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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Well, thanks for the heads up! I'll put a notice in my post.

Continuing the story...
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

At the Dark Ones' base, Dark Pit and Lucas arrive at the Master's room.

"Useless fools... you failed to defeat Master Hand's dogs!", said the Master.

"My Master...", said Lucas.

"I want no excuses, you dolt! But, I will be giving you another chance... for now, you will stay here. I must be carefully planning my next move.", the Master continued.

Palpatine enters the room.

"Ah... Lord Sidious... what news do you bring?", asked the Master to the Sith Lord.

"Master, I propose we should attack where our enemies hold influence. Our spies have found a zone known as New Hyrule, where that brat Muhti seems to have some sort of rule.", responded Sidious.

"Very well. You can start by unleashing Zalgo there. Ensure total destruction of that place.", coldly ordered the Master. "If, for some unexpected reason, Zalgo falls, reinforce with your army of Stormtroopers. If that fails too, don't hesitate to use the Death Star."

"Gooood... it shall be done as you say, my Master.", responded Palpatine, leaving the room.

"Hyeh hee hee ha ha ha... that Muhti fool shouldn't have messed with me in the first place... all his hopes will soon be lost once he faces the mighty Zalgo! Of course... Ol' Zalgo may be extremely powerful... but he can't be compared to my excellence... to my power!", evilly said the Master.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Ummm, not to be a spoiler or anything, but ummm.... Luco is meant to be getting dragged deep in to sleep because of Dark Luco, not really awake or anything... umm... well, okay... ? o.O


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Important segment here!

After the heated battle with Dark Pit and Lucas, the group is summoned by Master Hand, who opened a portal to Final Destination. With Luco weakened and Frostwraith possessed, they had to rely on Master Hand's powers to cross the dimensions via Final Destination.

"We don't know the extent of Dark Pit's and Lucas's possessions, but we may use our Dimensional Cannon to snap them out.", explained Master Hand.

"What?! But, that cannon completely obliterated Archimonde!", reacted Pit.

"I am aware of it. But, you forget that we can adjust the cannon's power. We can simply use its power to get rid of the hypnosis.", said Master Hand.

"We found that their hypnosis is actually magical in nature. Also, we have the powers of the Time Gears and the Adamant Orb, which can return their minds to their true selves. However, we must find them somewhere in the Dark Ones' hideout.", noted Arceus.

"Crazy and I have been... er, resourceful enough to locate a warehouse belonging to the Dark Ones. They also have a prison in an unspecified place. We noticed that one of the guards in that prison was none other than N, who has fallen victim to the Master's will.", further explained Master Hand.

"So, what we do for now is... to raid that warehouse?", asked Xiroey.

"Not exactly!", said Crazy Hand. "My brother and I have contacted some old allies to infiltrate that prison. We must stay here... I suspect that the Dark Ones' Master may be sending Dark Pit and Lucas to further harass us."

"We found wise to provoke the Master to force him to attack us. The Master got too proud and overconfident since he possessed Frostwraith's body and THAT will be his downfall.", noted Master Hand. "We must remain defensive for now. Stay where you were, before I summoned you."

"Why there?", wondered Cynthia.

"Simple. Despite the Master's insanity, he's intelligent. He knows that it's folly to attack this place. As I said, we need to provoke him into attacking us and will likely want to sate his sadism by sending Lucas and Dark Pit. It's just begging to happen.", responded Master Hand.

"If the situation looks dire enough, we can reinforce you immediatly.", added Arceus.

The group returned to the camp where they were, following Master Hand's orders.

Meanwhile, in a warehouse belonging to the Dark Ones, located somewhere in Eagleland. Inside one of the rooms, there was a cardboard box in the midst of many others and two cloaked figures, dressed like the cultists who worship the Dark Ones' Master.

"Master Hand has ordered us to steal some weapons here.", cloaked figure #1 said.

"Yes, that will enrage the Master enough to attack our allies.", cloaked figure #2 responded.

Outside, they hear a Stormtrooper guard and a Pigmask talking.

"The Master suspects of intruders here! We must tighten our security.", said the Stormtrooper.

"We will handle that.", the Pigmask responded.

Back at the room where the cloaked figures were, the cloaked figures put a bomb inside the room and prepare to leave. Suddenly, a third figure reveals itself from the cardboard box, revealing to be none other than Snake.

"Kept you waiting, huh?", said Snake for no apparent reason.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Theme of Tara

"There's another cloak here.", said cloaked figure #1, who had a feminine voice.

"Good, this will allow us to blend with the other Dark Ones here.", responded Snake, dressing the cloak.

The three cloaked figures began putting posters they found in the room they were. The posters depicted a cloaked figure pointing a finger towards the reader with the caption "The Master wants YOU!"

"Halt! What are you doing, you three?", said a Stormtrooper.

"I beg your pardon?", said Snake. "The Master has ordered us with placing these posters to recruit more people to the Cult."

"My mistake. Forgive my impertinence. I got in the way of the Master's plans.", said the Stormtrooper.

After slapping the posters in and outside the warehouse and nearby areas, the three cloaked figures leave the place. Snake removed the cloak once they were far enough from the warehouse. The other two figures did the same, revealing themselves to be Samus in her Zero Suit and Captain Falcon.

"Now we just sit back and watch...", said Snake, pulling a remote controller. "All the posters we placed in the warehouse had small samples of C4 explosives attached... and now, it's showtime."

Snake pressed the switch, causing the warehouse to blow up, killing everyone inside.

"Master Hand, we're done here.", said Captain Falcon, communicating with Final Destination.

"Not quite. That warehouse had a huge amount of power. I can still sense it, so search in the rubble for it. No doubt that such power comes from an artifact of sorts and likely resisted the explosion.", explained Master Hand.

"We're on it.", responded Falcon, while Samus activated her Power Suit, which materialized around her.

Searching the destroyed warehouse and thanks to Samus's Scanner Visor, they quickly found among the rubble a shiny light blue colored gem.

"We found a gem.", reported Snake via Codec.

"Is that...", said Crazy Hand.

"Yes, it is. A Chaos Emerald.", said Master Hand, confirming Crazy's suspicion.

"Great, now we must get out of here. The Master may have been noticed already of this incident.", said Samus.

"And speak of the devil...", said Snake, noticing a shadowy figure.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Boss Intro 2

"Hyeh heh heh heh heh... so, you are the new agents of Master Hand...", said the Master, in Frostwraith's body. "He was more clever than I expected... now, I think I should deal with you... and the others in Sinnoh... let's make these things interesting, shall we?"

The Master rose his hand and, opening a portal, he summons Lucas, still under the Master's control.

"Hyeh haa haa haaa!! Lucas, exterminate them!", ordered the Master, summoning two Doom Guards as well.

"That will be done, Master.", responded Lucas.

"Good boy... hyeh hee haa!!", said the Master, before teleporting away.

"Leave Lucas to me, while you take care of those demons.", said Captain Falcon to Samus and Snake.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Fire Field

Captain Falcon began by taunting Lucas. Lucas attempted a PK Freeze attack, but Falcon dodged and attacked with a Falcon Kick, knocking Lucas down. As Lucas was getting up, Falcon performed a roundhouse kick to knock him down again.

Lucas got up again and jumped to attempt to strike from above, but Falcon jumped as well and attacked with a knee blow, sending Lucas flying.

Falcon taunted Lucas again, enraging him. Lucas rushed to Falcon to punch him, but as Lucas approached, Falcon charged a Falcon Punch, landing a powerful blow on the boy, knocking him unconscious.

"Good! Lucas is down, let's retrieve him.", said Palutena.

"No no no!", said the Master in a provoking tone. "Lil' Lucas just needs a small buff. LIKE THIS!!!"

The Master, floating above, shot a wave of darkness at Lucas, who began to float.

"Those with power... control over the weak...", grimly said the Master.

From the Master's hands, formed chains that attached to Lucas's hands, feet and head.

"What a cute little puppet this boy will be... hyeh heh ha ha ha ha...", evilly said the Master, who was clearly enjoying himself.

Lucas was now totally bound to the Master and began to attack Falcon once again. Lucas silently prepared a PK Fire attack, but Falcon predicted the move and jumped over the projectile, following with a Falcon Kick from above.

"Gyah! How weak this puppet is! Not even in my supreme command he serves a purpose. Such disgust I am feeling now!", said the Master enraged.

Lucas continued to attack, but Falcon was tightly focused and continued to dodge and counter the incoming moves. Lucas was knocked down again. The Master made Lucas float using his power. Lucas's body lingered in the air like a lifeless doll, prompting Falcon to jump and use a Falcon Punch to free Lucas from the Master's chains.

"Pah! It's like I said! Weak and useless!", said the Master with distaste. "But... hyeh hyeh hyeh... I still have... plans... for him... ha ha ha ha HA HA HAAA!!"

The Master used his power to teleport Lucas's unconscious body and himself out of that place.


"He took him away!", said Crazy Hand.

"Probably left him at the prison... I'll check the other group... drat! They're under attack too! Dark Pit seems to be attacking... along with some powerful demons!", said Master Hand. "I will have to reinforce them with our divine power."

"Samus, Snake and Captain Falcon, head to the Dark Ones' prison. It's likely that Lucas was sent there.", ordered Crazy Hand, now communicating directly with the three new allies.

"Got it.", responded Snake.

"The prison will likely be heavily guarded by more of those demons... they were hard to deal with, so we need the perfect plan to infiltrate the prison.", commented Samus.

"Let's do some reconaissance first. We need to locate the prison and plan our moves there.", said Captain Falcon, calling his ship, the Falcon Flyer.

Shortly after the warehouse's explosion, while Falcon fought Lucas, in Sinnoh, near the Battle Frontier.

"The Dark Ones are attacking again!", warned Frostwraith's Chandelure to the Pokémon there.

"Hmmm... I wonder what Master Hand has done for a so quick response...", commented Xiroey.

Heading outside the cave and they saw Dark Pit with a legion of demons standing behind him.

"Well... if it isn't Dark Pit over there...", thought Chandelure.

"Pittoo!", reacted Pit.

"I'm sick of this Pittoo nonsense! Die in the Master's name!", said Dark Pit. "Hordes, attack!"

The demons rushed at the group, leaving Dark Pit and Pit to fight again.

"Well... well... engaging Palutena's puppet again in another fight...", mockingly said Dark Pit.

"Well! Than I am fighting the Master's puppet again!", angrily retorted Pit, drawing an arrow.


Kid Icarus: Uprising - Dark Pit's Theme

"Pittoo seems to be using the Master's power to fly, so I will activate yours too. Try to finish him off within 5 minutes!", ordered Palutena.

"Got it. The rest of the group seems to be fighting against more demons... and to make the Dark Ones attack again in a so short amount of time... what did you exactly do?", said Pit.

"Master Hand had a clever trick. Remember the warehouse Master Hand mentioned?", said Palutena.

"Yeah.", responded Pit.

"Thanks to some allies Master Hand recruited, we blew up that warehouse entirely. That enraged the Master enough to attack us again.", explained Palutena.

"Wow... I sure wasn't expecting that...", said Pit, shocked by Master Hand's move.

"I know... but for now, focus on Pittoo. The remainder of the team is doing their best to drive the demons out.", said Palutena. "As of now, Master Hand is contacting our allies."

Pit and Dark Pit were shooting and dodging each other's arrows. Down below, demonic hordes attacked the group, who were having a tough time facing such powerful opponents.

"All right, Pit. Master Hand is sending reinforcements now!", warned Palutena. "Take the Dimensional Cannon. You're going to need it to snap Pittoo out of his hypnotic trance."

"OK!", responded Pit.

Pit grabbed the cannon.

"It won't need much power, so fire away!", ordered Palutena.

Pit began to fire the cannon, but Dark Pit managed to dodge the incoming shots and countered with an array of arrows.

Another portal opened in the sky, from which, Crazy Hand entered the fray by attacking the demons with his humongous strength.

"Look, it's Crazy Hand!", noted Xiroey.

"Master Hand must have sent reinforcements. Now, we are evenly matched.", said Charizard.

Frostwraith's Chandelure fought on his own. His loyalty to Frostwraith and desire him heightened his fighting spirit. Cynthia and Alder contributed to the fight using their signature Pokémon, those being Garchomp and Volcarona, respectively.

Down below, Crazy Hand easily took down the demons with his powerful punches and lasers. Dark Pit and Pit remained locked in combat. Pit was armed with the Dimensional Cannon, but Dark Pit managed to avoid most of the shots fired.

"The Master's power seems to be giving him unnatural speed and the Power of Flight is running out!", said Palutena.

"We have to do something. Crazy Hand! Over here!", shouted Pit.

Crazy Hand listened and quickly grabbed Dark Pit, following by a powerful throw to the floor, rendering Dark Pit fatigued enough to be unable to fight.


"Arrghh... Master!", said Dark Pit.

"Now, Pit, fire that cannon!", said Crazy Hand.

"OK!", responded Pit.

Suddenly, a demon pushes Dark Pit aside, being hit by the cannon, instead. Unable to resist the cannon's power, the demon quickly dematerializes.

The Master enters into the scene.

"Useless puppet as well... Dark Pit proved to be as useless as Lucas!", said the Master, angry.

Crazy Hand didn't hesitate to punch the Master, but was quickly fended off by the Master's sheer power.

"Stupid hand! Do you think you can defeat a god like me?!", yelled the Master. "You wretches will pay for this! I SWEAR!"

The Master took Dark Pit, who was now unconscious. Between this amount of time, Pit didn't hesitate to fire the cannon, which had charged a bit during that time.

"URRGHHH!! AAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!", screamed the Master. "You brats have awakened a rage within me that will burn for an eternity! I shall make your pitful lives a living HELL!! GAAAAAAAAHH!"

The Master still managed to open a portal and take Dark Pit with him, taking him to the prison where Lucas was.

With both Lucas and Dark Pit in the same cell, the Master snapped his fingers, putting both out of their hypnotic trances.

"I will see that these two will suffer for their failures to serve me!", angrily said the Master.

Now the Master has really snapped...
Things will get worse from now on... :evil:


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

"Whoa, Whoa, WHOA!!" Marx suddenly jumped in between Mari and Muhti before he could answer. "So let me get this straight. You're gonna trust MUHTI, who, may I remind you, tried to turn us all against each other, betrayed us, and tried to kill us more than I can count! Sometimes all at once! And now you're gonna trust him just because he smooched you then poofed you away?!?"

Silance. Then utter confusion as Mari's teachers started to talk at the same time.

"Poofed her where?" Magolor said.

"He did what to her?!" Sonic exclaimed.

"GUYS!!" Mari screamed at the top of her lungs.

"OW!" Muhti covered one ear in pain. "Did you practice screaming too while you were away?"

"I'll explain everything later!" Mari turned to Muhti. "I need an answer."


Sadly, Muhti could not finish his sentence, for in that moment a guard just happened to check up on the prisoners, merely because he was bored. So when he saw that all of them were outside their cells, it only took him a few seconds to relize what to do.


Mari flinged a quick ice spell at the guard, trapping him in a block of ice. But the other members of the Halberd's Revenge had heard him, and were instantly flooding the cell wing at the dozens.

"Great. Juuuust perfect..." Magolor said glumly.

Sonic wasn't fazed, not one bit. He was more conserned about Mari. "You are SO explaining what happened between you and Muhti when all this is over."

"I know..."

(((Short, I know, buuut I have class.)))


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"I hav-have to go, Dimentio says we're under attack.", Muhti said.

"WHAT?!", Mari screamed but Muhti was gone before she could finish.


He comes...

"MUHTI!", Dimentio shouted.

"What the hell is going on?", Muhti demanded.

"It's...", Dimentio tried spitting out the words, but failed.

"WHO?!", Muhti demanded again.

"Zalgo.", Dimentio finished.

Muhti stared at Dimentio, "Sound the alarm, NOW."

Dimentio nodded as Muhti marched to the Doctor, "Doc, we're alone on this one. Anything you can do to help?"

The Doctor shook his head, "No, but we sent out troops to defeat the clone troopers. Along with that, we called a State of Emergency."

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Muhti looked at Doctor, "We're screwed arent we?", the Doctor asked.

Muhti shook his head, "Not quite." He took out a very dark Pokeball, "Say hello to Dark Arceus."

An explosion occurred outside.

"He's waiting for you, Muhti."



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Super insane evil time! :evil:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Arbiter's Grounds

The Dark Ones' Master wanders around the room tirelessly, clearly mad at his constant defeats.

"Gah! Those idiots insist in being such a thorn in MY SIDE! They won't last longer... as I shall wipe them all from existance! In nature, it's survival of the fittest! The weak cling to the strong or perish like the wretches they are! I AM THE STRONGEST! I AM FIT TO RULE ALL THAT EXISTS!", rambled the Master, clearly losing his mind.

"My Master, it seems that Palpatine's forces have already started to attack New Hyrule.", reported Ganondorf.

"Good! Let them rot in hell like the filthy traitors they are! May they suffer eternally for standing against me!", yelled the Master.

"Master, what should we do about Master Hand's group?", asked Ganondorf.

"We need to figure a plan... a plan... a plan, YES! A PLAN! Urgh! Why am I not conceiving a plan? Why is my genius FAILING ME!?", yelled the Master, saying the last words with a slam on the table. "Some say... heaven brings forth endless things to benefit men... yet, men has NOTHING to which they can repay heaven... kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, KILL! No blood can sate my everlasting appetite..."

"Master, should we reorganize our army? Me and the other servants of yours will think of a carefully laid out plan...", said Ganondorf.

"Do it.", coldly said the Master.

Ganondorf bowed the Master and left the room, leaving the Frostwraith-possessing Master to continue with his mad rambling.

"Hyeh hyeh HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!! HYEH HA HA HA HA HA HEH HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Blood... corpses everywhere ROTTING... a fitting world for the one who shall be all... those who dispute my rule will be merely corpses... I shall create a monument to non-existance... I shall paint the world crimson with all the blood! I shall make the remaining living beings' wretched lives into HELL! I shall end anything meaningless and trivial as all weakness that exists... and in the end, I shall become all... rule all... be all... the dimensions will belong to me and only me! I am the beginning and the end... the alpha and the omega... I am a god! Even gods tremble me! I AM NO MERE GOD! I AM ABOVE ALL GODS!! HYEH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HYEEEEHH HAHAHAHAHA!!", screamed the Master, completely lost in his own insanity.

After all that rambling, he stopped for a few seconds.

"Now... it's time to make further plans...", whispered the Master in a creepy, deep and monotone voice, completely opposite to his tone mere seconds ago. "I shall end all... none may stop me..."

And the Master's true colors are evidenced right here... :evil:


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia

He came closer and closer to the cave. As he did so, he gave a short smile. He had the perfect way to let himself past. He sighed with content as he looked at his palm. They won't bug me when I have this...

He stopped in front of the cave. A battle had taken place recently, Dark Luco thought as he walked closer and closer to the light spilling from the cave. He stopped in front to see a motley bunch of people, animals and anything in between tending to their business. And there.... there in the back of the cave, was his target, sleeping, finally his for the taking. He had tried to run away, Dark Luco had managed to infiltrate in to his head and told him it was simply because he was lonely... but in truth that was only part of it. As evenly matched beings, their clashes over time had often left both mortally wounded. Indeed, the biggest difference between them was that Luco was scared of these fights... but Dark Luco wasn't... these were what he lived for... to hunt down and kill his mirror mage. Luco had entered here not just for loneliness but because he was scared. But it remained to be seen whether this... group... would be able to defend him. And this was exactly what Dark Luco planned to find out, using the crystal as a form of leverage.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The cave erupted with energy. Ninten and Ness reacted at the same time and pushed out force fields to stop the oncoming rush of water. Xiroey acted next, with Cynthia and Alder following closely behind. The water went around them and retracted quickly. At the mouth of the cave stood a figure so much like Luco that they had to look around to the sleeping kid to make sure it wasn't him. This Luco had eyes as dark as night and veins with the same colour. Because of the monotone of his eyes, it was hard to tell exactly where he was looking at but at this point it was clear: He was staring at the sleeping Luco. "Him." He simply said, and pointed. Xiroey growled at the newcomer. "You can't have him."

"I don't want him. I want to fight him and I want to kill him."

Xiroey snarled. "Does he look like he's in fighting condition to you?"

Luco was being levitated by dark energy, woken up. He barely stood on both legs. "Fight me, Luco." Called the dark mage. Luco looked seriously afraid. Scared to the bone. To make things worse, he had barely any energy. "And to make sure you pests won't get in the way... well, lets just say the existence of this little thing..." He smiled as he pulled out the gem. "... is very much a fickle thing." Luco's eyes went wide as he saw the gem. Xiroey was defensive. "No, xir... xiroey... wait... let him... those are... my only chance of.... getting... strong enough..." Luco could barely talk, and coughed. Xiroey reluctantly moved to the side. "This isn't over..." He said under his breath. "Good... now with that settled, lets begin." Dark Luco had total control. He used telekinesis to throw Luco to the left, then to the right.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pain came in to him from the right, then from the left. He was struggling to keep up. And man was he scared. Scared of a mage that had always matched him, and was now far stronger than he was. He was being thrown around like a doll. Get on your feet... he barely made it to his knees. "Falling apart already?" Dark Luco smiled. He knew he had as good as won. Luco was on his knees, when something occurred to him. Now, do it now, he's left you the opening! Luco had come up with a plan of his own. "No... not yet!" He ran at Dark Luco with suck recklessness that it caught the mirror mage off guard. he was entirely confused as to what Luco was doing. Luco was simply taking a page out of Xiroey's book. He rushed past the dark version of himself and slapped his hand... and the gem. Luco felt a gigantic burst of energy flow through him. Dark Luco turned around in anger. "You're still weaker than me!" Luco stopped, turned and gave a smile of his own. "Yeah." He said. "But they aren't." He pointed to the group behind Dark Luco, who now had no leverage.

They were all ready to battle.


Tried to make that as epic as I could. Phew!

EDIT: YES I have my posting colour back!!

Luco's new powers are: Elite water magic and elementary forms of magic in other areas (so basic spells in earth, fire, lightning, healing, etc.)


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Well, well... the custom posting colors are back. And it's time for sheer badassery, starring Samus, Captain Falcon and Snake!

Samus, Captain Falcon and Snake were tasked with freeing Lucas and Dark Pit from the Dark Ones' prison. The three new allies were once again disguised as cultists, but within the cloaks they wore, they were well armed, with Samus having her Paralyzer and Captain Falcon and Snake having their guns loaded.

Having hacked into the surveillance camera's channels, the three could see where the prisoners were and the guards' behavior. Most guards were Stormtroopers, with some Doom Guards thrown in the mix. The clearly had to form a plan to deal with the demons.

"The Stormtroopers will be dealt easily with sneaky shots, but the demons are far more resistant.", said Falcon.

"Perhaps I can use my Paralyzer to stun them, then we can go without being noticed.", planned Samus.

"That seems our best choice. There aren't any demons inside. Only at the entrance, which means that once we get inside, we won't have trouble dealing with those creatures.", noted Snake.

With everything planned, the three exited the Falcon Flyer, donning the cultist cloaks.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Theme of Tara

Hiding in some nearby bushes, Snake put a C4 explosive there to attract the demons' attention, while Samus remained hidden nearby, ready to fire at the demons that would approach the place.

Snake pressed the switch, catching the demons' attention. Samus fired her Paralyzer gun to stun the demons, prompting Snake and Falcon to enter inside, with Samus following shortly after.

Being the last one to enter, Samus closed the door behind to avoid being spotted by the demons.

The cell corridors were mazy and the darkness that covered the area was deep, making it difficult to find a way through. The Stormtroopers remained on guard, fooled by the disguises. Sneakingly, Snake stole three key cards from the clone soldiers, giving two of them to Falcon and Samus, so they could pass through locked doors.

They continued through the main corridor, until they found three doors, each leading to a different prison ward.

They had no choice but to split up. Using the stolen key cards, the three manage to enter inside each of the wards. Stormtroopers remained indifferent to the "cultists" wondering around the prison, oblivious to the fact they were infiltrating.

Samus took the left path to the named "Skull Ward."

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Title Theme

The prison wards were maze-like, as opposed to the usual open areas. The air was damp and the lights were dim, making the place look like a cross between a medieval dungeon and a modern prison. Most of the cells were empty, although some had corpses or otherwise dying people. Clearly the conditions were not exactly good, but then again, it was a prison belonging to the Dark Ones, known for their lack of mercy.

Samus quickly concluded that the prisoners were merely disposed there and left to die. She continued to walk through the ward, noticing a trapdoor leading to an underground floor. The place has a creepy atmosphere, looking like an abandoned place, only with guards. The cell doors were rusty and so were the metallic doors.

Samus overheard a Stormtrooper guard suspecting of intruders in the Skull, Blood and Corpse Wards. They had been spotted.

"Send the supreme guardians.", said another voice through the Stormtrooper's communicator. Samus didn't hesitate to shoot down the clone soldier by zapping the suit with her Paralyzer. The other guards came after her, but she managed to shoot them one by one, before they could shoot her. She heard a massive noise coming from above.

She saw a huge purple dragon. She immediatly recognized the creature as her nemesis, Ridley.

Space Pirate Leader

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Vs. Ridley

Before Samus could do anything, Ridley grabbed her and dragged her against the wall before throwing her.

Samus landed and immediatly activated her Power Suit, which materialized around her. Samus opened fire against her nemesis, using ice shots.

Ridley shot a cluster of fireballs, which Samus dodged, thanks to her athletic body. Samus fired a missile as a counterattack. Ridley resisted, though and attempted to grab Samus again, who activated her Morph Ball, setting a bomb. The bomb's explosion damaged Ridley, causing him to fall on the ground.

Samus deactivated the Morph Ball and shot another missile at Ridley, hitting him again. Ridley proceeded to fly up high and attempted attack from above. Samus got hit, becoming stuck under one of Ridley's fit. Despite this, she had her right arm free and didn't hesitate to launch another ice shot, freezing one of his wings. Activating her Morph Ball, Samus got free of Ridley's grasp and set up a super bomb, which crippled Ridley, his body full of burns and roaring in severe pain, collapsing shortly after.

The fight caused some ruckus, but Lucas and Dark Pit were nowhere to be found in that ward. This prompted Samus to return from where she came.

Captain Falcon chose the middle path, entering the Blood Ward. The Stormtroopers gave a warning about intruders in the three wards Samus, Falcon and Snake entered. After moping out the guards in that ward, Falcon was also met with a powerful foe, Black Shadow.

"Black Shadow! I take it you're allied with the Dark Ones!", said Falcon.

"The Master is going to grant me control over our world... what better reason could I have?", provoked Black Shadow.


F-Zero X / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Devil's Call in Your Heart

Falcon shot a few bullets with his gun, but Black Shadow blocked them with dark powers. Black Shadow pulled a gun as well, the fight becoming a shoot out.

Falcon hid in one of the pillars, shooting whenever Black Shadow was in plain sight. Black Shadow opted for the same strategy, the two being behind a pillars, waiting for the other to begin shooting.

Falcon went first, prompting Black Shadow to retaliate. Falcon quickly reacted and hid back in the pillar. With Black Shadow still shooting, Falcon waited for his chance. Once Black Shadow gave the last shot, Falcon managed to shoot him in the hand, causing him to drop the his weapon.

Using his athletic speed, Captain Falcon picked Black Shadow's weapon. Using dark powers, Black Shadow cured the wound and the two became engaged in hand to hand fighting.

Black Shadow used several punches and kicks. Those were backed by darkness, presumably given to him by the Master himself. Falcon used his usual moves. The fight was evenly matched, but Falcon's speed proved to be an advantageous factor against Black Shadow.

Black Shadow attempted to grab Captain Falcon by his throat, causing Falcon to respond with a powerful kick to stun his enemy, giving opportunity to use the iconic Falcon Punch to send Black Shadow flying. Black Shadow struggled to get up, but Falcon showed him no mercy by attacking the villain with a Falcon Kick.

Unwilling to concede defeat, Black Shadow throws a wave of darkness at Falcon, crippling him. Slowly approaching the stunned Captain Falcon, Black Shadow provokes his foe.

"At long last, I finally defeat you! Think of this as payment for getting in my way at all times...", said Black Shadow.

Captain Falcon got ahold of himself sooner than Black Shadow expected and used a powerful Falcon Punch move to send his nemesis flying, eventually crashing on a wall.

Before he could get up, Black Shadow is hit by a Falcon Kick that finishes him off.

Next segment will feature Snake's part.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti ran outside, most citizens had left. The capital was now a battleground. Muhti cursed under his breath.


v. Zalgo
"You certainly did come, Zalgo.", Muhti complimented, "But that doesn't mean anything! GO DARK ARCEUS!"​
Muhti launched the Dark Arceus into the battleground, giving a deafening screech.​
"Dark Arceus! Use Flamethrower!", Muhti commanded.​
The black flame came from the Satan Pokemon, directly hitting Zalgo.​
A̭̦̜̻̥̝̞̝̝̮̓̽̋̈̓͑̔͂̚͝R̙̟̰͖̦̞̲̭̠̰̅̅̉̈̍̉͌̏̋̕Ģ͍̦͖̻̠̭͎̰̞̀͊̏̈̅͛̏́͐͝H̨̢̺̹̱͇̗̝̣͋͊̈́̊̽́́̄͆͌ͅ!̡̨̞̹̘͙͙͓̰́́̽̋̊͗̒̏̕͝ͅ ̧̤̬͙̪͇̗̭͎̠͗̄̏̓͂͂́̇̚̚Y͙̯̮͇̠̼̙̫͚͊͑̿̅̑̐̒͒̓̚͜O͇̺͕̟͚̤͙̖̤̾̉̏̌̏̿̍̈͒̐ͅƯ̧̪͚͓̟̲͔̞̲̹̈́͊̎̎͌̓̀̽̚ ͚̘̟̳̥͍̫͇̪̙̂̂̅̓̇̿́̅͘͝S̨̛͎͓͔̳̠̯̲̓̈̓̆̌͑̊͘̚͜ͅT̡͍͚̱̻̙̜̝̭̙̃̏̐̍̊͊͋͆́͝Ǔ̧̢̨͍͙̖̗͈̣̖̃͑̌͐̈́̑̾̚͝P͓̳͓̘͈̱̞̠̻̯̈́̓̔̈́̐̉͗͒͂̒Í̧̧̛̖͕̤̺̩̝̱̯̔̃̑͐̈̀̃͛D̳̭̖͇͇̹̩̖͕̑̆̌̎̀̂͛̆̔͘ͅ ̤͈͔̤̟͈̼̌̀̊̆́͑͐̂́͜͜͝ͅM͙̰̭̠͔̪̮̜̺̻͌̏͊̌̀̍́͊͆͌Ȏ̡̧̟̳͈̩͚̝̖̹̀͒͋̓͆̒͂͗̓R̢̧̥̗̰͉̖̘̜̮͒̄̈́̊̑̀̽͐͘͝T̢̨̧͍͈͕̳̙̤͙̓͆́͐͐̃͑͌̂̈́Ä̛̲̝̖̗͕̫̙̱̞͍̌̆̓̋͂̓͠͠L͍̘̱̪̯͕̳̻̫̒̅̽͌́̊̈́̚̕͜͠!̩͕͕͓̥̥͙̤̽̾̓̓̑̈́́͋̕͜͜͠​
-Ya know, I don't know Zalgos moveset-​


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Oh, feel free to write something up xiroey (or anyone else). Dark Luco doesn't need me to kill him or anything, in fact the point is that i'm fighting him with friends. Just be aware in that he's like me: His weakness is electricity. Now, you wouldn't know that IC... but when you realize he has the exact same strengths and weaknesses as me, then you might think to ask Luco just how to beat him, though obviously the telling of it would be really uncomfortable for Luco, or at least afterwards you'll probably think to ask him why he knows or... I dunno, it's up to you! :D

That's just an idea though. ^_^


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Because Samus, Captain Falcon and Snake make a badass team...

Snake also faced the same situation as Samus and Captain Falcon. While exploring the Corpse Ward of the Dark Ones' prsion, the guards begin to suspect of intruders, recieving the same response of "calling the supreme guardians."

Samus had to face Ridley, while Captain Falcon faced against Black Shadow. Snake, after moping out the Stormtroopers there, was met by a strange figure.

"Heh heh heh heh heh...", said the strange figure.

"Who's there? Who are you?", reacted Snake.

"The end... your end... heh heh heh heh heh...", said the shadowy figure in a sinister tone. "Prepare to meet your doom... soldier."

The figure unleashed a wave of black smoke at Snake, who fell unconscious. He suddenly woke up in a familiar area, Shadow Moses Island. While Snake immediatly recognized the area, he also felt something off about it. Snake didn't have much time to think about it as he was immediatly attacked by Metal Gear REX.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Battle in the Base

The Metal Gear fired some powerful shots aimed at Snake, but Snake hid in some nearby structures and armed himself with a missile launcher, beginning to fire at the Metal Gear, which didn't seem to be controlled by anyone, much to Snake's confusion.

Nevertheless, the Metal Gear proved dangerous as it began firing missiles, leading Snake to shoot at them to make them blow up before they hit him. Even firing many missiles at the machine, the Metal Gear proved resistant and continued his fire.

Snake managed to halt the incoming missiles, but the war machine still proved durable. Snake tried aiming at the machine's cockpit. After some shots, the machine was down.

"Finish it...", Snake heard inside his head.

He placed an explosive in the cockpit and the Metal Gear was destroyed.

As soon as the machine was destroyed, Snake began seeing a nonsensical array of colors. Clearly, that battle was a sort of hallucination induced by the figure he met in the prison.

After seeing many of his memories mixed with colors and hearing bizarre sounds, Snake wakes up in the prison, seeing Samus and Captain Falcon, as well as the corpse of the same figure who attacked him.

"You're awake already. We haven't heard from you and came here. We defeated that cultist. What has just happened?", said Falcon.

"That man put me in a hallucination... is he dead already?", said Snake.

"We killed him, but you were asleep for more than half an hour. We haven't found any prisoners, other than dead ones or nearly dying ones.", said Samus.

"We have to go back to the entrance.", said Snake.

The three went to the area where they had previously split off. Samus and Falcon had already defeated the guards there. As they were stepping on the floor, looking for possible clues, Captain Falcon notes a part of the floor that seemed to make a different noise.

"Part of this floor seems fake.", noted Falcon, who pulled that part of the floor, revealing to be a secret trapdoor.

The three entered down below, finding a sign that read "Death Ward - Solitary confinement ward."

The King of Fighters 2002 - Last Dance

The three began to explore the area, which seemed completely unguarded. A strong foul smell was noticeable in the area.

"This smell... seems there are corpses here.", commented Snake.

"Seems that the Dark Ones leave their prisoners to die. For this place to be hidden, they don't expect anyone to survive these conditions.", noted Samus.

They continued to explore that secret area, filled with highly secure cells. Eventually, they arrive at the end of the corridor, where they found a door, which had the following description: "The Pit - Traitors of the Master's cause will rot in here"

Samus busted the door open finding a large room filled with corpses. Using a flashlight, the trio guided found their way through the darkness.

"Is anyone here?", called Falcon.

Two faint voices echoed in that large, underground room. One was high pitched, sounding like a child, while other was deeper.

"There seem to be prisoners alive.", observed Samus. "Seems to be the reason Master Hand sent us here."

Guided by the two voices, Samus, Falcon and Snake, make their way through the large room filled with corpses.

Eventually, in the midst of that dungeon, they find Lucas and Dark Pit, horribly beat up. Both of them were covered in dust. Lucas's hair was a mess and his face was covered in wounds and Dark Pit had a deep injury in his right wing.

"Ah! Are you... Samus, Snake and Captain Falcon?", said Lucas relieved.

"Yes. Master Hand has sent us here.", responded Samus.

"It feels strange... but I suddenly woke up in this place... my memory is foggy...", said Lucas.

"You were under the Master's control. Is that Pit over there?", said Falcon.

"Seems to have gone goth...", snarked Snake.

"I'm not Pit.", responded Dark Pit, bothered for being mistaken for Pit. "I am Dark Pit... ugh, I was with the other guys, under Master Hand's orders... we met with the Master and I suddenly wake up in this foul place."

"So... Dark Pit, you and Lucas were under the Master's control. You seem to have no memories of that though.", noted Falcon.

"Great...", sarcastically said Dark Pit. "It's no use dwelling on this, we have to get out of here."

"Let's not waste any time.", said Snake.

"Not so fast!", said a man who entered inside the room. "As long as I am here, no one's going anywhere... ha ha ha... you five will make fine statues!"

Having met that man before, Lucas and Dark Pit recognized him as none other than Rugal Bernstein.

"You again! How did you manage to survive again?", said Dark Pit.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... blessed by the Master... I am invincible!", said Rugal sending a Reppuken at Lucas and Dark Pit, knocking them down instantly. "I should entertain you one by one... ha ha ha..."

"Bring it on!", provoked Captain Falcon.


The King of Fighters '98 - Ketchaku R

Captain Falcon started by attacking Rugal with a roundhouse kick, hitting the crime lord. Rugal didn't hold back, though and immediatly grabbed and dragged Falcon to a wall, injuring him severely.

"Falcon... PUNCH!", yelled Falcon as he used his move to counter Rugal, who dodged the punch.

"Genocide CUTTER!", yelled Rugal, hitting and knocking down Falcon.

Falcon quickly got up and attacked Rugal with a Falcon Kick, but Rugal interrupted using a Kaiser Wave attack, which hit Falcon hard.

Despite being taken a beating from Rugal, Falcon wouldn't give up, for he was used to hunt criminals very much like Rugal himself.

Falcon kept dodging the incoming Reppuken projectiles, slowly approaching Rugal. Noticing this, Rugal rushed at Falcon to grab him again. Falcon wasn't fooled and used a Falcon Kick to knock Rugal down.

Getting up, Rugal was immediatly hit by a Falcon Punch and was knocked down again.

"Urgh... I've held back for long enough...", retorted Rugal, with his voice showing signs of being beaten. "Ha ha ha ha ha... now I shall use the power my Master has entrusted me! Prepare for oblivion!"

Rugal engulfed himself in black fire and his muscles increased size slightly, as well as having a black aura around him.

The King of Fighters 2002 - Unlimited R

The seemingly more powerful Rugal rushed at Falcon, grabbed him by his neck and unleashed a massive amount of dark energy through his hands which caused Rugal to throw Falcon with incredible strength, knocking the F-Zero racer unconscious.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... who's next?", said Rugal, evilly with a sinister smile.

Snake entered the fray using his CQC techniques to fight Rugal. Rugal launched darkness imbued Reppukens that were much more dangerous than before. Snake dodged them and launched a grenade at Rugal.

Despite the explosion, Rugal resisted, thanks to the power given to him by the Master.

"Ha ha ha... the Master's powers make me invincible! Can you not see the futility of your efforts?", mocked Rugal.

Snake managed to approach Rugal, grabbing him by his neck. Struggling, Rugal was having a hard time breathing. Using the Master's powers, Rugal unleashed a wave of darkness around him, sending Snake flying.

Snake quickly got up and approached Rugal, dodging his Kaiser Wave projectiles. Rugal grabbed Snake this time, who responded with a kick in one of Rugal's knees, causing the crime lord to let him go.

Snake kicked Rugal on his face, and proceeded to give a beatdown on Rugal, until he used the Master's powers again to attack Snake.

Snake was getting worn out very quickly, likely caused by the Master's powers.

"The Master's power seems to be too much for you... ha ha ha...", mocked Rugal.

Snake was hardly able to move, giving Rugal the opportunity to use a powerful Genocide Heaven move and render Snake unconscious.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... pathetic.", said Rugal.

Samus was in her Zero Suit, ready to fight and finish Rugal once and for all. Rugal launched a huge wave of darkness, but Samus swiftly dodged it.

Her athleticism gained from her training with the Chozo proved to be a big advantage against Rugal. Using her Paralyzer, Samus managed to hold Rugal, who had to rely even more on the powers bestowed by the Master.

Rugal wasn't one to give up and attempted to grab Samus, who quickly dodged and kicked him, knocking him down in the process.

Samus aimed her Paralyzer and stun Rugal again, proceeding to give him another beatdown. Rugal got up again, his body already covered in wounds. At this time, he was only alive thanks to the Master's powers.

Rugal attempted at another Genocide Heaven, only to be interrupted by Samus's Paralyzer gun. Rugal was on the verge to lose the battle and, in desperation, attempted to combine his powers and the Master's powers into one powerful projectile.

Samus dodged and Rugal was stunned from his overwhelming use of power. Using this golden opportunity, Samus gave Rugal a powerful kick, knocking him down and followed with a charged Paralyzer shot to finish him.

Dizzy and exhausted from the battle, Rugal got up again, with his clothes being worn out and bleeding in many parts of his body.

"Urrgh... even with the Master's powers... I lost...", weakly said Rugal, coughing between some words.

His body began to be consumed by the Master's powers.

"What? What's happening?!", said Rugal in panic as he began to feel overwhelmed by the powers he used. "No! To meet such a fate... but, I will be back, you jerks!"

With black smoke covering his body, Rugal exploded into a wave of dark energy, leaving no traces of his body behind.

"It's over...", said Samus.

Captain Falcon and Snake were still unconscious, but Lucas and Dark Pit, albeit weak, were awake.

"So... Rugal is dead at last.", said Lucas.

"Yes. Now, let's get out of here.", responded Dark Pit.

Carrying Falcon's and Snake's bodies, Samus, Lucas and Dark Pit arrived at the prison's exit.

"The demons must be still guarding the entrance...", remembered Samus.

Shortly after, Samus activated her Morph Ball and planted a Super Bomb. The explosion was enormous and the demons became severely injured. Turning off the Morph Ball, Samus used Ice Beams to finish the foul creatures.

Outside waited Samus's ship. Samus entered inside, along with Lucas and Dark Pit and set course to Final Destination.

Few mintues later, Samus landed on Final Destination thanks to the portal Master Hand opened. During the course, Falcon and Snake woke up and now the five stood in Final Destination.

"I can see that the mission was successful. Very good. You have my thanks.", said Master Hand.

"Brother! I have dire news!", said Crazy Hand.

"What is it, Crazy?", responded Master hand.

"The main group is under attack by an unknown foe!"

"What?!", reacted Master Hand. "I know you just came, Samus. But the others need our help."

"I know. We must not wait any longer.", immediatly responded Samus.

Samus, Captain Falcon, Snake, Lucas and Dark Pit entered Samus's ship, heading towards Sinnoh.

While Samus, Captain Falcon, Snake freed Lucas and Dark Pit from the Dark Ones' prison, the group prepared to fight the mysterious Dark Luco.

"Are you with the Dark Ones? Is that the reason that you're attacking us?", challenged Pit.

"No. I only want... to kill him.", said Dark Luco, in a tone of voice showing disdain for Luco. "If you plan to stand against me, I shall end you as well."


"We have faced thougher odds before... we can't lose now! Accelgor, go!", said Alder.

"Go, Garchomp!", said Cynthia.

Accelgor and Garchomp were ready to fight against the mysterious figure opposing the team.

"Heh... is that the best you got?", arrogantly said Dark Luco. "Take this!"

Dark Luco sent a tidal wave, hitting majority of the team.

"Accelgor, use Focus Blast!", ordered Alder.

The projectile was powerful, but Dark Luco wouldn't be defeated like that. His determination wasn't easily stopped like that.

"Is that all you've got... heh...", said Dark Luco, after being hit.

Xiroey didn't hesitate to show off some Dragon-type moves at Dark Luco. Dark Luco sent a powerful icicle that hurt Xiroey a lot.

"Xiro!", said Gengar after watching his friend being hit hard by the icicle.

"I... I'm fine.", said Xiroey.


Dark Luco wasn't merciful and wasn't showing hesitation in fighting at full power. Sending an all-powerful blizzard, Cynthia's Garchomp found herself unable to fight.

Cynthia sent her Spiritomb to replace Garchomp. Cynthia's Spiritomb worked together with Frostwraith's Chandelure and Gengar to confuse Dark Luco.

Pit attacked at a distance using a divine Insight Staff. Like all staffs from Angel Land, it worked as a sniper weapon.

Despite outnumbered by sheer teamwork, Dark Luco's fighting spirit didn't diminish one bit. In fact, it was burning like a forest fire.

"Hah!", yelled Dark Luco with his deep voice, as a cluster of icicles rained in the cave.

Frostwraith's Chandelure resisted and used his Fire abilities to protect the others from the incoming icicles.

"Hmm... he seems to be just like Luco... a water mage.", commented Palutena, as she watched over her captain, Pit.

"Oh... thunder moves will be powerful, right, Lady Palutena?", responded the angel.

"Yes, that's it.", responded the goddess from Skyworld.

"Guys, we need to use thunder moves!", shouted Pit, equipping Shock Orbitars, a pair of floating orbs that shot thunder bolts and one of the many of Pit's weapons.

Cynthia recalled her Spiritomb to replace with Eelektross. Alder switched Accelgor with Bouffalant, who could use the Wild Charge move.

"Pitiful...", said Dark Luco, unleashing a tidal wave, crippling Charizard and Chandelure.

"Damn...", said Xiroey.

Chandelure whispered to Xiroey to get Frostwraith's Rotom's Poké Ball. Xiroey agreed and sent Frostwraith's Rotom.

Rotom coped quickly with Frostwraith's incident and would do anything to fight for him. Rotom began to use Double Team to trick Dark Luco.

Normal Luco remained focused on the fight, using the same magics as Dark Luco, thus being evenly matched against his twin.

"Now... I'll show the true extent of my power! Hi-yah!", yelled Dark Luco unleashing another blizzard.

"PK Fire!", yelled Ness as he used his PSI powers to melt the icicles coming at him.

Rotom was hurt, but Luco resisted.

"I must defeat him... no matter what...", thought Luco.

"Bouffalant, Wild Charge!", said Alder.

Bouffalant viciously attacked Dark Luco, the latter becoming weaker, but countering the Pokémon with a strong enough kick to drive Bouffalant away.

Enraged, Bouffalant charged at Dark Luco again, using his signatue Head Charge move. Dark Luco was knocked down, but quickly got up and used healing magic to cure his wounds.

"This feels like going forever...", said Pit.

"He just keeps regenerating himself... there must be something we can do.", commented Palutena.

The battle went for long minutes, both sides' fighting spirits remaining strong. Luco's Luxray, Cynthia's Eelektross and Frostwraith's Rotom all worked together to fight Dark Luco, but even with weakness to electrical attacks, the evil twin resisted unexpectedly well.

"Huh? Do I hear something?", wondered Ninten.

"An orange ship is high above the sky... what could that mean?", wondered Xiroey.

The ship was approaching the ground, when four figures jumped out of the ship.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Area 6 ♪ [Play the first 4 seconds only]

"Pittoo!", reacted Pit.

"Lucas!", reacted some of the PSI kids, at the same time as Pit.

"Huh? Oh, Captain Falcon and Snake! More of Master Hand's handiwork... heh heh...", chucked Pit.

"No time for introductions! Let's just finish this fight!", said Dark Pit.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Winning Road - Roy's Hope

Samus quickly exited out of the ship to assist the group in the fight against Dark Luco. Samus equipped the Shock Coil weapon to deal as much damage as she could.

Snake fired missiles from afar, accompanied by the two angels who used staffs to snipe. Samus, Frostwraith's Rotom, Cynthia's Eelektross, Luco's Luxray, Alder's Bouffalant and the PSI kids used their electric moves to hinder Dark Luco as much as possible.

"Urggh... I won't be defeated like this!", said Dark Luco, unleashing a massive stalactite made of ice that crashed on the battlefield, crippling most of the team members.

"I will finish it... NOW!", whispered Luco, yelling at the last word.

Luco sent an even more powerful icicle at his twin, knocking him out.

"Aargh... not like this! Die!", said Dark Luco desperately.

"Luxray, Thunder!", ordered Luco.

The Pokémon obeyed and unleashed the powerful attack on the evil twin, defeating him.

Dark Luco got up, completely worn out from the fight.

"Hmph, I was going easy on you!", said Dark Luco, opening a portal and getting away.

"Wait...", faintly said Luco.

"He's gone for now... I wonder if we will meet again.", wondered Xiroey, who was worn from the fight. Dark Luco's attack was vicious, but fortunately, the demon inside him didn't manifest in that time.

"Master Hand's getting clever...", commented Pit.

"I had no idea of Master Hand's plans this time.", said Palutena, slightly embarrassed.

"Hey, Pit...", said Dark Pit. "You can't imagine the horrors I saw in that prison..."

"Don't be all gloom and doom now. You and Lucas are safe.", said Pit.

"No point dwelling...", Dark Pit muttered, with his eyes semi opened.

"Ah, Pit. Long time, no see.", said Captain Falcon.

"Captain Falcon! Glad to see that Master Hand got your help... any news from him?", wondered Pit.

"More like news from us! We found a Chaos Emerald. Master Hand had us operating in a low profile, but now, we're going to join this group.", responded Falcon.

"That's great!", said Pit, enthusiastically.
Captain Falcon, Samus and Snake have joined the team!

Lucas and Dark Pit have returned to the team!

The group remained in Sinnoh. They were still worn from the battles, thus, before joining with Mari in the search for the Chaos Emeralds, they had to rest for while and prepare themselves for the upcoming battles.

Dark Luco remained mysterious for the majority of the group. But, as Frostwraith's master used to say a lot, "many answers are given to us by time itself."

Whew... that took a long time to write!

Don't hesitate to post any comments you have!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Wow, Frostwraith... i'm REALLY happy with that. You RPed us really well (and you didn't even have us saying that much! :p) during the battle and the battle itself took on an interesting turn. So happy, you did well dude! :D :D :D


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Guess what time it is? It's time for more those hideous, horrible, EVIL moments... :evil:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Stratagem in Black Armor

In the Dark Ones' hideout...

"... and that concludes the report, Master.", said a cultist, wearing black robes covering his whole body.

"Those damned wretches... HOW COULD HAVE THEY FAILED ME?!", screamed the Master madly. "Why? Why? WHY?! The prisoners are gone! The guardians were incompetent as always! WHAT COMPLETE FAILURES!"

"My Master, what do you propose us to do?", said the cultist.

"For now you can bloody piss off!", yelled the Master.

The cultist left the room, leaving the Master alone.

"GAH! I shouldn't have entrusted my powers to Rugal after all! Such a useless worm! Generation after generation of careful planning, only to be ruined like this! Such worthless fools cannot comprehend my greatness!", rambled the Master maniacally. "Hmph... as long as Zalgo sates my appetite for bloodshed, things should go as I want... hyeh hyeh ha ha ha... Muhti, I'll love so much to use these hands to tear your innards apart... hyeh heh ha ha ha... and Xiroey... once I bind his inner power to my will, I shall use you well to turn your little group into nothing but a pile of corpses... hyeh ha ha ha... HYEH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Palpatine enters the room.

"Lord Sidious...", said the Master.

"Our spies have spotted a fellow going by the name of Dark Luco. Apparently, his greatest wish is to kill Luco in battle.", reported the Sith Lord.

"Hyeh ha ha ha ha ha... seems he will serve my purposes... leave him be... even if he's not one of us, he will still serve my purposes.", said the Master in a sinister tone. "And then... once he's done with them, I shall 'congratulate' him appropriately... hyeh ha ha ha ha ha..."

Short segment to show once more of the Master's twisted personality...
It's obvious that the Master has very sadistic traits...


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
“I can’t believe I actually trusted that jerk!” Mari screamed in anger as she, her teachers, and Marx raced through the halls of the Halberd’s Revenge, alarms flashing and blaring their displeasure as the group made their way to the bridge.

“What did I tell ya?” Marx said. “The minute you agree to something with him, he backstabs you. Multiple times.”

“Well, it’s a mistake I won’t make again…” Still... Mari thought in her head. He did show me my brother…and...

“On your left!” Magolor warned Sonic.

“On it!” Sonic managed to kick the guard charging into them before he could impale him with his spear. The guard flew towards another group of guards, knocking them over like bowling pins.

“Stiiirriike!” Sonic smirked his signature smile. “That should hold them for a while…”

“Look! The bridge!”

The path to the bridge was blocked off by a large steel door, but with the guards out of commission for the moment, the group had just enough time to think of a way to bust through.

“Can’t we just teleport to the other side?” Marx asked Magolor.

“I can only take one more person with me.” Magolor explained. “Mari?”

“Same here.” Mari said. “So Magolor can take Marx, and I’ll take Sonic.”

“Uh…Are you sure we can’t just knock it down-“ Sonic started to protest.

“No time!” Magolor shouted. “Everyone hold on-“

“There they are!” The guards had caught up with them. “There is no escape!”

“Guess again.” Mari whispered, before taking Sonic by the hand and warping beyond the door. Magolor and Marx followed shortly afterwards.

“No!” Cried one of the guards. “Lord Dark will have our heads for sure!”

“Fool.” Said another guard. “Lord Dark is just behind that door, holding the fire cat prisoner. He will finish them…”
Halberd’s Revenge, The Bridge

The bridge was mysteriously dark and cold, with only the machines and instruments giving light to the large room. It was also quiet: too quiet.

“Blaze?” Sonic cautiously said into the darkness. “You in here?”

A soft muffle was heard just a few feet in front of them. A second later, the lights went up and the group could clearly see Blaze the Cat tied up in titanium chains, chilled so that she could not melt them with her fire.

“It’s a trap!” She yelled, but by then it was already too late.

The floor below Mari and Magolor gave way and from it rose two cages that clamped shut, with them inside. Sonic’s legs were suddenly bound together by iron clamps, and then fell flat on his face. Marx was caught up in a net that ensnared him tightly. The whole group was immobilized.

A dark chuckle echoed from a one darkened corner of the bridge and a small but menacing figure emerged from the shadows…

“Looks like the gang’s all here…well, almost…” The figure said with a tinge of delight. “All we need now is the art witch…”

“Dark Meta Knight.” Marx spat on the floor with disgust. “Just like you to trap up all instead of facing us head-on!”

“Coward…” Magolor seethed with anger.

“Oh?” Dark Meta Knight walked towards Magolor’s cage. “And deceiving Kirby and his friends into defeating that dragon instead of ‘facing it head-on’ is not cowardice?”

“Leave him alone!” Mari banged on the bars of her cage to grab the Dark Knight’s attention. “And FYI, he did face Landia! Alone!”

“Ah, the lovely Mari…” Dark strode slowly over to her, then faster then she could blink, he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at her cheek. “I can see from your eye color that you’ve Ascended to a new level of magic…perfect…” He slowly dragged the sword tip down to her chin.

Mari stood there unafraid. “Put that away.” She said as she grabbed the tip with her fingers and pushed it away from her. “You’ll poke someone’s eye out with that thing.”

“You’ve also grown bolder…there are not many who can touch my sword and live.”

Mari narrowed her gold colored eyes. “What do you want?”

“What do I want?...Hmm…” Dark walked back to Magolor and aimed his sword at him. “Where are the mirrors?”

“Mirrors…?” Magolor tilted his head to one side in confusion.

“MY MIRRORS!” Dark yelled angrily, pushing his sword forward, which caused Magolor to retreat to the back of the cage. “The ones you stole from me!”

Realization sparked in Magolor’s eyes, which then quickly turned into guilt. “Oh…you mean those mirrors…Hey, wait a minute! I didn’t steal them!”

“YOU didn’t steal them…?” Dark inquired. “Then who did? And how did they come into your possession?”

Magolor casted his angry eyes to his right. “Marx, care to explain how you got those communication mirrors you gave me for my birthday?”

“Heh, heh…funny story…” Marx smiled sheeply.

“MARRRRRRX!” Mari, Magolor, and Sonic screamed at the same time.

“SCILENCE!” The Dark Knight commanded. “Give. Me. My. Mirrors.”

“But their-“


Magolor sighed and pulled his mirror out from his cape. He threw it on the floor, broken glass and all. Mari did the same.

Once Dark Meta Knight saw the broken mirrors, he grabbed them and inspected them up close.

“…You broke them.”

“…Actually, I broke the other one…” Mari admitted.

Dark Meta Knight looked at Mari, then Magolor, then back.

And laughed.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You both broke them?! HAHAHAHAHA…oh, the irony…”

“Uh...I fail to see the irony in this…” Sonic said.

“The irony is…” Dark Meta Knight said slowly, injecting a shot of venom into each word. “that when I’m through with all of you, there will be nothing left but broken pieces…”

“Oh, yeah? Why don’t you come over here and- OW!”

Dark had put his armored foot on top of Sonic’s head. “Get off me!”

“I think I’ll start with you…” Raising his sword, Dark Meta Knight prepared to literally behead the blue hedgehog where he lay…


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Now for something different! Can't say much about it for now.
His soul consumed by eternal darkness... by the foul emotions of someone rejected... trapped in madness...

Frostwraith saw... nothing.

Frostwraith heard... nothing.

Frostwraith said... nothing.

He was awake... lucid... yet, he felt nothing. No pain, no emotion, no power...

Voices cried for vengeance... voices cried in sorrow of having left those dear to them...

Was this death? Was this a new beginning?

Return to nothingness...

Frostwraith walked in his mansion. After the Dark Ones were defeated at last, Frostwraith left to his home world and live the rest of his life away from conflict.

He spent a few months in renovating his mansion. Throughout the nearby town, he placed posters announcing that he was founding a school for aspiring sorcerers. He was looking for worthy apprentices. Only the best four would be chosen to learn the arts of magic from one of the most powerful sorcerers to have ever lived...

The vision came... and went...

All is dark... all is lonely...

A sign of things to come...

One must wonder what could Frostwraith be thinking while the Master is possessing his body...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
There haven't much posts here...
In Final Destination...

"We already have one of the Chaos Emeralds in our possession. The light blue one.", said Master Hand.

"We need to find the remaining six. The Dark Ones surely must be after them, so we must not waste time.", said Palutena.

"Yes. I must direct the group for their next destination.", responded Master Hand, using his powers to form an orb of sorts.

"Guys! Master Hand is calling!", said Ness, upon noticing that the orb they use to communicate began to glow.

The group reunited inside the cave where they were staying.

"Crazy Hand has been scouting here and there, and found the location of another Chaos Emerald.", reported Master Hand.

"Hmm... and where could it be?", wondered Pit.

"In a vast desert... the Gerudo Desert.", said Master Hand. "Be prepared for the sandstorms and heat of the desert. I also expect that Ganondorf's loyalists must be there too."

"I can use my ship to easily transport us all.", said Samus.

"Yes. I will be opening a portal to Gerudo Valley. From there, you can head through the Gerudo's Fortress and enter the desert itself.", responded Master Hand. "Also, I am aware that Mari is in danger."

"What?", reacted Xiroey.

"Mari has been captured by Dark Meta Knight. I am not sure if he is an ally of the Dark Ones, but either way, they need help. The members of Impact are to reinforce Mari at once!", ordered Master Hand.

"Oh, great.", said Gengar, with sarcasm.

"Well, then. Let's go.", said Charizard.

Master Hand opened a portal to Dark Meta Knight's ship, in which entered Gengar, Charizard, Xiroey, Porygon-Z and all the remaining of Xiroey's partners.

"The remainder of you will go to Gerudo Valley.", said Master Hand.

"All right.", responded Lucas.

"I'll prepare the ship for our departure.", said Samus.

"The dangers of the desert await you... do not falter!", said Master Hand, before cutting the communication.

Could be editing this later... or not.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
"Zalgo unleashed his fury, but not at Muhti, but at Dimentio.

C̸̗̩̻͚̮͎̞̦̹̲͙ͥ̂̆̽̂̈͋ͭ̇̐͛̂͛ͣ̅͑ͣ͟͡l̨̧͍̟̮̬̪̖͕͈̣͔̯͙̱̫̼͉̣̀̉͆ͨ̔̀͂ͨ͂̔̈ͮ̏ͨͯͬ̾͡͝o̢̟͔͖̹̪̥̰͔̙̥̓ͮ͆͂̆̉͝ͅs̡̨̳̘̼͖͖̬̫̱͇͓̯̮̩̱̣̗̜̗̩̏̒ͥͬ̄͑͠ē̶̱͓̘̭͈̣̝̰͗̑ͤͥ͂ͫ́͂͛ͦ̿ͥ͑͊̕͠ ̨̡͎͚̪̼̅̊̑̈́̿̓̐̉̒ͩͣ͆̽̈͗̀̚͞͞ė͙̻̭͇͓̩̖͕͚̉͒͌͛̚͜͢n̶̨̩̪̙̖͌͗ͯ̋̋̓ͩ̿̑̾̍̑̎͋͂ͦͮ̈͟͢͞o̡̜̯̫̱͎͕ͮͧͧͧ͑ͨ̑́̆ͪ̊ͬͥ͜͡u̥͚̘͚̻͍̼͈̣̠̫̯͇̞̻̦̲ͩ̅ͤ͑̔̂͋̂ͬ̅̇̈́̚̕͢͜͡ͅg͋̅̒̽ͪͥͤ̍̈̾ͫ̓͗҉͓̺̥̭̖̻̣̠̖̻͞ͅḣ̶̛̗̠͙͔̮͉̠͍̘̗͍̊̍̓̔ͩ̇̐͊̈ͯͣ́ͅ ͧ͑̎ͩ͊ͫ̀ͨ͏̢̧̼̩͎̫̖̜̭̻̦̜̜̗̙̺͚̙̯̤͘͡Iͨ́͊̀̆͗̎̿̀͌̌̋͊̄͏̛͇̝̼̰͜͜ ̸͈̮͎̮̂̓͊ͤ͜s̴̪̮̜͓̝͙͍̰̗̝̻͍͖̹̯̭̙̊̈̋͒ͬ͗ͫ̂̔͒ͩ̍́͠u̔̊ͭ͐̈́͆̎͑́̚͏͢͏͚͕̣͔̹̼͓̼̘̯̰̭̕p̨̛̰̼̞̯̫̯ͦͮ̌͐ͪ̿̔͗ͯ͝͠p̏͂ͮ͊ͫͯͪ̽̊͂̿ͤͨͧ̃̅̔̈͗҉̧̢̪̬̬̲̺̮͖̯̠̻̳̣͎͇͓͢ͅǫ̴͐͂̃̃̔ͦ̌ͤ̓ͭ̈́̂̊̀̚҉̗̻̼̪̙̣̖̞̝̼͉̥̞͜s͂̉͊ͫͤͬ͐̓ͭͫ͠͏̡͏̶̝͕͕̠̠̞͎̰͈̩̙̤̠͙̠̣͓e̴͎̤̬̘̞̤̖̽ͮ̑̌̋ͥ̉̑́ , Zalgo said

"Are you kidding?", Muhti asked, "You such bad aim!"

Zalgo just stood there and pointed behind Muhti.

"I͓͈̿͗̓̇ͪͧ͂ ͓d̵̆̐̏͑̇̒i̱̠̻d̯͎̞̬̺̟̣ͨn̠̣̗̺̠͐ͥ͛̎̾ͪ̋'̻̮̰̭̯̟̤̇̇ͩ̄̚t̰̻̪̲̤ͤ̄̏̋̔̇́ ̽ͧ̿͂͌̄͂͏̫͇̯͓ͅm͇͉̠̜̻͉i͕ͫs̔̏ͧ̔̐ͨ̽҉̫̺ŝ͔͓͍͆́ͅ ͥ̓̀ͩ̚͝ͅm̡͈̏̐̍ŏr̺̺̭̪̻͙̀̌͌̑t̼̱̖̝̙̥̎̄ͮa̒̉́̚͏͉̱̼̗̳̖͖l̄͊͆̽̓͊̚͝.̦̙̲̰͠ͅ ̡̯̱͉͈̤͉̉͆̎͗Y̮ͪ̔ͥ̓̈́̏̚͝o̤͓̙̜̥ͨ̒̊ͣ̈ư̓̈ ̲̹͕̻̜̱ͬͫͤ̓ͯ͜s̡͎̱̐̓̒̏̔͐ͣh̖̳̖̐̕ͅͅa̩ͯͨ̾ͣ̈̿̆́l̷̮͚̩ͧ̐͆̑ͪ̎l̥̪̬̲̖̦̂ͨ̌̔ͯ́͢ ͦ̀͏f͓̼̜͇̫̘̗̒̐̾̆a̧̟͕̳̣ͩ̂cͬ̃̇ͫ͜e͍̰̜̥ͧ̅̽͊͛̚ ̜̟̠̱ͥ̏͂̑̈͞m̢̹͕̀̋̏̐y̯̻̭̦̺̘͍͗̆̿ͧͧ͒́ ̦̻̏̊̆ḽ͈̓̑̄̏ͯ͑ͅa̴̬̱͉̪̱̫͍̿̍͋̉ͨͭ̚t̙̲̙̯͇͙̰͡e̅͌̾̉́ͯ͊҉̜̬̼͙̬̮͙s̖̭̻̻̖̙̽͞t̘̹̞̣̙͉̰͊͊ ̷͖̥c̝͍̠ͅr̽ͨ҉̟̜͖͔ͅe̡͇̬̭̮͍͑ͫͨ̔ͪ͒ͮͅạ͚͚̫̽̌t̉ͩ͏į̲͛̊̂̏o͑̄̅̒ͭͣn̹̟͍̻͖̊̕.͔́̊ ̻̠͚̖̱̈͆̀̆̃ͮͩͅD͚̞̫͕̻͚̰̈́ͥ͆̈͗̎͗͞Ėͧ̊ͩ̿͆͑M͆ͯ̍ͮ҉̖̝̤̜͎̞̯O̭̥͓͈̹̠̠͂͂̅ͦ̀N͉̺̏͋̀ͮ̌ ͪ̀̈ͭD͇͒ͦI̴͕̠̍̓M͉̐E̙͍̜̺̯̘̬̚͢N̔̿ͦ҉͓̯T̙̗̋ͨ̎͆ͮ̓İ̠̄̌̂̚O͖̦̖͂͗̏!", Zalgo shouted with glee.

"Whaa...", Muhti looked behind himself, "Aw shi-"

Muhti unveiled his tomahawk, which he found in the rubble at the Pokemon Coliseum.
"Dark Arceus! Get Zalgo, I'll deal with Demon Dimentio.", Muhti ordered.​
The Satan Pokemon seemed to nod, then flew off.​
Muhti ran straight for DD, about to slash the tomahawk at him, but missed.The Jester merely laughed and put him in a explosion boxMuhti cursed under his breath as DD snapped his fingers, making him severely injured.Muhti went in for a second round, this time hitting DD, barely.​
A black fireball interupted the fight, hitting DD as he caught aflame.​
"Dimentio! You have to escape this!", Muhti shouted.​
"D̝͕̠͕̲̹͑ͤ̒̚͢I̯͖̜̽͐̍ͥͮ̋͗M̩̟̣̘͖̩̄͆̅̂̇͝Ẹ̰ͭͬͪͧͨ̀N̫͖̹͔̺̬̫͌̽̄ͥ͒͂̑Ṯ̬̗̖̲͓̫̌̋͂ͯĬ̟̣̣̻͂ͮÖͤ̆ͤͪ̉̃͠ ̥̤̙̬̬̺̦̉͊͞Ḯ̯̮ͨ͌ͫ̏̿͠S̠͍̊̀̆ͦ͑̈́ͅ ̢̳̹ͯN̯͉͙͐ͥ͟O̪̻͔̭̘͛̃ͯ̇͘ ̗͚͇͙̖͈̠̾̏M̛͖̩͋Ǒ̱̟̜̲̻͔̊̒̀R͂͐̀É ̢̯͆͂̿̉F̷̜̦̰̤̯̣O̰Ǫ͎̼͕ͯ͂́L!", he shouted.​
DD then launched more explosive beams of magic.​
"REMEMBER NEW YORK?!", Muhti shouted, he couldn't kill him.​
DD shook his head as he moaned in pain. "S͚̳͆̀̈́ͣ͆͠T̝͓̘̝͕ͯ̚͞ͅỎ̳͎̳̋͐̈́P̹̘̿̍͆ͩ̒̊͆ ̣̻̭̩̳̲͒̌ͯ͡I̡̖͚̟͉̝̘̽̔͐̒ͬ̔T̃͏̥͉!͔̱̔̑̂͟", he yelled.​
Muhti deflected another fireball, a bit smaller though.​
Again DD screamed, no luck again though.​
Wait... He won't return to his former state until I kill Zalgo., Muhti thought as he redirected his attention to the beast. But it cost Smashfans' life to kill him.
Muhti paused for a moment, then deflected a magic beam by DD at the last second.
Wait! I have an idea!, Muhti thought.​
"Death Note!", he ordered as the book appeared. "Kill Zalgo."​
A pen floated to the book, automatically writing Zalgos name, with each letter becoming red and deadly, even though the ink was black.​
"N͐ͦ͌O!!", DD shouted, "D̲̱͙̝͖̖̥ͧ̓͆̉͢O̡̩ͤ̄ͩ̀͑Ṅ̮̣͙̭̺͉ͪͫͨ͋ͤT̜̻͚̥̜ͣ͋̐ͩ̚ ̵͇͇͎ͬ̇ͫ̏̆D͈̙͖̰̦ͬ̓O̢̯̜̪͉̹͊̒̈́͊̚ ̶̳̠͍̯̳̥͚̐̌̓̃͂T̬̤̥͔͙̯͆̂̿ͨͯͥ̍͢H͇̻̪̪̲͌̏̉͞I̻̲͖͙̿͌̚S̖͎̦̝̮͖̏ͥ̓ͩ̅ͭ̾!"​
The writing was finished and the book dissappeared before the Demon could take it.​
40 seconds...
Muhti ran to the ruined capital, doing parkour to the top. When he reached the top, he saw the battle of Zalgo vs Dark Arceus.
Zalgo stopped. He didn't move at all. Dark Arceus then saw his chance and performed his Roar of Time.​
Muhti landed by Dimentio, who returned to his former state, "What happened? I remember getting kno- WHAT THE HELL?!"​
Muhti looked at the scene too, not shocked. He knew what was to come if the Satan Pokemon did that, but that was done and over with, Zalgo is dead, once again. And Dark Arceus, was in his belt of his massive collection of pokemon, 2 to be exact.​
"Don't worry, we have other things to worry about.", Muhti said.​
And by we, I mean the rebels and the Dark Ones....


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Crossing the Sands: Part 1
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley

Crossing the portal created by Master Hand, the group arrives at the area linking Hyrule Field to the desert.

Gerudo Valley

Recovered from the battle against Dark Luco, the group was ready for another adventure. The supplies were carefully prepared, having a massive amount of water, so the group could survive the desert's heat. Also on their possession were goggles provided by Cynthia to protect their eyes against fierce sandstorms, common in such environments.

"Well, we're all set.", said Pit.

"Great. The bridge is up ahead, let's go.", said Luco.

The group crossed the bridge, walking through the dry land, following the path leading to Gerudo's Fortress. Pit and Palutena remained on contact through the trip. Using her divine powers, Palutena transmitted information from Master Hand, with Pit speaking on her behalf for the rest of the group, as fitting for a messenger of the gods.

"This land is beautiful.", commented Pit, while talking to Palutena.

"Yes, it was created by the goddesses Din, Nayru and Farore of Power, Wisdom and Courage.", explained Palutena. "Keep following that path to find the Gerudo's Fortress."

"It must be heavily guarded, then.", responded Pit.

"Yes. You must be careful."

The group walked through a path formed between two high cliffs. The path was rugged and dry and was difficult to walk on. Overcoming the difficulties, they note the path opening up, arriving at a fortress guarded by many women.

"So, this is the Gerudo's Fortress...", said Pit.

"Halt!", yelled one of the guards, as soon as she noted the group's presence. "What do you outsiders think you're doing?!"

"What... we mean no harm!", reacted Luco. "We just need to cross the desert."

"Hmph. Why should we trust you in the first place?", asked the guard.

"Stop.", said another Gerudo woman. "You are here on Master Hand's behalf, aren't you?"

"How do...", said Pit.

"I am Nabooru, Sage of Spirit.", responded the woman. "Master Hand has told me to protect this passage. Ganondorf has desecrated the desert, by sending his foul minions there. I will ask the guards to open the gate for you. In the other side of the desert lies the Desert Colossus, where the Spirit Temple was built."

"That's where the Chaos Emerald must be!", concluded Ness.

"I remember Master Hand mentioning a power source there... so, it must be that emerald you speak of.", concluded Nabooru. "Anyway, the gates are open. I should warn you that there are two trials you must pass while crossing the sands."

"What are them?", inquired Captain Falcon.

"The first trial is the River of Sand. You must find your way through the sands by following the flags there.", explained Nabooru.

"Sound easy.", said Ninten.

"The second trial is the Phantom Guide. Those with an eye that can see the truth must follow the ghostly guide that will show the way to the Desert Colossus.", continued Nabooru.

"Understood.", said Luco with a nod.

"Very well... go on and good luck!", said Nabooru, as the group crossed the gate to the desert.

The sandstorm was fierce and the sands were difficult to cross.

"We must be careful... we must move slowly or we will be consumed by the sands themselves.", noted Luco. "I can use my powers to protect us from the heat of the desert, but I can't make it last forever..."

"Look! That's a red flag over there!", noted Ness.

"Nabooru said we must cross the flags as part of the first trial... let's go.", responded Dark Pit.

Walking slowly and following the flags, the group arrives at a small stone structure with a stone tablet and a pathway going down.

"Down here seems a safe place to rest.", noted Pit. "Crossing all this sand was really a pain."

"Yes... we should rest here for a while.", agreed Luco.

Climbing down the ladder, they found themselves on a small room with a treasure chest.

"Who would leave a chest here?", wondered Ninten.

"It's probably a trap.", noted Snake.

"I agree... I can't help but feel that we have fallen into some kind of nasty trap.", said Dark Pit, suspiciously.

"Why, yes. You're right... hyeh heh heh heh heh...", said a voice similar to them.

"The Master!", reacted Luco.

"Hyeh heh heh... I have placed a camera in that little chest you see. Life is just like that... people at the wrong place at the wrong time.", said the Master with a sinister tone of voice. "Well then... time for another show!"

"Ready yourselves everyone!", asked Luco, as lots of giant beetles emerged from the ground.

"What are these giant beetles?!", shouted Jeff, upon seeing the giant bugs.

"Just work of my profound genius, friends! Well then, it's time to say... bye bye!", said the Master, as the camera in the chest self destructed and grew human and feminine legs.

"A Mimicutie!", reacted Pit.

"The Master is playing seriously now...", commented Dark Pit.

The group dealt with the nasty giant beetles, while Pit, Dark Pit and Luco dealt with the Mimicutie. The battle didn't last long, as the beetles and Mimicutie were easily dealt with.

After the battle, the group rest in that place to ensure they were fit for the next trial.

"What sort of creatures were those...? They were like beetles, but gigantic.", commented Pit.

"Likely some sort of experiment made by the Dark Ones.", responded Samus.

After a few minutes, the group began to climb up the ladder, with Snake being the lead. As soon as Snake crossed half of the ladder, a door shut behind him, separating him from the group.

Metal Gear Solid / Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Cavern

"What now...?", whispered Snake.

"Hyeh heh ha ha ha... climb up, soldier... climb up...", said the Master, manifesting himself as a voice inside Snake's head.

"Whatever you say...", responded Snake.

He arrived at the desert, where the sandstorm seemed to have calmed down. Instead, there was darkness surrounding that area.

"What is going on here?", reacted Snake.

A dark portal was formed and a man, dressed in a military outfit, resembling a dictator of sorts.

"What the--? Who are you?", said Snake.

"I am Bison, one of the Master's faithful followers and the head of Shadaloo... the Master has asked myself to exterminate you all.", said the man.

"Whatever... I am going to kill you here.", responded Snake.

"Pathetic!", said M. Bison sending a burst of energy at Snake, knocking and weakening him. "Balrog! Finish him!"

A boxer dressed in blue and wearing red boxing gloves appears through the same dark portal behind M. Bison, challenging the weakened Snake. M. Bison enters the portal and closes it, leaving Snake and Balrog by themselves.

"Come on, wimp! I gotta make sure I get the money I need! Now DIE!", yelled Balrog.

"A boxer versus a trained soldier... this Master fellow is getting delusional.", commented Snake.​
Balrog attempted to punch Snake, who dodged and kicked him to knock the boxer into the sand. Balrog got up, only to take another kick from Snake. Lying on the sand, Balrog rolled to gain distance from Snake and proceeded to rush at Snake, delivering a powerful punch to Snake's face, knocking Snake down.​
"Urgh...", said Snake, as he got up, with his nose beginning to bleed.​
"What a wimp! Heh heh heh... this will be worth the money from Bison.", arrogantly said Balrog.​
Snake quickly got ahold of himself and kicked Balrog, while the latter was gloating. Balrog attempted to perform a powerful Super Combo known as Crazy Buffalo, but Snake managed to predict the move and avoided the five consecutive punches that left Balrog open to a powerful punch from Snake.​
The harsh environment tested both fighters and, as a trained soldier, Snake fought well in such conditions, unlike Balrog.​
Having been knocked to the floor by Snake and being not used to the desert's harsh environment, Balrog was getting worn out faster than he expected. Snake proceeded to grab Balrog by his neck and point his gun at him, threatening the boxer's life.​
"Do you want to die?", coldly threatened Snake.​
"Urgh... I give up!", said Balrog, realizing that Snake wasn't messing around.​
Letting Balrog pass through the portal, Snake won the battle.​
Snake proceeded to use C4 to destroy the door that had separated him from the group. Back to the top of the structure, Snake quickly explained the situation and the group proceeded to read the stone tabled that mentioned the second trial, previously mentioned by Nabooru.​
"What could be this eye of truth?", wondered Pit.​
"I don't know... but, I can feel... something...", commented Dark Pit.​
"Lady Palutena?", called Pit.​
"Pittoo's right. There's something there. You can't just see it, but I can. It's the Phantom Guide.", responded Palutena.​
Ness used his PSI powers and began to see the ghost.​
"Follow me! I can see a ghost saying he will lead us to our destination.", said Ness, who took the lead.​
"Yes... I can also see... a subtle shadow...", commented Dark Pit.​
Ness, Lucas and the remainder of PSI users took the lead, as they could see the ghost that guided them through the desert.​
The sandstorm was back and the group followed the ghost through the perilous path.​
Leevers began to rise from the sands, proving to be a nuisance, since they were easily killed. Regardless of the dangers in their way, the group continued the path.​
"Red flags over there... we must be close.", commented Luco.​
The ghost continued to show the way, vanishing upon arriving near the flags. From the flags, the group continued to walk forward, arriving at the Desert Colossus at last. In that area was a huge temple entrance, having a huge statue of a feminine figure high above the door.​
"You've arrived at the Desert Colossus. That temple you see is the Spirit Temple. That's where you need to go.", said Palutena.​
After Pit transmitted Palutena's message to the group, everyone went ahead and entered the temple...​
Meanwhile, in the Earth, most specifically, in Genoa, Italy...​
"These visions... Bison must be preparing something... what else can I see...? The world is destructed... torn apart beyond repair...", said a fortune teller dressed in pink, with purple hair. "A laboratory... what could that be?"​
The fortune teller drew a card from her deck of tarot cards.​
"Death... the ending of a cycle... and the transition to a new state...", said Rose, the fortune teller. "A deep change that will cause the loss of many things and the sadness of many people... the world... no, the worlds will be caught in the inescapable..."​
Rose paused for a moment.​
"What is this I can see? Hope... something will come to avoid this fate. I must go... there's work I have to do.", said Rose, before leaving the place where she was.​
This will definitely spice things up.​


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Just something quick to get the creative juices flowin' again... this will tie my story in to another's. Come to think of it I actually should have probably let this person know; but if he thinks it's not working, i'm totally happy to delete it, so might as well get the thread running with it. :p


They approached the temple with caution. Luco had a rather odd feeling as he came upon the steps when a voice came in to his head. Unfamiliar to him but not altogether strange. He couldn't put his tongue on it. It was not so foreboding in itself, rather the message that it gave him.

You have so little time... he will turn, and if he does before you and the others can help him, you will find yourself all alone when the one who desires you dead comes for blood....

"Luco... Luco. Luco... Luco!"

His eyes shot open with Lucario shaking him. "I'm... i'm okay, Lucario. Sorry guys." He said, as they trudged onward in to the temple.

So little time...


Aha, so I hope that ties in to your story a bit! :p

If it doesn't i'm happy to change it, i've just been looking for a way to tie my story in a little. And ummm, I hope it all works and checks out?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
No computer atm... But I still have my phone <3

Lets do this~

- - - - - -

"Out of my way!"

A swift black blur sped down the deck. Quick as a bullet, Gengar put his claws to gopd work, Darting inbetween enemies and turning them into mince meat. Just like old times, Latios made sure he covered Gengar's rear. He let gengar do most of the agressive fighting, supporting him with dual screens, and cover fire whenever necessary. The group of three cleaved their way forward, making quick work of Dark Meta's ranks. If Latios' premonition was correct, then time was most certainly not on their side.

"Damnit, someone's hurt!" Blue and Yellow thunderbolts circled Latios, blasting anyone who was foolish enough to draw near. Latios dashed to the side, a sleek arrow barely grazing his left ear. His senses went out. He closed his eyes, and was able to track down the Archer's location, following the path the arrow took.

A spot of white entered his vision. He rose swiftly into the air, a second volley kf arrows passing just below. The hjgher vantage point finally let him vet a lock in his target. "There!"

Some ways down the ship, a hidden archer dressed in black cloaks nocked another arrow. He diliberatrly aimed his first volley of shots near the ground, hoping his target would take the bait and take to the skies. He pulled the second ad arrow back, waiting calmly for Latios to make the fatal reaction.

The volley of sa rrows missed, missed just below him,like The Archer hoped they would.
He smiled. Fhen let the next arrow fly.

- - -

He was hidden on top of the lookout post! Latios wasted no time. He sucked in a large breath, letting the extra oxygen fuel the swirlling energy in his belly. He let it build, just long enough so that his next move would reach it's maximum destructivd power.

A bright light burned through hos senses again. The archer must've fired off another shot.

He wouldn't let it connect. Latios opened his maw, letting out a powerful blue shockwave. Up above, the archer had just enough time to register a faint glint as his arrow was knocked off course, then the metal pole beneath him splintsred.

Latios smiled. That took care of their sniper. He cast his senses out to his friends. Gengar was still okay, thank goodness. Meanwhile, Charizard was batter ramming his way forward, Latios sensed life forces flickering out like christmas lights. The amount of bodys Charizard piled up was no less than he'd expect.

He decided to continue helping Gengar. Charizard was cutting his way through easily, ustilizing his Areal Ace to give himself maximum mobility. He brieftly glimpsed Charizard cut clean through an enemy without mercy.

...He looked away. Just the sight of blood flying was enough to make the thing inside him stir.

"Guys, we're close! Z and the others should be there to meet us once we get to where we're goimg"

Gengar blasted a pair of foes away with a series of Shadow Balls, " Yeah? And do you have any idea where that might BE exactly"?

Latios poi.ted upward "The top of the ship! They're on top of the cockpit, the one that looks like meta knight's helmet"!

"Got it" Gengar nodded. He side-hammered two dark Sailor Dee's in the face, sending them both flying off the ship.

"Too slow~!" Gengar taunted

"Allright, get Charizard! Let's Move!"


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
...Wow so many typos and awkwatd sentences in yhat...

Editing long thinks by phone is hard :/

...Sorry guys, I normally edit my posts before and after I post em, but...this time...

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
...Wow so many typos and awkwatd sentences in yhat...

Editing long thinks by phone is hard :/

...Sorry guys, I normally edit my posts before and after I post em, but...this time...
Ok continuing where mari left off. Meanwhile just as dark meta knight was about to decapitate sonic, a bullet hit the blade of dark meta knight's sword, chipping a part of it. Dark Meta knight: What was that?! (He turns to see richard pointing his pistol toward him) Dark Meta Knight: You will pay for that!! Richard: How? That sword you wield isn't long enough to reach me. Mari should be able to write the rest, or xiroey can.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Ok continuing where mari left off. Meanwhile just as dark meta knight was about to decapitate sonic, a bullet hit the blade of dark meta knight's sword, chipping a part of it. Dark Meta knight: What was that?! (He turns to see richard pointing his pistol toward him) Dark Meta Knight: You will pay for that!! Richard: How? That sword you wield isn't long enough to reach me. Mari should be able to write the rest, or xiroey can.
I find the lack of Enter key presses in the quoted post disturbing.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I find the lack of Enter key presses in the quoted post disturbing.
For some reason, every time i put a post on this thread using my 3ds, it won't register a paragraph indent, even though i type it in the posting box and it shows the indent like i wanted, but when i post it, it just puts it in a sandwhiched-together sentence. Ever since the forum change happened, it's been like this, but when i post in a user's profile it shows the paragraph indent perfectly. I just don't understand why it still doesn't show when i post using my (3DS) device.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
For some reason, every time i put a post on this thread using my 3ds, it won't register a paragraph indent, even though i type it in the posting box and it shows the indent like i wanted, but when i post it, it just puts it in a sandwhiched-together sentence. Ever since the forum change happened, it's been like this, but when i post in a user's profile it shows the paragraph indent perfectly. I just don't understand why it still doesn't show when i post using my (3DS) device.
Obviously some kind of incompatibility or a bug. Try mentioning that at the new SWF feedback post.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Anybody notice the theme?

Dark Latios
Dark ones
Dark MK
Dark Luco


I'm stuck in the middle of that assessment period but i'm going through the worst of it now. Soon i'll be out on the other side and i'll start writing a lot again. Got a bit of inspiration and the like...

But could someone write us through the temple? I can take the desert but I can't remember for the life of me what Gerudo's temple is like. >.<


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's been a while!

Spirit Temple
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Spirit Temple

The group arrives at the entrance hall of the Spirit Temple, located in the heart of the desert. The floor and walls were made of stone, with a staircase leading to an upper part of the hall. In the lower part of the room were two large snake statues with something written on them.

The left one had the following script:

And the right one had the following:
The group attempted to read the strange glyphs, but alas, they had no idea on how to read them. Ignoring the scripts, the group advanced to the upper part of the hall, only to see the path branching in two, with the left path having a small hole and the right path blocked by a huge block.

"Luco, you don't seem OK.", noted Pit.

"I'm fine... well, we should figure a way to progress through this temple... if only Frost was here to help us... He could probably decipher the messages in the snake statues.", commented Luco.

"Yes... he was good with that stuff.", agreed Dark Pit.

"And I'm sure those statues have a clue on how to enter this temple.", said Captain Falcon.

"Lady Palutena? Do you have any idea of what's written in the statues?", questioned Pit to the goddess.

"Unfortunately, I don't. I can speak with Master Hand as he can help you out.", responded Palutena.

The conversation was abruptly cut when the jars scattered through the hall began levitating and flying on their own, crashing against some members of the group.

"Luco, behind you!", yelled Ness.

"Whoa!", reacted Luco, as he just dodged a jar that almost hit him.

"Flying jars? Is this place haunted?", questioned Jeff.

"Well, it's a possibility...", responded Alder.

"Alright, everyone. Lady Palutena has just told what is written on the snakes!", said Pit.

"The left one says... 'If you want to return to the past, you must return here with the pure heart of a child.' What could be the meaning of this?", said Dark Pit.

"The right one says 'If you want to travel to the future, you should return here with the power of silver from the past.'", said Pit.

"Well... the left statue mentions going here as a child... that means Ness and company might be able to pass through that hole... I think Luco and the angels might also be able to enter that hole too.", observed Snake. "The remainder should wait until whatever that is on the other side is in our possession..."

"Well... I think I can enter inside that hole... well, let's go.", said Luco.

Luco was the first to enter inside the hole, with his Lucario, Pikachu and Luxray following and Charizard remained in the hall, as he couldn't enter the tiny hole. As he crawled inside the hole, he thought on the meaning of the words he heard before.

"What could be the meaning of that? I have a feeling I will find the answers soon enough...", thought Luco.

On the hall, the rest of the group waited for Luco and the others to return. Frostwraith's Rotom sneaked through that hole to aid Luco in Frostwraith's stead.

"Oh... you're Frost's Rotom.", said Luco, as he noted the mischievous Pokémon behind him.

Rotom smiled and released a few sparks, tingling Luco and turning Luco's hair into a complete mess.

"There are two big doors here... which of them should we go?", questioned Jeff.

"There's also a small hole we can crawl through... so, we have to choose either left, right or center.", responded Dark Pit, carefully observing the doors, ready to fire his bow at any time.

Luco's Lucario used his aura to sense what was on the other side of the doors.

"Seems that we can't go through the right due to a huge pit in that room...", noticed Luco.

"That leaves the left door and that little hole, huh?", said Pit.

"And if we go through the little hole, we will find a locked door.", continued Luco.

"That means we must go through the left door, right?", inquired Ness.

"Do we have a choice?", responded Dark Pit.

The group proceeds through the left door...

I may continue this later.

EDIT: Corrected some mistakes.

EDIT 2: Tweaked some details.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Lucario doesn't really have a pokeball: None of mine do haha. But remember that Lucario (and Luxray for that matter) can easily crawl through. Charizard's a bigger issue but I think i'll leave him with you guys for a while.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
The brief distraction by Richard was just long enough so that Mari could cast a quick teleportation spell, landing her just outside of her cage. “Richard, DUCK!” She called out as she put her palms together and fired off a thunderbolt towards Dark Meta Knight’s direction.

But Dark Meta Knight did not train endlessly for naught. He smoothly jumped into the air, his dark cape instantly transforming into bat-like wings, and rammed Mari into the wall on the other side of the cockpit. She felt a few of her ribs bend slightly from sheer force.

Wasting no time, Mari grabbed a hold of Dark Meta Knight’s arm and judo flipped him over her shoulder. Once he was on the ground, Mari turned her fists into stone and let gravity do the work for her. Unfortunately, the Dark Knight rolled out of the way just in time, and he used that time Mari had to recover to attempt to stab her through her heart and end the battle. It happened in an instant.

“NOO!” Magolor shouted from his cage.

“What? What happened?” Sonic said from the floor. “I can’t see with my face squished to the ground!”

“It appears you don’t have a student anymore…” Dark Meta Knight laughed maniacally as he let Mari’s body drop to his feet. “It’s a shame, though. I could have used her magic…”

Just then, Mari’s body suddenly disappeared in a cloud of white smoke. “What in the…?” Marx inquired. “Why did Mari go poof?”

“Duh, cuz that wasn’t me!” Called a voice far to the right. All eyes fell on Mari, who was not only alive, but she was trying to free Blaze from the chains that restrained her.

Dark Meta Knight growled in anger. “Impossible!” He shouted. “When did you-“

“No one can cast spells faster than I can, and I have those two to thank for it.” Mari stated, jerking her head towards Sonic and Magolor.

Fueled by rage, Dark Meta Knight folded his wings and dive bombed straight for Mari, his sword thrusted in front of him like the point of a drill. When he got close enough, Mari dashed out of the way and instead of slashing her, he slashed Blaze’s chains.

“Burn him up!” Mari cried out to the princess.

Blaze smirked with a dangerous glare in her eyes and said, “With pleasure.” Setting her hands ablaze, she grabbed the Dark Knight’s mask and he screamed in pure agony as it was superheated to his face.

Meanwhile, Mari got to work freeing her friends. “I thought you were done for.” Magolor said as he walked out of his cage. “NEVER scare me like that again!”

“No promises.” Mari said with a smile. “You OK, Sonic?”

“Yeah… my nose still hurts, though…” Sonic rubbed said sore nose. “But...is it just me or do I smell… burning flesh?”

“Unfortunately, you are correct, Sonic.” Blaze said as she walked away from Dark Meta Knight’s burning body. He seemed to be dead.

“Ew.” Mari grimaced. “I said ‘Burn him up’. Not melt his mask to his face…”

“My options were a bit limited at the moment.” Blaze had a hard look on her face; as if she had done what she needed to do and that was that. Which she did, to gruesome results. “We need to get out of here and return to the Lor.”

“Hang on…” Sonic said. He cocked his head to one side as if he was listening to something. After a minute or two, his eyes widened with surprise. “Well, bust my sneakers…”

“What?” Asked Marx.

“I think there’s a Chaos Emerald on board.” Sonic announced. “Several, in fact!”

“Are you serious?!” Mari exclaimed. “But…If they were on board the Halberd’s Revenge; I would have sensed them too…”

“So would I!” Magolor added.

Sonic shook his head. “I’ve been hunting the Chaos Emeralds longer than anybody, so my senses for finding them are much sharper than yours. I’m almost positive there are Chaos Emeralds here!”

“Well, this complicates things…” Mused Magolor. “It won’t do us any good if we go all together. Let’s split up. Sonic and Blaze will look for the emeralds, since they have the most experience with them. Marx, Richard and I will go detach the Lor from the Halberd’s Revenge.” Magolor looked up at his student. “Mari, you stay here and steer the battleship. I don’t want us to suddenly crash into a mountain…and I don’t want you to get hurt, either.”

Mari rolled her eyes. “I’m fully capable of taking care of myself now, Teach…but OK.”

“Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, K?” Sonic said.

“Guys, I’ll be fine.” Mari reassured her teachers.

“It’s just that something bad usually happens when you’re alone.” Marx stated.

“Reaallly? I haven’t noticed.” Mari smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay right here.”

“Good.” Magolor nodded. He gave Mari one last worried look before heading out with Marx and Richard.

“Stay safe.” Blaze said to Mari.

“And don’t do anything crazy…Oh, wait….”

“Sonic, you better get your big, blue posterior moving before I move it for you!” Mari growled dangerously.

“OK, OK! Jeez…” With that, Sonic and Blaze exited the cockpit to seek out the Chaos Emeralds.

After they all left, Mari smiled warmly to herself. It was nice that everyone was worried about her. It showed that they actually cared. While it was necessary for her to escape to the Temple of Gaia for some intense training, it was also very lonely in there. It was at that moment Mari realized just how much she missed their little oddball gang.

With a swish of her white cloak, the young female student turned towards the steering wheel of the Halberd’s Revenge. “This isn’t at all like the Lor Starcutter…” Mari thought aloud. “I might have a bit of trouble trying to control this ship…”

“Here…let me….give you a hand….” The mangled voice came from Mari’s right, and she only had a few seconds to see that Dark Meta Knight had dragged himself across the room and grab hold of a very suspicious-looking red button. From his burnt flesh, tattered dark cape, melted mask and boiling blood red eyes, the Dark Knight looked like something straight from a zombie horror movie.

“What the--you’re supposed to be dead!”

“Bon voyage!” He cried, and then he slammed his fist on the button.

Suddenly, the glass covering the viewing window on the cockpit fell away, and everything in it was being sucked outside. With a freighted scream, Mari was blown out into the sky, while Dark Meta Knight simply flew out with a single beat of his charred wings. But before Mari could fall to her doom, Dark Meta Knight grabbed her by her cloak and hovered just out of reach from anything that could be used as a platform
“Now, I’m aware of your skills with magic, but I don’t think you can fly, now, can you?” He lifted Mari up so that they were at eye level. “And I do believe we are out of your teleportation range. So say if my hand… slipped. What do you think would happen then?”

As Mari looked down at the dizzying heights and seeing the situation she was in, she couldn’t help but think: Man, Marx was right, bad things do happen when I’m alone…

“I assure you…” Dark Meta Knight continued. “You would not survive the fall. And your friends aren’t here to save you this time. I hold your fate in my hands.”

“Literally…” Mari racked her at her brain, trying to find out a way to contact Magolor or anyone that could help her. Turns out, she had no such way.

“But…I will set you down safely…If you swear you and your mentor’s undying loyalty to me.” Dark Meta Knight proposed. “We could accomplish many things if you come over to my side.”

“Hmm…Lemme think…Oh, yeah, NO WAY. And in case you haven’t noticed, Smashboards and basically the entire Multiuniverse are in danger of being destroyed by the Dark Ones’ Master. If you get in their way, they’ll destroy you too!” Mari pleaded. “You have no idea how many they’ve killed to achieve their wicked goals!”

“It seems the Dark Ones’ Master loves destruction.” The Dark Knight laughed at this fact. “Perhaps I’ll go have a chat with this ‘Master’, though I won’t call him my own for long…”

“Didn’t you just hear what I said?!” Mari yelled at him. “You’re making a big mistake! He’ll see you as an enemy and most likely kill you for just wasting his time!”

“Child, you know nothing of the ways of darkness!” Dark Meta Knight screamed. “And since you rejected my offer, I’m afraid I’ll have to eliminate you right here. Have a nice fall.”

Seeing as how this problem was going downhill fast, Mari did the only thing a sane girl would do if she was dangling 20,000 feet in the air:


(((I noticed something.

1. Bad things really do happen when I'm alone.

and 2. I’m pretty darn good with cliffhangers. :awesome:

So this should spice things up a bit. I’ll also reveal how many Chaos Emeralds are on board Dark Meta Knight’s ship on my next post. I’m thinking 3, just to speed things up.

So if anyone wants to help out Sonic and Blaze retrieve the Emeralds, or help out Marx, Magolor and Richard free the Lor Starcutter from the ship, feel free to do so. Oh, and did I also mention the option of saving me from falling to my death?!

Yeah, that option is available as well. :)



The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
It's been a long time since I've written about the Master...

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Ganon's Tower

While Luco, the angels, the PSI kids explored part of the Spirit Temple, deep in the Gerudo Desert, the Master remained on the Dark Ones' hideout.

"Hmph! So... Muhti managed to best Zalgo, eh? What an utterly useless recreation! It paled to the original one's might!", ranted the Master, upon hearing the news of Zalgo's defeat.

"Master, it was your decision to release the yet incomplete creation...", said a cultist of the Dark Ones.

"YOU QUESTION MY SUPERIORITY, WRETCH?!", yelled the Master. "You're dismissed! Ah, but call M. Bison and Darth Sidious! AT ONCE!"

"Yes, Master.", said the cultist, leaving the room shortly after.

"Master Hand's puppies and Muhti's ensemble are playful little things indeed... hyeh heh ha ha ha ha! HYEH HE HE HA HAHAHAHAHAAAA! HYAAA HAA HAA HAA HA HAAA!", said the Master, bursting in mad laughter.

Few minutes later, M. Bison and Palpatine enter the room.

"You summoned us, Master?", said Palpatine, bowing to Frostwraith's body, possessed by the Master.

"I did. Shadaloo's progress has been quite commendable... cultists and scientists from Earth have been joining us at a steady pace.", said the Master.

"I only did my job, Master.", immediately said M. Bison.

"Now... how are the Death Star tests coming along, Lord Sidious? Are all the weapons fully operational?", inquired the Master.

"Yes, everything is going according to the plan, my Master.", responded Palpatine.

"Hyeh he ha... hyeee ha ha ha... good... GOOD! Our two enemies will soon see how LAUGHABLE their efforts are... HYEH HA HA HA HA HAAAA! HYEEH HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA! HAAAA HAA HAA HAA! HYEH HA HA HA HAAA HAA HAA HAA!", yelled the Master in a sinister, maniacal tone.

"We also have successfully transferred all of the Dark Investigation and Research Facility's personnel and experiments to the Death Star too. For now on, the DIRF will be headquartered in the Death Star itself.", added Palpatine.

"Excellent... We have more room for the experiments in that space station of yours, Lord Sidious... such powerful tools will be quite useful in my grand ambition...", said the Master, now in a calm, cold and menacing tone of voice.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Ganon's Castle
Few minutes later in Paris, France...

Time: 08:00 Local Time

"Yes, understood...", said a priest talking to the phone, heading to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

"Also, make sure you can rally the people to the place I mentioned. The Master wants no failures, you hear me?", said the voice on the other side. "You have until midnight before the magical disguise wears off."

"Yes, I am aware of that.", the priest responded.

"Very well. The Master wants us to succeed or we will suffer the same fate as the priest you're impersonating!", said the voice before cutting off the call.

The priest entered inside the cathedral, with a sinister smile in his face...

What sort of mischief could be the Master preparing? :evil:


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti looked at his surroundings, all ablaze. He walked down into the Meeting Room where medics were performing surgeries on soldiers. His city, a battleground…

He started outside, where the Stormtroopers kept on fighting, and for what? It was unapparent of their leader was anywhere.

Muhti sighed heavily and went back inside, twirling his tomahawk for just a little amusement. He was then stopped by a hooded man, who signaled to follow him. Muhti looked at the hooded man strangely, shrugged, and followed. He is, though, he has a short life ahead of him…

His brother perhaps?


Make up your mind.

Bring him down here, Connor then.


They finally reached the basement, the hidden area. Muhti had no idea what it was. The hooded man murmured something to the wall and it magically.

“Whoa, how did you do that?” Muhti asked.

The figure continued on without answering. They kept proceeding downward until they finally stopped. “You have been abducted into the Assassin Brotherhood.” The figure finally spoke, “Also, I would like my tomahawk back.” He held out his hand while Muhti gave it back. “Wait, what Brotherhood?”, Muhti asked concerned.

“The Assassin Brotherhood.”, he simply answered as a row of lights appeared, a wall of outfits and weapons. It was heaven to Muhti.
“You may choose one outfit and two pieces of weaponry.”, the figure said leaning against one side of the wall. Muhti nodded and gazed at the outfits of the ‘Assassin Brotherhood’. All were similar to the figures, but was either a different style or color(s). Muhti finally paused at one of them that looked as so:​

“The Ottoman Assassin Outfit?”, the Assassin asked, “Classy I must say.” He stood next to Muhti observing it.

“I’ll take this I suppose.”, Muhti concluded.

Muhti flexed in the outfit smoothly. Thank God it’s my size , he thought.

He walked towards the weaponry. It ranged from different swords and tomahawks and guns. It was a candy shop basically. He stopped at a pair of dual swords.

He took off their formal spots and swung them a bit. These were great as well. Muhti tested them on a dummy.

He then searched through the tomahawks, apparently he had a talent for them. He also wanted to keep it in the black scheme of things. He found a black tomahawk similar to the figures and it was his size as well.

Muhti looked up and grinned, though it couldn’t be seen due to the mask, which he took off. This’ll come in handy later on… he thought. The Figure and Muhti went upstairs as the wall was locked up again. Muhti was about to flee upstairs to join the battle until, “The names Connor.” Muhti paused mid-flight and looked at the man who was extending his hand. Muhti slowly went down and slowly shook it.

“Welcome to the Brotherhood.”


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
---{location: Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville}---

The team was at a loss. long had Smashfan attempted to get a signal from his transdimensional communications orb, and every attempt he made failed. Smashfan was, understandably, pissed off.

"Bucket of rubber balls..." he muttered, close to smashing the orb on the ground. "I'm starting to think that maybe the fall DID break it..."

"Let it go, Smash..." said Spike, putting one claw to him.

Smashfan let out a sigh, returning the orb to his inventory bag (which had now become a saddlebag with his avatar change). "You're right, Spike. we'll just have to keep looking for a way back to the others somehow else..."

The group heard a faint screaming...

"What's that noise?" Sly asked.

Ashley was the first to respond "It sounds like someone yelling..."

Just then, Mewtwo sensed something. "Up there!" he said, gesturing upwards. the group looked up and saw a figure falling from the sky.

Smashfan recognized the figure. "Wait a minute... that's Mari!" he exclaimed. "Mewtwo! Twilight! we have to slow down her fall!"

The three of them worked fast. Smashfan and Twilight used their magic powers to slow down Mari while Mewtwo used his telekinesis to levitate a mattress from inside the library underneath her. when Mari was firmly on the ground, she was unconscious.

"Is she alright?" asked Spike.

Mewtwo put one hand to Mari's forehead, then proceeded to feel her heart for a pulse. "She's fine." he announced. "She's just passed out from the shock."

Smashfan lightly shook her by the shoulder. "Mari..." he muttered "Wake up, Mari. the fall's over now..."

Mari's eyes slowly opened. at first, she was mildly disturbed by the mishmashed figure before her, but her fears were quickly dispelled when she sensed Smashfan's user aura emanating from it.

"S... Smashfan? is that you? am... I dead?"

"No." responded Sly. "Mewtwo and Twilight Sparkle help Smash break your fall."

Mari was confused "But... he's supposed to be..."

"That would be my doing." Ashley said. "I found the Smashfan Tribe's reincarnation ritual in one of my old spellbooks."

Mari got up from the mattress, taking a moment to examine her surroundings. "...Where am I?"

"Ponyville." Smashfan said. "Golden Oaks, to be exact..."

"Mari, what happened?" Twilight Sparkle asked.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
---A few minutes later...---

"...so after I refused his offer to join him, he let go of my cloak and I fell. The Halberd's Revenge was out of my teleportation range...and I'll be honest here, I was freaking out. I mean, there was no way I could call anyone to come to my rescue. Sometime during the fall, I blacked out. And the rest is history."

"So you're all alone looking for the Chaos Emeralds?" Asked Smashfan.

"No." Mari responded. "I'm here with my teachers, Sonic and Magolor, as well as Marx, Princess Blaze the Cat, and another named Richard. When we set out to find the Emeralds, we were ambushed by Dark Meta Knight. He captured the Lor Starcutter by attaching it to the Halberd's Revenge, his own dark version of the real Halberd. Then he threw us in some cells, but Muhti got us out."

Smashfan raised an eyebrow. "Muhti? He helped you escape?"

"Yes...and NO." Mari said annoyingly. "He bailed on us as soon as the alarm went off. I bet he's relaxing by an indoor pool in New Hyrule while the worlds are coming to an end. Stupid, inconsiderate-"

"New Hyrule is in ashes right now. The Dark Ones' Master sent Zaglo himself to attack there. Muhti probably had to leave you to defend his territory." Twilight explained.

That little bit of information made Mari blink several times. "So...he actually left me to die for a good reason?"

"Was it that bad?" Smashfan said.

"Bad? Dark Meta Knight tried to cut Sonic's head off! If it wasn't for Richard, he would've..." Mari stopped short. "Look, I just can't leave them up there. I've gotta go back. Sonic says there are several Chaos Emeralds on board the battleship."

"Dark Meta Knight must be using them to power the ship." Mewtwo stated.

"He could power an entire world for centuries with only one." Mari shook her head in dismay. "Who knows what he could do with more."

"Wait, Sonic didn't tell you how many he had?"

"No." Mari told Smashfan. "He ran off with Blaze to go get them while Magolor, Marx and Richard set out to free the Lor-"

"If the Lor Starcutter is attached to the Halberd's Revenge," Smashfan said. "And if Sonic and Blaze remove the Emeralds before Magolor can free his ship..."

Realization dawned on Mari. "The Halberd's Revenge will crash, taking the Lor Starcutter with it! Without the Lor, we'll never be able to find and bring the Chaos Emeralds back to Master Hand in time! Smashfan, I have to get back up there to tell them!"
---Meanwhile, Deep within the Halberd's Revenge...---

"This way!" Sonic spindashed through a group of Trident Knights as he speed towards the dark battleship's reactor. "It's getting stronger now. I think there are 2 Emeralds...maybe 3..."

"You can't tell?" Blaze asked.

"The energy's...being blocked somehow..." Sonic explained. He was trying his best to pinpoint exactly where the emeralds are, but even with his sharped sences, he couldn't. "But there's more than 1, for sure."

"Why do you think Dark Meta Knight would have Chaos Emeralds?" Blaze said. "Besides using them for power."

Sonic shrugged. "That's the only thing the Emeralds are used for. Power. And also for dimentional travel. They can warp the fabric of time and space like it was putty!"

Blaze looked at Sonic questionably. "What is putty?"

"Later." Sonic said. "We got more guards coming our way. Wanna BBQ them?"
--Meanwhile, on the south side of the Halberd's Revenge...--

"Come on, Marx, if you go any slower, we'll never make it to the Lor!"

Marx made an annoyed face at the Halcandrian wizard. "Well, exsqueeeeze me, Mr. I-can-fly-and-you-can't! I'm going as fast as my little feet can go!"

Magolor sighed. "I would just teleport us all to the Lor, but since there are three of us and I can only take one with me, I would have to leave one of you behind."

"Great!" Marx shouted. "Let's dump Walter and get the heck outta here."

"Hey!" Richard exclaimed. "And It's Richard!"


"It's too dangerous to leave anybody behind, Marx!" Magolor scolded the jester. "We're all going."

"Fine..." Marx said. "But if I get caught and tortured again, I'm gonna blame you"

"Just hurry up..."

(((Thanks, Smashfan! :grin:)))


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Crossing the Sands: Part 3

More dungeon crawling.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Spirit Temple

On the other side of the door was a room with a huge pit and a metallic bar standing up straight. Behind it was a switch.

"That switch should lower the bridge...", said Luco.

"Waah! Watch out!", yelled Pit as a group of Keese sneaked behind him and attacked.

Shooting some arrows, Pit rapidly defeated the rather frail bat-like creatures.

"They didn't seem very strong... back to the switch, it doesn't require hard work to hit that.", noticed Jeff.

"PK Thunder!", yelled Ness, as he used his powers to guide a lightning bulb to hit the switch and cause the metallic bar to fall down and allow passage through the pit.

Opening the door on the other side, the group found themselves in a room with a tight path surrounded by a huge pit. A strange creature known as an Anubis quietly hovered in the other side of the room.

"Lady Palutena? You have any idea of what that thing is?", questioned Pit.

"Hmm... that's an Anubis. That creature's weakness is fire.", responded the goddess. "There's a switch there that activates a fire trap."

"Fire, huh? Hey, Ness, you can handle this right?", responded Pit.

"Yes, let me handle this.", said Ness. "PK FIRE!"

The fire attack quickly disposed of the enemy, opening another door, to which the group entered. There was a huge wire wall that could be climbed where the group could find some Silver Rupees.

Upon collecting them, part of the wall lowered and allowed passage through the pit and made a chest appear. The chest contained the key to the locked door Luco's Lucario sensed before.

Eventually finding the locked door, the group headed inside...

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - Eyes of Rage
Meanwhile, in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France, the priest presided a religious ceremony, more precisely, a Catholic Eucharist.

The same priest eventually distributed bread to the attendants. Unbeknownst to them, that bread was poisoned with a toxin made by the Dark Ones themselves.

The ceremony over, the priest leaves the church, driving to a hotel where he was staying. Before entering the hotel, he was sure to change his appearance to avoid being identified as the priest. In the room he reserved, he called the same person he talked before entering the church.

"The plan was successful, fellow Dark One.", the priest said.

"Heh heh heh heh heh... the Master will be pleased to hear such news...", said the voice on the other side. "Return to us and we shall report the event."

"It shall be done.", responded the priest, cutting off the communication.

Turning on the TV, he saw the news telling of the mass murder at the cathedral, with the "priest" laughing evilly.

In the Dark Ones' hideout, the Master receives news of this, thanks to Palpatine himself.

"Heh heh heh heh... HAAA HA HA HA HA HAAA! Everything is going according to my plan... soon, the entire Earth will be mine to subjugate...", said the Master with a creepy, twisted smile. "You there!"

"Me?", said a cultist.

"Yes, you. I have a mission for you. You come from which country of Earth?", asked the Master.
"United States of America.", immediately responded the cultist.

"Ah... USA... heh heh heh... what was your name before you joined us, mortal?"

"Donald McKenzie."

"You're going to use that name... hyeh heh... and become a politician! HYEH HA HA..."

"What is your plan, my Master?"

"Isn't it obvious? Humans such as you use politics as a means to gain power and influence in their countries... let's say I shall exploit it to my own benefit... YOU THERE!", said the Master, calling another cultist.

"Yes, Master?", responded the other cultist.

"You are American too, right? You were... Seth Drake before embracing the title of Dark One, am I certain?", inquired the Master.

"That is most correct, my Master."

"Good... I'll prepare a 'humble little surprise' to the President of the United States himself and then... once the elections begin... the two of you will represent the Republicans and the Democrats, respectively. No matter the outcome, we will win."

"My Master, the chances of that to happen will hardly favor us."

"Hyeh... what's there to worry, thick headed fool? I have everything well planned for all the possible outcomes of the elections... documents, fake identities, everything! HYEH HA HA HA HA HA!! HAA HA HA HA HA HA! Once the first step is complete, you will have detailed instructions on how to proceed. For now, just leave my sight at once!"

The two cultists exited the room, leaving the Master alone with Palpatine.

"And you, Lord Sidious, will go to the Death Star immediately and ensure everything is running as I demand! You will be acting as an overseer from now on.", ordered the Master.

"As you wish, Master.", responded Palpatine, before leaving.

"The Earth will be MINE! MINE TO DOMINATE! MINE TO COMMAND! MINE TO CONTROL! MINE TO SUBJUGATE! HYEEE HAA HA HA HA HAA! HYAAH HA HA HA! GWAH HAA HA HA! HAAH HA HA HA HA HA...!", screamed the Master, bursting in more insane laughter.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Spirit Temple

Back at the Spirit Temple, the group eventually arrives at a rather large room with a huge statue depicting a female figure.

"This statue depicts the Sand Goddess, worshiped by the people of the desert.", explained Palutena.

"It's huge...", responded Pit.

They eventually found a map of the temple, making their way through a door unlocked by pushing an Armos statue on top of a switch.

Heading through the third floor of the temple across rooms filled with traps and other adversities, before entering to one last corridor. The staircase had a long red rug. That path headed to a room high on the temple.

"According to the map, we're close to the end...", said Luco, observing the map.

"If we're looking to a treasure, we better be ready to battle one possible guardian.", noted Jeff.

The group proceeded through the door, ready to fight whatever foe that could be waiting for them...

This will do for now. And the Master really has stepped up his game.
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