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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ah cool! I need to go to the shops, i'll find some time soon to write up the next part of the battle... sorry for dragging this on for so long, guys!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Erp! Sorry to double post!


"Porygon-Z, steal!"

"Oi, that's MY magnet!!!!"

I'd forgotten he was so cheeky and resourceful! Darn you xirooeeyyyyy!!!

Luco's brain hurt from the mental tricks Xiroey was pulling. So like him... "Luxray, try using crunch to get it back!" This has to work....

Porygon took damage but didn't drop the magnet.

"Darn it xiroeyyy!!!!! I call thievery! Shouldn't porygon-Z be jailed??"

It seemed like a load of crazy... perhaps it was: the two opponents were grinning fiercely at one another now. It just came down to who-ever could outsmart the opponent. The crowd had gone oddly silent, as if trying to figure out each trick and decoy one by one. The stadium music was a little different, and played this instead. Luco and Xiroey had the same pokemon out for ages but Luco knew Luxray wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer.

"Porygon-Z, ice beam!" Luco knew that would be the end if Luxray got hit. "Luxray, duck!!" Luxray skid across the ground...

But porygon-Z aimed the beam down at him.

Luxray was frozen. Worse still, he had fainted. "Aaaaaand Luxray is down for the count! I think I can guess what pokemon Luco will choose for this one." Luco looked at Luxray. "Alright buddy, you did enough..." Porygon-Z went and dropped the magnet below the blue-ish Luxray. "Fine Xiroey, you asked for it!" This should be very interesting, indeed... "Lucario, you're up next!" Lucario came on to the grassy scene. He looked back at Luco and raised an eyebrow. "You certainly don't expect me to hide in THIS, do you?" Luco laughed. "Look ahead, silly. I doubt you'll need to hide for this one."

Luco kept the pressure up the whole time. Lucario missed quite a bit but he also got a few hits in. Porygon-Z was beginning to weaken. Xiroey smiled from over the battlefield. "Pretty cool. But lets see what happens if I do this! Porygon-Z, hit him with psychic!" Porygon-Z floated back from Lucario's next attack. This was when it occurred to Luco that Porygon-Z had more behind him than just his trainer. This is bad.... Lucario screamed in pain as the attack hit him full force. "Lucario!!" Luco looked over at Xiroey. "Hit him again, Porygon-Z." Played your ace card, have you? Luco sent a message to Lucario. "Psychic blasts aren't instantaneous, Lucario. Like other moves, they need a target or the attack might as well be useless. When the attack comes, use extreme-speed to get behind Porygon-Z. I think you know what to do from there." Porygon looked straight at Lucario.

But Lucario wasn't there.

"Porygon, behind you!" Xiroey called. Lucario was directly behind porygon-Z. "Close combat, Lucario!" Luco shouted. it was more for effect than anything. Porygon-Z took the full effect of the attack. "Damn you, Luco!" Xiroey shouted. The cloud of dust settled. Lucario was standing there.

But Porygon-Z was gone. "Always watch out for your own tricks, Luco!" Xiroey called. "Porygon-Z, hit him with giga impact!" Porygon-Z brutally bashed in to Lucario. Thank goodness it's not that effective. Lucario looks weak enough that he could faint from the landing alone. He suddenly thought of something in the instant. "Lucario, if you can, Aura sphere!" Lucario opened his eyes. He had reached the apex of his flight and was coming down. He charged a small sphere and launched it just as he hit the ground. "Lucario is down!" The announcer cried. The sphere traveled along the ground to where Porygon was. He couldn't avoid it. The attack took him full force. "And porygon-Z is down too! Like last time, the battle has come down to the final pokemon! Lets just wait and see what happens, folks!"

The stadium opened up. "wha?? I didn't...." The announcer fumbled. A figure dropped from the sky. Two, to be precise. They landed square on the ground in the centre of the battlefield. Luco recognized one of them but not the other and Xiroey stared dumbfounded. "Missed me?" Mari gave a confident smile to Xiroey, standing there. He was dazed. "We... we can talk... later, right...? I'm... just..." He gulped. "Oh, I see you're in the middle of something." Mari looked over at sonic. "We'll grab a place, find us after this, okay?" She looked over at Luco and regarded him a moment. "So you're Mari, the one i've heard about?" He asked. She didn't answer but gave the hint of a smile as she walked off the battle-field. Xiroey woke from his trance. "I thought you'd missed it for a moment buddy! From that look, you could have missed the sun!" He grinned at Xiroey. Xiroey looked back and smiled with confidence. It was time to settle this.

They looked at each other. Who does he have...?

He'd find out soon enough.


Go Xiroey, finish off this battle for us! <3

Btw xiroey as it turned out, I didn't need porygon-Z to use that trick you were telling me about. i hope I RP-ed him okay??

Mari, I hope I RPed you well enough? And xiroey, in that scene I wanted you to be a bit dumb-founded, to the point where you prioritized the battle over it because you weren't entirely sure it was real at first. Or a little something like that. if you want I can change that. =D


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

That was excellent! You pretty much captured Z's style perfectly. (And he hasn't even fought yet in this story) Ya never fail to impress ;)

Guess that just leaves my portion...
Time to head down to the lab~

(Who should win? Do ya think?)


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I think this'd be a good one to put to the public (i.e. Mari, Smashfan, Frostwraith, Richard, mars, Muhti, etc.) to see who should win, maybe? :o

You remember who my last poke is xiroey? (Charizard) ^_^


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I love how you include me Luco. Im honored _._

Xiroey should win because Luco included me


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Breaking the tie... here's a vote for Mr. Luco... Sorry, Xiroey...

Anyway, where's Frostwraith in all this action? Let's find out!

"So... it's down to one Pokémon each... it means my battle is about to come. I must go and prepare myself.", Frostwraith immediatly thought upon noticing that both Luco and Xiroey were on their last Pokémon.

"These boys are evenly matched! Xiroey's Regirock versus Luco's Charizard! Which of them will enter the semi-finals and face off against Cynthia? Stay tuned to find out! The big reveal is just about to come!", the announcer yelled.

Frostwraith send his team consisting of Chandelure, Hydreigon and Golurk. It was time for another trainiing session and Frostwraith picked up three big moai shaped wooden statues to use as dummies.

"Let's see how fast can each of you break a statue! 3... 2... 1... Go!", said Frostwraith, holding a stopwatch.

Rotom remained vigilant on possible enemy attacks. It used part of its power to make the stopwatch work.

"Come on, boys! We don't have all day!", yelled Frostwraith to motivate his Pokémon.

The first to break was Golurk, who used his massive strength to break the magically enhanced statues. In second place was the brutal Hydreigon, meaning Chandelure got in last place.

After a few more minutes worth of practice exercises, Frostwraith recalled all his Pokémon except Hydreigon, whom Frostwraith rode to quickly get back to the Battle Frontier.

He sat down on one of the chairs used to watch the match on the big screen. He began to focus his mind and started to meditate, so he could keep his magical powers in shape.



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Who does he have left...?

Xiroey shook his head to clear it. That much would become evident soon enough, he needed to focus his thoughts on what mattered. A glance toward the stands revealed that Regirock was already standing and awaiting his command. Time to end this battle.

"Go Charizard"! Luco shouted, releasing his final pokemon onto the field.

Charizard? Excellent! We have the advantage.

...No, can't get overconfident. Remember Xatu's training...

"Regirock, lets end this"

His final team mate obligingly stepped past him, coming to a halt on the soft terrain. The announcer started them off.

"Begin"! was all he said. Xiroey was already calling out his command the instant the announcers voice faded.

"Regirock, use Stone Edge"! Xiroey called. Lesson five of Xatu's mental training, if possibly try to find ways to apply safe pressure to the opponent early on. Toss the momentum of the match in your favor. The attack didn't connect. Luco gave the command, and Charizard easily side stepped the attack, now taking flight to give himself an air advantage over his grounded opponent.

...Crud, bad move. Now I've given him time to get into a favorable position. Think...

"Charizard, use Fire Blast"! Luco commanded. Xiroey snapped out of his stupor in time to give Regirock the command to guard itself. Regirock, use Protect!" Xiroey reacted. Unfortunately, Luco had a devious plot. In the back of his mind, Xiroey got a twinge of Deja Vu from it. He was starting to suspect that Protect was actually a bad move.

Charizard staggered his next attack, then just as Regirock's barrier was about to fall, Luco gave the command for Charizard to attack again. Regirock was held prisoner by his own shield, and couldn't move to dodge the attack. The attack hit him full force.

Not bad Luco. But now it's our turn.

Luco looked over at Regirock suspiciously. He was picking somethign up off the ground. "Quick Regirock, use Lock-on". Luco blinked. He had a sneaking suspicion of waht came next. And the object Regirock picked up... He couldn't let Xiroey finish what he was planning. Luco immediately tried calling for Charizard to fire off another Fire Blast, but it was already too late. Regirock finished locking onto it's target. There was a glowing ball of eletricity between it's arms.

"Now Regirock, dodge and use Zap Cannon"!

He knew it! The object Regirock picked up was the magnet from before. He instantly knew he was in trouble. Unless...

"Charizard use Dig" Luco commanded. Charizard quickly pulled into a steep dive. As if controlled by magic, the electric jolt Regirock shot off curved to meet it's intended target as it tried to move out of the way.

It was going to be close.

Charizard managed to bury itself in the ground just milliseconds before the Regirock's attack could hit.

The tables were turned. Now Xiroey had no means of damaging Charizard, and worse. Charizard would reemerge soon. Xiroey realized he was allowing himself to become flustered.

No... must remain calm...
Think... Steady thoughts... Clean waterfalls...

Charizard burst out of the ground directly beneath Regirock's feet. Regirock's natural defense allowed it to hold on, but the attack still hit it super effectively. Regirock recoiled back, stunned.

"Lets finish this Charizard, Seismic Toss"!

Xiroey's eyes widened. That was his chance! To Luco's slight suspicion, Xiroey let Charizard grab hold of Regirock without giving a command. It was only after Charizard and Regirock rose high up above the retractable roof, out of Ear shot, that Xiroey spoke into Regirock's mind directly.

Zap Cannon.

The audience "ooh'd. Members of the audience were given an eye pleasing surprise at the sight of a bright blue explosion that lit up the sky. It was hard to tell by looking up, but it looked like two figures were coming down. They were tiny dots at first, but they were slowly getting larger.

Yess! he let go!

Xiroey smiled when he saw that the attack worked. Charizard was completely paralyzed, and couldn't keep up the attack. Now the two of them of them were in free fall. He wouldn't get a better chance.

Regirock, use Stone Edge!

Nothing. The two of them kept falling.


Xiroey probed at his pokemon's mind, but recieved no response. He felt himself start to panic. Why wouldn't Regirock be responding?

Charizard managed to gain enough control over it's movements to stop his fall at the last minute. He spread his wings wide, floating down on them like a pair of parachutes. Regirock came down hard, It's body was a wrecking ball travelling at over a hundred miles per hour. Regirock's form plowed into the field, tossing up a large cloud of dust into into his face.

Is it over?

When the smoke cleared, Xiroey looked over into crater where Regirock was. Normally, that kind of fall would be nothing to him, even at low stamina. There was a chance...

He looked in.

Regirock was out cold.

"And Regirock is dooowwwwn. The winner is charizard!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I really with this block in my head would go away.
It's like these things are getting harder and harder to write! >_<


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Don't worry, they'll get super easy soon. just remember that writing isn't a chore, more of a fun past-time activity, and you'll be fine! ^_^

And don't worry, because your segment was awesome!!


Unfortunately, it's not like the dark ones will just let us 'finish the competition'. There's gonna be gate crashers... and I know exactly who it should be, now that we have two old friends back... Smashfan's MORTAL enemy...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Regirock... beaten by a Charizard!

"Impressive, Luco... most impressive...", commented Frostwraith as he watched the match from the big screen.

"Luco won the battle and will face against Cynthia in the semi-finals, which are about to begin! The next battle is Frostwraith versus Colress! Which of the two will claim victory and earn a spot on the final?", yelled the announcer.

Semi-finals: | Winner:
Luco vs. Cynthia|Undecided
Frostwraith vs. Colress|Undecided - Next battle!

"Let's go...", muttered Frostwraith to his Hydreigon.

Frostwraith made his way to the stadium. There were only to battles left and he had to be extremely focused if he wanted to win.

"Here we are! The first battle of the semi-finals! On the red corner... Frostwraith! On the blue corner... Colress! Which of them will claim victory? Which of them will lose at so closse to victory? Let's find out!", yelled the enthusiastic announcer.

"Let's see how strong you are...", said Colress. "As another step in researching the potential of Pokémon, I will hold nothing back!"

"... and neither will I...", whispered Frostwraith.


Pokémon Trainer

Pokémon Colosseum - Semi-final Battle

"Hold nothing back, Golurk!", said Frostwraith, sending his first Pokémon.

"Go, Beheeyem!", Colress said while sending his Pokémon.

"The battle has just begun! It's Golurk vs. Beheeyem! I see Golurk is going first with a Shadow Punch move! Beheeyem resists though and uses Trick Room, followed by an Energy Ball move, which hits Golurk hard!", the announcer yelled.

"Golurk, attack using another Shadow Punch!", ordered Frostwraith.

As an unavoidable move, Golurk managed to best Beheeyem, but was feeling rather weak.

"Colress sends out his Magnezone! The dimensions are still distorted, giving Magnezone an opportunity to land a move before Golurk!", said the announcer.

"Magnezone, use Signal Beam!", commanded Colress.

"Golurk couldn't avoid the attack and went down! It appears both trainers are evenly matched!", yelled the announcer.

"Chandelure, now's your turn!", said Frostwraith as he sent his Chandelure.

Trick Room was still in effect, prompting Magnezone to attack Chandelure with Thunderbolt. Chandelure resisted the attack and countered with a Fire Blast move, which missed.

"The dimensions are back to normal!", warned the announcer.

"Chandelure, Overheat!", yelled Frostwraith.

The move hit Magnezone harder than what Fire Blast would and Magnezone was instantly knocked down. Using a White Herb, Chandelure recovered its lowered offensive capabilities.

"And here's Colress's last Pokémon, Metagross! Having taken care of Magnezone quickly, Frostwraith holds the advantage in this fight!"

"Metagross, use Shadow Ball!", ordered Colress.

"Chandelure, dodge it!", Frostwraith reacted.

Chandelure was hit and fainted.

"Chandelure is down... it's time for Frostwraith to rely on his remaining Pokémon!", yelled the announcer.

"Hydreigon, go!", said Frostwraith.

"Hydreigon versus Metagross! Which of them will take the glory for their trainer?", continued the announcer.

"Hydreigon, begin with Fire Blast!", ordered Frostwraith.

The move hit Metagross hard, who countered with a Ice Punch move, severely damaging Hydreigon.

"Those were quite the powerful moves! Both Pokémon are struggling to pull another move!", narrated the announcer. "The round will be decided by who lands the first move!"

"Hydreigon, Earth Power!", ordered Frostwraith.

"Metagross, use Magnet Rise!", ordered Colress almost at the same time.

Hydreigon prepared the move, but Metagross already dodged it via magnetism. Hydreigon attempted to launch another Fire Blast move, but Metagross managed to avoid it and countered with a Signal Beam move.

"Hydreigon, Double Team!", immediatly ordered Frostwraith.

The move proved successful and Hydreigon evaded Metagross's attack.

"Both Pokémon are putting a good fight! It's getting even more exciting each second it passes and the crowd is really going wild!", said the announcer.

"Hydreigon! Use Aqua Tail!", Frostwraith commanded.

"Metagross, dodge with Double Team!", ordered Colress.

"Both Pokémon are using Double Team! The battlefield is a complete chaos!", commented the announcer.

"Hydreigon, Flamethrower now!", ordered Frostwraith.

"Keep using Double Team, Metagross!", responded Colress.

"Let's end this mess... Hydreigon, Psych Up!", commanded Frostwraith.

Suddenly, there was an equal amount of copies of both Pokémon. Both Hydreigon and Metagross attempted to use their moves only to land on illusions. Both Pokémon were starting to wear out.

"Hydreigon... use Roost!", ordered Frostwraith.

"Now the tides have turned! Hydreigon is now recovering vitality and earning advantage against Metagross!", commented the announcer.

"Not bad... but don't think you have won yet...", commented Colress.

"This ends now, Hydreigon! Fire Blast!", ordered Frostwraith.

This time, the move hit Metagross, knocking it down.

"Aaaaand it's over! Metagross is down! That means the winner is Frostwraith, who's been qualified for the finals! Our next battle will decide Frostwraith's last opponent! Will it be Luco or Cynthia? We will find out in the next battle!", yelled the announcer.

Frostwraith exited the stadium and went directly to the Pokémon Center to heal his injured partners. Upon sending his Hydreigon out again, he quickly went outside the building and began to soar around the sky, roaring victoriously and breathing fire, ice and thunder from each of its heads. Frostwraith and other people watched the Dark and Dragon-type Pokémon as he celebrated his own victory...

"The next match is Luco vs. Cynthia... they are both very strong...", commented Frostwraith, whispering.

Semi-finals: | Winner:
Luco vs. Cynthia|Undecided - Next battle!
Frostwraith vs. Colress|Frostwraith
Grand Finale: | Tournament winner:
??? vs. Frostwraith|Undecided

Gotta go to sleep... @_@
Will edit this post tomorrow morning.

Only two more matches to decide the tournament's winner! Frostwraith was already qualified for the finals... and now, Luco faces off against Cynthia, who's also a member of the group.

As a reminder, Cynthia's Pokémon are Garchomp (her signature Pokémon), Spiritomb, Lucario, Milotic, Gastrodon, Togekiss, Roserade, Braviary, Eelektross and Glaceon.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"Stupid!" Xiroey cursed under his breath for the millionth time. The cool late-afternoon sun greeted him as he trudged his way out of the stadium. He regarded the new light with slight distaste. Normally, just stepping out into the fresh air was enough to lift his spirits.

But this time was different. Truth is, he messed up. And now his friends were paying the price.

"Hey hey, go easy on the poor ants. They've got families to feed to ya know". A familiar baritone voice snapped Xiroey out of his negative thoughts.

"Hey, Krook." Xiroey said dejectedly. His boot buried itself again in the loose turf, sending up small puffs of dust like miniature sandstorms.

"In a stormy mood after the loss eh"? Krookodile stepped closer. Xiroey felt the touch of an arm being wrapped around his shoulder, and instantly shoved it away. "Whoa! Easy now, I don't mean no harm. Just trying to help out is a-"

"Please Krook" Xiroey cut in, the sorrow in his voice made Krookodile pause.

"...Was it that bad?" Krookodile finally said. Xiroey meerely stared at the ground. The smoke clouds he'd kicked up earlier were starting to dissipate. He wished he could say the same about his mood. Krookodile took in Xiroey's silence as all the response he needed.

"Well, whenever you need to talk mate, Charizard and I are staying over by the lake. It's a pretty nice spot, might give you some time to think in peace aye"?

Xiroey still hadn't moved. Why did he have to be such an idiot when all of his friends were depending on him? It wasn't like he was trying to be this way. It was that stupid time flux! Ever since it hit he'd been feeling 'different'. It felt like he was constantly expending much of his mental energy just to remain sane. He realized he still hadn't answered Krookodile's question.

"Krook..." Xiroey began, his voice barely a whisper.

"Mate?" Suddenly Xiroey was responding. That was good, right?

"Can I... ask you a quest"-


A cheery, sing-song voice suddenly cut the conversation short. Xireoy had the profound sense that he might as well return the greeting. This was a person he hadn't seen in ages after all. "Hiya Mar" Xiroey mumbled as Mari drew close. The bright smile on Mari's face melted.

"What's wrong? You aren't happy to see me"? Mari sounded almost hurt. Mari's voice always did carry a sort of musical-like quality. Whenever she was sad, happy, excited, angry... It was another of the things that would usually be enough to snap Xiroey out of his dark moods.

"I don't think now is the best time Miss"- Krookodile began, but was cut off yet again.

"Xiro, aren't you at least going to say 'Hi' to me? I've been worried about you, hearing that you've been off fighting with a group of strangers you've just met"-

"They're not strangers, all right? And I'm not in the mood right now. Go... bug someone else for a change" Xiroey growled. His eyes flared faintly, for a second his features looked almost... draconian.

Mari finally spoke up again after a long pause. Her voice was soft, but there was no doubt she was doing her best to hold back anger. "So, I see you have changed after all".


"Don't worry about it Xiro. If you want be be left alone that badly, I won't 'bug' you any longer". Mari gave a small huff, then stormed off in a swish of fabric. Xiroey huffed as well, then stormed off in the opposite direction. Krookodile realized that Xiroey happened to be stomping off in the direction of the lake, and decided to follow.

He wasn't sure what could possibly be the cause for his buddy's distress. But he took it as his duty as Xiroey's friend to find out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Xiroey! Get your whiny arse back here. Now!" Kookodile's roar was loud enough to wake the dead. The sound of it make Xiroey jump. In all the short time he'd known Krook, he didn't even know he was capable of losing his temper. He stopped walking, but he still didn't turn around.

"Obviously you didn't hear me", Krookodile growled "I told you to get your sorry, prada loving hide over here so I"- The stream of insults died on Krookodiles lips. He spun Xiroey around, only to find that he had tears in his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't... I just figured... you were ignoring me so..." Krookodile stumbled, whatever anger he felt before vanished instnatly"

Xiroey waved the appologys away. "I can't do this anymore." Xiroey cried pitifully. His image shifted, his human transformation was fading.

"Whoa, easy there now! Losing is rough, I know, but that's no reason to beat yourself up. We can talk this out".

"It's not just the loss. It's all of them! How am I supposed to protect anyone when I can't even think straight?" Xiroey's voice was progressively getting louder. Krookodile winced as Xiroey's voice went several notes higher in pitch. His image was starting to blur like an old photo, and Krookodile thought he could see a ghostly "V" shape hovering at Xiroey's back. Were those... wings?

"Alright, alright. No need to get upset. We all have those moemnts. If you're having troubles with clearing your head, why don't you try"-

"I've tried meditation! I tried sparring, I tried talking it through. None of it helps! Lately it feels like I'm closer and closer to snapping whenever anybody rubs me the wrong way. D****it, you're a giant Crocodile for Arceus sake. How do you even supposed to deal with this"!

Xiroey's transformation finally vanished completely. Latios let out a loud roar, before slamming his claws into the soft dirt. Blue blames erupted from the small crater they crated, instantly setting a small portion of the grassland ablaze. Krookodile started when he saw this, and quickly rushed over to put the fires out.

"Whew, don't you watch the Dusty Ursaring commercials? You trying to start a forest fire"?

Latios was silent, he was breating heavily. Krookodile thought he could see a black aura forming, steadily growing with each passing second. For a second, he felt frightened.

"Xiro...?" Krookodile approached him wearily. Latios continued to float in space, a dark aura festering around him, causing his hide to glow a purplish shade. Krookodile drew close and tried laying a had on his shoulder to calm him, as he usually did, then was surprised when a sudden burst of energy knocked it back.

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure I've heard of this..." Krookodile stepped back. He wasn't totally sure what was going on with Xiroey, but whatever it was, his fighting insticts were begining to stir.

"Signor Krok!" Luco called over to the two of them when he saw Krookodile and Latios standing in one spot. Just the two he was looking for. He stopped, suddenly, when he noticed the ominous feeling starting to gather.

"What happened, did you two get in a fight"? He glanced over at Latios. His eyes were glowing pure purple, which he isntatnly took as a bad sign. Latios emitted a low, almost primal growl.

"Best stay back little man, I think something or someone has managed to take hold of our friend here".

"Luco". Latios called out in a voice that sounded distorted. It was aimed at him, but both he and Krookodle could hear him speaking in their minds.

"Yeah, whats up"? Luco tried his best to sound casual. He couldn't help drawing out a bit of his magical power...

"You said you wanted to fight me", The glow in Latios' eyes faded, and when it did, Luco saw a pair of hard, merciless eyes focus directly on him. They were blood red. [glow]
Lets fight.[/glow]

[glow]V.S. Xiroey[/glow]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another piece of my plot revealed!
For those of you new to FF, Xiroey hasn't always been cheerful or silly as you've seen. Perhaps around close friends, but his usual demeanor could probably be described as Serious, and down-to-earth.

So why then has he been acting so strange?
More to be revealed in time... :evil:


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Krookodile and Luco both hopped back as the ground beneath them erupted with black spikes. Latios has a malicous grin on his face as he saw the his two friends jump back in genuine fear. Luco gazed into the eyes of his opponent, he found no mercy there. Latios had gotten his point across.

This was no sparring match.

"Xiroey, I'm not sure what's come over you lately, but whatever's causing you to act this way, you have my vow that I will free you from it!"

"Come try". Was all Latios said, then his eyes glowed again, and Luco felt a horrible crushing sensation that could only be described as hundreds of pounds of pressure crushing down on him. Krookodile recognized the attack.

"That's Psyshock Luco! you need to defend yourself! I'll not interefere in this fight if you wish, since he is your opponent. But you need to realize, Xiroey is clearly not going to hold back in this fight. And neither should you"!

Luco grunted against the attack, faintly, he could hear Krookodile speaking to him. Probably trying to give him advice. But at he felt like every part of him was being compressed to the point where his bones began to creak.

"Alright, Xiro. You asked for it..." Luco managed to fight against the brunt of Latios' mental attack, then sent out a mental assault of his own. Latios let out a cry as it felt like metal vicegrips were crushing at his mind.

He's too out of it to fight against my Mind Block!

Luco increased the force of the attack. Gradually, Latios' hodl over him faded, and he could move again. Seizing his chance, Luco summoned up a great sphere of water, preparing to launch it at the dazed Eon.

Latios felt the pressure in his head subside. His mind still felt groggy, like he'd stayed up too long playing video games and watching television. Faintly, he took note of a giant orb of water flying over at him.

"Careless..." Latios cursed. His senses came back to him, and he managed to toss up a wall of Ice just before the sphere hit. The orb crashed up against it, splattering out in all directions. Just as the water droplets began to scatter, Xiroey used his Icy wind from behind the barrier and froze them, creating Icy needles.

Luco saw what Latios was doing and prepared himself. He channeled up energy again, this time summoning a powerful water barrier. Latios sent the icy needles flying at him. They each collided with the barrier, dealing no damage to Luco. But, even as Luco's barrier fell and the attack stopped, Luco realized that something was amiss.

He glanced over behind the barrier the best he could. There was no shadow, on the ground behind it, nor any other sign to alert him that Latios was there. He instantly sent his attention to his surroundings. So Latios was going to try and flank him? He'd be ready.

Luco wasn't prepared for the attack that hit him, even though he had his senses cast out for any sign of danger. He felt something sharp and hot scratch his cheek, drawing blood. then again at his right arm, tearing the fabric of his shirt. It suddenly dawned on him. Latios was invisible! He felt Latios slash him again, this time in the back. He grunted softly, trying his best to bear the pain, then crouched down and summoned up a strange symbol on the ground.

In the back of his mind, he could feel Latios approach him again. He let the symbol vanish, it was torn appart by water, incidentally, capturing Latios in it as well.

Latios Invisiblity faded. Red droplets of his blood splattered into Luco's face. "That hurt..." Latios growled. His body suddenly glowed, then seconds later a giant explosion of light filled the grassy clearing. It engulfed everything. Luco could feel the light eating away at him as he was caught in it. The sensation wasn't easy to describe, but somehow he began to feel weaker, his nerves getting more sensitive to every sensation with each second he was trapped inside it.

Then the light faded.

Latios was gone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part one of the battle. Since I'm feeling up to it today, I figured I'd write it :p

Luco, I hope I RP'd you correctly in this battle. If you see any problems in here let me know! The next part belongs to you~ ;)


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Outside the Battle Frontier Stadium

"2 chilli dogs, please!"

Sonic gave 7 rings to the clerk in exchange for the food. Then he set off to find his student.

"Hope she didn't go too far, as much as I want to meet Xiro, I don't wanna drop these de-"

He found Mari sitting behind a tree, and from the looks of it, she sounded like she was...crying?

"Mari...?" Sonic gently sat down next to her. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Hey...What's wrong?" He asked.

"......He.....He's changed, Sonic...."

"Changed....You mean Xiro? Our Xiro?" That came as a suprise to him. He was sure Xiro hadn't changed...he didn't seem like the type.

"What did he say?"

"He told me to BUG off!" Mari suddenly blurted out. Her eyes glowed with anger and sorrow. "Bug off! Xiro! I mean, where did THAT come from?!"

"Well...he did just lose a match." Sonic suggested. "Maybe he wasn't in a good mood-"

"Good mood? He scowled at me, Sonic! Like...like...he...he didn't want me near him."

The two were silent for a few minutes, glooming over what had just transpiered. Sonic looked over at Mari. It was a known fact to his closest friends that he hated tears, so he reached into his pocket and gave her a hanky.

"Sniff...Thanks, Sonic." Mari blew her nose. "You know, you always have at least ten of these things on you. Where do you get them?"

"Let's just say I made a wish." Pause. "...I think there's something wrong with Xiro."

"You think?"

"Yeah, I mean, Xiro hasn't seen you in ages! And then he tells you to 'bug off'? At the very least, he should have said 'hello!' !"

Mari shook her head. "Nope."

"...Oh, that's it."

Sonic jumped up to his feet and cracked his knuckles. "I'm going to talk to him."

Mari knew Sonic well enough to know what he was thinking. "By 'talk', you mean beat the living c*ap out of him."

"That's the idea."

"Xiro may have told me off, but that's no reason to just walk up to him and-"

Mari's eyes suddenly started to glow with a white light. She seemed to zone out for a moment before regaining her senses.

"Uh...what was that all about?" Sonic asked.

"I just sensed a pulse of...something dark..." Mari closed her eyes for a moment. If I could just pinpoint where it came from...


"...Xiro." She whispered.


"That pulse came from Xiro, I'm sure of it!" Mari exclamed. "Looks like you were right, Teach."

"Well, then, what are we waiting for?" Sonic said with a determined look on his face.

"Express route?" Mari suggested.

Sonic instantly paled. He clearly didn't like the Express route. "Uh...don't we need one of those Popstarian circle things or something?"

"He's close by, so we don't need it. This teleportation spell should take us to his current location."

"And what if there really is something wrong with him? I mean, really, really wrong." Sonic said in a consered tone.

"I'm not going to attack him unless he attacks first. And if he really hasn't changed...he won't." At least, Mari hoped so.

The student grabbed her teacher by the arm and they both suddenly disappeared in flash of white light.

The Lake

Sonic and Mari just flashed in when Xiro-Latios -was about to unleash an attack. Mari knew that attack.

Luster Purge....!!!

It took mere miliseconds for Mari to figure out that they weren't going to avoid the blast if they ran.


As she pushed her mentor aside, Mari thrust her arm forward. A spear-like sword suddenly took shape in her palm, and within a second, Mari sank the sword into the ground. Immediately, a blue dome surrounded her and Sonic, sheilding them from the Luster Purge.

When it was over, Latios was gone.

"What the heck was that all about?!" Sonic screamed.

Mari didn't answer right away, but when she did, she said:

"He's still here."


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Hoho! Things have gotten interesting indeed...

Mari and Sonic carefully looked out for Latios, a mysterious black cloaked figure descends from above, riding a Hydreigon.

"What just happened here? What was all this darkness I felt?", the figure asked.

"Who are you?!", reacted Mari, who thought of the figure as a threat.

The figure took off the hood, revealing his pale, deeply scarred face.

"I am Frostwraith, a dark mage... I've been travelling with Xiroey here and his companions, like Luco...", said Frostwraith in his trademark serious, monotone voice.

"Why should I trust you, a dark mage, above anyone else?", asked Mari, suspicious.

"You judge me based on my appearence... funny. I've been participating in this tournament. Perhaps you didn't notice... I'm not a big fan of crowded places.", told Frostwraith.

Before the conversation even continued, Latios suddenly began to raise again, with a threatening look on his face.

"Hydreigon, use Draco Meteor!", immediatly ordered Frostwraith.

The attack brutally injured Latios, who was now barely capable of moving himself.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!", screamed Mari, upon seeing the brutal wound caused by Hydreigon's attack.

"Chains of Light!", yelled Frostwraith holding his sword towards the sun, ignoring Mari's reaction.

The sword became imbued with light power and Frostwraith launched a light spell that materialized chains made of pure light energy. Frostwraith proceeded to use healing magic to treat the wound his Hydreigon made.

"He should be fine. The chains of light will make him unable to move, should he go into his darkened state. He's unconscious, but if he wakes up and he's his normal self, the chains of light should fade away.", explained Frostwraith, before taking off on his Hydreigon. "I'm sure we'll meet again... farewell..."

"He's one odd fellow...", commented Sonic, after Frostwraith took off.

Frostwraith arrived at the camp, where he found Cynthia.

"Hello, Cynthia.", greeted Frostwraith.


"About the tournament... you've been doing quite well. I wouldn't expect nothing less from the Sinnoh Champion...", said Frostwraith, with a glimpse of compliment in his otherwise monotone voice.

"Well, that's how things go... I must commend your skills that let you reach the finals. Luco is my next opponent, so I sure expect a heated match."

"Considering he defeated Regirock using Charizard, I must admit he's quite talented... I look forward to see which of you will face me in the finals... until then, good luck."

After the brief conversation with Cynthia, Frostwraith enters inside his tent and picked another book about curses.

"What could be happening to Xiroey? Hmmm... there's something... unhinged... about him. Perhaps, I can use my knowledge to cure whatever is making him going berserk like that...", whispered Frostwraith, as he began to read the book.

If you object to anything done here, case I RP'd someone wrongly or something, be sure to tell me!

@Mari: [COLLAPSE="@Mari:"]Since you weren't here when I entered the story, I will tell about Frostwraith and the Dark Ones.

He's a dark mage whose parents were killed by the Dark Ones when he was still very young, thus he has no memories of them. He was raised and tutored in the Pokémon world by a friend of his family, who taught him many kinds of magic. Frostwraith's tutor, whom Frostwraith himself refers to as his master, eventually told him about his family of mages and died. Since then, Frostwraith has been travelling alone, learning magic and becoming stronger in hopes to avenge his dead parents.

Frostwraith's personality isn't very hard to describe. He's stoic and calm in most situations, he's also reserved about his past and mostly talks a serious, monotone voice. He trains his magic skills and Pokémon everyday: in his words, he "must never neglect his daily training."

Deep within all this tough looking, serious personality and all the gloom and doom, he's actually a caring person, willing to help anyone in danger. He doesn't like fighting and avoids attacking anyone unnecessarily. Should there be any necessity of fighting, though, he won't hold back and will use all his strength to ensure the others' protection. He also trains Pokémon and mostly uses Ghost and Dark-type Pokémon. Whenever he's alone with his Pokémon, his personality drastically changes, revealing his more emotional side.

His Pokémon team consists of: Chandelure (Male) and Hydreigon (Male) as his main fighters, but he also has the following members: Zoroark (Shiny, female), Gengar (Male), Rotom, Golurk, Haunter (Male), Froslass (Female), Houndoom (Male), Umbreon (Male) and Cofa grigus (Male)

His Pokémon are his most trusted partners, especially Hydreigon, Chandelure and Rotom who have been in his possession since he was a child.

He dislikes crowded places, preferring to be alone, honing his skills as a mage and training his Pokémon.

About the Dark Ones... they are an evil organization seeking domination over all. They seek to destroy and rebuild the multiverse anew and rule according to their Master's twisted ideals. For some reason (which I will reveal later), they want Frostwraith alive at all costs. Whatever that reason is, I can say it's not a very pleasant one... :evil:

The Dark Ones' Master... nothing is known about him other than the fact he's not human and seeks to destroy the multiverse. Whatever his ideals or motives are, they are not known by anyone, not even his minions. He manifests his presence as a voice coming from inside an orb of darkness located in a special room in his hideout. Among his most powerful minions stand the likes of Ganondorf, Palpatine and Zalgo, who was ressurrected by the Dark Ones' Master himself. Many of his minions, though, are deluded enough to believe they will bring good to the world, while others serve the Master very fanatically and will attack anyone ruthlessly to fulfill the Master's destructive wishes.

Spirit (Xiroey's brother) was tricked by the Dark Ones into believing they were fighting for a better world. Confronted by Xiroey and Frostwraith, however, he reflected upon his motives and questioned his loyalty to the Master, siding with Xiroey in the end.[/COLLAPSE]
@Xiroey: speaking of Spirit, what happened to him as he hasn't appeared in the story after his duel with Xiroey...

@Whoever seeks to continue this part: the Chains of Light aren't as strong as Frostwraith claims...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Thanks, Frost. That really helped a lot! Also, for everyone else, Mari has a better grip on her temper than before. So she'll probably tolerate someone for a while before blowing up. Just wanted to let you guys know before RPing as me. :] )))


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...

Mari learned that counting to ten really helped to calm her when in an otherwise nervous mood. "...Frostwraith....Sonic-"

"If you were gonna ask, I've never heard of him. Though I bet Magolor does, he's always in the know about all the mages and wizards and such..." Sonic absentmindedly leaned his head to one side, a habit whenever he's confused about something. "But the real question is what in the name of Chaos is going on with Xiro."

Mari didn't waste any time to find out. With a snap of her fingers, she made her sword disappear before making a bee line towards Xiro.

"Careful..." Sonic cautioned. "You don't know if he's still out of it..."

"I don't need to know." Mari shouted back. Sitting right next to him, Mari gave him a quick once-over. He seemed completely unharmed. Perhaps this Frostwraith wasn't as scary as he seemed to be.

Meanwhile, Sonic was having his own private nervous breakdown. Mari was completely defenceless, and right next to what may or may not be a crazed Eon.

But Mari's been training all this time, Sonic reasured himself. She can handle herself, right? Right?

While Sonic worried about his first and only student, Mari was busy figuring out what to do about Xiro. She didn't want to hurt him, nor did she want to risk preforming any healing spells on him. So she did the one thing that was left. Talk to him.

"Hi, Xiro." Mari spoke softly. "Listen, I know that you can hear me somehow. Whatever is making you do this, you need to fight it."

Xiro stirred a little, making the Chains of Light that bounded him clink together.

Seeing that he really was listening, Mari continued. "...Sonic told me what happened to you and Spirit...I guess I should tell you how...how he and I got seperated.

"See, I was taking a stroll down Main Street in Spagonia, and I happen to go down this lane towards the Aquaduct. Spirit says he always liked it when the water chutes down into a waterfall, which sprays out this beautiful double rainbow. On this perticular day, he told me to take off the bracelet with the Soul Dew and hold it up so that he could see the rainbow better. I did, and..."

Mari was on the verge of tears now, and sobbed a little before continuing.

"And...I blacked out suddenly. When I woke up, Spirit was gone..."

Xiro moved again, shaking his head a little. Mari couldn't tell if that was a 'What?' shake or a 'You idiot.' shake.

"You...you entrusted me with your own brother...and I lost him. If I took better care of the Soul Dew, he would have never...." Mari gently placed a hand on the Eon's body. "I looked everywhere for him since that day. In my spare time, I asked people in Spagonia if they had seen him. No one did."

Mari's face was wet with sad and shameful tears, which landed on Xiro.

"I...I had this fear that you would blame me for losing your brother. And when you brushed me off, I-"

Suddenly, Xiro's eyes popped open, making Mari cry out in suprise. But Xiro didn't attack or say anything. His eyes weren't really seeing; they glowed a dark blue.

A few seconds pass. Mari spoke. "I...I understand if you're mad at me. And if you feel that you can't forgive me...I understand that too. It's just that...

You are one of my best friends, Xiro. And I had this feeling that you were gonna glomp me when you saw me or something...But...if this is how you've truly changed...That won't matter. Because I'm not gonna move from this spot, even if you attack me. I won't move even to defend myself, because I know that you, the real you, won't hurt me...because I trust you, Xiroey."

Mari sniffed a little, and waited for Xiro to respond or move or do...something. She just hoped that the something he did, didn't involve her guts outside of her body....


(((Gonna wait on you, Xiro.)))

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Inside of the battle frontier)

Richard: Somethings going on outside, i'm going to check it out.

Wesker: I'm coming too in case there's trouble.

(Upon exiting the battle frontier they look over to the lake and see a group of people including a blue hedgehog)

Richard: Over there, somethings not right.

(Richard and wesker zip toward the commotion to investigate)

Richard: Xiroey! what happened and who's the girl?

Mari: Who's the girl? Excuse me but i'm mari, for someone who zips over here with blinding speed, you sure aren't very nice.

Richard: Sorry, i'm just worried about a friend that's all, anyway i'm richard and the guy in the tall black jacket is albert wesker.

Mari: Nice to meet both of you.

[Sorry i just needed to include myself in the scene as well, someone can take over.]


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"M-mari..." Mari's heart leaped when she heard Latios speak her name. She pulled back suddenly when she realized she'd hugging him. The same two sightless eyes greeted her, but they looked different somehow. She started slightly when she realized that her shoulder was damp.


"P-please..." Latios was suddenly struggling against his restraints. He pulled desperately against them like a frightened rabbit trying to escape. A feral growl reached Mari in her mind, it was probably supposed to be intimidating, but Mari thought it sounded distressed. "It's alright Xiro, I'm here. You have to fight against whatever's doing this to you".

Latios paused for a second. He looked around like he couldn't believe that someone else was actually there with him. Mari was surprised when his eyes finally settled directly on her. Was it coincidence? She felt something press against her mind.

"What is it? Is something causing you to"-

Mari's eyes opened wide, bright colors flashed into her vision. She had the sensation of falling though empty space, a billion rainbow-like streaks swirling by at a million miles an hour. Whether the sensation lasted for a few seconds or a few hours, she couldn't tell. But, as she regained consciousness, she realized she was in the middle of an apolocyptic battlefield.

"A vision"? Mari looked around, confused. Felled buildings littered the clearing like discarded toys, pebbles and tumbleweed tumbled and tossed, making the scene before her seem even more empty.

Mari tried to move, so she could get a better look around, but was surprised when she found that she couldn't. She tried getting her legs to work, but for some reason she still felt like she was kneeling in the same grass field as before. Before she could ponder on it further, the scene before her changed. Ghostly images appeared. They looked like they were doing battle with each other.

She recognized a few members of Impact. Charizard, fending off several powerful enemies at once, acting as a battering ram that destroyed everything and everyone in sight. Krookodile, surprisingly vicious in his berserk battle craze. His foot stomped and the enemy forces were ravaged by earthquakes. He stomped again and howls reached her ears as legs snapped and bodies were crushed.

The sheer amount of bloodshed was staggering! Then, something else caught her eye, a flash of black. The vision zoomed in on Charizard, he was busy making due with a monster of a golem, it's body composed almost completely of sewer and rotted plants. He let loose a torrent of firebreath against the creature and it fell with a surprisingly high scream. Charizard completely disregarded the creature, figuring it was no longer a threat, and was about to move on to the next target when...

"He staggered back. A deep horizontal slash wound suddenly appeared on his chest. He tried to right himself, but whatever hit him slashed him again. He roared as the thin membranes that covered his wings were slashed open. He fell to his knees, letting out a pained grunt.

The attacks stopped.

Mari blinked, there was a youth standing there. He was clad in all black robes, his hair was jet black, almost too dark to be natural. His skin looked pale, like he'd spent the majority of his life hiding away from the sun. A pair of blood red eyes gazed down on Charizard with a mixture of amusement and hate. A sadistic grin on his face made his features look almost inhuman.

"Well, this is more fitting. I rather like how you look like that. The big tough char, sniveling on his knees".

Charizard looked at the boy hatefully and spat in his face. "Demon, if you're going to kill me than do it. I've no words to share with the likes of you."

"Oh"? Xiroey cocked his head like he usually did when he was confused "But you just did there buddy". Somehow that last word didn't seem right coming out of his mouth.

Charizard snorted, he wasn't about to be drawn into Xiroey's games. Unconsciosuly, he gave his wings an experimental flap. He winced as a sharp pain shot up his back. Dismally, Charizard realized that his flying days were over.

"Hmm... I guess you won't talk to me after all" Xiroey sounded almost sad. He took out his gun and shot Charizard in the chest. "Oh well, perhaps your friend will be a little more talkative aye"?

He walked away and left his 'best friend' there to spasm painfully as the electricity attacked his body.

Abruptly, Mari felt the vision before her fade. She was back in the clearing. Latios was still staring at her, his eyes were glowing. Mari slowly felt movement return to her limbs. The glow in Latios' eyes faded, and they were once again Red. Mari blinked. Latios observed her silently.

"What was that you showed me just now?" The images from before seemed so real. But they couldn't be. And the battlefield from the vision, the collapsed buildings. She thought it looked suspiciously like Impact City.

"Kill me". The thought hit her all of a sudden. There were no traces of whatever was controlling him before. His voice sounded completely normal.

"You're back with us..." Mari tried her best to ignore the command Latios just gave her. Xiroey would never ask her to do such a thing. She must've imagined it, right?

"It's hapened before Mari. This isn't the first time."

Mari nodded, she knew. There were times in the past where Xiroey would briefly lose his mind and go on a rampage. But none of them were as bad as the one she saw in the vision just now.

"We're here for you Xiro, we can help".

Latios shook his head slowly, "I'll... just end up hurting you. Again." She found traces of an apology there. So he wasn't actually mad at her before. He was trying to push her away.

For her own safety.

"It's alright Xiro, I'm not angry with you".

"I am". Latios broke eye contact, his face cast down in shame.

"None of this is your fault".

"It doesn't matter. I'd rather end it all here... than hurt any of you".

"You know I can't do that"-

"Then the only alternative is to chain me away. Somewhere safe and dark. I can't take that risk".

"But, you wouldn't do any of that"!

Latios stared at her, then over at Luco. Mari followed his gaze, she hadn't noticed Luco standing there before. He was standind politely out of the way so the two of them could have their privacy.

He was bleeding in several spots.

"Please." Latios pleaded again.

He layed his head down near her legs. His neck was left completely exposed. Mari got the message.

Mari froze, the rational side of her knew what she had to do. She realized that she wouldn't get a better chance that the once she was presented with now.

But... He was her best freind...

"I..." Mari paused, unsure of how to proceed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The story forks from here, should Latios be allowed to live?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lol, dat Ninja.
Hmm... the posts make sense if you switch Mine and Richard's around.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So be it...

Mari was just about give the mercy killing blow to Xiroey, when suddenly a few scattered dark bolts rain from the sky mixed along with some magical arrows, both light and dark, mixed with scattered flames.

"What the--", reacted Mari.

Frostwraith rode his Hydreigon and accompanying them were Pit and Dark Pit, as well as Cynthia and Alder riding their Braviary and Volcarona respectively.

"You just can't do something hideous like that, Mari!", yelled Frostwraith.

"Frost, what's going on here?", reacted Xiroey.

"I found a possible solution in one of my magic books... you, Xiroey... are cursed!", said Frostwraith. "A rare type of hex... thankfully, I had just finished reading a book about curses... and possession."

"Cursed? What do you mean with that?", inquired Richard.

"Allow me for a demonstration...", calmly said Frostwraith, snapping his finger. Richard suddenly felt a horrible headache and a lot of fever. Launching a healing spell at Richard, Frostwraith cured him of the condition.

"Oww... my head...", said Richard in pain.

"That was a lighter hex...", sighed Frostwraith.

"A lighter hex? Where are you going with this?", inquired Mari.

"What Xiroey has is nothing more but demonic possession of the highest order. What I did to Richard was to give him nearly fatal fever, but it's like I said, it was a low level hex.", explained Frostwraith, calmly.

"So what do you pretend to do?", curiously asked Mari.

"Drive whatever fiend inside of Xiroey out... keep your distance everyone... this could get risky... and I mean very risky.", warned Frostwraith.

"I don't like the sound of this...", said Sonic.

"We're talking about dark magic here... it's among the most strange magic around. It's not evil, but it's certainly no toy... see all those scars in my face? These aren't there for no reason.", further explained Frostwraith, who was as serious as ever. "We're dealing with something dangerous here... it could cost our lives... and killing Xiroey would only set free the... thing dwelling inside of him."

"Okay...", reacted Mari.

"It's time to start the purge...", grimly said Frostwraith. "I warn again... keep a safe distance. Except you, Xiroey."

Everyone backed off as Frostwraith demanded.

"Frost, what in bl--", Luco began.

"Silence!", rudely interrupted Frostwraith. "I need to focus..."

Xiroey standed there as Frostwraith ordered.

"NOW!", yelled Frostwraith, launching a bolt of light energy at Xiroey, hurting him.

"What the--", reacted Mari.

Xiroey's eyes began to glow again.

"Oh, no...", reacted Luco.

"Light Chains!", yelled Frostwraith as he binded Latios in light energy. "Expurget!"

Latios let off a roar which indicated pain and anger at the same time. Frostwraith remained as focused as ever.

"Damn... this is not working as I expected...", muttered Frostwraith.

"Arrgghh!!", roared Latios.

"Now... come! Face me, demon! Devour me! Feed my anger!!", yelled Frostwraith even louder, causing the black Latios to charge at him with full strength.

Frostwraith used light magic to stun him and ordred Hydreigon to use Draco Meteor, severely hurting Latios, who got back to fight as if nothing happened.

"Everyone, stay out of this!", yelled Frostwraith. "This is getting dangerous!"


Kid Icarus: Uprising - Boss Fight 2

Frostwraith was aided by Hydreigon in the battle.

"I need your hand, Chandelure!", said Frostwraith, sending his Chandelure.

Latios merely roared and charged at Frostwraith himself, who got knocked down.

"Frost!", yelled Luco.

"This is nothing! I will not be defeated by a demon like this! Now, do your worst, fiend!", said Frostwraith, drawing his sword.

Latios prepared a Hyper Beam move. Frostwraith merely stood there, waiting for Latios to fire the beam.

"Come! Face me!", provoked Frostwraith.

Latios fired and Frostwraith quickly conjured a magic mirror, deflecting the beam back at Latios, who needed recharging.

"Not quite so tough now, are you?", further provoked Frostwraith, causing Latios's rage to build up.

Latios was now fully recharged again and prepared another attack.

"Not so fast! Hydreigon, Draco Meteor!", yelled Frostwraith.

The attack interrupted Latios, giving Frostwraith time.

"Chandelure... Shadow Ball...", ordred Frostwraith. "Partners... I need you to buy me time... hold him off has best as you can..."

Chandelure kept attacking Latios by firing Shadow Ball attacks. Hydreigon attacked with such ferocity that some members of the group questioned if Frostwraith intended to kill Xiroey.

"And now... it ends...", muttered Frostwraith. "Dual... Dragon Blast!!!"

Frostwraith shot two dragon shaped projectiles, one made of pure, bright light, the other made of pitch-black darkness. The combined spell hit Latios hard, knocking him unconscious. In fact, almost dead.

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Arceus Battle

Frostwraith began conjuring strange sigils which seemed to be made of arcane energy. The sigils made their way inside Latios's body causing it to shake uncontrollably in a way unhinged and unnatural.

"Two souls... one body bound to them...", whispered Frostwraith, with his dark red eyes starting to glow. "My first use of soul manipulation magic... I can only hope..."

Frostwraith began to hold a strange bluish purple energy ball, which seemed to have souls orbitating around what seemed to be a core.

"Soul Split...", muttered Frostwraith.

The energy ball slowly travelled to Latios's shaking body. Frostwraith's heartbeat was very high, he was starting to get dizzy. Upon contacting Latios' body, it suddenly stopped, only for it to shake even more crazily and suddenly a dark cloud popped out from Latios' body.

"Now, this truly ends... Lux, purget hoc pe fende... Curarent confractum istum corpus...", calmly said Frostwraith, while conjuring a light ball in his hands. "Finem huius tormentum!"

The light ball materialized into a sharp spike, which stroke against the dark cloud, causing it to blow up.

Shortly after the explosion, Frostwraith fell onto his knees and began to struggle to breathe.

"I... it... is... ov...er... uurgh... I... did... it...", said Frostwraith, coughing heavily between each word he spoke. "I... need... rest..."

Frostwraith fell unconscious.

Few minutes later, Xiroey woke up, wondering where he was. He was back at the group's camp. Now possessing a seemingly lighter color, he felt strangely optimistic.

"Xiro!", reacted Mari.

"Mari? Is that you?", reminded Xiroey. "I'm sorry..."

"You're alive now... that's what should matter for now... that mysterious Frostwraith fellow has nearly gave his life trying to save you from whatever it was tormenting you."

Frostwraith was lying on the floor, still unconscious. His body felt heavy and there were no signs of breath nor heartbeat.

"Is he dead?", asked Pit.

"He's holding on... but his vitality is very weak... he has really overdone his use of magic.", telepathically responded Palutena. "He will be fine, though."

Few more minutes later, and Frostwraith woke up, all worn out.

"I hope that's the last time I have to take things so far...", said Frostwraith. "I suppose I should meditate for while..."

"That was quite the achievement there...", said Dark Pit.

"It was nothing...", responded Frostwraith.

Frostwraith got up and slowly walked to Xiroey.

"Frost...", reacted Xiroey.

"Hadn't I interrupted you that time... and your death would've been in vain... you shouldn't have problems with that thing again... but, there might be traces of it flowing through your body, so I can't say anything for sure... urggh...", said Frostwraith before rolling his eyes and collapsing again.

"Frost!", reacted Xiroey.

Frostwraith opened his eyes again.

"I am just too weak now... I can't be doing this effort to stay awake... but... I have a proposal... for... you...", weakly said Frostwraith.

"Proposal?", questioned Xiroey.

"Like... I said... there are... traces... of that... thing... in your... bo...dy... I can... teach... you... how to... control that power... just... let me... rest... for... now...", weakly said Frostwraith, before falling asleep.

"Control that power...", repeated Xiroey, before starting to consider such possibility.

So... tell me what you think about this part, will you? If it goes against something... tell me, okay?

Also, let's not forget that the tournament is still going! The second semi-final is Cynthia vs. Luco, with the winner facing off against Frostwraith in the grand finale.

And the question is (considering everyone's okay with this): will Xiroey accept Frostwraith's offer to teach him how to control those shadowy powers?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"Found them", Palpatine slammed his fist against the table. Everybody instinctively looked at the origin of the sound. There was a few moments of silence until somebody spoke out.

"Where?", Ghetsis asked on behalf of the group.

"Pokemon Stadium", answered Palp, he then looked behind from which he stood and saw the powerful group.

"Don't get any fresh ideas Palpatine, we may have a strong group with us as well as a teammate who knows each strengths and weaknesses, but if our strongest chunk of the army is defeated, then we all know what that means.
" , the Dark Master commented. "I propose that N, Ghetsis, Muhti, & Dark Arceus to go after the weak group. They already fought the demon I implanted in the Pokemon Xiroey. Plus we will have a nice guest by the name of Arceus to help them defeat the Pokemon Devil." , laughter followed the plan.

"My apologizes", Palpatine responded, "We shall do as you say." Despite Palps loyalty, he gave a dirty look at the orb.

"Ghetsis can use his White Kyurem to help.", Muhti suggested. trying not to leak too much information into the wild.

"Well obviously I'm going to use Kyurem", Ghetsis scolded.

"Maybe you weren't going to use him.", Muhti objected.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S A HE?!", Ghetsis obnoxiously asked as Muhti shook his head in disgust.

"Because it does damnit!", Muhti answered back sharply. He was going to add on, but Ganondorf ended the commotion.

"Ladies, ladies, calm your nipples and relax. I just heard somebody walking."

The steps became louder until they finally saw only Dimentio and the Doctor.

"We may as well control Xiroey as well during the fight, he has no experience with dominating it, unlike Frostwraith." Dimentio added as he flew in with Doctor Who.

"We overheard your little conversation about plans, and your chick fight.", Doctor Who said.

"So I gave an excellent idea right now", Dimentio said smirking.

Damnit Dim, thought Muhti as he clenched his eyebrows. His thinking was ended with the Dark Masters statement of:

"THEN LET IT COMMENCE!", the Dark Master concluded.

The "four" antagonists then deported via Muhtis' powers to the Pokemon Stadium where the Tournament was being held.




Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Ooh, Muhti. I'm not sure if you did that in your post on purpose.
But what you're hinting at is actually a fairly large plot twist that ties in with the previous story. Either way, I like it. In fact, i hope you don't mind if I take it a step further :evil:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A tugging sensation is his gut inturrupted Latios from his thoughts. "Trouble" Latios sent the thought out into everyone's minds. Mari was already up as well. She felt the disturbance at the same time he did.

"They're close" Mari began drawing at her inner power.

"Enemy forces Approach"? Richard cast a weary gaze down at Frostwraith, he was completely vulnerable, and out in the open. Someone would need to watch over him and carry him to safety. "I'll take care of it", Wesker confirmed, he was already on the same train of thought as Richard. Richard nodded his thanks, his hands twitched toward his hips where his guns were.

Where would they come from?

Mari and Latios were the first to move. Followed by Luco, slightly hindered by his wounds. A strange lightning arced at the group, splitting off at different points to strike each of them at once.

"Thunderbolt?" Latios said, confused. He fought enough enemies in the past to recognize the attack. He Mari and Luco combined their efforts, and managed to create a barrier large enough to protect the entire group. They purposefully left a hole in the rear of it where Wesker and Frostwraith were sitting.

"Go, Mari commanded. Wesker needed no further prompting, he already had Frostwraith in his arms and was zipping him away toward safety.

"You think you're well enough to fight" Luco said, eyeing Latios wearily. Latios tried his best for a reassuring smile, but he still hurt too much to pull one off.

"I'll... manage". He finally said.

The group barrier fell, greeting the group were two of the Dark ones. They stood several meteres away on the opposite side of the clearing.

"Ghetis" Richard spat distastefully

"And N, I haven't seen him since Plague City. Latos eye began to glow in preperation for battle.

"Be careful, there's bound to be more of them. This smells like a trap" Mari's hands were glowing in preperation for some kind of spell.

"There are... four." Latios panted.

"How ever many there are" Richard inturrupted, loading his gun "You all best get ready, because here they come".


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Ganondorf and Palpa is not with the fighting team.

Only N, Ghetsis, me, and Dark Areceus.

I stated that using the whole team would be a waste.

Please Note that N was brainwashed and Muhti will fight seriously, that is all.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Dark Arceus? Wtf?

Unless he's a creation of sorts by the Dark Ones, we have a plot hole, since Arceus is explicitely on our side, aiding Master Hand and the group, alongside Palutena and Dialga... or did the Dark Ones capture Arceus and turned to their side becoming Dark Arceus?

Maybe I'll write something later, because I am off to class...


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Dark Arceus is a seperate entity derived from the dark side of Arceus (dark side, not being cliche or punny), as far as i can tell.

Hey frost, i've got some critique for you if you're up for it. If not I can always tell you later. It's just a little something to improve upon. ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Fire away, Luco. I don't mind critics as long as they're constructive. =P

The dark side cliché! Cliché or not, dark characters are still awesome. Might be posting something later.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well, put simply, I feel like your posts are always straight to the meat. That's fine sometimes but i'd also recommend mixing it up a bit and perhaps making things a little bit complicated. Also, give yourself the chance to lose/something else the chance to happen. For instance, Xiroey may want to have his character 'go over to the dark side' but if you come in straight away and have the first few lines detail how you chain him and set him free from that, it become harder for him to progress with it, you know? (though in this case I think it's worked out reasonably well?)

I guess condensed, just allow yourself time to make things happen rather than diving straight in to it all the time and always saving 'everyone'. Mistakes happen, that's okay, there'll be some resolution. Giving yourself time before diving in also allows for mistakes.... and mistakes can be a driving force in the plot. I just mean, if you save everything, everybody's on the same 1-line track, all the time. We've been fighting the dark ones for ages, so Xiroey's backstory showing up and mari's return made a nice segway.

Not to say that your story shouldn't be focused on, seeing as it's pretty much accepted that (at least for now) that is the ultimate enemy we're going against. My advice is just to let it go once in a while and focus on another subject. Maybe your character finds himself attracted to someone (as unlikely as that may be!) or gets trapped in one of Team Rocket's pits or something of the sort? ^_^

Uhhh, that came out longer than I intended, but i hope it's clear enough! :o

Also, i'll write up a small part of what I want tonight, i'll continue it tomorrow - feel free to let me know anything you have issues with!! ^_^


Dang, I can't keep this up for much longer... "Mari, are you able... to hold the barrier by yourself for a moment while I... heal myself?" Mari looked at him with doubt but nodded. "The barrier will be weaker without your strength, as damaged as you are. I can hold it though, so long as they don't see through it and launch something too powerful against it. It's been a while since i've held up a barrier like this..." With that said, she put both hands to the fore to concentrate her energy on the orb, now fully closed. Luco sighed with relief and almost dropped to the floor before he could begin healing himself...


He was struck from behind. Electrical energy went straight through him. "You're not so scary when I know your weakness, you know, Luco. And hey, while we're at it, we should keep this our little secret, shouldn't we?" He fired a bolt at Mari, expecting to knock her out with one fair blow. She diverted energy from the force-field just in time. "I'm not like before, muhti." She growled. She fired one of her own back at him, for him to vanish outside the shield. He smiled at her. "Too easy. Maybe I should wait until he's a little better, eh?" And he teleported away to another section of the battle.

"Are you... are you ok?" Mari asked Luco.

No response.

"Luco??" She was worried about the strength of the shield without him. Luxray bounded up from behind. Without warning, he charged electrical energy and thrust it in to the shield. "That will make it look scarier." She said silently. She didn't know the kid, bloody and torn behind her. She could worry about him later.

Meanwhile, Luco was having a battle of his own...

It was light. Warm. He could almost feel how warm it was. He could see a field, surrounded by hills. The valley.

"Do you remember? When you first crashed here? You had never experienced it before. You had always been an observer. Suddenly, your wings broke, you came down from your cloud and joined the world. Even yet you deny it. You blame it on someone else, because you feel guilty for much of what has happened... The valley, the others you involved on this quest.... xiroey."

"What do you mean? My wings broke... i'd never do that! It wasn't me..."

"And yet you still continue to deny it! After all the experiences you have had with these people, and you continue to call it by any other name than itself!"

"What IS itself, then!?"

"Don't you see? Don't you remember that feeling you had, as you looked upon this world? It was never divine will that brought you here...

It was you!"

Luco's eyes shot open. Mari was struggling with the force-field, even with the added help of his pokemon. The summoned forces of the other side were breaking down the barriers and soon they'd be in and amongst the one safe place they had in this battle. His wounds were gone. No matter what happened, he would fight it through to the end, with his friends. He would not leave them...

He got up, focused his hands together and put both hands to the ground, before re-joining Mari to strengthen the barrier.

The ground from the edge of the barrier to 20 metres away was blown up by water.


That's part 1 of the battle. Part 2 was gonna be ultimate but on second thought I don't think I need to use that ability right now, especially with the drawback it has (I haven't told you this yet, Xiroey. Trust me, it's a fair one but telling you before-hand would ruin it. :p)

Basically what i'm saying is, someone else can write up this next part. I suppose that was just a bit of backstory. It also demonstrates that this backstory has given him the will and thus power to continue.

Since I originally had it planned for something else, if it doesn't quite sync up, let me know cause i'm super tired right now. Anyway, ttyl guys, hope i RPed you okay Mari!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Lolwut, you know nothing of Pokémon now do you?

That so called Dark Arceus you've just shown is just Arceus holding a Dread Plate that changes his type to Dark. That's a Dark-type Arceus and he's not evil because he's a God!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
... Muhti...

Arceus and Arceus-Dark are not seperate entities.

Arceus-Dark is regular arceus holding a Dread Plate.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Well... the Dark Ones sure are... resourceful to create a dark and evil version of Arceus to do their Master's bidding...

Perhaps we should rename this "Dark Arceus" to "Phantom Arceus" to avoid confusion?

Arceus vs. Phantom Arceus mirror match, anyone? :awesome:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((I was gonna say 'No way' when Xiro asked me to kill him, buuuut Frost already took care of that...

Also, Everyone except Xiro and Muhti is pranked. Weird, huh?)))

Between keeping the barrier up and actually fighting was two very different things. Mari was good at multi-tasking, though. Using one hand, she summoned a trio of becons and drove each of them to the ground. As long as she was awake, the becons would keep the barrier up.

"Just like old times, eh, Mari?" Sonic yelled to her.

"Yep. You watch Xiro's back, I'll scout on ahead, see what we're up against."

"You sure you can take care of yourself?" Sonic asked. As much as he trusted his student, he still doubted her abilities. Mostly because he had no idea what she was capable of.

Mari smiled, understanding her metor's worries. "I'll be fine, Teach. Just make sure Xiro doesn't get killed."

"You got it!" With that, Sonic sped away to help Xiro.

With a wave of her hand, Mari summoned her spear-sword and teleported out of the barrier. The second she did, though, she was met with a familier foe.

"Well, if it isn't Miss. I-wanna-protect-my-friends. Been a while."

Mari almost smiled when she heard the male voice. "Hello, Muhti. I see you haven't changed at all."

Muhti chuckled darkly. "Yeah? I bet you haven't changed either, Mari. Hey, what's with the eyes? Didn't like how your face went with them?"

"Oh, that came with the package." She explained. "Nothing I could do about it."

"Too bad." Muhti said. "I can't wait to see how strong you've gotten. You HAVE been training since you ran away, have you?"

This time, Mari smiled. "You have no idea..."

[COLLAPSE="Muhti VS. Mari"]Without another word, Muhti and Mari both dashed forward and clashed in the middle in an attempt to overpower the other. Seeing her chance, Mari produced a ball of fire in her other hand and threw it at him. Muhti merely sidesteped to avoid it.

"Gee, a ball of fire. That all you got, you-"

Muhit sentence was cut short when the ball of fire made a U-turn and slammed into him from behind. He cried out in pain, but smiled evily afterwards. A moment later, and he suddnely vanished. Mari instantly ducked as Muhti made a wild slash at her.

"Attacking from behind. I see that hasn't changed either."

Grabbing his arm, Mari shifted her full wight forward and judo flipped Muhti towards the ground. But he didn't even reach it when Mari grabbed his leg and started spining around. Taking a page from Mario, she let go of Muhti, who was sent flying to a near by tree. Muhti, with a moan, slided back to the ground.

"H-how did you get so fast...?"

Mari couldn't help but smirk. "I was trained by the fastest thing alive, Muhti. Try to keep up."

"Me? Oh, no, I can't..." Muhti smiled back. "But I can cheat."

He vanished once again, and reappeared at Mari's side. Muhti grabbed her hair and forced her to the ground, where he then summoned his own sword. With a cry of triumpth, he stabbed Mari through her chest.

"That's what happens when you play by the rules..."

Pulling the sword from her lifeless body, he turned away from her.

"You know, I expected you to actually put up a fight after all this time, but seeing as your blood is already on my sword-"

Muhti raised his sword up, but instead of finding blood, he found nothing but dirt and a few blades of grass. And when he turned back towards Mari-

-he was served one stone-filled knuckle sandwich to his face.

Recoiling, Muhti didn't have time to see another stone fist rushing to his gut. Or the one to his leg. And many others after that. Finally, Muhti fell to the ground in a heap. He was winded, but he wasn't finished yet. Struggling to his knees, he looked up to find an unharmed Mari, pointing her sparking sword tip to his neck.

Muhti was dumbfounded. "I just killed you."

Mari turned her hands from stone to flesh before speaking. "Substitution spell. Works wonders in close-combat."

"But when-"

"When you were flying towards the tree. Spells that usually take a few seconds when cast...I can do it in mere moments. Speed and Magic. I think you've just been outmatched."
Mari laughed. "Oh, man. You have no idea how much I'm enjoying this. Sweet, sweet revenge for all those times you bested me. Ha!"

Muhti growled at her. "I've underestimated you, Mari. But I promise you, that won't happen again."

"Good!" Mari backflipped until she was a few meters away from him.

"I want to see how strong you've gotten while I was away. You HAVE been training while I was away, right?" Mari teased. As much as she was having fun, she was also trying to get him angry, blinding him with rage so that he couldn't think straight.

And from the looks of his face, it was working.



(((Just like old times, right, Muhti? :troll: )))
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