place.

"Don't let anyone enter.", ordered Frostwraith to his Pokémon.

Frostwraith also put a sound-blocking barrier and meditated for a while before starting another train session.

"Shapeshifting magic... one slight mistake is enough to kill the user..."

Frostwraith attempted at transforming, transforming his head into one of a cat. Using the spell to normalize himself, Frostwraith acknowledged his mistake and attempted the transformation again, this time being successful and fully transforming himself into a black cat.

"That worked fine... still I can make some mistakes... I have yet to perfect this art..."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
A piercing whistle made Xiroey wince. Gengar stumbled slightly, the sound taking him completely by surprise. The glow in his eyes died down slightly, with the attack falling short. A curious glace at the opposition told them where the sound was coming from. "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve" Luco teased, just as Luxray began to stir. Once it occured to Xiroey what Luco had done, he couldn't help but smile. "Magical amplification, isn't that kinda cheating?" Xiroey said, breaking character by sticking his tounge out at Luco.

"Technically, it's not much different than shouting" Luco said with a confident grin on his face.

"Oh? Well, well played my friend. It won't help you though. Gengar, use Shadow Punch"!

"A physical attack?" Luco blinked, slightly surprised.

Gengar rushed Luxray, his fist glowing bright purple. Luxray obediently stood his ground, awaiting his trainer's command. "Luxray, counter with thunderbolt!" Luco commanded.

"Dodge that"!

Gengar lept out of the way just as the Lightning bolt stuck the ground beneath him. With momentum on his side, Gengar managed to close the gap between Luxray and himself quickly. There was a sizable smack as Gengars fist connected with Luxray's snout. Luxray recoiled from the attack.

"Keep it up, Poison Jab"! Xiroey called.

"Push him back! Thunderbolt"

Gengar's vanished just as the bolt threatened to fry him. He reappeared at Luxray's side later, fist flying in for the kill.

"Gengar manages to get the upper hand with it's superior speed"! The announcer cried, astonished. Gengar took advantage of Luxray's weakness to continue laying on the blows, his glowing fists plowing into Luxray's side.

'Not if I can help it' Luco thought privately. Luxray, shrug it off! Use crunch!

"Uh oh." Gengar's eyes widened as Luxray, previously too weak to retaliate, spun around and hastily snatched him up in it's jaws. At Luco's command, it clamed down. Hard.

"Gengar"! An anguished cry escaped Xiroey as he witnessed his friend take massive damage. Luxray gave his head a good shake for measure, then nonchalauntly spat out the weakened ghost. Gengar cumpled to the ground, defeated.

"Aaaand Gengar is doown!" The announcer called.

"Impossible". Xiroey breathed. That much power behind a single bite? Since Gengar did not have a pokeball, he rushed out onto the field to retrieve his friend. Gengar looked to be in bad shape, he was completely unconscious.

"He going to be all right"? Luco asked concerened.

Xiroey released a soothing pink light into Gengar's crumpled form, and was rewarded with a reassuring cough. "Sorry about that bud, looks like our plan failed after all" Xiroey said sadly. Gengar managed a weak smile "I'll... pay that mutt back... later..."

Carefully, Xiroey managed to carry Gengar over to the sidelines, where he could recover while still watching the battle if he wished. One pokemon down, and Luco had the lead. He needed to turn things around quickly. Just his luck, he knew just the pokemon for the job.

"Z, your up next"! Xiroey called.


Members of the audience shielded their ears against the harsh noise. Luxray, especially let out a mournful howl. To it's sensitive ears, the noise was near unbearable! "Zeeeeeeee"! A Porygon-Z suddenly emerged from one of the mounted speakers. Much to everyone's relief, the buzzing noise stopped, and everyone could relax again.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen this one before!" Luco said, excited.

Xiroey laughed "Z's been in the family almost two generations! He may not look it. But this guy's my ace in the hole".

"Oh, isn't it a tad soon to reveal your 'ultimate weapon'"?

"Not with Z" Xiroey said enigmatically.

"Heh, we'll see" Luxray, start things off with Overheat!

Xiroey didn't see that coming.

"Z, counter with Tri-Attack"!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I really like the first one Xiroey!

I think I might be able to take a small segment of the battle there but you'll need to give me porygon's moveset. Also Luxray doesn't really have overheat/thunderbolt but thunder was a good choice. To clarify, Luxray has: Thunder, Rain Dance, Crunch and Signal beam.

I think that's the moveset, unless I used something different in the battle against flint? ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Well, you don't have to really stick to the 4 move limit like the games do.

In the Pokémon anime and manga series, this rule is usually broken, so I think you can also do that here...

EDIT: ...and continuing thr story...

Frostwraith grabbed the vile cultist by his neck, binding his movements with thunder magic and ready to cut the cultist's throat using his sword. As the culprit behind some murders in a small village, Frostwraith felt he had much to answer for.

"Worthless scum... consider this as a payment for all the suffering you've caused! Any last words?", said Frostwraith, angrily, at the cultist.

"Long live the Master!", yelled the fanatic.

Frostwraith cut his throat, leaving the cultist's body to rot in the middle of the forest he was found.

"Another one down... these idiots will all pay for what they've done!", yelled Frostwraith.

"Halt there, young sorcerer... think about what you're doing...", said an old man who had just witnessed the event.

"Who said that?"

"Continue to hunt those cultists like that, and you will become as vile as them...", the old man responded. "That's all the advice this old fellow can give..."

"They must pay for their crimes with their blood! I can't simply let them get away with their schemes!"

"Then, you have lost already...", said the old man sadly.

"What do you mean?"

"You are quite a splendid sorcerer, are you not? Don't throw your intellect away with blind vengeance... I know you cope with the loss of people important to you... it fuels your anger and gives you motivation to learn more... but it also makes you no better than the opponents you face..."


"Don't say anything, lad... you know I am right. Do you truly believe in justice? Do really wish to become stronger and face the adversities of life? Come and learn from me, son of Frostwraith. Yes, I know who you are by looking at that fancy cloak of yours... it was such a tragic event... to see the once legendary Frostwraiths fall like that. As an old friend of your ancestors, I am asking that you trust me..."

"I... trust you. I am willing to learn whatever your arts are..."

"Then, come to my home. You will learn some meditation techniques to empty your mind of the foul thoughts plaguing your mind..."

And this will do for today.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
My epic return!!!

Spagonia, Mobius
It was raining, and Sonic the Hedgehog did not like running in the rain. He didn’t like getting wet, period. Usually, he’d hide out in some kind of building or shelter until the storm blew over, but now he couldn’t afford to. Just the day before, Sonic had received an anonymous note with directions telling him to be there at a specific time.

[COLLAPSE="The note"]Dear Sonic the Hedgehog:

I have information regarding Dr. Eggman’s plans to join The Dark One’s cause in this war. If you want this information, follow the enclosed directions to the location marked by a star. I will be waiting there. Don’t be late.​

From, a friend.​

This ‘friend’ better have a darn good reason for dragging me out here in the pouring rain to-

Sonic’s thought was cut short when he saw what was looming ahead. He skidded to a stop, slipping a little and causing a small wave of rainwater behind him. He looked at the ancient building with shock…and dread.

The Temple of Gaia.

Sonic looked at the directions again and again. This was the place. After checking the directions a third time, he took a deep breath. He started to walk up the steps…but then stopped right at the entrance.

In was one of the few times in Sonic’s lifetime in which he hesitated to actually do something. It was not like him to think before acting. Most times, he would throw himself right into the face of danger, remaining steadfast to the end. To heck with consequences! You only live once, right?

But…This is the Temple of Gaia… A small voice in his head said. The Temple of Gaia…

It happened a few years ago. Dr. Eggman had hatched another plan to take over Mobius. After a few months of searching, Sonic had finally caught up with him at his space armada. Turning into his super form with the power of the Chaos Emeralds, he chased Eggman into what he first thought was his control center for the armada. Sonic didn’t even have to do anything; he already had Eggman on his knees, basically.

But what was supposed to be their final battle, ( or not…) Eggman had one last ace up his sleeve, and that’s where things went horribly, horribly wrong…

[COLLAPSE="Flashback"](Super Sonic busts though the metal floor of Eggman’s control station. As soon as he does, Eggman drops to his knees.)

Dr. Eggman: S-sonic! I’m-I’m sorry…Look, go easy on me! I’ll turn over a new leaf, I swear! Just give me a chance!

(Snickering, Super Sonic lands just in front of Eggman)

Super Sonic: Well, this is new. Showing remorse, Eggman? If you’d played nice, I wouldn’t have to break all your toys!

(Seeing his chance, Eggman picks up a small hand-held button switch, and his lips slowly turn up in an evil smile.)

Eggman: Gotcha!

(As soon as he pressed the button, huge mechanical arms spring up from the floor and the ceiling.)

Super Sonic: Wha?

(Sonic tries to sprint out of the way, but it’s too late. The arms on the floor activate, trapping him in a high-energy shield. As Sonic struggles to break free, Eggman begins to laugh manically, and the arms on the ceiling release a strange, purple-lightning like beam, striping Sonic of the Chaos Emeralds while simultaneously draining them of their power. Sonic screams in pure agony during the whole process.)

Eggman: Gah, ha-ha! Ooh, I’ve waited a long time for this! FIRE!!!

(From a control console, Eggman reverses the polarity of the Chaos Emeralds with a press of a button, and releases it as a beam fired straight at Mobius. As the beam hits, Mobius breaks apart into seven continents, floating around the core. From the core, strange, tentacles of pure energy spill forth, and a great beast of darkness drags itself from its prison. Dark Gaia had been released.

But it was not the only beast unleashed. Due to Sonic’s proximity with the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic underwent a horrid transformation. He grew claws and fangs, his muscular density doubled, and his body became covered in a lush, heavy fur. Sonic had transformed into a Werehog.)

Eggman: I’ve done it, I’ve finally done it! It’s just as the Gaia Manuscripts foretold! The entity that was sealed inside the planet has awakened. Now I just need to harness its power, EggmanLand will finally come to be! GAH HA HA!

(Sonic slowly begins to pick himself off the floor, breathing hard.)

Werehog Sonic: You’ve really…gone and done it this time, Eggman…

(Eggman looks upon Sonic with an evil sneer)

Eggman: Ah, Sonic. That’s a good look for you. Festive! So long, friend!

(An air-tight glass dome surrounds Eggman as the window overlooking Mobius suddenly opens, sucking Sonic and the spent Chaos Emeralds out into space…)[/COLLAPSE]

Sonic still didn’t know how he survived the fall from space. But ever since Eggman broke apart Mobius to when he defeated Perfect Dark Gaia, whenever the sun went down or when he entered a Temple of Gaia, he would transform into the Werehog. He never entered a Temple of Gaia since.

In truth, it wasn’t the Werehog that stopped him from entering the temple; it was the sheer pain of the transformation itself that he didn’t like. That, and he looked completely unrecognizable in Werehog form. Amy Rose couldn’t even tell who he was, for crying out loud. This “friend” was fully expecting the blue hedgehog known throughout the worlds for his speed, only to find that some monster guy with claws and fangs just waltz in and-

“You’ll catch a cold if you stand there in the rain, Sonic.”

The soft voice snapped Sonic back to reality. Standing in front of him was a human wrapped in a cool blue cloak and hood. Judging from the voice, the human was a girl.

That voice…have I heard it before? Sonic thought.

“Who are you?” Sonic asked in a slightly annoyed tone. He REALLY didn’t love the fact that he was soaked to the bone, and he was letting her know it.

“We can’t speak out here.” The mysterious girl whispered. “You have to come inside.”

Yeah. Not gonna happen. “Nope. I think we can chat right here.” Sonic would rather stand in the rain for a whole week than turn into…that….well, maybe half a week…3 days, tops.

The human girl was silent for a few minutes, and then she extended her hand towards him. “Nothing will happen when you step inside. I promise. You won’t feel a thing.”

Sonic arched an eyebrow. “And I should trust you because…?”

The girl sighed. She didn’t want to reveal herself here, in the open. She needed to get him inside, somehow. “Because…you already do…Teach.”

Sonic’s eyes widened. “Teach…?” Why did she just call him that? He wasn’t…wait…”Do…Do I know you?” he asked hesitantly.

The human chuckled lightly. “You have to come inside if you wanna find out.” With that, she withdrew back into the temple, as if she was never there.

The more Sonic thought about it, the more he was sure that he met this human somewhere before.…and that voice…it was so…familiar

“We don’t have much time, Sonic.” The girl’s voice called from the temple.

The blue hedgehog pushed his fear away and closed his eyes. OK, on the count of three, you are just going to run in there….OK…1…2…2 ½….2 and ¼….


Sonic sped past the door and the stairs inside, almost running into one of the giant pillars. Instead, he thrust his feet out in front of him, stopping his momentum. Placing his hand on the pillar, he waited. And waited. And waited some more.

Nothing happened.

“See?” The human girl’s voice came from beside him. “Told you.”

Breathing a huge sigh of relief, Sonic slowly opened his eyes. What he saw next nearly made him gasp.

When he rushed into the ancient temple, the wind he created blew the human’s cloak off. He could clearly see the white shirt she wore underneath a jacket with blue flames on it. She was also wearing white shorts that stopped at her knees, and regular blue sneakers.

Her bright attire was a stark contrast to her physical features. Tan skin, a wiry frame, straight black hair that fell just above her shoulders, gold eyes….gold eyes?

But her face…that fire in her eyes…It was unmistakable. Almost impossible.


She smiled. “It’s been a while, Tea-“

BEEN A WHILE?!” Sonic suddenly shouted. “You’ve been gone for…for-“

“I know.” Mari said quietly. “I’m sorry.”

Sonic blinked. “You’re…sorry?” This was new. Usually, Mari got angry when someone yelled at her for no apparent reason.

“Yeah. I just disappeared so suddenly without saying good-bye and…” Mari stopped short. She didn’t really plan out what she was going to say to him.

“No, it’s just…” Sonic seemed to be at a loss for words as well. “Is this…where you’ve been all this time?”

“Yes.” Mari simply said. “I’ve been training here. It’s so…peaceful. It’s sort of…grown on me.”

“Yeah, I can tell. You seem…different. And where did the gold eyes come from? And your hair-“

“Whoa, slow down! One question at a time!” Mari paused. “I cut it yesterday. And the gold eyes must be from all my magical training. Magolor has them too, remember?”

“Oh, yeah! Ha, wait until I tell him, I bet it means something!” Sonic beamed at Mari. “It’s good to see your doing well on your own, Mari. I’m proud of you.”

Mari smiled back. All this time and Sonic still hasn’t changed one bit. Even with this war going on. “Sonic…I’m glad you feel that way. It’s thanks to you I developed basic battle skills, and Magolor for teaching me basic magic. By the way, how is he?”

“Actually, I was talking to him the other day and…”

They spent the next few minutes catching up, chatting about how Smashfan returned, the Dark One’s plot to control everything, how hungry they were…

Then Xiroey came up.

“I heard that he was competing in a tournament in the Battle Frontier.” Sonic explained. “I was actually heading planning to head over there.”

“How is he? Has he…changed?” Mari asked.

“Uh…to be honest, I don’t know anymore than you do. I haven’t been keeping tabs on him until lately.” Sonic shrugged. “Maybe he’s still the same, albeit much stronger.”

“Yeah…” Mari was confident that Xiro had not changed…But would he recognize her?

“Hey, Mari?”


“I understand that you ran here to train in solitude…but why didn’t you tell me? Or Magolor? Man, he went CRAZY with worry when you just…you know…and it took a long time for him to get over it. In fact, A lot of people think you’re dead.” Sonic’s voice became small towards the end. A little while ago, Sonic was beginning to believe that himself.

“Me? Dead? Really?” Mari questioned. “Well, I suppose that was expected…Hopefully, Xiro isn’t one of those people. Otherwise, He’ll have one heck of a fright when I show up.”

“Naw, He’d prob- Say what, now?” Sonic said.

“It’s time I came out, Sonic. No more hiding away. I’m sick of just training around here by myself. I want to see how the world has changed. Besides…” Mari stood up and began to walk deeper into the temple. “It would be nice to see Xiro again…”

“Aw, You’re serious!? Really?!” Sonic screamed with excitement. “Sweet!” He started to pump his fist into the air, but stopped midway. “Wait, so that note about Egghead…?”

“Fake, as far as I know. Had to get your attention somehow, and if there’s one thing that does, it’s Dr. Eggman.” Mari smiled slyly. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s OK,” He said. “So, where do we go from here?”

“Didn’t I just say how nice it would be to see Xiro? We’re going to the Battle Frontier.” Mari’s eyes suddenly started to glow. “And we’re taking the express route.”

“Uh…Express route?” Sonic asked uneasily

“Look at your feet, Sonic.”

He did, and he found himself right in the middle of a Popstarian magic circle, with candles lighting all five points of the star. Halcandrian runes could be seen just outside the circle, a product of Magolor’s teachings.

“I don’t remember Magolor teaching you this…” Sonic spoke with a nervous tone.

“I taught myself. I’ve done this lots of times. Now for once, stand still.” Mari closed her eyes, and her lips began to move in Halcandrian language. At once, a white aura began to pulse around the two, growing faster in rhythm as Mari finished her incantation.

When she spoke the last ancient word, the circle exploded with a brilliant flash of blue energy. When it faded, Both student and teacher where gone…


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Heh... Dr. Eggman...

While Xiroey and Luco still battled, Frostwraith was still perfecting his shapeshifting abilities.

"This got to work now...", calmly said Frostwraith.

The smoothly transformed into a black cat. Reversing back to normal and the dark mage finds himself satisfied with the results.

"Not bad... not bad at all... but still, I have much yet to learn..."

Heading outside, his Chandelure started to follow him. Frostwraith began walking towards the Battle Frontier and wait for his upcoming match against Colress.

"I do wonder what the Dark Ones may be preparing... I must stay ready at any time... Surely, Master Hand is keeping vigilant on such things...", thought Frostwraith out loud. "Find Mesprit... summon Palkia... find Giratina and return to Final Destination... that's our mission... we must not fail it!"

Frostwraith sat on a chair and watched the match between Xiroey and Luco. He was exhausted from his constant magic training, but his burning desire of becoming a master sorcerer was stronger than that. He had to use every second to train his capabilities if he wanted to be the best among all sorcerers.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
NOTE TO FROST: Dont make my character betray you, please.


"Pst, pass the popcorn."

Frost gave the bag to Muhti.

The only sound within the awkward moment was the chirping of the birds as well as Muhtis loud crunching.

"Why are you here?" Frostwraith asked, still looking at the direction of the battle.

Muhti held up his finger to finish swallowing. He then resumed speaking.

"They're coming, soon, too soon.", Muhti said taking another handful, Frost instantly knew who the "they're" was "I hear you're the "leader", he munches for 10 seconds and continues," who thinks he's so smart because he's a sorcerer," Muhti chuckled to himself.

Frostwraith finally turned to look at his rival, with a threatening stare, but Muhti just pointed his finger up to show a spectacular move.

"Why did you switch again? Don't you have better things to do?", Frostwraith said with a sardonic tone in his voice.

"Do you really think I'd switch sides? I'm not an idiot, I'm the only person on the protagonist side they'd actually accept in. Plus why would I risk Smashboards? or the UG? I mea-"

Muhti was rudely cut off by Frost, "Prove it."

"Excuse me?"

"Prove it."

Muhti paused and leaned back, left his head dangling behind the chair, looking at the orange sky; sunset. "How?"

"Something that could help us... I don't know... Just show me you're a double agent in our favor. Or I will scream and you'll run like you always do.", Frost suggested. An explosion occurred, but the boys didn't care of it.

"Time Travel."


"I can bring you to your father, the past.", Muhti suggested. "You may learn something as well, just don't look at your past self, very dangerous to the space and time continuum."

Frost thought for a second, then nodded slowly, as if he wasn't sure still. Muhti smiled and held out his hand so he can transport both and not himself.

The figures in the chairs then dissappeared, leaving a confused Chandelure behind.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Fine =P

In a blink of an eye and they were in the past, more than 20 years ago. Frostwraith kept his cloak visible, as it had proof that he was a member of the Frostwraith family.

Muhti and Frostwraith looked on the town, where the Frostwraith mansion was clearly visible. It was situated in a high hill overlooking the town.

"Hmm... I remember my master telling me that my father was a doctor, I think we should head to the hospital.", said Frostwraith.

They waited outside the hospital, waiting for Frostwraith's father to return from his work. After a few minutes, they saw a man looking to be in his late twenties, he wore a cloak identical to Frostwraith's, bearing the same coat of arms.

"There he is...", Frostwraith muttered, as he started to approach his father. "Excuse me, sir... do you have a moment?"

"Hmm... and you are?"

"A descendant of your family from the future...", Frostwraith responded, while showing his cloak.

"Interesting... you see, my wife is pregnant, so it means my family still has a future..."

"What's the matter?"

"I have been recieving death threats as of recently. I'm sure it's nothing, but I am still a little worried about my wife. So, what made you travel through time and meet me?"

"I was told that you were the only family member that had a secret magic technique... as you descendant, I would like to know it."

"Well then, come to my mansion. It is that mansion you can see from the town."

Frostwraith, Muhti and Frostwraith's father went to the mansion.

"My I ask your name?", said the father to his son.

"I am Hyosuke Frostwraith III...", responded Frostwraith to hide his identity as his son.

"You descend from my unborn son who will be named Hyosuke as well! Why, it is quite interesting. So, you want to learn a spell, isn't it? Well, I can teach it to you, as I haven't written it in a spell book. I have named it "Hexa Blast." As the name suggests, it combines six elements into one powerful move. While many books explain on combining two or three elements, I have worked on this powerful combination. It's a little hard to use, but I am sure you will handle it, right?"

"Yes, I am ready."

"All you need to do is to begin with one kind of magic. Try fire for example."

Frostwraith began to charge a fire ball.

"Hold the charge in the air and begin to charge another one, but don't forget to keep your mind focused! Keep repeating this process until there are six charges forming a regular hexagon."

Frostwraith followed the instructions.

"Now, fuse the charges at the same time! You have to do this quickly! If one charge doesn't fuse in time, the spell won't work as intended. Once you practice this a lot, you will get to make the six charges at the same time."

Frostwrath fused the charges causing it to become a mixed elemental stream, destroying the practice dummy.

"You're a natural learner! You are quite powerful. It's good to know that the legacy of this family will stay on for the upcoming times.", complimented the father.

"Yes... I suppose so."

"Another spell I also made so far, I have named it "Rain of Tranquility." It's a water spell that causes a magical rain, curing your and the others around you from wounds. Perhaps I should teach this one to you and it's not very hard to do."

After the long training session, Frostwraith thanked his father, who obviously didn't recognize his own son.

"Well then... it was a pleasure to meet you. I am sure those two spells will aid you somehow. I still think it's strange how haven't you found a book written by me in the future."

"Well... it must be somewhere around the mansion in my time... perhaps I should have searched better instead of bothering you...", said Frostwraith, blatantly lying.

"Don't worry about it. Now I know I must let my future children to be careful when using the family's books.", said Frostwraith's father, chuckling.

Leaving the mansion, Muhti and Frostwraith returned to the present at the Battle Frontier. Chandelure quickly went to his partner's side.

"I suppose I should be thankful. If you are going to become a double agent... try to gain their trust as much as possible... also, you should learn a little about this group. We're not just a group fighting the Dark Ones. We are Master Hand's personal army. We recieve orders and guidance from him, and I am just another member of the army.", said Frostwraith to Muhti.

"Is that so...?", Muhti responded.

"Master Hand has told us that we are going to need as much strength as we can. With you as a spy, we should manage to predict every single of the Dark Ones' moves... if you truly want to help us, then prove it and you've got nothing to lose... what do you say?"

"Fine, I'm in.", Muhti decided.

"One single act of betrayal against us, and you're dead.", grimly thought Frostwraith for himself.

The rest is up to... anyone else. =P


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
A grand revelation is coming! Brace yourselves!

Young Frostwraith was calm and his mind was empty. The meditation lessons have been useful in focusing himself in his magic training. Once again, he visits his meditation teacher: an old, retired wizard who was a close friend of the Frostwraith family.

"Ah, welcome, Frostwraith, welcome. So, what brings you here?", the old wizard greeted.

"I just came to talk a bit about my family."

"Well, why not? Someone like you would like to know more about such things."

The two conversed for a while, until the old wizard reminded of something.

"I just remembered something that will likely interest you, lad.", said the old wizard.

"Which would that be?", asked Frostwraith.

"It's an old legend passed down by your family... I remember your grandfather telling me about it. It's a legend of the Emperor Sorcerer."

"Emperor Sorcerer?"

"You heard it right... I don't remember the whole story, but I do remember that this Emperor Sorcerer was a powerful mage who even had authority over some dimensions. He was so powerful that the legend claims that he was able to create life! I don't know if this is real, but it sure is interesting."

"Now you got me curious..."

"Well, I don't remember it well... perhaps you can find something in your library?"


A few days later, Frostwraith was back to his own mansion. Looking around the library, he found nothing but spell books.

"Is there anything else in this library other than spell books?"

We continued to check bookshelf after bookshelf, until he noted something odd about one of the bookshelves.

"This one seems... loose."

Frostwraith attempting to pull and he was surprised: a secret behind that bookshelf. It was a door. Frostwraith opened it to find a dark room, which he lit up with light magic.

"Is this a vault? It seems magical..."

Opening the vault via magic, he found a scroll made of papyrus inside. It looked incredibly old and was written in an ancient language.

"What is THIS?", Frostwraith questioned in shock.

He started to read the scroll. This is what was written there.

[COLLAPSE="Scroll transcription:"]
Tale of the Emperor Sorcerer

Long ago, there was a powerful mage who ruled many worlds. He was kind and ruled justly. He was admired by the many peoples of the different worlds and respected for his tremendous power.

He and his beautiful wife were immediatly recognized wherever they were. This was, however, a short-lived reign. As the ages passed, the Emperor Sorcerer was finding difficulties in having a son. That meant a lack of successor, which drove him to despair. As one of the most powerful mages around, he hoped to use magic to create an offspring.

He started to research in the arts of necromancy, soul manipulation, two dangerous arts in which the latter was explicitely forbidden. Those who performed such spells were executed and was the only crime in the Emperor Sorcerer's time to be punished by death.

After years of secret research and many failed attempts, the Emperor Sorcerer started the creation of the new life form. He created a huge ice cube that would be the basis of his creation. The ice cube was at a very cold temperature, to which some said that it couldn't be any colder. The Emperor Sorcerer believed that since water was the basis of all life, he had to start using something made of ice.

He bathed the ice cube using a mixture of his and his wife's blood. Naturally, the blood itself froze. Then, the Emperor Sorcerer made his first unforgivable act. He extracted the souls of many dead people and chanelled them to the ice cube. Using dark magic and shapeshifting magic, the Emperor Sorcerer attempted to mold the cube into life. The spell required too much power and he resorted to use demonic artifacts to amplify his power.

It took such tremendous power chanelled to the cube to magically melt it. It became a mixture of water crated by magic, the Emperor Sorcerer's blood and the Empress's blood inbued with dark magic, shapeshifting magic and demonic magic. After the Emperor Sorcerer used ancient hexes and performed various tribal and druidic rituals, the water began to shape itself into a human fetus.

He remained vigilant on the state of his creation and used a curse on his wife to simulate the symptoms of a pregnancy. The announcement of the Empress's apparent pregnancy was beheld by the many people, but only the Emperor knew the truth.

During the last days of his wife's apparent pregnancy, the Emperor put his creation inside the Empress's body, so it would pass as a natural birth.

Few years later, it was found that the child, named Adam, had abnormal magic capabilities and the secret was somehow exposed. There were massive riots among the dimensional empire, the Emperor's wife immediatly ran away and the Emperor was sent to exile.

Upon losing the authority over the dimensions, the Emperor Sorcerer had nothing but his wealth and his artificial child, whom he raised as his own son and heir. The child had an unnatural talent in magic and surpassed his father at age 9. Among the dimensions where the Emperor Sorcerer had authority, the child was reviled and became known as "the Ice Ghost," as a reminder of his method of creation.

Many people hunted the Emperor Sorcerer down, and in a moment of despair, the Emperor Sorcerer hired a band of assassins to massacre everyone who knew the secret and their families. Among the ones killed was his wife and close friends, whom the Emperor Sorcerer felt they betrayed him.

With his sins haunting him everyday, the Emperor Sorcerer commited suicide and left his whole wealth to his child, Adam, better known as the Ice Ghost.
"The Ice Ghost... a powerful mage who was no more than a magic creation itself... Ice Ghost...", Frostwraith commented. "Wait a second... my family's name... Frost... Wraith... meaning, Ice Ghost! The Ice Ghost - no, Adam Frostwraith - is my ancestor... and the founder of my family..."

Quickly storing the scroll into the vault again and exiting the secret room, Frostwraith went to the mansion's office to check his family tree. And he found the name of the eldest member there: Adam Frostwraith, whose title was "the Icicle Phantom."

"This can't be...! This whole family is the result of an enormous sin...", Frostwraith said in shock. "This explains my magic talent... I descend from a being made from magic... My whole existance is unnatural!"

Continuing to observe the tree, he found out a branch that suddenly ended. But it was different from the other branches that had no offsprings: instead of branch drawn like it ended naturally in a tree, it was akin to a branch that was viciously cut from the tree.

"What could this mean? Perhaps this particular line severed ties with the remainder of the family? What generation is this? 4th? What does it say here? It has no name and no picture... just blurred ink with "BETRAYER" written in red ink... or is this blood? What could be the meaning of this?"

Back to the present, Frostwraith remembered his life, distracting himself from the match he was watching. His ancestor's origin as the result of a forbidden experiment was something still fresh in his memory, despite the years that have passed since then.

Like the Emperor Sorcerer and the remainder of his family, he swore to never reveal the secret to anyone, not even the most trusted of friends.

The Frostwraith family's biggest secret! This will tie with the Dark Ones' motivation to kill Frostwraith's parents and capturing Frostwraith alive... I have this story very well planned, so please don't touch on this subject, even when roleplaying Frostwraith.

It would be entirely out of character to have Frostwraith tell his secret to anyone, even close friends. He took an oath of silence regarding his origins and he would rather die than let the secret be known to anyone.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And...this will do for today.

Willing to solve the mystery, Frostwraith analyzed the painting depicting the family tree. Who was the betrayer? What did he do to have his name erased from the tree? Those were some of the questions that popped in Frostwraith's mind.

Closely watching the painting, he noted remnants of a sharp object to write a name in the now blurred part.

"P... E... R... S... what is this? An E? Seems so... it seems to be another S in the end... what is this letter inbetween?", said Frostwraith as he carefully watched the remnants of a name written in the painting. "Is than an N? Persens? Hmm..."

Frostwraith spent more time to analyze the markings of whatever was used to write the name. A feather was the most likely object to have been used.

"This is no N... it's an U! Perseus Frostwraith!", concluded the mage after long observation.

Searching the grand library, he hoped to find something that could relate to this mysterious figure. The search went for almost an hour, until he found a book whose author was Perseus Frostwraith.

"This book... what is it about... "Necromancy Basics"... so, Perseus was a necromancer... I must continue to check this out..."

He checked many more books and, besides books on necromancy, there was nothing whose author was named Perseus Frostwraith.

"Disappointing... what could he have done...? All I know is that he was a necromancer... could he have done some forbidden act like the Emperor Sorcerer? Did he have any descendant?", questioned Frostwraith. "I should continue to check out those books... I believe I will find answers here... he surely wasn't labelled as traitor for no reason..."



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
[COLLAPSE="Meanwhile, back with Smashfan"]After Master Hand's time warp maneuver, Smashfan and Sly felt it jarring to be in a completely subspace-free Ponyville when they were only moments ago prepped to fight the Bad Piggies.

Sly mumbled to himself. "Well, that was... unexpected..."

Smashfan shared the same feel as the raccoon. "Aaaanyway," he said "I guess I should introduce the rest of my current teammates to you." he then gestured to the rest of his party. "Sly Cooper, I'd like you to meet Ashley, Mewtwo, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike the Dragon."

"Building up a good team as usual, eh smash?" Sly responded.

Smashfan couldn't help but let a brief chuckle escape his system. "Well, you should expect that from me now." he said. "After all, every great warrior is only as good as the allies backing him up."

"Amen to that." Sly agreed. "Nobody truly fights alone... especially not in the worlds of smashboards..."[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="The Call and the Fall"]"Now on to more important matters..." Mewtwo spoke up. "We need to regroup with the rest of our team."

"Right." Ashley replied. "Smashfan, you still have that Interdimensional Communication Orb?"

"Wha- ?! OH!! oh, right! I completely forgot I had that!" Smashfan quickly rummaged through the infinity bag to check if it was still there, and hadn't shattered when he landed much earlier. luckily, the orb wasn't damaged. without hesitation, he activated it, hoping to reach Xiroey or Luco.

"This is Smashfan666, calling Xiroey and/or Luco..."

No answer...

"Come in, Xiroey and/or Luco..."

There's no answer...

"Repeat, Smashfan666 calling Xiroey and/or Luco! emergency! we need a quick way back to you guys!"

The only sound that came from the orb was a dial tone... until...



"The number you have reached is not in service, please hang up and try again..."

+SFX: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC75aU47GRk+

"Well, if that doesn't take the cake, throw it on the ground, piss all over it and photoshop it to look like a smoldering bag of sh** someone would leave at the doorstep as a practical joke..." Smashfan deadpanned. he was clearly not amused... "no reception..."[/COLLAPSE]
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