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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I don't think I would've fought you to the extent of killing you Mari. Remember Im a double agent in your favor.

EDIT: And I remembered your still renewed here.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Well... as Frostwraith is currently unable to fight, I will try something different.

The cold wind blew from behind the black cloak... the landscape around him were mountains covered in snow and ice, with clouds obscuring any way to see the land below.

A lone black robed figure stood on top one of the mountain tops.

"It's been ten years... ten years since my master passed away...", murmured the cloaked figure. "Yet, I still have my duty. I will take whatever means necessary to achieve my goal... it's just as they say... vengeance is a dish best served cold... and it's been cooling for over more than a decade..."

The figure remained still for a few more minutes.

"Some force hides in these mountains... what is this I can feel as well? Souls... crying for vengeance... crying for a forced goodbye... and the dimensions... they are... somehow unstable... a war is about to come... no... it has come already... there's something I must do... something that will guide me..."

The figure rode on his Hydreigon and began soaring the cold, cloudy skies.

"Why do I get this feeling that this place will be an important mark in my life...? Surely this is a sign of change... an event so big it will shake the dimensions as a whole... an opportunity perhaps to test me... and make me even stronger...", kept murmuring the figure.

The cloaked figure remained silent for a few minutes while riding his Hydreigon, feeling the cold wind in his whole body.

"I feel something... is calling for me... whatever fate awaits me... I shall embrace it."

The cloaked figure stood atop another mountain.

"I am not alone here... I feel something close to here... where does it come from?", the figure continued to murmur.

Snow began to fall.

"This force... wait... it's a living being... with strong fighting spirit... yes... whoever is here has fought before... but... there's something odd about this particular life force... it's unlike anything I felt before..."

The cloaked figure continued to ride on Hydreigon's back, guiding the Pokémon to the life force he was feeling.

"Closer... getting closer... a powerful fighting spirit in this cold place sure burns inside me like fire...", the figure continued to whisper. "At long last... an opponent... I've longed to test my knowledge I've learned since my master died... none of my opponents before had a spirit as strong as this one... I expect a true fight this time..."

The cloaked figure landed on a large mountain and began to walk in the slippery ice floor, slowly climbing the mountain.

"I feel its presence stronger... I must continue to advance towards it.", whispered the figure. "To feel a presence after days of crossing these mountains... it somehow gives me hope... I wonder why..."

After long minutes of climbing the mountain, the figure sent his Hydreigon again, who saw a plateau.

"That plateau... that's where this life force is coming from..."

Approaching the plateau, the figure saw a black winged angel.

"An angel? He's armed... perhaps, I would challenge him to a duel... I long to test my strength...", thought the cloaked figure.

The old, veteran wizard continued to write the book using a magical black ink.

"Gramps! Oh, you're writing again... it means you'll have stories to tell at night, right?", said a young kid, who approached the old wizard.

"Why, of course, son... I am just writing another story for tonight...", responded the old wizard, in a caring voice.

"Oh, what will it be about? I am super curious!", said the kid, who was the old wizard's grandson.

"Well... you will have to wait for it, sonny...", said the old wizard.

The kid left the room, leaving the old wizard alone in the office.

"The cloaked figure said "You there!" at the angel...", said the old wizard as he wrote the book.

Finishing another chapter, which he titled "The Black Winged Angel", he closed the book, taking a look at the family tree painted in his office.

"Hyosuke Frostwraith III... my grandson... I am sure he will be a great mage as I once was... an energetic fellow... reminds me of myself when I was a child as well... what a long life it's been...", said the old wizard, looking at what seemed to be a portrait of him, when he was younger. It was labelled "Hyosuke Frostwraith, the Grand Hope."

Frostwraith woke up, feeling horribly weak.

"What sort of dream was this...? A... vision, perhaps...?", thought Frostwraith, who could barely move. "I hear... battling... urgh... I can't... help them..."

Frostwraith fell asleep again.
I think this will do for now...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((AH! But since nobody told Mari that you were a double agent, She thinks you really ARE evil.

Also, Because You and I haven't battled in a while, I thought, Why not?

And, The whole "You'll beg for mercy when I'm done with you!" Line is just cuz I ticked you off. :D )))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
(((AH! But since nobody told Mari that you were a double agent, She thinks you really ARE evil.

Also, Because You and I haven't battled in a while, I thought, Why not?

And, The whole "You'll beg for mercy when I'm done with you!" Line is just cuz I ticked you off. :D )))
But you RPed me wrong.

I knew I was a double agent yet you made me almost kill you.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Maybe the part where you said "Muhti will use his full power" confused her.
So she wrote a segment where Muhti actually fought her as he normally would.


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
i see your point. does nobody revisit the previous pages anymore?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
K Soooo~

I typed up a new story while the forums were down.

...Theres someone currently on the computer I have it saved to.
If you guys don't mind waiting a bit I'll have it posted as soon as the person leaves~


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I gotta check the previous posts to remember more or less the story... it's late here (almost 2AM), so I'll post tomorrow.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
First segment on the new Forums. Woo!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Guys, our shield is failing! Where the heck is Mari, we need a new set of Beacons, stat!” Latios managed to deflect a Thunderbolt aimed at Richard, catching it off the tip of his claw. It stung him slightly, but at least he’d managed to redirect its course. Richard, meanwhile, was busy with his own set of enemies. A near-perfect copy of himself forced him back, utilizing several strange dark energy blasts. Meanwhile, an annoying Vaniluxe tried to flank him with Ice Beams whenever he dropped his guard to it. “A new pair of beacons would be very nice right about now”! Richard confirmed.
Latios felt the beginings of his strength beginning to return to him. It wasn’t much, but it served him well whenever he needed to bark a command to one of his disorganized teammates. “Z, see if you can’t distract that Vaniluxe, try to keep it off of Richard. Sonic, Those Kyurems are hitting us hard. See if you can’t divert their attention. Mari, wherever you are, you have experience with team fights, could ya give me a hand”? Out of the corner of his eye, latios glimpsed a fleshy palm, flying towards his face at break-neck speeds.


An Ambipom danced away gleefully. It giggled at the pulsing red mark it managed to leave on the Eon’s face. Latios’ expression contorted to become even more frustrated. He promptly gave the Ambipom a painful Dragon Pulse blast to the butt. “That wasn’t funny”. He growled.
“Coach, we’re getting destroyed out there!” Ness staggered up to him, his face was drenched with sweat.
“Ness, why are you talking like that”?
“Dunno” Ness admitted a little sheepishly “You could try blowing a whistle and yelling insults at the other team. My old coach used to do it all the time and we won every game”-
Xiroey cut him off. “Ness”.
“Yeah?”, Ness paused midsentence.
“Lightning bolt”.
Ness quickly spun around, pulling out his bat in time to launch back a crackling bolt of lightning. The recoil made him stagger a bit, but he was rewarded with a satisfying high pitched scream from the other team.
“Wonder who that hit” Latios mused. He temprorarily forgot his frustration.
“Dunno” Ness said again.
“There are a lot of things you don’t know”. Xiroey said critically.
Ness only shrugged. He pointed up to something just out of the range of Latios’ peripheral vision.
“Icicle” He said.
Latios quickly thanked him. Then he tossed up an ice wall around Ness and himself. Kyurem B’s Ice beam glanced off harmlessly, creating a giant hiss as it made contact with the moisture molicules in the ground. Latios and Ness both coughed out steam. “Gotta watch your back coach” Ness managed between sputters.
“I could if I weren’t so busy watching yours” Latios retaliated. He had to admit, it wasn’t exactly their fault. This was only the second time their group had fought together as a team. And the first time, they’d had Frostwraith to lead them. That kid was a natural born leader; Latios secretly admired him. But he was currently knocked unconscious thanks to some jerk demon that made him go co-co for human blood whenever someone made him angry. He made a mental note to apologize to Frost whenever he woke up.
Latios started when he realized that Ness was starting at him. “Ehh… Yes” Latios coughed, slightly embarrassed “our eastern wall needs securing. Tell the troops at the west gate to move the battering rams over to the north. That way we can keep track of two sides at once. Understood soldier”?
Ness gave him a blank look. “You’re weird” He finally said after a long silence.
“Demons in me make me crazy” Latios half-teased. Then his eyes glowed and he deflected a giant Fusion Flare back at the opposing side before it managed to sear the flesh from their bodies.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
“I’m telling you Z, I heard an explosion” Gengar cried out frantically. Z gave him a blank look. The look really didn’t reveal anything, but Gengar thought he could detect traces of sarcasm there. “Oh, how would you know?” Gengar spat “you don’t even have ears”. Z’s only response was a slight spasm that shook his entire body. “Oh, so now talking to me gives you siezures is that it”?

“Yo, why are you yelling at Z? He isn’t hurting anyone”? Gengar started at the unfamiliar voice.
“Arr, who be ye and what do ye want with me booty”? Gengar spun around to face the newcomer.
“What do I…? Nevermind. Pleased to meet you”. A green haired youth bent down to offer his hand to Gengar. Gengar slowly shook it. “You didn’t scough at my horrible pirate impression. You must be with Xiroey”. Gengar looked perplexed.
“You could say that”. Spirit hinted.
“Your voice sounds familiar too”.
“Maybe we’ve met before”? Spirit was definitely messing with him now. He just couldn’t help it.
“No…” Gengar thought out loud “but that mischievous grin you have on your face. Can’t say I haven’t seen it somewhere”?
“Like on my brother”? Spirit finally offered.
“In the illusionary flesh”.
“You’re… You’re…”
A violent explosion cut him off before he could go any further.
“Oh dear, that didn’t sound good”.
“I told you I heard an Explosion” Gengar gave Z a look that said ‘In your face’. Z gave him the same blank stare as always. “Stupid robot” Gengar muttered quietly to himself.
“I’m heading over to investigate” Spirit said, sounding a bit worried.
“Aye, me too. Anything to get away from this… err….” Gengar paused, “Z, are you a boy or a girl?”
“Zee!” Z spoke of for the first time, he waved his arms around in the air like he was cheering for his favorite team.
There was a long drawn out silence before Gengar finally spoke again.
“I’m going to help Spirit. You coming”? He tried his best to keep his voice even. Somehow Z had managed to push buttons in him he didn’t even know he had. Z waved his arms again. It might’ve been a Yes. Or it could’ve been Z trying to act like a mini-helicopter.
“Come on” Genagr grumbled, then dragged Z along.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Coach, are you all right”?
Latios slowly opened his eyes as he regained consciousness. He groaned as several parts of his body protested at once. He felt like a giant bruised potato. That, and his ears were buzzing. He tried ignoring it, but it just wouldn’t go away.
“Mnng”? Latios finally managed. It hurt just to speak.
“Great, you’re not dead.”
Latios slowly glanced upward and saw a pair of eyes and a baseball cap staring down at him.
“You dragons sure do live up to your name. Instant that Ice Beam hit you, you were out like a light.”
“I-Ice Beam…?” Xiroey shuddered, at that moment, he was glad he couldn’t remember.
“Want me to heal you”?
“N-No. Thanks Ness, I got it”. Latios slowly rose up off the ground. There was a red spot on the ground that made Ness feel a bit conscerened, but Latios’ recover soon did it’s work. Ness stood watch over him, in case another projectile threatened to hit him again. Like another Ice Beam.
“There, that should suffice for the time being”. Latios managed to treat all of his major injuries. How’s the battle going”?
“Krook, Mari, Luco, Dark Pit and Richard are still going. Helamroc and Tetra are missing. The rest got knocked out by that Kyurem just now. Including you. Those things are really powerful”.
Latios winced as a faint memory hit him. “Ugh, tell me about it”.
“We need to think up a plan. We can’t keep fighting disorganized like this”.
“Cant…” Latios was about to agree, but then his head started to swim. He was on the verge of passing out again.
“Are you okay”? Ness said, subconsciously moving closer in case Latios collapsed.
“I-I’m fine… I think… Frost’s ‘excorsism’ earlier…” Latios groaned then fell unconscious.
Ness looked a little puzzled when Latios suddenly crumpled like a deflated sack. He landed smack the grass in the middle of the same red stain in the grass. Thankfully it wasn’t growing any larger, but it wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“Well, our ‘Leader’ is down. Guess all we can do is fight our hardest and hope for a miracle”.
Ness positioned himself between Latios and the other team. He’d make sure he guarded the fallen Eon until he woke up, or the fight was over.
“How is a team even supposed to play without a coach”?


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Just gonna send frost something. If he agrees, i'll make things a little bigger. Then i'll do that... thing... (xiroey knows what i'm talking about)... and make things awesome, and then... yes... yes I think this could work.

Err, but not quite now. Super busy at the moment. just letting you all know, I have a plan!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Latios realized that Ness confirmed the point he was trying to get across all along. Latios was about to voice his opinion that he agreed, but was surprised when he opened his mouth and no words came out. Ness looked at him strange, like he had a chicken on his head, or something equally as strange. Latios wasn’t quite sure what to make of it at first, but then his heart leaped when he noticed that the world was rotating. No, that wasn’t quite right. His body was no longer responding to him when he told it to, and now he was starting to collapse. Frantically, he tried to convey one final message to ness. It didn’t come out quite as he wanted it to. He managed to utter something about the demon and Frostwraith, but then he collapsed completely and the world went dark.

- - - - - - - - - - -
An unknown amount of time later, Latios had the sensation of floating in empty space. His eyes opened. Sort of. He thought they were open, but when he opened them and looked around his surroundings were pitch black. He had to fight back the urge to freak out. Was Arceus suddenly mad at everyone, and decided to turn off the sun? He thought about madly praying to the Pokemon God for forgiveness, but then he realized that didn’t explain why he was floating in empty space. Or why the battlefield was suddenly quiet. He tried to move, but for some reason his body still wasn’t responding to him. Great. Yet again he was stuck being helpless while everyone he cared about got hurt. He silently bashed himself. Why did he always have to be such a weakling?

Suddenly a small point of light entered his vision. It was kind of annoying at first. Especially because his body was still paralyzed, so he couldn’t look away. But then it got brighter. Soon, after the light engulfed him completely and became almost too bright to bear, Latios regained control of himself. He realized he was in a familiar grassy clearing.

Xiroey scolded himself for being so careless. His arm stung from where Latios had hit him. He was sitting flat on his butt in the middle of the wet grass, and the moisture was starting to seep through to his skin. Latias glared down at him like she always did when she was disappointed. “You’re too soft Xiro.”

“I am not”! Xiroey protested, his voice several pitches higher than usual. He heaved himself back upright using his pint-sized arms, eventually standing back erect on a pair of stubby human legs. He gave Latias the best indignant face he could. “Again”. He uttered for the millionth time. Latias sighed, then she readied herself in a fighting pose. “Don’t blame me when you end up crying again” Latias yawned.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Xiroey sat with his back against an old stump in the middle of the same moist clearing as before. The trees at the edge of the clearing cast long shadows across the grass, making the place look somewhat imposing. Xiroey didn’t care though, all he knew was that it was dark. The shadows the trees cast over this particular spot were a blessing at that moment. They made it easier to hide his tears.

“Stupid know-it-all Latias” Xiroey cursed between sniffles. He was hurt pretty badly. The grass all round him was stained, including the stump he leaned on. Vaguely, he considered heading back and letting the others tend to his wounds. No, he couldn’t go back all raged and bloody. Not with the rumors that were currently being spread about him. Xiroey silently wished he knew the move Recover so he could just heal the injuries himself without having to rely on anyone else.

“Why… Why does nothing ever go the way I want it to”? The tears stopped, but his face still felt hot. Once he finally stopped feeling sorry for himself, he began to feel an intense anger building up in his chest. “It’s not like I ever did anything to them. They’re nothing but a bunch of jerks”! Xiroey pounded a tiny fist into the ground.

Moments later a searing pain shot up the entire left side of his frame. He howled as old injuries re-opened and pain washed over him, dulling out all else. He sat there panting, waiting for some of it to subside. Eventually, the pulsing died down a bit. He sat up a little straighter to help make himself a bit more comfortable. Silently, Xiroey cursed again. Yet another thing that hadn’t gone his way.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
Somewhere in the middle of these visions he was having, Latios felt something strange. The scenes before him faded. He was back to his normal self. Or, at least his normal dream self. He figured that was what this had to be. It explained why he couldn’t move, and why he was suddenly seeing visions from his past. These dreams felt strange though. For a second, he felt like he lost sight of who he really was.

“ I see you’re finally awake. So to speak”. Latios started at the sudden voice. Since when were there other people in this empty void?

“H-hello”? Latios called out nervously. He realized his voice still sounded nervous and high, almost like a frightened child.

“You complain that things have not gone your way in the past. Why”? Xiroey was surprised when, as the voice spoke, a pair of large cat-like eyes stared directly at him from behind the dark void. The irises were a deep purple, with reptilian slits splitting them down the middle. Latios thought he recognized those eyes from somewhere.

“Ah yes, fear not. We’ve met before.”

“Who are you”? Latios wasn’t sure if this new comver was an enemy or a friend.

“I have always been around, whether you knew I was there or not. Only a few times have we met. I’m surprised you’re not more resentful. We didn’t exactly meet under the best circumstances.”

Latios’ heart leaped. He knew exactly who he was talking to.

“You’re that demon from earlier”! Latios screamed. Now that he knew, his rage was starting to boil.

“That depends. This demon you speak of, do you mean this one”?

The eyes before him vanished. Latios head swam again. He felt a bit like he was about to pass out. The darkness shifted again. There was no light this time, his new setting was dark. He sat crosslegged in the middle of a chilly ice dome of his own creation. Tears were once again streaming down his face; he tried desperately to cover his ears, to block out the harsh insults his friends were hurling at him.

“Freak” One said.

“Monster” Said another.

“Why don’t you all go bug someone else for a change”? Xiroey finally cried in frustration.

The vision abruptly ended after his outburst. Latios was once again in pitch blackness, and the same pair of eyes were staring at him. “That vision…” Latios muttered hazily.

“If I recall correctly, you set something similar to one of your friends a little while ago”.

Xiroey started at the sudden memory. “Mari” He finally said as realization dawned on him.

“I believe you may be confused. Perhaps there are some inner conflicts you’ve yet to address”?

“Inner conflicts?” Latios wasn’t buying into this demon’s nonsense for one second “I know what you’re getting at. You’re showing me all these weird visions right now to confuse me! You’re trying to take control of me again”!

“Oh? Do explain”.

“Don’t you try and play dumb! It happened just moments ago! You made me hurt all my friends!”

“Yet I’ve never actually held any direct influence over your actions. I’ve been here inside you, as I always have. Yet, I believe there are some things you’re trying desperately no to address”.

Latios exploded. “Stop… Messing… with… my …. Head!”

He gasped. Just as he said it, he looked up and was greeted by a mirror image of himself. A black latios with an burning angry expression. A pair of hateful red eyes glared at him. He was surprised at the sheer amount of anger the eyes held. Another thing that surprised him—

“The eyes of this demon are your own”. The voice said, confirming his very thoughts.

Latios was confused. It was true, the “demon’s eyes were purple. Just like his eyes always were after he became a Shadow Pokemon for the first time. But… a little while ago, when he transformed… his eyes turned red. His eyes were naturally red…

“I see you are beginning to understand” .

“Understand what? What exactly are you trying to show me”?

“Your friends. You say you wish to protect them. Yet when you lose control you openly attack them. Why is this”?

“Don’t ask me why. You know good and well why I ended up attacking everyone”.

“You’re right, I do know. We both know. The only difference is that I’m choosing not to hide it”.

Latios was a little confused when the voice said that.

“What do you mean… ‘choosing not to hide it’. You speak like”-

“Like you and I are the same”?

“That’s impossible. You’re a demon that was implanted into my body”,

“Perhaps in a way. You could say something like that. I already told you before, I have not gone anywhere all this time. I’ve always been here inside you. Whether you knew it or not”.

“But… That doesn’t make any sense…”

“I know. And I am sorry. I wish I could reveal more, but I am you. I can’t reveal the things you choose to hide from yourself”.

“What do you mean ‘cant reveal” them. You already are, aren’t you”?

“I can nudge you in the right direction”.

Latios would’ve shaken his head with all these new revelations, if he could move it. “You’re still not making any sense”!

“I’m sorry for that as well. I know little more than you do, my memory was erased as well”.

“Wait”. Latios’ stomach dropped. “You memory was…”

“Who do you think placed you in that virtual reality world to begin with”?

Just as the voice uttered the question, Latios realized there was a giant blank in his head where the memory of the even t should be.

“Ugh…” Latios groaned. The more the tried to force the memory out, the more his head started to hurt.

“Do not press yourself. You, I… We are both weak now. That little light show Frostwraith put on ealier injuried me badly. Because we are linked, it wasn’t long before you succumbed as well.

“Linked…? But, how could you and I possibly be linked. You’re a demon after all. Unless you mean Possession”.

“You have always been you. I can guarantee that much”.

“All right. But if I’m me, then how can I be speaking to you right now”?

“I can only tell you things that you already know. Or that you’ve chosen to forget”.

“…Wait, so you mean this is like a…”

“You have to wake up, Your friends need our help”.

our help? No sir, you are most definitely not coming along”!

“You will only fail again if you chose to deny my support. Think back, we’ve been in this very situation in the past”.

“When exactly have”…

“Spirit, Your duels with Gengar, The fight against Muhti in Hyrule town, your bouts with charizard, your countless losses against Latias.. I’ve only named a few, yet that should be enough to jog your memory. You’ve always complained that you could never grow strong. You say that you want to make yourself more power so that you can protect the ones you care about. So why do you insist on holding part of yourself back”?

“Except you’re…not… me…”!

“Then perhaps, the only solution is to show you”.

“Show me...”?

“Like I said, you and I are one, whether you choose to believe it or not. I desire to protect everyone just as you do. But you’re being stubborn, and refuse to see what is right in front of you. All I can do is offer my help where I can and hope that It is enough”.

“Okay, but what exactly do you plan to”-

“It’s time to wake up, this battle has gone on long enough. Our friends need our help.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The time never seemed right before, but thatnkfully Frost's post was all I needed to finally start progressing my characters plot (And it only took 3 stories to do so. lol).

I've been sloooooowwwwllly building up to this in very small ways ever since Latios first turned black and attacked the random Cue Ball on Cycling road.

I won't go any further though, Luco mentioned that he wanted to do something with his character as well (I know what it is :p)

Now to discuss how this next part should play out... >:3


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Ho ho ho! Nice stuff there, Xiroey!

Really like the direction this is taking... I'm currently at lunch break and have another class at 2PM GMT. When I arrive home, I'll whip up something here.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Gengar stopped running. He abruptly came to a stop somewhere on the edge of the Fronteir. He doubled over awkwardly, and was panting hard to try and catch his breath. Given his unique shape, it wasn’t excactly easy for him to bend over. The sound of panting made Spirit and Z pause. Both spun around, and were greeted by one of the weirdest sights they would ever see.

“Gengar, you realize you’re a ghost type”. Spirit tried to speak in reasonable tones. Gengar’s brow furrowed. He hated when people started trying to get ‘rational’ with him, telling him things like “Oh Gengar, you can’t mix grease and water together, they’ll explode! – Oh Gengar, You shouldn’t use poison jab on steel types. It doesn’t do anything. – Oh, gengar you have Levitate so you can just fly if you’re out of breath”!

“Go die in a hole”! Genagr exclaimed rudely. Spirit raised an eyebrow. That was completely random, not that he wasn’t used to random outbursts. Just look at who he had for a brother.

“You know” Spirit began slowly, “You do have levitate so… if you’re out of breath”-

“I know I bloody have levitate! It doesn’t work the same as you fancy legendaries all right? I’ll have you know, flying is extremely exhausting!”

Spirit rolled his eyes. “So… what you’re saying is… you’re out of shape”.

“I am not out of shape”!

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Round is a shape”.

“I’m supposed to be round you jerk”!

Spirit sighed, “So can we continue then”.

“Calm your udders woman, I’ll get to that in a sec. Besides, that’s not why I stopped in the first place”.

“Hmm?” Spirit paused, now he was genuinely curious, “Something up then”?

“Well”… Gengar stammered. Truth be told, he wasn’t exactly sure what to make of it himself.

“Something the matter”?

“Well… Yes… No… Maybe. I got the oddest sensation just now”.

Spirit coked his head, “Sensation? Like how”?

“I’m not sure. It kinda passed, but whatever it was, I think the other side is stirring somehow”.

“Other…” Spirit trailed off. Gengar completely lost him.

“Look, it’s probably nothing important. I get these sensations from time to time. More likely than not, a bunch of random old guys probably just passed out somewhere, and are probably having some sort of ‘self revealing vision’. Or something like that.”

“A bunch of random old guys”?

“Look, can we please just move along”?

Spirit sighed. Well, at least they were on the same page.

“After you fuzzball”. He said. He wasn’t sure why, but an instant later, a painful shadow ball to the face instantly made him regret it.

“Ow! What exactly was the meaning of that you jerk!?”

Gengar didn’t answer. As if just to spite him (Speaking of which, that’s exactly what he did). Gengar used the move Spite on Spirit, incidentally, draining him of the rest of his Recover’s PP.

“Jerk.” Gengar muttered mostly to himself. He promptly flew away, leaving Spirit to sit down in the grass, stunned.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Ah, You are right, Xiro. I did get confused when Muhti said when he would use his full power. *insert facepalm here* I have not roleplayed in a while, so I could be a little rusty. Bear with me, People! I know I used to be better than this...)))

Mari looked over to the shield and cursed as she saw it's condition. "Sorry, Muhti. I think we'll finish this later." With that, Mari teleported into the shield and threw down five new Beacons, sinking them deeper into the ground than the last ones.

As soon as she finished fixing the shield, She was about to go right back into the field of battle when...

Ness...help...the demon...and Frostwaith....

Whiping her head around, Mari tried to pinpoint the source of the telepathic message with her magic. A few yards away, she saw a little boy in a cap keeling beside a fallan Latios. Mari reconised the boy as Ness.

Crossing her arms in front of her, she warped over next to Ness. He jumped in suprise.

"Gah!" Ness cried. "Wait, You're-"

"What happened?" Mari asked him. Although she already had a good idea.

"I don't know, he just fainted...he said something about the demon, though..."

"I know, I heard."

"You...you heard? You can hear thoughts too?" Ness said.

"Eh...I'm still working on that skill."

Mari looked away fr0m Ness and over to Xiro. He looked as if he was having a bad dream. Xiro must be having some kind of mental battle with the demon, or what was left of it...or something. Either way, she had to help. "Ness, I need you to stand back."

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm going to heal Xiro."

Ness did as he was ordered and watched as Mari's hands started to glow with a soft, green light. Mari's lips moved in silent incantation as the glow moved all over Xiro's body, healing him from all injuries and restoring his stamana. After a while, Mari sighed with fatigue and the spell disappeared.

"You did it." Ness said with awe.

"Yeah...Took 7 weeks to learn that spell. Worth it." Mari smiled with pride, but it soon faded as she came to realize something. "Although..."

"What?" Ness asked. "You healed Xiro, right?"

"Yeah...But there is a chance I could've healed the demon too..."

"A chance?"

"Um...78% sure I didn't...." Mari explained with a worried look. "Maybe 55%?"


Meanwhile, the blue blur was raceing around the Frontier, dodgeing attacks left and right. A well-placed fireball, though, knocked Sonic into a near-by niche. Luckly, no one saw him fall in.

"OW..." The blue hedgehog grabbed his arm in pain. It was slightly burnt, but he'd seen worse. He took a moment to servay the battlefield. It was a mess. Mari was busy keeping the shield up AND healing Xiro, Muhti was going nuts, and who knows how that Frostwaith fellow was doing. And...was that Ness? When did he get here?!

Sonic pushed that issue aside and thinked for a bit. At this rate, They were gonna get creamed. They needed a secret weapon, an ace in the hole...

Time to call in air support.

Sonic dug into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a mirror adorned with stars. He tapped the top star seven times and a familier face appeared on the mirror.


"Yo, Magolor? I'm gonna need a favor..."


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Here I go!
As the battle against the Dark Ones took place, Frostwraith began to finally wake up. Feeling extremely weak and unable to feel or use magic, he had a hard time getting up. He felt pain in every part of his body. Frostwraith abused his magic capabilities and he was aware of his long deceased master's words about moderating his use of magic.

"I've failed your teachings this time, Master...", muttered Frostwraith. "Urrgh, I could've died. But, it was for a good cause... I know it well."

Rotom approached his trainer, greeting him with tickling sparks, messing with Frostwraith's bluish gray hair.

"Rotom... thanks for watching for me. You, Chandelure, Hydreigon, Golurk and all of you are my closest friends... I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for you. So, thank you.", confessed Frostwraith to his Pokémon partner, who responded with some weak and loose sparks.

Frostwraith picked another book, titled "All You Need to Know About Soul Magics", whose author was Noctus Frostwraith, who was Frostwraith's great-great-great-grandfather. The book looked old, but its pages looked as if untouched by time. Surely the book was magically enchanted to resist the usual degradation.

"I might be weak to fight, but I must keep to expand my magic knowledge... it's extremely important to use all my potential in this fight...", said Frostwraith, as if talking to Rotom.

Suddenly, Chandelure pops out of his Poké Ball.

"Chandelure! What are you saying? Oh! You want to fight in my stead! I know you're quite the brave fellow, so go... our companions need your power...", said Frostwraith.

Chandelure waved slowly and exited the tent to join the fight against the Dark Ones.

Ness was bravely fighting against and sees a barrage of purple fire destroying his already weakened foe.

"Huh? Where did this purple fire come from?", questioned the boy.

"It means only one thing...", said Dark Pit, who was atop a nearby tree, sniping enemies with his Dark Pit Staff.

"A Chandelure is here to aid us...", noted Richard. "Not just any Chandelure... it's Frostwraith's Chandelure!"

Chandelure waved at his companions attacking other foes with his powerful moves.

"Frostwraith is awake already, Lady Palutena? I see his Chandelure fighting!", said Pit.

"Yes, but it seems Frostwraith isn't fighting at all. Only his Chandelure. Frostwraith must have sent him to fight in his place.", responded the Goddess of Light.

Meanwhile, Frostwraith read the old book, muttering the words he read.

"Soul fusion is the act of combining two souls into one. Only the strongest of mages can even dare touch this kind of magic... or gods, that is. Soul fusion can be used to construct living beings. It stands among what many call the forbidden magics, despite those claims, soul fusion can be used to repair broken souls, for example, souls that have fallen victim to a Soul Split spell.", read Frostwraith.

Frostwraith turned a few pages leading to a chapter titled "Creation of Soul Jars and Soul Linking."

"Interesting...", said Frostwraith as he read the book. "With this kind of magic, one could achieve immortality... but at what cost?"

"Those who split their own soul too many times, begin to have weakened mind and body. Because one's soul and body are linked, the shattering of a soul is effectively the shattering of one's body and mind. There are tales of those who attempted this feat and became nothing but crazed psychopaths. Another case the author of this book witnessed, the use of this sort of magic led the user to become a soulless person, losing any sort of will. In even another case, the victim's mind became that of a spoiled child, even though the person in question was slightly older than 40 years. As the reader can see, the creation of soul jars can have permanent changes in one's mind.", read Frostwraith.

"It's not so nice...", commented Frostwraith, who proceeded to check the back of his book, which read:

"The kinds of magic discussed in this book is merely for knowledge purposes. Any attempts at doing any spell described is of the responsibility of the reader and the reader alone. The author of this book is not responsible for any damages caused by not following this warning."

This will do. By the way, I think Xiroey, Spirit, Krookodile, Gengar and so on might be able to speak to Frostwraith's Chandelure or any other of his Pokémon, due to all being Pokémon themselves.

Personalities of some of Frostwraith's Pokémon:
Chandelure - Similar to Frostwraith's personality: stoic, calm and rarely loses himself in emotions. He's modest, so he doesn't like to be complimented for his skills. A little shy, but very loyal to Frostwraith, being raised by him since Frostwraith's master gave him as an egg, as a gift for his 8th birthday alongside Hydreigon. Understands his trainer's feelings better than any of his Pokémon.

Hydreigon - Brutish and arrogant personality, contrasting with Chandelure's. Likes to boast about his strength and is always eager to battle, as evidenced by his loud roars. Being raised as an egg like Chandelure, he is very loyal to Frostwraith and will obey any of his commands. The one likeliest to get wounds in battle. Go on, guess why.

Rotom - Energetic and hot-blooded, Rotom has a childish disposition and likes playing tricks on other people. Offered by Frostwraith's master in Frostwraith's 9th birthday, it's also deeply loyal to Frostwraith. The one who plays the most pranks in Frostwraith's team, surpassing even his Gengar!

Golurk - Even more stoic than Frostwraith and Chandelure together, rarely speaking to other Pokémon. Any order it recieves from its trainer, he immediatly obeys, emphasizing his loyalty. Besides Hydreigon, it's one Frostwraith's main flyers. Is the most pranked member of the team by Gengar and Rotom.

Gengar - Playful and childish, much like Rotom, whom he sees as a rival when it comes to mischief making. Whenever the two are together, expect lots of mischief and all sorts of trickery. Fitting with his behavior, he rarely takes anything seriously. Always smiling, he considers battles as "play time." The one likeliest to lose a battle.

Umbreon - Highly intelligent and cunning, but aloof. He often loses himself in thought. Though not as loyal as Chandelure and Hydreigon, Umbreon is still obedient and confident on his trainer's abilities. The one who likes to stare at the moon the most.

Froslass - Elegant in appearence and a very caring Pokémon. She often helps Frostwraith in treating the other team members' wounds as well as doing housework tasks. Don't let her feminine behavior fool you, though: she's a fierce battler and her brutality is almost comparable to Hydreigon. The most destructive member of the team when angry, tied with Hydreigon.

Zoroark (Shiny) - Formerly belonged to Frostwraith's master, she always has a melancholic and mournful disposition. Only obeys Frostwraith out of her loyalty to her former trainer, who entrusted her to Frostwraith's care in his dying words. A natural trickster in battle, she will use whatever means necessary to defeat her foes, not relying solely on power. Prefers to be away from the remainder of Frostwraith's Pokémon.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Hmm... I like frost's Idea :p

I have about a gajillion different characters floating around, so I guess I might as well speak about their personalities as well~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Starting with my Best Friend

Gengar (Shiny) - It's a little known fact. Shiny Gengar don't look too much different than regular gengar. It's easy to tell at night should Gengar ever stand under direct moonlight, but he typically favors the shadows.

Personality wise, Gengar is widely accepting of others. He has a cheerful and amiable personality, despite being a bit brash at times. He's quick tempered, and prone to outbursts, but they're usually short lived. Surprisingly, he prefers stalking other people for no apparent reason rather than pranking.

When he and Xiroey get together, all hell breaks loose. Women, children, That old guy next door who creeps you out when he spots you walking home at night, No one is safe. Throw gliscor into the equation and you might as well evacuate to a different country.

As far as battle is conscerned. Anything goes. Sleep spam, Toxic stalling, all out offense, flat out damaging himself then pain splitting the enemy. Gengar probably doesn't take his fights as seriously as he should. But somehow he manages to get the job done.

Porygon Z - Z seems like just your average mindless robot at first. Unlike most Xiroey's pokemon crew, Z can't speak. The only one who can understand him is Xiroey himself. The two can often be found having long debates about philosophy or... just about anything whenever there is time to settle down.

He's prone to bursts of randomness ( Bad Programming causes random behaviors), but he's actually extremely intelligent. This supercomputer easily makes both Alakazam and Metagross combined look like cavemen. Z's personality is unknown (except to Xiroey himself). It's hard to tell since his behaviors can be so off the wall at times.

On the battlefield, Z is one opponent you do NOT want to face. One, he hits like a truck. Two, he's got a sniper's aim. He can snipe a gnat out of the air from a mile away (only a slight exaggeration). Three, you literally never know what tricks he has left up his sleeve. His mind games alone make even the best of tacticians want to rip their hair out.

Thankfully, (or unthankfully), he's also extremely frail. Once you finally manage to get a hit in on him, he's usually done for good.

Charizard (Human) - Big plot twist from before: Charizard is actually the very same charmander we saw in the PMD2 series. He's easily the most powerful and expereinced figher on my team.

He's easy to pick out of a crowd, since he looks like any other shiny, except with a pair of blue eyes which are completely the wrong color.

A direct quote from my post on another thread

He took on on the masters of time and space and won.
He outsmarted the bringer of nightmares.
He's bested a pokemon that can erase your memories just by looking you in the eye.
He defeated the ruler of oceans, the creator of continents.
He took on armys of foes, using nothing but his claws and whatever scraps he could find laying around the battlefield.

And you know the best part.
He did it all before he even evolved.
Pretty much sums it all up. He was strong then, enough so to make Regigigias and Raquaza cry. He's fully evolved now. Pray you have at least two good rock types on your team. You're going to need them.

Aside from all that, charizard could rival even Frostwrath for how stotic he can be at times. He does slip at times, mostly around Xiroey, and might let more emotion show than he would like.

He doesn't talk much (He was the main character of an RPG. Big surprise). But past the brashness, charizard cares deeply for his companions and will not hesitate to risk his life the the ones he cares about. His loyalty is paralleled by none. He runs by a strict set of morals that he rarely ever deviates from.

- - - - - - - -EPIC PAGE BREAK! - - - - - - - -


There are three chraracters in this story who can actually get this brick wall of a zard to open up.
Those are Xiroey, Krookodile, and Gliscor. In such cases, his entire personality can take an entire 180. Do not venture near this zard at parties if ye be faint of heart.

Typhlosion - The word "teddy bear" comes to mind. It was to be expected, I had to have at least one character who liked giving out hugs.

Typhlosion is probably most defined by his innocent, yet friendly personality. Those who know him would swear that he's alawys hungry. Even when he's not. Do not touch his cookie jar. One man has made this mistake before. I repeat, DO NOT TOUCH THE COOKIE JAR.

Ye have been warned :evil:

- - - - - - - ANOTHER PAGE BREAK - - - - - - - -

Flip sides are fun >:3

Yup, he might be friendly, compassionate, ect ect ect.
He'll tear you to pieces in a heartbeat if you manage to get his anger stirred. It's not an easy feat. (thank heavens). But even Z and charizard have to watch out for this tyrant when he goes on a rampage.

Flaotzel - [Smashfan, why did you make him evolve! - Buizel is so awesseoommeee]


Floatzel is usually ill-tempered and sarcastic. He hates being asked to do anything; let alone fight. He has the worst sense of humor, and won't hesitate to speak his mind. Hurting another's feelings is of no consiquence to him.

- - - - - -YOU KNEW THIS WAS COMING - - - - - - -

Yup, another flip.

Floatzel will defend his companions to his dying breath if he has to. He always puts others before himself in times of need. His loyalty rivals charizard, he'd rather end his own life than stab a good friend in the back.

Also, he enters mega-sappy-love-mode around Clair. I try to include as few of these scenes as possible. For Muthi's sake, his eyeballs would probably melt :p

Clair (Pink Gardevoir) - Actually not my chraracter. She used to have a crush on Darkrai (Probably still does). The best one who can probably explain her personality is Mari.

She does relay important information to Latios via telepathy.

Gliscor - The last big one. He's been Charizard's war partner ever since he and Krook split ways and Char joined impact.

Gliscor is... ehh... eccentric.

He's extremely inteligent, like Z. But, also like Z, some of the stuff he does can be extremely off the wall. He enjoys pranks, good jokes, goofing around, picking on Charizard with Xiroey. When he and either Xiroey or Gengar get together, it's usually a recipee for disaster.


But, despite all that's said above, when it comes time to get serious, he's usually the first one on board. His battle style involves a lot of strategics: Including trapping, poisoning, guarding, evading, ect. His ability is Sand Veil, making him a royal pain to hit if Sandstorm is up.

Also, you know that Substitute/Protect spam that makes competitive battlers want to rip their hair out?

Guess what?

Krookodile - I'm actually still working this character out. Please bear with me, I actually just thought of his character recently.

Liligant - A work in progress

Nidoking - A work in progress

Electivire - A work in progress

Will update when I finally decide on what each character should be like :p


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Ah, Clair The Pink Gardevoir is actually MY character, And the best way to describe her would be two words.


Only when she thinks of Darkrai, though. (Which is half the time.)

Other than that, She has the grace and delicatey of a princess. (She IS a princess, by the way.)

Annnnd that pritty much sums it up.)))

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
(Continuing the Battle) (While Mari was healing xiroey and ness kept watch over xiroey, Richard was in a battle with Ghetsis) Richard: You'll pay with your life Ghetsis! Ghetsis: You think you van defeat me?! I am the master of team plasma and i have my Kyurems to handle you! Richard: Not quite, your right about your pokemon defending you, but your theory on my demise is inaccurate, which i shall capitalize on it. Ghetsis: Not so fast! (Suddenly Kyurem Black shot a thunderbolt at Richard, he dodged it with ease) Richard: Oh poor performance indeed! Now it's my turn, say goodbye ghetsis! (Richard zipped toward ghetsis but also knew that one of the kyurems would drop in front of him to block him from going further and Kyurem White did just that. Richard: Hah! (Richard then zipped through the space between kyurem white's legs and headed straight for ghetsis) Ghetsis: But how?! (Before ghetsis could move, richard grabbed ghetsis by his neck and with such strength given by the virus, lifted him and pulled out his gun and pointed at ghetsis's head) Ghetsis:Nooooooo! Richard: Goodbye ghetsis. (Richard shoots ghetsis in the head, Suddenly a fusion flare went toward richard afterwards, richard zipped left and avoided it, but it was headed toward xiroey) Richard: Mari! look out! (Mari looked and seen the fusion flare move heading toward her. She then added some power to the force field to deflect the move.) (Richard was then heading back toward xiroey and mari, after killing ghetsis) Okay that's one foe down, several more to go, i'll leave the next post to someone else.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"Mari! Look out!"

She didn't need the warning to sence the Fusion Flare hurling towards her, Xiro, and Ness. With a florish, several runes appeared around Mari's wrist, and she slammed her hand down to the ground. The Beacons picked up her energy from the ground and transfured it to the shield. The Fusion Flare didn't have a chance, disappearing as it made contact.

By now, Mari was breathing hard, exausted. From the quick bout with Muhti, keeping the shield active, healing Xiro, and deflecting the previous attack, Mari's magic tank was bordering on empty. She usually had better stamana than this, but shield was taking it's toll on her.


Sonic knocked on the shield with a impatiant look on his face. It took some doing, but eventually Mari opened up a hole big enough for him to fit though.

"How's Xiro?" He asked.

"He's not awake yet, but he'll be fine. I healed him."

"Whoa, since when could you do healing spells?" Sonic said. Judging on how Xiro was after he was possesed, it must have been one heck of a spell.

"So not the time, Teach-what happened to you?" Mari looked wearingly at the burnt mark on Sonic's arm.

"Eh, random fireball. It's nothing. Sup, Ness?" The blue hedgehog greeted the boy with a nod and a smile.

"Hey, Sonic. Long time no see." Ness greeted back.

"Not to be a party-pooper, but shouldn't you be out there handing Muhti's and the Dark Ones butt to them or something?" Mari said to Sonic.

"It's a war zone out there." Sonic explained. "I don't think we're gonna win with out help. So I called some backup."

"By back-up, you mean...?" Mari asked.

"An old friend of ours." Sonic looked up to the sky, as if expecting someone. "Which should be here riiiiiight aboooouut...."


A second later, a HUGE star-shaped wormhole opened up in the sky, and a grand boat-like airship came forth. Lowering it's sail, the airship made it's way towards the battle at an alarming pace. When it was right above the Frontier, the airship's weapons pointed themselfs right at the Dark Ones forces. On it's side, the name of the ship could be read in large, blue letters:

Lor Starcutter

"....Magolor...?" Mari whispered. She could see it, the Lor in all it's glory, yet she could not believe it.

How long since she last saw her teacher in magic?

While Mari gawked at the ship, Sonic pulled out the mirror he used earlier to call Magolor.

"Bring the rain, Mags! Oh, and make sure to hit our enemies and not destroy the Frontier in the process."

"Got it! Here it comes!" The wizard responded.

The Lor unloaded it's cannons. All hell broke loose.



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Hey, Richard... something wrong with your Enter key? =P That was a little hard to read, and whoa, did Richard headshot Ghetsis?

All the ruckus outside got Frostwraith's attention.

"What the hell...", said Frostwraith abrubtly closing the book he was reading. "Rotom, give me cover."

Rotom followed Frostwraith, who unsheathed his sword, ready to fight the best as he could.

"All this pain is really getting me out of shape... well, here goes nothing.", said Frostwraith swallowing a analgesic pill.

Rotom frontly charged his power and unleashed some on Frostwraith's sword, inbuing it with lightning. Watching all the chaos, he saw Muhti fighting on the Dark Ones' side, as he expected. Avoiding being noticed, Frostwraith swinged his sword, sending a sickle shaped wave targeted at Muhti, who became stunned with the shock.

"Arrghh... the pain!", Frostwraith yelled as he began to run.

In the midst of the chaos, Frostwraith sneaked behind Muhti writing something on a small sheet of paper, which he ended up putting on one of the pockets on Muhti's pants. The paper had the following message:

"You've been doing well so far. If you found some information that could be useful for me, come to my tent after you read this. Otherwise, just pretend this paper never existed.

- Frostwraith"

Using the chaos to his advantage, Frostwraith sneaked back to his tent alongside his Rotom, who remained on guard for intruders. Frostwraith continued to read the book he previously interrupted.

"Too risky... not even these pills will ease this pain. What am I supposed to do... I can't even use magic now..."

Well... I think this will do.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Okay, i'm gonna edit this post. I've been toying around with the thought of whether to include it here, but hey, might as well get this out in the open! Big things coming up here, pay attention!


The battlefield was ablaze in hellish fire of all sorts. Luco coughed a few times from the smoke. He was a large enough target to be considered a threat but was holding his own against masses of enemies. "Dang... they must have sent more through once they realized we weren't going down easily." He looked at the airship with curiosity. Sonic had called it down and Mari seemed relieved enough, so it was safe to assume those cannons weren't aiming for him: His thought-sensing abilities only went so far... literally.

He used the extra breathing room to think. Where's the portal... what if I closed that? He looked awhile... and finally spotted it, directly behind black kyurem. Ghetsis was lying on the ground, a pool of blood spreading around his head. That'll give them something to think about before they try to revive him. Ideally, he didn't want them to revive him. Gotta close the portal... somehow... A flash of light came from the heavens, and struck Magolor's airship. It was neatly deflected, but following it was a mental burst of energy so loud that it was all Luco could hear: "Target the ship! Hit it with everything!" Luco knew that would be too much.

He couldn't reach the Lor at its range, so instead he threw up a barrier directly in front of the two most damaging attacks that would be going for the ship... and it broke, to his dismay, to the power of not only two kyurems but many other magical attacks directed for the specific purpose of breaking it down. He looked on sadly as the starcutter was struck, this time taking some damage. He'll have to retreat... I wonder if...

It was the first time he'd considered it. The ability had its uses, but it also had severe drawbacks: In the end, it would all come down to whoever got to him first.

The Lor Starcutter withdrew to repair, but Luco didn't want it coming back. In fact, he wanted his friends as far away as possible. "Mari, cover me!!" he shouted. He ran to the barrier to get behind her, just as a new wave of foes crashed against the barrier. "I know you're tired, just hold out for a little longer... we can end this." he looked in to her eyes with determination, but sadness. It's unlikely they will get to me first.

Mari channeled her strength in to the barrier as Luco crouched on to one knee, and chanted. At first, nothing happened. Then, it seemed as though the world was getting brighter and faster... it was small, at first, but gradually it began to speed up, until it was whirling about him.

Then it stopped entirely.

I hope... I hope I can see you again.

He walked around to each team member, and tapped them one by one. As he did, so did they disappear, moved at near instantaneous speed to the top of mt. coronet all the way off in the distance. He noticed muhti walking away from the battle, in statis. He came to him (unaware of the note on him). Something holds me back from keeping this one here. I hate him, and yet... maybe there is something else... he tapped him too. He came to Xiroey. You're always noticing the small, whatever it may be. You might just be quick enough, just faster than the others... even faster than sonic. He almost chuckled. I hope... He once again paused when he came up to his familiar charizard. The last one to go. May you be safe, my friend. Whatever happens, I will always be with you. I hope. He tapped him too.

That left him and the enemy. Time came slowly, in fragments, as people began to move again. For my family... for this world... for this multiverse... I will not let you go any further! He lifted his arm to the sky and let the blue fill his eyes. Striking his hand to the ground, he put all his energy in to concentration. He felt his energy go, and a flash of light enveloped him. It spun and twisted, growing larger and larger, this ball of light. He felt himself changing...

In his place stood a dragon, pale blue in colour and perhaps 50 metres tall. His eyes had no pupils: They glowed blue. His thoughts had become a blur, he had no voice... only the will to stop the oncoming bull-rush of enemies, the gate still open behind them. His eyes flashed, and the ground beneath them gave way. Kyurem's beam came at him, and he deflected it harmlessly, answering with a swipe of super-condensed water to knock Kyurem off balance. He then launched a beam of his own at the legend, who collapsed unconscious from the attack.

The rest of the forces fell soon after and those who did not, fled. The portal closed behind them. 20 minutes later and the battlefield was entirely clear. But this dragon was weak. Exhausted. It took so much effort... to breathe... so much to live... His head crashed on to the dirt as he transformed back to human form. His last thoughts before he entered the black were: Now begins the race for my life... save me... please...

I hope...



Luco is out. Not for good, but he's gonna be unconscious for a while. No spell will wake him, in case you're wondering.

The 'race' he refers to, is that now that he is entirely spent, he has no control over what happens to him. Whether he is captured by the good or the bad... is entirely up to you.

And sorry I did not reveal this earlier. It seems like god mode sue-ing, I know... but I think the recoil is fair. Especially now when it's purely up to a writer's discretion if he lives or dies.

If you still feel like it's too much, I don't plan on making this a regular habit. :p


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
"...Mrrph... get... get back here...stubborn berry... zzz..."

Charizard rolls over lazily in his sleep. His claws try vainly to grasp at a phantom fruit. Despite his best efforts, the ground all around him is scorched dry, the result of his tail frame rolling of his stomach in his sleep. The sleepy char rolls over again, his mouth watering as his claws almost grasp that one plump delecious piece of juicy...

A series of loud explosions jerk him awake. "Waah!" Charizard immediately bolts upright. His senses are instantly on alert for any kind of danger, but, to his surprise he finds the small clearing just as peaceful as it was hours before. A little confused, he manages to hoist himself up into a standing position. Nothing around but a trees and a small lake.

And Gengar and Spirit and Z, who look like they're running from Darkrai himself.

"What's got you three in such a hurry"? Charizard croaked. He really wasn't in the mood for drama at the moment. Whatever it was, he just wanted to get back to sleep...

Gengar's eyes light up when he spots Charizard. "Charizard, have you seen Xiroey anywhere"?

"Yes, or any of the others for that matter?" Spirit pulls up right behind him.

Charizard just stares at the pair of them in turn. They were both going a little bit too fast for him.

"What"? He mumbled. His eyes were already starting to droop.

"Charizard, you have to wake up, Xiroey might be in trouble"!

This gets his attention. "Xiro, is what? Who...where... what happened"?

"We don't know" Spirit discloses "All we know is that we heard"-

A loud explosion pretty much completes his sentence.

"Troublemakers" Charizard growls.

"Aye, we need to get over there pronto!" Gengar hops from foot to foot imatiently.

"Indeed. You, ghost, hop on. We're heading over there now"!

Music shift


- - - - - - - - - - - -

Silently as a mouse, a newcomer steps onto the battlefield. An orb of darkness materializes in the middle of the carnage Luco's dragon form helped to create, out of it stepa a figure clad in black robes. His face is masked by a hood, and it appears to be looking for something...

His eyes eventually find their way to Luco. He lays in the middle of a moist patch of grass, completely out cold.

"It seems... the black Latios isn't the only one worthy of watching." He silently begins to step closer to Luco's body.

A loud growl suddenly stops him in his tracks.

"Step away from the boy"! Charizard charges in at blinding speed, with Spirit following not too far behind in full Eon form.

"Ahh, It appears not all of you friends fled in that little struggle just now."

Charizard landed with a sound thud. "You, who are you. Step away from Luco".

"Ahh, Luco! Fantastic. This kid, he has potential the likes of which is rarely"- The figures words die off when a sharp set of claws appear inches from his neck.

"I said... step away..." Charizard whispers the threat very softly.

Surprisingly, the figure only laughs.

"Charizard, is it? No, but that isn't quite right is it..."?

Charizard makes a mad swipe at the figure without warning. It dances away easily, causing the claw to meet only air.

"Yes, we've been keeping very close tabs on you Charizard. Or.... shall I say, Théodore "?

Charizard's stomach does a cartwheel. "H-how... How do you..."

"Like I said... We've been... keeping an eye on you for quite some time". He turns to face Gengar and Spirit. "Ahh yes, Spirit, dubbed one of the strongest men alive by his many admirers. Yet, not actually a man at all."

Spirit growls, "Who are you and how do you know my name"?

"Oh, but that would be telling wouldn't it"?

All of a sudden, the figure snaps his fingers and both Spirit and Gengar appear to freeze and place. Charizard looks around confused. A blue barrier surrounds both he and the mysterious figure. Everything else outside the barrier appears to have frozen in time.

"What is this trickery"? Charizard begins to retreat unconsciously. A painful zap stops him from moving passed the time barrier.

"While it wasn't originally our intention. We originally had plans for your friend 'Xiroey' you see, but it'd be foolish to pass up such a golden opportunity".

Charizard takes on a fighting stance. "Quit speaking in riddles human. You must seek death if you honestly wish to take me on".

" I have no intentions of dying here." The figure casually materializes a very familiar set of weapons into each of his hands

"Those weapons"! Charizard gasps.

"Lets see then Charizard, if you're truly as strong as your reputation makes you out to be".

V.S. Mysterious Figure!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
“Very well, if death is what you wish, so be it”! Charizard wastes no time, and begins wracking up Dragon Dances at an alarming rate. The figure coils into action as well, he maanges to reach Charizard just as his Dragon Dance count hits three. He slashes at Charizard’s neck, a stroke that would normally end Charizard then and there, but Charizard breaks his charge and sidesteps the blade. The figure teleports away before Charizard can capitalize on the opportunity to counterattack. Seconds later, Charizard is assaulted by streaks of black lightning.

“Thundaga”! The figure cries from all the way on the other side of the barrier.

“Dissapointing” Charizard scolds him. He tosses up a glowing barrier to block the attack. The lightning bounces off, dealing no damage to Charizard. “Now, lets see how you handle yourself”. Charizard dashes at the figure during the cooldown of his last attack. The speed boosts he managed to build push him forward at impossible speeds. He closes the gap between the figure and himself in seconds.

“It ends here” Charizard tosses a series of expert punches at the figure. His speed throws his opponent off-balance, and he manages to land a series of critically wounding blows on his opponent. Seeing his opponent double back, Charizard finishes his assault with a mighty sweep of his tail, connecting solidly wit the figure’s head.

He’s sent flying into his own barrier, where a bright explosion halts his flight.

Charizard snorts when he sees the arrogant mystery man crumple to his feet. His swords vanish, and he’s left panting heavily on all fours.

“Truly… excellent… Youre just… as powerful… as we believ”-

The figure croaks as a heavy foot sends him rolling in the dirt. “If you think a bit of flattery will allow you to escape your fate, you’re deluding yourself”.

The figure wearily picks himself off the ground again, somehow, he manages to stand, despite the brutal beating Charizard just gave him.

“Yes…. Very good.”.

Suddenly, much to Charizard’s horror, the Figure barks a command. In an instant, all the damage Charizard managed to cause to the figure is erased, his wounds heal, the rents in his robe repair themselves. The figure stands, his voice holds no trace of the beating he took only moments before.


“Magic is truly a wonderful thing. Too bad you brutes do not know of such abilities. That’s what seperates us men from you beasts”.

Charizard snarls, “This changes nothing! Your hide is mine human”!

Charizard inhales deeply, his tail flame grows to enormous proportions. It flickers, then suddenly blazes up several feet, the flames shift from orange to bright blue.

“Lets see your ‘Magic protect you from this”.

Charizard opens his maw, and releases a powerful Blast Burn. It quickly fills the barrier, leaving no room for the figure to run. Just as charizard thinks he’s sealed the match for good, the Figure barks yet another command.


Violent torrents of water rush up out of the ground. They encircle themselves around the figure, eventually crating a makeshift barrier of water. The flames toss themselves up against the barrier, and it evaporates instantly. Steam quickly erupts from it, and fills the enclosed space. Eventually, it becomes too steamy and hot inside the barrier for either of them to see.

“Your spells. The language of them is strange. Where exactly did you come from”? Charizard speaks the question into a thick cloud of mist. His only answer is the soft hiss of the steam as it collides against the electric force-field, causing it to give off small sparks.

“How strange…”

A furious howl escapes Charizar’s through as he feels something hot sink into the flesh of his right arm. He recoils back, his senses automatically go out for any sign of attack, but surpringly, he finds none. The phantom blades attack him again, He takes a deep slash would across the chest. The steam around him gets painted red with his blood.

“Quick Draw” A voice calls from somewhere out in the mist.

“Enough of these games!” Charizard gives a mighty flap of his wings. It creates a powerful wind current that quickly dispels the mist in the barrier. In a brief instant, Charizard glimpse a quick blur rush at him, it manages to get a swipe at his shoulder, just barely missing his throat as Charizard barely manages to avoid the attack.

The blur rushes him again. This time, Charizard is ready for it. He leans forward on the balls of his feet and waits. Just as the blur draws near, Charizard does a clean summersault ove the figure’s head, then manages to launch a blast at the figure’s back.

An angry scream awards his efforts, and the figure topples yet again.

“I-Impossible, just now… you used…”

Charizard smirks down at him. He’d managed to dodge the move with Areal Ace, then seized his opportunity to blast his opponent in the back with a projectile. His secret was finally out in the open.

“Xiro isn’t the only one who can Skill Link” Charizard grins.

The figure curses under his breath. “I… miscalculated…”

“Damn straight! Now, it’s about time I sent you back to whatever fairy tale land you came from”.

Charizard vanishes. The figure glances around wearily, automatically expecting an attack from any direction. It hits him smack in the face. Charizard lands a kick that sends the man flying yet again, into the edge of the barrier. But this time, as he bounces off, Charizard follows up the attack with his Stone Edge, managing to badly injure him before he can touch the ground.

The figure hits the ground starfish style. The attacks quickly drained him of whatever energy reserves he had. In one final attempt, the Figure opens his mouth to utter a command.


Charizard catches the figure around the neck. His claw squeezes, the command the figure was about utter is cut short. The updraft his approach creates also causes the figure's hood to fly back.


“U-until…. Next time….”

Young Zehanort, gives Charizard a parting smile, then a black orb engulfs his body and the barrier around Charizard dissolves. Chraizard feels the neck within his claws dematerialize. He realizes that his opponent has escaped.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh, also, my characters are as follows:

Charizard - my companion since I came to the pokeworld. He's happy, friendly and above all, faithful, but his instinct can take over him and he can be a bit uncontrollable at times.

Luxray - Far more controlled than charizard. He's smart and thoughtful but enjoys showing off with his lightning. He's happy to help but sometimes over-reaches himself.

Pikachu - He's fun and happy but the first to run in to a sticky situation. His nature calls him to be a problem solver and he hates conflict.

Lucario - Calm and collected, cool and sharp. Lucario sometimes changes to become very happy but only in rare situations. He communicates on a human's level but has the capacity to think further and enjoys smart battling - often taking the position of a sniper.

Mew and Mewtwo mostly stick to their traditional roles, except that mew is far more powerful and he looks and mewtwo enjoys discussing philosophy and can be genuinely happy in a calm way.

Hope it helps!


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Interesting stuff!!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf's Theme

Once more, the Dark Ones reunited with their sinster master.

"We have failed again to find and bring Frostwraith alive!", yelled the Dark Ones' Master. "Ghetsis proved to be useless after all, or he wouldn't have died like that!"

"My Master, it seems that Luco and Xiroey are also very powerful... perhaps, we could focus our efforts in obtaining their powers?", suggested Palpatine.

"Ah... Lord Sidious... not a bad suggestion. After all, what it matters to us is power. But! Frostwraith is essential to our plans! He's the one!", said the Dark Ones' Master, speaking through the orb, as usual.

"We're aware of that, Master. But for now, we must regroup and focus on our next step.", calmly said Ganondorf.

"Exactly, Lord Ganondorf. Hm.... Muhti hasn't come yet. I'm feeling betrayed by that wretch again. Another failure in my command...", said the Master.

"I will go and reorganize our army with Lords Archimonde and Ganondorf. We must ensure that the next battle will bring victory to us.", prompted Kil'jaeden.

"Wise decision, Lord Kil'jaeden. It pleases me that I still have competent followers, unlike those disgraceful idiots like Spirit, Ghetsis, Ghirahim and Muhti!", responded the Master. "Don't forget to bring Luco and Xiroey too. Their powers are just too strong to be ignored. These three must be brought to my presence... alive! I also want those treacherous idiots Spirit and Muhti in my presence... nothing will delight me more than seeing them torn to shreds!"

"That shall be done, Master.", responded Ganondorf.
Frostwraith was in deep thought inside his tent.

"First Xiroey, now Luco... I guess the Battle Frontier tournament will have to wait...", commented Frostwraith.

Picking up his bag, he began to search it, looking for something.

"Where is that thing... ah, found it."

Frostwraith took from the bag a flask with a blue liquid inside.

"I knew I had this useful potion. Hmm... I should learn how to make those Mana Potions. They are a very convenient item to have..."

Frostwraith began to drink it.

"This thing tastes horrible..."

Shortly after, he began to feel his powers returning, but those were still far from their usual levels.

"Better than nothing... now... on to the experiment..."

Frostwraith picked an empty jar from his bag, as well as a syringe. Frostwraith proceeded to take his upper part of the robe off. Frostwraith felt the chilling air of Mt. Coronet in his now exposed upper part of the body. Frostwraith stung the syringe on his left arm and took a sample of his own blood.

"One small drop...", muttered Frostwraith, as he put the sample of his blood on the jar.

Next, Frostwraith put his hand on his chest, close to his heart and used a strange spell that caused him to take a tiny, purple energy ball from his own body, putting in the jar as well.

"I put this in the jar too... hope this works out in the end...", said Frostwraith, slightly unsure of what he was doing.

After dressing the upper robes back, Frostwraith stored the jar on his bag and proceeded to take an orb from his bag.

"Master Hand?", said Frostwraith.

"Ah, Frostwraith. You have anything to report? How's the tournament going? We're preparing our weapon, so you shouldn't worry about it.", responded Master Hand.

"I am sending an important report."

"What happened?"

"The Dark Ones attacked again. They sent Ghetsis who had both White and Black Kyurem to attack us. Luco and Xiroey are unconscious as of now due to complications..."

"Those are bad news... where are you anyway?"

"Mt. Coronet. We have also new allies, such as members of something known as Impact, which Xiroey is part of, as well as a girl named Mari, who came alongside Sonic. I've seen Magolor as well."

"Interesting... that means we must focus on our objective... to find Mesprit and summon Palkia... may I suggest that you split off from the group alongside other members? With Xiroey unconscious, it would be wise to not leave him defenseless."

"Got it. I am taking the angels, Cynthia and Alder with me. I am separating from the group for a while... I'm sure they will handle anything well without me."

"If that's what you think, then it's fine. But, send a message to Sonic. Tell him that we need the 7 Chaos Emeralds."

"As you wish, Master Hand."

Frostwraith headed outside, accompanied by his Rotom, who remained as his bodyguard.

"You're awake already?", said Pit.

"I just spoke with Master Hand.", responded Frostwraith, ignoring Pit.

"Should be important...", said Dark Pit.

"All right, listen up! The Dark Ones have sent us quite the surprise attack. We managed to escape, but at great cost. We won't have help from Luco as of now. Master Hand suggested that I would find Mesprit, so we could summon Palkia right here."

"Sounds clever.", said Ness.

"Also, Sonic. Master Hand wants you to find all 7 Chaos Emeralds. We're going to need them to empower the weapon Master Hand is building. The Time Gears are simply not enough."

"No problem!", responded Sonic.

"I will leave you here for a while, for I am heading to Lake Verity to find Mesprit.", said Frostwraith.

"You're not going alone, now are you?", said Richard.

"I'm not. I am taking some of you with me... as I have worked with some of you before this group's formation, I'd like to work together again... Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia?"

None of them objected and Frostwraith asked Alder to join as well, who agreed.

"I will be off now. You must remain here, for this place will be important to Master Hand's plan.", said Frostwraith.

Now approaching Mari, Frostwraith whispered: "Watch Muhti carefully... I don't know what Luco had in his mind when he saved him, but, keep a tight watch on him. Tell this to everyone else, without having Muhti to notice."

Mari silently agreed and Frostwraith took off on his Hydreigon's back. Cynthia and Alder also rode their Braviary and Volarona respectively, with Pit and Dark Pit flying thanks to Palutena's powers.

Few minutes later, they arrived at Lake Verity. Hydreigon, Braviary and Volcarona were tired of flying at such high speed, since they had a five minute limit before Pit and Dark Pit's wings would burn.

"Lake Verity... home to Mesprit. One of the legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.", commented Frostwraith.

"Yes... let's head inside that cave. Go Milotic!", said Cynthia, sending her Milotic, who took the five members of the group to the small islet in the middle of the lake.

Pokémon Black 2 / White 2 - Sinnoh Lake Theme

"We're inside... let's find Mesprit.", said Alder.

The floor was slightly wet and it felt slippery, so the small group had to watch every single step they took.

"Where's Mesprit?", said Frostwraith.

"I have him under my control... an ingenious device that I invented.", said a familiar voice to Frostwraith.

"Wait... Colress?!", said Frostwraith, noticing the scientist. "What are you doing here?!"

"My motivation is to research the Pokémon's strength... to bring out their maximum potential! I will do whatever it takes, as long as I find results! If the research leads me to join the Dark Ones, so be it! Now, you've shown quite prowess in fighting, Frostwraith. I was amazed at how confident you were in the unfortunately unfinished tournament."

"So... you were working with the Dark Ones...", muttered Frostwraith.

"As long as my research advances, nothing will stop me. Yes, I did tell the Master of your presence in the Battle Frontier. Now, let's see how will you fare against Mesprit!"

"You're a fool...", muttered Frostwraith.

Emotion Pokémon
Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf Battle! (Remix)

"Go, Chandelure!", yelled Frostwraith.

Mesprit began to charge a Shadow Ball.

"Drat! Chandelure avoid that at all costs!", ordered Frostwraith.

Mesprit launched the attack at a speed so high, Chandelure had no chance to avoid it and was hit severely by the attack, becoming unable to fight.

"Chandelure... come back."

Frostwraith sent his Hydreigon to battle, who roared loudly upon entering in battle, the sound echoing throughout the cave.

"Hydreigon, show what you're made of! Dark Pulse!", ordered Frostwraith.

The attack hit Mesprit hard, who countered with a Signal Beam move. Hydreigon's speed allowed him to dodge the attack and charge at the legendary Pokémon, attacking him with Crunch. Mesprit was crippled from the brutal attack, but still managed to fire an Ice Beam at Hydreigon, who barely resisted.

"Damn this... Hydreigon, get back!", said Frostwraith in frustration. "Rotom, now! Begin with another Shadow Ball!"

The attack hit Mesprit, who was almost down. Mesprit attempted another Shadow Ball move, but Rotom was speedy enough to dodge it with Double Team.

"Great, Rotom! Now, let's finish this! Attack with Thunder!"

The humid atmosphere of the cave made the attack more effective, and Mesprit was finished off by Rotom.

"I commend your battle skills... but even fainted, Mesprit remains on my command as long as I have this device.", said Colress, holding a strange machine.

"Rotom, ThunderShock that thing now!", ordered Frostwraith.

Rotom launched a small bolt of lightning, destroying the machine in the process.

"The hours I spend in building that... and now you destroyed it! You shouldn't have done that in the first place...", said Colress menacingly.

"Threaten all you want. If it's a battle you want, I'll gladly take you on!", responded Frostwraith with bravado.

"Let me show you my Pokémon's true strength!"

Team Plasma
Pokémon Black 2 / White 2 - Colress Battle! (Remix)

"Go Magneton!", said Colress, sending his first Pokémon.

"Rotom, return! It's your turn, Golurk!", said Frostwraith, sending his Golurk.

Golurk had a great advantage against Magneton, crippling it with a powerful Earthquake attack. Colress sent his Wash Rotom to replace his Magneton.

"Rotom, Hydro Pump!", ordered Colress.

Rotom's attack proved to be too much for Golurk. Frostwraith sent his Rotom, who was in his normal form.

"Rotom, use Thunder!", ordered Frostwraith.

Being in the normal form proved useful, as Frostwraith's Rotom outran Colress's Rotom, who responded with a Shadow Ball, knocking Frostwraith's Rotom.

"Cofa grigus! Your turn!", said Frostwraith, sending his Cofa grigus for the first time in a long period.

Colress's Rotom outran Cofa grigus and attacked Cofa grigus with a Shadow Ball. Despite his weakness to Ghost type moves, Cofa grigus's defense proved useful in resisting the move.

"Cofa grigus! Finish it with Energy Ball."

A critical hit, the foe Rotom was knocked out. Colress sent his Metagross, who attacked Cofa grigus with a Shadow Ball move, knocking the Coffin Pokémon down.

"Only one left... you're my last hope, Houndoom!", said Frostwraith. "Use Fire Blast!"

Metagross was hit hard, but managed to survive and countered Houndoom with a powerful Stone Edge attack. Houndoom was defeated, causing Frostwraith to lose the battle.

"Damn this... You fought well, partners... I won't disappoint you next time...", said Frostwraith.

"The mighty Frostwraith losing against me... seems that my research worked out in the end...", calmly said Colress, who walked away. "I believe we may meet again sometime..."

"Not so fast, you coward!", said Pit blocking Colress's way.

"Your devotion to science is excessive, Colress... are you aware of the Master's intentions?", questioned Alder.

"I don't care about the Master's motives. Only my research matters.", responded Colress.

"Let's see if your research will help battling against me.", calmly said Alder. "Volcarona, use Overheat!"

"Whoa!", reacted Pit, who dodged the attack.

Volcarona's attack hit Metagross hard, causing it to faint.

"Not bad, Alder... Beheeyem, go!"

"Volcarona, keep using Quiver Dance!", ordered Alder.

Volcarona's Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed began to rise. With his Special Defernse rising, Volcarona managed to resist many of Beheeyem's attacks.

"Beheeyem, Trick Room!", ordered Colress. "Follow it with a Psyshock attack!"

The attack proved useful, but Volcarona resisted and countered with a now very powerful Bug Buzz attack. Beheeyem was horribly defeated in a single blow.

"Klinklang, begin with Giga Impact!", ordered Colress.

Volcarona was knocked down by the strong attack, prompting Alder to send his Bouffalant.

"Bouffalant, Superpower!", ordered Alder.

Klinklang's need to recharge gave a good opportunity to Bouffalant, and was knocked down by the Superpower move.

Colress had only one Pokémon left: Magnezone.

Alder's Bouffalant took advantage of Trick Room's wearing out and didn't hesitate to use a powerful Earthquake move, knocking down Magnezone.

"You prove to be stronger... very well, I am now focusing on my research alone. It seems that I was wrong into siding with the Dark Ones...", commented Colress.

"I will let you go. You would do well to reconsider your decisions.", suggested Alder.

With Colress out of the cave, the group focused on treating the injured Mesprit, now free from Colress's control.

"It will likely take a while for it to recover, but my magic will surely help.", said Frostwraith. "It would be wise for us to remain hidden here while Mesprit rests."

Ended longer than I expected... Also, I had to find a way to write Cofa grigus's name without the censor to detect it... :mad:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Staring at Mesprit, Mari sat on the ground crosslegged, next to the still knocked out Eon. She was worried about what state his mind would be when he woke up, if at all...

"Yo, Mari."

She looked up at Sonic, who was busy streaching his legs and arms. He seemed to be getting ready for something.

"I have to go to get the emeralds. Master Hand said so." The blue hedgehog said. "So I better be going now."

Mari sighed sadly. As much as she wanted to spend more time with her teacher, he was right. The fate of Smashboards- no, the Multiuniverse- was at stake.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll...take care of Xiro. And I gotta watch Muhti to make sure he doesn't pull a fast one on us. So...you take care. And please be careful..."

Instead of running off like he usually did, Sonic put a hand on Mari's shoulder.

"Hey, I won't be long. I hid the Chaos Emeralds in a secret place a while ago. I'll just grab them and head right back here before you can say 'Chaos Control!' " He gave her a huge smile, which instantly lifted Mari's spirits. Sonic always had that attitude and effect on people.

"Oh, and before I go, I should check on Magolor..." Pulling out the mirror, Sonic tapped the top star-one for each letter in 'Magolor'- and the wizard's face instantly appeared.

"Hey, Mags. You doing OK?"

"I'm fine, Sonic." Although his worried face said otherwise. "I wish I could say the same for the Lor..."

"Thanks for covering us back at the Frontier." Sonic said. "Luco somehow sent us all the way to Lake Verity, and we found Mesprit. I'm heading out on Master Hand's orders to grab the Chaos Emeralds."

"Well, that's good news. Hopefully, I can get the Lor back up and running to pick you up once you have the Emeralds." Magolor scratched his head. "I'm not sure how long it will take...."

When Magolor said this, Sonic winced for some reason. "Yeah, about that...I'm gonna need one more favor..."

"Oh?" Magolor stared at Sonic with suspistion. "Saving all your lives wasn't enough?"


"For NOVA's sake, Sonic, spit it out already!" Magolor was starting to look impatiant.

Sonic sighed, defeated. "It's...It's Mari."

Mari's ears perked up at the metion of her name. What was it about her that Sonic was so reluctent to talk about?

Magolor blinked once, then....a sort of anger flashed in his eyes. "You know I don't know where she is. For all we know, she...." The anger suddenly turned into sorrow and Magolor had to turn away for a moment. The mere thought of his only pupil...gone...was too much to bear.

"Magolor....she's right here." Sonic finally said after a few moments. "She's alive."

By now, Mari was standing right next to Sonic, but not close enough for Magolor to see her. "You didn't tell him I was alive?!" She whisper-yelled.

"It...kinda slipped my mind!" Sonic said sheeply.
Meanwhile, on the Lor, Magolor was having a hard time processing what Sonic just said. Mari? Alive? After all this time? After months of searching for himself, he had accepted the fact that Mari was gone for good. It was a hard pill to swallow...but he managed, for a time.

Maintaining his composure, he only said this:

"Prove it."
Sonic nodded. He understood his hesitance to believe him. "That's your que." he said aloud to Mari. He held out the mirror for her to take it.

At first, Mari hesitated. She wasn't sure how Magolor would react. The only person that was even remotely glad to see her so far was Sonic. But that was expected.

Taking a deep breath, Mari closed her eyes, took the mirror, and opened her eyes again. For the first in a long time, she was face to face (Sort of) with her teacher.

"...Hi, Magolor."
Magolor was absolutely stunned. Shell-shocked. Seeing Mari's face was like a hammer to his brain. He didn't say or do anything, just stared at his own mirror.

Then, in an instant, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Magolor vanished.
"Magolor? Mags?...Uh, Sonic, I think he hung up." Mari showed the mirror to him.

Sonic squinted his eyes and saw that the mirror was still showing the Lor. "Naw, It's still connected. I think he fainted or-"

Something suddenly warped the space in front of Mari's face, and in a split second, she was dangling 10 feet in the air, held by the collar by a very inraged Magolor.

"YOU!" Magic made Magolor's voice sound mencing and loud. "WHERE IN THE NAME OF THE ANCIENTS WERE YOU?!?"

Down below, Sonic hid his face in his hand. This could end badly.

(((Uh, Oh....NOW WHAT?! :eek: )))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Time for a little more evil... :evil:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf's Theme

"Unbelievable! That stupid fool was too worried about his research he forgot about his allegiance!", the Master yelled through the orb that contained his conscience. "I will have to send someone to finish him off."

"He's not a threat for now, Master. We should focus on our main objective, don't we?", responded Palpatine.

"Yes... but this wave of betrayals is just angering more and more... such useless fools... I shall eliminate them all when I walk this world!", the voice yelled.

"Of course, Master. It is quite as you say... but for that we need power. The souls of all warriors fallen in this war should give a good amount, but it's still not enough... we, Dark Ones, will ensure that your wishes are granted.", responded the Sith Lord.

Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Mt. Coronet (Remix)

Meanwhile, in Mt. Coronet...

"Has Mesprit recovered yet?", Master Hand's voice was heard from Frostwraith's orb.

"No. Being controlled by Colress and being defeated in battle proved to be very tiresome.", reported Frostwraith. "Fortunately, Uxie and Azelf are currently watching over it."

"Very well... when it awakes, warn me and I shall bring Dialga and Arceus to the Spear Pillar, where we can call Palkia.", responded Master Hand.

"That's the plan, yes. For now, we will just wait until Mesprit awakes..."

"Good enough. Be safe."

The communication was cut and Frostwraith went outside, and noticed some white and black feathers. Picking them up, Frostwraith took a careful look at them.

"Angel feathers... these could have some magical propreties... perhaps I will store these and study them.", commented Frostwraith.

Frostwraith stored the feathers on his bag and began to walk around the snowy ground of Mt. Coronet. Looking around, and Spear Pillar could be seen high above the mountain. Snow fell at a slow pace and it was slightly foggy as well, although not reducing the visibility much.

Frostwraith's Golurk remained on tight guard of the encampment, having been ordered to alert the group, in case enemies attacked.

Frostwraith was walking slowly around the encampment while observing the other teammates. Ness, Lucas and their companions seemed to have been playing games, Cynthia and Alder were having a practice battle, Crono and his team, alongside with Arc, seemed to be talking about something, his own Pokémon, alongside Richard and Wesker, remained on heavy guard. Suddenly a light arrow soars in the sky, passing close to Frostwraith's head.

"Sorry!", Frostwraith heard Pit's voice echoing in the valleys around him.

Pit and Dark Pit were having a practice match. Frostwraith, while observing all of his teammates, combined with the snow slowly falling around him and the beautiful scenery around the camp, began to think about the fate of the world, should they lose the war against the Dark Ones.

"Not only for my parents... not only for my partners... not only for Master Hand... it's for the worlds as we know... for the multiverse...", Frostwraith thought.

A cold wind began blowing and the snow fall began to increase in rate.

"A blizzard is about to come...", Frostwraith muttered. "And I must continue to broaden my magic knowledge..."

Even with the weather getting nastier, Frostwraith sat on a rock and opened a book about potions. The wind made his cloak bearing his family's emblem flow along.

"The fate of the worlds... is in our hands...", whispered Frostwraith as he began to read the book.

Attempting at something more descriptive.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Got grand ideas today, so I'm posting them now.

Concentrated on his reading, Frostwraith loses track of time, realizing that one hour passed only after his Rotom zapped him to warn his trainer of something. Frostwraith immediatly followed the Pokémon to find why Rotom called him.

Rotom suddenly stops by the tent where Xiroey and Mesprit were resting and Frostwraith enters inside, finding Mesprit awake. Frostwraith didn't hesitate in taking his magical orb to communicate with Master Hand.

"Master Hand, I got news. Mesprit is awake already.", reported Frostwraith.

"Very well. Let's not waste any more time. Lead the group to Spear Pillar where we shall begin the summoning.", responded Master Hand.

"That shall be done.", responded the dark mage.

Heading outside, Frostwraith brought the news to the remainder of the group and everyone began climbing Mt. Coronet, onward to Spear Pillar.

Spear Pillar
Pokémon Diamond / Pearl - Spear Pillar

"We have arrived, Master Hand. When shall we begin the summoning?", inquired Frostwraith.

"As soon as we can. A portal will open to allow Arceus and Dialga to arrive. Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf should be ready.", said Master Hand.

The three lake entities positioned themselves in a triangle shape and a circle of light began to form. The ruins began to glow in a pink color. The lake Pokémon began making their usual cries and just in time, Arceus and Dialga faded in.

The ground began to tremble and the sky became covered in pink clouds. A strong force began to be unleashed from the light circle, which became a sort of portal.

A loud roar is heard. Frostwraith assumed that roar belonged to Palkia. The space around the Spear Pillar began to distort itself and a ton of lightning bolts began striking at the circle made by the lake trio.

Another roar was heard. Suddenly, a huge, pink, draconic figure began to materialize. It was a sort of a completely pink silhouette.

"Palkia...", recognized Cynthia.

Another lightning bolt came crashing on the silhouette, which became colored like Palkia. The summoning complete, and Palkia roared again. This time, the roar seemed much louder than before.

"Palkia, the Spatial Pokémon.", said Arceus to Palkia, via telepathy.

"Lord Arceus... what has made you summon me?", responded Palkia.

"Your powers are needed. I am under Master Hand's orders... the dimensions are under threat."

"I see... I shall do what I can.", responded Palkia.

"Frostwraith, we must all return to Final Destination at once!", ordered Master Hand.

"As you wish.", responded Frostwraith, opening a portal. "Come, everyone! Master Hand is calling."

The group crossed the portal, where they reuinited with Master Hand at last.

"Our objective has been met. You have my thanks.", said Master Hand. "While we waited for Mesprit to wake up, Arceus was busy with something important..."

"Important?", responded Frostwraith.

"Arceus went to the Distortion World while you were busy finding Mesprit. It brought us a powerful ally... Giratina!", said Master Hand.

A shadowy figure appeared before everyone. A huge, six legged platinum colored dragon materialized from the shadows, roaring ominously.

"Giratina completes the trio composed by Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Now that all are here, we can add their powers to our superweapon. The Adamant, Lustrous and Griseous Orbs are now empowering the cannon that will be used to defeat the Dark Ones once and for all...", explained Master Hand.

"What else do we need to make the cannon stronger?", inquired Frostwraith.

"We already have all the Time Gears. Xiroey's friends had the last Time Gear, so we already have a good amount of power, but it's still insufficient. Sonic is tasked with finding all 7 Chaos Emeralds... but I've made some hard work into finding allies...", said Master Hand.

An antropomorphic purple cat walks into Final Destination, holding 7 gems.

"Meet Blaze the Cat from Sonic's worlds... she's the guardian of the Sol Emeralds, which we will also use to empower the cannon.", explained Master Hand.

Mesprit, Palkia, Giratina and Blaze have joined the team!
Suddenly, Crazy Hand waltzes into Final Destination, in his usual crazy movements.

"Crazy Hand, you're back...", reacted Master Hand. "Have any news?"

"Master! I have great news! I found a place in a world named Azeroth a large source of power. I don't know what is it, but it is located in some ruins in the middle of the sea.", reported the left hand.

"Hmm... sending the whole team would be foolhardy...", said Master Hand.

"Actually no, brother! That place is infested with demons! They work for a faction allied with the Dark Ones... how were they called... ARRGGGH!!! I CAN'T REMEMBER!!!", yelled Crazy Hand.

"Calm down, Crazy!", said Master Hand.

"Sorry to interrupt... did you say Azeroth and demons? Might you be talking about the Burning Legion led by Archimonde and Kil'jaeden?", said Frostwraith.

"YES! That's it!", said Crazy Hand, with excessive enthusiasm.

"That means that place is none other than... the Tomb of Sargeras!", said Frostwraith.

"Exactly!", said Crazy Hand.

"This could prove dangerous... and with Xiroey and Luco down, it will be quite the ordeal.", commented Frostwraith.

"Yes. I will have Mari, Richard, Wesker, Sonic, Blaze and Magolor to go search for the Chaos Emeralds. You, Pit, Dark Pit, Cynthia, Alder, Ninten, Ness, Lucas and their companions will raid the tomb. The remainder of the group, including Crono and his team, Arc, Tetra and Impact will stay here and look after the unconscious Xiroey and protect this place, I suspect the Dark Ones might be preparing a massive attack against this place. Is that clear?", commanded Master Hand.

"Yes, Master Hand.", responded Frostwraith.

"I still have to hear from Smashfan... where could have he gone?", whispered Master Hand.

Tomb of Sargeras

Frostwraith arrived at the ruins via portal.

"Hmm... so, this is the Tomb of Sargeras I've heard of before... watch out, everyone... this place is crawling with demons and other nasty creatures... I can feel foul presences inside those old ruins, but also a huge amount of power.", said Frostwraith.

Legendary Pokémon, Crazy Hand and demonic ruins to spice the story a little bit!


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
"WELL?!" The Halcandrian wizard screamed at his long-lost student. "WHERE WERE YOU!"

"Mari's not going to answer if you keep screaming at her!" Sonic shouted from below. "Put her down!"

"NOT UNTIL SHE EXPLAINS HERSELF!" Magolor shouted back.

"Aye, ay, ay..." Sonic pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head in dismay. This was completely out of his hands now.

Mari took a deep breath to calm herself. She did not like being yelled at by anybody. But yelling back at him would only make matters worse. So she counted to 10 in her head before replying.

"I was in the Temple of Gaia, the one in Spagonia, training my mind and body." Mari spoke to her teacher in a quite, calming tone. "After the Fraction War, I knew that Sonic's and Your teachings weren't going to be enough. So...I left. To train. By myself."

The way Mari said that last part...It made Magolor do a double-take. He did not expect that responce. Or that tone. Or her calm demenor. It was like he was standing-Er, carrying-a completely different person. And in his confusion, his anger died away and now he could see clearly. Mari had grown a few inches. Her hair was shorter, she dressed in ligher colors, and-

"...Are those contacts?" Magolor asked, seeing her gold eyes.

Mari smiled with pure pride. "Nope."


"That's right. I've Ascended." Mari told him. "Can you put me down now?"

Slowly, Magolor floated down to the ground and let go of Mari. Hovering at her eye level, the wizard examined his pupil from head to toe. "...And it went fine? No mutations? No extra arms or legs? No-"

"I'm fine, Teach." Mari kneeled down and patted his head. "It's great to see you haven't changed...friend."

Suddenly, Magolor teared up and wrapped his tiny hands around Mari's neck in a tight hug. "You...have no idea how much I've missed you..."

Mari chuckled lightly and hugged Magolor back. "I know. I missed you too. But to be honest, I've never seen you that worked up before."

Magolor sniffed and laughed at the same time. "It's...It's just you left so suddenly and I looked everywhere for you! Do you know how many days and nights I've spent worrying about you and then-"

"I know...I'm sorry." Mari let go of Magolor. "And I promise I'll never do that again without telling somebody...Unless It's an emergancy."

"You don't have to apoligize."

"No, I do. I caused you pain and sorrow, and I'm sorry. But I'm happy you"re not completly mad at me."

"He was never mad at you..." Sonic added. "He just almost went insane with worry."

Magolor shot the Blue Blur a skeptical look. "Well, I wasn't the only one. Who was the one who spent most of his free time circling the globe?"

"...OK, you have a point." Sonic rolled his eyes. "What really matters is that Mari's safe and sound and ready to kick some Dark Ones butt, right?"

"Right!" Mari answered with a firey look in her eyes. "By the way, we should get going."

"Yes. The fate of all our worlds are at stake."

"GAH! Blaze, since when did you get here!?" Sonic screamed.

"I was ordered by Master Hand to bring the Sol Emeralds." Blaze said. "Now we must find the Chaos Emeralds."

"No problem. The Lor can take us all to....Wherever Sonic hid the Emeralds..." Magolor looked at Sonic, confused. "Where DID you hide them, anyway?"

"I'll tell you on the way!" Sonic replied. "OK, EVERYONE THAT'S COMING WITH US, GET ON THE LOR! WE'RE TAKING OFF!"
Meanwhile, Somewhere high above Dreamland...


The setting was the Halberd. Except it wasn't the Halberd. True, it had the same shape, size and firepower, but something about it was more...sinister. The colors were all wrong, darker. The symbol was slightly different. And the wings were more demon-like and evil.

It wasn't Meta Knight's Halberd.

Inside, everything looked and sounded like the regular Halberd. But up in the control center, an interrogation was taking place. A very painful interrogation. The crew said no objections- they were too afaid to challange Dark Meta Knight's command.

The Dark Knight unshethed his sword and pointed it at his prisoner. "You do know. You did travel with them, did you not?"

Marx the Jester spat right at Dark's feet, blood and all. "Yeah, I did. But even if I did know where they are, I wouldn't tell you. Heck, For all I know, Magolor's in some other dimention, Drawcia is busy with her quest for "Insperation", Sonic-Pfft, good luck catching him. And Mari-"

He stopped short.

Dark Meta Knight dug the sword tip under Marx's chin. "What about the one called Mari?"

".....She's dead." Marx said hotly.

Dark's eyes flashed with anger. "You are lying."

Marx laughed. "The truth is, I don't really know. But if people are saying she's...dead, then it must be true." Marx really didn't know what happened to Mari, but mixing the truth with lies was a great tactic.

"I know for a fact that Mari disappeared after the Great Fraction War." Dark Meta Knight said. "I know she is still alive."

"After all this time? You really are as crazy as they say. No wonder Kirby kicked your sorry as-"

A quick strike to the head with the blunt end of Dark's sword silenced the jester-for a while. "Make our guest...comfortable..." He ordered, and Marx was quickly hauled to the holding cells.

Staring out into the horrizon, Dark Meta Knight chuckled evily. Once he had the Halcandrian wizard and his student, he would become more powerful than his accursed reflection...maybe then he would be reconized as a real threat to the Dark Ones pathetic plans.

"Sir! The Lor has just been spotted above the Sinnoh region and heading north! Should we persue?"

"Yes...Keep your distance, though. I want the element of suprise on our side..." Dark commanded.

"Soon...very soon...I will have all that magic at my command..."

(((And...That's it for today. Looks like you're with me, Richard.)))
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